initial commit

This commit is contained in:
BotoX 2016-01-06 02:11:56 +01:00
commit 72f7665358
106 changed files with 17675 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#pragma newdecls required
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "AdminCheats",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Allows usage of (most) cheat commands for admins.",
url = ""
ConVar g_CVar_sv_cheats;
public void OnPluginStart()
g_CVar_sv_cheats = FindConVar("sv_cheats");
g_CVar_sv_cheats.Flags &= ~FCVAR_NOTIFY;
g_CVar_sv_cheats.Flags &= ~FCVAR_REPLICATED;
int NumHooks = 0;
char sConCommand[128];
bool IsCommand;
int Flags;
Handle hSearch = FindFirstConCommand(sConCommand, sizeof(sConCommand), IsCommand, Flags);
if(IsCommand && Flags & FCVAR_CHEAT)
RegConsoleCmd(sConCommand, OnCheatCommand);
while(FindNextConCommand(hSearch, sConCommand, sizeof(sConCommand), IsCommand, Flags));
PrintToServer("Hooked %d cheat commands.", NumHooks);
public void OnPluginEnd()
g_CVar_sv_cheats.Flags |= FCVAR_NOTIFY;
g_CVar_sv_cheats.Flags |= FCVAR_REPLICATED;
public void OnConVarChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_UpdateClients);
public Action Timer_UpdateClients(Handle timer, Handle hndl)
public void UpdateClients()
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i))
public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
SendConVarValue(client, g_CVar_sv_cheats, "0");
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if(g_CVar_sv_cheats.BoolValue && GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(client), Admin_Cheats))
SendConVarValue(client, g_CVar_sv_cheats, "1");
SendConVarValue(client, g_CVar_sv_cheats, "0");
public Action OnCheatCommand(int client, int args)
if(client == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
if(IsClientAuthorized(client) && GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(client), Admin_Cheats))
return Plugin_Continue;
PrintToConsole(client, "denied :^)");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon, int &subtype, int &cmdnum, int &tickcount, int &seed, int mouse[2])
return Plugin_Continue;
if(impulse == 100 || impulse == 201)
return Plugin_Continue;
if(IsClientAuthorized(client) && GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(client), Admin_Cheats))
return Plugin_Continue;
PrintToConsole(client, "denied :^)");
return Plugin_Handled;
stock void MakeCheatCommand(const char[] name)
int Flags = GetCommandFlags(name);
SetCommandFlags(name, FCVAR_CHEAT | Flags);

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
#pragma dynamic 128*1024
#include <sourcemod>
#include <SteamWorks>
//#include <EasyJSON>
#include <AdvancedTargeting>
Handle g_FriendsArray[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {INVALID_HANDLE, ...};
bool g_bLateLoad = false;
//#define STEAM_API_KEY "secret"
#include "SteamAPI.secret"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Advanced Targeting",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Adds @admins and @friends targeting method",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
AddMultiTargetFilter("@admins", Filter_Admin, "Admins", false);
AddMultiTargetFilter("@!admins", Filter_NotAdmin, "Not Admins", false);
AddMultiTargetFilter("@friends", Filter_Friends, "Steam Friends", false);
AddMultiTargetFilter("@!friends", Filter_NotFriends, "Not Steam Friends", false);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_admins", Command_Admins, "Currently online admins.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_friends", Command_Friends, "Currently online friends.");
char sSteam32ID[32];
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i) &&
GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, sSteam32ID, sizeof(sSteam32ID)))
OnClientAuthorized(i, sSteam32ID);
public OnPluginEnd()
RemoveMultiTargetFilter("@admins", Filter_Admin);
RemoveMultiTargetFilter("@!admins", Filter_NotAdmin);
RemoveMultiTargetFilter("@friends", Filter_Friends);
RemoveMultiTargetFilter("@!friends", Filter_NotFriends);
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
CreateNative("IsClientFriend", Native_IsClientFriend);
CreateNative("ReadClientFriends", Native_ReadClientFriends);
g_bLateLoad = late;
return APLRes_Success;
public Action Command_Admins(int client, int args)
char aBuf[1024];
char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(i), Admin_Generic))
GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2));
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2);
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", ");
aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0;
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Admins currently online: %s", aBuf);
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Admins currently online: none");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_Friends(int client, int args)
if(g_FriendsArray[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Could not read your friendslist, your profile must be set to public!");
return Plugin_Handled;
char aBuf[1024];
char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i))
int Steam3ID = GetSteamAccountID(i);
if(FindValueInArray(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam3ID) != -1)
GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2));
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2);
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", ");
aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0;
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Friends currently online: %s", aBuf);
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Friends currently online: none");
return Plugin_Handled;
public bool Filter_Admin(const char[] sPattern, Handle hClients, int client)
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(i), Admin_Generic))
PushArrayCell(hClients, i);
return true;
public bool Filter_NotAdmin(const char[] sPattern, Handle hClients, int client)
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && !GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(i), Admin_Generic))
PushArrayCell(hClients, i);
return true;
public bool Filter_Friends(const char[] sPattern, Handle hClients, int client)
if(g_FriendsArray[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Could not read your friendslist, your profile must be set to public!");
return false;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i))
int Steam3ID = GetSteamAccountID(i);
if(FindValueInArray(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam3ID) != -1)
PushArrayCell(hClients, i);
return true;
public bool Filter_NotFriends(const char[] sPattern, Handle hClients, int client)
if(g_FriendsArray[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Could not read your friendslist, your profile must be set to public!");
return false;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientAuthorized(i))
int Steam3ID = GetSteamAccountID(i);
if(FindValueInArray(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam3ID) == -1)
PushArrayCell(hClients, i);
return true;
public void OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char[] auth)
char sSteam64ID[32];
Steam32IDtoSteam64ID(auth, sSteam64ID, sizeof(sSteam64ID));
static char sRequest[256];
FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "", STEAM_API_KEY, sSteam64ID);
Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest);
if (!hRequest ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, client) ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnTransferComplete) ||
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
if(g_FriendsArray[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_FriendsArray[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
public OnTransferComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bRequestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode, int client)
if(bFailure || !bRequestSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
// Private profile or maybe steam down?
//LogError("SteamAPI HTTP Response failed: %d", eStatusCode);
int Length;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(hRequest, Length);
char[] sData = new char[Length];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(hRequest, sData, Length);
//SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(hRequest, APIWebResponse, client);
APIWebResponse(sData, client);
public APIWebResponse(const char[] sData, int client)
KeyValues Response = new KeyValues("SteamAPIResponse");
if(!Response.ImportFromString(sData, "SteamAPIResponse"))
LogError("ImportFromString(sData, \"SteamAPIResponse\") failed.");
LogError("JumpToKey(\"friends\") failed.");
delete Response;
// No friends?
//LogError("GotoFirstSubKey() failed.");
delete Response;
g_FriendsArray[client] = CreateArray();
char sCommunityID[32];
Response.GetString("steamid", sCommunityID, sizeof(sCommunityID));
PushArrayCell(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam64toSteam3(sCommunityID));
delete Response;
Handle hJSON = DecodeJSON(sData);
LogError("DecodeJSON failed.");
Handle hFriendslist = INVALID_HANDLE;
if(!JSONGetObject(hJSON, "friendslist", hFriendslist))
LogError("JSONGetObject(hJSON, \"friendslist\", hFriendslist) failed.");
Handle hFriends = INVALID_HANDLE;
if(!JSONGetArray(hFriendslist, "friends", hFriends))
LogError("JSONGetObject(hFriendslist, \"friends\", hFriends) failed.");
int ArraySize = GetArraySize(hFriends);
PrintToServer("ArraySize: %d", ArraySize);
for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
Handle hEntry = INVALID_HANDLE;
JSONGetArrayObject(hFriends, i, hEntry);
static char sCommunityID[32];
if(!JSONGetString(hEntry, "steamid", sCommunityID, sizeof(sCommunityID)))
LogError("JSONGetString(hArray, \"steamid\", sCommunityID, %d) failed.", sizeof(sCommunityID));
PushArrayCell(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam64toSteam3(sCommunityID));
stock bool Steam32IDtoSteam64ID(const char[] sSteam32ID, char[] sSteam64ID, int Size)
if(strlen(sSteam32ID) < 11 || strncmp(sSteam32ID[0], "STEAM_0:", 8))
sSteam64ID[0] = 0;
return false;
int iUpper = 765611979;
int isSteam64ID = StringToInt(sSteam32ID[10]) * 2 + 60265728 + sSteam32ID[8] - 48;
int iDiv = isSteam64ID / 100000000;
int iIdx = 9 - (iDiv ? (iDiv / 10 + 1) : 0);
iUpper += iDiv;
IntToString(isSteam64ID, sSteam64ID[iIdx], Size - iIdx);
iIdx = sSteam64ID[9];
IntToString(iUpper, sSteam64ID, Size);
sSteam64ID[9] = iIdx;
return true;
stock int Steam64toSteam3(const char[] sSteam64ID)
if(strlen(sSteam64ID) != 17)
return 0;
// convert SteamID64 to array of integers
int aSteam64ID[17];
for(int i = 0; i < 17; i++)
aSteam64ID[i] = sSteam64ID[i] - 48;
// subtract individual SteamID64 identifier (0x0110000100000000)
int aSteam64IDIdent[] = {7, 6, 5, 6, 1, 1, 9, 7, 9, 6, 0, 2, 6, 5, 7, 2, 8};
int Carry = 0;
for(int i = 16; i >= 0; i--)
if(aSteam64ID[i] < aSteam64IDIdent[i] + Carry)
aSteam64ID[i] = aSteam64ID[i] - aSteam64IDIdent[i] - Carry + 10;
Carry = 1;
aSteam64ID[i] = aSteam64ID[i] - aSteam64IDIdent[i] - Carry;
Carry = 0;
char aBuf[17];
int j = 0;
bool ZereosDone = false;
for(int i = 0; i < 17; i++)
if(!ZereosDone && !aSteam64ID[i])
ZereosDone = true;
aBuf[j++] = aSteam64ID[i] + 48;
return StringToInt(aBuf);
public int Native_IsClientFriend(Handle plugin, int numParams)
new client = GetNativeCell(1);
new friend = GetNativeCell(2);
if(client > MaxClients || client <= 0 || friend > MaxClients || friend <= 0)
ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client is not valid.");
return -1;
if(!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsClientInGame(friend))
ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client is not in-game.");
return -1;
if(IsFakeClient(client) || IsFakeClient(friend))
ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client is fake-client.");
return -1;
if(g_FriendsArray[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
return -1;
int Steam3ID = GetSteamAccountID(friend);
if(FindValueInArray(g_FriendsArray[client], Steam3ID) != -1)
return 1;
return 0;
public int Native_ReadClientFriends(Handle plugin, int numParams)
new client = GetNativeCell(1);
if(client > MaxClients || client <= 0)
ThrowNativeError(SP_ERROR_NATIVE, "Client is not valid.");
return -1;
if(g_FriendsArray[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#if defined _AdvancedTargeting_Included
#define _AdvancedTargeting_Included
native int IsClientFriend(int client, int friend);
native int ReadClientFriends(int client);
public SharedPlugin:__pl_AdvancedTargeting =
name = "AdvancedTargeting",
file = "AdvancedTargeting.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_myfile_SetNTVOptional()

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
bool g_Players_bEnabled[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_Players_bFlagged[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_Players_iLastAction[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_Players_fEyePosition[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
int g_Players_iButtons[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_Players_iSpecMode[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_Players_iSpecTarget[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_fKickTime;
float g_fMoveTime;
float g_fWarnTime;
int g_iKickMinPlayers;
int g_iMoveMinPlayers;
int g_iImmunity;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Good AFK Manager",
author = "BotoX",
description = "A good AFK manager?",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public Cvar_KickTime(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_fKickTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
public Cvar_MoveTime(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_fMoveTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
public Cvar_WarnTime(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_fWarnTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
public Cvar_KickMinPlayers(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_iKickMinPlayers = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public Cvar_MoveMinPlayers(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_iMoveMinPlayers = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public Cvar_Immunity(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
g_iImmunity = GetConVarInt(cvar);
public OnPluginStart()
Handle cvar;
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_move_min", "4", "Min players for AFK move")), Cvar_MoveMinPlayers);
g_iMoveMinPlayers = GetConVarInt(cvar);
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_kick_min", "6", "Min players for AFK kick")), Cvar_KickMinPlayers);
g_iKickMinPlayers = GetConVarInt(cvar);
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_move_time", "60.0", "Time in seconds for AFK Move. 0 = DISABLED")), Cvar_MoveTime);
g_fMoveTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_kick_time", "120.0", "Time in seconds to AFK Kick. 0 = DISABLED")), Cvar_KickTime);
g_fKickTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_warn_time", "30.0", "Time in seconds remaining before warning")), Cvar_WarnTime);
g_fWarnTime = GetConVarFloat(cvar);
HookConVarChange((cvar = CreateConVar("sm_afk_immunity", "1", "AFK admins immunity: 0 = DISABLED, 1 = COMPLETE, 2 = KICK, 3 = MOVE")), Cvar_Immunity);
g_iImmunity = GetConVarInt(cvar);
AddCommandListener(Command_Say, "say");
AddCommandListener(Command_Say, "say_team");
HookEvent("player_team", Event_PlayerTeamPost, EventHookMode_Post);
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.AfkManager");
public OnMapStart()
for (int Index = 1; Index <= MaxClients; Index++)
g_Players_bEnabled[Index] = false;
if (IsClientConnected(Index) && IsClientInGame(Index) && !IsFakeClient(Index))
AdminId Id = GetUserAdmin(Index);
return GetAdminFlag(Id, Admin_Generic);
g_Players_bEnabled[Index] = false;
g_Players_bFlagged[Index] = false;
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = 0;
g_Players_fEyePosition[Index] = Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
g_Players_iButtons[Index] = 0;
g_Players_iSpecMode[Index] = 0;
g_Players_iSpecTarget[Index] = 0;
if (!(g_iImmunity == 1 && CheckAdminImmunity(Index)))
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
g_Players_bEnabled[Index] = true;
public OnClientPostAdminCheck(Index)
if (!IsFakeClient(Index))
public OnClientDisconnect(Index)
public Action:Event_PlayerTeamPost(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
int Index = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (Index > 0 && !IsFakeClient(Index))
if (!g_Players_bEnabled[Index])
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
public Action:Command_Say(Index, const String:Command[], Args)
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(Index, &iButtons, &iImpulse, Float:fVel[3], Float:fAngles[3], &iWeapon)
if (((g_Players_fEyePosition[Index][0] != fAngles[0]) ||
(g_Players_fEyePosition[Index][1] != fAngles[1]) ||
(g_Players_fEyePosition[Index][2] != fAngles[2]))
&& g_Players_iSpecMode[Index] != 4) // OBS_MODE_IN_EYE
if(!((iButtons & IN_LEFT) || (iButtons & IN_RIGHT)))
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
g_Players_fEyePosition[Index] = fAngles;
if(g_Players_iButtons[Index] != iButtons)
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
g_Players_iButtons[Index] = iButtons;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Timer_CheckPlayer(Handle:Timer, any:Data)
int Index;
int Clients = 0;
for (Index = 1; Index <= MaxClients; Index++)
if (IsClientInGame(Index) && !IsFakeClient(Index))
bool bMovePlayers = (Clients >= g_iMoveMinPlayers && g_fMoveTime > 0.0);
bool bKickPlayers = (Clients >= g_iKickMinPlayers && g_fKickTime > 0.0);
if (!bMovePlayers && !bKickPlayers)
return Plugin_Continue;
for (Index = 1; Index <= MaxClients; Index++)
if (!g_Players_bEnabled[Index] || !IsClientInGame(Index)) // Is this player actually in the game?
int iTeamNum = GetClientTeam(Index);
if (IsClientObserver(Index))
if (iTeamNum > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && !IsPlayerAlive(Index))
int iSpecMode = g_Players_iSpecMode[Index];
int iSpecTarget = g_Players_iSpecTarget[Index];
g_Players_iSpecMode[Index] = GetEntProp(Index, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode");
g_Players_iSpecTarget[Index] = GetEntPropEnt(Index, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget");
if ((iSpecMode && g_Players_iSpecMode[Index] != iSpecMode) || (iSpecTarget && g_Players_iSpecTarget[Index] != iSpecTarget))
g_Players_iLastAction[Index] = GetTime();
int IdleTime = GetTime() - g_Players_iLastAction[Index];
if (g_Players_bFlagged[Index] && (g_fKickTime - IdleTime) > 0.0)
PrintCenterText(Index, "Welcome back!");
PrintToChat(Index, "\x04[AFK] \x01You have been un-flagged for being inactive.");
g_Players_bFlagged[Index] = false;
if (bMovePlayers && iTeamNum > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && ( !g_iImmunity || g_iImmunity == 2 || !CheckAdminImmunity(Index)))
float iTimeleft = g_fMoveTime - IdleTime;
if (iTimeleft > 0.0)
if(iTimeleft <= g_fWarnTime)
PrintCenterText(Index, "Warning: If you do not move in %d seconds, you will be moved to spectate.", RoundToFloor(iTimeleft));
PrintToChat(Index, "\x04[AFK] \x01Warning: If you do not move in %d seconds, you will be moved to spectate.", RoundToFloor(iTimeleft));
decl String:f_Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+4];
Format(f_Name, sizeof(f_Name), "\x03%N\x01", Index);
PrintToChatAll("\x04[AFK] \x01%s was moved to spectate for being AFK too long.", f_Name);
ChangeClientTeam(Index, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR);
else if (g_fKickTime > 0.0 && (!g_iImmunity || g_iImmunity == 3 || !CheckAdminImmunity(Index)))
float iTimeleft = g_fKickTime - IdleTime;
if (iTimeleft > 0.0)
if (iTimeleft <= g_fWarnTime)
PrintCenterText(Index, "Warning: If you do not move in %d seconds, you will be kick-flagged for being inactive.", RoundToFloor(iTimeleft));
PrintToChat(Index, "\x04[AFK] \x01Warning: If you do not move in %d seconds, you will be kick-flagged for being inactive.", RoundToFloor(iTimeleft));
if (!g_Players_bFlagged[Index])
PrintToChat(Index, "\x04[AFK] \x01You have been kick-flagged for being inactive.");
g_Players_bFlagged[Index] = true;
int FlaggedPlayers = 0;
int Position = 1;
for (int Index_ = 1; Index_ <= MaxClients; Index_++)
if (!g_Players_bFlagged[Index_])
int IdleTime_ = GetTime() - g_Players_iLastAction[Index_];
if (IdleTime_ > IdleTime)
PrintCenterText(Index, "You have been kick-flagged for being inactive. [%d/%d]", Position, FlaggedPlayers);
int InactivePlayer = -1;
int InactivePlayerTime = 0;
for (Index = 1; Index <= MaxClients; Index++)
if (!g_Players_bFlagged[Index])
int IdleTime = GetTime() - g_Players_iLastAction[Index];
if (IdleTime > InactivePlayerTime)
InactivePlayer = Index;
InactivePlayerTime = IdleTime;
if (InactivePlayer == -1)
decl String:f_Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+4];
Format(f_Name, sizeof(f_Name), "\x03%N\x01", InactivePlayer);
PrintToChatAll("\x04[AFK] %s was kicked for being AFK too long. (%d seconds)", f_Name, InactivePlayerTime);
KickClient(InactivePlayer, "[AFK] You were kicked for being AFK too long. (%d seconds)", InactivePlayerTime);
g_Players_bFlagged[InactivePlayer] = false;
bKickPlayers = (Clients >= g_iKickMinPlayers && g_fKickTime > 0.0);
return Plugin_Continue;

