redid mapchooser so internal restrictions active in most cases respect map cooldowns. redid forum intergration with syntax compatible with 1.11 sourcemod. also added feature to it that during low pop people can get free vip
2024-10-11 13:44:11 +02:00 |
hopefully the dread is finally over now
2024-10-01 00:50:34 +02:00 |
reworking the patchwork for rtv so it should seem normal. hopefully no more bugs
2024-09-29 15:03:09 +02:00 |
added check so mapchange actually happens if nextmap is set and time is ran out
2024-09-28 17:39:28 +02:00 |
added a casual pool feature that will be prioritized when picking random maps for the mapvote
2024-09-27 12:31:54 +02:00 |
moving cvars over to the mapchooser_extended.cfg so people can see the values at https://unloze.com/mapchooser_css_ze/mapchooser_extended.cfg
2024-09-27 00:51:28 +02:00 |
comically retarded solution. but hey if it looks fine its fine
2024-09-26 17:56:37 +02:00 |
now admins cant fuck over the vote anymore by panic extending the last second possible
2024-09-22 19:25:11 +02:00 |
changed the mp_chattime to use revote warning timer cvar. removed some logging
2024-09-22 16:31:49 +02:00 |
instead now using cssfixes to patch out the frozen command so that i dont handle it here
2024-09-22 10:10:07 +02:00 |
i dont know why 1.0 is needed instead of 0.1. on dev it was fine but on ze 1.0 is needed
2024-09-21 16:55:29 +02:00 |
added timer so people can walk during the intermission
2024-09-21 13:32:16 +02:00 |
forgot what i updated again but looks good on ze now. the random extend vote should hopefully not happen anymore when not intended. the mp_chattime stuff was moved to pluginstart, mapstart and mapend and seems to let the vote run fine now instead of switching map
2024-09-21 11:18:03 +02:00 |
should safeguard votes from happening when the last vote is done, except of revotes of coruse
2024-09-20 13:40:31 +02:00 |
added check so if rtv happens while the last round ended that the map switches instantly. added novote option to the extend vote. added that the extend vote cant have a revote.
2024-09-20 12:22:17 +02:00 |
fixed timer displaying when it should not
2024-09-20 11:28:02 +02:00 |
fixed that on terminate round would constantly trigger new votes again
2024-09-20 11:04:56 +02:00 |
added phrases and edition of mapchooser where mapvoting happens at the end of the map
2024-09-19 19:55:32 +02:00 |