2337 lines
63 KiB
2337 lines
63 KiB
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <adminmenu>
#pragma newdecls required
AABBMinX = 0,
AABBMaxX = 1,
AABBMinY = 2,
AABBMaxY = 3,
AABBMinZ = 4,
AABBMaxZ = 5,
AABBTotalPoints = 6
Handle g_hDatabase = null;
Handle g_hTraceTimer = null;
Handle g_hTopMenu = null;
ConVar g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency = null;
ConVar g_cvarDecalFrequency = null;
ConVar g_cvarUseProximityCheck = null;
bool g_bLoadedLate;
bool g_bAllowSpray;
bool g_bSQLite;
bool g_bGotBans;
bool g_bGotBlacklist;
bool g_bFullyConnected;
char g_sBanIssuer[MAXPLAYERS + 1][64];
char g_sBanIssuerSID[MAXPLAYERS + 1][32];
char g_sBanReason[MAXPLAYERS + 1][32];
char g_sSprayHash[MAXPLAYERS + 1][16];
bool g_bSprayBanned[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bSprayHashBanned[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bInvokedThroughListMenu[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iSprayLifetime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iSprayBanTimestamp[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { -1, ... };
int g_iSprayBanTarget[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iSprayUnbanTarget[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iSprayTraceTarget[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iBanTarget[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_fNextSprayTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_vecSprayOrigin[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
float g_SprayAABB[MAXPLAYERS + 1][AABBTotalPoints];
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Spray Manager",
description = "A plugin to help manage player sprays.",
author = "Obus",
version = "1.2.3",
url = "https://github.com/CSSZombieEscape/sm-plugins/tree/master/SprayManager"
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle hThis, bool bLate, char[] err, int iErrLen)
g_bLoadedLate = bLate;
return APLRes_Success;
public void OnPluginStart()
RegAdminCmd("sm_spray", Command_AdminSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Spray a clients spray");
RegAdminCmd("sm_sprayban", Command_SprayBan, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Ban a client from spraying");
RegAdminCmd("sm_sprayunban", Command_SprayUnban, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Unban a client and allow them to spray");
RegAdminCmd("sm_banspray", Command_BanSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Ban a clients spray from being sprayed (Note: This will not spray-ban the client, it will only ban the spray which they are currently using)");
RegAdminCmd("sm_unbanspray", Command_UnbanSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Unban a clients spray (Note: This will not spray-unban the client, it will only unban the spray which they are currently using)");
RegAdminCmd("sm_tracespray", Command_TraceSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Finds a spray under your crosshair");
RegAdminCmd("sm_spraytrace", Command_TraceSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Finds a spray under your crosshair");
RegAdminCmd("sm_removespray", Command_RemoveSpray, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Finds and removes a spray under your crosshair");
RegAdminCmd("sm_spraymanagerupdatedb", Command_SprayManager_UpdateInfo, ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "Updates all clients info");
RegAdminCmd("sm_spraymanagerrefreshdb", Command_SprayManager_UpdateInfo, ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "Updates all clients info");
RegAdminCmd("sm_spraymanagerreloaddb", Command_SprayManager_UpdateInfo, ADMFLAG_CHEATS, "Updates all clients info");
AddTempEntHook("Player Decal", HookDecal);
TopMenu hTopMenu;
if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && ((hTopMenu = GetAdminTopMenu()) != INVALID_HANDLE))
if (g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency != null)
delete g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency;
if (g_cvarDecalFrequency != null)
delete g_cvarDecalFrequency;
if (g_cvarUseProximityCheck != null)
delete g_cvarUseProximityCheck;
g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency = FindConVar("decalfrequency");
g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency.IntValue = 0;
g_cvarDecalFrequency = CreateConVar("sm_decalfrequency", "10", "Controls how often clients can spray", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
HookConVarChange(g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency, CVarHook_DecalFrequency);
g_cvarUseProximityCheck = CreateConVar("sm_spraymanager_blockoverspraying", "1", "Allows or disallows people to overspray other people.", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.spraymanager");
if (g_hDatabase != null)
delete g_hDatabase;
g_hTraceTimer = CreateTimer(0.25, PerformPlayerTraces, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
public void OnPluginEnd()
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
if (g_vecSprayOrigin[i][0] == 0.0)
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(i, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
RemoveTempEntHook("Player Decal", HookDecal);
if (g_hDatabase != null)
delete g_hDatabase;
if (g_hTraceTimer != null)
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if (g_hDatabase != null)
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(client, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
public Action CS_OnTerminateRound(float &fDelay, CSRoundEndReason &reason)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i))
if (!IsVectorZero(g_vecSprayOrigin[i]))
if (g_iSprayLifetime[i] >= 2)
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(i, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
g_iSprayLifetime[i] = 0;
public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse)
if (!impulse || impulse != 201)
return Plugin_Continue;
if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_sprayban", ADMFLAG_GENERIC))
if (!g_bSprayBanned[client] && !g_bSprayHashBanned[client])
if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
if (TracePlayerAnglesRanged(client, 128.0))
return Plugin_Continue;
ForceSpray(client, client, false);
g_fNextSprayTime[client] = 0.0;
return Plugin_Continue;
public void OnAdminMenuReady(Handle hAdminMenu)
if (hAdminMenu == g_hTopMenu)
g_hTopMenu = CloneHandle(hAdminMenu);
