NoSteamManager: Update include + native.

This commit is contained in:
zaCade 2019-02-24 14:51:11 +01:00
parent 936369668f
commit d0e1ffab84
3 changed files with 7 additions and 136 deletions

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <RevEmuAPI>
#pragma newdecls required
// Purpose:
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "NoSteamManagerFailSafe_RevEmu",
author = "Neon",
description = "FailSafe to prevent No-Steam clients from getting admin access.",
version = "1.0.0"
// Purpose:
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if(IsFakeClient(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
if(!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_admin", ADMFLAG_GENERIC, true))
char sConnectionType[32];
GetConnectionType(client, sConnectionType, sizeof(sConnectionType));
LogMessage("%L got admin access while not being authentiated with steam (type: %s). Attempting to kick.", sConnectionType);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\"got admin access while not being authentiated with steam (type: %s). Attempting to kick.", sConnectionType);
KickClient(client, "Security Validation failed. Please contact an Administrator.");
// Purpose:
public void GetConnectionType(int client, char[] sConnectionType, int iMaxLength)
char sConnectionTypeInternal[32];
RevEmu_UserType PlayerType = RevEmu_GetPlayerType(client);
if (PlayerType == Unknown)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Error";
else if (PlayerType == SteamLegitUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SteamLegit";
else if (PlayerType == SteamCrackedUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SteamCracked";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmu";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserOld)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuOld";
else if (PlayerType == SettiSRCScanBot)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SettiSRCScanBot";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserV74)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuV74";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserVeryOld)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuVeryOld";
else if (PlayerType == UnknownUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Unknown";
else if (PlayerType == Steam2Legit)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Steam2Legit";
else if (PlayerType == Steam2Cracked)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Steam2Cracked";
strcopy(sConnectionType, iMaxLength, sConnectionTypeInternal);
// Purpose:
public bool IsSteam(int client)
return (RevEmu_GetPlayerType(client) == SteamLegitUser);

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@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public Action Command_DisplaySteamStats(int client, int args)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && !RevEmu_IsPlayerSteam(i))
char sConnectionType[32];
GetConnectionType(i, sConnectionType, sizeof(sConnectionType));
RevEmu_GetPlayerType(i, sConnectionType, sizeof(sConnectionType));
Format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s%L %s \n", aBuf, i, sConnectionType);
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public Action OnClientPreAdminCheck(int client)
char sConnectionType[32];
GetConnectionType(client, sConnectionType, sizeof(sConnectionType));
RevEmu_GetPlayerType(client, sConnectionType, sizeof(sConnectionType));
LogMessage("%L was not authenticated with steam (type: %s), denying admin.", client, sConnectionType);
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public void TQueryCB(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any d
GetClientIP(client, sCurrentIP, sizeof(sCurrentIP));
char sCurrentConnectionType[32];
GetConnectionType(client, sCurrentConnectionType, sizeof(sCurrentConnectionType));
RevEmu_GetPlayerType(client, sCurrentConnectionType, sizeof(sCurrentConnectionType));
int iTimestamp = GetTime();
@ -274,40 +274,6 @@ public void TQueryCB(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any d
g_hDatabaseAntiSpoofing.Query(SQL_DoNothing, sQuery, GetClientUserId(client));
// Purpose:
public void GetConnectionType(int client, char[] sConnectionType, int iMaxLength)
char sConnectionTypeInternal[32];
RevEmu_UserType PlayerType = RevEmu_GetPlayerType(client);
if (PlayerType == Invalid)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Error";
else if (PlayerType == SteamLegitUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SteamLegit";
else if (PlayerType == SteamCrackedUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SteamCracked";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmu";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserOld)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuOld";
else if (PlayerType == SettiSRCScanBot)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "SettiSRCScanBot";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserV74)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuV74";
else if (PlayerType == RevEmuUserVeryOld)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "RevEmuVeryOld";
else if (PlayerType == UnknownUser)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Unknown";
else if (PlayerType == Steam2Legit)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Steam2Legit";
else if (PlayerType == Steam2Cracked)
sConnectionTypeInternal = "Steam2Cracked";
strcopy(sConnectionType, iMaxLength, sConnectionTypeInternal);
// Purpose:

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@ -3,21 +3,6 @@
#define _RevEmuAPI_included
enum RevEmu_UserType
Invalid = -1,
SteamLegitUser = 0,
* Check if clients usertype is legit.
@ -32,11 +17,13 @@ native bool RevEmu_IsPlayerSteam(int client);
* Retrieve clients usertype.
* @param clients The client index.
* @param type The buffer to write to.
* @param maxlength The maximum buffer length.
* @return The clients usertype.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid client index, not connected or fake client.
native RevEmu_UserType RevEmu_GetPlayerType(int client);
native bool RevEmu_GetPlayerType(int client, char[] type, int maxlength);
public Extension __ext_RevEmuAPI =