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#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Fun Super Admin",
author = "Moltard / LightningZLaser",
description = "Admin Plugin with fun commands",
version = "0.1",
url = ""
Menu g_MainMenu = null;
Menu g_BuryMenu = null;
Menu g_UnburyMenu = null;
Menu g_GodMenu = null;
Menu g_InvisMenu = null;
Menu g_JetpackMenu = null;
Menu g_RegenMenu = null;
Menu g_RocketMenu = null;
int GodStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that have god mode
int InvisStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that have invisibility
int JetpackStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that have a jetpack
int RegenStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that have regen mode
int RocketStatus[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0; // List of players that are in rocket mode
bool bl_RegenInit = false; // Prevent the timer from looking at each player until the command is used once
ConVar g_RocketMode;
ConVar g_RocketKill;
ConVar g_RocketSpeed;
bool bl_RocketMode_1 = false;
bool bl_RocketMode_2 = false;
bool bl_RocketInit = false; // Prevent the timer from executing until the command is used once
new rocketSprite[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; // Will contain the env_spritetrail created
int g_RocketPosition[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 1; // To alternate between Origin Z1 and Origin Z2
float g_Rocket_Vec1[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
float g_Rocket_Vec2[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
float g_Rocket_Z1[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0.0;
float g_Rocket_Z2[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 1.0;
public void OnPluginStart()
HookEvent("round_start", OnRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
HookEvent("player_death", OnPlayerDie, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
RegAdminCmd("sm_fsa", Command_MainMenu, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP); // g
RegAdminCmd("sm_bury", Command_Bury, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_unbury", Command_Unbury, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_god", Command_God, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_godmode", Command_God, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
// RegAdminCmd("sm_alpha", Command_Alpha, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_invis", Command_Invis, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_invisible", Command_Invis, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_jet", Command_Jetpack, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_jetpack", Command_Jetpack, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_regen", Command_Regen, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
CreateTimer(1.5, Timer_Regeneration, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
RegAdminCmd("sm_stealcookies", Command_Cookies, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_givecookies", Command_Cookies2, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
RegAdminCmd("sm_rocket", Command_Rocket, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
CreateTimer(0.1, Timer_Rocket, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
CreateConVar("fsa_rocket_type", "2", "Rocket type 1 does not work in Zombie: Reloaded while rocket type 2 does", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_RocketMode = FindConVar("fsa_rocket_type");
if (g_RocketMode != null)
CreateConVar("fsa_rocket_will_kill", "0", "Set to 1 so that players will die when rocketted", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_RocketKill = FindConVar("fsa_rocket_will_kill");
if (g_RocketKill != null)
CreateConVar("fsa_rocket_speed", "20.0", "Sets rocket speed. Important note: Must be higher than 5 (6 at least)", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_RocketSpeed = FindConVar("fsa_rocket_speed");
if (g_RocketSpeed != null)
public void OnRocketModeChange(ConVar convar, char[] oldValue, char[] newValue)
if (StringToInt(newValue) == 1)
convar.IntValue = 1;
bl_RocketMode_1 = true;
bl_RocketMode_2 = false;
else if (StringToInt(newValue) == 2){
convar.IntValue = 2;
bl_RocketMode_1 = false;
bl_RocketMode_2 = true;
convar.IntValue = StringToInt(oldValue);
public void OnRocketSpeedChange(ConVar convar, char[] oldValue, char[] newValue)
if (StringToFloat(newValue) != 0)
if (StringToFloat(newValue) >= 6){
convar.FloatValue = StringToFloat(newValue);
convar.FloatValue = 6.0;
convar.FloatValue = StringToFloat(oldValue);
public void OnRocketKillChange(ConVar convar, char[] oldValue, char[] newValue)
if (StringToInt(newValue) == 0)
convar.IntValue = 0;
else if(StringToInt(newValue) == 1){
convar.IntValue = 1;
convar.IntValue = StringToInt(oldValue);
public void OnMapStart()
g_MainMenu = BuildMainMenu();
g_BuryMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("bury");
g_UnburyMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("unbury");
g_GodMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("god");
g_InvisMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("invis");
g_JetpackMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("jetpack");
g_RegenMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("regen");
g_RocketMenu = InitAllPlayersMenu("rocket");
if (g_RocketMode != null)
if(g_RocketMode.IntValue == 1){
bl_RocketMode_1 = true;
bl_RocketMode_2 = false;
bl_RocketMode_1 = false;
bl_RocketMode_2 = true;
// Precache for rocket
PrecacheModel("sprites/sprite_fire01.vmt", false);
PrecacheSound("weapons/rpg/rocketfire1.wav", false);
PrecacheSound("weapons/rpg/rocket1.wav", false);
PrecacheSound("weapons/explode3.wav", false);
public void OnMapEnd()
