* Update offsets for ZPS 3.2
Zombie Panic! Source Version 3.2 released and these are the updated offsets.
* Update offsets for 3.2
ZPS 3.2 has been release and these are the updated offsets / signatures.
* ZPS: Add missing offsets.
Adds support for OnTakeDamage_Alive, GetMaxHealth, Blocked, Reload and GroundEntChanged.
I wasn't aware these were missing entirely or I would have pushed them with the previous PR.
* ZPS Add missing offsets.
Adds support for GivePlayerAmmo.
Wasn't aware these were missing the first place.
* Fix ForcePlayerSuicide not properly working in ZPS
ZPS requires the second bool parameter to be true otherwise it won't do anything for players in the lobby or delayed for players on either team 2 or team 3.
* Fixed breaking code for other mods.
Added bForce which is set to true for zps.
* Update offsets for ZPS 3.2
Zombie Panic! Source Version 3.2 released and these are the updated offsets.
* Update offsets for 3.2
ZPS 3.2 has been release and these are the updated offsets / signatures.
* Add LookupAttachment and GetAttachment
Offset and Signature for Zombie Panic! Source.
* Fix Gamerules not being available
This fixes the issue that would throw an error when trying to use SDKCall with type SDKCall_GameRules.
* Add SetOwnerEntity offset
Add SetOwnerEntity offset
Using the virtual `CBaseAnimating::GetAttachment(int, matrix3x4_t &)` was a deliberate choice because virtual offsets are generally easier to maintain than signatures. The `matrix3x4_t` is converted to world position and world angles internally.
Some of the other overloads are also inlined on a few games, making this the best choice.
Since this call can only be used on classes inheriting `CBaseAnimating`, we check if the `DT_BaseAnimating` SendTable exists on the entity, throwing a native error if it doesn't.
This safeguard could be greatly improved with a call to `CBaseEntity::GetBaseAnimating`, but would require more gamedata (maybe something to consider for the future?)
* Fix 'GiveNamedItem' in the game left4dead2.
The method 'CCSPlayer::GiveNamedItem(char const*, int, CBaseEntity*)' does not work in game left4dead2, any given weapon and object immediately falls to the ground, besides, the code is missing a parameter to call this method (even with the added parameter does not give a weapon to hands). Another method 'CTerrorPlayer::GiveNamedItem(char const*, int, bool, CBaseEntity*)' works great, besides it makes it possible to give out all the items that exist in the game.
* Add x64 support
Add x64 support
* Changed argument type to bool.
Changed argument type to bool.
Some games have implemented CHudMenu::SelectMenuItem to close the menu
even if an invalid slot has been selected, which causes us a problem as
we'll never get any notification from the client and we'll keep the menu
alive on our end indefinitely. For these games, pretend that every slot
is valid for selection so we're guaranteed to get a menuselect command.
We don't want to do this for every game as the common SelectMenuItem
implementation ignores invalid selections and keeps the menu open, which
is a much nicer user experience.
* Add A2S_Rules fix for CS:GO to CStrike extension.
* Dont force set the cvar. Add checks before patching.
* Remove incorrect and useless check.
* Remove checking value as it is in the signature.
* Update build script changes to AMBuild 2.1 API to fix build.
* Fix bad check and ConVarRef being resolved too early.
* Whoops. This line is kinda important. Got nuked when refactoring.
* Remove unused variable.
* Updatet gamedata.
* Switch to "Addresses" gamedata lookup
* Add linux64 gamedata
* Fix mac build
Co-authored-by: Ruben Gonzalez <drifter01620@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Peace-Maker <peace-maker@wcfan.de>
* Add basic Insurgency support on Windows x64
This allows SourceMod to load on x64 Insurgency. There are still a lot of variable truncation warnings that have to be dealt with.
* Fix 32bit builds
* Compile MySQL extension as well
The hack for __iob_func being removed from the core runtime, but required by the old mysql we're building against can be simplified a lot due to the `_ReturnAddress` intrinsic available since MSVC 2015.
* Don't include the offset we want to extract in the signature