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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _float_included
#define _float_included
2014-08-04 06:51:34 +02:00
#if !defined __sourcepawn2__
* Converts an integer into a floating point value.
* @param value Integer to convert.
* @return Floating point value.
native float float(int value);
2014-08-04 06:51:34 +02:00
* Multiplies two floats together.
* Note: This native is internal implementation. For multiplication use the '*' operator.
* @param oper1 First value.
* @param oper2 Second value.
* @return oper1*oper2.
* @deprecated This native is internal implementation. For multiplication use the '*' operator.
#pragma deprecated This native is internal implementation. For multiplication use the '*' operator.
native float FloatMul(float oper1, float oper2);
* Divides the dividend by the divisor.
* Note: This native is internal implementation. For division use the '/' operator.
* @param dividend First value.
* @param divisor Second value.
* @return dividend/divisor.
* @deprecated This native is internal implementation. For division use the '/' operator.
#pragma deprecated This native is internal implementation. For division use the '/' operator.
native float FloatDiv(float dividend, float divisor);
* Adds two floats together.
* Note: This native is internal implementation. For addition use the '+' operator.
* @param oper1 First value.
* @param oper2 Second value.
* @return oper1+oper2.
* @deprecated This native is internal implementation. For addition use the '+' operator.
#pragma deprecated This native is internal implementation. For addition use the '+' operator.
native float FloatAdd(float oper1, float oper2);
* Subtracts oper2 from oper1.
* Note: This native is internal implementation. For subtraction use the '-' operator.
* @param oper1 First value.
* @param oper2 Second value.
* @return oper1-oper2.
* @deprecated This native is internal implementation. For subtraction use the '-' operator.
#pragma deprecated This native is internal implementation. For subtraction use the '-' operator.
native float FloatSub(float oper1, float oper2);
* Returns the decimal part of a float.
* @param value Input value.
* @return Decimal part.
native float FloatFraction(float value);
* Rounds a float to the closest integer to zero.
* @param value Input value to be rounded.
* @return Rounded value.
native int RoundToZero(float value);
* Rounds a float to the next highest integer value.
* @param value Input value to be rounded.
* @return Rounded value.
native int RoundToCeil(float value);
* Rounds a float to the next lowest integer value.
* @param value Input value to be rounded.
* @return Rounded value.
native int RoundToFloor(float value);
* Standard IEEE rounding.
* @param value Input value to be rounded.
* @return Rounded value.
native int RoundToNearest(float value);
* Compares two floats.
* @param fOne First value.
* @param fTwo Second value.
* @return Returns 1 if the first argument is greater than the second argument.
* Returns -1 if the first argument is smaller than the second argument.
* Returns 0 if both arguments are equal.
native int FloatCompare(float fOne, float fTwo);
* Returns the square root of the input value, equivalent to floatpower(value, 0.5).
* @param value Input value.
* @return Square root of the value.
native float SquareRoot(float value);
* Returns the value raised to the power of the exponent.
* @param value Value to be raised.
* @param exponent Value to raise the base.
* @return value^exponent.
native float Pow(float value, float exponent);
* Returns the value of raising the input by e.
* @param value Input value.
* @return exp(value).
native float Exponential(float value);
* Returns the logarithm of any base specified.
* @param value Input value.
* @param base Logarithm base to use, default is 10.
* @return log(value)/log(base).
native float Logarithm(float value, float base=10.0);
* Returns the sine of the argument.
* @param value Input value in radians.
* @return sin(value).
native float Sine(float value);
* Returns the cosine of the argument.
* @param value Input value in radians.
* @return cos(value).
native float Cosine(float value);
* Returns the tangent of the argument.
* @param value Input value in radians.
* @return tan(value).
native float Tangent(float value);
* Returns an absolute value.
* @param value Input value.
* @return Absolute value of the input.
native float FloatAbs(float value);
* Returns the arctangent of the input value.
* @param angle Input value.
* @return atan(value) in radians.
native float ArcTangent(float angle);
* Returns the arccosine of the input value.
* @param angle Input value.
* @return acos(value) in radians.
native float ArcCosine(float angle);
* Returns the arcsine of the input value.
* @param angle Input value.
* @return asin(value) in radians.
native float ArcSine(float angle);
* Returns the arctangent2 of the input values.
