Fixed bunch of includes and a warnings Added ip addresses for admins to status KnifeAlert prints to everyone now if someone gets infected due to a knifed zombie Fixed WeaponCleaner not registering weapons if somebody disconnects Refactored custom-chatcolors to new syntax, added autoreplace and some fixes Added support to immunityreservedslots added nominate_removemap to mapchooser_extended and fixed a bug for recently played maps
109 lines
1.7 KiB
109 lines
1.7 KiB
"Vote Nextmap"
"en" "Vote for the next map!"
"Nextmap Voting Started"
"en" "Voting for next map has started."
"Nextmap Voting Finished"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:i}"
"en" "Map voting has finished. The next map will be {1}. (Received {2}%% of {3} votes)"
"Current Map Extended"
"#format" "{1:i},{2:i}"
"en" "The current map has been extended. (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"
"Extend Map"
"en" "Extend Current Map"
"Dont Change"
"en" "Don't Change"
"Current Map Stays"
"#format" "{1:i},{2:i}"
"en" "Current map continues! The Vote has spoken! (Received {1}%% of {2} votes)"
"Changed Next Map"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Changed nextmap to \"{1}\"."
"Runoff Vote Nextmap"
"en" "Runoff Vote for the next map!"
"Number Of Votes"
"en" "Number of votes"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "{1} (Custom)"
"Revote Is Needed"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "No map has received more than {1}%% of the vote.\nSo, which map will win? A revote is needed!"
"Revote Warning"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Runoff vote will start in: {1}s"
"Vote Warning"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Warning! Voting for the next map will begin in: {1}s"
"Line One"
"en" "Consider which map you want to play..."
"Line Two"
"en" "...and don't hit buttons thoughtlessly ;-)"
"Cannot Start Vote"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Vote already in progress. Retrying in {1}s."
"Tie Vote"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "The top {1} maps had the same number of votes.\nA revote is needed!"
"Custom Marked"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "*{1}"
} |