VPN-Check: new API, new code

This commit is contained in:
neon 2019-09-01 15:45:13 +02:00
parent f300576a1b
commit a686c9cf1e

View File

@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
#include <sourcemod> #include <sourcemod>
#include <SteamWorks> #include <SteamWorks>
#include <multicolors> #include <multicolors>
#include <smjansson>
#include <PlayerManager> #tryinclude <PlayerManager>
#pragma newdecls required #pragma newdecls required
#pragma semicolon 1 #pragma semicolon 1
#define STATUS_ERROR -2
#define STATUS_NONE -1
#define STATUS_SAFE 0
#define STATUS_BAD 1
ConVar g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN; ConVar g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN;
int g_bStatus[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {0,...}; Database g_hDatabase;
int g_bStatus[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {STATUS_NONE,...};
bool g_bPMLoaded; bool g_bPMLoaded;
@ -24,7 +32,7 @@ public Plugin myinfo =
name = "VPN-Check", name = "VPN-Check",
author = "Neon", author = "Neon",
description = "", description = "",
version = "1.0.0" version = "2.0.0"
}; };
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -34,22 +42,115 @@ public void OnPluginStart()
{ {
g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN = CreateConVar("sm_vpn_block", "1", "Kick unauthenticated people that use a VPN.", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN = CreateConVar("sm_vpn_block", "1", "Kick unauthenticated people that use a VPN.", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) RegAdminCmd("sm_vpn", Command_CheckVPN, ADMFLAG_RCON);
if (!IsValidClient(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
int iSerial = GetClientSerial(client); AutoExecConfig();
// Purpose:
public void SQL_OnTableCreated(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, any data)
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
// Purpose:
public void OnConfigsExecuted()
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "vpn_check");
// Purpose:
public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
g_hDatabase = db;
char sQuery[512];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ip_table (`ip` varchar(32), `type` int(64), `last_check` int(64), PRIMARY KEY (`ip`))");
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnTableCreated, sQuery, _, DBPrio_High);
// Purpose:
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client))
char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
char sQuery[512];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "SELECT * FROM ip_table WHERE ip='%s'", sIP);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
// Purpose:
public void SQL_OnQueryCompleted(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int iSerial)
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial)) == 0)
if (!db || strlen(error))
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("Query error: %s", error);
int iCurrentTime = GetTime();
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
int iFieldNum;
results.FieldNameToNum("type", iFieldNum);
int iType = results.FetchInt(iFieldNum);
results.FieldNameToNum("last_check", iFieldNum);
int iLastCheck = results.FetchInt(iFieldNum);
delete results;
if ((iCurrentTime - iLastCheck) < 86400)
g_bStatus[client] = iType;
char sIP[32]; char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP)); GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
char sRequest[256]; char sRequest[256];
FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "http://proxy.mind-media.com/block/proxycheck.php?ip=%s", sIP); FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "http://v2.api.iphub.info/ip/%s", sIP);
Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest); Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest);
if (!hRequest || if (!hRequest ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnClientPostAdminCheck_OnTransferComplete) || !SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(hRequest, "X-Key", "NjA5MDpnZG52emJHWjNSQmdEVTMySUwxSlhTUXBEZGt6MWtabg==") ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnTransferComplete) ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, iSerial) || !SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, iSerial) ||
!SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(hRequest)) !SteamWorks_SendHTTPRequest(hRequest))
{ {
@ -57,9 +158,233 @@ public void OnPluginStart()
} }
} }
RegAdminCmd("sm_vpn", Command_CheckVPN, ADMFLAG_RCON); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
public int OnTransferComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
AutoExecConfig(); if (!client) //Player disconnected.
delete hRequest;
if (bFailure || !bSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
delete hRequest;
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("Request-Error: %d", eStatusCode);
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(hRequest, OnTransferResponse, iSerial);
// Purpose:
public int OnTransferResponse(char[] sData, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
if (!client) //Player disconnected.
JSONValue hJSON = json_load(sData);
if (hJSON == null)
delete hJSON;
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("JSON-Error: Could not load: %s", sData);
delete hJSON;
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("JSON-Error: Object not found");
JSONObjectIterator hJSONIterator = json_object_iter_at(view_as<JSONObject>(hJSON), "block");
if (hJSONIterator == null)
delete hJSON;
delete hJSONIterator;
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("JSON-Error: Key not found");
char sKey[128];
json_object_iter_key(hJSONIterator, sKey, sizeof(sKey));
JSONValue hJSONValue = json_object_iter_value(hJSONIterator);
delete hJSON;
delete hJSONIterator;
delete hJSONValue;
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_ERROR;
LogError("JSON-Error: Integer value not found");
g_bStatus[client] = json_integer_value(view_as<JSONInteger>(hJSONValue));
delete hJSON;
delete hJSONIterator;
delete hJSONValue;
char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
int iCurrentTime = GetTime();
char sQuery[512];
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "INSERT INTO ip_table (ip, type, last_check) VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type='%d', last_check='%d';", sIP, g_bStatus[client], iCurrentTime, g_bStatus[client], iCurrentTime);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompleted, sQuery, _, DBPrio_Low);
// Purpose:
public Action Command_CheckVPN(int client, int args)
char sBuffer[4096];
char sIP[32];
char sSteamID[32];
bool bFound = false;
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "VPN STATUS:\n");
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s#########################################\n", sBuffer);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i))
if (g_bStatus[i] == STATUS_SAFE || g_bStatus[i] == STATUS_NONE)
if (g_bStatus[i] == STATUS_BAD)
GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
GetClientIP(i, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
if (g_bPMLoaded)
if (!PM_IsPlayerSteam(i))
