mapchooser_extended: remove nativevotes (nobody uses that shit)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* NativeVotes
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Ross Bemrose (Powerlord). All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <menus>
#include <sourcemod>
// NativeVotes 0.8 series
#if defined _nativevotes_included
#define _nativevotes_included
#define NATIVEVOTES_EXTEND "Extend current Map" /** Defined in TF2, but doesn't appear to be localized */
#define NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS -1 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
#define NATIVEVOTES_TF2_ALL_TEAMS 0 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_UNASSIGNED 0 // For completeness, do not otherwise use
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_SPECTATOR 1 // Spectators
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_1 2 // RED/Survivors/Terrorists
#define NATIVEVOTES_TEAM_2 3 // BLU/Infected/Counter-Terrorists
#define NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX 99 // Defined by TF2, may be the same in L4D/L4D2
// These may seem backwards, but this is the order that the votes appear in the vote screen
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_INVALID -1 /**< Vote was invalid, currently only valid internally */
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_YES 0 /**< Vote was yes */
#define NATIVEVOTES_VOTE_NO 1 /**< Vote was no */
The following MenuActions are supported. Arguments are also listed, as they differ slightly from the default
MenuAction_Start A menu has been started (nothing passed). Only exists for compat reasons.
MenuAction_Display A menu is about to be displayed (param1=client). If you choose to change the vote text,
To change the text, use RedrawVoteTitle()
If you do so, return 1 or _:Plugin_Changed Otherwise, return _:Plugin_Continue or 0.
MenuAction_Select An item was selected (param1=client, param2=item). For subplugin support.
MenuAction_End A vote has fully ended and the vote object is ready to be cleaned up
param1 is MenuEnd reason, either MenuEnd_VotingCancelled or MenuEnd_VotingDone
MenuAction_VoteEnd A vote sequence has succeeded (param1=chosen item)
This is not called if NativeVotes_SetResultCallback has been used on the vote.
You should call NativeVotes_DisplayPass or NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx after this
MenuAction_VoteStart A vote sequence has started (nothing passed). Use this instead of MenuAction_Start
MenuAction_VoteCancel A vote sequence has been cancelled (param1=reason)
MenuAction_DisplayItem Item text is being drawn to the display (param1=client, param2=item)
To change the text, use RedrawVoteItem().
If you do so, return 1 or _:Plugin_Changed. Otherwise, return _:Plugin_Continue or 0.
#define NATIVEVOTES_ACTIONS_DEFAULT MenuAction_VoteStart|MenuAction_VoteCancel|MenuAction_VoteEnd|MenuAction_End
* Vote types. These are mapped to translation strings and pass strings by VoteStart and VotePass handlers
enum NativeVotesType
NativeVotesType_None = 0, /** Special placeholder for callvote with no arguments for NativeVotes_OnCallVote */
NativeVotesType_Custom_YesNo, /**< Yes/No, details are vote text. */
NativeVotesType_Custom_Mult, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Multiple-choice, details are vote text. */
NativeVotesType_ChgCampaign, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are campaign name */
NativeVotesType_ChgDifficulty, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are difficulty number in L4D/L4D2 */
NativeVotesType_ReturnToLobby, /**< L4D/L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AlltalkOn, /**< L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored (handled internally by extension) */
NativeVotesType_AlltalkOff, /**< L4D2: Yes/No, details are ignored (handled internally by extension) */
NativeVotesType_Restart, /**< Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Kick, /**< Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickIdle, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickScamming, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_KickCheating, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, target is player userid, details are auto-set by target */
NativeVotesType_ChgLevel, /**< Yes/No, details are level number in L4D/L4D2 or map name in TF2 */
NativeVotesType_NextLevel, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, details are map name */
NativeVotesType_NextLevelMult, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Multiple-choice, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ScrambleNow, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ScrambleEnd, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ChgMission, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are popfile */
NativeVotesType_SwapTeams, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Surrender, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Rematch, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Continue, /**< CS:GO: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_StartRound, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_Eternaween, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AutoBalanceOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_AutoBalanceOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ClassLimitsOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesType_ClassLimitsOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
enum NativeVotesPassType
NativeVotesPass_None = 0, /**< Special placeholder for error value */
NativeVotesPass_Custom, /**< Details are custom pass message */
NativeVotesPass_ChgCampaign, /**< L4D/L4D2: Details are campaign name */
NativeVotesPass_ChgDifficulty, /**< L4D/L4D2/TF2: Details are difficulty number in L4D/L4D2 and mission name in TF2 */
NativeVotesPass_ReturnToLobby, /**< L4D/L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AlltalkOn, /**< L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AlltalkOff, /**< L4D2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Restart, /**< Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Kick, /**< Details are player name */
NativeVotesPass_ChgLevel, /**< Details are level number in L4D/L4D2 or map name in TF2/CS:GO */
NativeVotesPass_NextLevel, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are map name */
NativeVotesPass_Extend, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Scramble, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ChgMission, /**< TF2: Details are popfile */
NativeVotesPass_SwapTeams, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Surrender, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Rematch, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Continue, /**< CS:GO: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_StartRound, /**< TF2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_Eternaween, /**< TF2: Details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AutoBalanceOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_AutoBalanceOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ClassLimitsOn, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
NativeVotesPass_ClassLimitsOff, /**< TF2: Yes/No, details are ignored */
* Reasons a vote was canceled. Not used for L4D/L4D2, as they don't care
enum NativeVotesFailType
NativeVotesFail_Generic = 0, /**< Vote was generically cancelled. */
NativeVotesFail_Loses = 3, /**< No votes outnumbered Yes votes */
NativeVotesFail_NotEnoughVotes = 4, /**< Vote did not receive enough votes. */
* Reasons a callvote command failed.