* @param x Horizontal value.
* @param y Vertical value.
* @return atan2(value) in radians.
native float ArcTangent2(float x, float y);
* Rounds a floating point number using the "round to nearest" algorithm.
* @param value Floating point value to round.
* @return The value rounded to the nearest integer.
stock int RoundFloat(float value)
return RoundToNearest(value);
* User defined operators.
#if !defined __sourcepawn2__
#pragma rational Float
2021-10-02 22:23:43 +02:00
// Internal aliases for backwards compatibility.
native float __FLOAT_MUL__(float a, float b) = FloatMul;
native float __FLOAT_DIV__(float a, float b) = FloatDiv;
native float __FLOAT_ADD__(float a, float b) = FloatAdd;
native float __FLOAT_SUB__(float a, float b) = FloatSub;
native bool __FLOAT_GT__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_GE__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_LT__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_LE__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_EQ__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_NE__(float a, float b);
native bool __FLOAT_NOT__(float a);
native float operator*(float oper1, float oper2) = FloatMul;
native float operator/(float oper1, float oper2) = FloatDiv;
native float operator+(float oper1, float oper2) = FloatAdd;
native float operator-(float oper1, float oper2) = FloatSub;
native bool operator!(float oper1) = __FLOAT_NOT__;
native bool operator>(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_GT__;
native bool operator>=(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_GE__;
native bool operator<(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_LT__;
native bool operator<=(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_LE__;
native bool operator!=(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_NE__;
native bool operator==(float oper1, float oper2) = __FLOAT_EQ__;
stock float operator++(float oper)
return oper+1.0;
stock float operator--(float oper)
return oper-1.0;
stock float operator-(float oper)
return oper^view_as<float>(cellmin); /* IEEE values are sign/magnitude */
// The stocks below are int->float converting versions of the above natives.
stock float operator*(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_MUL__(oper1, float(oper2)); /* "*" is commutative */
stock float operator/(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_DIV__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock float operator/(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_DIV__(float(oper1), oper2);
stock float operator+(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_ADD__(oper1, float(oper2)); /* "+" is commutative */
stock float operator-(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_SUB__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock float operator-(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_SUB__(float(oper1), oper2);
stock bool operator==(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_EQ__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator!=(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_NE__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator>(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_GT__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator>(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_GT__(float(oper1), oper2);
stock bool operator>=(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_GE__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator>=(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_GE__(float(oper1), oper2);
stock bool operator<(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_LT__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator<(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_LT__(float(oper1), oper2);
stock bool operator<=(float oper1, int oper2)
return __FLOAT_LE__(oper1, float(oper2));
stock bool operator<=(int oper1, float oper2)
return __FLOAT_LE__(float(oper1), oper2);
* Forbidden operators.
forward operator%(float oper1, float oper2);
forward operator%(float oper1, int oper2);
forward operator%(int oper1, float oper2);
#endif // __sourcepawn2__
#define FLOAT_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
* Converts degrees to radians.
* @param angle Degrees.
* @return Radians.
stock float DegToRad(float angle)
return (angle*FLOAT_PI)/180;
2016-10-04 18:42:22 +02:00
* Converts radians to degrees.
* @param angle Radians.
* @return Degrees.
stock float RadToDeg(float angle)
return (angle*180)/FLOAT_PI;
* Returns a random integer in the range [0, 2^31-1].
* Note: Uniform random number streams are seeded automatically per-plugin.
* @return Random integer.
native int GetURandomInt();
* Returns a uniform random float in the range [0, 1).
* Note: Uniform random number streams are seeded automatically per-plugin.
* @return Uniform random floating-point number.
native float GetURandomFloat();
* Seeds a plugin's uniform random number stream. This is done automatically,
* so normally it is totally unnecessary to call this.
* @param seeds Array of numbers to use as seeding data.
* @param numSeeds Number of seeds in the seeds array.
native void SetURandomSeed(const int[] seeds, int numSeeds);
* Seeds a plugin's uniform random number stream. This is done automatically,
* so normally it is totally unnecessary to call this.
* @param seed Single seed value.
stock void SetURandomSeedSimple(int seed)
int seeds[1];
seeds[0] = seed;
SetURandomSeed(seeds, 1);