TopMenuObject hMenuObj = AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManagerCommands", TopMenuObject_Category, TopMenu_Main_Handler, INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Spraybanlist", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_SprayBanList, hMenuObj);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Tracespray", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_TraceSpray, hMenuObj, "sm_tracespray", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Spray", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_Spray, hMenuObj, "sm_spray", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Sprayban", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_SprayBan, hMenuObj, "sm_sprayban", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Sprayunban", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_SprayUnban, hMenuObj, "sm_sprayunban", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Banspray", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_BanSpray, hMenuObj, "sm_banspray", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
AddToTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, "SprayManager_Unbanspray", TopMenuObject_Item, Handler_UnbanSpray, hMenuObj, "sm_unbanspray", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] sLibraryName)
if (StrEqual(sLibraryName, "adminmenu"))
delete g_hTopMenu;
public void TopMenu_Main_Handler(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "SprayManager Commands", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayTitle)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "SprayManager Commands:", iParam1);
public void Handler_SprayBanList(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "List Spray Banned Clients", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
public void Handler_TraceSpray(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Trace a Spray", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
float vecEndPos[3];
if (TracePlayerAngles(iParam1, vecEndPos))
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsPointInsideAABB(vecEndPos, g_SprayAABB[i]))
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = true;
Menu_Trace(iParam1, i);
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Trace did not hit any sprays.");
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
public void Handler_Spray(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Spray a Client's Spray", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
public void Handler_SprayBan(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Spray Ban a Client", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
public void Handler_SprayUnban(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Spray Unban a Client", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
public void Handler_BanSpray(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Ban a Client's Spray", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
public void Handler_UnbanSpray(Handle hMenu, TopMenuAction hAction, TopMenuObject hObjID, int iParam1, char[] sBuffer, int iBufflen)
if (hAction == TopMenuAction_DisplayOption)
Format(sBuffer, iBufflen, "%s", "Unban a Client's Spray", iParam1);
else if (hAction == TopMenuAction_SelectOption)
void Menu_ListBans(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
int iBannedClients;
Menu ListMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_ListBans);
ListMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Banned Clients:");
ListMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i))
if (g_bSprayBanned[i] || g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
ListMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
if (!iBannedClients)
ListMenu.AddItem("", "No Banned Clients.", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_ListBans(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
g_bInvokedThroughListMenu[iParam1] = true;
Menu_ListBans_Target(iParam1, target);
void Menu_Trace(int client, int target)
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
Menu TraceMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_Trace);
TraceMenu.SetTitle("Sprayed by: %N (%s)", target, sSteamID);
if (g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[client])
TraceMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
TraceMenu.AddItem("1", "Warn Client");
TraceMenu.AddItem("2", "Slap and Warn Client");
TraceMenu.AddItem("3", "Kick Client");
TraceMenu.AddItem("4", "Spray Ban Client");
TraceMenu.AddItem("5", "Ban Clients Spray");
TraceMenu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
TraceMenu.AddItem("6", "Ban Client");
g_iSprayTraceTarget[client] = target;
TraceMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_Trace(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[2];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = g_iSprayTraceTarget[iParam1];
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
switch (StringToInt(sOption))
case 1:
PrintToChat(target, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Your spray is not allowed, change it.");
Menu_Trace(iParam1, target);
case 2:
SlapPlayer(target, 0);
PrintToChat(target, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Your spray is not allowed, change it.");
Menu_Trace(iParam1, target);
case 3:
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
KickClient(target, "Your spray is not allowed, change it");
case 4:
Menu TraceSpraySprayBan = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_Trace_SprayBan);
TraceSpraySprayBan.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Spray Ban Length for %N (#%i)", target, GetClientUserId(target));
TraceSpraySprayBan.ExitBackButton = true;
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("10", "10 Minutes");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("30", "30 Minutes");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("60", "1 Hour");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("1440", "1 Day");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("10080", "1 Week");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("40320", "1 Month");
TraceSpraySprayBan.AddItem("0", "Permanent");
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = target;
TraceSpraySprayBan.Display(iParam1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
case 5:
if (BanClientSpray(target))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 banned \x04%N\x01's spray.", iParam1, target);
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01's spray is already blacklisted.", target);
case 6:
Menu TraceSprayBan = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_Trace_Ban);
TraceSprayBan.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Ban Length for %N (#%i)", target, GetClientUserId(target));
TraceSprayBan.ExitBackButton = true;
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("10", "10 Minutes");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("30", "30 Minutes");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("60", "1 Hour");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("1440", "1 Day");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("10080", "1 Week");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("40320", "1 Month");