if (g_MainMenu != null)
g_MainMenu = null;
if (g_BuryMenu != null)
g_BuryMenu = null;
if (g_UnburyMenu != null)
g_UnburyMenu = null;
if (g_GodMenu != null)
g_GodMenu = null;
if (g_InvisMenu != null)
g_InvisMenu = null;
if (g_JetpackMenu != null)
g_JetpackMenu = null;
if (g_RegenMenu != null)
g_RegenMenu = null;
if (g_RocketMenu != null)
g_RocketMenu = null;
public OnRoundStart(Handle event, const String:name[], bool dontBroadcast)
bl_RegenInit = false;
bl_RocketInit = false;
for(int i = 1; i <= (GetMaxClients()); i++){
GodStatus[i] = 0;
InvisStatus[i] = 0;
JetpackStatus[i] = 0;
RegenStatus[i] = 0;
RocketStatus[i] = 0;
SetEntityGravity(i, 1.0);
if((IsClientInGame(i)) && (IsPlayerAlive(i))){
SetEntityRenderMode(i, RENDER_NORMAL);
public OnPlayerDie(Handle event, const String:name[], bool dontBroadcast)
int idClient = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); // Get Player's userid
GodStatus[idClient] = 0;
InvisStatus[idClient] = 0;
JetpackStatus[idClient] = 0;
RegenStatus[idClient] = 0;
RocketStatus[idClient] = 0;
SetEntityGravity(idClient, 1.0);
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client){
GodStatus[client] = 0;
JetpackStatus[client] = 0;
RegenStatus[client] = 0;
RocketStatus[client] = 0;
/* ----------------------------------- */
Menu BuildMainMenu(){
Menu menu = new Menu(MainMenuHandler);
menu.SetTitle("Fun Super Admin");
menu.AddItem("menu_rocket_debug", "Fix Rocket Spam");
menu.AddItem("menu_rocket", "Rocket");
menu.AddItem("menu_bury", "Bury");
menu.AddItem("menu_unbury", "Unbury");
menu.AddItem("menu_god", "Godmode");
menu.AddItem("menu_invisible", "Invisible");
menu.AddItem("menu_jetpack", "Jetpack");
menu.AddItem("menu_regen", "Regeneration");
menu.ExitBackButton = true;
return menu;
void displayMainMenu(client){
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public Action Command_MainMenu(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
public MainMenuHandler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32];
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
if(StrEqual(info, "menu_bury")){
g_BuryMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_unbury")){
g_UnburyMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_god")){
g_GodMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_invisible")){
g_InvisMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_jetpack")){
g_JetpackMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_regen")){
g_RegenMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_rocket")){
g_RocketMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
else if(StrEqual(info, "menu_rocket_debug")){
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* ----------------------------------- */
Menu InitAllPlayersMenu(char[] menuType){
Menu menu = null;
if(StrEqual(menuType, "bury"))
menu = new Menu(BuryHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Bury");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "unbury"))
menu = new Menu(UnburyHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Unbury");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "god"))
menu = new Menu(GodHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player for Godmode");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "invis"))
menu = new Menu(InvisHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player for Invisibility");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "jetpack"))
menu = new Menu(JetpackHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Give/Remove Jetpack");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "regen"))
menu = new Menu(RegenHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player to Give/Remove Regeneration");
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "rocket"))
menu = new Menu(RocketHandle);
menu.SetTitle("Select Player to turn into a Rocket");
menu.ExitBackButton = true;
menu.ExitButton = true;
return menu;
void BuildPlayerMenu(char[] menuType){
if(StrEqual(menuType, "bury"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "unbury"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "god"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "invis"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "jetpack"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "regen"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "rocket"))
for (int i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
if ((IsClientInGame(i)) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
char sIndex[11];
IntToString(GetClientSerial(i),sIndex, sizeof(sIndex)); // Serial of the player
char playerName[64]; char labelName[64];
GetClientName(i, playerName, sizeof(playerName));
if (GodStatus[i] == 1 && StrEqual(menuType, "god"))
Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[GOD] %s",playerName); // [GOD] Name
else if (InvisStatus[i] == 1 && StrEqual(menuType, "invis"))
Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[INVISIBLE] %s",playerName); // [JETPACK] Name
else if (JetpackStatus[i] == 1 && StrEqual(menuType, "jetpack"))
Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[JETPACK] %s",playerName); // [JETPACK] Name
else if (RegenStatus[i] == 1 && StrEqual(menuType, "regen"))
Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[REGEN] %s",playerName); // [REGEN] Name
else if (RocketStatus[i] == 1 && StrEqual(menuType, "rocket"))
Format(labelName,sizeof(labelName),"[ROCKET] %s",playerName); // [ROCKET] Name
labelName = playerName; // Name
if(StrEqual(menuType, "bury"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "unbury"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "god"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "invis"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "jetpack"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "regen"))
