Allows for the last "read" offset for an Address to instead be "offset", which doesn't deref the addr pointer after applying the offset
Shortens the necessary coding to get a particular Address inside a function (old: store offset in a separate GameConf Offsets entry, apply the offset to the Address in SP)
Valid core config options aren't cached to be retrieved using `GetCoreConfigValue` after they've been loaded from core.cfg or set through the `sm config` root console menu.
E.g. `sm config ServerLang` would return `[SM] No such config option "ServerLang" exists.` all the time.
Stop notifying other listeners if the config key was consumed, but don't skip adding it to the cache.
Also fix `FollowCSGOServerGuidelines` always showing as unhandled command when being changed through `sm config FollowCSGOServerGuidelines yes`.
Be able to push NULL_[VECTOR|STRING] to a forward or direct function call.
The callee can check the parameter using the IsNullVector/IsNullString natives.
Be able to push NULL_[VECTOR|STRING] to a forward or direct function call.
The callee can check the parameter using the IsNullVector/IsNullString natives.
Add GetArrayBlockSize and GetStackBlockSize and equivalent properties to
the methodmaps to get the blocksize the array or stack was created with.
Useful when getting array handles from other plugins you didn't create
Regression in #583
The `CBaseHandle *` was compared to a `IHandleEntity **` always failing
instead of comparing the actual base handles.
Fixes a small typo in MatchTypeDescAsInteger too, where a FIELD_CUSTOM
could fall through badly.
If one of the queries fails in a transaction, the DBI system would only allocate an array of the size of the amount of all the successful queries before the failed one. It writes data for all the queries though effectively writing past the array bounds leading to heap corruption.
Create the right sized array!
The handle does not get mutated here, so it is safe. Since we
don't currently support cloning event handles or copying events,
this also facilitates the only easy way of firing an existing game-
created event to a client.
Plugins were able to close the results handle in the threaded query
callback causing a double free crash. The access rights are setup right
before the handle is created, but weren't used.