TraceSprayBan.AddItem("0", "Permanent");
g_iBanTarget[iParam1] = target;
TraceSprayBan.Display(iParam1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_Trace_SprayBan(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
if (IsValidClient(g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1]))
Menu_Trace(iParam1, g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1]);
else if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[8];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1];
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
if (SprayBanClient(iParam1, target, StringToInt(sOption), "Inappropriate Spray"))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray banned \x04%N\x01.", iParam1, target);
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
int MenuHandler_Menu_Trace_Ban(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
if (IsValidClient(g_iBanTarget[iParam1]))
Menu_Trace(iParam1, g_iBanTarget[iParam1]);
else if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[8];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = g_iBanTarget[iParam1];
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_iBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
FakeClientCommandEx(iParam1, "sm_ban \"#%i\" \"%s\" \"Inappropriate spray\"", GetClientUserId(g_iBanTarget[iParam1]), sOption);
g_iBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[iParam1] = false;
void Menu_Spray(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
Menu SprayMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_Spray);
SprayMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Client to Force Spray:");
SprayMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
if (g_bSprayBanned[i] && g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i) [Spray & Hash Banned]", i, iUserID);
SprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
else if (g_bSprayBanned[i])
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i) [Spray Banned]", i, iUserID);
SprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
else if (g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i) [Hash Banned]", i, iUserID);
SprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
SprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
SprayMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_Spray(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[8];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
g_bAllowSpray = true;
ForceSpray(iParam1, target);
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Sprayed \x04%N\x01's spray(s).", target);
void Menu_SprayBan(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
Menu SprayBanMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_SprayBan);
SprayBanMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Client to Spray Ban:");
SprayBanMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
int iClientsToDisplay;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !g_bSprayBanned[i])
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
SprayBanMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
if (!iClientsToDisplay)
SprayBanMenu.AddItem("", "No Clients to Display.", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
SprayBanMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_SprayBan(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
Menu SprayBanLengthMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_SprayBan_Length);
SprayBanLengthMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Choose a Spray Ban Length for %N (#%i)", target, GetClientUserId(target));
SprayBanLengthMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("10", "10 Minutes");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("30", "30 Minutes");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("60", "1 Hour");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("1440", "1 Day");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("10080", "1 Week");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("40320", "1 Month");
SprayBanLengthMenu.AddItem("0", "Permanent");
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = target;
SprayBanLengthMenu.Display(iParam1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_SprayBan_Length(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[8];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1];
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
if (SprayBanClient(iParam1, target, StringToInt(sOption), "Inappropriate Spray"))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray banned \x04%N\x01.", iParam1, target);
g_iSprayBanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
void Menu_SprayUnban(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
int iBannedClients;
Menu SprayUnbanMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_SprayUnban);
SprayUnbanMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Client to Unban:");
SprayUnbanMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i))
if (g_bSprayBanned[i] || g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
SprayUnbanMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
if (!iBannedClients)
SprayUnbanMenu.AddItem("", "No Banned Clients.", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
SprayUnbanMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_SprayUnban(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
g_bInvokedThroughListMenu[iParam1] = false;
Menu_ListBans_Target(iParam1, target);
void Menu_BanSpray(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
int iClientsToDisplay;
Menu BanSprayMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_BanSpray);
BanSprayMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Client to Ban their Spray:");
BanSprayMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && !g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
BanSprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
if (!iClientsToDisplay)
BanSprayMenu.AddItem("", "No Clients to Display.", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
BanSprayMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_BanSpray(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
if (BanClientSpray(target))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 banned \x04%N\x01's spray.", iParam1, target);
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01's spray is already blacklisted.", target);
void Menu_UnbanSpray(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
Menu UnbanSprayMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_UnbanSpray);
UnbanSprayMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Select a Client to Unban their Spray:");
UnbanSprayMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
int iBannedClients;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i) && g_bSprayHashBanned[i])
