New Plugin: Happy Hour

This commit is contained in:
Dogan 2019-06-02 23:31:34 +02:00
parent 83603f7924
commit effafb738c
2 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <loghelper>
#include <hlstatsx_loghelper>
#include <cstrike>
#include <multicolors>
bool g_bHappyHour;
bool g_bHappyHourAdmin;
int g_iMorningStart;
int g_iMorningEnd;
int g_iNightStart;
int g_iNightEnd;
ConVar g_cvMorningStart;
ConVar g_cvMorningEnd;
ConVar g_cvNightStart;
ConVar g_cvNightEnd;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Happy Hour",
author = "Dogan + Neon",
description = "Create an happy hour with more rank points",
version = "1.0.0",
url = ""
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
CreateNative("HH_IsItHappyHour", Native_IsItHappyHour);
return APLRes_Success;
public void OnPluginStart()
g_bHappyHour = false;
g_bHappyHourAdmin = false;
CreateTimer(15.0, Timer_CheckTime, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
CreateTimer(30.0, MessageHappyHour, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
g_cvMorningStart = CreateConVar("sm_happyhour_morning_start", "10", "starttime of happy hour in the morning (timezone GMT+1 in summer, GMT+2 in winter)");
g_cvMorningEnd = CreateConVar("sm_happyhour_morning_end", "14", "endtime of happy hour in the morning/afternoon (timezone GMT+1 in summer, GMT+2 in winter)");
g_cvNightStart = CreateConVar("sm_happyhour_night_start", "23", "starttime of happy hour in the night (timezone GMT+1 in summer, GMT+2 in winter)");
g_cvNightEnd = CreateConVar("sm_happyhour_night_end", "3", "endtime of happy hour in the night (timezone GMT+1 in summer, GMT+2 in winter)");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_hh", Command_DisplayHappyHour, "Shows if happy hour is currently enabled or not");
RegAdminCmd("sm_forcehh", AdminCommand_HappyHour, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Toggle to enable/disable Happy Hour. Resets after Mapswitch.");
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.HappyHour");
public void GetConVars()
g_iMorningStart = g_cvMorningStart.IntValue;
g_iMorningEnd = g_cvMorningEnd.IntValue;
g_iNightStart = g_cvNightStart.IntValue;
g_iNightEnd = g_cvNightEnd.IntValue;
public void ConVarChange(ConVar convar, char[] oldValue, char[] newValue)
public Action Timer_CheckTime(Handle timer)
return Plugin_Continue;
int iTime = GetTime();
int iHour;
char sTime[10];
FormatTime(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%H", iTime);
iHour = StringToInt(sTime);
if (((iHour >= g_iMorningStart) && (iHour < g_iMorningEnd)) || ((iHour >= g_iNightStart) && (iHour < g_iNightEnd)))
g_bHappyHour = true;
g_bHappyHour = false;
return Plugin_Continue;
public void OnMapStart()
g_bHappyHourAdmin = false;
public Action Command_DisplayHappyHour(int client, int args)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Happy Hour is currently active.");
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Happy Hour is currently not active.");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action AdminCommand_HappyHour(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
public void ToggleHappyHour(int client)
g_bHappyHourAdmin = !g_bHappyHourAdmin;
g_bHappyHour = false;
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Deactivated Happy Hour.");
CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %N deactivated Happy Hour!", client);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" deactivated Happy Hour.", client);
g_bHappyHour = true;
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Activated Happy Hour.");
CPrintToChatAll("[SM] %N activated Happy Hour!", client);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" activated Happy Hour.", client);
public Action MessageHappyHour(Handle timer)
CPrintToChatAll("{cyan}[UNLOZE] {red}Happy Hour {cyan}is currently active! Everyone gets 50%% Bonus on all rank points!");
return Plugin_Continue;
public int Native_IsItHappyHour(Handle hPlugin, int numParams)
return true;
return false;

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#if defined _HappyHour_included
#define _HappyHour_included
* Check if it is Happy Hour or not
* @return True if yes, false if no.
native bool HH_IsItHappyHour();
public SharedPlugin __pl_HappyHour =
name = "HappyHour",
file = "HappyHour.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1
required = 0
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public void __pl_HappyHour_SetNTVOptional()