* This is provided as a convenience to plugin authors as it's not strictly part of the vote system
enum NativeVotesCallFailType
NativeVotesCallFail_Generic = 0, /**< Generic fail. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Loading = 1, /**< L4D/L4D2: Players are still loading. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Recent = 2, /**< TF2/CS:GO: You can't call another vote yet: Argument is seconds until you can call another vote. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Disabled = 5, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Server has disabled that issue. */
NativeVotesCallFail_MapNotFound = 6, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Server does not have that map. */
NativeVotesCallFail_SpecifyMap = 7, /**< TF2/CS:GO: You must specify a map. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Failed = 8, /**< TF2/CS:GO: This vote failed recently. */
NativeVotesCallFail_WrongTeam = 9, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Team can't call this vote. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Waiting = 10, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Vote can't be called during Waiting For Players. */
NativeVotesCallFail_PlayerNotFound = 11, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Player to kick can't be found. Buggy in TF2. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Unknown = 11,
NativeVotesCallFail_CantKickAdmin = 12, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Can't kick server admin. */
NativeVotesCallFail_ScramblePending = 13, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Team Scramble is pending.. */
NativeVotesCallFail_Spectators = 14, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Spectators aren't allowed to call votes. */
NativeVotesCallFail_LevelSet = 15, /**< TF2/CS:GO: Next level already set. */
NativeVotesCallFail_MapNotValid = 16, /**< ???: Map is invalid. */
NativeVotesCallFail_KickTime = 17, /**< ???: Cannot kick for time. */
NativeVotesCallFail_KickDuringRound = 18, /**< ???: Cannot kick during a round. */
NativeVotesCallFail_AlreadyActive = 19 /**< TF2: Cannot call vote because modification (Eternaween) is already active (may not work) */
* Is a specific vote type supported by this game?
* @param voteType Vote type
native bool:NativeVotes_IsVoteTypeSupported(NativeVotesType:voteType);
* Creates a new, empty vote.
* @param handler Function which will receive vote actions.
* @param voteType Vote type, cannot be changed after set
* @param actions Optionally set which actions to receive. Start,
* Cancel, and End will always be received regardless
* of whether they are set or not. They are also
* the only default actions.
* @return A new vote Handle on INVALID_HANDLE if a vote type is unsupported by this game.
native Handle:NativeVotes_Create(MenuHandler:handler, NativeVotesType:voteType,
* Frees all handles related to a vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @noreturn
native Handle:NativeVotes_Close(Handle:vote);
* Appends a new item to the end of a vote. Only valid for Multiple Choice votes
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param info Item information string.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle, item limit reached, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_AddItem(Handle:vote, const String:info[], const String:display[]);
* Inserts an item into the menu before a certain position; the new item will
* be at the given position and all next items pushed forward.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param info Item information string.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_InsertItem(Handle:vote, position, const String:info[], const String:display[]);
* Removes an item from the menu.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native bool:NativeVotes_RemoveItem(Handle:vote, position);
* Removes all items from a vote.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or vote position, or if the vote is not multiple choice.
native NativeVotes_RemoveAllItems(Handle:vote);
* Retrieves information about a vote item.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param position Position, starting from 0.
* @param infoBuf Info buffer.
* @param infoBufLen Maximum length of the info buffer.