else if(StrEqual(menuType, "rocket"))
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Bury(int client, int args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_bury [#userid|name]");
g_BuryMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 1)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
float buryOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(iTargets[i], buryOrigin);
buryOrigin[2] = buryOrigin[2] - 50;
TeleportEntity(iTargets[i], buryOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Buried \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" buried \"%s\".", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" buried \"%L\".", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 1
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_bury [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_Unbury(int client, int args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_unbury [#userid|name]");
g_UnburyMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 1)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
float buryOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(iTargets[i], buryOrigin);
buryOrigin[2] = buryOrigin[2] + 50;
TeleportEntity(iTargets[i], buryOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Unburied \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" unburied \"%s\".", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" unburied \"%L\".", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 1
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_unbury [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public BuryHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
float buryOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(playerId, buryOrigin);
buryOrigin[2] = buryOrigin[2] - 50;
TeleportEntity(playerId, buryOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Buried \x04%N\x01.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" buried \"%L\".", client,playerId);
g_BuryMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); // Display again the player menu
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public UnburyHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
float buryOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(playerId, buryOrigin);
buryOrigin[2] = buryOrigin[2] + 50;
TeleportEntity(playerId, buryOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Unburied \x04%N\x01.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" unburied \"%L\".", client,playerId);
g_UnburyMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); // Display again the player menu
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_God(int client, int args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_god [#userid|name] [0/1]");
g_GodMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 2)
char sArgs[64];
char sValueGod[11];
int iValueGod;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArg(2, sValueGod, sizeof(sValueGod));
iValueGod = StringToInt(sValueGod);
if(iValueGod != 0){ // If the value is anything but 0, we set 1
iValueGod = 1;
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
if(iValueGod == 1){ // Add GodMode
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
GodStatus[iTargets[i]] = 1;
SetEntProp(iTargets[i], Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave Godmode to \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" gave Godmode to \"%s\".", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" gave Godmode to \"%L\".", client, iTargets[0]);
else{ // Remove GodMode
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
GodStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
SetEntProp(iTargets[i], Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%s\x01's Godmode.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" removed \"%s\"'s Godmode.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s Godmode.", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 2
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_god [#userid|name] [0/1]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public GodHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
if(GodStatus[playerId] == 0){ // Player doesnt have god mode
GodStatus[playerId] = 1;
SetEntProp(playerId, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave Godmode to \x04%N\x01.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" gave Godmode to \"%L\".", client, playerId);
else{ // Player already has god mode
GodStatus[playerId] = 0;
SetEntProp(playerId, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2, 1);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%N\x01's Godmode.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s Godmode.", client, playerId);
g_GodMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Invis(int client, int args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_invis [#userid|name] [0/1]");
g_InvisMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 2)
char sArgs[64];
char sValueInvis[11];
int iValueInvis;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArg(2, sValueInvis, sizeof(sValueInvis));
iValueInvis = StringToInt(sValueInvis);
if(iValueInvis != 0){ // If the value is anything but 0, we set 1
iValueInvis = 1;
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
if(iValueInvis == 1){ // Set Invisibility
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
InvisStatus[iTargets[i]] = 1;
SetEntityRenderMode(iTargets[i], RENDER_NONE);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Turned \x04%s\x01 invisible.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" turned \"%s\" invisible.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" invisible.", client, iTargets[0]);
