Status: Add usertype

This commit is contained in:
zaCade 2019-02-28 18:32:35 +01:00
parent 0b2e637c58
commit 790ad97db1
3 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"signature" "GetStatsString"
"read" "79"
"signature" "host_frametime"
"signature" "host_frametime"
"library" "engine"
"windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x0C\xD9\xEE\x8D\x45\xFC\x56\x57\x50\x8D\x45\xF8"
/* 55 8B EC 83 EC 0C D9 EE 8D 45 FC 56 57 50 8D 45 F8 */
/* ALTERNATIVE 1: 2B F0 D9 E8 8D 47 FF DE F1 56 83 EC 08 DD 1C 24 50 */
"library" "engine"
"linux" "@host_frametime"
"mac" "@host_frametime"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <RevEmuAPI>
#tryinclude ""
#pragma newdecls required
ConVar g_Cvar_HostIP;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostPort;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostName;
ConVar g_Cvar_HostTags;
#if !defined _serverfps_included
int g_iTickRate;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Status Fixer",
author = "zaCade + BotoX + Obus",
description = "Fixes the \"status\" command",
version = "2.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
g_Cvar_HostIP = FindConVar("hostip");
g_Cvar_HostPort = FindConVar("hostport");
g_Cvar_HostName = FindConVar("hostname");
g_Cvar_HostTags = FindConVar("sv_tags");
AddCommandListener(Command_Status, "status");
public Action Command_Status(int client, const char[] command, int args)
return Plugin_Continue;
static char sServerName[128];
static char sServerTags[128];
static char sServerAdress[128];
int iServerIP = g_Cvar_HostIP.IntValue;
int iServerPort = g_Cvar_HostPort.IntValue;
g_Cvar_HostName.GetString(sServerName, sizeof(sServerName));
g_Cvar_HostTags.GetString(sServerTags, sizeof(sServerTags));
Format(sServerAdress, sizeof(sServerAdress), "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", iServerIP >>> 24 & 255, iServerIP >>> 16 & 255, iServerIP >>> 8 & 255, iServerIP & 255, iServerPort);
static char sMapName[128];
GetCurrentMap(sMapName, sizeof(sMapName));
float fPosition[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, fPosition);
float fClientDataIn = GetClientAvgData(client, NetFlow_Incoming);
float fClientDataOut = GetClientAvgData(client, NetFlow_Outgoing);
float fServerDataIn;
float fServerDataOut;
GetServerNetStats(fServerDataIn, fServerDataOut);
int iRealClients;
int iFakeClients;
int iTotalClients;
for(int player = 1; player <= MaxClients; player++)
#if defined _serverfps_included
float fServerTickRate = 1.0 / GetTickInterval();
float fServerFPS = GetServerFPS();
fServerFPS = fServerFPS <= fServerTickRate ? fServerFPS : fServerTickRate;
int iServerTickRate = RoundToZero(1.0 / GetTickInterval());
int iTickRate = g_iTickRate;
iTickRate = iTickRate <= iServerTickRate ? iTickRate : iServerTickRate;
PrintToConsole(client, "hostname: %s",
#if defined _serverfps_included
PrintToConsole(client, "tickrate: %.2f/%.2f (%d%%)",
fServerFPS, fServerTickRate, RoundToNearest((fServerFPS / fServerTickRate) * 100));
PrintToConsole(client, "tickrate: %d/%d (%d%%)",
iTickRate, iServerTickRate, RoundToNearest((float(iTickRate) / float(iServerTickRate)) * 100));
PrintToConsole(client, "udp/ip : %s",
PrintToConsole(client, "net I/O : %.2f/%.2f KiB/s (You: %.2f/%.2f KiB/s)",
fServerDataIn / 1024, fServerDataOut / 1024, fClientDataIn / 1024, fClientDataOut / 1024);
PrintToConsole(client, "map : %s at: %.0f x, %.0f y, %.0f z",
sMapName, fPosition[0], fPosition[1], fPosition[2]);
PrintToConsole(client, "tags : %s",
PrintToConsole(client, "edicts : %d/%d/%d (used/max/free)",
GetEntityCount(), GetMaxEntities(), GetMaxEntities() - GetEntityCount());