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <geoip>
#pragma newdecls required
public Plugin myinfo = {
name = "Connect Announce",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Simple connect announcer",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
static char sAuth[32];
static char sIP[16];
static char sCountry[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAuth, sizeof(sAuth));
if(GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP)) && GeoipCountry(sIP, sCountry, sizeof(sCountry)))
PrintToChatAll("\x04%L [\x03%s\x04] connected from %s", client, sAuth, sCountry);
PrintToChatAll("\x04%L [\x03%s\x04] connected", client, sAuth);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
bool g_bInBuyZoneAll = false;
bool g_bInBuyZone[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false, ...};
bool g_bInfAmmoHooked = false;
bool g_bInfAmmoAll = false;
bool g_bInfAmmo[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false, ...};
ConVar g_CVar_sv_pausable;
bool g_bPaused;
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Advanced Commands",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Adds: hp, kevlar, weapon, strip, buyzone, iammo, speed",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("sm_hp", Command_Health, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_hp <#userid|name> <value>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_kevlar", Command_Kevlar, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_kevlar <#userid|name> <value>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_weapon", Command_Weapon, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_weapon <#userid|name> <name> [clip] [ammo]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_give", Command_Weapon, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_give <#userid|name> <name> [clip] [ammo]");
RegAdminCmd("sm_strip", Command_Strip, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "sm_strip <#userid|name>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_buyzone", Command_BuyZone, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3, "sm_buyzone <#userid|name> <0|1>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_iammo", Command_InfAmmo, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3, "sm_iammo <#userid|name> <0|1>");
RegAdminCmd("sm_speed", Command_Speed, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3, "sm_speed <#userid|name> <0|1>");
HookEvent("bomb_planted", Event_BombPlanted, EventHookMode_Pre);
HookEvent("bomb_defused", Event_BombDefused, EventHookMode_Pre);
g_CVar_sv_pausable = FindConVar("sv_pausable");
AddCommandListener(Listener_Pause, "pause");
public OnMapStart()
g_bInBuyZoneAll = false;
g_bInfAmmoAll = false;
UnhookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_WeaponFire);
g_bInfAmmoHooked = false;
/* Handle late load */
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientConnected(i) && IsClientInGame(i))
g_bInfAmmo[i] = false;
g_bInBuyZone[i] = false;
SDKHook(i, SDKHook_PreThink, OnPreThink);
SDKHook(i, SDKHook_PostThinkPost, OnPostThinkPost);
public Action Listener_Pause(int client, const char[] command, int argc)
ReplyToCommand(client, "sv_pausable is set to 0!");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(client == 0)
PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(!IsClientAuthorized(client) || !GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(client), Admin_Generic))
ReplyToCommand(client, "You do not have permission to pause the game.");
return Plugin_Handled;
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%s the game.", g_bPaused ? "Unpaused" : "Paused");
LogAction(client, -1, "%s the game.", g_bPaused ? "Unpaused" : "Paused");
g_bPaused = !g_bPaused;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Event_BombPlanted(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
ClientCommand(i, "playgamesound \"radio/bombpl.wav\"");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Event_BombDefused(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
ClientCommand(i, "playgamesound \"radio/bombdef.wav\"");
return Plugin_Handled;
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
g_bInBuyZone[client] = false;
g_bInfAmmo[client] = false;
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_PreThink, OnPreThink);
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_PostThinkPost, OnPostThinkPost);
public OnPreThink(client)
if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bInBombZone", 1);
public OnPostThinkPost(client)
if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
if(g_bInBuyZoneAll || g_bInBuyZone[client])
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bInBuyZone", 1);
public Event_WeaponFire(Handle:hEvent, String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent, "userid"));
if(!g_bInfAmmoAll && !g_bInfAmmo[client])
new weapon = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Data, "m_hActiveWeapon", 0);
if(weapon == GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0) || weapon == GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 1))
if(GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iState", 4, 0) == 2 && GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 4, 0))
new toAdd = 1;
new String:weaponClassname[128];
GetEntityClassname(weapon, weaponClassname, 128);
if(StrEqual(weaponClassname, "weapon_glock", true) || StrEqual(weaponClassname, "weapon_famas", true))
if(GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Data, "m_bBurstMode", 4, 0))
switch (GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 4, 0))
case 1:
toAdd = 1;
case 2:
toAdd = 2;
toAdd = 3;
SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 4, 0) + toAdd, 4, 0);
public Action:Command_Health(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_hp <#userid|name> <value>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
new amount = 0;
decl String:arg2[20];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
if(StringToIntEx(arg2, amount) == 0 || amount <= 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
SetEntProp(target_list[i], Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", amount, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "Set health to %d on target %s", amount, target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Kevlar(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_kevlar <#userid|name> <value>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
new amount = 0;
decl String:arg2[20];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
if(StringToIntEx(arg2, amount) == 0 || amount <= 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
SetEntProp(target_list[i], Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", amount, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "Set kevlar to %d on target %s", amount, target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "Set kevlar to %d on target %s", amount, target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Weapon(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_weapon <#userid|name> <weapon> [clip] [ammo]");
return Plugin_Handled;
new ammo = 2500;
new clip = -1;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
decl String:arg2[65];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
decl String:weapon[65];
if(strncmp(arg2, "weapon_", 7) != 0 && strncmp(arg2, "item_", 5) != 0 && !StrEqual(arg2, "nvg", false))
Format(weapon, sizeof(weapon), "weapon_%s", arg2);
strcopy(weapon, sizeof(weapon), arg2);
if(StrContains(weapon, "grenade", false) != -1 || StrContains(weapon, "flashbang", false) != -1 || strncmp(arg2, "item_", 5) == 0)
ammo = -1;
new AdminId:id = GetUserAdmin(client);
new superadmin = GetAdminFlag(id, Admin_Custom3);
if(StrEqual(weapon, "weapon_c4", false) || StrEqual(weapon, "weapon_smokegrenade", false) || StrEqual(weapon, "item_defuser", false))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] This weapon is restricted!");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(args >= 3)
decl String:arg3[20];
GetCmdArg(3, arg3, sizeof(arg3));
if(StringToIntEx(arg3, clip) == 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Clip Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(args >= 4)
decl String:arg4[20];
GetCmdArg(4, arg4, sizeof(arg4));
if(StringToIntEx(arg4, ammo) == 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Ammo Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(StrContains(weapon, "grenade", false) != -1 || StrContains(weapon, "flashbang", false) != -1)
new tmp = ammo;
ammo = clip;
clip = tmp;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
if(StrEqual(weapon, "nvg", false))
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
SetEntProp(target_list[i], Prop_Send, "m_bHasNightVision", 1, 1);
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
new ent = GivePlayerItem(target_list[i], weapon);
if(ent == -1) {
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Weapon");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(clip != -1)
SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", clip);
if(ammo != -1)
new PrimaryAmmoType = GetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType");
if(PrimaryAmmoType != -1)
SetEntProp(target_list[i], Prop_Send, "m_iAmmo", ammo, _, PrimaryAmmoType);
if(strncmp(arg2, "item_", 5) != 0 && !StrEqual(weapon, "weapon_hegrenade", false))
EquipPlayerWeapon(target_list[i], ent);
if(ammo != -1)
new PrimaryAmmoType = GetEntProp(ent, Prop_Data, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType");
if(PrimaryAmmoType != -1)
SetEntProp(target_list[i], Prop_Send, "m_iAmmo", ammo, _, PrimaryAmmoType);
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "Gave %s to target %s", weapon, target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "Gave %s to target %s", weapon, target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Strip(client, args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_strip <#userid|name>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
for(new j = 0; j < 5; j++)
new w = -1;
while ((w = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(target_list[i], j)) != -1)
RemovePlayerItem(target_list[i], w);
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "Stripped all weapons on target %s", target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "Stripped all weapons on target %s", target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_BuyZone(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_buyzone <#userid|name> <0|1>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
new value = -1;
decl String:arg2[20];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
if(StringToIntEx(arg2, value) == 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
if(StrEqual(arg, "@all", false))
target_name = "all players";
g_bInBuyZoneAll = value ? true : false;
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
g_bInBuyZone[target_list[i]] = value ? true : false;
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%s permanent buyzone on target %s", (value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "%s permanent buyzone on target %s", (value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_InfAmmo(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_iammo <#userid|name> <0|1>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
new value = -1;
decl String:arg2[20];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
if(StringToIntEx(arg2, value) == 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
if(StrEqual(arg, "@all", false))
target_name = "all players";
g_bInfAmmoAll = value ? true : false;
for(new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
g_bInfAmmo[i] = false;
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
g_bInfAmmo[target_list[i]] = value ? true : false;
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "%s infinite ammo on target %s", (value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "%s infinite ammo on target %s", (value ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), target_name);
HookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_WeaponFire);
g_bInfAmmoHooked = true;
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
HookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_WeaponFire);
g_bInfAmmoHooked = true;
return Plugin_Handled;
UnhookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_WeaponFire);
g_bInfAmmoHooked = false;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Speed(client, args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_speed <#userid|name> <value>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:arg[65];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg));
new Float:speed = 0.0;
decl String:arg2[20];
GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
if(StringToFloatEx(arg2, speed) == 0 || speed <= 0.0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Invalid Value");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
decl target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count, bool:tn_is_ml;
if((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
SetEntPropFloat(target_list[i], Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", speed);
ShowActivity2(client, "[SM] ", "Set speed to %.2f on target %s", speed, target_name);
LogAction(client, -1, "Set speed to %.2f on target %s", speed, target_name);
return Plugin_Handled;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"game" "cstrike"
"game" "tf"
"game" "dod"
"game" "hl2mp"
"engine" "sdk2013"
"windows" "36"
"linux" "37"
"mac" "37"
"windows" "40"
"linux" "41"
"mac" "41"
"windows" "43"
"linux" "44"
"mac" "44"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools_entoutput>
#include <sdktools_entinput>
#include <sdktools_engine>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <dhooks>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "FixGameUI",
author = "hlstriker + GoD-Tony",
description = "Fixes game_ui entity bug.",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
new g_iAttachedGameUI[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new Handle:g_hAcceptInput = INVALID_HANDLE;
public OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEntityOutput("game_ui", "PlayerOn", GameUI_PlayerOn);
HookEntityOutput("game_ui", "PlayerOff", GameUI_PlayerOff);
// Gamedata.
new Handle:hConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("");
if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Could not find gamedata file:");
new offset = GameConfGetOffset(hConfig, "AcceptInput");
if (offset == -1)
SetFailState("Failed to find AcceptInput offset");
// DHooks.
g_hAcceptInput = DHookCreate(offset, HookType_Entity, ReturnType_Bool, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, Hook_AcceptInput);
DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CharPtr);
DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CBaseEntity);
DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_CBaseEntity);
DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_Object, 20); //varaint_t is a union of 12 (float[3]) plus two int type params 12 + 8 = 20
DHookAddParam(g_hAcceptInput, HookParamType_Int);
public Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:hEvent, const String:szName[], bool:bDontBroadcast)
new iClient = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent, "userid"));
SetClientViewEntity(iClient, iClient);
new iFlags = GetEntityFlags(iClient);
iFlags &= ~FL_ONTRAIN;
iFlags &= ~FL_FROZEN;
SetEntityFlags(iClient, iFlags);
public OnClientDisconnect(iClient)
public GameUI_PlayerOn(const String:szOutput[], iCaller, iActivator, Float:fDelay)
if(!(1 <= iActivator <= MaxClients))
g_iAttachedGameUI[iActivator] = EntIndexToEntRef(iCaller);
public GameUI_PlayerOff(const String:szOutput[], iCaller, iActivator, Float:fDelay)
if(!(1 <= iActivator <= MaxClients))
g_iAttachedGameUI[iActivator] = 0;
new iEnt = EntRefToEntIndex(g_iAttachedGameUI[iClient]);
AcceptEntityInput(iEnt, "Deactivate", iClient, iEnt);
public OnEntityCreated(entity, const String:classname[])
if (StrEqual(classname, "game_ui"))
DHookEntity(g_hAcceptInput, false, entity);
public MRESReturn:Hook_AcceptInput(thisptr, Handle:hReturn, Handle:hParams)
new String:sCommand[128];
DHookGetParamString(hParams, 1, sCommand, sizeof(sCommand));
if (StrEqual(sCommand, "Deactivate"))
new pPlayer = GetEntPropEnt(thisptr, Prop_Data, "m_player");
if (pPlayer == -1)
// Manually disable think.
SetEntProp(thisptr, Prop_Data, "m_nNextThinkTick", -1);
DHookSetReturn(hReturn, false);
return MRES_Supercede;
DHookSetReturn(hReturn, true);
return MRES_Ignored;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#pragma newdecls required
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Flashlight",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Dead flashlight, block sound from other clients.",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
public Action OnSound(int clients[64], int &numClients, char sample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &entity, int &channel, float &volume, int &level, int &pitch, int &flags)
if(entity >= 1 && entity <= MAXPLAYERS && StrEqual(sample, "items/flashlight1.wav", false))
numClients = 1;
clients[0] = entity;
return Plugin_Changed;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon, int &subtype, int &cmdnum, int &tickcount, int &seed, int mouse[2])
// Dead flashlight
if(impulse == 100 && !IsPlayerAlive(client))
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects", GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_fEffects") ^ 4);
ClientCommand(client, "playgamesound \"items/flashlight1.wav\"");
return Plugin_Continue;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Name: ForceInput
// Author: zaCade
// Description: Allows admins to force inputs on entities. (ent_fire)
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
// Purpose:
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "ForceInput",
author = "zaCade",
description = "Allows admins to force inputs on entities. (ent_fire)",
version = "1.2",
url = ""
// Purpose:
public OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("sm_forceinput", Command_ForceInput, ADMFLAG_ROOT);
// Purpose:
public Action:Command_ForceInput(client, args)
if (GetCmdArgs() < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_forceinput <classname/targetname> <input> [parameter]");
return Plugin_Handled;
new String:sArguments[3][256];
GetCmdArg(1, sArguments[0], sizeof(sArguments[]));
GetCmdArg(2, sArguments[1], sizeof(sArguments[]));
GetCmdArg(3, sArguments[2], sizeof(sArguments[]));
if (StrEqual(sArguments[0], "!self"))
if (strlen(sArguments[2]))
AcceptEntityInput(client, sArguments[1], client, client);
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Input succesfull.");
else if (StrEqual(sArguments[0], "!target"))
new Float:fPosition[3], Float:fAngles[3];
GetClientEyePosition(client, fPosition);
GetClientEyeAngles(client, fAngles);
new Handle:hTrace = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(fPosition, fAngles, MASK_SOLID, RayType_Infinite, TraceRayFilter, client);
if (TR_DidHit(hTrace) && ((entity = TR_GetEntityIndex(hTrace)) >= 1))
if (IsValidEntity(entity) || IsValidEdict(entity))
if (strlen(sArguments[2]))
AcceptEntityInput(entity, sArguments[1], client, client);
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Input succesfull.");
while ((entity = FindEntityByClassname(entity, "*")) != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
if (IsValidEntity(entity) || IsValidEdict(entity))
new String:sClassname[64], String:sTargetname[64];
GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iClassname", sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));
GetEntPropString(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iName", sTargetname, sizeof(sTargetname));
if (StrEqual(sClassname, sArguments[0], false) || StrEqual(sTargetname, sArguments[0], false))
if (strlen(sArguments[2]))
AcceptEntityInput(entity, sArguments[1], client, client);
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Input succesfull.");
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public bool:TraceRayFilter(entity, mask, any:client)
if (entity == client)
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <zombiereloaded>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "KevlarEquip",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Equip players with kevlar when they spawn, unglitch kevlar and strip it when you get infected",
version = "2.0",
url = ""
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_SpawnPost, Hook_OnPlayerSpawn);
public Hook_OnPlayerSpawn(client)
if(IsPlayerAlive(client) && ZR_IsClientHuman(client))
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 100, 1);
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bHasHelmet", 1);
// Reset last hitgroup to generic - fixes kevlar bug
// Example: You get hit in the head by a bullet as a zombie
// the round ends, you spawn as a human.
// You get damaged by a trigger, the game still thinks you
// are getting damaged in the head hitgroup, >mfw source engine.
// Thanks to leaked 2007 Source Engine Code.
SetEntData(client, 4444, 0, 4);
public ZR_OnClientInfected(client, attacker, bool:motherInfect, bool:respawnOverride, bool:respawn)
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 0, 1);
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bHasHelmet", 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"windows" "68"
"linux" "69"
"mac" "69"
"windows" "68"
"linux" "69"
"mac" "69"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <dhooks>
#include <updater>
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Napalm Lag Fix"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.3"
#define UPDATE_URL ""
#define DMG_BURN (1 << 3)
new Handle:g_hRadiusDamage = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_bCheckNullPtr = false;
public Plugin:myinfo =
author = "GoD-Tony + BotoX",
description = "Prevents lag when napalm is used on players",
url = "" // Demo:
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
return APLRes_Success;
public OnPluginStart()
// Convars.
new Handle:hCvar = CreateConVar("sm_napalmlagfix_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_NAME, FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
SetConVarString(hCvar, PLUGIN_VERSION);
// Gamedata.
new Handle:hConfig = LoadGameConfigFile("");
if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Could not find gamedata file:");
new offset = GameConfGetOffset(hConfig, "RadiusDamage");
if (offset == -1)
SetFailState("Failed to find RadiusDamage offset");
// DHooks.
g_bCheckNullPtr = (GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "DHookIsNullParam") == FeatureStatus_Available);
g_hRadiusDamage = DHookCreate(offset, HookType_GameRules, ReturnType_Void, ThisPointer_Ignore, Hook_RadiusDamage);
DHookAddParam(g_hRadiusDamage, HookParamType_ObjectPtr); // 1 - CTakeDamageInfo &info
DHookAddParam(g_hRadiusDamage, HookParamType_VectorPtr); // 2 - Vector &vecSrc
DHookAddParam(g_hRadiusDamage, HookParamType_Float); // 3 - float flRadius
DHookAddParam(g_hRadiusDamage, HookParamType_Int); // 4 - int iClassIgnore
DHookAddParam(g_hRadiusDamage, HookParamType_CBaseEntity); // 5 - CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore
// Updater.
if (LibraryExists("updater"))
public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[])
if (StrEqual(name, "updater"))
public Updater_OnPluginUpdated()
// There could be new gamedata in this update.
public OnMapStart()
DHookGamerules(g_hRadiusDamage, false);
public MRESReturn:Hook_RadiusDamage(Handle:hParams)
// As of DHooks 1.0.12 we must check for a null param.
if (g_bCheckNullPtr && DHookIsNullParam(hParams, 5))
return MRES_Ignored;
new iDmgBits = DHookGetParamObjectPtrVar(hParams, 1, 60, ObjectValueType_Int);
new iEntIgnore = DHookGetParam(hParams, 5);
if(!(iDmgBits & DMG_BURN))
return MRES_Ignored;
// Block napalm damage if it's coming from another client.
if (1 <= iEntIgnore <= MaxClients)
return MRES_Supercede;
// Block napalm that comes from grenades
new String:sEntClassName[64];
if(GetEntityClassname(iEntIgnore, sEntClassName, sizeof(sEntClassName)))
if(!strcmp(sEntClassName, "hegrenade_projectile"))
return MRES_Supercede;
return MRES_Ignored;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"windows" "335"
"linux" "336"
"mac" "336"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <dhooks>
//int CCSPlayer::OnDamagedByExplosion(CTakeDamageInfo const&)
Handle g_hDamagedByExplosion;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "NoGrenadeRinging",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Block the annoying ringing noise when a grenade explodes next to you",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
Handle hTemp = LoadGameConfigFile("");
SetFailState("Why you no has gamedata?");
int Offset = GameConfGetOffset(hTemp, "OnDamagedByExplosion");
g_hDamagedByExplosion = DHookCreate(Offset, HookType_Entity, ReturnType_Int, ThisPointer_CBaseEntity, OnDamagedByExplosion);
DHookAddParam(g_hDamagedByExplosion, HookParamType_ObjectPtr);
public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
//Dont add removal callback for this one
DHookEntity(g_hDamagedByExplosion, false, client);
//int CCSPlayer::OnDamagedByExplosion(CTakeDamageInfo const&)
public MRESReturn:OnDamagedByExplosion(int pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams)
// Block call
return MRES_Supercede;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <clientprefs>
#pragma newdecls required
Handle g_hNoShakeCookie;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoShakeGlobal;
bool g_bNoShake[MAXPLAYERS] = {false, ...};
bool g_bNoShakeGlobal = false;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "NoShake",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Disable env_shake",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_shake", Command_Shake, "[NoShake] Disables or enables screen shakes.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_noshake", Command_Shake, "[NoShake] Disables or enables screen shakes.");
g_hNoShakeCookie = RegClientCookie("noshake_cookie", "NoShake", CookieAccess_Protected);
g_Cvar_NoShakeGlobal = CreateConVar("sm_noshake_global", "0", "Disable screenshake globally.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_bNoShakeGlobal = g_Cvar_NoShakeGlobal.BoolValue;
HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("Shake"), MsgHook, true);
public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
static char sCookieValue[2];
GetClientCookie(client, g_hNoShakeCookie, sCookieValue, sizeof(sCookieValue));
g_bNoShake[client] = StringToInt(sCookieValue) != 0;
public void OnConVarChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
if(StringToInt(newValue) > StringToInt(oldValue))
PrintToChatAll("\x03[NoShake]\x01 Enabled NoShake globally!");
else if(StringToInt(newValue) < StringToInt(oldValue))
PrintToChatAll("\x03[NoShake]\x01 Disabled NoShake globally!");
g_bNoShakeGlobal = StringToInt(newValue) != 0;
public Action MsgHook(UserMsg msg_id, BfRead msg, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init)
if(playersNum == 1 && (g_bNoShakeGlobal || g_bNoShake[players[0]]))
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Command_Shake(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x03[NoShake]\x01 Please wait. Your settings are still loading.");
return Plugin_Handled;
g_bNoShake[client] = false;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x03[NoShake]\x01 has been disabled!");
g_bNoShake[client] = true;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x03[NoShake]\x01 has been enabled!");
static char sCookieValue[2];
IntToString(g_bNoShake[client], sCookieValue, sizeof(sCookieValue));
SetClientCookie(client, g_hNoShakeCookie, sCookieValue);
return Plugin_Handled;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" ""
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "a"
"m_iName" "a"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "b"
"m_iName" "b"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" ""
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "a"
"m_iName" "a"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "b"
"m_iName" "b"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"name" "Level 1"
"m_OnUser1" "leveling_counter,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_OnUser1" "leveling_counter,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "2"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_OnUser1" "leveling_counter,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "3"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_OnUser1" "leveling_counter,Add,1"
"MinMatches" "4"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser1 leveling_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "400"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"name" "Level 1"
"m_OnUser4" "Map_Level_Check,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_OnUser4" "Map_Level_Check,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "2"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_OnUser4" "Map_Level_Check,Add,1"
"MinMatches" "3"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser4 Map_Level_Check,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "300"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"name" "Level 1"
"m_OnUser2" "leveling_counter,add,1"
"ExactMatches" "1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_OnUser2" "leveling_counter,add,1"
"ExactMatches" "2"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_OnUser2" "leveling_counter,add,1"
"ExactMatches" "3"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_OnUser2" "leveling_counter,add,1"
"ExactMatches" "4"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "400"
"name" "Level 5"
"m_OnUser2" "leveling_counter,add,1"
"MinMatches" "5"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser2 leveling_counter,add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "500"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"m_iFrags" "0"
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iFrags" "400"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"name" "Level 1"
"m_OnUser3" "map_wandlevels,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_OnUser3" "map_wandlevels,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "2"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_OnUser3" "map_wandlevels,Add,1"
"ExactMatches" "3"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_OnUser3" "map_wandlevels,Add,1"
"MinMatches" "4"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"AddOutput" "OnUser3 map_wandlevels,Add,1,0,-1"
"m_iFrags" "400"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"m_iFrags" "0"
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iFrags" "400"
"name" "Level 5"
"m_iName" "5"
"m_iName" "5"
"m_iFrags" "500"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"m_iFrags" "0"
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iFrags" "400"
"name" "Level 5"
"m_iName" "5"
"m_iName" "5"
"m_iFrags" "500"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
"name" "Level 0"
"m_iName" ""
"m_iFrags" "0"
"name" "Level 1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iName" "1"
"m_iFrags" "100"
"name" "Level 2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iName" "2"
"m_iFrags" "200"
"name" "Level 3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iName" "3"
"m_iFrags" "300"
"name" "Level 4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iName" "4"
"m_iFrags" "400"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <outputinfo>
#pragma newdecls required
StringMap g_PlayerLevels;
KeyValues g_Config;
KeyValues g_PropAltNames;
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "SaveLevel",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Saves players level on maps when they disconnect and restore them on connect.",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
g_PropAltNames = new KeyValues("PropAltNames");
g_PropAltNames.SetString("m_iName", "targetname");
public void OnPluginEnd()
delete g_Config;
delete g_PlayerLevels;
delete g_PropAltNames;
public void OnMapStart()
delete g_Config;
delete g_PlayerLevels;
GetCurrentMap(sMapName, sizeof(sMapName));
char sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), "configs/savelevel/%s.cfg", sMapName);
LogMessage("Could not find mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile);
LogMessage("Found mapconfig: \"%s\"", sConfigFile);
g_Config = new KeyValues("levels");
delete g_Config;
LogMessage("ImportFromFile() failed!");
delete g_Config;
LogMessage("GotoFirstSubKey() failed!");
g_PlayerLevels = new StringMap();
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
static char sTargets[128];
if(g_PlayerLevels.GetString(sSteamID, sTargets, sizeof(sTargets)))
char sNames[128];
static char asTargets[4][32];
int Split = ExplodeString(sTargets, ";", asTargets, sizeof(asTargets), sizeof(asTargets[]));
for(int i = 0; i < Split; i++)
static char sKey[32];
static char sValue[1024];
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
if(StrEqual(sKey, "AddOutput", false))
AcceptEntityInput(client, sKey, client, client);
PropFieldType Type;
int NumBits;
int Offset = FindDataMapInfo(client, sKey, Type, NumBits);
if(Offset != -1)
if(Type == PropField_Integer)
int Value = StringToInt(sValue);
SetEntData(client, Offset, Value, NumBits / 8, false);
else if(Type == PropField_Float)
float Value = StringToFloat(sValue);
SetEntDataFloat(client, Offset, Value, false);
else if(Type == PropField_String)
SetEntDataString(client, Offset, sValue, strlen(sValue) + 1, false);
else if(Type == PropField_String_T)
static char sAltKey[32];
g_PropAltNames.GetString(sKey, sAltKey, sizeof(sAltKey), NULL_STRING);
DispatchKeyValue(client, sAltKey, sValue);
g_Config.GetString("name", sValue, sizeof(sValue));
StrCat(sNames, sizeof(sNames), sValue);
StrCat(sNames, sizeof(sNames), ", ");
int NamesLen = strlen(sNames);
sNames[NamesLen - 2] = 0; // Cut off ', '
PrintToChatAll("\x03[SaveLevel]\x01 %N has been restored to: \x04%s", client, sNames);
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
if(!g_Config || !g_PlayerLevels)
char sTargets[128];
static char sTarget[32];
static char sKey[32];
static char sValue[1024];
static char sOutput[1024];
bool Found = false;
g_Config.GetSectionName(sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
int Matches = 0;
int ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1);
int MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1);
int MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1);
static char sSection[32];
g_Config.GetSectionName(sSection, sizeof(sSection));
if(StrEqual(sSection, "outputs"))
int _Matches = 0;
int _ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1);
int _MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1);
int _MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1);
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
int Count = GetOutputCount(client, sKey);
for(int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
int Len = GetOutputTarget(client, sKey, i, sOutput);
sOutput[Len] = ','; Len++;
Len += GetOutputTargetInput(client, sKey, i, sOutput[Len]);
sOutput[Len] = ','; Len++;
Len += GetOutputParameter(client, sKey, i, sOutput[Len]);
if(StrEqual(sValue, sOutput))
Matches += CalcMatches(_Matches, _ExactMatches, _MinMatches, _MaxMatches);
else if(StrEqual(sSection, "props"))
int _Matches = 0;
int _ExactMatches = g_Config.GetNum("ExactMatches", -1);
int _MinMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MinMatches", -1);
int _MaxMatches = g_Config.GetNum("MaxMatches", -1);
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, sKey, sOutput, sizeof(sOutput));
if(StrEqual(sValue, sOutput))
Matches += CalcMatches(_Matches, _ExactMatches, _MinMatches, _MaxMatches);
if(CalcMatches(Matches, ExactMatches, MinMatches, MaxMatches))
StrCat(sTargets, sizeof(sTargets), ";");
Found = true;
StrCat(sTargets, sizeof(sTargets), sTarget);
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
g_PlayerLevels.SetString(sSteamID, sTargets, true);
stock int CalcMatches(int Matches, int ExactMatches, int MinMatches, int MaxMatches)
int Value = 0;
if((ExactMatches == -1 && MinMatches == -1 && MaxMatches == -1 && Matches) ||
Matches == ExactMatches ||
(MinMatches != -1 && MaxMatches == -1 && Matches >= MinMatches) ||
(MaxMatches != -1 && MinMatches == -1 && Matches <= MaxMatches) ||
(MinMatches != -1 && MaxMatches != -1 && Matches >= MinMatches && Matches <= MaxMatches))
return Value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <adminmenu>
#include <cstrike>
#include <ccc>
#include <zombiereloaded>
#include <voiceannounce_ex>
#include <AdvancedTargeting>
#pragma newdecls required
bool g_Plugin_ccc = false;
bool g_Plugin_zombiereloaded = false;
bool g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex = false;
bool g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting = false;
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.0"
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "SelfMute",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Ignore other players in text and voicechat.",
url = ""
MUTE_CT = 2,
MUTE_T = 4,
MUTE_ALL = 64,
bool g_Ignored[(MAXPLAYERS + 1) * (MAXPLAYERS + 1)];
int g_SpecialMutes[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
char g_PlayerNames[MAXPLAYERS+1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
public void OnPluginStart()
CreateConVar("sm_selfmute_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Version of Self-Mute", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_sm", Command_SelfMute, "Mute player by typing !sm [playername]");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_su", Command_SelfUnMute, "Unmute player by typing !su [playername]");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_cm", Command_CheckMutes, "Check who you have self-muted");
HookEvent("round_start", Event_Round);
HookEvent("round_end", Event_Round);
HookEvent("player_team", Event_TeamChange);
UserMsg RadioText = GetUserMessageId("RadioText");
SetFailState("This game doesn't support RadioText user messages.");
HookUserMessage(RadioText, Hook_UserMessageRadioText, true);
UserMsg SendAudio = GetUserMessageId("SendAudio");
SetFailState("This game doesn't support SendAudio user messages.");
HookUserMessage(SendAudio, Hook_UserMessageSendAudio, true);
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
g_Plugin_ccc = LibraryExists("ccc");
g_Plugin_zombiereloaded = true;//LibraryExists("zombiereloaded");
g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex = LibraryExists("voiceannounce_ex");
g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting = LibraryExists("AdvancedTargeting");
PrintToServer("CCC: %s\nZombieReloaded: %s\nVoiceAnnounce: %s\nAdvancedTargeting: %s",
(g_Plugin_ccc ? "loaded" : "not loaded"),
(g_Plugin_zombiereloaded ? "loaded" : "not loaded"),
(g_Plugin_voiceannounce_ex ? "loaded" : "not loaded"),
(g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting ? "loaded" : "not loaded"));
public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
SetIgnored(client, i, false);
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
SetIgnored(client, i, false);
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && i != client)
SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes);
public void Event_Round(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
public void Event_TeamChange(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
public int ZR_OnClientInfected(int client, int attacker, bool motherInfect, bool respawnOverride, bool respawn)
public int ZR_OnClientHumanPost(int client, bool respawn, bool protect)
* Mutes this client on other players
void UpdateSpecialMutesOtherClients(int client)
bool Alive = IsPlayerAlive(client);
int Team = GetClientTeam(client);
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i == client || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
int Flags = MUTE_NONE;
if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_SPEC && Team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
Flags |= MUTE_SPEC;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_CT && Alive &&
((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientHuman(client)) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && Team == CS_TEAM_CT)))
Flags |= MUTE_CT;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_T && Alive &&
((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientZombie(client)) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && Team == CS_TEAM_T)))
Flags |= MUTE_T;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_DEAD && !Alive)
Flags |= MUTE_DEAD;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_ALIVE && Alive)
Flags |= MUTE_ALIVE;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS &&
g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && IsClientFriend(i, client) == 0)
else if(g_SpecialMutes[i] & MUTE_ALL)
Flags |= MUTE_ALL;
SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_No);
else if(!GetIgnored(i, client))
SetListenOverride(i, client, Listen_Yes);
* Mutes other players on this client
void UpdateSpecialMutesThisClient(int client)
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i == client || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
bool Alive = IsPlayerAlive(i);
int Team = GetClientTeam(i);
int Flags = MUTE_NONE;
if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_SPEC && Team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)
Flags |= MUTE_SPEC;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_CT && Alive &&
((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientHuman(i) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded) && Team == CS_TEAM_CT)))
Flags |= MUTE_CT;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_T && Alive &&
((g_Plugin_zombiereloaded && ZR_IsClientZombie(i) || (!g_Plugin_zombiereloaded) && Team == CS_TEAM_T)))
Flags |= MUTE_T;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_DEAD && !Alive)
Flags |= MUTE_DEAD;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALIVE && Alive)
Flags |= MUTE_ALIVE;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS &&
g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && IsClientFriend(client, i) == 0)
else if(g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALL)
Flags |= MUTE_ALL;
SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_No);
else if(!GetIgnored(client, i))
SetListenOverride(client, i, Listen_Yes);
int GetSpecialMutesFlags(char[] Argument)
int SpecialMute = MUTE_NONE;
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@spec", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!t", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_SPEC;
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!t", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!spec", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_CT;
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@t", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!ct", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!spec", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_T;
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@dead", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!alive", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_DEAD;
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@alive", false) || StrEqual(Argument, "@!dead", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_ALIVE;
if(g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && StrEqual(Argument, "@!friends", false))
if(StrEqual(Argument, "@all", false))
SpecialMute |= MUTE_ALL;
return SpecialMute;
void FormatSpecialMutes(int SpecialMute, char[] aBuf, int BufLen)
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "none");
bool Status = false;
int MuteCount = RoundFloat(Logarithm(float(MUTE_LAST), 2.0));
for(int i = 0; i <= MuteCount; i++)
switch(SpecialMute & RoundFloat(Pow(2.0, float(i))))
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Spectators, ");
Status = true;
case MUTE_CT:
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "CTs, ");
Status = true;
case MUTE_T:
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Ts, ");
Status = true;
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Dead players, ");
Status = true;
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Alive players, ");
Status = true;
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Not Steam friends, ");
Status = true;
case MUTE_ALL:
StrCat(aBuf, BufLen, "Everyone, ");
Status = true;
// Cut off last ', '
aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0;
bool MuteSpecial(int client, char[] Argument)
bool RetValue = false;
int SpecialMute = GetSpecialMutesFlags(Argument);
if(SpecialMute & MUTE_NOTFRIENDS && g_Plugin_AdvancedTargeting && ReadClientFriends(client) != 1)
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Could not read your friendslist, your profile must be set to public!");
SpecialMute &= ~MUTE_NOTFRIENDS;
RetValue = true;
if(SpecialMute & MUTE_ALL || g_SpecialMutes[client] & MUTE_ALL)
g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_ALL;
SpecialMute = MUTE_ALL;
g_SpecialMutes[client] |= SpecialMute;
char aBuf[128];
FormatSpecialMutes(SpecialMute, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted group:\x04 %s", aBuf);
RetValue = true;
return RetValue;
bool UnMuteSpecial(int client, char[] Argument)
int SpecialMute = GetSpecialMutesFlags(Argument);
if(SpecialMute & MUTE_ALL)
SpecialMute = g_SpecialMutes[client];
g_SpecialMutes[client] = MUTE_NONE;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
UnIgnore(client, i);
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 all players");
return true;
g_SpecialMutes[client] &= ~SpecialMute;
char aBuf[256];
FormatSpecialMutes(SpecialMute, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted group:\x04 %s", aBuf);
return true;
return false;
void Ignore(int client, int target)
SetIgnored(client, target, true);
SetListenOverride(client, target, Listen_No);
void UnIgnore(int client, int target)
SetIgnored(client, target, false);
SetListenOverride(client, target, Listen_Yes);
public Action Command_SelfMute(int client, int args)
if(client == 0)
PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(args < 1)
return Plugin_Handled;
char Argument[65];
GetCmdArgString(Argument, sizeof(Argument));
char Filtered[65];
strcopy(Filtered, sizeof(Filtered), Argument);
if(StrEqual(Filtered, "@me", false))
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You can't mute yourself, don't be silly.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(MuteSpecial(client, Filtered))
return Plugin_Handled;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int aTargetList[MAXPLAYERS];
int TargetCount;
bool TnIsMl;
if((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(
TnIsMl)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++)
if(aTargetList[i] != client)
Ignore(client, aTargetList[i]);
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %s", sTargetName);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_SelfUnMute(int client, int args)
if(client == 0)
PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(args < 1)
return Plugin_Handled;
char Argument[65];
GetCmdArgString(Argument, sizeof(Argument));
char Filtered[65];
strcopy(Filtered, sizeof(Filtered), Argument);
if(StrEqual(Filtered, "@me", false))
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Unmuting won't work either.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if(UnMuteSpecial(client, Filtered))
return Plugin_Handled;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int aTargetList[MAXPLAYERS];
int TargetCount;
bool TnIsMl;
if((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(
TnIsMl)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++)
if(aTargetList[i] != client)
UnIgnore(client, aTargetList[i]);
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 %s", sTargetName);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_CheckMutes(int client, int args)
if(client == 0)
PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
char aBuf[1024];
char aBuf2[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(GetIgnored(client, i))
GetClientName(i, aBuf2, sizeof(aBuf2));
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aBuf2);
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ", ");
// Cut off last ', '
aBuf[strlen(aBuf) - 2] = 0;
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %s", aBuf);
else if(!g_SpecialMutes[client])
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have not self-muted anyone!\x04", aBuf);
aBuf[0] = 0;
FormatSpecialMutes(g_SpecialMutes[client], aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
PrintToChat(client, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted group:\x04 %s", aBuf);
return Plugin_Handled;
void DisplayMuteMenu(int client)
Menu menu = new Menu(MenuHandler_MuteMenu, MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel|MenuAction_End|MenuAction_DrawItem|MenuAction_DisplayItem);
menu.ExitButton = true;
int[] aClients = new int[MaxClients + 1];
// Count talking players and insert id's into aClients array
int CurrentlyTalking = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && IsClientSpeaking(i))
aClients[CurrentlyTalking++] = i;
if(CurrentlyTalking > 0)
// insert player names into g_PlayerNames array
for(int i = 0; i < CurrentlyTalking; i++)
GetClientName(aClients[i], g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[]));
// sort aClients array by player name
SortCustom1D(aClients, CurrentlyTalking, SortByPlayerName);
// insert players sorted
char aBuf[11];
for(int i = 0; i < CurrentlyTalking; i++)
IntToString(GetClientUserId(aClients[i]), aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
menu.AddItem(aBuf, g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]]);
// insert spacers
int Entries = 7 - CurrentlyTalking % 7;
menu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
menu.AddItem("@all", "Everyone");
menu.AddItem("@spec", "Spectators");
menu.AddItem("@ct", "Counter-Terrorists");
menu.AddItem("@t", "Terrorists");
menu.AddItem("@dead", "Dead players");
menu.AddItem("@alive", "Alive players");
menu.AddItem("@!friends", "Not Steam friend");
menu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
// Count valid players and insert id's into aClients array
int Players = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(i != client && IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
aClients[Players++] = i;
// insert player names into g_PlayerNames array
for(int i = 0; i < Players; i++)
GetClientName(aClients[i], g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[]));
// sort aClients array by player name
SortCustom1D(aClients, Players, SortByPlayerName);
// insert players sorted
char aBuf[12];
for(int i = 0; i < Players; i++)
IntToString(GetClientUserId(aClients[i]), aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
menu.AddItem(aBuf, g_PlayerNames[aClients[i]]);
menu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public int MenuHandler_MuteMenu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
case MenuAction_End:
if(param1 != MenuEnd_Selected)
case MenuAction_Select:
int Style;
char aItem[32];
char aDisp[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4];
menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style, aDisp, sizeof(aDisp));
if(Style != ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT || !aItem[0])
PrintToChat(param1, "Internal error: aItem[0] -> %d | Style -> %d", aItem[0], Style);
return 0;
if(aItem[0] == '@')
int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem);
if(Flag && g_SpecialMutes[param1] & Flag)
UnMuteSpecial(param1, aItem);
MuteSpecial(param1, aItem);
menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
int UserId = StringToInt(aItem);
int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId);
PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 Player no longer available.");
menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
if(GetIgnored(param1, client))
UnIgnore(param1, client);
PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-unmuted:\x04 %N", client);
Ignore(param1, client);
PrintToChat(param1, "\x04[Self-Mute]\x01 You have self-muted:\x04 %N", client);
menu.DisplayAt(param1, GetMenuSelectionPosition(), MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
case MenuAction_DrawItem:
int Style;
char aItem[32];
menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style);
if(aItem[0] == '@')
int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem);
if(Flag & MUTE_ALL)
return Style;
else if(g_SpecialMutes[param1] & MUTE_ALL)
return Style;
int UserId = StringToInt(aItem);
int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId);
if(!client) // Player disconnected
return Style;
case MenuAction_DisplayItem:
int Style;
char aItem[32];
char aDisp[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4];
menu.GetItem(param2, aItem, sizeof(aItem), Style, aDisp, sizeof(aDisp));
// Start of current page
if((param2 + 1) % 7 == 1)
if(aItem[0] == '@')
menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] Groups");
else if(param2 == 0)
menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] Talking players");
menu.SetTitle("[Self-Mute] All players");
return 0;
if(aItem[0] == '@')
int Flag = GetSpecialMutesFlags(aItem);
if(Flag && g_SpecialMutes[param1] & Flag)
char aBuf[32] = "[M] ";
FormatSpecialMutes(Flag, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf))
return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf);
return 0;
int UserId = StringToInt(aItem);
int client = GetClientOfUserId(UserId);
if(!client) // Player disconnected
char aBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4] = "[D] ";
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), aDisp);
if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf))
return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf);
if(GetIgnored(param1, client))
char aBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 4] = "[M] ";
GetClientName(client, g_PlayerNames[client], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[]));
StrCat(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), g_PlayerNames[client]);
if(!StrEqual(aDisp, aBuf))
return RedrawMenuItem(aBuf);
GetClientName(client, g_PlayerNames[client], sizeof(g_PlayerNames[]));
if(!StrEqual(aDisp, g_PlayerNames[client]))
return RedrawMenuItem(g_PlayerNames[client]);
return 0;
return 0;
void DisplayUnMuteMenu(int client)
// TODO: Implement me
int g_MsgDest;
int g_MsgClient;
char g_MsgName[256];
char g_MsgParam1[256];
char g_MsgParam2[256];
char g_MsgParam3[256];
char g_MsgParam4[256];
int g_MsgPlayersNum;
int g_MsgPlayers[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_TimerDerp = 0;
public Action Hook_UserMessageRadioText(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init)
g_MsgDest = BfReadByte(bf);
g_MsgClient = BfReadByte(bf);
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgName, sizeof(g_MsgName), false);
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam1, sizeof(g_MsgParam1), false);
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam2, sizeof(g_MsgParam2), false);
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam3, sizeof(g_MsgParam3), false);
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgParam4, sizeof(g_MsgParam4), false);
g_MsgPlayersNum = playersNum;
for(int i = 0; i < playersNum; i++)
g_MsgPlayers[i] = players[i];
CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_PlayerRadio);
if(g_TimerDerp > 1)
PrintToServer("DEBUG: Timer_PlayerRadio derped! (%d)", g_TimerDerp);
return Plugin_Handled;
char g_MsgRadioSound[256];
public Action Hook_UserMessageSendAudio(UserMsg msg_id, Handle bf, const int[] players, int playersNum, bool reliable, bool init)
BfReadString(bf, g_MsgRadioSound, sizeof(g_MsgRadioSound), false);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Timer_PlayerRadio(Handle timer)
g_TimerDerp = 0;
if(g_MsgClient == -1)
return Plugin_Continue;
int[] players = new int[g_MsgPlayersNum + 1];
int playersNum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < g_MsgPlayersNum; i++)
int client = g_MsgPlayers[i];
if(IsClientInGame(client) && !GetIgnored(client, g_MsgClient))
players[playersNum++] = client;
Handle RadioText = StartMessage("RadioText", players, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
BfWriteByte(RadioText, g_MsgDest);
BfWriteByte(RadioText, g_MsgClient);
BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgName);
BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam1);
BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam2);
BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam3);
BfWriteString(RadioText, g_MsgParam4);
Handle SendAudio = StartMessage("SendAudio", players, playersNum, USERMSG_RELIABLE | USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
BfWriteString(SendAudio, g_MsgRadioSound);
g_MsgClient = -1;
return Plugin_Continue;
void UpdateIgnored()
public int SortByPlayerName(int elem1, int elem2, const int[] array, Handle hndl)
return strcmp(g_PlayerNames[elem1], g_PlayerNames[elem2], false);
bool GetIgnored(int client, int target)
return g_Ignored[(client * (MAXPLAYERS + 1) + target)];
void SetIgnored(int client, int target, bool ignored)
g_Ignored[(client * (MAXPLAYERS + 1) + target)] = ignored;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

