2018-07-23 11:02:35 +02:00

290 lines
6.9 KiB

/** Include guard */
#if defined _calladmin_included
#define _calladmin_included
/** Global calladmin version, do not change */
#define CALLADMIN_VERSION "0.1.5"
/** Pass this as a clientindex to the ReportPlayer native if you don't have a client, eg report from server automatically */
/** Maximum size a reason string can be in length */
* Called when the main CallAdmin client selection menu is about to be drawn for a client.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow, Plugin_Handled otherwise.
forward Action CallAdmin_OnDrawMenu(int client);
* Called when the own reason selection is enabled and the select item for it is about to be drawn for a client.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow, Plugin_Handled otherwise.
forward Action CallAdmin_OnDrawOwnReason(int client);
* Called when a target is about to be drawn to the target selection menu for a client.
* Note: Called *n-1 times for the client selection menu where n is the amount of valid targets including the caller.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @param target Client index of the target about to be drawed.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow the target to be drawn, Plugin_Handled otherwise.
forward Action CallAdmin_OnDrawTarget(int client, int target);
* Called when the trackercount was changed.
* @param oldVal Trackercount before update.
* @param newVal Trackercount after update.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnTrackerCountChanged(int oldVal, int newVal);
* Called before a client (or module) has reported another client.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @param target Client index of the target.
* @param reason Reason selected by the client for the report.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow, Plugin_Handled otherwise.
forward Action CallAdmin_OnReportPre(int client, int target, const char[] reason);
* Called after a client (or module) has reported another client.
* Be sure to check that client != REPORTER_CONSOLE if you expect a valid client index.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @param target Client index of the target.
* @param reason Reason selected by the client for the report.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnReportPost(int client, int target, const char[] reason);
* Initiates an report call.
* If you report automatically (via a module for example) set the clientindex to REPORTER_CONSOLE.
* @param client Client index of the caller.
* @param target Client index of the target.
* @param reason Reason for the report.
* @return True if target could be reported, false otherwise.
native bool CallAdmin_ReportClient(int client, int target, const char[] reason);
* Called when an admin is about to be added to the in-game admin count.
* @param client Client index of the admin.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow, Plugin_Handled otherwise.
forward Action CallAdmin_OnAddToAdminCount(int client);
* Returns the cached count of current trackers.
* @return Count of current trackers.
native int CallAdmin_GetTrackersCount();
* Requests a forced refresh of the trackers count.
* Note that most modules work asynchronous and only return their own cached count.
* @noreturn
native void CallAdmin_RequestTrackersCountRefresh();
* Called when the trackercount of a module is requested.
* This is either called periodically via the base calladmin, or when RequestTrackersCountRefresh is invoked.
* @param trackers By ref value of your trackers.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnRequestTrackersCountRefresh(int &trackers);
enum ServerData
ServerData_HostName, /**< This is the hostname of the server, gathered from the `hostname` convar */
ServerData_HostIP, /**< This is the hostip of the server, gathered and converted from the `hostip` convar */
ServerData_HostPort /**< This is the hostport of the server, gathered from the `hostport` convar */
* Called when the serverdata data is changed.
* @param convar Handle to the convar which was changed.
* @param type Type of data which was changed.
* @param oldVal Value of data before change.
* @param newVal Value of data after change.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnServerDataChanged(ConVar convar, ServerData type, const char[] oldVal, const char[] newVal);
* Returns the server's hostname.
* @param buffer String to copy hostname to.
* @param max_size Maximum size of buffer.
* @noreturn
native void CallAdmin_GetHostName(char[] buffer, int max_size);
* Returns the server's IP String.
* @param buffer String to copy hostip to.
* @param max_size Maximum size of buffer.
* @noreturn
native void CallAdmin_GetHostIP(char[] buffer, int max_size);
* Returns the server's HostPort.
* @return Hostport.
native int CallAdmin_GetHostPort();
* Logs a message to the calladmin logfile.
* The message has this format "[Pluginname] Message", where the plugin name is detected automatically.
* @param format Formatting rules.
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
native void CallAdmin_LogMessage(const char[] format, any ...);
* Called when a message was logged to the calladmin logfile.
* @param plugin Handle to the plugin which logged a message.
* @param message Message which was logged.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnLogMessage(Handle plugin, const char[] message);
* Returns the server's current report id.
* This is a temporary value and is increased with each report.
* @return Current report id of the server.
native int CallAdmin_GetReportID();
* Called when a report was handled.
* @param client Admin who handled the report.
* @param id ID of the handled report.
* @noreturn
forward void CallAdmin_OnReportHandled(int client, int id);
/* Do not edit below this line */
public SharedPlugin __pl_calladmin =
name = "calladmin",
file = "calladmin.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_calladmin_SetNTVOptional()