PrintToConsole(client, "players : %d %s | %d %s (%d/%d)",
iRealClients, Multiple(iRealClients) ? "humans" : "human", iFakeClients, Multiple(iFakeClients) ? "bots" : "bot", iTotalClients, MaxClients);
PrintToConsole(client, "# %8s %40s %24s %12s %4s %4s %10s %16s %s",
"userid", "name", "uniqueid", "connected", "ping", "loss", "state", "addr", "type");
for(int player = 1; player <= MaxClients; player++)
static char sPlayerID[8];
static char sPlayerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 2];
static char sPlayerAuth[24];
char sPlayerTime[12];
char sPlayerPing[4];
char sPlayerLoss[4];
static char sPlayerState[16];
char sPlayerAddr[16];
char sPlayerType[64];
FormatEx(sPlayerID, sizeof(sPlayerID), "%d", GetClientUserId(player));
FormatEx(sPlayerName, sizeof(sPlayerName), "\"%N\"", player);
if(!GetClientAuthId(player, AuthId_Steam2, sPlayerAuth, sizeof(sPlayerAuth)))
FormatEx(sPlayerAuth, sizeof(sPlayerAuth), "STEAM_ID_PENDING");
int iHours = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) / 3600));
int iMinutes = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) - (iHours * 3600)) / 60);
int iSeconds = RoundToFloor((GetClientTime(player) - (iHours * 3600)) - (iMinutes * 60));
if (iHours)
FormatEx(sPlayerTime, sizeof(sPlayerTime), "%d:%02d:%02d", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
FormatEx(sPlayerTime, sizeof(sPlayerTime), "%d:%02d", iMinutes, iSeconds);
FormatEx(sPlayerPing, sizeof(sPlayerPing), "%d", RoundFloat(GetClientLatency(player, NetFlow_Outgoing) * 800));
FormatEx(sPlayerLoss, sizeof(sPlayerLoss), "%d", RoundFloat(GetClientAvgLoss(player, NetFlow_Outgoing) * 100));
FormatEx(sPlayerState, sizeof(sPlayerState), "active");
FormatEx(sPlayerState, sizeof(sPlayerState), "spawning");
if(GetAdminFlag(GetUserAdmin(client), Admin_RCON))
GetClientIP(player, sPlayerAddr, sizeof(sPlayerAddr));
if (IsFakeClient(player))
FormatEx(sPlayerType, sizeof(sPlayerType), "FakeClient");
RevEmu_GetPlayerType(player, sPlayerType, sizeof(sPlayerType));
PrintToConsole(client, "# %8s %40s %24s %12s %4s %4s %10s %16s %s",
sPlayerID, sPlayerName, sPlayerAuth, sPlayerTime, sPlayerPing, sPlayerLoss, sPlayerState, sPlayerAddr, sPlayerType);
PrintToConsole(client, "# %8s %40s %24s %12s %4s %4s %s",
sPlayerID, sPlayerName, sPlayerAuth, sPlayerTime, sPlayerPing, sPlayerLoss, sPlayerState);
return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnGameFrame()
#if !defined _serverfps_included //Inaccurate fallback
static float fLastEngineTime;
static int iTicks;
float fCurEngineTime = GetEngineTime(); //GetEngineTime() will become less and less accurate as server uptime goes up!
if (fCurEngineTime - fLastEngineTime >= 1.0)
g_iTickRate = iTicks;
iTicks = 0;
fLastEngineTime = fCurEngineTime;
stock bool Multiple(int num)
return (!num || num > 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#if defined _serverfps_included
#define _serverfps_included
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
stock float GetServerFPS()
return 1.0 / view_as<float>(LoadFromAddress(GetHostTimeFrame(), NumberType_Int32));
* Internal Functions
stock Handle GetServerFPSConf()
static Handle hGameConf = null;
if (hGameConf == null)
hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile("");
if (hGameConf == null)
SetFailState("Couldn't find \"\" configuration file");
return hGameConf;
stock Address GetHostTimeFrame()
static Address pHostTimeFrame = Address_Null;
if (pHostTimeFrame == Address_Null)
pHostTimeFrame = GameConfGetAddress(GetServerFPSConf(), "HostTimeFrame");
if (pHostTimeFrame == Address_Null)
SetFailState("Failed to find time frame address");
return pHostTimeFrame;