Status/scripting/Status.sp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
// Name: Status Fixer.
// Author: zaCade + BotoX
// Description: Fixes the 'status' command.
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#pragma newdecls required
ConVar g_Cvar_HostIP;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostPort;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostName;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostTags;
Handle g_hPlayerList[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {INVALID_HANDLE, ...};
bool g_bDataAvailable = false;
// Purpose:
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Status Fixer",
author = "zaCade + BotoX",
description = "Fixes the 'status' command",
version = "1.1",
url = ""
// Purpose:
public void OnPluginStart()
g_Cvar_HostIP = FindConVar("hostip");
g_Cvar_HostPort = FindConVar("hostport");
g_Cvar_HostName = FindConVar("hostname");
g_Cvar_HostTags = FindConVar("sv_tags");
AddCommandListener(Command_Status, "status");
// Purpose:
public Action Command_Status(int client, const char[] command, int args)
if(g_hPlayerList[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
return Plugin_Handled;
static char sServerName[128];
static char sServerTags[128];
static char sServerAdress[128];
int iServerIP = g_Cvar_HostIP.IntValue;
int iServerPort = g_Cvar_HostPort.IntValue;
g_Cvar_HostName.GetString(sServerName, sizeof(sServerName));
g_Cvar_HostTags.GetString(sServerTags, sizeof(sServerTags));
Format(sServerAdress, sizeof(sServerAdress), "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", iServerIP >>> 24 & 255, iServerIP >>> 16 & 255, iServerIP >>> 8 & 255, iServerIP & 255, iServerPort);
static char sMapName[128];
GetCurrentMap(sMapName, sizeof(sMapName));
float fPosition[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, fPosition);
int iRealClients;
int iFakeClients;
int iTotalClients;
for(int player = 1; player <= MaxClients; player++)
static char sSendBuffer[1000];
int iBufLength = 0;
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "hostname: %s\n", sServerName);
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%stickrate: %d\n", sSendBuffer, RoundToZero(1.0 / GetTickInterval()));
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%sudp/ip : %s\n", sSendBuffer, sServerAdress);
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%smap : %s at: %.0f x, %.0f y, %.0f z\n", sSendBuffer, sMapName, fPosition[0], fPosition[1], fPosition[2]);
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%stags : %s\n", sSendBuffer, sServerTags);
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%s%edicts : %d/%d/%d (used/max/free)\n", sSendBuffer, GetEntityCount(), GetMaxEntities(), GetMaxEntities() - GetEntityCount());
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%splayers : %d humans | %d bots (%d/%d)\n", sSendBuffer, iRealClients, iFakeClients, iTotalClients, MaxClients);
Format(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), "%s# %8s %40s %24s %12s %4s %4s %s", sSendBuffer, "userid", "name", "uniqueid", "connected", "ping", "loss", "state");
g_hPlayerList[client] = CreateArray(ByteCountToCells(1000));
PushArrayString(g_hPlayerList[client], sSendBuffer);
g_bDataAvailable = true;
sSendBuffer[0] = 0;
for(int player = 1; player <= MaxClients; player++)
static char sPlayerID[8];
static char sPlayerName[40];
char sPlayerAuth[24];
char sPlayerTime[12];
char sPlayerPing[4];
char sPlayerLoss[4];
static char sPlayerState[16];
Format(sPlayerID, sizeof(sPlayerID), "%d", GetClientUserId(player));
Format(sPlayerName, sizeof(sPlayerName), "\"%N\"", player);
if(!GetClientAuthId(player, AuthId_Steam2, sPlayerAuth, sizeof(sPlayerAuth)))
Format(sPlayerAuth, sizeof(sPlayerAuth), "STEAM_ID_PENDING");
int iHours = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) / 3600));
int iMinutes = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) - (iHours * 3600)) / 60);
int iSeconds = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) - (iHours * 3600)) - (iMinutes * 60));
if (iHours)
Format(sPlayerTime, sizeof(sPlayerTime), "%d:%02d:%02d", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
Format(sPlayerTime, sizeof(sPlayerTime), "%d:%02d", iMinutes, iSeconds);
Format(sPlayerPing, sizeof(sPlayerPing), "%d", RoundFloat(GetClientLatency(player, NetFlow_Outgoing) * 800));
Format(sPlayerLoss, sizeof(sPlayerLoss), "%d", RoundFloat(GetClientAvgLoss(player, NetFlow_Outgoing) * 100));
Format(sPlayerState, sizeof(sPlayerState), "active");
Format(sPlayerState, sizeof(sPlayerState), "spawning");
static char sFormatted[128];
Format(sFormatted, sizeof(sFormatted), "# %8s %40s %24s %12s %4s %4s %s\n", sPlayerID, sPlayerName, sPlayerAuth, sPlayerTime, sPlayerPing, sPlayerLoss, sPlayerState);
int iFormattedLength = strlen(sFormatted);
if(iBufLength + iFormattedLength >= 1000)
sSendBuffer[iBufLength - 1] = 0;
PushArrayString(g_hPlayerList[client], sSendBuffer);
sSendBuffer[0] = 0;
iBufLength = 0;
StrCat(sSendBuffer, sizeof(sSendBuffer), sFormatted);
iBufLength += iFormattedLength;
sSendBuffer[iBufLength - 1] = 0;
PushArrayString(g_hPlayerList[client], sSendBuffer);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public void OnGameFrame()
bool bGotData = false;
for(int client = 0; client < MAXPLAYERS + 1; client++)
if(g_hPlayerList[client] == INVALID_HANDLE)
if(!IsClientInGame(client) || !GetArraySize(g_hPlayerList[client]))
g_hPlayerList[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
static char sBuffer[1000];
GetArrayString(g_hPlayerList[client], 0, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));
RemoveFromArray(g_hPlayerList[client], 0);
PrintToConsole(client, sBuffer);
bGotData = true;
g_bDataAvailable = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <morecolors>
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Toggle Weapon Sounds"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2.0"
#define UPDATE_URL ""
new bool:g_bStopSound[MAXPLAYERS+1], bool:g_bHooked;
new Handle:g_hWepSounds;
public Plugin:myinfo =
author = "GoD-Tony, edit by id/Obus",
description = "Allows clients to stop hearing weapon sounds",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
// Detect game and hook appropriate tempent.
decl String:sGame[32];
GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame));
if (StrEqual(sGame, "cstrike"))
AddTempEntHook("Shotgun Shot", CSS_Hook_ShotgunShot);
else if (StrEqual(sGame, "dod"))
AddTempEntHook("FireBullets", DODS_Hook_FireBullets);
// TF2/HL2:DM and misc weapon sounds will be caught here.
CreateConVar("sm_stopsound_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Toggle Weapon Sounds", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD|FCVAR_REPLICATED);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_stopsound", Command_StopSound, "Toggle hearing weapon sounds");
if (g_hWepSounds != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_hWepSounds = CreateKeyValues("WeaponSounds");
BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sKVPATH, sizeof(g_sKVPATH), "data/playerprefs.WepSounds.txt");
FileToKeyValues(g_hWepSounds, g_sKVPATH);
// Updater.
//if (LibraryExists("updater"))
// Updater_AddPlugin(UPDATE_URL);
/*public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[])
if (StrEqual(name, "updater"))
public Action:Command_StopSound(client, args)
if (client == 0)
PrintToServer("[SM] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (args > 0)
decl String:Arguments[32];
GetCmdArg(1, Arguments, sizeof(Arguments));
if (StrEqual(Arguments, "save"))
decl String:SID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, SID, sizeof(SID));
if (KvJumpToKey(g_hWepSounds, SID, true))
new disabled;
disabled = KvGetNum(g_hWepSounds, "disabled", 0);
if (!disabled)
//CPrintToChat(client, "[StopSound] Saved entry for STEAMID({green}%s{default}) {green}successfully{default}.", SID);
KvSetNum(g_hWepSounds, "disabled", 1);
KeyValuesToFile(g_hWepSounds, g_sKVPATH);
g_bStopSound[client] = true;
CReplyToCommand(client, "{green}[StopSound]{default} Weapon sounds {red}disabled{default} - {green}entry saved{default}.");
return Plugin_Handled;
//CPrintToChat(client, "[StopSound] Entry for STEAMID({green}%s{default}) {green}successfully deleted{default}.", SID);
KeyValuesToFile(g_hWepSounds, g_sKVPATH);
g_bStopSound[client] = false;
CReplyToCommand(client, "{green}[StopSound]{default} Weapon sounds {green}enabled{default} - {red}entry deleted{default}.");
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (StrEqual(Arguments, "delete"))
decl String:SID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, SID, sizeof(SID));
if (KvJumpToKey(g_hWepSounds, SID, false))
g_bStopSound[client] = false;
CReplyToCommand(client, "{green}[StopSound]{default} Weapon sounds {green}enabled{default} - {red}entry deleted{default}.");
KeyValuesToFile(g_hWepSounds, g_sKVPATH);
return Plugin_Handled;
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[StopSound]{default} Entry {red}not found{default}.");
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Usage sm_stopsound <save|delete>");
return Plugin_Handled;
g_bStopSound[client] = !g_bStopSound[client];
CReplyToCommand(client, "{green}[StopSound]{default} Weapon sounds %s.", g_bStopSound[client] ? "{red}disabled{default}" : "{green}enabled{default}");
return Plugin_Handled;
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
decl String:SID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, SID, sizeof(SID));
if (KvJumpToKey(g_hWepSounds, SID, false))
new disabled;
disabled = KvGetNum(g_hWepSounds, "disabled", 0);
if (disabled)
g_bStopSound[client] = true;
public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client)
g_bStopSound[client] = false;
new bool:bShouldHook = false;
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (g_bStopSound[i])
bShouldHook = true;
// Fake (un)hook because toggling actual hooks will cause server instability.
g_bHooked = bShouldHook;
public Action:Hook_NormalSound(clients[64], &numClients, String:sample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], &entity, &channel, &Float:volume, &level, &pitch, &flags)
// Ignore non-weapon sounds.
if (!g_bHooked || !(strncmp(sample, "weapons", 7) == 0 || strncmp(sample[1], "weapons", 7) == 0))
return Plugin_Continue;
decl i, j;
for (i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
if (g_bStopSound[clients[i]])
// Remove the client from the array.
for (j = i; j < numClients - 1; j++)
clients[j] = clients[j + 1];
return (numClients > 0) ? Plugin_Changed : Plugin_Stop;
public Action:CSS_Hook_ShotgunShot(const String:te_name[], const Players[], numClients, Float:delay)
if (!g_bHooked)
return Plugin_Continue;
// Check which clients need to be excluded.
decl newClients[MaxClients], client, i;
new newTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
client = Players[i];
if (!g_bStopSound[client])
newClients[newTotal++] = client;
// No clients were excluded.
if (newTotal == numClients)
return Plugin_Continue;
else if (newTotal == 0) // All clients were excluded and there is no need to broadcast.
return Plugin_Stop;
// Re-broadcast to clients that still need it.
decl Float:vTemp[3];
TE_Start("Shotgun Shot");
TE_ReadVector("m_vecOrigin", vTemp);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", vTemp);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecAngles[0]", TE_ReadFloat("m_vecAngles[0]"));
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecAngles[1]", TE_ReadFloat("m_vecAngles[1]"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iWeaponID", TE_ReadNum("m_iWeaponID"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iMode", TE_ReadNum("m_iMode"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iSeed", TE_ReadNum("m_iSeed"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iPlayer", TE_ReadNum("m_iPlayer"));
TE_WriteFloat("m_fInaccuracy", TE_ReadFloat("m_fInaccuracy"));
TE_WriteFloat("m_fSpread", TE_ReadFloat("m_fSpread"));
TE_Send(newClients, newTotal, delay);
return Plugin_Stop;
public Action:DODS_Hook_FireBullets(const String:te_name[], const Players[], numClients, Float:delay)
if (!g_bHooked)
return Plugin_Continue;
// Check which clients need to be excluded.
decl newClients[MaxClients], client, i;
new newTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
client = Players[i];
if (!g_bStopSound[client])
newClients[newTotal++] = client;
// No clients were excluded.
if (newTotal == numClients)
return Plugin_Continue;
else if (newTotal == 0)// All clients were excluded and there is no need to broadcast.
return Plugin_Stop;
// Re-broadcast to clients that still need it.
decl Float:vTemp[3];
TE_ReadVector("m_vecOrigin", vTemp);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", vTemp);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecAngles[0]", TE_ReadFloat("m_vecAngles[0]"));
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecAngles[1]", TE_ReadFloat("m_vecAngles[1]"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iWeaponID", TE_ReadNum("m_iWeaponID"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iMode", TE_ReadNum("m_iMode"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iSeed", TE_ReadNum("m_iSeed"));
TE_WriteNum("m_iPlayer", TE_ReadNum("m_iPlayer"));
TE_WriteFloat("m_flSpread", TE_ReadFloat("m_flSpread"));
TE_Send(newClients, newTotal, delay);
return Plugin_Stop;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#pragma newdecls required
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "sv_gravity fix",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Resets sv_gravity at game_end",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void OnMapEnd()
ConVar SvGravity = FindConVar("sv_gravity");
SvGravity.IntValue = 800;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <sdktools>
#define TIMER_INTERVAL 1.0
Handle g_hTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
ConVar g_CVar_MaxWeapons;
ConVar g_CVar_WeaponLifetime;
new g_RealRoundStartedTime;
new g_MaxWeapons;
new g_MaxWeaponLifetime;
new G_WeaponArray[MAX_WEAPONS][2];
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "WeaponCleaner",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Clean unneeded weapons",
version = "2.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("sm_sweep", Command_CleanupWeapons, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Cleans up all the weapons on the map unless they have a HammerID attached to them.");
g_CVar_MaxWeapons = CreateConVar("sm_weaponcleaner_max", "5", "The maximum amount of weapons allowed in the game.", 0, true, 0.0, true, MAX_WEAPONS - 1.0);
g_MaxWeapons = g_CVar_MaxWeapons.IntValue;
g_CVar_WeaponLifetime = CreateConVar("sm_weaponcleaner_lifetime", "15", "The maximum amount of time in seconds a weapon is allowed in the game.", 0, true, 0.0);
g_MaxWeaponLifetime = g_CVar_WeaponLifetime.IntValue;
HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.WeaponCleaner");
public void OnConVarChanged(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
if(convar == g_CVar_MaxWeapons)
if(StringToInt(newValue) < StringToInt(oldValue))
// Need to shrink list and kill items
new d = StringToInt(oldValue) - StringToInt(newValue);
// Kill items that don't have space anymore
for(new i = 0; d && i < g_MaxWeapons; i++)
// Kill it
AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[0][0], "Kill");
// This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon()
// Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it)
g_MaxWeapons = StringToInt(newValue);
else if(convar == g_CVar_WeaponLifetime)
g_MaxWeaponLifetime = StringToInt(newValue);
public void OnMapStart()
if(g_hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hTimer))
g_hTimer = CreateTimer(TIMER_INTERVAL, Timer_CleanupWeapons, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT);
public void OnMapEnd()
if(g_hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE && CloseHandle(g_hTimer))
public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponDropPost, OnWeaponDrop);
SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, OnWeaponEquip);
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_WeaponDropPost, OnWeaponDrop);
SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, OnWeaponEquip);
public void OnEntityCreated(int entity, const char[] classname)
if(IsValidEntity(entity) && strncmp(classname, "weapon_", 7) == 0)
SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_Spawn, OnWeaponSpawned);
public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity)
public void OnWeaponSpawned(int entity)
new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID");
// Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon
// Weapon doesn't belong to any player
if(GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity") == -1)
public Action OnWeaponEquip(int client, int entity)
new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID");
// Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon
// Weapon should not be cleaned anymore
public Action OnWeaponDrop(int client, int entity)
new HammerID = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Data, "m_iHammerID");
// Should not be cleaned since it's a map spawned weapon
// Kill all dropped weapons during mp_freezetime
if(GetTime() < g_RealRoundStartedTime)
// Kill it
AcceptEntityInput(entity, "Kill");
// Weapon should be cleaned again
bool InsertWeapon(int entity)
// Try to find a free slot
for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++)
// Found a free slot, add it here
G_WeaponArray[i][0] = entity;
G_WeaponArray[i][1] = GetTime();
return true;
// No free slot found
// Kill the first (oldest) item in the list
AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[0][0], "Kill");
// This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon()
// Add new weapon to the end of the list
G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][0] = entity;
G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][1] = GetTime();
return true;
bool RemoveWeapon(int entity)
// Find the Weapon
for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++)
if(G_WeaponArray[i][0] == entity)
G_WeaponArray[i][0] = 0; G_WeaponArray[i][1] = 0;
// Move list items in front of this index back by one
for(new j = i + 1; j < g_MaxWeapons; j++)
G_WeaponArray[j - 1][0] = G_WeaponArray[j][0];
G_WeaponArray[j - 1][1] = G_WeaponArray[j][1];
// Reset last list item
G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][0] = 0;
G_WeaponArray[g_MaxWeapons - 1][1] = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool CheckWeapons()
for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++)
if(GetTime() - G_WeaponArray[i][1] >= g_MaxWeaponLifetime)
// Kill it
AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[i][0], "Kill");
// This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon()
// Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it)
return true;
void CleanupWeapons()
for(new i = 0; i < g_MaxWeapons; i++)
// Kill it
AcceptEntityInput(G_WeaponArray[i][0], "Kill");
// This implicitly calls OnEntityDestroyed() which calls RemoveWeapon()
// Move index backwards (since the list was modified by removing it)
public Action Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const char[] name, bool:dontBroadcast)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++)
G_WeaponArray[i][0] = 0; G_WeaponArray[i][1] = 0;
g_RealRoundStartedTime = GetTime() + GetConVarInt(FindConVar("mp_freezetime"));
public Action Timer_CleanupWeapons(Handle:timer)
public Action Command_CleanupWeapons(client, args)
LogAction(client, -1, "%L performed a weapons cleanup", client);
PrintToChat(client, "[SM] Weapons cleaned successfully!");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
* This is the include file for Custom Chat Colors
* To check that Custom Chat Colors is installed and running, verify that the "ccc" library exists
#if defined _ccc_included
#define _ccc_included
enum CCC_ColorType {
#define COLOR_NULL -1
#define COLOR_NONE -2
#define COLOR_CGREEN -3 //0x40FF40
#define COLOR_OLIVE -4 //0x99FF99
#define COLOR_TEAM -5
* Gets a client's color as a hexadecimal integer.
* @param client Client index
* @param type Color type to retreive
* @param alpha Pass a boolean variable by reference here and it will be true if the color has alpha specified or false if it doesn't (or is a stock color)
* @return Color as a hexadecimal integer (use %X in formatting to get a hexadecimal string)
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native CCC_GetColor(client, CCC_ColorType:type, &bool:alpha = false);
* Sets a client's color as a hexadecimal integer.
* @param client Client index
* @param type Color type to set
* @param color Integer representation of the color (use StringToInt(input, 16) to convert a hexadecimal string) or one of the color defines
* @param alpha Are you specifying a color with alpha?
* @return True if the color is updated successfully, false otherwise
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native bool:CCC_SetColor(client, CCC_ColorType:type, color, bool:alpha);
* Gets a client's tag
* @param client Client index
* @param buffer Buffer to store the tag in
* @param maxlen Maximum buffer length
* @noreturn
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native CCC_GetTag(client, String:buffer[], maxlen);
* Sets a client's tag
* @param client Client index
* @param tag String containing the new tag
* @noreturn
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native CCC_SetTag(client, const String:tag[]);
* Resets a client's color to the value in the config file.
* @param client Client index
* @param type Color type to restore
* @noreturn
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native CCC_ResetColor(client, CCC_ColorType:type);
* Resets a client's tag to the value in the config file.
* @param client Client index
* @noreturn
* On error/errors: Invalid client index or client is not in game
native CCC_ResetTag(client);
* Called when a cilent's name is about to be colored
* @param client Client index
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent coloring, Plugin_Continue to allow coloring
#pragma deprecated Use CCC_OnColor instead
forward Action:CCC_OnNameColor(client);
* Called when a client's chat is about to be colored
* @param client Client index
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent coloring, Plugin_Continue to allow coloring
#pragma deprecated Use CCC_OnColor instead
forward Action:CCC_OnChatColor(client);
* Called when a client's name is about to be tagged
* @param client Client index
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent tagging, Plugin_Continue to allow tagging
#pragma deprecated Use CCC_OnColor instead
forward Action:CCC_OnTagApplied(client);
* Called when a client's name is about to be tagged
* @param client Client index
* @param message Chat message that will be printed
* @param type What type of color will be applied. If this is CCC_TagColor, it controls whether the tag will be applied at all, not whether the tag will be colored.
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent coloring, Plugin_Continue to allow coloring
forward Action:CCC_OnColor(client, const String:message[], CCC_ColorType:type);
* Called when a message has been fully colored and will be sent, unless further plugins modify it through Simple Chat Processor
* @param author Author client index
* @param message Message
* @param maxlen Maximum length of message buffer
* @noreturn
forward CCC_OnChatMessage(author, String:message[], maxlen);
* Called when a client's colors and tag are about to be loaded from the config file
* At this point, the client has NO COLORS
* @param client Client index
* @return Plugin_Handled or Plugin_Stop to prevent loading, Plugin_Continue or Plugin_Changed to allow
forward Action:CCC_OnUserConfigPreLoaded(client);
* Called when a client's colors and tag have been loaded from the config file
* @param client Client index
* @noreturn
forward CCC_OnUserConfigLoaded(client);
* Called when the configuration file is reloaded with the sm_reloadccc command
* @noreturn
forward CCC_OnConfigReloaded();
native void CCC_UpdateIgnoredArray(bool IgnoredArray[(MAXPLAYERS + 1) * (MAXPLAYERS + 1)]);
public SharedPlugin:__pl_ccc = {
name = "ccc",
file = "custom-chatcolors.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1
required = 0
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_ccc_SetNTVOptional() {

