Using the virtual `CBaseAnimating::GetAttachment(int, matrix3x4_t &)` was a deliberate choice because virtual offsets are generally easier to maintain than signatures. The `matrix3x4_t` is converted to world position and world angles internally.
Some of the other overloads are also inlined on a few games, making this the best choice.
Since this call can only be used on classes inheriting `CBaseAnimating`, we check if the `DT_BaseAnimating` SendTable exists on the entity, throwing a native error if it doesn't.
This safeguard could be greatly improved with a call to `CBaseEntity::GetBaseAnimating`, but would require more gamedata (maybe something to consider for the future?)
* Fix 'GiveNamedItem' in the game left4dead2.
The method 'CCSPlayer::GiveNamedItem(char const*, int, CBaseEntity*)' does not work in game left4dead2, any given weapon and object immediately falls to the ground, besides, the code is missing a parameter to call this method (even with the added parameter does not give a weapon to hands). Another method 'CTerrorPlayer::GiveNamedItem(char const*, int, bool, CBaseEntity*)' works great, besides it makes it possible to give out all the items that exist in the game.
* Add x64 support
Add x64 support
* Changed argument type to bool.
Changed argument type to bool.