* @return True on success, false if position is invalid.
* @error Invalid Handlem
native bool:NativeVotes_GetItem(Handle:vote,
* Returns the number of items in a vote.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @return Number of items in the vote.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetItemCount(Handle:vote);
* Sets the vote's details for votes that support details
* If this is a custom vote, use NativeVotes_SetTitle to set the vote's title.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param argument Details string. See vote types for what details stands for.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetDetails(Handle:vote, const String:argument[]);
* Returns the text of a vote's details if set.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store details.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetDetails(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Sets a custom vote's title
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param title Vote title string.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetTitle(Handle:vote, const String:argument[]);
* Return the vote's Title.
* If not set, returns Details instead.
* This behavior is for compatibility with NativeVotes 0.8.0 and below.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store title.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTitle(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Sets the target userid for vote
* This should be used instead of SetArgument for votes that target players
* Also sets target SteamID
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param userid Client index of target player
* @param setDetails If true, also sets vote details to client's name
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetTarget(Handle:vote, client, bool:setDetails=true);
* Returns the userid of a vote's target
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @return Client index of target player or 0 for no target or target disconnected since vote started
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTarget(Handle:vote);
* Get the Steam ID of a vote's target
* Useful if the target has disconnect from the server during a vote.
* This was added in specifically for Kick/Ban votes
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param buffer Buffer to store steamId. Should be 19 characters or more..
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetTargetSteam(Handle:vote, String:buffer[], maxlength);
* Returns whether a vote is in progress.
* @return True if a NativeVotes vote is in progress, false otherwise.
native bool:NativeVotes_IsVoteInProgress();
* Returns a style's maximum items
* @return Maximum items
native NativeVotes_GetMaxItems();
* Sets a vote's option flags.
* If a certain bit is not supported, it will be stripped before being set.
* NOTE: This is currently unused, but reserved for future use.
* @param menu Builtin Vote Handle.
* @param flags A new bitstring of VOTEFLAG bits.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_SetOptionFlags(Handle:vote, flags);
* Retrieves a menu's option flags.
* NOTE: This is currently unused, but reserved for future use.
* @param vote Builtin Vote Handle.
* @return A bitstring of VOTEFLAG bits.
* @error Invalid Handle.
native NativeVotes_GetOptionFlags(Handle:vote);
* Cancels the vote in progress.
* @noreturn
* @error If no vote is in progress.
native NativeVotes_Cancel();
* Callback for when a vote has ended and results are available.
* Due to SourceMod Forward limitations in plugins, multi-dimension arrays can't be passed
* to forwards. This means we have to split the client_info and item_info arrays into
* their components.
* @param vote The vote being voted on.
* @param num_votes Number of votes tallied in total.
* @param num_clients Number of clients who could vote.
* @param client_indexes Array of client indexes. Parallel with client_votes.
* @param client_votes Array of client votes. Parallel with client_indexes.
* @param num_items Number of unique items that were selected.
* @param item_indexes Array of vote item indexes. Parallel with item_votes..
* @param item_votes Array of vote vote counts. Parallel with item_indexes.
* @noreturn
typedef NativeVotes_VoteHandler = function int (Handle vote,
int num_votes,
int num_clients,
const int[] client_indexes,
const int[] client_votes,
int num_items,
const int[] item_indexes,
const int[] item_votes);
* Function to convert client/vote arrays into their two-dimensional versions,
* which can then be passed to a standard vote handler.
* client_info and item_info are the resulting arrays.
* Note: When declaring client_info and item_info, you'll probably want to declare them like this:
* new client_info[num_clients][2];
* new item_info[num_items][2];
* @param num_clients Number of clients who could vote.
* @param client_indexes Array of client indexes. Parallel with client_votes.
* @param client_votes Array of client votes. Parallel with client_indexes.
* @param num_items Number of unique items that were selected.
* @param item_indexes Array of vote item indexes. Parallel with item_votes..
* @param item_votes Array of vote vote counts. Parallel with item_indexes.
* @param client_info Array of clients. Use VOTEINFO_CLIENT_ defines.
* @param item_info Array of items, sorted by count. Use VOTEINFO_ITEM
* defines.