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "(Counter-Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "(Counter-Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "(Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "(Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "*DEAD*(Terrorist) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "(Spectator) {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "{1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "*DEAD* {1} : {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "*SPEC* {1} : {2}"

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
#if defined _SteamWorks_Included
#define _SteamWorks_Included
/* results from UserHasLicenseForApp */
enum EUserHasLicenseForAppResult
k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense = 0, // User has a license for specified app
k_EUserHasLicenseResultDoesNotHaveLicense = 1, // User does not have a license for the specified app
k_EUserHasLicenseResultNoAuth = 2, // User has not been authenticated
/* General result codes */
enum EResult
k_EResultOK = 1, // success
k_EResultFail = 2, // generic failure
k_EResultNoConnection = 3, // no/failed network connection
// k_EResultNoConnectionRetry = 4, // OBSOLETE - removed
k_EResultInvalidPassword = 5, // password/ticket is invalid
k_EResultLoggedInElsewhere = 6, // same user logged in elsewhere
k_EResultInvalidProtocolVer = 7, // protocol version is incorrect
k_EResultInvalidParam = 8, // a parameter is incorrect
k_EResultFileNotFound = 9, // file was not found
k_EResultBusy = 10, // called method busy - action not taken
k_EResultInvalidState = 11, // called object was in an invalid state
k_EResultInvalidName = 12, // name is invalid
k_EResultInvalidEmail = 13, // email is invalid
k_EResultDuplicateName = 14, // name is not unique
k_EResultAccessDenied = 15, // access is denied
k_EResultTimeout = 16, // operation timed out
k_EResultBanned = 17, // VAC2 banned
k_EResultAccountNotFound = 18, // account not found
k_EResultInvalidSteamID = 19, // steamID is invalid
k_EResultServiceUnavailable = 20, // The requested service is currently unavailable
k_EResultNotLoggedOn = 21, // The user is not logged on
k_EResultPending = 22, // Request is pending (may be in process, or waiting on third party)
k_EResultEncryptionFailure = 23, // Encryption or Decryption failed
k_EResultInsufficientPrivilege = 24, // Insufficient privilege
k_EResultLimitExceeded = 25, // Too much of a good thing
k_EResultRevoked = 26, // Access has been revoked (used for revoked guest passes)
k_EResultExpired = 27, // License/Guest pass the user is trying to access is expired
k_EResultAlreadyRedeemed = 28, // Guest pass has already been redeemed by account, cannot be acked again
k_EResultDuplicateRequest = 29, // The request is a duplicate and the action has already occurred in the past, ignored this time
k_EResultAlreadyOwned = 30, // All the games in this guest pass redemption request are already owned by the user
k_EResultIPNotFound = 31, // IP address not found
k_EResultPersistFailed = 32, // failed to write change to the data store
k_EResultLockingFailed = 33, // failed to acquire access lock for this operation
k_EResultLogonSessionReplaced = 34,
k_EResultConnectFailed = 35,
k_EResultHandshakeFailed = 36,
k_EResultIOFailure = 37,
k_EResultRemoteDisconnect = 38,
k_EResultShoppingCartNotFound = 39, // failed to find the shopping cart requested
k_EResultBlocked = 40, // a user didn't allow it
k_EResultIgnored = 41, // target is ignoring sender
k_EResultNoMatch = 42, // nothing matching the request found
k_EResultAccountDisabled = 43,
k_EResultServiceReadOnly = 44, // this service is not accepting content changes right now
k_EResultAccountNotFeatured = 45, // account doesn't have value, so this feature isn't available
k_EResultAdministratorOK = 46, // allowed to take this action, but only because requester is admin
k_EResultContentVersion = 47, // A Version mismatch in content transmitted within the Steam protocol.
k_EResultTryAnotherCM = 48, // The current CM can't service the user making a request, user should try another.
k_EResultPasswordRequiredToKickSession = 49,// You are already logged in elsewhere, this cached credential login has failed.
k_EResultAlreadyLoggedInElsewhere = 50, // You are already logged in elsewhere, you must wait
k_EResultSuspended = 51, // Long running operation (content download) suspended/paused
k_EResultCancelled = 52, // Operation canceled (typically by user: content download)
k_EResultDataCorruption = 53, // Operation canceled because data is ill formed or unrecoverable
k_EResultDiskFull = 54, // Operation canceled - not enough disk space.
k_EResultRemoteCallFailed = 55, // an remote call or IPC call failed
k_EResultPasswordUnset = 56, // Password could not be verified as it's unset server side
k_EResultExternalAccountUnlinked = 57, // External account (PSN, Facebook...) is not linked to a Steam account
k_EResultPSNTicketInvalid = 58, // PSN ticket was invalid
k_EResultExternalAccountAlreadyLinked = 59, // External account (PSN, Facebook...) is already linked to some other account, must explicitly request to replace/delete the link first
k_EResultRemoteFileConflict = 60, // The sync cannot resume due to a conflict between the local and remote files
k_EResultIllegalPassword = 61, // The requested new password is not legal
k_EResultSameAsPreviousValue = 62, // new value is the same as the old one ( secret question and answer )
k_EResultAccountLogonDenied = 63, // account login denied due to 2nd factor authentication failure
k_EResultCannotUseOldPassword = 64, // The requested new password is not legal
k_EResultInvalidLoginAuthCode = 65, // account login denied due to auth code invalid
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedNoMail = 66, // account login denied due to 2nd factor auth failure - and no mail has been sent
k_EResultHardwareNotCapableOfIPT = 67, //
k_EResultIPTInitError = 68, //
k_EResultParentalControlRestricted = 69, // operation failed due to parental control restrictions for current user
k_EResultFacebookQueryError = 70, // Facebook query returned an error
k_EResultExpiredLoginAuthCode = 71, // account login denied due to auth code expired
k_EResultIPLoginRestrictionFailed = 72,
k_EResultAccountLockedDown = 73,
k_EResultAccountLogonDeniedVerifiedEmailRequired = 74,
k_EResultNoMatchingURL = 75,
k_EResultBadResponse = 76, // parse failure, missing field, etc.
k_EResultRequirePasswordReEntry = 77, // The user cannot complete the action until they re-enter their password
k_EResultValueOutOfRange = 78 // the value entered is outside the acceptable range
/* This enum is used in client API methods, do not re-number existing values. */
enum EHTTPMethod
k_EHTTPMethodInvalid = 0,
// The remaining HTTP methods are not yet supported, per rfc2616 section 5.1.1 only GET and HEAD are required for
// a compliant general purpose server. We'll likely add more as we find uses for them.
// k_EHTTPMethodTRACE,
/* HTTP Status codes that the server can send in response to a request, see rfc2616 section 10.3 for descriptions
of each of these. */
enum EHTTPStatusCode
// Invalid status code (this isn't defined in HTTP, used to indicate unset in our code)
k_EHTTPStatusCodeInvalid = 0,
// Informational codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode100Continue = 100,
k_EHTTPStatusCode101SwitchingProtocols = 101,
// Success codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK = 200,
k_EHTTPStatusCode201Created = 201,
k_EHTTPStatusCode202Accepted = 202,
k_EHTTPStatusCode203NonAuthoritative = 203,
k_EHTTPStatusCode204NoContent = 204,
k_EHTTPStatusCode205ResetContent = 205,
k_EHTTPStatusCode206PartialContent = 206,
// Redirection codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode300MultipleChoices = 300,
k_EHTTPStatusCode301MovedPermanently = 301,
k_EHTTPStatusCode302Found = 302,
k_EHTTPStatusCode303SeeOther = 303,
k_EHTTPStatusCode304NotModified = 304,
k_EHTTPStatusCode305UseProxy = 305,
//k_EHTTPStatusCode306Unused = 306, (used in old HTTP spec, now unused in 1.1)
k_EHTTPStatusCode307TemporaryRedirect = 307,
// Error codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode400BadRequest = 400,
k_EHTTPStatusCode401Unauthorized = 401, // You probably want 403 or something else. 401 implies you're sending a WWW-Authenticate header and the client can sent an Authorization header in response.
k_EHTTPStatusCode402PaymentRequired = 402, // This is reserved for future HTTP specs, not really supported by clients
k_EHTTPStatusCode403Forbidden = 403,
k_EHTTPStatusCode404NotFound = 404,
k_EHTTPStatusCode405MethodNotAllowed = 405,
k_EHTTPStatusCode406NotAcceptable = 406,
k_EHTTPStatusCode407ProxyAuthRequired = 407,
k_EHTTPStatusCode408RequestTimeout = 408,
k_EHTTPStatusCode409Conflict = 409,
k_EHTTPStatusCode410Gone = 410,
k_EHTTPStatusCode411LengthRequired = 411,
k_EHTTPStatusCode412PreconditionFailed = 412,
k_EHTTPStatusCode413RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
k_EHTTPStatusCode414RequestURITooLong = 414,
k_EHTTPStatusCode415UnsupportedMediaType = 415,
k_EHTTPStatusCode416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
k_EHTTPStatusCode417ExpectationFailed = 417,
k_EHTTPStatusCode4xxUnknown = 418, // 418 is reserved, so we'll use it to mean unknown
k_EHTTPStatusCode429TooManyRequests = 429,
// Server error codes
k_EHTTPStatusCode500InternalServerError = 500,
k_EHTTPStatusCode501NotImplemented = 501,
k_EHTTPStatusCode502BadGateway = 502,
k_EHTTPStatusCode503ServiceUnavailable = 503,
k_EHTTPStatusCode504GatewayTimeout = 504,
k_EHTTPStatusCode505HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505,
k_EHTTPStatusCode5xxUnknown = 599,
native bool:SteamWorks_IsVACEnabled();
native bool:SteamWorks_GetPublicIP(ipaddr[4]);
native SteamWorks_GetPublicIPCell();
native bool:SteamWorks_IsLoaded();
native bool:SteamWorks_SetGameDescription(String:sDesc[]);
native bool:SteamWorks_IsConnected();
native bool:SteamWorks_SetRule(const String:sKey[], const String:sValue[]);
native bool:SteamWorks_ClearRules();
native bool:SteamWorks_ForceHeartbeat();
native bool:SteamWorks_GetUserGroupStatus(client, groupid);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetUserGroupStatusAuthID(authid, groupid);
native EUserHasLicenseForAppResult:SteamWorks_HasLicenseForApp(client, app);
native SteamWorks_GetClientSteamID(client, String:sSteamID[], length);
native bool:SteamWorks_RequestStatsAuthID(authid, appid);
native bool:SteamWorks_RequestStats(client, appid);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetStatCell(client, const String:sKey[], &value);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetStatAuthIDCell(authid, const String:sKey[], &value);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetStatFloat(client, const String:sKey[], &Float:value);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetStatAuthIDFloat(authid, const String:sKey[], &Float:value);
native Handle:SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(EHTTPMethod:method, const String:sURL[]);
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(Handle:hHandle, any:data1, any:data2=0);
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout(Handle:hHandle, timeout);
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(Handle:hHandle, const String:sName[], const String:sValue[]);
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(Handle:hHandle, const String:sName[], const String:sValue[]);
funcenum SteamWorksHTTPRequestCompleted
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, bool:bRequestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:eStatusCode),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, bool:bRequestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:eStatusCode, any:data1),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, bool:bRequestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:eStatusCode, any:data1, any:data2)
funcenum SteamWorksHTTPHeadersReceived
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, any:data1),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, any:data1, any:data2)
funcenum SteamWorksHTTPDataReceived
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, offset, bytesreceived),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, offset, bytesreceived, any:data1),
public(Handle:hRequest, bool:bFailure, offset, bytesreceived, any:data1, any:data2)
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(Handle:hHandle, SteamWorksHTTPRequestCompleted:fCompleted = INVALID_FUNCTION, SteamWorksHTTPHeadersReceived:fHeaders = INVALID_FUNCTION, SteamWorksHTTPDataReceived:fData = INVALID_FUNCTION, Handle:hCalling = INVALID_HANDLE);
native bool:SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(Handle:hRequest);
native bool:SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse(Handle:hRequest);
native bool:SteamWorks_DeferHTTPRequest(Handle:hRequest);
native bool:SteamWorks_PrioritizeHTTPRequest(Handle:hRequest);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize(Handle:hRequest, const String:sHeader[], &size);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue(Handle:hRequest, const String:sHeader[], String:sValue[], size);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(Handle:hRequest, &size);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(Handle:hRequest, String:sBody[], length);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData(Handle:hRequest, cOffset, String:sBody[], length);
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPDownloadProgressPct(Handle:hRequest, &Float:percent);
native bool:SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody(Handle:hRequest, const String:sContentType[], const String:sBody[], bodylen);
funcenum SteamWorksHTTPBodyCallback
public(const String:sData[]),
public(const String:sData[], any:value),
public(const data[], any:value, datalen)
native bool:SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(Handle:hRequest, SteamWorksHTTPBodyCallback:fCallback, any:data = 0, Handle:hPlugin = INVALID_HANDLE);
native bool:SteamWorks_WriteHTTPResponseBodyToFile(Handle:hRequest, const String:sFileName[]);
forward SW_OnValidateClient(ownerauthid, authid);
forward SteamWorks_OnValidateClient(ownerauthid, authid);
forward SteamWorks_SteamServersConnected();
forward SteamWorks_SteamServersConnectFailure(EResult:result);
forward SteamWorks_SteamServersDisconnected(EResult:result);
forward Action:SteamWorks_RestartRequested();
forward SteamWorks_TokenRequested(String:sToken[], maxlen);
forward SteamWorks_OnClientGroupStatus(authid, groupid, bool:isMember, bool:isOfficer);
public Extension:__ext_SteamWorks =
name = "SteamWorks",
file = "SteamWorks.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __ext_SteamWorks_SetNTVOptional()