char sUserID[16];
char sBuff[64];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(i);
Format(sBuff, sizeof(sBuff), "%N (#%i)", i, iUserID);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
UnbanSprayMenu.AddItem(sUserID, sBuff);
if (!iBannedClients)
UnbanSprayMenu.AddItem("", "No Banned Clients.", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
UnbanSprayMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_UnbanSpray(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack && g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
if (UnbanClientSpray(target))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 unbanned \x04%N\x01's spray.", iParam1, target);
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01's spray is not blacklisted.", target);
void Menu_ListBans_Target(int client, int target)
Menu ListTargetMenu = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_ListBans_Target);
ListTargetMenu.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Banned Client: %N (#%i)", target, GetClientUserId(target));
ListTargetMenu.ExitBackButton = true;
char sBanType[32];
char sUserID[32];
int iUserID = GetClientUserId(target);
Format(sUserID, sizeof(sUserID), "%d", iUserID);
if (g_bSprayHashBanned[target] && !g_bSprayBanned[target])
strcopy(sBanType, sizeof(sBanType), "Type: Hash");
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanType, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem(sUserID, "Unban Client?");
ListTargetMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
char sBanExpiryDate[64];
char sBanIssuedDate[64];
char sBanDuration[64];
char sBannedBy[128];
char sBanReason[64];
int iBanExpiryDate = g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[target];
int iBanIssuedDate = g_iSprayBanTimestamp[target];
int iBanDuration = iBanExpiryDate ? ((iBanExpiryDate - iBanIssuedDate) / 60) : 0;
if (iBanExpiryDate)
FormatTime(sBanExpiryDate, sizeof(sBanExpiryDate), NULL_STRING, iBanExpiryDate);
Format(sBanDuration, sizeof(sBanDuration), "%i %s", iBanDuration, SingularOrMultiple(iBanDuration) ? "Minutes" : "Minute");
strcopy(sBanExpiryDate, sizeof(sBanExpiryDate), "Never");
strcopy(sBanDuration, sizeof(sBanDuration), "Permanent");
FormatTime(sBanIssuedDate, sizeof(sBanIssuedDate), NULL_STRING, iBanIssuedDate);
Format(sBannedBy, sizeof(sBannedBy), "Banned by: %s (%s)", g_sBanIssuer[target], g_sBanIssuerSID[target]);
Format(sBanDuration, sizeof(sBanDuration), "Duration: %s", sBanDuration);
Format(sBanExpiryDate, sizeof(sBanExpiryDate), "Expires: %s", sBanExpiryDate);
Format(sBanIssuedDate, sizeof(sBanIssuedDate), "Issued on: %s", sBanIssuedDate);
Format(sBanReason, sizeof(sBanReason), "Reason: %s", g_sBanReason[target]);
if (g_bSprayBanned[target] && g_bSprayHashBanned[target])
strcopy(sBanType, sizeof(sBanType), "Type: Spray & Hash");
else if (g_bSprayBanned[target])
strcopy(sBanType, sizeof(sBanType), "Type: Spray");
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanType, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBannedBy, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanIssuedDate, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanExpiryDate, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanDuration, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem("", sBanReason, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
ListTargetMenu.AddItem(sUserID, "Unban Client?");
ListTargetMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_ListBans_Target(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
if (g_bInvokedThroughListMenu[iParam1])
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[32];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(sOption));
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
Menu MenuConfirmUnban = new Menu(MenuHandler_Menu_ConfirmUnban);
MenuConfirmUnban.SetTitle("[SprayManager] Unban %N?", target);
MenuConfirmUnban.ExitBackButton = true;
MenuConfirmUnban.AddItem("Y", "Yes.");
MenuConfirmUnban.AddItem("N", "No.");
g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1] = target;
MenuConfirmUnban.Display(iParam1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
int MenuHandler_Menu_ConfirmUnban(Menu hMenu, MenuAction action, int iParam1, int iParam2)
switch (action)
case MenuAction_End:
case MenuAction_Cancel:
if (iParam2 == MenuCancel_ExitBack)
if (IsValidClient(g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1]))
Menu_ListBans_Target(iParam1, g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1]);
else if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
case MenuAction_Select:
char sOption[2];
hMenu.GetItem(iParam2, sOption, sizeof(sOption));
int target = g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1];
if (!IsValidClient(target))
PrintToChat(iParam1, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Target no longer available.");
g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
if (g_hTopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)
DisplayTopMenu(g_hTopMenu, iParam1, TopMenuPosition_LastCategory);
if (sOption[0] == 'Y')
if (g_bSprayHashBanned[target] && g_bSprayBanned[target])
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray unbanned \x04%N\x01.", iParam1, target);
else if (g_bSprayBanned[target])
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray unbanned \x04%N\x01.", iParam1, target);
else if (g_bSprayHashBanned[target])
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 unbanned \x04%N\x01's spray.", iParam1, target);
g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
else if (sOption[0] == 'N')
Menu_ListBans_Target(iParam1, g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1]);
g_iSprayUnbanTarget[iParam1] = 0;
public Action Command_AdminSpray(int client, int argc)
if (!client)
PrintToServer("[SprayManager] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (argc > 0)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if ((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for (int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
g_bAllowSpray = true;
ForceSpray(client, iTargets[i], false);
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Sprayed \x04%s\x01's spray(s).", sTargetName);
return Plugin_Handled;
float vecEndPos[3];
TracePlayerAngles(client, vecEndPos);
g_bAllowSpray = true;
ForceSpray(client, client, false);
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Sprayed your own spray.");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_SprayBan(int client, int argc)
if (argc < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Usage: sm_sprayban <target> <time> <reason:optional>");
return Plugin_Handled;
int iTarget;
char sTarget[32];
char sLength[32];
char sReason[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
GetCmdArg(2, sLength, sizeof(sLength));
if (argc > 2)