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_FixResults(num_clients,
const client_indexes[],
const client_votes[],
const item_indexes[],
const item_votes[],
for (new i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i)
client_info[i][VOTEINFO_CLIENT_INDEX] = client_indexes[i];
client_info[i][VOTEINFO_CLIENT_ITEM] = client_votes[i];
for (new i = 0; i < num_items; ++i)
item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX] = item_indexes[i];
item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES] = item_votes[i];
* Sets an advanced vote handling callback. If this callback is set,
* MenuAction_VoteEnd will not be called.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle or callback.
native NativeVotes_SetResultCallback(Handle:vote, NativeVotes_VoteHandler:callback);
* Returns the number of seconds you should "wait" before displaying
* a public vote. This number is the time remaining until
* (last_vote + sm_vote_delay).
* @return Number of seconds to wait, or 0 for none.
native NativeVotes_CheckVoteDelay();
* Returns whether a client is in the pool of clients allowed
* to participate in the current vote. This is determined by
* the client list passed to NativeVotes_Display().
* @param client Client index.
* @return True if client is allowed to vote, false otherwise.
* @error If no vote is in progress or client index is invalid.
native bool:NativeVotes_IsClientInVotePool(client);
* Redraws the current vote to a client in the voting pool.
* @param client Client index.
* @param revotes True to allow revotes, false otherwise.
* @return True on success, false if the client is in the vote pool
* but cannot vote again.
* @error No vote in progress, client is not in the voting pool,
* or client index is invalid.
native bool:NativeVotes_RedrawClientVote(client, bool:revotes=true);
* Retrieve the vote type
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @return The built in vote type
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotesType:NativeVotes_GetType(Handle:vote);
* Set the team this vote is for, or NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS for all teams.
* Defaults to NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS if not explicitly set.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param team Team number this vote is for
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_SetTeam(Handle:vote, team);
* Retrieve the team this vote is for
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @return Team index or NATIVEVOTES_ALL_TEAMS for all teams.
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_GetTeam(Handle:vote);
* Set the client index of the player who initiated the vote.
* Use NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if initiated by the server itself.
* Defaults to NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if not explicitly set.
* @param vote NativeVotes Handle.
* @param client Client who initiated the vote or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX
* @noreturn
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_SetInitiator(Handle:vote, client);
* Retrieve the client index of the player who initiated the vote or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX if
* initiated by the server itself.
* @param Vote handle
* @return Client index or NATIVEVOTES_SERVER_INDEX
* @error Invalid Handle
native NativeVotes_GetInitiator(Handle:vote);
* Broadcasts a vote to a list of clients. The most selected item will be
* returned through MenuAction_VoteEnd. On a tie, a random item will be returned
* from a list of the tied items.
* Note that MenuAction_VoteStart, MenuAction_VoteCancel, MenuAction_VoteEnd, and MenuAction_End are all
* default callbacks and do not need to be enabled.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param clients Array of clients to broadcast to.
* @param numClients Number of clients in the array.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if a vote is already in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
native bool:NativeVotes_Display(Handle:vote, clients[], numClients, time);
* Sends a vote menu to all clients. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToAll(Handle:vote, time)
new total = 0;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Sends a vote menu to a single team. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param team Team to send vote to. 1 = spectators, 2 = RED/Survivors/Terrorists, 3 = BLU/Infected/Counter-Terrorists
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToTeam(Handle:vote, team, time)
NativeVotes_SetTeam(vote, team);
new total;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i) || (GetClientTeam(i) != team))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Sends a vote menu to all clients who are not spectators or waiting to choose a team. See NativeVotes_Display() for more information.
* @param vote Vote Handle.
* @param time Maximum time to leave menu on the screen.
* @return True on success, false if this menu already has a vote session
* in progress.
* @error Invalid Handle, or a vote is already in progress.
stock bool:NativeVotes_DisplayToAllNonSpectators(Handle:vote, time)
new total;
decl players[MaxClients];
for (new i=1; i<=MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i) || (GetClientTeam(i) < 2))
players[total++] = i;
return NativeVotes_Display(vote, players, total, time);
* Display vote passed screen
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param details Normally the item that won the vote or format string. Also used for custom vote winners
* @param ... Variable number of format parameters.
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPass(Handle:vote, const String:details[]="");
* Display vote passed screen with custom text to a single user
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param client client to display to
* @param format A format string.
* @param any Variable number of format parameters
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustomToOne(Handle:vote, client, const String:format[], any:...);
* Display vote passed screen with custom text
* You MUST call one of the NativeVotesDisplayPass* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail functions
* to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote, and to clear out their selection
* for the next vote.
* @param vote Vote handle
* @param format A format string.
* @param any Variable number of format parameters
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustom(Handle:vote, const String:format[], any:...)
decl String:buffer[192];
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; ++i)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 3);
NativeVotes_DisplayPassCustomToOne(vote, i, "%s", buffer);
* Display vote passed screen with a custom type.