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
* *
* Colored Chat Functions *
* Author: exvel, Editor: Popoklopsi, Powerlord, Bara *
* Version: 1.1.3 *
* *
#if defined _colors_included
#define _colors_included
#define MAX_COLORS 12
#define SERVER_INDEX 0
#define NO_INDEX -1
#define NO_PLAYER -2
enum Colors
Color_Default = 0,
/* Colors' properties */
new String:CTag[][] = {"{default}", "{darkred}", "{green}", "{lightgreen}", "{red}", "{blue}", "{olive}", "{lime}", "{lightred}", "{purple}", "{grey}", "{orange}"};
new String:CTagCode[][] = {"\x01", "\x02", "\x04", "\x03", "\x03", "\x03", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x03", "\x08", "\x09"};
new bool:CTagReqSayText2[] = {false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false};
new bool:CEventIsHooked = false;
new bool:CSkipList[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false,...};
/* Game default profile */
new bool:CProfile_Colors[] = {true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
new bool:CProfile_SayText2 = false;
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param szMessage Message (formatting rules).
* @return No return
* On error/Errors: If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChat(client, const String:szMessage[], any:...)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients)
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", client);
decl String:szBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
decl String:szCMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
Format(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "\x01%s", szMessage);
VFormat(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage), szBuffer, 3);
new index = CFormat(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage));
if (index == NO_INDEX)
PrintToChat(client, "%s", szCMessage);
CSayText2(client, index, szCMessage);
stock CReplyToCommand(client, const String:szMessage[], any:...)
decl String:szCMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
VFormat(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage), szMessage, 3);
if (client == 0)
CRemoveTags(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage));
PrintToServer("%s", szCMessage);
else if (GetCmdReplySource() == SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE)
CRemoveTags(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage));
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", szCMessage);
CPrintToChat(client, "%s", szCMessage);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param szMessage Message (formatting rules)
* @return No return
stock CPrintToChatAll(const String:szMessage[], any:...)
decl String:szBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && !CSkipList[i])
VFormat(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szMessage, 2);
CPrintToChat(i, "%s", szBuffer);
CSkipList[i] = false;
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param client Client index.
* @param author Author index whose color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param szMessage Message (formatting rules).
* @return No return
* On error/Errors: If the client or author are not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChatEx(client, author, const String:szMessage[], any:...)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients)
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
if (!IsClientInGame(client))
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", client);
if (author < 0 || author > MaxClients)
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", author);
decl String:szBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
decl String:szCMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
Format(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "\x01%s", szMessage);
VFormat(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage), szBuffer, 4);
new index = CFormat(szCMessage, sizeof(szCMessage), author);
if (index == NO_INDEX)
PrintToChat(client, "%s", szCMessage);
CSayText2(client, author, szCMessage);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param author Author index whos color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param szMessage Message (formatting rules).
* @return No return
* On error/Errors: If the author is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChatAllEx(author, const String:szMessage[], any:...)
if (author < 0 || author > MaxClients)
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", author);
if (!IsClientInGame(author))
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", author);
decl String:szBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && !CSkipList[i])
VFormat(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), szMessage, 3);
CPrintToChatEx(i, author, "%s", szBuffer);
CSkipList[i] = false;
* Removes color tags from the string.
* @param szMessage String.
* @return No return
stock CRemoveTags(String:szMessage[], maxlength)
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++)
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], "", false);
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, "{teamcolor}", "", false);
* Checks whether a color is allowed or not
* @param tag Color Tag.
* @return True when color is supported, otherwise false
stock CColorAllowed(Colors:color)
if (!CEventIsHooked)
CEventIsHooked = true;
return CProfile_Colors[color];
* Replace the color with another color
* Handle with care!
* @param color color to replace.
* @param newColor color to replace with.
* @noreturn
stock CReplaceColor(Colors:color, Colors:newColor)
if (!CEventIsHooked)
CEventIsHooked = true;
CProfile_Colors[color] = CProfile_Colors[newColor];
CProfile_TeamIndex[color] = CProfile_TeamIndex[newColor];
CTagReqSayText2[color] = CTagReqSayText2[newColor];
Format(CTagCode[color], sizeof(CTagCode[]), CTagCode[newColor])
* This function should only be used right in front of
* CPrintToChatAll or CPrintToChatAllEx and it tells
* to those funcions to skip specified client when printing
* message to all clients. After message is printed client will
* no more be skipped.
* @param client Client index
* @return No return
stock CSkipNextClient(client)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients)
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
CSkipList[client] = true;
* Replaces color tags in a string with color codes
* @param szMessage String.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the string buffer.
* @return Client index that can be used for SayText2 author index
* On error/Errors: If there is more then one team color is used an error will be thrown.
stock CFormat(String:szMessage[], maxlength, author=NO_INDEX)
decl String:szGameName[30];
GetGameFolderName(szGameName, sizeof(szGameName));
/* Hook event for auto profile setup on map start */
if (!CEventIsHooked)
HookEvent("server_spawn", CEvent_MapStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
CEventIsHooked = true;
new iRandomPlayer = NO_INDEX;
// On CS:GO set invisible precolor
if (StrEqual(szGameName, "csgo", false))
Format(szMessage, maxlength, " \x01\x0B\x01%s", szMessage);
/* If author was specified replace {teamcolor} tag */
if (author != NO_INDEX)
if (CProfile_SayText2)
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, "{teamcolor}", "\x03", false);
iRandomPlayer = author;
/* If saytext2 is not supported by game replace {teamcolor} with green tag */
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, "{teamcolor}", CTagCode[Color_Green], false);
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, "{teamcolor}", "", false);
/* For other color tags we need a loop */
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++)
/* If tag not found - skip */
if (StrContains(szMessage, CTag[i], false) == -1)
/* If tag is not supported by game replace it with green tag */
else if (!CProfile_Colors[i])
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], CTagCode[Color_Green], false);
/* If tag doesn't need saytext2 simply replace */
else if (!CTagReqSayText2[i])
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], CTagCode[i], false);
/* Tag needs saytext2 */
/* If saytext2 is not supported by game replace tag with green tag */
if (!CProfile_SayText2)
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], CTagCode[Color_Green], false);
/* Game supports saytext2 */
/* If random player for tag wasn't specified replace tag and find player */
if (iRandomPlayer == NO_INDEX)
/* Searching for valid client for tag */
iRandomPlayer = CFindRandomPlayerByTeam(CProfile_TeamIndex[i]);
/* If player not found replace tag with green color tag */
if (iRandomPlayer == NO_PLAYER)
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], CTagCode[Color_Green], false);
/* If player was found simply replace */
ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], CTagCode[i], false);
/* If found another team color tag throw error */
//ReplaceString(szMessage, maxlength, CTag[i], "");
ThrowError("Using two team colors in one message is not allowed");
return iRandomPlayer;
* Founds a random player with specified team
* @param color_team Client team.
* @return Client index or NO_PLAYER if no player found
stock CFindRandomPlayerByTeam(color_team)
if (color_team == SERVER_INDEX)
return 0;
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == color_team)
return i;
return NO_PLAYER;
* Sends a SayText2 usermessage to a client
* @param szMessage Client index
* @param maxlength Author index
* @param szMessage Message
* @return No return.
stock CSayText2(client, author, const String:szMessage[])
new Handle:hBuffer = StartMessageOne("SayText2", client, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetUserMessageType") == FeatureStatus_Available && GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf)
PbSetInt(hBuffer, "ent_idx", author);
PbSetBool(hBuffer, "chat", true);
PbSetString(hBuffer, "msg_name", szMessage);
PbAddString(hBuffer, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBuffer, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBuffer, "params", "");
PbAddString(hBuffer, "params", "");
BfWriteByte(hBuffer, author);
BfWriteByte(hBuffer, true);
BfWriteString(hBuffer, szMessage);
* Creates game color profile
* This function must be edited if you want to add more games support
* @return No return.
stock CSetupProfile()
decl String:szGameName[30];
GetGameFolderName(szGameName, sizeof(szGameName));
if (StrEqual(szGameName, "cstrike", false))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Lightgreen] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Lightgreen] = SERVER_INDEX;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 2;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 3;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
else if (StrEqual(szGameName, "csgo", false))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Darkred] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Lime] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Lightred] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Purple] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Grey] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Orange] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 2;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 3;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
else if (StrEqual(szGameName, "tf", false))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Lightgreen] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Lightgreen] = SERVER_INDEX;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 2;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 3;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
else if (StrEqual(szGameName, "left4dead", false) || StrEqual(szGameName, "left4dead2", false))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Lightgreen] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Lightgreen] = SERVER_INDEX;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 3;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 2;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
else if (StrEqual(szGameName, "hl2mp", false))
/* hl2mp profile is based on mp_teamplay convar */
if (GetConVarBool(FindConVar("mp_teamplay")))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 3;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 2;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
CProfile_SayText2 = false;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
else if (StrEqual(szGameName, "dod", false))
CProfile_Colors[Color_Olive] = true;
CProfile_SayText2 = false;
/* Profile for other games */
if (GetUserMessageId("SayText2") == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID)
CProfile_SayText2 = false;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Red] = true;
CProfile_Colors[Color_Blue] = true;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Red] = 2;
CProfile_TeamIndex[Color_Blue] = 3;
CProfile_SayText2 = true;
public Action:CEvent_MapStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
CSkipList[i] = false;

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
#if defined _dhooks_included
#define _dhooks_included
enum ObjectValueType
ObjectValueType_Int = 0,
enum ListenType
enum ReturnType
ReturnType_String, //Note this is a string_t
ReturnType_StringPtr, //Note this is a string_t *
enum HookParamType
HookParamType_String, //Note this is a string_t
HookParamType_StringPtr, //Note this is a string_t *
enum ThisPointerType
enum HookType
enum MRESReturn
MRES_ChangedHandled = -2, // Use changed values and return MRES_Handled
MRES_ChangedOverride, // Use changed values and return MRES_Override
MRES_Ignored, // plugin didn't take any action
MRES_Handled, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called
MRES_Override, // call real function, but use my return value
MRES_Supercede // skip real function; use my return value
enum DHookPassFlag
DHookPass_ByVal = (1<<0),
DHookPass_ByRef = (1<<1)
typeset ListenCB
function void (int entity);
function void (int entity, const char[] classname);
typeset DHookRemovalCB
function void (int hookid);
typeset DHookCallback
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn ();
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hParams);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
//Address NOW
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
/* Adds an entity listener hook
* @param type Type of listener to add
* @param callback Callback to use
* @noreturn
native void DHookAddEntityListener(ListenType type, ListenCB callback);
/* Removes an entity listener hook
* @param type Type of listener to remove
* @param callback Callback this listener was using
* @return True if one was removed false otherwise.
native bool DHookRemoveEntityListener(ListenType type, ListenCB callback);
/* Creates a hook
* @param offset vtable offset for function to hook
* @param hooktype Type of hook
* @param returntype Type type of return
* @param thistype Type of this pointer or ignore (ignore can be used if not needed)
* @param callback Callback function
* @return Returns setup handle for the hook or INVALID_HANDLE.
native Handle DHookCreate(int offset, HookType hooktype, ReturnType returntype, ThisPointerType thistype, DHookCallback callback);
/* Adds param to a hook setup
* @param setup Setup handle to add the param to.
* @param type Param type
* @param size Used for Objects (not Object ptr) to define the size of the object.
* @param flag Used to change the pass type.
* @error Invalid setup handle or too many params added (request upping the max in thread)
* @noreturn
native void DHookAddParam(Handle setup, HookParamType type, int size=-1, DHookPassFlag flag=DHookPass_ByVal);
//native DHookAddParam(Handle:setup, HookParamType:type);
/* Hook entity
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param entity Entity index to hook on.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, invalid entity or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookEntity(Handle setup, bool post, int entity, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Hook gamerules
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Game rules hooks are auto-removed on map end and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, failing to get gamerules pointer or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookGamerules(Handle setup, bool post, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Hook a raw pointer
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param addr This pointer address.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, invalid address or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookRaw(Handle setup, bool post, Address addr, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Remove hook by hook id
* @param hookid Hook id to remove
* @return true on success false otherwise
* @note This will not fire the removal callback!
native bool DHookRemoveHookID(int hookid);
/* Get param value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float param types)
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1. 0 Will return the number of params stored)
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @return value if num greater than 0. If 0 returns paramcount.
native any DHookGetParam(Handle hParams, int num);
/* Get vector param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param vec Vector buffer to store result.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamVector(Handle hParams, int num, float vec[3]);
/* Get string param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param buffer String buffer to store result
* @param size Buffer size
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamString(Handle hParams, int num, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Set param value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float param types)
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param value Value to set it as (only pass int, bool, float or entity index)
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParam(Handle hParams, int num, any value);
/* Set vector param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param vec Value to set vector as.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamVector(Handle hParams, int num, float vec[3]);
/* Set string param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param value Value to set string as.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamString(Handle hParams, int num, char[] value);
/* Get return value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float return types)
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @return Returns default value if prehook returns actual value if post hook.
native any DHookGetReturn(Handle hReturn);
/* Get return vector value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param vec Vector buffer to store result in. (In pre hooks will be default value (0.0,0.0,0.0))
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetReturnVector(Handle hReturn, float vec[3]);
/* Get return string value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param buffer String buffer to store result in. (In pre hooks will be default value "")
* @param size String buffer size
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetReturnString(Handle hReturn, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Set return value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float return types)
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param value Value to set return as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturn(Handle hReturn, any value);
/* Set return vector value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param vec Value to set return vector as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturnVector(Handle hReturn, float vec[3]);
/* Set return string value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param value Value to set return string as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturnString(Handle hReturn, char[] value);
/* Gets an objects variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @return Value of the objects var. If EHANDLE type or entity returns entity index.
native any DHookGetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type);
/* Sets an objects variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to set.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to set.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param value The value to set the var to.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, any value);
/* Gets an objects vector variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param buffer Buffer to store the result vector
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, float buffer[3]);
/* Sets an objects vector variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to set.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to set.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param value The value to set the vector var to.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, float value[3]);
/* Gets an objects string variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param buffer Buffer to store the result vector
* @param size Size of the buffer
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamObjectPtrString(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Checks if a pointer param is null
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to check.
* @error Non pointer param
* @return True if null false otherwise.
native bool DHookIsNullParam(Handle hParams, int num);
public Extension __ext_dhooks =
name = "dhooks",
file = "dhooks.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __ext_dhooks_SetNTVOptional()

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
// By Dr. McKay
// Inspired by:
#if defined _colors_included
#define _colors_included
#include <regex>
#define MORE_COLORS_VERSION "1.9.1"
#define COLOR_RED 0xFF4040
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x99CCFF
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x3EFF3E
#define GAME_DODS 0
new bool:CSkipList[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:CTrie;
new CTeamColors[][] = {{0xCCCCCC, 0x4D7942, 0xFF4040}}; // Multi-dimensional array for games that don't support SayText2. First index is the game index (as defined by the GAME_ defines), second index is team. 0 = spectator, 1 = team1, 2 = team2
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChat(client, const String:message[], any:...) {
if(client <= 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", client);
if(!IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", client);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 3);
CSendMessage(client, buffer2);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
stock CPrintToChatAll(const String:message[], any:...) {
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if(!IsClientInGame(i) || CSkipList[i]) {
CSkipList[i] = false;
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 2);
CSendMessage(i, buffer2);
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param client Client index.
* @param author Author index whose color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the client or author are not connected an error will be thrown
stock CPrintToChatEx(client, author, const String:message[], any:...) {
if(client <= 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", client);
if(!IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", client);
if(author <= 0 || author > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", author);
if(!IsClientInGame(author)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", author);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 4);
CReplaceColorCodes(buffer2, author);
CSendMessage(client, buffer2, author);
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param author Author index whose color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the author is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChatAllEx(author, const String:message[], any:...) {
if(author <= 0 || author > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", author);
if(!IsClientInGame(author)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", author);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if(!IsClientInGame(i) || CSkipList[i]) {
CSkipList[i] = false;
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 3);
CReplaceColorCodes(buffer2, author);
CSendMessage(i, buffer2, author);
* Sends a SayText2 usermessage
* @param client Client to send usermessage to
* @param message Message to send
* @noreturn
stock CSendMessage(client, const String:message[], author=0) {
if(author == 0) {
author = client;
decl String:buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH], String:game[16];
GetGameFolderName(game, sizeof(game));
strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message);
new UserMsg:index = GetUserMessageId("SayText2");
if(index == INVALID_MESSAGE_ID) {
if(StrEqual(game, "dod")) {
new team = GetClientTeam(author);
if(team == 0) {
ReplaceString(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x03", "\x04", false); // Unassigned gets green
} else {
decl String:temp[16];
Format(temp, sizeof(temp), "\x07%06X", CTeamColors[GAME_DODS][team - 1]);
ReplaceString(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x03", temp, false);
PrintToChat(client, "%s", buffer);
new Handle:buf = StartMessageOne("SayText2", client, USERMSG_RELIABLE|USERMSG_BLOCKHOOKS);
if(GetFeatureStatus(FeatureType_Native, "GetUserMessageType") == FeatureStatus_Available && GetUserMessageType() == UM_Protobuf) {
PbSetInt(buf, "ent_idx", author);
PbSetBool(buf, "chat", true);
PbSetString(buf, "msg_name", buffer);
PbAddString(buf, "params", "");
PbAddString(buf, "params", "");
PbAddString(buf, "params", "");
PbAddString(buf, "params", "");
} else {
BfWriteByte(buf, author); // Message author
BfWriteByte(buf, true); // Chat message
BfWriteString(buf, buffer); // Message text
* This function should only be used right in front of
* CPrintToChatAll or CPrintToChatAllEx. It causes those functions
* to skip the specified client when printing the message.
* After printing the message, the client will no longer be skipped.
* @param client Client index
* @noreturn
stock CSkipNextClient(client) {
if(client <= 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", client);
CSkipList[client] = true;
* Checks if the colors trie is initialized and initializes it if it's not (used internally)
* @return No return
stock CCheckTrie() {
CTrie = InitColorTrie();
* Replaces color tags in a string with color codes (used internally by CPrintToChat, CPrintToChatAll, CPrintToChatEx, and CPrintToChatAllEx
* @param buffer String.
* @param author Optional client index to use for {teamcolor} tags, or 0 for none
* @param removeTags Optional boolean value to determine whether we're replacing tags with colors, or just removing tags, used by CRemoveTags
* @param maxlen Optional value for max buffer length, used by CRemoveTags
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the client index passed for author is invalid or not in game.
stock CReplaceColorCodes(String:buffer[], author=0, bool:removeTags=false, maxlen=MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
if(!removeTags) {
ReplaceString(buffer, maxlen, "{default}", "\x01", false);
} else {
ReplaceString(buffer, maxlen, "{default}", "", false);
ReplaceString(buffer, maxlen, "{teamcolor}", "", false);
if(author != 0 && !removeTags) {
if(author < 0 || author > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", author);
if(!IsClientInGame(author)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", author);
ReplaceString(buffer, maxlen, "{teamcolor}", "\x03", false);
new cursor = 0;
new value;
decl String:tag[32], String:buff[32], String:output[maxlen];
strcopy(output, maxlen, buffer);
// Since the string's size is going to be changing, output will hold the replaced string and we'll search buffer
new Handle:regex = CompileRegex("{[a-zA-Z0-9]+}");
for(new i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // The RegEx extension is quite flaky, so we have to loop here :/. This loop is supposed to be infinite and broken by return, but conditions have been added to be safe.
if(MatchRegex(regex, buffer[cursor]) < 1) {
strcopy(buffer, maxlen, output);
GetRegexSubString(regex, 0, tag, sizeof(tag));
cursor = StrContains(buffer[cursor], tag, false) + cursor + 1;
strcopy(buff, sizeof(buff), tag);
ReplaceString(buff, sizeof(buff), "{", "");
ReplaceString(buff, sizeof(buff), "}", "");
if(!GetTrieValue(CTrie, buff, value)) {
if(removeTags) {
ReplaceString(output, maxlen, tag, "", false);
} else {
Format(buff, sizeof(buff), "\x07%06X", value);
ReplaceString(output, maxlen, tag, buff, false);
LogError("[MORE COLORS] Infinite loop broken.");
* Gets a part of a string
* @param input String to get the part from
* @param output Buffer to write to
* @param maxlen Max length of output buffer
* @param start Position to start at
* @param numChars Number of characters to return, or 0 for the end of the string
* @noreturn
stock CSubString(const String:input[], String:output[], maxlen, start, numChars=0) {
new i = 0;
for(;;) {
if(i == maxlen - 1 || i >= numChars || input[start + i] == '\0') {
output[i] = '\0';
output[i] = input[start + i];
* Converts a string to lowercase
* @param buffer String to convert
* @noreturn
stock CStrToLower(String:buffer[]) {
new len = strlen(buffer);
for(new i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer[i] = CharToLower(buffer[i]);
* Adds a color to the colors trie
* @param name Color name, without braces
* @param color Hexadecimal representation of the color (0xRRGGBB)
* @return True if color was added successfully, false if a color already exists with that name
stock bool:CAddColor(const String:name[], color) {
new value;
if(GetTrieValue(CTrie, name, value)) {
return false;
decl String:newName[64];
strcopy(newName, sizeof(newName), name);
SetTrieValue(CTrie, newName, color);
return true;
* Removes color tags from a message
* @param message Message to remove tags from
* @param maxlen Maximum buffer length
* @noreturn
stock CRemoveTags(String:message[], maxlen) {
CReplaceColorCodes(message, 0, true, maxlen);
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CReplyToCommand(client, const String:message[], any:...) {
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 3);
if(GetCmdReplySource() == SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE) {
CRemoveTags(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", buffer);
} else {
CPrintToChat(client, "%s", buffer);
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param author Client to use for {teamcolor}
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CReplyToCommandEx(client, author, const String:message[], any:...) {
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), message, 4);
if(GetCmdReplySource() == SM_REPLY_TO_CONSOLE) {
CRemoveTags(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", buffer);
} else {
CPrintToChatEx(client, author, "%s", buffer);
* Shows admin activity with colors
* @param client Client performing an action
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CShowActivity(client, const String:message[], any:...) {
if(client < 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
if(client != 0 && !IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", client);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 3);
ShowActivity(client, "%s", buffer2);
* Shows admin activity with colors
* @param client Client performing an action
* @param tag Tag to prepend to the message (color tags supported)
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CShowActivityEx(client, const String:tag[], const String:message[], any:...) {
if(client < 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
if(client != 0 && !IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", client);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 4);
strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), tag);
ShowActivityEx(client, tag, "%s", buffer2);
* Shows admin activity with colors
* @param client Client performing an action
* @param tag Tag to prepend to the message (color tags supported)
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CShowActivity2(client, const String:tag[], const String:message[], any:...) {
if(client < 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %d", client);
if(client != 0 && !IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %d is not in game", client);
decl String:buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH], String:buffer2[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "\x01%s", message);
VFormat(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, 4);
strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), tag);
ShowActivity2(client, buffer, "%s", buffer2);
* Determines whether a color name exists
* @param color The color name to check
* @return True if the color exists, false otherwise
stock bool:CColorExists(const String:color[]) {
new temp;
return GetTrieValue(CTrie, color, temp);
* Returns the hexadecimal representation of a client's team color (will NOT initialize the trie)
* @param client Client to get the team color for
* @return Client's team color in hexadecimal, or green if unknown
* On error/Errors: If the client index passed is invalid or not in game.
stock CGetTeamColor(client) {
if(client <= 0 || client > MaxClients) {
ThrowError("Invalid client index %i", client);
if(!IsClientInGame(client)) {
ThrowError("Client %i is not in game", client);
new value;
switch(GetClientTeam(client)) {
case 1: {
value = COLOR_GRAY;
case 2: {
value = COLOR_RED;
case 3: {
value = COLOR_BLUE;
default: {
value = COLOR_GREEN;
return value;
stock Handle:InitColorTrie() {
new Handle:hTrie = CreateTrie();
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "aliceblue", 0xF0F8FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "allies", 0x4D7942); // same as Allies team in DoD:S
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "ancient", 0xEB4B4B); // same as Ancient item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "antiquewhite", 0xFAEBD7);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "aqua", 0x00FFFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "aquamarine", 0x7FFFD4);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "arcana", 0xADE55C); // same as Arcana item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "axis", 0xFF4040); // same as Axis team in DoD:S
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "azure", 0x007FFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "beige", 0xF5F5DC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "bisque", 0xFFE4C4);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "black", 0x000000);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "blanchedalmond", 0xFFEBCD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "blue", 0x99CCFF); // same as BLU/Counter-Terrorist team color
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "blueviolet", 0x8A2BE2);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "brown", 0xA52A2A);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "burlywood", 0xDEB887);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "cadetblue", 0x5F9EA0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "chartreuse", 0x7FFF00);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "chocolate", 0xD2691E);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "collectors", 0xAA0000); // same as Collector's item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "common", 0xB0C3D9); // same as Common item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "community", 0x70B04A); // same as Community item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "coral", 0xFF7F50);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "cornflowerblue", 0x6495ED);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "cornsilk", 0xFFF8DC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "corrupted", 0xA32C2E); // same as Corrupted item quality in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "crimson", 0xDC143C);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "cyan", 0x00FFFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkblue", 0x00008B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkcyan", 0x008B8B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkgoldenrod", 0xB8860B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkgray", 0xA9A9A9);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkgrey", 0xA9A9A9);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkgreen", 0x006400);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkkhaki", 0xBDB76B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkmagenta", 0x8B008B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkolivegreen", 0x556B2F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkorange", 0xFF8C00);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkorchid", 0x9932CC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkred", 0x8B0000);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darksalmon", 0xE9967A);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkseagreen", 0x8FBC8F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkslateblue", 0x483D8B);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkslategray", 0x2F4F4F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkslategrey", 0x2F4F4F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkturquoise", 0x00CED1);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "darkviolet", 0x9400D3);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "deeppink", 0xFF1493);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "deepskyblue", 0x00BFFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "dimgray", 0x696969);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "dimgrey", 0x696969);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "dodgerblue", 0x1E90FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "exalted", 0xCCCCCD); // same as Exalted item quality in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "firebrick", 0xB22222);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "floralwhite", 0xFFFAF0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "forestgreen", 0x228B22);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "frozen", 0x4983B3); // same as Frozen item quality in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "fuchsia", 0xFF00FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "fullblue", 0x0000FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "fullred", 0xFF0000);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "gainsboro", 0xDCDCDC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "genuine", 0x4D7455); // same as Genuine item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "ghostwhite", 0xF8F8FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "gold", 0xFFD700);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "goldenrod", 0xDAA520);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "gray", 0xCCCCCC); // same as spectator team color
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "grey", 0xCCCCCC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "green", 0x3EFF3E);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "greenyellow", 0xADFF2F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "haunted", 0x38F3AB); // same as Haunted item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "honeydew", 0xF0FFF0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "hotpink", 0xFF69B4);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "immortal", 0xE4AE33); // same as Immortal item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "indianred", 0xCD5C5C);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "indigo", 0x4B0082);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "ivory", 0xFFFFF0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "khaki", 0xF0E68C);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lavender", 0xE6E6FA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lavenderblush", 0xFFF0F5);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lawngreen", 0x7CFC00);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "legendary", 0xD32CE6); // same as Legendary item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lemonchiffon", 0xFFFACD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightblue", 0xADD8E6);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightcoral", 0xF08080);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightcyan", 0xE0FFFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xFAFAD2);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightgray", 0xD3D3D3);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightgrey", 0xD3D3D3);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightgreen", 0x99FF99);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightpink", 0xFFB6C1);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightsalmon", 0xFFA07A);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightseagreen", 0x20B2AA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightskyblue", 0x87CEFA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightslategray", 0x778899);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightslategrey", 0x778899);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightsteelblue", 0xB0C4DE);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lightyellow", 0xFFFFE0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "lime", 0x00FF00);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "limegreen", 0x32CD32);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "linen", 0xFAF0E6);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "magenta", 0xFF00FF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "maroon", 0x800000);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumaquamarine", 0x66CDAA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumblue", 0x0000CD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumorchid", 0xBA55D3);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumpurple", 0x9370D8);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumseagreen", 0x3CB371);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumslateblue", 0x7B68EE);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumspringgreen", 0x00FA9A);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumturquoise", 0x48D1CC);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mediumvioletred", 0xC71585);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "midnightblue", 0x191970);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mintcream", 0xF5FFFA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mistyrose", 0xFFE4E1);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "moccasin", 0xFFE4B5);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "mythical", 0x8847FF); // same as Mythical item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "navajowhite", 0xFFDEAD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "navy", 0x000080);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "normal", 0xB2B2B2); // same as Normal item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "oldlace", 0xFDF5E6);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "olive", 0x9EC34F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "olivedrab", 0x6B8E23);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "orange", 0xFFA500);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "orangered", 0xFF4500);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "orchid", 0xDA70D6);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "palegoldenrod", 0xEEE8AA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "palegreen", 0x98FB98);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "paleturquoise", 0xAFEEEE);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "palevioletred", 0xD87093);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "papayawhip", 0xFFEFD5);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "peachpuff", 0xFFDAB9);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "peru", 0xCD853F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "pink", 0xFFC0CB);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "plum", 0xDDA0DD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "powderblue", 0xB0E0E6);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "purple", 0x800080);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "rare", 0x4B69FF); // same as Rare item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "red", 0xFF4040); // same as RED/Terrorist team color
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "rosybrown", 0xBC8F8F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "royalblue", 0x4169E1);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "saddlebrown", 0x8B4513);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "salmon", 0xFA8072);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "sandybrown", 0xF4A460);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "seagreen", 0x2E8B57);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "seashell", 0xFFF5EE);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "selfmade", 0x70B04A); // same as Self-Made item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "sienna", 0xA0522D);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "silver", 0xC0C0C0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "skyblue", 0x87CEEB);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "slateblue", 0x6A5ACD);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "slategray", 0x708090);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "slategrey", 0x708090);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "snow", 0xFFFAFA);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "springgreen", 0x00FF7F);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "steelblue", 0x4682B4);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "strange", 0xCF6A32); // same as Strange item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "tan", 0xD2B48C);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "teal", 0x008080);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "thistle", 0xD8BFD8);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "tomato", 0xFF6347);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "turquoise", 0x40E0D0);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "uncommon", 0xB0C3D9); // same as Uncommon item rarity in Dota 2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "unique", 0xFFD700); // same as Unique item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "unusual", 0x8650AC); // same as Unusual item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "valve", 0xA50F79); // same as Valve item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "vintage", 0x476291); // same as Vintage item quality in TF2
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "violet", 0xEE82EE);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "wheat", 0xF5DEB3);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "white", 0xFFFFFF);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "whitesmoke", 0xF5F5F5);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "yellow", 0xFFFF00);
SetTrieValue(hTrie, "yellowgreen", 0x9ACD32);
return hTrie;