GetCmdArg(3, sReason, sizeof(sReason));
if ((iTarget = FindTarget(client, sTarget)) <= 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (SprayBanClient(client, iTarget, StringToInt(sLength), sReason))
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray banned \x04%N\x01.", client, iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_SprayUnban(int client, int argc)
if (argc < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Usage: sm_sprayunban <target>");
return Plugin_Handled;
int iTarget;
char sTarget[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
if ((iTarget = FindTarget(client, sTarget)) <= 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!SprayUnbanClient(iTarget))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] %N is not spray banned.", iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 spray unbanned \x04%N\x01.", client, iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_BanSpray(int client, int argc)
if (argc > 0)
int iTarget;
char sTarget[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
if ((iTarget = FindTarget(client, sTarget)) <= 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!BanClientSpray(iTarget))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] %N's spray is already blacklisted.", iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 banned \x04%N\x01's spray.", client, iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
float vecEndPos[3];
if (TracePlayerAngles(client, vecEndPos))
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsPointInsideAABB(vecEndPos, g_SprayAABB[i]))
if (!BanClientSpray(i))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] %N's spray is already blacklisted.", i);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 banned \x04%N\x01's spray.", client, i);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 No spray could be found.");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_UnbanSpray(int client, int argc)
if (argc < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Usage: sm_unbanspray <target>");
return Plugin_Handled;
int iTarget;
char sTarget[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
if ((iTarget = FindTarget(client, sTarget)) <= 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!UnbanClientSpray(iTarget))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] %N's spray is not blacklisted.", iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChatAll("\x01\x04[SprayManager] %N\x01 unbanned \x04%N\x01's spray.", client, iTarget);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_TraceSpray(int client, int argc)
if (!client)
PrintToServer("[SprayManager] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
float vecEndPos[3];
if (TracePlayerAngles(client, vecEndPos))
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsPointInsideAABB(vecEndPos, g_SprayAABB[i]))
g_bInvokedThroughTopMenu[client] = false;
Menu_Trace(client, i);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Trace did not hit any sprays.");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_RemoveSpray(int client, int argc)
if (!client)
PrintToServer("[SprayManager] Cannot use command from server console.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (argc > 0)
char sArgs[64];
char sTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
int iTargets[MAXPLAYERS];
int iTargetCount;
bool bIsML;
GetCmdArg(1, sArgs, sizeof(sArgs));
if ((iTargetCount = ProcessTargetString(sArgs, client, iTargets, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName), bIsML)) <= 0)
ReplyToTargetError(client, iTargetCount);
return Plugin_Handled;
for (int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(iTargets[i], 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Removed \x04%s\x01's spray(s).", sTargetName);
return Plugin_Handled;
float vecEndPos[3];
if (TracePlayerAngles(client, vecEndPos))
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsPointInsideAABB(vecEndPos, g_SprayAABB[i]))
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(i, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Removed \x04%N\x01's spray.", i);
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 No spray could be found.");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_SprayManager_UpdateInfo(int client, int argc)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsValidClient(i))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Refreshed database.");
public Action HookDecal(const char[] sTEName, const int[] iClients, int iNumClients, float fSendDelay)
int client = TE_ReadNum("m_nPlayer");
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return Plugin_Continue;
float vecOrigin[3];
float AABBTemp[AABBTotalPoints];
TE_ReadVector("m_vecOrigin", vecOrigin);
AABBTemp[AABBMinX] = vecOrigin[0] - 32.0;
AABBTemp[AABBMaxX] = vecOrigin[0] + 32.0;
AABBTemp[AABBMinY] = vecOrigin[1] - 32.0;
AABBTemp[AABBMaxY] = vecOrigin[1] + 32.0;
AABBTemp[AABBMinZ] = vecOrigin[2] - 32.0;
AABBTemp[AABBMaxZ] = vecOrigin[2] + 32.0;
if (!g_bAllowSpray)
if (g_bSprayHashBanned[client])
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Your spray is blacklisted, change it.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] != 0 && g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] != -1)
if (g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] < GetTime())
if (g_bSprayBanned[client])
char sRemainingTime[512];
FormatRemainingTime(g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client], sRemainingTime, sizeof(sRemainingTime));
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 You are currently spray banned. (\x04%s\x01)", sRemainingTime);
return Plugin_Handled;
if (g_fNextSprayTime[client] > GetGameTime())
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_sprayban", ADMFLAG_GENERIC))
if (g_cvarUseProximityCheck.IntValue >= 1)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i) || i == client)
if (IsVectorZero(g_vecSprayOrigin[i]))
if (!CheckForAABBCollision(AABBTemp, g_SprayAABB[i]))
if (CheckCommandAccess(i, "", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1, true) || CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_sprayban", ADMFLAG_GENERIC))
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Your spray is too close to \x04%N\x01's spray.", i);
return Plugin_Handled;
if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1))
g_fNextSprayTime[client] = GetGameTime() + (g_cvarDecalFrequency.FloatValue / 2);
g_fNextSprayTime[client] = GetGameTime() + g_cvarDecalFrequency.FloatValue;
g_bAllowSpray = false;
g_iSprayLifetime[client] = 0;
g_vecSprayOrigin[client][0] = vecOrigin[0];
g_vecSprayOrigin[client][1] = vecOrigin[1];