* A sample usage of this would be if Extend won an RTV vote: NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(vote, NativeVotesPass_Extend, map);
* You MUST call one of NativeVotes_DisplayPass, NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx,
* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote
* and to clear out their selection for the next vote.
* #param vote Vote handle
* @param passType The pass screen to display
* @param details Normally the item that won the vote. Also used for custom vote winners
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(Handle:vote, NativeVotesPassType:passType, const String:details[]="");
* Display failure screen.
* You MUST call one of NativeVotes_DisplayPass, NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx,
* or NativeVotes_DisplayFail to hide the vote screen for users who didn't vote,
* and to clear out their selection for the next vote.
* @param reason Vote failure reason from NativeVotesFailType enum
* @noreturn
native NativeVotes_DisplayFail(Handle:vote, NativeVotesFailType:reason=NativeVotesFail_Generic);
* Quick stock to determine whether voting is allowed. This doesn't let you
* fine-tune a reason for not voting, so it's not recommended for lazily
* telling clients that voting isn't allowed.
* @return True if voting is allowed, false if voting is in progress
* or the cooldown is active.
stock bool:NativeVotes_IsNewVoteAllowed()
if (NativeVotes_IsVoteInProgress() || NativeVotes_CheckVoteDelay() != 0)
return false;
return true;
* Used when callvote is called with no arguments.
* This is used to configure the VoteSetup usermessage on TF2 and CS:GO
* @param client Client, in case the votes are restricted by client
* @param voteTypes Populate this array with the vote types this server supports
* Custom and multiple choice votes are not supported from
* the GUI and are thus ignored.
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow the server itself (or another plugin) to process the callvote
* Plugin_Changed if you're changing the voteTypes,
* Plugin_Handled to return a blank VoteSetup usermessage
* Plugin_Stop to prevent VoteSetup usermessage (not recommended)
//functag public Action:NativeVotes_CallVoteSetupHandler(client, NativeVotesType:voteTypes[]);
* Forward for "callvote" handling
* You should respond to this by starting a vote or by calling NativeVotes_DisplayCallVoteFail
* @param client Client
* @param voteType Type of vote being called. This will NEVER be a multiple-choice or custom vote.
* @param voteArgument Vote argument or blank if the vote type has no argument.
* @param target target userid for kick votes or 0 for all other votes
* @return Plugin_Continue to allow the server itself (or another plugin) to process the callvote
* Plugin_Handled if you processed this vote type
* Plugin_Stop to block the vote type (not recommended)
//functag public Action:NativeVotes_CallVoteHandler(client, NativeVotesType:voteType, const String:voteArgument[], target);
* Register a plugin as a vote manager.
* This is used to abstract away the details of the callvote command.
* @param callHandler Handler for callvote commands.
* @param setupHandler Handler to override the which vote types your server supports. Only useful on TF2 and CS:GO.
* @noreturn
//native NativeVotes_RegisterVoteManager(NativeVotes_CallVoteHandler:callHandler, NativeVotes_CallVoteSetupHandler:setupHandler=INVALID_FUNCTION);
* Send a call vote fail screen to a user
* Used to respond to a callvote with invalid arguments or for other reasons
* (such as trying to target an admin for a kick/ban vote)
* @param client The client to display the fail screen to
* @param reason A vote call fail reason
* @param time For NativeVotesCallFail_Recent, the number of seconds until the vote
* can be called again
native NativeVotes_DisplayCallVoteFail(client, NativeVotesCallFailType:reason, time);
* Redraws the vote title from inside a MenuAction_Display callback
* Not supported on L4D
* @param text Vote title to draw
* @error If called from outside MenuAction_Display
* @return Plugin_Changed if the change is allowed, Plugin_Continue if it isn't.
native Action:NativeVotes_RedrawVoteTitle(const String:text[]);
* Redraws the vote text from inside a MenuAction_DisplayItem callback.
* Only supported on multiple-choice votes
* @param text Vote text to draw.
* @error If called from outside MenuAction_DisplayItem
* @return Plugin_Changed if the change is allowed, Plugin_Continue if it isn't.
native Action:NativeVotes_RedrawVoteItem(const String:text[]);
* Retrieves voting information from MenuAction_VoteEnd.
* @param param2 Second parameter of MenuAction_VoteEnd.
* @param winningVotes Number of votes received by the winning option.
* @param totalVotes Number of total votes received.