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* NativeVotes
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ross Bemrose (Powerlord). All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <menus>
#include <sourcemod>
// NativeVotes 0.8 series
#if defined _nativevotes_included
#define _nativevotes_included
#define NATIVEVOTES_EXTEND "Extend current Map" /** Defined in TF2, but doesn't appear to be localized */
#define NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS -1 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
#define NATIVEVOTES_TF2_ALL_TEAMS 0 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_UNASSIGNED 0 // For completeness, do not otherwise use
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_SPECTATOR 1 // Spectators
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_1 2 // RED/Survivors/Terrorists
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_2 3 // BLU/Infected/Counter-Terrorists
#define NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX 99 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
// These may seem backwards, but this is the order that the votes appear in the vote screen
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_INVALID -1 /**< Vote was invalid, currently only valid internally */
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_YES 0 /**< Vote was yes */
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_NO 1 /**< Vote was no */
The following MenuActions are supported. Arguments are also listed, as they differ slightly from the default
MenuAction_Start A menu has been started (nothing passed). Only exists for compat reasons.
MenuAction_Display A menu is about to be displayed (param1=client). If you choose to change the vote text,
To change the text, use RedrawVoteTitle()
If you do so, return 1 or _:Plugin_Changed Otherwise, return _:Plugin_Continue or 0.
MenuAction_Select An item was selected (param1=client, param2=item). For subplugin support.
MenuAction_End A vote has fully ended and the vote object is ready to be cleaned up
param1 is MenuEnd reason, either MenuEnd_VotingCancelled or MenuEnd_VotingDone
MenuAction_VoteEnd A vote sequence has succeeded (param1=chosen item)
This is not called if NativeVotes_SetResultCallback has been used on the vote.
You should call NativeVotes_DisplayPass or NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx after this
MenuAction_VoteStart A vote sequence has started (nothing passed). Use this instead of MenuAction_Start
MenuAction_VoteCancel A vote sequence has been cancelled (param1=reason)
MenuAction_DisplayItem Item text is being drawn to the display (param1=client, param2=item)
To change the text, use RedrawVoteItem().
If you do so, return 1 or _:Plugin_Changed. Otherwise, return _:Plugin_Continue or 0.
#define NATIVEVOTES_ACTIONS_DEFAULT MenuAction_VoteStart|MenuAction_VoteCancel|MenuAction_VoteEnd|MenuAction_End
* Vote types. These are mapped to translation strings and pass strings by VoteStart and VotePass handlers
enum NativeVotesType
NativeVotesType_None = 0, /** Special placeholder for callvote with no arguments for NativeVotes_OnCallVote */
NativeVotesType_Custom_YesNo, /**< Yes/No, details are vote text. */
NativeVotesType_Custom_Mult, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Multiple-choice, details are vote text. */
NativeVotesType_ChgCampaign, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are campaign name */
NativeVotesType_ChgDifficulty, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are difficulty number in L4D/L4D2 */
NativeVotesType_ReturnToLobby, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AlltalkOn, /**< L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored (handled internally by extension) */
NativeVotesType_AlltalkOff, /**< L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored (handled internally by extension) */
NativeVotesType_Restart, /**< Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Kick, /**< Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickIdle, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickScamming, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickCheating, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_ChgLevel, /**< Yes/No, details are level number in L4D/L4D2 or map name in TF2 */
NativeVotesType_NextLevel, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, details are map name */
NativeVotesType_NextLevelMult, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Multiple-choice, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ScrambleNow, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ScrambleEnd, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ChgMission, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are popfile */
NativeVotesType_SwapTeams, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Surrender, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Rematch, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Continue, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_StartRound, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Eternaween, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AutoBalanceOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AutoBalanceOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ClassLimitsOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ClassLimitsOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
enum NativeVotesPassType
NativeVotesPass_None = 0, /**< Special placeholder for error value */
NativeVotesPass_Custom, /**< Details are custom pass message */
NativeVotesPass_ChgCampaign, /**< L4D/L4D2: Details are campaign name */
NativeVotesPass_ChgDifficulty, /**< L4D/L4D2/TF2: Details are difficulty number in L4D/L4D2 and mission name in TF2 */
NativeVotesPass_ReturnToLobby, /**< L4D/L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AlltalkOn, /**< L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AlltalkOff, /**< L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Restart, /**< Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Kick, /**< Details are player name */
NativeVotesPass_ChgLevel, /**< Details are level number in L4D/L4D2 or map name in TF2/CS:GO */
NativeVotesPass_NextLevel, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are map name */
NativeVotesPass_Extend, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Scramble, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ChgMission, /**< TF2: Details are popfile */
NativeVotesPass_SwapTeams, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Surrender, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Rematch, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Continue, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_StartRound, /**< TF2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Eternaween, /**< TF2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AutoBalanceOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AutoBalanceOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ClassLimitsOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ClassLimitsOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
* Reasons a vote was canceled. Not used for L4D/L4D2, as they don't care
enum NativeVotesFailType
NativeVotesFail_Generic = 0, /**< Vote was generically cancelled. */
NativeVotesFail_Loses = 3, /**< No votes outnumbered Yes votes */
NativeVotesFail_NotEnoughVotes = 4, /**< Vote did not receive enough votes. */
* Reasons a callvote command failed.
* This is provided as a convenience to plugin authors as it's not strictly part of the vote system
enum NativeVotesCallFailType
NativeVotesCallFail_Generic = 0, /**< Generic fail. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Loading = 1, /**< L4D/L4D2: Players are still loading. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Recent = 2, /**< TF2/CS:GO: You can't call another vote yet: Argument is seconds until you can call another vote. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Disabled = 5, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Server has disabled that issue. */
NativeVotesCallFail_MapNotFound = 6, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Server does not have that map. */
NativeVotesCallFail_SpecifyMap = 7, /**< TF2/CS:GO: You must specify a map. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Failed = 8, /**< TF2/CS:GO: This vote failed recently. */
NativeVotesCallFail_WrongTeam = 9, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Team can't call this vote. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Waiting = 10, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Vote can't be called during Waiting For Players. */
NativeVotesCallFail_PlayerNotFound = 11, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Player to kick can't be found. Buggy in TF2. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Unknown = 11,
NativeVotesCallFail_CantKickAdmin = 12, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Can't kick server admin. */
NativeVotesCallFail_ScramblePending = 13, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Team Scramble is pending.. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Spectators = 14, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Spectators aren't allowed to call votes. */
NativeVotesCallFail_LevelSet = 15, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Next level already set. */
NativeVotesCallFail_MapNotValid = 16, /**< ???: Map is invalid. */
NativeVotesCallFail_KickTime = 17, /**< ???: Cannot kick for time. */
NativeVotesCallFail_KickDuringRound = 18, /**< ???: Cannot kick during a round. */
NativeVotesCallFail_AlreadyActive = 19 /**< TF2: Cannot call vote because modification (Eternaween) is already active (may not work) */
* Is a specific vote type supported by this game?
* @param voteType Vote type
native bool:NativeVotes_IsVoteTypeSupported(NativeVotesType:voteType);
* Creates a new, empty vote.
* @param handler Function which will receive vote actions.
* @param voteType Vote type, cannot be changed after set
* @param actions Optionally set which actions to receive. Start,
* Cancel, and End will always be received regardless
* of whether they are set or not. They are also
* the only default actions.
* @return A new vote Handle on INVALID_HANDLE if a vote type is unsupported by this game.
native Handle:NativeVotes_Create(MenuHandler:handler, NativeVotesType:voteType,
* Frees all handles related to a vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @noreturn
native Handle:NativeVotes_Close(Handle:vote);
* Appends a new item to the end of a vote. Only valid for Multiple Choice votes
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param info Item information string.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle, item limit reached, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_AddItem(Handle:vote, const String:info[], const String:display[]);
* Inserts an item into the menu before a certain position; the new item will
* be at the given position and all next items pushed forward.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param info Item information string.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_InsertItem(Handle:vote, position, const String:info[], const String:display[]);
* Removes an item from the menu.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_RemoveItem(Handle:vote, position);
* Removes all items from a vote.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native NativeVotes_RemoveAllItems(Handle:vote);
* Retrieves information about a vote item.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param infoBuf Info buffer.
* @param infoBufLen Maximum length of the info buffer.
* @return True on success, false if position is invalid.
* @error Invalid Handlem
native bool:NativeVotes_GetItem(Handle:vote,
* Returns the number of items in a vote.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @return Number of items in the vote.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetItemCount(Handle:vote);
* Sets the vote's details for votes that support details
* If this is a custom vote, use NativeVotes_SetTitle to set the vote's title.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param argument Details string. See vote types for what details stands for.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetDetails(Handle:vote, const String:argument[]);
* Returns the text of a vote's details if set.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store details.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetDetails(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Sets a custom vote's title
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param title Vote title string.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetTitle(Handle:vote, const String:argument[]);
* Return the vote's Title.
* If not set, returns Details instead.
* This behavior is for compatibility with NativeVotes 0.8.0 and below.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store title.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTitle(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Sets the target userid for vote
* This should be used instead of SetArgument for votes that target players
* Also sets target SteamID
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param userid Client index of target player
* @param setDetails If true, also sets vote details to client's name
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetTarget(Handle:vote, client, bool:setDetails=true);
* Returns the userid of a vote's target
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @return Client index of target player or 0 for no target or target disconnected since vote started
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTarget(Handle:vote);
* Get the Steam ID of a vote's target
* Useful if the target has disconnect from the server during a vote.
* This was added in specifically for Kick/Ban votes
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store steamId. Should be 19 characters or more..
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTargetSteam(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Returns whether a vote is in progress.
* @return True if a NativeVotes vote is in progress, false otherwise.
native bool:NativeVotes_IsVoteInProgress();
* Returns a style's maximum items
* @return Maximum items
native NativeVotes_GetMaxItems();
* Sets a vote's option flags.
* If a certain bit is not supported, it will be stripped before being set.
* NOTE: This is currently unused, but reserved for future use.
* @param menu Builtin Vote Handle.
* @param flags A new bitstring of VOTEFLAG bits.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetOptionFlags(Handle:vote, flags);
* Retrieves a menu's option flags.
* NOTE: This is currently unused, but reserved for future use.
* @param vote Builtin Vote Handle.
* @return A bitstring of VOTEFLAG bits.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetOptionFlags(Handle:vote);
* Cancels the vote in progress.
* @noreturn
* @error If no vote is in progress.
native NativeVotes_Cancel();
* Callback for when a vote has ended and results are available.
* Due to SourceMod Forward limitations in plugins, multi-dimension arrays can't be passed
* to forwards. This means we have to split the client_info and item_info arrays into
* their components.
* @param vote The vote being voted on.
* @param num_votes Number of votes tallied in total.
* @param num_clients Number of clients who could vote.
* @param client_indexes Array of client indexes. Parallel with client_votes.
* @param client_votes Array of client votes. Parallel with client_indexes.
* @param num_items Number of unique items that were selected.
* @param item_indexes Array of vote item indexes. Parallel with item_votes..
* @param item_votes Array of vote vote counts. Parallel with item_indexes.
* @noreturn
functag public NativeVotes_VoteHandler(Handle:vote,
const client_indexes[],
const client_votes[],
const item_indexes[],
const item_votes[]);
* Function to convert client/vote arrays into their two-dimensional versions,
* which can then be passed to a standard vote handler.
* client_info and item_info are the resulting arrays.
* Note: When declaring client_info and item_info, you'll probably want to declare them like this:
* new client_info[num_clients][2];
* new item_info[num_items][2];
* @param num_clients Number of clients who could vote.
* @param client_indexes Array of client indexes. Parallel with client_votes.
* @param client_votes Array of client votes. Parallel with client_indexes.
* @param num_items Number of unique items that were selected.
* @param item_indexes Array of vote item indexes. Parallel with item_votes..
* @param item_votes Array of vote vote counts. Parallel with item_indexes.
* @param client_info Array of clients. Use VOTEINFO_CLIENT_ defines.
* @param item_info Array of items, sorted by count. Use VOTEINFO_ITEM
* defines.
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_FixResults(num_clients,
const client_indexes[],
const client_votes[],
const item_indexes[],
const item_votes[],
for (new i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i)
client_info[i][VOTEINFO_CLIENT_INDEX] = client_indexes[i];
client_info[i][VOTEINFO_CLIENT_ITEM] = client_votes[i];
for (new i = 0; i < num_items; ++i)
item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX] = item_indexes[i];
item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES] = item_votes[i];
* Sets an advanced vote handling callback. If this callback is set,
* MenuAction_VoteEnd will not be called.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or callback.
native NativeVotes_SetResultCallback(Handle:vote, NativeVotes_VoteHandler:callback);
* Returns the number of seconds you should "wait" before displaying
* a public vote. This number is the time remaining until
* (last_vote + sm_vote_delay).
* @return Number of seconds to wait, or 0 for none.
native NativeVotes_CheckVoteDelay();
* Returns whether a client is in the pool of clients allowed
* to participate in the current vote. This is determined by
* the client list passed to NativeVotes_Display().
* @param client Client index.
* @return True if client is allowed to vote, false otherwise.
* @error If no vote is in progress or client index is invalid.
native bool:NativeVotes_IsClientInVotePool(client);
* Redraws the current vote to a client in the voting pool.
* @param client Client index.
* @param revotes True to allow revotes, false otherwise.
* @return True on success, false if the client is in the vote pool
* but cannot vote again.
* @error No vote in progress, client is not in the voting pool,
* or client index is invalid.
native bool:NativeVotes_RedrawClientVote(client, bool:revotes=true);
* Retrieve the vote type
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @return The built in vote type
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotesType:NativeVotes_GetType(Handle:vote);
* Set the team this vote is for, or NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS for all teams.
* Defaults to NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS if not explicitly set.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param team Team number this vote is for
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_SetTeam(Handle:vote, team);
* Retrieve the team this vote is for
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @return Team index or NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS for all teams.
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_GetTeam(Handle:vote);
* Set the client index of the player who initiated the vote.
* Use NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if initiated by the server itself.
* Defaults to NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if not explicitly set.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param client Client who initiated the vote or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_SetInitiator(Handle:vote, client);
* Retrieve the client index of the player who initiated the vote or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if
* initiated by the server itself.
* @param Vote handle
* @return Client index or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_GetInitiator(Handle:vote);
* Broadcasts a vote to a list of clients. The most selected item will be
* returned through MenuAction_VoteEnd. On a tie, a random item will be returned
* from a list of the tied items.
* Note that MenuAction_VoteStart, MenuAction_VoteCancel, MenuAction_VoteEnd, and MenuAction_End are all
* default callbacks and do not need to be enabled.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param clients Array of clients to broadcast to.
* @param numClients Number of clients in the array.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if a vote is already in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
native bool:NativeVotes_Display(Handle:vote, clients[], numClients, time);
* Sends a vote menu to all clients. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToAll(Handle:vote, time)
new total = 0;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Sends a vote menu to a single team. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param team Team to send vote to. 1 = spectators, 2 = RED/Survivors/Terrorists, 3 = BLU/Infected/Counter-Terrorists
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToTeam(Handle:vote, team, time)
NativeVotes_SetTeam(vote, team);
new total;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i) || (GetClientTeam(i) != team))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Sends a vote menu to all clients who are not spectators or waiting to choose a team. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToAllNonSpectators(Handle:vote, time)
new total;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i) || (GetClientTeam(i) < 2))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Display vote passed screen
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param details Normally the item that won the vote or format string. Also used for custom vote winners
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPass(Handle:vote, const String:details[]="");
* Display vote passed screen with custom text to a single user
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param client client to display to
* @param format A format string.
* @param any Variable number of format parameters
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustomToOne(Handle:vote, client, const String:format[], any:...);
* Display vote passed screen with custom text
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param format A format string.
* @param any Variable number of format parameters
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustom(Handle:vote, const String:format[], any:...)
decl String:buffer[192];
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; ++i)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 3);
NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustomToOne(vote, i, "%s", buffer);
* Display vote passed screen with a custom type.
* A sample usage of this would be if Extend won an RTV vote: NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(vote, NativeVotesPass_Extend, map);
* You MUST call one of NativeVotes_DisplayPass, NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx,
* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote
* and to clear out their selection for the next vote.
* #param vote Vote handle
* @param passType The pass screen to display
* @param details Normally the item that won the vote. Also used for custom vote winners
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(Handle:vote, NativeVotesPassType:passType, const String:details[]="");
* Display failure screen.
* You MUST call one of NativeVotes_DisplayPass, NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx,
* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote,
* and to clear out their selection for the next vote.
* @param reason Vote failure reason from NativeVotesFailType enum
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayFail(Handle:vote, NativeVotesFailType:reason=NativeVotesFail_Generic);
* Quick stock to determine whether voting is allowed. This doesn't let you
* fine-tune a reason for not voting, so it's not recommended for lazily
* telling clients that voting isn't allowed.
* @return True if voting is allowed, false if voting is in progress
* or the cooldown is active.
stock bool:NativeVotes_IsNewVoteAllowed()
if (NativeVotes_IsVoteInProgress() || NativeVotes_CheckVoteDelay() != 0)
return false;
return true;
* Used when callvote is called with no arguments.
* This is used to configure the VoteSetup usermessage on TF2 and CS:GO
* @param client Client, in case the votes are restricted by client
* @param voteTypes Populate this array with the vote types this server supports
* Custom and multiple choice votes are not supported from
* the GUI and are thus ignored.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow the server itself (or another plugin) to process the callvote
* Plugin_Changed if you're changing the voteTypes,
* Plugin_Handled to return a blank VoteSetup usermessage
* Plugin_Stop to prevent VoteSetup usermessage (not recommended)
//functag public Action:NativeVotes_CallVoteSetupHandler(client, NativeVotesType:voteTypes[]);
* Forward for "callvote" handling
* You should respond to this by starting a vote or by calling NativeVotes_DisplayCallVoteFail
* @param client Client
* @param voteType Type of vote being called. This will NEVER be a multiple-choice or custom vote.
* @param voteArgument Vote argument or blank if the vote type has no argument.
* @param target target userid for kick votes or 0 for all other votes
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow the server itself (or another plugin) to process the callvote
* Plugin_Handled if you processed this vote type
* Plugin_Stop to block the vote type (not recommended)
//functag public Action:NativeVotes_CallVoteHandler(client, NativeVotesType:voteType, const String:voteArgument[], target);
* Register a plugin as a vote manager.
* This is used to abstract away the details of the callvote command.
* @param callHandler Handler for callvote commands.
* @param setupHandler Handler to override the which vote types your server supports. Only useful on TF2 and CS:GO.
* @noreturn
//native NativeVotes_RegisterVoteManager(NativeVotes_CallVoteHandler:callHandler, NativeVotes_CallVoteSetupHandler:setupHandler=INVALID_FUNCTION);
* Send a call vote fail screen to a user
* Used to respond to a callvote with invalid arguments or for other reasons
* (such as trying to target an admin for a kick/ban vote)
* @param client The client to display the fail screen to
* @param reason A vote call fail reason
* @param time For NativeVotesCallFail_Recent, the number of seconds until the vote
* can be called again
native NativeVotes_DisplayCallVoteFail(client, NativeVotesCallFailType:reason, time);
* Redraws the vote title from inside a MenuAction_Display callback
* Not supported on L4D
* @param text Vote title to draw
* @error If called from outside MenuAction_Display
* @return Plugin_Changed if the change is allowed, Plugin_Continue if it isn't.
native Action:NativeVotes_RedrawVoteTitle(const String:text[]);
* Redraws the vote text from inside a MenuAction_DisplayItem callback.
* Only supported on multiple-choice votes
* @param text Vote text to draw.
* @error If called from outside MenuAction_DisplayItem
* @return Plugin_Changed if the change is allowed, Plugin_Continue if it isn't.
native Action:NativeVotes_RedrawVoteItem(const String:text[]);
* Retrieves voting information from MenuAction_VoteEnd.
* @param param2 Second parameter of MenuAction_VoteEnd.
* @param winningVotes Number of votes received by the winning option.
* @param totalVotes Number of total votes received.
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_GetInfo(param2, &winningVotes, &totalVotes)
winningVotes = param2 & 0xFFFF;
totalVotes = param2 >> 16;
* Do not edit below this line!
public SharedPlugin:__pl_nativevotes =
name = "nativevotes",
file = "nativevotes.smx",
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __pl_nativevotes_SetNTVOptional()