else{ // Remove Invisibility
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
InvisStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
SetEntityRenderMode(iTargets[i], RENDER_NORMAL);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Made \x04%s\x01 visible.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" made \"%s\" visible.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" made \"%L\" visible.", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 2
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_invis [#userid|name] [0/1]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public InvisHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
if(InvisStatus[playerId] == 0){ // Player isnt invisible
InvisStatus[playerId] = 1;
SetEntityRenderMode(playerId, RENDER_NONE);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Turned \x04%N\x01 invisible.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" invisible.", client, playerId);
else{ // Player is invisible
InvisStatus[playerId] = 0;
SetEntityRenderMode(playerId, RENDER_NORMAL);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Made \x04%N\x01 visible.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" made \"%L\" visible.", client, playerId);
g_InvisMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Jetpack(int client, int args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_jetpack [#userid|name] [0/1]");
g_JetpackMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 2)
char sArgs[64];
char sValueJet[11];
int iValueJet;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArg(2, sValueJet, sizeof(sValueJet));
iValueJet = StringToInt(sValueJet);
if(iValueJet != 0){ // If the value is anything but 0, we set 1
iValueJet = 1;
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
if(iValueJet == 1){ // Set Jetpack
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
JetpackStatus[iTargets[i]] = 1;
SetEntityMoveType(iTargets[i], MOVETYPE_FLY);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave Jetpack to \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" gave Jetpack to \"%s\".", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" gave Jetpack to \"%L\".", client, iTargets[0]);
else{ // Remove Jetpack
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
JetpackStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
SetEntityMoveType(iTargets[i], MOVETYPE_WALK);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%s\x01's Jetpack.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" removed \"%s\"'s Jetpack.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s Jetpack.", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 2
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_jetpack [#userid|name] [0/1]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public JetpackHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
if(JetpackStatus[playerId] == 0){ // Player has no jetpack
JetpackStatus[playerId] = 1;
SetEntityMoveType(playerId, MOVETYPE_FLY);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave Jetpack to \x04%N\x01.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" gave Jetpack to \"%L\".", client, playerId);
else{ // Player has a jetpack
JetpackStatus[playerId] = 0;
SetEntityMoveType(playerId, MOVETYPE_WALK);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%N\x01's Jetpack.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s Jetpack.", client, playerId);
g_JetpackMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Regen(int client, int args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_regen [#userid|name] [0/1]");
g_RegenMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 2)
char sArgs[64];
char sValueRegen[11];
int iValueRegen;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArg(2, sValueRegen, sizeof(sValueRegen));
iValueRegen = StringToInt(sValueRegen);
if(iValueRegen != 0){ // If the value is anything but 0, we set 1
iValueRegen = 1;
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
bl_RegenInit = true;
if(iValueRegen == 1){ // Add Regeneration
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
RegenStatus[iTargets[i]] = 1;
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave regeneration to \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" gave regeneration to \"%s\".", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" gave regeneration to \"%L\".", client, iTargets[0]);
else{ // Remove Regeneration
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
RegenStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%s\x01's regeneration.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" removed \"%s\"'s regeneration.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s regeneration.", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 2
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_regen [#userid|name] [0/1]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public RegenHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
bl_RegenInit = true;
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
if(RegenStatus[playerId] == 0){ // Player has no regeneration
RegenStatus[playerId] = 1;
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave regeneration to \x04%N\x01.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" gave regeneration to \"%L\".", client, playerId);
else{ // Player has regeneration
RegenStatus[playerId] = 0;
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%N\x01's regeneration.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s regeneration.", client, playerId);
g_RegenMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
public Action Timer_Regeneration(Handle timer)
if(bl_RegenInit){ // If the regen command was not used, the timer doesnt iterate
