switch from Minutes to Day/Hours in topplaytime display
275 lines
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275 lines
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#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <PlayerManager>
Database g_hDatabase;
int g_iConnectionTime[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
bool g_bPlayerValid[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
ConVar g_cvServerType;
int g_iServerType;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "PlaytimeStats",
author = "Dogan",
description = "Retreives total playtime on multiple servers for clients",
version = "2.0.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "unloze_playtimestats");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_playtime", Command_Time, "retreives total connection time on all connected servers");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_topplaytime", Command_TopTime, "retreives top 12 playtime highscores on all connected servers");
public void OnConfigsExecuted()
if((g_cvServerType = FindConVar("sm_server_type")) == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetFailState("Failed to find sm_server_type cvar.");
g_iServerType = g_cvServerType.IntValue;
public Action Command_Time(int client, int args)
int iAuthID = GetSteamAccountID(client);
char sQuery[512];
if(g_iServerType == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT time FROM playtimeze WHERE auth = '%d'", iAuthID);
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT time FROM playtimemg WHERE auth = '%d'", iAuthID);
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT time FROM playtimezr WHERE auth = '%d'", iAuthID);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompletedTime, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_TopTime(int client, int args)
char sQuery[255];
if(g_iServerType == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * from playtimeze order by time desc limit 12");
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * from playtimemg order by time desc limit 12");
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * from playtimezr order by time desc limit 12");
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompletedTopTime, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client));
return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnClientAuthorized(int client)
g_bPlayerValid[client] = true;
g_iConnectionTime[client] = GetTime();
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
if(g_iConnectionTime[client] == 0 || !g_bPlayerValid[client])
g_bPlayerValid[client] = false;
int iPlayTime = GetTime() - g_iConnectionTime[client];
int iAuthID = GetSteamAccountID(client);
if(iAuthID == 0)
char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(client, sName, sizeof(sName));
char sSafeName[(2*MAX_NAME_LENGTH)+1];
g_hDatabase.Escape(sName, sSafeName, sizeof(sSafeName));
char sQuery[512];
if(g_iServerType == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO playtimeze (auth,name,time) VALUES ('%u', '%s', '%d') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time=time+%d", iAuthID, sSafeName, iPlayTime, iPlayTime);
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO playtimemg (auth,name,time) VALUES ('%u', '%s', '%d') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time=time+%d", iAuthID, sSafeName, iPlayTime, iPlayTime);
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO playtimezr (auth,name,time) VALUES ('%u', '%s', '%d') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time=time+%d", iAuthID, sSafeName, iPlayTime, iPlayTime);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted, sQuery, _, DBPrio_Low);
public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
g_hDatabase = db;
char sQuery[512];
if(g_iServerType == 1)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playtimeze (`auth` INTEGER UNSIGNED, `name` varchar(128), `time` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`auth`), INDEX (`time`))");
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playtimemg (`auth` INTEGER UNSIGNED, `name` varchar(128), `time` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`auth`), INDEX (`time`))");
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playtimezr (`auth` INTEGER UNSIGNED, `name` varchar(128), `time` INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (`auth`), INDEX (`time`))");
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted, sQuery, _, DBPrio_Low);
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
public void SQL_OnQueryCompletedTime(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int iSerial)
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial)) == 0)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
int iTime;
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
int iFieldNum;
results.FieldNameToNum("time", iFieldNum);
iTime = results.FetchInt(iFieldNum);
char sTime[64];
int iDays = (iTime / 86400);
int iHours = (iTime / 3600) % 24;
int iMinutes = (iTime / 60) % 60;
int iSeconds = (iTime % 60);
if (iDays)
Format(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%d Days %d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iDays, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iHours)
Format(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%d Hours %d Minutes %d Seconds", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
else if (iMinutes)
Format(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%d Minutes %d Seconds", iMinutes, iSeconds);
Format(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%d Seconds", iSeconds);
char sTitle[64];
if(g_iServerType == 1)
Format(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), "[UNLOZE Playtime Zombie Escape] Player %N:", client);
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
Format(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), "[UNLOZE Playtime Minigames] Player %N:", client);
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
Format(sTitle, sizeof(sTitle), "[UNLOZE Playtime Zombie Riot] Player %N:", client);
Panel mSayPanel = new Panel(GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio));
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.DrawText("(Data collected since Octobre 2019)");
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("1. Got it!", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
mSayPanel.Send(client, Handler_Menu, 0);
delete mSayPanel;
public void SQL_OnQueryCompletedTopTime(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int iSerial)
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial)) == 0)
if (!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
char sName[12][32];
int iTime[12];
int iDays[12];
int iHours[12];
char sTime[12][32];
char sBuffer[12][256];
Panel mSayPanel = new Panel(GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio));
if(g_iServerType == 1)
mSayPanel.SetTitle("[UNLOZE Playtime] Record Holders Zombie Escape:");
else if(g_iServerType == 2)
mSayPanel.SetTitle("[UNLOZE Playtime] Record Holders Minigames:");
else if(g_iServerType == 3)
mSayPanel.SetTitle("[UNLOZE Playtime] Record Holders Zombie Riot:");
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
for(int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
int iFieldNum;
if (!results.FetchRow())
results.FieldNameToNum("name", iFieldNum);
results.FetchString(iFieldNum, sName[i - 1], 32);
results.FieldNameToNum("time", iFieldNum);
iTime[i - 1] = results.FetchInt(iFieldNum);
iDays[i - 1] = (iTime[i - 1] / 86400);
iHours[i - 1] = (iTime[i - 1] / 3600) % 24;
if (iDays[i - 1])
Format(sTime[i - 1], 32, "%d Days %d Hours", iDays[i - 1], iHours[i - 1]);
else if (iHours[i - 1])
Format(sTime[i - 1], 32, "%d Hours", iHours[i - 1]);
Format(sBuffer[i - 1], 128, "%d. %s - %s", i, sName[i - 1], sTime[i - 1]);
mSayPanel.DrawText(sBuffer[i - 1]);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("1. Got it!", ITEMDRAW_RAWLINE);
mSayPanel.Send(client, Handler_Menu, 0);
delete mSayPanel;
public int Handler_Menu(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
case MenuAction_Select, MenuAction_Cancel:
delete menu;
stock bool IsValidClient(int client)
return (client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && !IsFakeClient(client) && PM_IsPlayerSteam(client));
} |