i don't want to have to do this again, fix your shitty code editors @commiters !!!
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#if defined _dhooks_included
#define _dhooks_included
enum ObjectValueType
ObjectValueType_Int = 0,
enum ListenType
enum ReturnType
ReturnType_String, //Note this is a string_t
ReturnType_StringPtr, //Note this is a string_t *
enum HookParamType
HookParamType_String, //Note this is a string_t
HookParamType_StringPtr, //Note this is a string_t *
enum ThisPointerType
enum HookType
enum MRESReturn
MRES_ChangedHandled = -2, // Use changed values and return MRES_Handled
MRES_ChangedOverride, // Use changed values and return MRES_Override
MRES_Ignored, // plugin didn't take any action
MRES_Handled, // plugin did something, but real function should still be called
MRES_Override, // call real function, but use my return value
MRES_Supercede // skip real function; use my return value
enum DHookPassFlag
DHookPass_ByVal = (1<<0), /**< Passing by value */
DHookPass_ByRef = (1<<1), /**< Passing by reference */
DHookPass_ODTOR = (1<<2), /**< Object has a destructor */
DHookPass_OCTOR = (1<<3), /**< Object has a constructor */
DHookPass_OASSIGNOP = (1<<4), /**< Object has an assignment operator */
typeset ListenCB
function void (int entity);
function void (int entity, const char[] classname);
typeset DHookRemovalCB
function void (int hookid);
typeset DHookCallback
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn ();
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hParams);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer ignore
function MRESReturn (Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (int pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
//Address NOW
//Function Example: void Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis);
//Function Example: void Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hParams);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test() with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hReturn);
//Function Example: int Ham::Test(int cake) with this pointer passed
function MRESReturn (Address pThis, Handle hReturn, Handle hParams);
/* Adds an entity listener hook
* @param type Type of listener to add
* @param callback Callback to use
* @noreturn
native void DHookAddEntityListener(ListenType type, ListenCB callback);
/* Removes an entity listener hook
* @param type Type of listener to remove
* @param callback Callback this listener was using
* @return True if one was removed false otherwise.
native bool DHookRemoveEntityListener(ListenType type, ListenCB callback);
/* Creates a hook
* @param offset vtable offset for function to hook
* @param hooktype Type of hook
* @param returntype Type type of return
* @param thistype Type of this pointer or ignore (ignore can be used if not needed)
* @param callback Callback function
* @return Returns setup handle for the hook or INVALID_HANDLE.
native Handle DHookCreate(int offset, HookType hooktype, ReturnType returntype, ThisPointerType thistype, DHookCallback callback);
/* Adds param to a hook setup
* @param setup Setup handle to add the param to.
* @param type Param type
* @param size Used for Objects (not Object ptr) to define the size of the object.
* @param flag Used to change the pass type.
* @error Invalid setup handle or too many params added (request upping the max in thread)
* @noreturn
native void DHookAddParam(Handle setup, HookParamType type, int size=-1, DHookPassFlag flag=DHookPass_ByVal);
//native DHookAddParam(Handle:setup, HookParamType:type);
/* Hook entity
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param entity Entity index to hook on.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, invalid entity or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookEntity(Handle setup, bool post, int entity, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Hook gamerules
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Game rules hooks are auto-removed on map end and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, failing to get gamerules pointer or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookGamerules(Handle setup, bool post, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Hook a raw pointer
* @param setup Setup handle to use to add the hook.
* @param post True to make the hook a post hook. (If you need to change the retunr value or need the return value use a post hook! If you need to change params and return use a pre and post hook!)
* @param addr This pointer address.
* @param removalcb Callback for when the hook is removed (Entity hooks are auto-removed on entity destroyed and will call this callback)
* @error Invalid setup handle, invalid address or invalid hook type.
* @return -1 on fail a hookid on success
native int DHookRaw(Handle setup, bool post, Address addr, DHookRemovalCB removalcb=INVALID_FUNCTION);
/* Remove hook by hook id
* @param hookid Hook id to remove
* @return true on success false otherwise
* @note This will not fire the removal callback!
native bool DHookRemoveHookID(int hookid);
/* Get param value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float param types)
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1. 0 Will return the number of params stored)
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @return value if num greater than 0. If 0 returns paramcount.
native any DHookGetParam(Handle hParams, int num);
/* Get vector param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param vec Vector buffer to store result.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamVector(Handle hParams, int num, float vec[3]);
/* Get string param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get. (Example if the function has 2 params and you need the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param buffer String buffer to store result
* @param size Buffer size
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamString(Handle hParams, int num, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Set param value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float param types)
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param value Value to set it as (only pass int, bool, float or entity index)
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParam(Handle hParams, int num, any value);
/* Set vector param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param vec Value to set vector as.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamVector(Handle hParams, int num, float vec[3]);
/* Set string param value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @params num Param number to set (Example if the function has 2 params and you need to set the value of the first param num would be 1.)
* @param value Value to set string as.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamString(Handle hParams, int num, char[] value);
/* Get return value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float return types)
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @return Returns default value if prehook returns actual value if post hook.
native any DHookGetReturn(Handle hReturn);
/* Get return vector value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param vec Vector buffer to store result in. (In pre hooks will be default value (0.0,0.0,0.0))
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetReturnVector(Handle hReturn, float vec[3]);
/* Get return string value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param buffer String buffer to store result in. (In pre hooks will be default value "")
* @param size String buffer size
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetReturnString(Handle hReturn, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Set return value (Only use for: int, entity, bool or float return types)
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param value Value to set return as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturn(Handle hReturn, any value);
/* Set return vector value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param vec Value to set return vector as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturnVector(Handle hReturn, float vec[3]);
/* Set return string value
* @param hReturn Handle to return structure
* @param value Value to set return string as
* @error Invalid Handle, invalid type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetReturnString(Handle hReturn, char[] value);
/* Gets an objects variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @return Value of the objects var. If EHANDLE type or entity returns entity index.
native any DHookGetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type);
/* Sets an objects variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to set.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to set.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param value The value to set the var to.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamObjectPtrVar(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, any value);
/* Gets an objects vector variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param buffer Buffer to store the result vector
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, float buffer[3]);
/* Sets an objects vector variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to set.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to set.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param value The value to set the vector var to.
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookSetParamObjectPtrVarVector(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, float value[3]);
/* Gets an objects string variable value
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to get.
* @param offset Offset within the object to the var to get.
* @param type Type of var it is
* @param buffer Buffer to store the result vector
* @param size Size of the buffer
* @error Invalid handle. Invalid param number. Invalid param type. Invalid Object type.
* @noreturn
native void DHookGetParamObjectPtrString(Handle hParams, int num, int offset, ObjectValueType type, char[] buffer, int size);
/* Checks if a pointer param is null
* @param hParams Handle to params structure
* @param num Param number to check.
* @error Non pointer param
* @return True if null false otherwise.
native bool DHookIsNullParam(Handle hParams, int num);
public Extension __ext_dhooks =
name = "dhooks",
file = "dhooks.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __ext_dhooks_SetNTVOptional()