* @noreturn
stock NativeVotes_GetInfo(param2, &winningVotes, &totalVotes)
winningVotes = param2 & 0xFFFF;
totalVotes = param2 >> 16;
* Do not edit below this line!
public SharedPlugin:__pl_nativevotes =
name = "nativevotes",
file = "nativevotes.smx",
required = 1,
required = 0,
public __pl_nativevotes_SetNTVOptional()
@ -50,15 +50,10 @@
#include <sdktools>
#include <multicolors>
#include <nativevotes>
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#define MCE_VERSION "1.13.0"
#define NV "nativevotes"
enum RoundCounting
@ -158,7 +153,6 @@ ConVar g_Cvar_StartTimePercent;
ConVar g_Cvar_StartTimePercentEnable;
ConVar g_Cvar_WarningTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_RunOffWarningTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_MenuStyle;
ConVar g_Cvar_TimerLocation;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExtendPosition;
ConVar g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps;
@ -179,7 +173,6 @@ Handle g_MapVoteRunoffStartForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Mapchooser Extended Globals */
int g_RunoffCount = 0;
int g_mapOfficialFileSerial = -1;
bool g_NativeVotes = false;
char g_GameModName[64];
bool g_WarningInProgress = false;
bool g_AddNoVote = false;
@ -259,7 +252,6 @@ public void OnPluginStart()
g_Cvar_StartTimePercentEnable = CreateConVar("mce_start_percent_enable", "0", "Enable or Disable percentage calculations when to start vote.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_WarningTime = CreateConVar("mce_warningtime", "15.0", "Warning time in seconds.", _, true, 0.0, true, 60.0);
g_Cvar_RunOffWarningTime = CreateConVar("mce_runoffvotewarningtime", "5.0", "Warning time for runoff vote in seconds.", _, true, 0.0, true, 30.0);
g_Cvar_MenuStyle = CreateConVar("mce_menustyle", "0", "Menu Style. 0 is the game's default, 1 is the older Valve style that requires you to press Escape to see the menu, 2 is the newer 1-9 button Voice Command style, unavailable in some games. Ignored on TF2 if NativeVotes Plugin is loaded.", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_TimerLocation = CreateConVar("mce_warningtimerlocation", "0", "Location for the warning timer text. 0 is HintBox, 1 is Center text, 2 is Chat. Defaults to HintBox.", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps = CreateConVar("mce_markcustommaps", "1", "Mark custom maps in the vote list. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Mark with *, 2 = Mark with phrase.", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_ExtendPosition = CreateConVar("mce_extendposition", "0", "Position of Extend/Don't Change options. 0 = at end, 1 = at start.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
@ -420,23 +412,6 @@ public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max
return APLRes_Success;
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
g_NativeVotes = LibraryExists(NV) && NativeVotes_IsVoteTypeSupported(NativeVotesType_NextLevelMult);
public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name)
if(StrEqual(name, NV) && NativeVotes_IsVoteTypeSupported(NativeVotesType_NextLevelMult))
g_NativeVotes = true;
public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name)
if(StrEqual(name, NV))
g_NativeVotes = false;
public void OnMapStart()
static char folder[64];
@ -981,10 +956,8 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
g_WaitingForVote = true;
g_WarningInProgress = false;
// Check if a nativevotes vots is in progress first
// NativeVotes running at the same time as a regular vote can cause hintbox problems,
// so always check for a standard vote
if(IsVoteInProgress() || (g_NativeVotes && NativeVotes_IsVoteInProgress()))
// Check if a vote is in progress first
// Can't start a vote, try again in 5 seconds.
