2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
* vim : set ts = 4 :
* =============================================================================
2008-03-27 05:54:56 +01:00
* SourceMod ( C ) 2004 - 2008 AlliedModders LLC . All rights reserved .
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod / SourcePawn SDK .
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License , version 3.0 , as published by the
* Free Software Foundation .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more
* details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
* As a special exception , AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program ( as well as its derivative works ) to " Half-Life 2, " the
* " Source Engine, " the " SourcePawn JIT, " and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation . You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used . Additionally , AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works . AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions , found in LICENSE . txt ( as of this writing , version JULY - 31 - 2007 ),
* or < http :// www . sourcemod . net / license . php >.
* Version : $Id $
#if defined _entity_prop_stocks_included
#define _entity_prop_stocks_included
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
enum MoveType
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
MOVETYPE_NONE = 0 , /**< never moves */
MOVETYPE_ISOMETRIC , /**< For players */
MOVETYPE_WALK , /**< Player only - moving on the ground */
MOVETYPE_STEP , /**< gravity, special edge handling -- monsters use this */
MOVETYPE_FLY , /**< No gravity, but still collides with stuff */
MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY , /**< flies through the air + is affected by gravity */
MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS , /**< uses VPHYSICS for simulation */
MOVETYPE_PUSH , /**< no clip to world, push and crush */
MOVETYPE_NOCLIP , /**< No gravity, no collisions, still do velocity/avelocity */
MOVETYPE_LADDER , /**< Used by players only when going onto a ladder */
MOVETYPE_OBSERVER , /**< Observer movement, depends on player's observer mode */
MOVETYPE_CUSTOM , /**< Allows the entity to describe its own physics */
enum RenderMode
RENDER_NORMAL , /**< src */
RENDER_TRANSCOLOR , /**< c*a+dest*(1-a) */
RENDER_TRANSTEXTURE , /**< src*a+dest*(1-a) */
RENDER_GLOW , /**< src*a+dest -- No Z buffer checks -- Fixed size in screen space */
RENDER_TRANSALPHA , /**< src*srca+dest*(1-srca) */
RENDER_TRANSADD , /**< src*a+dest */
RENDER_ENVIRONMENTAL , /**< not drawn, used for environmental effects */
RENDER_TRANSADDFRAMEBLEND , /**< use a fractional frame value to blend between animation frames */
RENDER_TRANSALPHAADD , /**< src + dest*(1-a) */
RENDER_WORLDGLOW , /**< Same as kRenderGlow but not fixed size in screen space */
RENDER_NONE , /**< Don't render. */
enum RenderFx
RENDERFX_DISTORT , /**< Distort/scale/translate flicker */
RENDERFX_HOLOGRAM , /**< kRenderFxDistort + distance fade */
RENDERFX_EXPLODE , /**< Scale up really big! */
RENDERFX_GLOWSHELL , /**< Glowing Shell */
RENDERFX_CLAMP_MIN_SCALE , /**< Keep this sprite from getting very small (SPRITES only!) */
RENDERFX_ENV_RAIN , /**< for environmental rendermode, make rain */
RENDERFX_ENV_SNOW , /**< " " " , make snow */
RENDERFX_SPOTLIGHT , /**< TEST CODE for experimental spotlight */
RENDERFX_RAGDOLL , /**< HACKHACK: TEST CODE for signalling death of a ragdoll character */
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-12 20:45:36 +01:00
// These defines are for client button presses.