g_vecSprayOrigin[client][2] = vecOrigin[2];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMinX] = AABBTemp[AABBMinX];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMaxX] = AABBTemp[AABBMaxX];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMinY] = AABBTemp[AABBMinY];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMaxY] = AABBTemp[AABBMaxY];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMinZ] = AABBTemp[AABBMinZ];
g_SprayAABB[client][AABBMaxZ] = AABBTemp[AABBMaxZ];
ArrayList PosArray = new ArrayList(3, 0);
PosArray.PushArray(vecOrigin, 3);
RequestFrame(FrameAfterSpray, PosArray);
return Plugin_Continue;
public void FrameAfterSpray(ArrayList Data)
float vecPos[3];
Data.GetArray(0, vecPos, 3);
EmitSoundToAll("player/sprayer.wav", SOUND_FROM_WORLD, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SNDLEVEL_NORMAL, SND_NOFLAGS, _, _, _, vecPos);
delete Data;
public Action HookSprayer(int iClients[MAXPLAYERS], int &iNumClients, char sSoundName[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &iEntity, int &iChannel, float &flVolume, int &iLevel, int &iPitch, int &iFlags, char sSoundEntry[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &seed)
if (StrEqual(sSoundName, "player/sprayer.wav") && iEntity > 0)
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action PerformPlayerTraces(Handle hTimer)
static bool bLookingatSpray[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
static bool bOnce[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float vecPos[3];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
if (!TracePlayerAngles(i, vecPos))
for (int a = 1; a <= MaxClients; a++)
if (!IsValidClient(a))
if (IsPointInsideAABB(vecPos, g_SprayAABB[a]))
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(a, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
PrintHintText(i, "Sprayed by: %N (%s)", a, sSteamID);
StopSound(i, SNDCHAN_STATIC, "UI/hint.wav");
bLookingatSpray[i] = true;
bOnce[i] = false;
bLookingatSpray[i] = false;
for (int x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
if (!IsValidClient(x) || IsFakeClient(x))
if (!bLookingatSpray[x] && !bOnce[x])
PrintHintText(x, "");
StopSound(x, SNDCHAN_STATIC, "UI/hint.wav");
bOnce[x] = true;
void InitializeSQL()
if (g_hDatabase != null)
delete g_hDatabase;
if (SQL_CheckConfig("spraymanager"))
SQL_TConnect(OnSQLConnected, "spraymanager");
SetFailState("Could not find \"spraymanager\" entry in databases.cfg.");
public void OnSQLConnected(Handle hParent, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any data)
if (hChild == null)
LogError("Failed to connect to database, retrying in 10 seconds. (%s)", err);
if (CreateTimer(10.0, ReconnectSQL) == null)
LogError("Failed to create re-connector timer, trying to reconnect now.");
char sDriver[16];
g_hDatabase = CloneHandle(hChild);
SQL_GetDriverIdent(hParent, sDriver, sizeof(sDriver));
if (!strncmp(sDriver, "my", 2, false))
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, DummyCallback, "SET NAMES \"UTF8\"");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `unbantime` INT, `issuersteamid` VARCHAR(32), `issuername` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `issuedtime` INT, `issuedreason` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(steamid)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, `sprayer` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `sprayersteamid` VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
g_bSQLite = false;
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` TEXT NOT NULL, `name` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `unbantime` INTEGER, `issuersteamid` TEXT, `issuername` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `issuedtime` INTEGER NOT NULL, `issuedreason` TEXT DEFAULT 'none', PRIMARY KEY(steamid));");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` TEXT NOT NULL, `sprayer` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `sprayersteamid` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash));");
g_bSQLite = true;
public Action ReconnectSQL(Handle hTimer)
return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnSQLTableCreated(Handle hParent, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any data)
if (hChild == null)
LogError("Database error while creating/checking for \"spraymanager\" table, retrying in 10 seconds. (%s)", err);
if (CreateTimer(10.0, RetryMainTableCreation) == null)
LogError("Failed to create re-query timer, trying to query now.");
if (g_bSQLite)
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` TEXT NOT NULL, `name` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `unbantime` INTEGER, `issuersteamid` TEXT, `issuername` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `issuedtime` INTEGER NOT NULL, `issuedreason` TEXT DEFAULT 'none', PRIMARY KEY(steamid));");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `unbantime` INT, `issuersteamid` VARCHAR(32), `issuername` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `issuedtime` INT, `issuedreason` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(steamid)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
g_bGotBans = true;
if (g_bGotBlacklist)
if (g_bLoadedLate)
if (CreateTimer(2.5, RetryUpdatingPlayerInfo) == null)
LogError("Failed to create player info updater timer, attempting to update info now.");
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient)
LogMessage("Successfully connected to %s database!", g_bSQLite ? "SQLite" : "mySQL");
g_bFullyConnected = true;
public Action RetryMainTableCreation(Handle hTimer)
if (g_bSQLite)
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` TEXT NOT NULL, `name` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `unbantime` INTEGER, `issuersteamid` TEXT, `issuername` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `issuedtime` INTEGER NOT NULL, `issuedreason` TEXT DEFAULT 'none', PRIMARY KEY(steamid));");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLTableCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spraymanager` (`steamid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `unbantime` INT, `issuersteamid` VARCHAR(32), `issuername` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `issuedtime` INT, `issuedreason` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(steamid)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
public void OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated(Handle hParent, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any data)
if (hChild == null)
LogError("Database error while creating/checking for \"sprayblacklist\" table, retrying in 10 seconds. (%s)", err);
if (CreateTimer(10.0, RetryBlacklistTableCreation) == null)
LogError("Failed to create re-query timer, trying to query now.");
if (g_bSQLite)
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` TEXT NOT NULL, `sprayer` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `sprayersteamid` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash));");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, `sprayer` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `sprayersteamid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