//g_RetryTimer = CreateTimer(5.0, Timer_StartMapVote, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
@ -1021,52 +994,34 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
g_HasVoteStarted = true;
g_VoteMenu = NativeVotes_Create(Handler_MapVoteMenu, NativeVotesType_NextLevelMult, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_VoteCancel | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem);
NativeVotes_SetResultCallback(g_VoteMenu, Handler_NativeVoteFinished);
Handle menuStyle = GetMenuStyleHandle(view_as<MenuStyle>(GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MenuStyle)));
g_VoteMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapVoteMenu, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem | MenuAction_VoteCancel);
if(menuStyle != INVALID_HANDLE)
g_AddNoVote = GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoVoteOption);
// Block Vote Slots
Handle radioStyle = GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio);
if(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu) == radioStyle)
g_VoteMenu = CreateMenuEx(menuStyle, Handler_MapVoteMenu, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem | MenuAction_VoteCancel);
g_BlockedSlots = true;
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_ONE, "Choose something...", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_TWO, "...will ya?", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_SPACER, "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
// You chose... poorly
g_VoteMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapVoteMenu, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem | MenuAction_VoteCancel);
g_AddNoVote = GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoVoteOption);
// Block Vote Slots
Handle radioStyle = GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio);
if(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu) == radioStyle)
g_BlockedSlots = true;
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_ONE, "Choose something...", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_TWO, "...will ya?", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_SPACER, "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
g_BlockedSlots = false;
SetMenuOptionFlags(g_VoteMenu, MENUFLAG_BUTTON_NOVOTE);
SetMenuTitle(g_VoteMenu, "Vote Nextmap");
SetVoteResultCallback(g_VoteMenu, Handler_MapVoteFinished);
g_BlockedSlots = false;
SetMenuOptionFlags(g_VoteMenu, MENUFLAG_BUTTON_NOVOTE);
SetMenuTitle(g_VoteMenu, "Vote Nextmap");
SetVoteResultCallback(g_VoteMenu, Handler_MapVoteFinished);
/* Call OnMapVoteStarted() Forward */
// Call_StartForward(g_MapVoteStartedForward);
// Call_Finish();
@ -1091,16 +1046,6 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
int voteSize = GetVoteSize(2);
// The if and else if could be combined, but it looks extremely messy
// This is a hack to lower the vote menu size by 1 when Don't Change or Extend Map should appear
if((when == MapChange_Instant || when == MapChange_RoundEnd) && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_DontChange))
else if(GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Extend) && g_Extends < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend))
/* Smaller of the two - It should be impossible for nominations to exceed the size though (cvar changed mid-map?) */
int nominationsToAdd = nominateCount >= voteSize ? voteSize : nominateCount;
@ -1220,17 +1165,11 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
// New in Mapchooser Extended
else if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_DONTCHANGE))
NativeVotes_AddItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
else if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_EXTEND))
NativeVotes_AddItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
delete inputlist;
@ -1238,23 +1177,16 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
int voteDuration = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_VoteDuration);
NativeVotes_DisplayToAll(g_VoteMenu, voteDuration);
//SetMenuExitButton(g_VoteMenu, false);
//SetMenuExitButton(g_VoteMenu, false);
if(GetVoteSize(2) <= GetMaxPageItems(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu)))
//This is necessary to get items 9 and 0 as usable voting items
SetMenuPagination(g_VoteMenu, MENU_NO_PAGINATION);
VoteMenuToAll(g_VoteMenu, voteDuration);
if(GetVoteSize(2) <= GetMaxPageItems(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu)))
//This is necessary to get items 9 and 0 as usable voting items
SetMenuPagination(g_VoteMenu, MENU_NO_PAGINATION);
VoteMenuToAll(g_VoteMenu, voteDuration);
/* Call OnMapVoteStarted() Forward */
Call_StartForward(g_MapVoteStartForward); // Deprecated
@ -1266,23 +1198,6 @@ void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Nextmap Voting Started");
public int Handler_NativeVoteFinished(Handle vote,
int num_votes,
int num_clients,
const int[] client_indexes,
const int[] client_votes,
int num_items,
const int[] item_indexes,
const int[] item_votes)
int[][] client_info = new int[num_clients][2];
int[][] item_info = new int[num_items][2];
NativeVotes_FixResults(num_clients, client_indexes, client_votes, num_items, item_indexes, item_votes, client_info, item_info);
Handler_MapVoteFinished(vote, num_votes, num_clients, client_info, num_items, item_info);
public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
int num_votes,
int num_clients,
@ -1329,9 +1244,6 @@ public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit, fraglimit + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendFragStep));
NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(menu, NativeVotesPass_Extend);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Current Map Extended", RoundToFloor(float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])/float(num_votes)*100), num_votes);
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has finished. The current map has been extended.");
