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* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* SourceMod Basic Fun Commands Plugin
* Implements basic punishment commands.
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <adminmenu>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Fun Commands",
author = "AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Fun Commands",
url = ""
// Admin Menu
2014-10-29 03:03:38 +01:00
TopMenu hTopMenu;
// Sounds
new String:g_BlipSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new String:g_BeepSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new String:g_FinalSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new String:g_BoomSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new String:g_FreezeSound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
// Following are model indexes for temp entities
new g_BeamSprite = -1;
new g_BeamSprite2 = -1;
new g_HaloSprite = -1;
new g_GlowSprite = -1;
new g_ExplosionSprite = -1;
// Basic color arrays for temp entities
new redColor[4] = {255, 75, 75, 255};
new orangeColor[4] = {255, 128, 0, 255};
new greenColor[4] = {75, 255, 75, 255};
new blueColor[4] = {75, 75, 255, 255};
new whiteColor[4] = {255, 255, 255, 255};
new greyColor[4] = {128, 128, 128, 255};
// UserMessageId for Fade.
new UserMsg:g_FadeUserMsgId;
// Serial Generator for Timer Safety
new g_Serial_Gen = 0;
new EngineVersion:g_GameEngine = Engine_Unknown;
// Flags used in various timers
// Include various commands and supporting functions
#include "funcommands/beacon.sp"
#include "funcommands/timebomb.sp"
#include "funcommands/fire.sp"
#include "funcommands/ice.sp"
#include "funcommands/gravity.sp"
#include "funcommands/blind.sp"
#include "funcommands/noclip.sp"
#include "funcommands/drug.sp"
public OnPluginStart()
if (FindPluginByFile("basefuncommands.smx") != INVALID_HANDLE)
ThrowError("This plugin replaces basefuncommands. You cannot run both at once.");
g_GameEngine = GetEngineVersion();
g_FadeUserMsgId = GetUserMessageId("Fade");
RegisterCvars( );
RegisterCmds( );
HookEvents( );
/* Account for late loading */
2014-10-29 03:03:38 +01:00
TopMenu topmenu;
if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && ((topmenu = GetAdminTopMenu()) != null))
RegisterCvars( )
// beacon
g_Cvar_BeaconRadius = CreateConVar("sm_beacon_radius", "375", "Sets the radius for beacon's light rings.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 1500.0);
// timebomb
g_Cvar_TimeBombTicks = CreateConVar("sm_timebomb_ticks", "10.0", "Sets how long the timebomb fuse is.", 0, true, 5.0, true, 120.0);
g_Cvar_TimeBombRadius = CreateConVar("sm_timebomb_radius", "600", "Sets the bomb blast radius.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 3000.0);
g_Cvar_TimeBombMode = CreateConVar("sm_timebomb_mode", "0", "Who is killed by the timebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone", 0, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
// fire
g_Cvar_BurnDuration = CreateConVar("sm_burn_duration", "20.0", "Sets the default duration of sm_burn and firebomb victims.", 0, true, 0.5, true, 20.0);
g_Cvar_FireBombTicks = CreateConVar("sm_firebomb_ticks", "10.0", "Sets how long the FireBomb fuse is.", 0, true, 5.0, true, 120.0);
g_Cvar_FireBombRadius = CreateConVar("sm_firebomb_radius", "600", "Sets the bomb blast radius.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 3000.0);
g_Cvar_FireBombMode = CreateConVar("sm_firebomb_mode", "0", "Who is targetted by the FireBomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone", 0, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
// ice
g_Cvar_FreezeDuration = CreateConVar("sm_freeze_duration", "10.0", "Sets the default duration for sm_freeze and freezebomb victims", 0, true, 1.0, true, 120.0);
g_Cvar_FreezeBombTicks = CreateConVar("sm_freezebomb_ticks", "10.0", "Sets how long the freezebomb fuse is.", 0, true, 5.0, true, 120.0);
g_Cvar_FreezeBombRadius = CreateConVar("sm_freezebomb_radius", "600", "Sets the freezebomb blast radius.", 0, true, 50.0, true, 3000.0);
g_Cvar_FreezeBombMode = CreateConVar("sm_freezebomb_mode", "0", "Who is targetted by the freezebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone", 0, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
AutoExecConfig(true, "funcommands");
RegisterCmds( )
RegAdminCmd("sm_beacon", Command_Beacon, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_timebomb", Command_TimeBomb, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_burn", Command_Burn, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_firebomb", Command_FireBomb, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_firebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_freeze", Command_Freeze, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_freezebomb", Command_FreezeBomb, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_gravity", Command_Gravity, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0");