g_bGotBlacklist = true;
if (g_bGotBans)
if (g_bLoadedLate)
if (CreateTimer(2.5, RetryUpdatingPlayerInfo) == null)
LogError("Failed to create player info updater timer, attempting to update info now.");
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient)
LogMessage("Successfully connected to %s database!", g_bSQLite ? "SQLite" : "mySQL");
g_bFullyConnected = true;
public Action RetryBlacklistTableCreation(Handle hTimer)
if (g_bSQLite)
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` TEXT NOT NULL, `sprayer` TEXT DEFAULT 'unknown', `sprayersteamid` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash));");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLSprayBlacklistCreated, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, `sprayer` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `sprayersteamid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(sprayhash)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
public Action RetryUpdatingPlayerInfo(Handle hTimer)
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient)
public void CVarHook_DecalFrequency(ConVar cvar, const char[] sOldValue, const char[] sNewValue)
if (cvar == g_cvarHookedDecalFrequency)
if (StringToInt(sNewValue) != 0)
LogMessage("ConVar \"decalfrequency\" needs to be 0 at all times, please use sm_decalfrequency instead.");
cvar.IntValue = 0;
bool SprayBanClient(int client, int target, int iBanLength, const char[] sReason)
if (!IsValidClient(target))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Target is no longer valid.");
return false;
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] Database is not connected.");
return false;
if (g_bSprayBanned[target])
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SprayManager] %N is already spray banned.", target);
return false;
char sQuery[512];
char sAdminName[64];
char sTargetName[64];
char sTargetSteamID[32];
char sAdminSteamID[32];
Format(sAdminName, sizeof(sAdminName), "%N", client);
GetClientName(target, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
if (client)
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sAdminSteamID, sizeof(sAdminSteamID));
strcopy(sAdminSteamID, sizeof(sAdminSteamID), "STEAM_ID_SERVER");
GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, sTargetSteamID, sizeof(sTargetSteamID));
char[] sSafeAdminName = new char[2 * strlen(sAdminName) + 1];
char[] sSafeTargetName = new char[2 * strlen(sTargetName) + 1];
char[] sSafeReason = new char[2 * strlen(sReason) + 1];
SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, sAdminName, sSafeAdminName, 2 * strlen(sAdminName) + 1);
SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, sTargetName, sSafeTargetName, 2 * strlen(sTargetName) + 1);
SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, sReason, sSafeReason, 2 * strlen(sReason) + 1);
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO `spraymanager` (`steamid`, `name`, `unbantime`, `issuersteamid`, `issuername`, `issuedtime`, `issuedreason`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%i', '%s', '%s', '%i', '%s');",
sTargetSteamID, sSafeTargetName, iBanLength ? (GetTime() + (iBanLength * 60)) : 0, sAdminSteamID, sSafeAdminName, GetTime(), strlen(sSafeReason) > 1 ? sSafeReason : "none");
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, DummyCallback, sQuery);
strcopy(g_sBanIssuer[target], sizeof(g_sBanIssuer[]), sAdminName);
strcopy(g_sBanIssuerSID[target], sizeof(g_sBanIssuerSID[]), sAdminSteamID);
strcopy(g_sBanReason[target], sizeof(g_sBanReason[]), strlen(sReason) ? sReason : "none");
g_bSprayBanned[target] = true;
g_iSprayBanTimestamp[target] = GetTime();
g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[target] = iBanLength ? (GetTime() + (iBanLength * 60)) : 0;
g_fNextSprayTime[target] = 0.0;
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(target, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
return true;
bool SprayUnbanClient(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
return false;
if (!g_bSprayBanned[client])
return false;
char sQuery[128];
char sClientSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sClientSteamID, sizeof(sClientSteamID));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "DELETE FROM `spraymanager` WHERE steamid = '%s';", sClientSteamID);
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, DummyCallback, sQuery);
strcopy(g_sBanIssuer[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuer[]), "");
strcopy(g_sBanIssuerSID[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuerSID[]), "");
strcopy(g_sBanReason[client], sizeof(g_sBanReason[]), "");
g_bSprayBanned[client] = false;
g_iSprayLifetime[client] = 0;
g_iSprayBanTimestamp[client] = 0;
g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] = -1;
g_fNextSprayTime[client] = 0.0;
return true;
bool BanClientSpray(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
return false;
if (g_bSprayHashBanned[client])
return false;
char sQuery[256];
char sTargetName[64];
char sTargetSteamID[32];
GetClientName(client, sTargetName, sizeof(sTargetName));
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sTargetSteamID, sizeof(sTargetSteamID));
char[] sSafeTargetName = new char[2 * strlen(sTargetName) + 1];
SQL_EscapeString(g_hDatabase, sTargetName, sSafeTargetName, 2 * strlen(sTargetName) + 1);
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO `sprayblacklist` (`sprayhash`, `sprayer`, `sprayersteamid`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s');",
g_sSprayHash[client], sSafeTargetName, sTargetSteamID);
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, DummyCallback, sQuery);
g_bSprayHashBanned[client] = true;
g_bAllowSpray = true;
SprayClientDecal(client, 0, ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR);
return true;
bool UnbanClientSpray(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
return false;
if (!g_bSprayHashBanned[client])
return false;
char sQuery[128];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "DELETE FROM `sprayblacklist` WHERE `sprayhash` = '%s';", g_sSprayHash[client]);
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, DummyCallback, sQuery);
g_bSprayHashBanned[client] = false;
return true;
void UpdatePlayerInfo(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
char sSteamID[32];
char sQuery[128];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * FROM `spraymanager` WHERE `steamid` = '%s';", sSteamID);
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLCheckBanQuery, sQuery, client, DBPrio_High);
void UpdateSprayHashInfo(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
if (g_hDatabase == null || !g_bFullyConnected)