@ -1343,9 +1255,6 @@ public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
else if(strcmp(map, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, false) == 0)
NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(menu, NativeVotesPass_Extend);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Current Map Stays", RoundToFloor(float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])/float(num_votes)*100), num_votes);
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has finished. 'No Change' was the winner");
@ -1358,9 +1267,6 @@ public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
if(g_ChangeTime == MapChange_MapEnd)
NativeVotes_DisplayPass(menu, map);
else if(g_ChangeTime == MapChange_Instant)
@ -1368,17 +1274,11 @@ public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
CreateDataTimer(4.0, Timer_ChangeMap, data);
WritePackString(data, map);
g_ChangeMapInProgress = false;
NativeVotes_DisplayPassEx(menu, NativeVotesPass_ChgLevel, map);
else // MapChange_RoundEnd
g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd = true;
NativeVotes_DisplayPass(menu, map);
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
@ -1425,9 +1325,6 @@ public void Handler_MapVoteFinished(Handle menu,
NativeVotes_DisplayFail(menu, NativeVotesFail_NotEnoughVotes);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Tie Vote", GetArraySize(mapList));
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Revote, view_as<MapChange>(g_ChangeTime), mapList);
@ -1458,9 +1355,6 @@ public void Handler_MapVoteFinished(Handle menu,
NativeVotes_DisplayFail(menu, NativeVotesFail_NotEnoughVotes);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Revote Is Needed", required_percent);
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Revote, view_as<MapChange>(g_ChangeTime), mapList);
@ -1471,7 +1365,6 @@ public void Handler_MapVoteFinished(Handle menu,
Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(menu, num_votes, num_clients, client_info, num_items, item_info);
// This is shared by NativeVotes now, but NV doesn't support Display or DisplayItem
public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
@ -1479,22 +1372,15 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
case MenuAction_End:
delete menu;
delete menu;
case MenuAction_Display:
// NativeVotes uses the standard TF2/CSGO vote screen
static char buffer[255];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Vote Nextmap", param1);
Handle panel = view_as<Handle>(param2);
SetPanelTitle(panel, buffer);
static char buffer[255];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Vote Nextmap", param1);
Handle panel = view_as<Handle>(param2);
SetPanelTitle(panel, buffer);
case MenuAction_DisplayItem:
@ -1503,10 +1389,7 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
char buffer[255];
int mark = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps);
NativeVotes_GetItem(menu, param2, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_EXTEND, false))
@ -1544,13 +1427,7 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
if(buffer[0] != '\0')
return view_as<int>(Plugin_Continue);
return RedrawMenuItem(buffer);
return RedrawMenuItem(buffer);
// End Mapchooser Extended
@ -1560,11 +1437,7 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
// If we receive 0 votes, pick at random.
if(param1 == VoteCancel_NoVotes && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoVoteMode))
int count;
count = NativeVotes_GetItemCount(menu);
count = GetMenuItemCount(menu);
int count = GetMenuItemCount(menu);
int item;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
@ -1572,7 +1445,7 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
int startInt = 0;
if(!g_NativeVotes && g_BlockedSlots)
@ -1585,26 +1458,12 @@ public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int p
item = GetRandomInt(startInt, count - 1);
NativeVotes_GetItem(menu, item, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
GetMenuItem(menu, item, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
GetMenuItem(menu, item, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
while(strcmp(map, VOTE_EXTEND, false) == 0);
g_MapVoteCompleted = true;
NativeVotes_DisplayPass(menu, map);
else if(g_NativeVotes)
NativeVotesFailType reason = NativeVotesFail_Generic;
if(param1 == VoteCancel_NoVotes)
reason = NativeVotesFail_NotEnoughVotes;
NativeVotes_DisplayFail(menu, reason);
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
@ -2348,18 +2207,12 @@ public int Native_GetExtendsLeft(Handle plugin, int numParams)
stock void AddMapItem(const char[] map)
NativeVotes_AddItem(g_VoteMenu, map, map);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, map, map);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, map, map);
stock void GetMapItem(Handle menu, int position, char[] map, int mapLen)
NativeVotes_GetItem(menu, position, map, mapLen);
GetMenuItem(menu, position, map, mapLen);
GetMenuItem(menu, position, map, mapLen);
stock void AddExtendToMenu(Handle menu, MapChange when)
@ -2370,17 +2223,11 @@ stock void AddExtendToMenu(Handle menu, MapChange when)
if((when == MapChange_Instant || when == MapChange_RoundEnd) && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_DontChange))
// Built-in votes doesn't have "Don't Change", send Extend instead
NativeVotes_AddItem(menu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Don't Change");
else if(GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Extend) && g_Extends < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend))
NativeVotes_AddItem(menu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
@ -2396,17 +2243,6 @@ stock int GetVoteSize(int what=0)
if(what == 1 || what == 2)
voteSize += includeMapsReserved;
// New in 1.9.5 to let us bump up the included maps count
int max = NativeVotes_GetMaxItems();
if(voteSize > max)
voteSize = max;
if(includeMaps > max)
includeMaps = max;
if(what == 1)
return voteSize - includeMaps;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user