2007-12-28 08:10:09 +01:00
#define IN_ATTACK (1 << 0)
#define IN_JUMP (1 << 1)
#define IN_DUCK (1 << 2)
#define IN_FORWARD (1 << 3)
#define IN_BACK (1 << 4)
#define IN_USE (1 << 5)
#define IN_CANCEL (1 << 6)
#define IN_LEFT (1 << 7)
#define IN_RIGHT (1 << 8)
#define IN_MOVELEFT (1 << 9)
2008-01-12 20:45:36 +01:00
#define IN_MOVERIGHT (1 << 10)
2007-12-28 08:10:09 +01:00
#define IN_ATTACK2 (1 << 11)
#define IN_RUN (1 << 12)
#define IN_RELOAD (1 << 13)
#define IN_ALT1 (1 << 14)
#define IN_ALT2 (1 << 15)
2008-01-12 20:45:36 +01:00
#define IN_SCORE (1 << 16) // Used by client.dll for when scoreboard is held down
2007-12-28 08:10:09 +01:00
#define IN_SPEED (1 << 17) // Player is holding the speed key
#define IN_WALK (1 << 18) // Player holding walk key
#define IN_ZOOM (1 << 19) // Zoom key for HUD zoom
#define IN_WEAPON1 (1 << 20) // weapon defines these bits
#define IN_WEAPON2 (1 << 21) // weapon defines these bits
#define IN_BULLRUSH (1 << 22)
#define IN_GRENADE1 (1 << 23) // grenade 1
#define IN_GRENADE2 (1 << 24) // grenade 2
2008-01-12 20:45:36 +01:00
// CBaseEntity::m_fFlags
#define FL_ONGROUND (1 << 0) // At rest / on the ground
#define FL_DUCKING (1 << 1) // Player flag -- Player is fully crouched
#define FL_WATERJUMP (1 << 2) // player jumping out of water
#define FL_ONTRAIN (1 << 3) // Player is _controlling_ a train, so movement commands should be ignored on client during prediction.
#define FL_INRAIN (1 << 4) // Indicates the entity is standing in rain
#define FL_FROZEN (1 << 5) // Player is frozen for 3rd person camera
#define FL_ATCONTROLS (1 << 6) // Player can't move, but keeps key inputs for controlling another entity
#define FL_CLIENT (1 << 7) // Is a player
#define FL_FAKECLIENT (1 << 8) // Fake client, simulated server side; don't send network messages to them
// NOTE if you move things up, make sure to change this value
// NON-PLAYER SPECIFIC (i.e., not used by GameMovement or the client .dll ) -- Can still be applied to players, though
#define FL_INWATER (1 << 9) // In water
#define FL_FLY (1 << 10) // Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground
#define FL_SWIM (1 << 11) // Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground (but stay in water)
#define FL_CONVEYOR (1 << 12)
#define FL_NPC (1 << 13)
#define FL_GODMODE (1 << 14)
#define FL_NOTARGET (1 << 15)
#define FL_AIMTARGET (1 << 16) // set if the crosshair needs to aim onto the entity
#define FL_PARTIALGROUND (1 << 17) // not all corners are valid
#define FL_STATICPROP (1 << 18) // Eetsa static prop!
#define FL_GRAPHED (1 << 19) // worldgraph has this ent listed as something that blocks a connection
#define FL_GRENADE (1 << 20)
#define FL_STEPMOVEMENT (1 << 21) // Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not do any processing
#define FL_DONTTOUCH (1 << 22) // Doesn't generate touch functions, generates Untouch() for anything it was touching when this flag was set
#define FL_BASEVELOCITY (1 << 23) // Base velocity has been applied this frame (used to convert base velocity into momentum)
#define FL_WORLDBRUSH (1 << 24) // Not moveable/removeable brush entity (really part of the world, but represented as an entity for transparency or something)
#define FL_OBJECT (1 << 25) // Terrible name. This is an object that NPCs should see. Missiles, for example.
#define FL_KILLME (1 << 26) // This entity is marked for death -- will be freed by game DLL
#define FL_ONFIRE (1 << 27) // You know...
#define FL_DISSOLVING (1 << 28) // We're dissolving!
#define FL_TRANSRAGDOLL (1 << 29) // In the process of turning into a client side ragdoll.