includes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#if defined _OutputInfo_Included
#define _OutputInfo_Included
native GetOutputCount(int Entity, const char[] sOutput);
native GetOutputTarget(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sTarget);
native GetOutputTargetInput(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sTargetInput);
native GetOutputParameter(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sParameter);
native Float:GetOutputDelay(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index);
* Do not edit below this line!
public Extension __ext_outputinfo =
name = "OutputInfo",
file = "outputinfo.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __ext_outputinfo_SetNTVOptional()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Include
* Description: Main API include file.
* Notes: Include this file to include the whole ZR API.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
#if defined _zr_included
#define _zr_included
#include <zr/infect.zr>
#include <zr/respawn.zr>
#include <zr/class.zr>

includes/zr/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Include
* Description: Player class API.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* @section Internal class cache types. Specifies which class data to access.
#define ZR_CLASS_CACHE_ORIGINAL 0 /** Original class data loaded from file. */
#define ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED 1 /** Default cache. Class data modified by eventual multipliers, map configs, commands, etc. */
#define ZR_CLASS_CACHE_PLAYER 2 /** Current player class attributes. The class index parameter is used as client index when reading from this cache. */
* @endsection
* Results when selecting a class for a player.
enum ClassSelectResult
ClassSelected_NoChange, /** No class change was necessary (class already selected). */
ClassSelected_Instant, /** Class was instantly changed. */
ClassSelected_NextSpawn /** Class will be used next spawn. */
* Returns whether a class index is valid or not.
* @param classIndex Class index to validate.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
native bool:ZR_IsValidClassIndex(classIndex);
* Gets the currently active class index that the player is using.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The active class index.
native bool:ZR_GetActiveClass(client);
* Gets the current human class index that the player is using.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The human class index.
native bool:ZR_GetHumanClass(client);
* Gets the current zombie class index that the player is using.
* @param client The client index.
* @return The zombie class index.
native bool:ZR_GetZombieClass(client);
* Selects a class for a player.
* Human class attribute may be instantly applied if player is alive, human and
* instant class change is enabled. Otherwise only the selected index will be
* updated for next spawn.
* Class selection will be saved in client cookies if enabled.
* @param client Client index.
* @param classIndex Class index.
* @param applyIfPossible Optional. Apply class attributes if conditions allow
* it. Default is true.
* @param saveIfEnabled Optional. Save class selection in client cookies if
* enabled. Default is true.
* @return Class selection result. See enum ClassSelectResult.
native ClassSelectResult:ZR_SelectClientClass(client, classIndex, bool:applyIfPossible = true, bool:saveIfEnabled = true);
* Gets the class index of the class with the specified name.
* Note: This search is linear and probably won't perform well in large loops.
* @param className Class name to search for.
* @param cacheType Optional. Specifies which class cache to read from,
* except player cache.
* @return Class index, or -1 if none found.
native ZR_GetClassByName(const String:className[], cacheType = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);
* Gets the class name displayed in the class menu.
* @param index Index of the class in a class cache or a client index,
* depending on the cache type specified.
* @param buffer The destination string buffer.
* @param maxlen The length of the destination string buffer.
* @param cacheType Optional. Specifies which class cache to read from.
* @return Number of cells written. -1 on error.
native ZR_GetClassDisplayName(index, String:buffer[], maxlen, cacheType = ZR_CLASS_CACHE_MODIFIED);