bool bl_RegenUsed = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
if(RegenStatus[i] == 1){
bl_RegenUsed = true;
int clientHP = GetClientHealth(i);
if(clientHP < 100){
int newHP = clientHP + 10;
if(newHP > 100)
newHP = 100;
SetEntityHealth(i, newHP);
if(!bl_RegenUsed){ // If nobody had the regen mode, we stop the timer
bl_RegenInit = false;
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Cookies(int client, int args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_stealcookies [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 1)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, 0, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Stole \x04%s\x01's cookies.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" stole \"%s\"'s cookies.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" stole \"%L\"'s cookies.", client, iTargets[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
char sCookieMessage[64];
getCookiesMessage(sCookieMessage, sizeof(sCookieMessage));
PrintToChat(iTargets[0], sCookieMessage);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 1
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_stealcookies [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
void getCookiesMessage(char[] getCookiesMessage, int length){
int randNumber = GetRandomInt(0, 5);
char tempMessage[64] = "";
case (0):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Oh no! You lost a cookie!";
case (1):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Somebody stole your cookie!";
case (2):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Somebody stole your whole tin of cookies!";
case (3):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Get that cookie thief!";
case (4):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Aww, you lost a cookie!";
case (5):
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Somebody stole all your cookies!";
tempMessage = "\x01[SM]\x04 \x01Somebody gave you some cookies!";
strcopy(getCookiesMessage, length, tempMessage);
public Action Command_Cookies2(int client, int args)
if(args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_givecookies [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 1)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, 0, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
char sCookieMessage[64];
Format(sCookieMessage,sizeof(sCookieMessage),"\x01[SM]\x04 %N\x01 gave you some cookies!",client);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Gave cookies to \x04%s\x01.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" gave \"%s\" cookies.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" gave \"%L\" cookies.", client, iTargets[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
PrintToChat(iTargets[i], sCookieMessage);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 1
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_givecookies [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
/* ----------------------------------- */
public Action Command_Rocket(int client, int args)
if(args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_rocket [#userid|name] [0/1]");
g_RocketMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
return Plugin_Handled;
else if(args == 2)
char sArgs[64];
char sValueRocket[11];
int iValueRocket;
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
GetCmdArg(2, sValueRocket, sizeof(sValueRocket));
iValueRocket = StringToInt(sValueRocket);
if(iValueRocket != 0){ // If the value is anything but 0, we set 1
iValueRocket = 1;
if((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
bl_RocketInit = true;
if(iValueRocket == 1){ // Add Rocket
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
RocketStatus[iTargets[i]] = 1;
EmitSoundToAll("weapons/rpg/rocketfire1.wav", .channel=SNDCHAN_STATIC, .volume=1.0);
CreateTimer(0.25, Timer_StartRocketSound);
// CreateTimer(0.25, Timer_StartRocketSound, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Turned \x04%s\x01 into a rocket.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" turned \"%s\" into a rocket.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a rocket.", client, iTargets[0]);
else{ // Remove Rocket
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
RocketStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
RocketStatus[iTargets[i]] = 0;
SetEntityGravity(iTargets[i], 1.0);
SetEntityMoveType(iTargets[i], MOVETYPE_WALK);
AcceptEntityInput(rocketSprite[iTargets[i]], "Kill", -1, -1, 0);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%s\x01's rocket transformation.", sTargetName);
if(iTargetCount > 1)
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" removed \"%s\"'s rocket transformation.", client, sTargetName);
LogAction(client, iTargets[0], "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s rocket transformation.", client, iTargets[0]);
return Plugin_Handled;
else // args > 2
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_rocket [#userid|name] [0/1]");
return Plugin_Handled;
void createNewRocketPlayer(int playerId){
if (bl_RocketMode_1)
SetEntityGravity(playerId, -0.1);
float originPlayer[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(playerId, originPlayer);
originPlayer[2] = originPlayer[2] + 5;
TeleportEntity(playerId, originPlayer, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
else if (bl_RocketMode_2)
SetEntityMoveType(playerId, MOVETYPE_NONE);
void createNewRocketTrail(int playerId){
rocketSprite[playerId] = CreateEntityByName("env_spritetrail");
char rocketName[32];
float spriteorigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(playerId, spriteorigin);
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "targetname", rocketName);