#define FL_UNBLOCKABLE_BY_PLAYER (1 << 30) // pusher that can't be blocked by the player
// END m_fFlags #defines
* Get an entity ' s flags .
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ return Entity ' s flags , see m_fFlag defines above
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
stock GetEntityFlags ( entity )
return GetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Data , " m_fFlags " );
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* Gets an entity ' s movetype .
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ return Movetype , see enum above .
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
stock MoveType : GetEntityMoveType ( entity )
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
new offset = GetEntSendPropOffs ( entity , " movetype " );
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
return MoveType : GetEntData ( entity , offset , 1 );
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* Sets an entity ' s movetype .
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ param mt Movetype , see enum above .
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
* @ noreturn
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
stock SetEntityMoveType ( entity , MoveType : mt )
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
new offset = GetEntSendPropOffs ( entity , " movetype " );
SetEntData ( entity , offset , mt , 1 , true );
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
* Gets an entity ' s render mode .
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ return RenderMode value .
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
stock RenderMode : GetEntityRenderMode ( entity )
return RenderMode : GetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Send , " m_nRenderMode " , 1 );
* Sets an entity ' s render mode .
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ param mode RenderMode value .
* @ noreturn
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
stock SetEntityRenderMode ( entity , RenderMode : mode )
SetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Send , " m_nRenderMode " , mode , 1 );
* Gets an entity ' s render Fx .
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ return RenderFx value .
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
stock RenderFx : GetEntityRenderFx ( entity )
return RenderFx : GetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Send , " m_nRenderFX " , 1 );
* Sets an entity ' s render Fx .
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ param fx RenderFx value .
* @ noreturn
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
stock SetEntityRenderFx ( entity , RenderFx : fx )
SetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Send , " m_nRenderFX " , fx , 1 );
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
* Sets an entity ' s color .
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
* @ param r Amount of red ( 0 - 255 )
* @ param g Amount of green ( 0 - 255 )
* @ param b Amount of blue ( 0 - 255 )
* @ param a Amount of alpha ( 0 - 255 )
* @ noreturn
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
stock SetEntityRenderColor ( entity , r = 255 , g = 255 , b = 255 , a = 255 )
2007-12-18 22:03:34 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
new offset = GetEntSendPropOffs ( entity , " m_clrRender " );
SetEntData ( entity , offset , r , 1 , true );
SetEntData ( entity , offset + 1 , g , 1 , true );
SetEntData ( entity , offset + 2 , b , 1 , true );
SetEntData ( entity , offset + 3 , a , 1 , true );
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-07 07:59:44 +01:00
/* GuessSDKVersion */
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* Gets an entity ' s gravity .
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ return Entity ' s m_flGravity value .
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
stock Float : GetEntityGravity ( entity )
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
return GetEntPropFloat ( entity , Prop_Data , " m_flGravity " );
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* Sets an entity ' s gravity .
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index .
2008-01-12 20:45:36 +01:00
* @ param amount Gravity to set ( default = 1.0 , half = 0.5 , double = 2.0 ) .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* @ noreturn
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
stock SetEntityGravity ( entity , Float : amount )
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
SetEntPropFloat ( entity , Prop_Data , " m_flGravity " , amount );
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* Sets an entity ' s health
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ param entity Entity index .
* @ param amount Health amount .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
* @ noreturn
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ error Invalid entity index , or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
stock SetEntityHealth ( entity , amount )
2007-12-24 01:44:48 +01:00
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
SetEntProp ( entity , Prop_Send , " m_iHealth " , amount );
2007-12-28 08:10:09 +01:00
* Get ' s a users current pressed buttons
* @ param client Client index
* @ return Bitsum of buttons
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
* @ error Invalid client index , client not in game ,
* or lack of mod compliance .
2007-12-28 08:10:09 +01:00
stock GetClientButtons ( client )
2008-01-06 02:35:24 +01:00
return GetEntProp ( client , Prop_Data , " m_nButtons " );