includes/zr/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Include
* Description: Infect-related natives/forwards.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Returns true if the player is a zombie, false if not.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if zombie, false if not.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or not alive.
native bool:ZR_IsClientZombie(client);
* Returns true if the player is a human, false if not.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if human, false if not.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or not alive.
native bool:ZR_IsClientHuman(client);
* Infects a player.
* Note: If the player already is a zombie, the player will be re-infected.
* @param client The client to infect.
* @param attacker (Optional) The attacker who did the infect.
* @param motherInfect (Optional) Infect as a mother zombie.
* @param respawnOverride (Optional) Set to true to override respawn cvar.
* @param respawn (Optional) Value to override with.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or not alive.
native ZR_InfectClient(client, attacker = -1, bool:motherInfect = false, bool:respawnOverride = false, bool:respawn = false);
* Turns a zombie back into a human.
* Note: If the player already is a human, this code will still run as the
* player was a zombie.
* @param client The client to make human.
* @param respawn Teleport client back to spawn.
* @param protect Start spawn protection on client.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or not alive.
native ZR_HumanClient(client, bool:respawn = false, bool:protect = false);
* Called when a player is about to become a zombie.
* Here you can modify any variable or block the infection entirely.
* @param client The client index.
* @param attacker The the infecter. (-1 if there is no infecter)
* @param motherInfect If the client is becoming a mother zombie.
* @param respawnOverride True if the respawn cvar is being overridden.
* @param respawn The value that respawn is being overridden with.
* @return Plugin_Handled to block infection. Anything else
* (like Plugin_Continue) to allow infection.
forward Action:ZR_OnClientInfect(&client, &attacker, &bool:motherInfect, &bool:respawnOverride, &bool:respawn);
* Called after a player has become a zombie.
* @param client The client that was infected.
* @param attacker The the infecter. (-1 if there is no infecter)
* @param motherInfect If the client is a mother zombie.
* @param respawnOverride True if the respawn cvar was overridden.
* @param respawn The value that respawn was overridden with.
forward ZR_OnClientInfected(client, attacker, bool:motherInfect, bool:respawnOverride, bool:respawn);
* Called when a player is about to become a human. (Through an admin command).
* Here you can modify any variable or block the action entirely.
* @param client The client index.
* @param respawn True if the client was respawned, false if not.
* @param protect True if the client spawn protected, false if not.
* @return Plugin_Handled to block infection. Anything else
* (like Plugin_Continue) to allow acion.
forward Action:ZR_OnClientHuman(&client, &bool:respawn, &bool:protect);
* Called after a player has become a human. (Through an admin command.)
* @param client The client index.
* @param respawn Whether the client was respawned.
* @param protect Whether the client has spawn protection.
forward ZR_OnClientHumanPost(client, bool:respawn, bool:protect);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Include
* Description: Infect-related natives/forwards.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Conditions for respawning players.
enum ZR_RespawnCondition
ZR_Repsawn_Default = -1, /** Let ZR decide according to its settings. */
ZR_Respawn_Human = 0, /** Respawn as a human. */
ZR_Respawn_Zombie, /** Respawn as a zombie. */
ZR_Respawn_ZombieIfSuicide /** Respawn as a zombie if killed by world damage. */
* Spawns a player into the round.
* @param client The client index.
* @param condition Optional. Set respawn condition, defaults to current
* ZR settings. See ZR_RespawnCondition for details.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or already alive.
native ZR_RespawnClient(client, ZR_RespawnCondition:condition = ZR_Repsawn_Default);
* Called right before ZR is about to respawn a player.
* Here you can modify any variable or stop the action entirely.
* @param client The client index.
* @param condition Respawn condition. See ZR_RespawnCondition for
* details.
* @return Plugin_Handled to block respawn.
forward Action:ZR_OnClientRespawn(&client, &ZR_RespawnCondition:condition);
* Called after ZR respawned a player.
* @param client The client index.
* @param condition Current condition of the respawned player. See
* ZR_RespawnCondition for details.
forward ZR_OnClientRespawned(client, ZR_RespawnCondition:condition);
* Set if a player died by a suicide or world damage.
* Note: This will change the respawn condition.
* Note: This value is reset to default by ZR when a zombie player dies.
* @param client The client index.
* @param suicide True to say the player suicided, false if killed by another
* player.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native ZR_SetKilledByWorld(client, bool:suicide);
* Get whether the player died by a suicide or world damage.
* Note: This value is only valid after death event, and before respawn.
* @param client The client index.
* @return True if the player died by suicide, false if killed by
* another player.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native bool:ZR_GetKilledByWorld(client);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_begins_1sec.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_begins_1sec.wav"
"event" "Announcer.RoundBegins1Seconds"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_begins_2sec.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_begins_2sec.wav"
"event" "Announcer.RoundBegins2Seconds"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_begins_3sec.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_begins_3sec.wav"
"event" "Announcer.RoundBegins3Seconds"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_begins_4sec.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_begins_4sec.wav"
"event" "Announcer.RoundBegins4Seconds"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_begins_5sec.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_begins_5sec.wav"
"event" "Announcer.RoundBegins5Seconds"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_dec_missionbegins10s01.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins10s01.wav"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_dec_missionbegins30s01.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins30s01.wav"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_dec_missionbegins60s06.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins60s06.wav"
"vote start"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/vote_started.mp3"
"event" "Vote.Created"
"builtin" "ui/vote_started.wav"
"vote end"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/vote_success.mp3"
"event" "Vote.Passed"
"builtin" "ui/vote_success.wav"
"vote warning"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/announcer_dec_missionbegins60s03.mp3"
"builtin" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins60s03.wav"
"runoff warning"
"sound" "sourcemod/mapchooser/tf2/vote_failure.mp3"
"event" "Vote.Failed"
"builtin" "ui/vote_failure.wav"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* MapChooser Extended
* Creates a map vote at appropriate times, setting sm_nextmap to the winning
* vote
* MapChooser Extended (C)2011-2013 Powerlord (Ross Bemrose)
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _mapchooser_extended_included_
#define _mapchooser_extended_included_
#include <mapchooser>
// MCE 1.9 series
enum CanNominateResult
CanNominate_No_VoteFull, /** No, nominations list is full */
CanNominate_No_VoteInProgress, /** No, map vote is in progress */
CanNominate_No_VoteComplete, /** No, map vote is completed */
CanNominate_Yes, /** Yes, you can nominate */
* Called whenever warning timer starts
forward OnMapVoteWarningStart();
* Called whenever runoff warning timer starts
forward OnMapVoteRunnoffWarningStart();
* Called whenever the timer ticks
forward OnMapVoteWarningTick(time);
* Called whenever vote starts
* @deprecated Will be removed in MapChooser 1.8. Use OnMapVoteStarted instead.
forward OnMapVoteStart();
* Called whenever vote ends
forward OnMapVoteEnd(const String:map[]);
* Is a map on the current game's official list?
* This should be treated as informative only.
* @param map Name of map to check
* @return true if it's on the list of official maps for this game
native bool:IsMapOfficial(const String:map[]);
* Is nominate allowed?
* @return A CanNominateResult corresponding to whether a vote is allowed or not
native CanNominateResult:CanNominate();
native bool:ExcludeMap(const String:map[]);
public SharedPlugin:__pl_mapchooser_extended =
name = "mapchooser",
file = "mapchooser_extended.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* Nominations Extended
* Allows players to nominate maps for Mapchooser
* Nominations Extended (C)2012-2013 Powerlord (Ross Bemrose)
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <sourcemod>
#include <mapchooser>
#include "include/mapchooser_extended"
#include <colors>
#pragma semicolon 1
#define MCE_VERSION "1.10.0"
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Map Nominations Extended",
author = "Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Provides Map Nominations",
version = MCE_VERSION,
url = ""
new Handle:g_Cvar_ExcludeOld = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_ExcludeCurrent = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_MapList = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_AdminMapList = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_MapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_AdminMapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;
new g_mapFileSerial = -1;
new g_AdminMapFileSerial = -1;
#define MAPSTATUS_ENABLED (1<<0)
new Handle:g_mapTrie;
// Nominations Extended Convars
new Handle:g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_NominateDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_InitialDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new g_Player_NominationDelay[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new g_NominationDelay;
public OnPluginStart()
LoadTranslations("basetriggers.phrases"); // for Next Map phrase
new arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
g_MapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
g_AdminMapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
g_Cvar_ExcludeOld = CreateConVar("sm_nominate_excludeold", "1", "Specifies if the current map should be excluded from the Nominations list", 0, true, 0.00, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_ExcludeCurrent = CreateConVar("sm_nominate_excludecurrent", "1", "Specifies if the MapChooser excluded maps should also be excluded from Nominations", 0, true, 0.00, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_InitialDelay = CreateConVar("sm_nominate_initialdelay", "60.0", "Time in seconds before first Nomination can be made", 0, true, 0.00);
g_Cvar_NominateDelay = CreateConVar("sm_nominate_delay", "3.0", "Delay between nominations", 0, true, 0.00, true, 60.00);
RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say);
RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_nominate", Command_Nominate);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_nomlist", Command_NominateList);
RegAdminCmd("sm_nominate_addmap", Command_Addmap, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.");
// BotoX
RegAdminCmd("sm_nominate_exclude", Command_AddExclude, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "sm_nominate_exclude <mapname> - Forces a map to be inserted into the recently played maps. Effectively blocking the map from being nominated.");
// Nominations Extended cvars
CreateConVar("ne_version", MCE_VERSION, "Nominations Extended Version", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
g_mapTrie = CreateTrie();
public OnAllPluginsLoaded()
// This is an MCE cvar... this plugin requires MCE to be loaded. Granted, this plugin SHOULD have an MCE dependency.
g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps = FindConVar("mce_markcustommaps");
public OnConfigsExecuted()
if (ReadMapList(g_MapList,
if (g_mapFileSerial == -1)
SetFailState("Unable to create a valid map list.");
if (ReadMapList(g_AdminMapList,
"sm_nominate_addmap menu",
if (g_AdminMapFileSerial == -1)
SetFailState("Unable to create a valid admin map list.");
for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_MapList); i++)
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, map, sizeof(map));
new Index = FindStringInArray(g_AdminMapList, map);
if (Index != -1)
RemoveFromArray(g_AdminMapList, Index);
g_NominationDelay = GetTime() + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_InitialDelay);
public OnNominationRemoved(const String:map[], owner)
new status;
/* Is the map in our list? */
if (!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, map, status))
/* Was the map disabled due to being nominated */
SetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, map, MAPSTATUS_ENABLED);
public Action:Command_Addmap(client, args)
if (args == 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (args != 1)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] Usage: sm_nominate_addmap <mapname>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:mapname[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetCmdArg(1, mapname, sizeof(mapname));
// new status;
if (/*!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, mapname, status)*/!IsMapValid(mapname))
CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map was not found", mapname);
return Plugin_Handled;
new NominateResult:result = NominateMap(mapname, true, 0);
if (result > Nominate_Replaced)
/* We assume already in vote is the casue because the maplist does a Map Validity check and we forced, so it can't be full */
CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map Already In Vote", mapname);
return Plugin_Handled;
CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map Inserted", mapname);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" inserted map \"%s\".", client, mapname);
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %N has inserted %s into nominations", client, mapname);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_AddExclude(client, args)
if (args < 1)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] Usage: sm_nominate_exclude <mapname>");
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:mapname[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetCmdArg(1, mapname, sizeof(mapname));
new status;
if(!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, mapname, status))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Map was not found", mapname);
return Plugin_Handled;
ShowActivity(client, "Excluded map \"%s\" from nomination", mapname);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" excluded map \"%s\" from nomination", client, mapname);
// native call to mapchooser_extended
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Say(client, args)
if (!client)
return Plugin_Continue;
decl String:text[192];
if (!GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)))
return Plugin_Continue;
new startidx = 0;
if(text[strlen(text)-1] == '"')
text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0';
startidx = 1;
new ReplySource:old = SetCmdReplySource(SM_REPLY_TO_CHAT);
if (strcmp(text[startidx], "nominate", false) == 0)
if (IsNominateAllowed(client))
if (g_NominationDelay > GetTime())
ReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] Nominations will be unlocked in %d seconds", g_NominationDelay - GetTime());
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Command_Nominate(client, args)
if (!client || !IsNominateAllowed(client))
return Plugin_Handled;
if (g_NominationDelay > GetTime())
ReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] Nominations will be unlocked in %d seconds", g_NominationDelay - GetTime());
return Plugin_Handled;
if (args == 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (g_Player_NominationDelay[client] > GetTime())
ReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] Please wait %d seconds before you can nominate again", g_Player_NominationDelay[client] - GetTime());
return Plugin_Handled;
decl String:mapname[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetCmdArg(1, mapname, sizeof(mapname));
new status;
if (!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, mapname, status))
CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Map was not found", mapname);
return Plugin_Handled;
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Can't Nominate Current Map");
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Map in Exclude List");
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Map Already Nominated");
return Plugin_Handled;
new NominateResult:result = NominateMap(mapname, false, client);
if (result > Nominate_Replaced)
if (result == Nominate_AlreadyInVote)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Map Already In Vote", mapname);
else if (result == Nominate_VoteFull)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[ME] %t", "Max Nominations");
return Plugin_Handled;
/* Map was nominated! - Disable the menu item and update the trie */
decl String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
if(result == Nominate_Added)
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %t", "Map Nominated", name, mapname);
else if(result == Nominate_Replaced)
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %t", "Map Nomination Changed", name, mapname);
LogMessage("%s nominated %s", name, mapname);
g_Player_NominationDelay[client] = GetTime() + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_NominateDelay);
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action:Command_NominateList(client, args)
new arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
new Handle:MapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
if (!GetArraySize(MapList))
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] No maps have been nominated.");
return Plugin_Handled;
new Handle:NominateListMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_NominateListMenu, MENU_ACTIONS_DEFAULT|MenuAction_DisplayItem);
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(MapList); i++)
GetArrayString(MapList, i, map, sizeof(map));
AddMenuItem(NominateListMenu, map, map);
SetMenuTitle(NominateListMenu, "Nominated Maps", client);
DisplayMenu(NominateListMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Handler_NominateListMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
return 0;
SetMenuTitle(g_MapMenu, "%T", "Nominate Title", client);
DisplayMenu(g_MapMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
SetMenuTitle(g_AdminMapMenu, "%T", "Nominate Title", client);
DisplayMenu(g_AdminMapMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if (g_MapMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_MapMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapSelectMenu, MENU_ACTIONS_DEFAULT|MenuAction_DrawItem|MenuAction_DisplayItem);
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
new Handle:excludeMaps = INVALID_HANDLE;
decl String:currentMap[32];
if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_ExcludeOld))
excludeMaps = CreateArray(ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH));
if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_ExcludeCurrent))
GetCurrentMap(currentMap, sizeof(currentMap));
for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_MapList); i++)
GetArrayString(g_MapList, i, map, sizeof(map));
if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_ExcludeCurrent))
if (StrEqual(map, currentMap))
/* Dont bother with this check if the current map check passed */
if (GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_ExcludeOld) && status == MAPSTATUS_ENABLED)
if (FindStringInArray(excludeMaps, map) != -1)
AddMenuItem(g_MapMenu, map, map);
SetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, map, status);
SetMenuExitButton(g_MapMenu, true);
if (excludeMaps != INVALID_HANDLE)
if (g_AdminMapMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_AdminMapMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;
g_AdminMapMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_AdminMapSelectMenu, MENU_ACTIONS_DEFAULT|MenuAction_DrawItem|MenuAction_DisplayItem);
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
for (new i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_AdminMapList); i++)
GetArrayString(g_AdminMapList, i, map, sizeof(map));
AddMenuItem(g_AdminMapMenu, map, map);
SetMenuExitButton(g_AdminMapMenu, true);
public Handler_MapSelectMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, sizeof(map));
GetClientName(param1, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
new NominateResult:result = NominateMap(map, false, param1);
/* Don't need to check for InvalidMap because the menu did that already */
if (result == Nominate_AlreadyInVote)
PrintToChat(param1, "[NE] %t", "Map Already Nominated");
return 0;
else if (result == Nominate_VoteFull)
PrintToChat(param1, "[NE] %t", "Max Nominations");
return 0;
if(result == Nominate_Added)
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %t", "Map Nominated", name, map);
else if(result == Nominate_Replaced)
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %t", "Map Nomination Changed", name, map);
LogMessage("%s nominated %s", name, map);
case MenuAction_DrawItem:
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, sizeof(map));
new status;
if (!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, map, status))
LogError("Menu selection of item not in trie. Major logic problem somewhere.");
case MenuAction_DisplayItem:
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, sizeof(map));
new mark = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps);
new bool:official;
new status;
if (!GetTrieValue(g_mapTrie, map, status))
LogError("Menu selection of item not in trie. Major logic problem somewhere.");
return 0;
decl String:buffer[100];
decl String:display[150];
if (mark)
official = IsMapOfficial(map);
if (mark && !official)
switch (mark)
case 1:
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Custom Marked", param1, map);
case 2:
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Custom", param1, map);
strcopy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), map);
Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s (%T)", buffer, "Current Map", param1);
return RedrawMenuItem(display);
Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s (%T)", buffer, "Recently Played", param1);
return RedrawMenuItem(display);
Format(display, sizeof(display), "%s (%T)", buffer, "Nominated", param1);
return RedrawMenuItem(display);
if (mark && !official)
return RedrawMenuItem(buffer);
return 0;
return 0;
stock bool:IsNominateAllowed(client)
new CanNominateResult:result = CanNominate();
case CanNominate_No_VoteInProgress:
CReplyToCommand(client, "[ME] %t", "Nextmap Voting Started");
return false;
case CanNominate_No_VoteComplete:
new String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map));
CReplyToCommand(client, "[NE] %t", "Next Map", map);
return false;
case CanNominate_No_VoteFull:
CReplyToCommand(client, "[ME] %t", "Max Nominations");
return false;
return true;
public Handler_AdminMapSelectMenu(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_Select:
decl String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, sizeof(map));
new NominateResult:result = NominateMap(map, false, 0);
if (result == Nominate_AlreadyInVote)
PrintToChat(param1, "[NE] %t", "Map Already In Vote", map);
return 0;
PrintToChat(param1, "[NE] %t", "Map Inserted", map);
LogAction(param1, -1, "\"%L\" inserted map \"%s\".", param1, map);
PrintToChatAll("[NE] %N has inserted %s into nominations", name, map);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* Rock The Vote Extended
* Creates a map vote when the required number of players have requested one.
* Rock The Vote Extended (C)2012-2013 Powerlord (Ross Bemrose)
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <mapchooser>
#include "include/mapchooser_extended"
#include <nextmap>
#include <colors>
#pragma semicolon 1
#define MCE_VERSION "1.10.0"
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Rock The Vote Extended",
author = "Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Provides RTV Map Voting",
version = MCE_VERSION,
url = ""
new Handle:g_Cvar_Needed = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_MinPlayers = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_InitialDelay = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_Interval = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_ChangeTime = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_CanRTV = false; // True if RTV loaded maps and is active.
new bool:g_RTVAllowed = false; // True if RTV is available to players. Used to delay rtv votes.
new g_Voters = 0; // Total voters connected. Doesn't include fake clients.
new g_Votes = 0; // Total number of "say rtv" votes
new g_VotesNeeded = 0; // Necessary votes before map vote begins. (voters * percent_needed)
new bool:g_Voted[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...};
new bool:g_InChange = false;
public OnPluginStart()
g_Cvar_Needed = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_needed", "0.60", "Percentage of players needed to rockthevote (Def 60%)", 0, true, 0.05, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_MinPlayers = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_minplayers", "0", "Number of players required before RTV will be enabled.", 0, true, 0.0, true, float(MAXPLAYERS));
g_Cvar_InitialDelay = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_initialdelay", "30.0", "Time (in seconds) before first RTV can be held", 0, true, 0.00);
g_Cvar_Interval = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_interval", "240.0", "Time (in seconds) after a failed RTV before another can be held", 0, true, 0.00);
g_Cvar_ChangeTime = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_changetime", "0", "When to change the map after a succesful RTV: 0 - Instant, 1 - RoundEnd, 2 - MapEnd", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction = CreateConVar("sm_rtv_postvoteaction", "0", "What to do with RTV's after a mapvote has completed. 0 - Allow, success = instant change, 1 - Deny", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
HookEvent("player_team", OnPlayerChangedTeam);
RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say);
RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_Say);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_rtv", Command_RTV);
RegAdminCmd("sm_forcertv", Command_ForceRTV, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "Force an RTV vote");
RegAdminCmd("mce_forcertv", Command_ForceRTV, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "Force an RTV vote");
// Rock The Vote Extended cvars
CreateConVar("rtve_version", MCE_VERSION, "Rock The Vote Extended Version", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
AutoExecConfig(true, "rtv");
public OnMapStart()
g_Voters = 0;
g_Votes = 0;
g_VotesNeeded = 0;
g_InChange = false;
/* Handle late load */
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientConnected(i))
public OnMapEnd()
g_CanRTV = false;
g_RTVAllowed = false;
public OnConfigsExecuted()
g_CanRTV = true;
g_RTVAllowed = false;
CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_InitialDelay), Timer_DelayRTV, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
public OnClientConnected(client)
g_Voted[client] = false;
g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3);
g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed));
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3);
g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed));
if (!g_CanRTV)
if (g_Votes &&
g_Voters &&
g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded &&
g_RTVAllowed )
if (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished())
public OnPlayerChangedTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new Client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if(Client == 0)
if (IsClientInGame(Client) && IsClientConnected(Client))
if (GetClientTeam(Client) == 1)
g_Voters = GetTeamClientCount(2) + GetTeamClientCount(3);
g_VotesNeeded = RoundToFloor(float(g_Voters) * GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Needed));
if (g_Votes &&
g_Voters &&
g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded &&
g_RTVAllowed )
if (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished())
public Action:Command_RTV(client, args)
if (!g_CanRTV || !client)
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Say(client, args)
if (!g_CanRTV || !client)
return Plugin_Continue;
decl String:text[192];
if (!GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)))
return Plugin_Continue;
new startidx = 0;
if(text[strlen(text)-1] == '"')
text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0';
startidx = 1;
new ReplySource:old = SetCmdReplySource(SM_REPLY_TO_CHAT);
if (strcmp(text[startidx], "rtv", false) == 0 || strcmp(text[startidx], "rockthevote", false) == 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
if (!g_RTVAllowed || (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RTVPostVoteAction) == 1 && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished()))
CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "RTV Not Allowed");
if (!CanMapChooserStartVote())
CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "RTV Started");
if (GetClientCount(true) < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MinPlayers))
CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Minimal Players Not Met");
if (g_Voted[client])
CReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "Already Voted", g_Votes, g_VotesNeeded);
new String:name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
g_Voted[client] = true;
CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "RTV Requested", name, g_Votes, g_VotesNeeded);
if (g_Votes >= g_VotesNeeded)
public Action:Timer_DelayRTV(Handle:timer)
g_RTVAllowed = true;
if (g_InChange)
if (EndOfMapVoteEnabled() && HasEndOfMapVoteFinished())
/* Change right now then */
new String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map)))
CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %t", "Changing Maps", map);
CreateTimer(5.0, Timer_ChangeMap, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
g_InChange = true;
g_RTVAllowed = false;
if (CanMapChooserStartVote())
new MapChange:when = MapChange:GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ChangeTime);
g_RTVAllowed = false;
CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Interval), Timer_DelayRTV, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
g_Votes = 0;
for (new i=1; i<=MAXPLAYERS; i++)
g_Voted[i] = false;
public Action:Timer_ChangeMap(Handle:hTimer)
g_InChange = false;
LogMessage("RTV changing map manually");
new String:map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
if (GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map)))
ForceChangeLevel(map, "RTV after mapvote");
return Plugin_Stop;
// Rock The Vote Extended functions
public Action:Command_ForceRTV(client, args)
if (!g_CanRTV || !client)
return Plugin_Handled;
ShowActivity2(client, "[RTVE] ", "%t", "Initiated Vote Map");
return Plugin_Handled;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"chi" "下一幅地图投票了!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"chi" "下一幅地图投选已开始."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"chi" " 地图投票已结束. 下一幅地图将为 {1}. ( 得票{2}%% , {3}票)"
"Current Map Extended"
"chi" "当前地图已被延长."
"Extend Map"
"chi" "延长当前地图"
"Dont Change"
"chi" "请勿更换"
"Current Map Stays"
"chi" "当前地图已被延长! 投票显示! (得票 {1}%% 共 {2} 票)"
"Changed Next Map"
"chi" "更换下一幅地图为 \"{1}\"."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"cze" "Hlasujte o příští mapě!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"cze" "Hlasování o příští mapě začalo."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"cze" "Hlasování o mapě skončilo. Příští mapou bude {1}. (Obdržela {2}%% z {3} hlasů)"
"Current Map Extended"
"cze" "Současná mapa byla prodloužena. (Obdržela {1}%% z {2} hlasů)"
"Extend Map"
"cze" "Prodloužit současnou mapu"
"Dont Change"
"cze" "Neměnit"
"Current Map Stays"
"cze" "Současná mapa pokračuje! Hlasování rozhodlo! (Obdržela {1}%% z {2} hlasů)"
"Changed Next Map"
"cze" "Změnil příští mapu na \"{1}\"."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"da" "Stem om næste bane!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"da" "Afstemning for næste bane er begyndt."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"da" "Bane afstemning er fuldført. Den næste bane vil være {1}. (Modtog {2}%% af {3} stemmer) "
"Current Map Extended"
"da" "Den nuværende bane er blevet forlænget. (Modtog {1}%% af {2} stemmer) "
"Extend Map"
"da" "Forlæng bane"
"Dont Change"
"da" "Skift ikke!"
"Current Map Stays"
"da" "Den aktuelle bane fortsætter! Afstemningen har talt! (Modtog {1}%% af {2} stemmer)"
"Changed Next Map"
"da" "Skiftede næste bane til \"{1}'."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"de" "Stimme für die nächste Karte!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"de" "Abstimmung für die nächste Karte wurde gestartet."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"de" "Karten-Abstimmung wurde abgeschlossen. Nächste Karte wird {1} sein. ({2}%% von {3} Stimmen erhalten) "
"Current Map Extended"
"de" "Die aktuelle Karte wurde verlängert. ({1}%% von {2} Stimmen erhalten) "
"Extend Map"
"de" "Verlängere aktuelle Karte"
"Dont Change"
"de" "Nicht wechseln"
"Current Map Stays"
"de" "Aktuelle Karte geht weiter! Die Abstimmung hat entschieden! ({1}%% von {2} Stimmen erhalten) "
"Changed Next Map"
"de" "Nächste Karte wurde auf \"{1}\" geändert. "
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"de" "Stichwahl für die nächste Karte!"
"Number Of Votes"
"de" "Anzahl der Stimmen"
"de" "{1} (nicht vorhanden)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"de" "Keine Karte hat mehr als {1}%% der Stimmen.\nEine neue Abstimmung ist erforderlich!"
"Revote Warning"
"de" "Stichwahl startet in: {1} Sekunden"
"Vote Warning"
"de" "Achtung! Die Abstimmung für die nächste Karte startet in: {1} Sekunden"
"Line One"
"de" "Überlegen Sie, welche Karte Sie spielen möchten ..."
"Line Two"
"de" "... und nicht unüberlegt wählen!"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"de" "Abstimmung ist bereits im Gange. Versuch Sie es erneut in {1} Sekunden"
"Tie Vote"
"de" "Die Top-{1} Karten haben gleich viele Stimmen!.\nEine neue Abstimmung ist erforderlich!"
"Custom Marked"
"de" "*{1}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"es" "Vota para el siguiente mapa!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"es" "La votacion para el siguiente mapa ha comenzado."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"es" "Votacion de Mapa finalizado. El siguiente mapa sera {1}. (Recibidos {2}%% de {3} votos)"
"Current Map Extended"
"es" "El mapa actual ha sido extendido. (Recibidos {1}%% de {2} votos)"
"Extend Map"
"es" "Extender mapa actual"
"Dont Change"
"es" "No cambiar"
"Current Map Stays"
"es" "El mapa actual continua! La votacion ha hablado! (Recibidos {1}%% de {2} votos)"
"Changed Next Map"
"es" "El siguiente mapa ha cambiado a \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"es" "Hacer votacion para el siguiente mapa!"
"Number Of Votes"
"es" "Numero de Votaciones"
"es" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"es" "No hay ningun mapa que haya recibido el {1}%% de votaciones.\nEntonces, que mapa ganara? Es necesario otra votacion!"
"Revote Warning"
"es" "La votacion empezara en: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"es" "Atencion! La votacion para el siguiente mapa se iniciara en: {1}s"
"Line One"
"es" "Considera que mapa quieres jugar..."
"Line Two"
"es" "...y no pulse los botones sin pensar ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"es" "Votacion ya iniciada. Intentando de nuevo en {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"es" "El top {1} de mapas tienen el mismo numero de votaciones.\nSe necesita una nueva votacion!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"fr" "Voter pour la prochaine map!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"fr" "Voter pour la prochaine map est lancer."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"fr" "Le VoteMap est terminer. La prochaine map sera {1}. (Reçu {2}%% sur {3} votes)"
"Current Map Extended"
"fr" "La map actuelle a été prolonger. (Reçu {1}%% sur {2} votes)"
"Extend Map"
"fr" "Prolonger la map"
"Dont Change"
"fr" "Ne pas changer"
"Current Map Stays"
"fr" "La map continue! Le vote a tranché! (Reçu {1}%% sur {2} votes)"
"Changed Next Map"
"fr" "La map suivante sera \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"fr" "Votez a nouveau pour la prochaine Map!"
"Number Of Votes"
"fr" "Nombres de votes"
"fr" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"fr" "Aucune map n'a reçu plus de {1}%% du vote.\nAlors, quels maps va gagner? Un nouveau vote va être lancé!"
"Revote Warning"
"fr" "Un nouveau vote commence dans: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"fr" "Attention! Le vote pour la prochaine map commence dans: {1}s"
"Line One"
"fr" "Voter pour la map que vous voulez jouer..."
"Line Two"
"fr" " ne pas cliquez sur une touche comme un con ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"fr" "Vote déjà en cours. Reassayer dans {1}s."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"fr" "Votez pour la prochaine map!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"fr" "Le vote pour la prochaine map est lancé."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"fr" "Le VoteMap est terminé. La prochaine map sera {1}. (Reçu {2}%% sur {3} votes)"
"Current Map Extended"
"fr" "La map actuelle a été prolongée. (Reçu {1}%% sur {2} votes)"
"Extend Map"
"fr" "Prolonger la map"
"Dont Change"
"fr" "Ne pas changer"
"Current Map Stays"
"fr" "La map continue! Le vote a tranché! (Reçu {1}%% sur {2} votes)"
"Changed Next Map"
"fr" "La map suivante sera \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"fr" "Votez à nouveau pour la prochaine Map!"
"Number Of Votes"
"fr" "Nombres de votes"
"fr" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"fr" "Aucune map n'a reçu plus de {1}%% du vote.\nAlors, quelle map va gagner? Un nouveau vote va être lancé!"
"Revote Warning"
"fr" "Un nouveau vote commence dans: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"fr" "Attention! Le vote pour la prochaine map commence dans: {1}s"
"Line One"
"fr" "Votez pour la map que vous voulez jouer..."
"Line Two"
"fr" " n'appuyez pas sur une touche comme un con ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"fr" "Vote déjà en cours. Reassayez dans {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"fr" "{1} maps ont eu un même nombre de voix.\nUn nouveau vote est nécessaire!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"hu" "Mi legyen a következő pálya?"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"hu" "Palyavalaszto szavazas elindult!"
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"hu" "A szavazás lezárult. A következő pálya a {1} lesz"
"Current Map Extended"
"hu" "Az aktualis palya meghosszabitva."
"Extend Map"
"hu" "Palya meghosszabitasa"
"Dont Change"
"hu" "Ne valtsunk!"
"Current Map Stays"
"hu" "Jelenlegi palya folytatodik."
"Changed Next Map"
"hu" "\"{1}\" lesz a kovetkezo palya"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"it" "Vota per la prossima mappa!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"it" "Le votazione per scegliere la prossima mappa sono iniziate."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"it" "Le votazioni sono terminate. La prossima mappa sarà {1}. (Con {2}%% su {3} votes)"
"Current Map Extended"
"it" "La mappa attuale è stata estesa. (Con {1}%% su {2} votes)"
"Extend Map"
"it" "Estendi la mappa corrente"
"Dont Change"
"it" "Non cambiare"
"Current Map Stays"
"it" "La mappa continua! Il voto ha parlato! (Con {1}%% su {2} votes)"
"Changed Next Map"
"it" "La mappa successiva sarà \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"it" "Vota nuovamente per scegliere la prossima mappa!"
"Number Of Votes"
"it" "Numero di voti"
"it" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"it" "Nessuna mappa ha ricevuto più del {1}%% di voti.\nAllora, quale mappa vincerà? Si inizia un' altra votazione!"
"Revote Warning"
"it" "Una nuova votazione inizierà tra: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"it" "Attenzione! Le votazione per la prossima mappa cominceranno tra: {1}s"
"Line One"
"it" "Vota la mappa chevorresti giocare..."
"Line Two"
"it" "...e non cliccare i tasti sconsideratamente :D"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"it" "Il voto è in corso. Riprova tra {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"it" "Le mappe hanno raggiunto il pareggio dei voti.\nBisogna nuovamente votare!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"jp" "次のマップを投票してください!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"jp" "次のマップ投票をスタートしました。"
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"jp" "マップ投票が完了しました。次はマップは{1}です。({3}中{2}%%)"
"Current Map Extended"
"jp" "現在のマップを延長します。({3}中{2}%%)"
"Extend Map"
"jp" "現在のマップを延長"
"Dont Change"
"jp" "変更しない"
"Current Map Stays"
"jp" "現在のマップを延長します。({3}中{2}%%)"
"Changed Next Map"
"jp" "次のマップを\"{1}\"に変更しました。"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"ko" "다음 맵을 결정하기 위한 투표!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"ko" "다음 맵을 결정하기 위한 투표가 시작되었습니다."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"ko" "맵 투표가 끝났습니다. 다음 맵은 {1} 이 될 것입니다. (전체 인원 {2}명 중 {1}%%의 표를 받았습니다.)"
"Current Map Extended"
"ko" "현재 맵을 더하기로 결정했습니다. (전체 인원 {2}명 중 {1}%%의 표를 받았습니다.)"
"Extend Map"
"ko" "지금 맵을 더 하자"
"Dont Change"
"ko" "바꾸지 말자"
"Current Map Stays"
"ko" "현재 맵을 계속 합니다!(전체 인원 {2} 명의 {1}%% 의 표를 받았습니다)"
"Changed Next Map"
"ko" "다음 맵을 \"{1}\" 로 바꾸었습니다."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"ko" "다음 맵을 결정하기 위한 재투표!"
"Number Of Votes"
"ko" "투표수"
"ko" "{1} (커스텀 맵)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"ko" "{1}%% 이상 투표를 받은 맵이 없습니다.\n다음 맵을 결정하기 위해 재투표를 합니다!"
"Revote Warning"
"ko" "재투표까지: {1}초"
"Vote Warning"
"ko" "알립니다! 다음 맵을 결정하는 투표까지: {1}초"
"Line One"
"ko" "원하는 맵을 선택하세요..."
"Line Two"
"ko" "...그리고 아무거나 막 찍지 말고요 -_-"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"ko" "투표가 진행 중에 있습니다. {1}초 후 다시 시도합니다."
"Tie Vote"
"ko" "{1}개 맵이 같은 투표수를 얻었습니다.\n재투표를 합니다!"
"Custom Marked"
"ko" "*{1}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"lv" "Balso par nākamo karti!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"lv" "Balsošana par nākamo karti ir sākusies."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"lv" "Balsošana par karti ir beigusies. Nākamā karte būs {1}. (Saņēma {2}%% no {3} balsīm) "
"Current Map Extended"
"lv" "Patreizējās kartes laiks ir pagarināts. (Saņēma {1}%% no {2} balsīm) "
"Extend Map"
"lv" "Pagarināt laiku patreizējā kartē"
"Dont Change"
"lv" "Nemainīt"
"Current Map Stays"
"lv" "Patreizējā karte turpinās! Aptauja ir beigusies! (Saņēma {1}%% no {2} balsīm)"
"Changed Next Map"
"lv" "Nomainīja nākamo karti uz \"{1}\"."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"en" "Vote for the next map!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"en" "Voting for next map has started."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:i}"
"en" "Map voting has finished. The next map will be {1}. (Received {2}%% of {3} votes)"
"Current Map Extended"
"#format" "{1:i},{2:i}"
"en" "The current map has been extended. (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"
"Extend Map"
"en" "Extend Current Map"
"Dont Change"
"en" "Don't Change"
"Current Map Stays"
"#format" "{1:i},{2:i}"
"en" "Current map continues! The Vote has spoken! (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"
"Changed Next Map"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Changed nextmap to \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"en" "Runoff Vote for the next map!"
"Number Of Votes"
"en" "Number of votes"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "No map has received more than {1}%% of the vote.\nSo, which map will win? A revote is needed!"
"Revote Warning"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Runoff vote will start in: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Warning! Voting for the next map will begin in: {1}s"
"Line One"
"en" "Consider which map you want to play..."
"Line Two"
"en" "...and don't hit buttons thoughtlessly ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Vote already in progress. Retrying in {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "The top {1} maps had the same number of votes.\nA revote is needed!"
"Custom Marked"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "*{1}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"nl" "Stem voor de volgende map!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"nl" "Stemmen voor de volgende map is gestart."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"nl" "Map stemmen gestopt. De volgende map wordt {1}."
"Current Map Extended"
"nl" "De huidige map is verlengd."
"Extend Map"
"nl" "Verleng huidige map"
"Dont Change"
"nl" "Niet veranderen"
"Current Map Stays"
"nl" "Huidige map gaat verder! De Stem heeft gesproken! (Ontvangen {1}%% van de {2} stemmen)"
"Changed Next Map"
"nl" "Volgende map verandert naar \"{1}\"."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"no" "Stem for det neste kartet!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"no" "Avstemning for det neste kartet har startet."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"no" "Kart-avstemningen er avsluttet. Det neste kartet vil være {1}. (Mottok {2}%% av {3} stemmer)."
"Current Map Extended"
"no" "Gjeldende kart videreføres! (Mottok {1}%% av {2} stemmer)."
"Extend Map"
"no" "Forleng gjeldende kart."
"Dont Change"
"no" "Ikke bytt!"
"Current Map Stays"
"no" "Gjeldende kart videreføres! Avstemningen har talt! (Mottok {1}%% av {2} stemmer)."
"Changed Next Map"
"no" "Byttet neste kart til \"{1}\""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"pl" "Głosuj na następną mapę!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"pl" "Rozpoczęto głosowanie na następną mapę."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"pl" "Głosowanie na mapę zostało zakończone. Następną mapą będzie {1}. (Otrzymała {2} procent z {3} głosów) "
"Current Map Extended"
"pl" "Aktualna mapa została przedłużona. (Otrzymała {1} procent z {2} głosów)"
"Extend Map"
"pl" "Przedłuż bieżącą mapę"
"Dont Change"
"pl" "Nie Zmieniaj"
"Current Map Stays"
"pl" "Aktualna mapa będzie kontynuowana! (Otrzymano {1} procent z {2} głosów)"
"Changed Next Map"
"pl" "Zmieniono następną mapę na: \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"pl" "Wybierz ponownie!"
"Number Of Votes"
"pl" "Otrzymane głosy"
"pl" "{1} (Niestandardowa)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"pl" "Żadna mapa nie otrzymała przynajmniej {1}%% głosów.\nWięc która mapa jest zwycięzcą? Trzeba zagłosować ponownie!"
"Revote Warning"
"pl" "Ponowne głosowanie rozpocznie się za: {1}s\nTym razem się już zdecydujcie ;-)"
"Vote Warning"
"pl" "UWAGA!!! Głosowanie na następną mapę rozpocznie się za: {1}s"
"Line One"
"pl" "Zastanów się na której mapie chcesz grać..."
"Line Two"
"pl" "...wpisując !revote możesz zmienić swój głos."
"Cannot Start Vote"
"pl" "Głosowanie w toku. Ponawiam za {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"pl" "{1} najlepsze mapy otrzymały tę samą ilość głosów.\nPotrzeba ponownego głosowania!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"pt" "Vote para o próximo mapa!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"pt" "Votação para o próximo mapa começou."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"pt" "A votação para o próximo mapa terminou. O próximo mapa será {1}. (Recebidos {2}%% de {3} votos)"
"Current Map Extended"
"pt" "A mapa atual foi estendido. (Recebidos {1}%% de {2} votos)"
"Extend Map"
"pt" "Estender tempo do mapa atual"
"Dont Change"
"pt" "Não Mudar"
"Current Map Stays"
"pt" "O mapa atual continua! O Voto foi dado! (Recebidos {1}%% de {2} votos)"
"Changed Next Map"
"pt" "Mudado o próximo mapa para \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"pt" "Segundo turno de votos para o próximo mapa!"
"Number Of Votes"
"pt" "Número de votos"
"pt" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"pt" "Nenhum mapa recebeu mais que {1}%% de votos.\nEntão, qual mapa ganhará? Precisa de uma nova votação!"
"Revote Warning"
"pt" "Segundo turno começa em: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"pt" "Atenção! Votação para o próximo mapa começará em: {1}s"
"Line One"
"pt" "Considere que mapa você quer jogar..."
"Line Two"
"pt" "...e não aperte os botões sem pensar ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"pt" "Votação em progresso. Tentando novamente em {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"pt" "Os {1} mapas tiveram o mesmo número de votos.\nUma nova votação é necessária!"
"Custom Marked"
"pt" "*{1}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Missing "Cannot Start Vote" and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"ru" "Голосование за следующую карту."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"ru" "Повторное голосование за карту."
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"ru" "Голосование за следующую карту запущено."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"ru" "Голосование за карту завершено. Следующей картой будет: {1}. (Получено {2}%% из {3} голосов(а))"
"Current Map Extended"
"ru" "Текущая карта была продлена. (Получено {1}%% из {2} голосов(а))"
"Extend Map"
"ru" "Продлить текущую карту."
"Dont Change"
"ru" "Не менять карту."
"Current Map Stays"
"ru" "Текущая карта не сменится! (Получено {1}%% из {2} голосов(а))"
"Changed Next Map"
"ru" "Следующая карта изменена на \"{1}\"."
"Number Of Votes"
"ru" "Количество голосов"
"ru" "{1} (Случайная)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"ru" "Ни одна карта не получила более, чем {1}%% голосов(а).\nИтак, какая карта будет следующей? Приготовьтесь к повторному голосованию!"
"Revote Warning"
"ru" "Повторное голосование начнётся через: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"ru" "Внимание! Голосование за следующую карту начнётся через: {1}s"
"Line One"
"ru" "Выбери, какая карта будет следующей..."
"Line Two"
"ru" "...и не клацай кнопки,не подумав ;-)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"sv" "Rösta för nästa bana!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"sv" "Röstning om nästa bana har börjat."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"sv" "Röstningen om banan har avslutats. Nästa bana kommer att bli {1}. (Fick {2}%% av {3} röster) "
"Current Map Extended"
"sv" "Den nuvarande banan har förlängts. (Fick {1}%% av {2} röster) "
"Extend Map"
"sv" "Förläng nuvarande bana"
"Dont Change"
"sv" "Byt inte"
"Current Map Stays"
"sv" "Nuvarande banan fortsätter! Röstningen har talat! (Fick {1}%% av {2} röster) "
"Changed Next Map"
"sv" "Bytta nästa bana till \"{1}\". "

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Missing "Runoff Vote Nextmap", "Number Of Votes", "Custom", "Revote Is Needed", "Revote Warning", "Vote Warning",
"Line One", "Line Two", "Cannot Start Vote", and "Tie Vote"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"Vote Nextmap"
"tr" "Sonraki harita için oy ver!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"tr" "Sonraki harita için oylama başladı."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"tr" "Harita oylaması sona erdi. Sıradaki harita {1} olacak. ({3} oyun %%{2}'i alındı) "
"Current Map Extended"
"tr" "Geçerli harita uzatıldı. ({2} oyun %%{1}'i alındı) "
"Extend Map"
"tr" "Geçerli Haritayı Uzat"
"Dont Change"
"tr" "Değiştirme"
"Current Map Stays"
"tr" "Geçerli harita devam ediyor! Oylama konuştu! ({2} oyun %%{1}'i alındı) "
"Changed Next Map"
"tr" "Sıradaki harita \"{1}\" olarak değiştirildi."

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More