char sSprayQuery[128];
GetPlayerDecalFile(client, g_sSprayHash[client], sizeof(g_sSprayHash[]));
Format(sSprayQuery, sizeof(sSprayQuery), "SELECT * FROM `sprayblacklist` WHERE `sprayhash` = '%s';", g_sSprayHash[client]);
SQL_TQuery(g_hDatabase, OnSQLCheckSprayHashBanQuery, sSprayQuery, client, DBPrio_High);
public void DummyCallback(Handle hOwner, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any data)
if (hOwner == null || hChild == null)
LogError("Query error. (%s)", err);
public void OnSQLCheckBanQuery(Handle hParent, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
if (hChild == null)
LogError("An error occurred while querying the database for a user ban, retrying in 10 seconds. (%s)", err);
if (CreateTimer(10.0, RetryPlayerInfoUpdate, client) == null)
LogError("Failed to create query timer, trying to query now.");
if (SQL_FetchRow(hChild))
g_bSprayBanned[client] = true;
g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] = SQL_FetchInt(hChild, 2);
g_iSprayBanTimestamp[client] = SQL_FetchInt(hChild, 5);
SQL_FetchString(hChild, 3, g_sBanIssuerSID[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuerSID[]));
SQL_FetchString(hChild, 4, g_sBanIssuer[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuer[]));
SQL_FetchString(hChild, 6, g_sBanReason[client], sizeof(g_sBanReason[]));
public void OnSQLCheckSprayHashBanQuery(Handle hParent, Handle hChild, const char[] err, any client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
if (hChild == null)
LogError("An error occurred while querying the database for a spray ban, retrying in 10 seconds. (%s)", err);
if (CreateTimer(10.0, RetrySprayHashUpdate, client) == null)
LogError("Failed to create spray query timer, trying to query now.");
if (SQL_FetchRow(hChild))
g_bSprayHashBanned[client] = true;
public Action RetryPlayerInfoUpdate(Handle hTimer, any client)
public Action RetrySprayHashUpdate(Handle hTimer, any client)
bool ForceSpray(int client, int target, bool bPlaySound=true)
if (!IsValidClient(target))
return false;
float vecEndPos[3];
if (TracePlayerAngles(client, vecEndPos))
SprayClientDecal(target, 0, vecEndPos);
if (bPlaySound)
EmitSoundToAll("player/sprayer.wav", SOUND_FROM_WORLD, SNDCHAN_AUTO, SNDLEVEL_NORMAL, SND_NOFLAGS, _, _, _, vecEndPos);
return true;
PrintToChat(client, "\x01\x04[SprayManager]\x01 Could not spray here, try somewhere else.");
return false;
bool SprayClientDecal(int client, int iEntity, float vecOrigin[3])
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
TE_Start("Player Decal");
TE_WriteVector("m_vecOrigin", vecOrigin);
TE_WriteNum("m_nEntity", iEntity);
TE_WriteNum("m_nPlayer", client);
return true;
bool TracePlayerAngles(int client, float vecResult[3])
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
float vecEyeAngles[3];
float vecEyeOrigin[3];
GetClientEyeAngles(client, vecEyeAngles);
GetClientEyePosition(client, vecEyeOrigin);
Handle hTraceRay = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(vecEyeOrigin, vecEyeAngles, MASK_SHOT_HULL, RayType_Infinite, TraceFilterEntities);
if (TR_DidHit(hTraceRay))
TR_GetEndPosition(vecResult, hTraceRay);
return true;
return false;
bool TracePlayerAnglesRanged(int client, float fMaxDistance)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
return false;
float vecEyeAngles[3];
float vecEyeOrigin[3];
float vecDirection[3];
float vecEndPos[3];
GetClientEyeAngles(client, vecEyeAngles);
GetClientEyePosition(client, vecEyeOrigin);
GetAngleVectors(vecEyeAngles, vecDirection, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
vecEndPos[0] = vecEyeOrigin[0] + (vecDirection[0] * fMaxDistance);
vecEndPos[1] = vecEyeOrigin[1] + (vecDirection[1] * fMaxDistance);
vecEndPos[2] = vecEyeOrigin[2] + (vecDirection[2] * fMaxDistance);
Handle hTraceRay = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(vecEyeOrigin, vecEndPos, MASK_SHOT_HULL, RayType_EndPoint, TraceFilterEntities);
if (TR_DidHit(hTraceRay))
return true;
return false;
void ClearPlayerInfo(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
strcopy(g_sBanIssuer[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuer[]), "");
strcopy(g_sBanIssuerSID[client], sizeof(g_sBanIssuerSID[]), "");
strcopy(g_sBanReason[client], sizeof(g_sBanReason[]), "");
strcopy(g_sSprayHash[client], sizeof(g_sSprayHash[]), "");
g_bSprayBanned[client] = false;
g_bSprayHashBanned[client] = false;
g_iSprayLifetime[client] = 0;
g_iSprayBanTimestamp[client] = 0;
g_iSprayUnbanTimestamp[client] = -1;
g_fNextSprayTime[client] = 0.0;
g_vecSprayOrigin[client] = ACTUAL_NULL_VECTOR;
void FormatRemainingTime(int iTimestamp, char[] sBuffer, int iBuffSize)
if (!iTimestamp)
Format(sBuffer, iBuffSize, "Permanent");
int tstamp = (iTimestamp - GetTime());
int days = (tstamp / 86400);
int hours = ((tstamp / 3600) % 24);
int minutes = ((tstamp / 60) % 60);
int seconds = (tstamp % 60);
if (tstamp > 86400)
Format(sBuffer, iBuffSize, "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s", days, SingularOrMultiple(days) ? "Days" : "Day",
hours, SingularOrMultiple(hours) ? "Hours" : "Hour", minutes, SingularOrMultiple(minutes) ? "Minutes" : "Minute",
seconds, SingularOrMultiple(seconds)?"Seconds":"Second");
else if (tstamp > 3600)
Format(sBuffer, iBuffSize, "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s", hours, SingularOrMultiple(hours) ? "Hours" : "Hour",
minutes, SingularOrMultiple(minutes) ? "Minutes" : "Minute", seconds, SingularOrMultiple(seconds) ? "Seconds" : "Second");
else if (tstamp > 60)
Format(sBuffer, iBuffSize, "%d %s, %d %s", minutes, SingularOrMultiple(minutes) ? "Minutes" : "Minute",
seconds, SingularOrMultiple(seconds) ? "Seconds" : "Second");
Format(sBuffer, iBuffSize, "%d %s", seconds, SingularOrMultiple(seconds) ? "Seconds":"Second");
bool IsPointInsideAABB(float vecPoint[3], float AABB[6])
if (vecPoint[0] >= AABB[AABBMinX] && vecPoint[0] <= AABB[AABBMaxX] &&
vecPoint[1] >= AABB[AABBMinY] && vecPoint[1] <= AABB[AABBMaxY] &&
vecPoint[2] >= AABB[AABBMinZ] && vecPoint[2] <= AABB[AABBMaxZ])
return true;
return false;
bool CheckForAABBCollision(float AABB1[6], float AABB2[6])
if (AABB1[AABBMinX] > AABB2[AABBMaxX]) return false;
if (AABB1[AABBMinY] > AABB2[AABBMaxY]) return false;
if (AABB1[AABBMinZ] > AABB2[AABBMaxZ]) return false;
if (AABB1[AABBMaxX] < AABB2[AABBMinX]) return false;
if (AABB1[AABBMaxY] < AABB2[AABBMinY]) return false;
if (AABB1[AABBMaxZ] < AABB2[AABBMinZ]) return false;
return true;
stock bool IsVectorZero(float vecPos[3])
return ((vecPos[0] == 0.0) && (vecPos[1] == 0.0) && (vecPos[2] == 0.0));
stock bool SingularOrMultiple(int num)
if (!num || num > 1)
return true;
return false;
stock bool TraceFilterEntities(int entity, int contentsMask)
return false;
stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientInGame(client))
return false;
return IsClientAuthorized(client);