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "model", "sprites/sprite_fire01.vmt");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "endwidth", "2.0");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "lifetime", "2.0");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "startwidth", "16.0");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "renderamt", "255");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "rendercolor", "255 255 255");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "rendermode", "5");
DispatchKeyValue(rocketSprite[playerId], "parentname", rocketName);
TeleportEntity(rocketSprite[playerId], spriteorigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
AcceptEntityInput(rocketSprite[playerId], "SetParent");
public RocketHandle(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2)
char info[32]; // serial id of the player
menu.GetItem(param2, info, sizeof(info)); // Get the string of the picked option
switch(action) {
if(bl_RocketMode_1 || bl_RocketMode_2){
bl_RocketInit = true;
int serialId = StringToInt(info);
int playerId = GetClientFromSerial(serialId); // 0 if invalid
if ((IsClientInGame(playerId)) && (IsPlayerAlive(playerId)) && playerId != 0){
if(RocketStatus[playerId] == 0){ // Player has no rocket
RocketStatus[playerId] = 1;
EmitSoundToAll("weapons/rpg/rocketfire1.wav", .channel=SNDCHAN_STATIC, .volume=1.0);
CreateTimer(0.25, Timer_StartRocketSound);
// CreateTimer(0.25, Timer_StartRocketSound, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT | TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Turned \x04%N\x01 into a rocket.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a rocket.", client, playerId);
else{ // Player has rocket
RocketStatus[playerId] = 0;
SetEntityMoveType(playerId, MOVETYPE_WALK);
SetEntityGravity(playerId, 1.0);
CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_StopRocketSound);
AcceptEntityInput(rocketSprite[playerId], "Kill", -1, -1, 0);
ShowActivity2(client, "\x01[SM] \x04", "\x01Removed \x04%N\x01's rocket transformation.", playerId);
LogAction(client, playerId, "\"%L\" removed \"%L\"'s rocket transformation.", client, playerId);
g_RocketMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
if(param2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack) {
g_MainMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
void StopAllRocketSound(){
for (int i = 1; i <= (GetMaxClients()); i++)
StopSound(i, SNDCHAN_STATIC, "weapons/rpg/rocket1.wav");
public Action Timer_StartRocketSound(Handle timer)
EmitSoundToAll("weapons/rpg/rocket1.wav", .channel=SNDCHAN_STATIC, .volume=1.0);
if(!bl_RocketInit) // If there is no rocket guy
return Plugin_Stop;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Timer_StopRocketSound(Handle timer)
if(bl_RocketInit) // If there is a rocket guy
return Plugin_Stop;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Timer_Rocket(Handle timer)
if(bl_RocketMode_1){ // If the cvar mode is on 1
if(bl_RocketInit){ // If the rocket command was not used, the timer doesnt iterate
bool bl_RocketUsed = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
if(RocketStatus[i] == 1){ // If the player is a rocket
bl_RocketUsed = true;
if(g_RocketPosition[i] == 1){ // We save the player origin
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, g_Rocket_Vec1[i]);
g_Rocket_Z1[i] = g_Rocket_Vec1[i][2];
g_RocketPosition[i] = 0;
else{ // with 0.1 sec interval, in 2 different array
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, g_Rocket_Vec2[i]);
g_Rocket_Z2[i] = g_Rocket_Vec2[i][2];
g_RocketPosition[i] = 1;
if (g_Rocket_Z1[i] == g_Rocket_Z2[i]){ // To compare the current origin with the previous
SetEntityGravity(i, 1.0);
if (g_RocketKill.IntValue == 1){
CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_StopRocketSound);
AcceptEntityInput(rocketSprite[i], "Kill", -1, -1, 0);
EmitSoundToAll("weapons/explode3.wav", .channel=SNDCHAN_STATIC, .volume=1.0);
RocketStatus[i] = 0;
if(!bl_RocketUsed){ // If nobody had the rocket mode, we stop the timer
bl_RocketInit = false;
else if(bl_RocketMode_2){ // If the cvar mode is on 2
if(bl_RocketInit){ // If the rocket command was not used, the timer doesnt iterate
bool bl_RocketUsed = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= GetMaxClients(); i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
if(RocketStatus[i] == 1){
bl_RocketUsed = true;
float RocketAbsOrigin[3];
float RocketEndOrigin[3];
GetClientEyePosition(i, RocketAbsOrigin);
float AbsAngle[3];
AbsAngle[0] = -90.0; AbsAngle[1] = 0.0; AbsAngle[2] = 0.0;
TR_TraceRayFilter(RocketAbsOrigin, AbsAngle, MASK_SOLID, RayType_Infinite, TraceEntityFilter_FilterCaller);
float DistanceBetween = RocketEndOrigin[2] - RocketAbsOrigin[2];
if (DistanceBetween <= (g_RocketSpeed.FloatValue + 0.1))
if (g_RocketKill.IntValue == 1)
CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_StopRocketSound);
AcceptEntityInput(rocketSprite[i], "Kill", -1, -1, 0);
EmitSoundToAll("weapons/explode3.wav", .channel=SNDCHAN_STATIC, .volume=1.0);
if (IsPlayerAlive(i))
RocketStatus[i] = 0;
SetEntityMoveType(i, MOVETYPE_WALK);
float ClientOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, ClientOrigin);
ClientOrigin[2] = ClientOrigin[2] - (g_RocketSpeed.FloatValue + 0.1);
TeleportEntity(i, ClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
else if (DistanceBetween >= (g_RocketSpeed.FloatValue + 0.1))
float ClientOrigin[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, ClientOrigin);
ClientOrigin[2] = ClientOrigin[2] + g_RocketSpeed.FloatValue;
TeleportEntity(i, ClientOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
if(!bl_RocketUsed){ // If nobody had the rocket mode, we stop the timer
bl_RocketInit = false;
bool TraceEntityFilter_FilterCaller(int entity, int contentsMask, int client)
return entity != client;