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[NOSTEAM] is using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[STEAM] is using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" is using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
bFound = true;
else if (g_bStatus[i] == STATUS_WARNING)
GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
GetClientIP(i, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
if (g_bPMLoaded)
if (!PM_IsPlayerSteam(i))
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[NOSTEAM] is maybe using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[STEAM] is maybe using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" is maybe using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
bFound = true;
else if (g_bStatus[i] == STATUS_ERROR)
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" Error: VPN-Check failed, check the error logs.\n", sBuffer, i);
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%sCould not find any possible VPNs\n", sBuffer);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s#########################################", sBuffer);
ReplyToCommand(client, sBuffer);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void NotifyAdmins(int client)
if (g_bStatus[client] == STATUS_BAD)
char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsValidClient(i) && CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_vpn", ADMFLAG_RCON))
if (g_bPMLoaded)
if (!PM_IsPlayerSteam(client))
if (g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN.BoolValue)
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[NOSTEAM] is using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s). Client will be kicked.", client, sIP);
KickClient(client, "VPN not allowed");
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\"[NOSTEAM] is using a VPN (IP: %s). Client got kicked.", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[NOSTEAM] is using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
LogMessage("%L[NOSTEAM] is using a VPN (IP: %s).", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[STEAM] is using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
LogMessage("%L[STEAM] is using a VPN (IP: %s).", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L is using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
LogMessage("%L is using a VPN (IP: %s).", client, sIP);
// Purpose:
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_bStatus[client] = STATUS_NONE;
// Purpose:
stock int IsValidClient(int client, bool nobots = true)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientConnected(client) || (nobots && IsFakeClient(client)))
return false;
return IsClientInGame(client);
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -87,189 +412,3 @@ public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] sName)
if (strcmp(sName, "PlayerManager", false) == 0) if (strcmp(sName, "PlayerManager", false) == 0)
g_bPMLoaded = false; g_bPMLoaded = false;
} }
// Purpose:
public Action Command_CheckVPN(int client, int args)
char sBuffer[4096];
char sIP[32];
char sSteamID[32];
bool bFound = false;
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "VPN STATUS:\n");
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s#########################################\n", sBuffer);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i))
if (g_bStatus[i] == 0)
if (g_bStatus[i] == 1)
GetClientAuthId(i, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
GetClientIP(i, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
if (g_bPMLoaded)
if (!PM_IsPlayerSteam(i))
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[NOSTEAM] is possibly using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\"[STEAM] is possibly using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" is possibly using a VPN (%s).\n", sBuffer, i, sIP);
bFound = true;
else if (g_bStatus[i] == 2)
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" VPN-Check failed due to an API Error.\n", sBuffer, i);
bFound = true;
else if (g_bStatus[i] == 3)
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s\"%L\" VPN-Check failed due to an Request Error.\n", sBuffer, i);
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%sCould not find any possible VPNs\n", sBuffer);
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%s#########################################", sBuffer);
ReplyToCommand(client, sBuffer);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public void OnClientConnected(int client)
g_bStatus[client] = 0;
// Purpose:
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_bStatus[client] = 0;
// Purpose:
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
if (!IsValidClient(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
int iSerial = GetClientSerial(client);
char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
char sRequest[256];
FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "http://proxy.mind-media.com/block/proxycheck.php?ip=%s", sIP);
Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest);
if (!hRequest ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnClientPostAdminCheck_OnTransferComplete) ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, iSerial) ||
delete hRequest;
// Purpose:
public int OnClientPostAdminCheck_OnTransferComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
if (!client) //Player disconnected.
delete hRequest;
if (bFailure || !bSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
g_bStatus[client] = 3;
delete hRequest;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(hRequest, OnClientPostAdminCheck_OnTransferResponse, iSerial);
// Purpose:
public int OnClientPostAdminCheck_OnTransferResponse(char[] sData, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
if (!client) //Player disconnected.
if (strcmp(sData, "Y", false) == 0)
g_bStatus[client] = 1;
char sIP[32];
GetClientIP(client, sIP, sizeof(sIP));
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID));
for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsValidClient(i) && CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_vpn", ADMFLAG_RCON))
if (g_bPMLoaded)
if (!PM_IsPlayerSteam(client))
if (g_cvBlockNoSteamVPN.BoolValue)
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[NOSTEAM] is possibly using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s). Client will be kicked.", client, sIP);
KickClient(client, "VPN not allowed");
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\"[NOSTEAM] is possibly using a VPN (IP: %s). Client got kicked.", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[NOSTEAM] is possibly using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L[STEAM] is possibly using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L is possibly using a {red}VPN {default}(IP: %s).", client, sIP);
else if (strcmp(sData, "N", false) == 0)
g_bStatus[client] = 0;
else if (strcmp(sData, "X", false) == 0)
g_bStatus[client] = 2;
// Purpose:
stock int IsValidClient(int client, bool nobots = true)
if (client <= 0 || client > MaxClients || !IsClientConnected(client) || (nobots && IsFakeClient(client)))
return false;
return IsClientInGame(client);