RegAdminCmd("sm_blind", Command_Blind, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.");
RegAdminCmd("sm_noclip", Command_NoClip, ADMFLAG_SLAY|ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "sm_noclip <#userid|name>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_drug", Command_Drug, ADMFLAG_SLAY, "sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]");
HookEvents( )
decl String:folder[64];
GetGameFolderName(folder, sizeof(folder));
if (strcmp(folder, "tf") == 0)
HookEvent("teamplay_win_panel", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("teamplay_restart_round", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("arena_win_panel", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
else if (strcmp(folder, "nucleardawn") == 0)
HookEvent("round_win", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
public OnMapStart()
new Handle:gameConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("");
if (gameConfig == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Unable to load game config");
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundBlip", g_BlipSound, sizeof(g_BlipSound)) && g_BlipSound[0])
PrecacheSound(g_BlipSound, true);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundBeep", g_BeepSound, sizeof(g_BeepSound)) && g_BeepSound[0])
PrecacheSound(g_BeepSound, true);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundFinal", g_FinalSound, sizeof(g_FinalSound)) && g_FinalSound[0])
PrecacheSound(g_FinalSound, true);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundBoom", g_BoomSound, sizeof(g_BoomSound)) && g_BoomSound[0])
PrecacheSound(g_BoomSound, true);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SoundFreeze", g_FreezeSound, sizeof(g_FreezeSound)) && g_FreezeSound[0])
PrecacheSound(g_FreezeSound, true);
new String:buffer[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteBeam", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
g_BeamSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteBeam2", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
g_BeamSprite2 = PrecacheModel(buffer);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteExplosion", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteGlow", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
g_GlowSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
if (GameConfGetKeyValue(gameConfig, "SpriteHalo", buffer, sizeof(buffer)) && buffer[0])
g_HaloSprite = PrecacheModel(buffer);
public OnMapEnd()
KillAllBeacons( );
public Action:Event_RoundEnd(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast)
KillAllBeacons( );
2014-12-12 08:34:00 +01:00
public OnAdminMenuReady(Handle aTopMenu)
2014-12-12 08:34:00 +01:00
TopMenu topmenu = TopMenu.FromHandle(aTopMenu);
/* Block us from being called twice */
if (topmenu == hTopMenu)
/* Save the Handle */
hTopMenu = topmenu;
/* Find the "Player Commands" category */
2014-10-29 03:03:38 +01:00
TopMenuObject player_commands = hTopMenu.FindCategory(ADMINMENU_PLAYERCOMMANDS);
if (player_commands != INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT)
2014-10-29 03:03:38 +01:00
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_beacon", AdminMenu_Beacon, player_commands, "sm_beacon", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_timebomb", AdminMenu_TimeBomb, player_commands, "sm_timebomb", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_burn", AdminMenu_Burn, player_commands, "sm_burn", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_firebomb", AdminMenu_FireBomb, player_commands, "sm_firebomb", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_freeze", AdminMenu_Freeze, player_commands, "sm_freeze", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_freezebomb", AdminMenu_FreezeBomb, player_commands, "sm_freezebomb", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_gravity", AdminMenu_Gravity, player_commands, "sm_gravity", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_blind", AdminMenu_Blind, player_commands, "sm_blind", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_noclip", AdminMenu_NoClip, player_commands, "sm_noclip", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
hTopMenu.AddItem("sm_drug", AdminMenu_Drug, player_commands, "sm_drug", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
AddTranslatedMenuItem(Handle:menu, const String:opt[], const String:phrase[], client)
decl String:buffer[128];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", phrase, client);
AddMenuItem(menu, opt, buffer);