2020-07-06 13:10:22 +02:00

227 lines
6.4 KiB

#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <files>
#include <multicolors>
float g_fUptime;
int g_iRestartCountdown;
bool g_bForcedRestart;
ConVar g_cvarMaxPlayersForControlledRestart;
ConVar g_cvarMinPlayersForForcedRestart;
ConVar g_cvarMinHoursUptimeForForcedRestart;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "UptimeRestart",
author = "Dogan",
description = "Display Server Uptime and do controlled Restarts",
version = "2.0.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("uptime", Command_Uptime, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays server Uptime");
RegAdminCmd("sm_uptime", Command_Uptime, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Displays server Uptime");
g_cvarMaxPlayersForControlledRestart = CreateConVar("sm_maxplayers_controlled_restart", "1", "Max Amount of Players Connected to Server to do a controlled restart in the night", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 64.0);
g_cvarMinPlayersForForcedRestart = CreateConVar("sm_minplayers_forced_restart", "55", "Min Amount of Players Connected to Server to do a forced restart in the afternoon", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 64.0);
g_cvarMinHoursUptimeForForcedRestart = CreateConVar("sm_minhours_forced_restart", "60", "Min Hours of Uptime to force a forced restart in the afternoon", FCVAR_NONE, true, 1.0, true, 96.0);
g_iRestartCountdown = 5;
g_bForcedRestart = false;
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.UptimeRestarts");
CreateTimer(60.0, CheckRestart, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
CreateTimer(20.0, ForceRestartMessage, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
public void OnMapEnd()
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Restarting Server now!");
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Restarting Server now!");
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Restarting Server now!");
PrintCenterTextAll("WARNING: Restarting Server now!");
char sNextmap[64];
GetNextMap(sNextmap, sizeof(sNextmap));
if(!StrEqual(sNextmap, ""))
File NextmapFile = OpenFile("nextmap.txt", "w");
delete NextmapFile;
public void GetNextmapIfForcedRestart()
File NextmapFile = OpenFile("nextmap.txt", "r");
if(NextmapFile != null)//There was a nextmap set
char sNextmap[64];
NextmapFile.ReadLine(sNextmap, sizeof(sNextmap));
delete NextmapFile;
ForceChangeLevel(sNextmap, "Set to Map that was next before Force Restart happened");
public void GetUptimeIfControlledRestart()
File UptimeFile = OpenFile("uptime.txt", "r");
if(UptimeFile != null)//Server was restarted automatically by this plugin
char sUptime[64];
UptimeFile.ReadLine(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime));
g_fUptime = StringToFloat(sUptime);
delete UptimeFile;
else//Server crashed or restarted manually
LogToFile("addons/sourcemod/logs/restarts.txt", "Server crashed or was restarted manually.");
public Action Command_Uptime(int client, int args)
float fUptime = GetEngineTime();
char sUptime[64];
int iUptime = RoundFloat(fUptime);
int iDays = (iUptime / 86400);
int iHours = (iUptime / 3600) % 24;
int iMinutes = (iUptime / 60) % 60;
int iSeconds = (iUptime % 60);
if (iDays)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Days %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds.", iDays, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iHours)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds.", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iMinutes)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Minutes %d Seconds.", iMinutes, iSeconds);
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Seconds.", iSeconds);
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Real Server Uptime: %s", sUptime);
fUptime = GetEngineTime() + g_fUptime;
iUptime = RoundFloat(fUptime);
iDays = (iUptime / 86400);
iHours = (iUptime / 3600) % 24;
iMinutes = (iUptime / 60) % 60;
iSeconds = (iUptime % 60);
if (iDays)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Days %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds.", iDays, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iHours)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds.", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iMinutes)
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Minutes %d Seconds.", iMinutes, iSeconds);
Format(sUptime, sizeof(sUptime), "%d Seconds.", iSeconds);
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Cumulative Server Uptime: %s", sUptime);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action CheckRestart(Handle timer)
return Plugin_Continue;
float fMinHoursUptime = g_cvarMinHoursUptimeForForcedRestart.FloatValue * 60.0 * 60.0;
int iPlayers = GetClientCount(false);
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientConnected(i) && IsFakeClient(i))
if((GetEngineTime() > fMinHoursUptime) && (iPlayers > g_cvarMinPlayersForForcedRestart.IntValue))
g_bForcedRestart = true;
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
if(iPlayers > g_cvarMaxPlayersForControlledRestart.IntValue) //jenz's autism bot
return Plugin_Continue;
float fUptime = GetEngineTime();
g_fUptime = g_fUptime + fUptime;
char sUptime[64];
FloatToString(g_fUptime, sUptime, sizeof(sUptime));
File UptimeFile = OpenFile("uptime.txt", "w");
delete UptimeFile;
CreateTimer(1.0, RestartCountdown, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
return Plugin_Continue;
stock bool IsItRestartTime()
int iTime = GetTime();
int iHour;
char sTime[32];
FormatTime(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%H", iTime);
iHour = StringToInt(sTime[0]);
if (iHour >= 3 && iHour < 8)
return true;
return false;
public Action RestartCountdown(Handle timer)
PrintCenterTextAll("WARNING: Restarting Server in %d.", g_iRestartCountdown);
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Restarting Server in %d.", g_iRestartCountdown);
if(g_iRestartCountdown < 0)
LogToFile("addons/sourcemod/logs/restarts.txt", "Successfully auto-restarted the Server.");
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled; //Server is dead by here anyway xD
public void ForceRestart()
LogToFile("addons/sourcemod/logs/restarts.txt", "Successfully force-restarted the Server.");
public Action ForceRestartMessage(Handle timer)
return Plugin_Continue;
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Restarting Server when this Map ends!");
CPrintToChatAll("{red}WARNING:{white} Remember to join after couple seconds!");
return Plugin_Continue;