AntiBhopCheat: fix logging to discord
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ CPlayer g_aPlayers[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
// Api
Handle g_hOnClientDetected;
char g_sStats[4096];
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "AntiBhopCheat",
@ -312,7 +310,7 @@ void CheckStats(CPlayer Player, CStreak Streak)
if(iStreakJumps >= 6)
float HackRatio = Streak.iHackJumps / float(iStreakJumps);
if(HackRatio >= 0.85)
if(HackRatio >= 0.80)
Player.iHackFlagged += 1;
char sBuffer[32];
@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ void CheckStats(CPlayer Player, CStreak Streak)
float HyperRatio = Streak.iHyperJumps / float(iStreakJumps);
if(HyperRatio >= 0.85)
if(HyperRatio >= 0.80)
Player.iHyperFlagged += 1;
CPrintToChat(client, "{green}[SM]{default} Turn off your bhop macro/script or hyperscroll!");
@ -370,13 +368,19 @@ NotifyAdmins(int client, const char[] sReason)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) && CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_stats", ADMFLAG_GENERIC))
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L has been detected for {red}%s{default}, please check your console!", client, sReason)
PrintStats(i, client);
PrintStreak(i, client, -1, true);
CPrintToChat(i, "{green}[SM]{default} %L has been detected for {red}%s{default}, please check your console!", client, sReason);
FormatStats(i, client);
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", "\n");
FormatStreak(i, client, 0);
Forward_OnDetected(client, sReason, g_sStats)
char sBuffer[2000];
int len = FormatStats(-1, client, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));
sBuffer[len++] = '\n';
len += FormatStreak(-1, client, 0, sBuffer[len], sizeof(sBuffer) - len);
Forward_OnDetected(client, sReason, sBuffer);
public Action Command_Stats(int client, int argc)
@ -403,51 +407,19 @@ public Action Command_Stats(int client, int argc)
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
PrintStats(client, iTargets[i]);
FormatStats(client, iTargets[i]);
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", "\n");
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
FormatStreak(client, iTargets[i], j);
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", "\n");
return Plugin_Handled;
void PrintStats(int client, int iTarget)
PrintToConsole(client, "[SM] Bunnyhop stats for %L", iTarget);
CPlayer Player = g_aPlayers[iTarget];
ArrayList hStreaks = Player.hStreaks;
CStreak hStreak = Player.hStreak;
int iStreaks = hStreaks.Length;
// Try showing latest valid streak
hStreak = hStreaks.Get(iStreaks - 1);
int iGlobalJumps = Player.iJumps;
float HyperRatio = Player.iHyperJumps / float(iGlobalJumps);
float HackRatio = Player.iHackJumps / float(iGlobalJumps);
PrintToConsole(client, "Global jumps: %d | Hyper?: %.1f%% | Hack?: %.1f%%",
iGlobalJumps, HyperRatio * 100.0, HackRatio * 100.0);
PrintToConsole(client, "bHackGlobal: %d | bHyperGlobal: %d | iHackFlagged: %d | iHyperFlagged: %d",
Player.bHackGlobal, Player.bHyperGlobal, Player.iHackFlagged, Player.iHyperFlagged);
int aGlobalJumps[3];
PrintToConsole(client, "Global jumps perf group (1 2 +): %1.f%% %1.f%% %1.f%%",
(aGlobalJumps[0] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0,
(aGlobalJumps[1] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0,
(aGlobalJumps[2] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0);
PrintStreak(client, iTarget, 0);
PrintStreak(client, iTarget, 1);
PrintStreak(client, iTarget, 2);
public Action Command_Streak(int client, int argc)
if(argc < 1 || argc > 2)
@ -480,21 +452,42 @@ public Action Command_Streak(int client, int argc)
for(int i = 0; i < iTargetCount; i++)
PrintStreak(client, iTargets[i], iStreak);
FormatStreak(client, iTargets[i], iStreak);
return Plugin_Handled;
void PrintStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, bool bDetected=false)
int FormatStats(int client, int iTarget, char[] sBuf=0, int len=0)
g_sStats = "";
int iBuf = ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf, len, "[SM] Bunnyhop stats for %L\n", iTarget);
PrintToConsole(client, "[SM] Bunnyhop streak %d for %L", iStreak, iTarget);
CPlayer Player = g_aPlayers[iTarget];
if (bDetected)
Format(g_sStats, sizeof(g_sStats), "%sBunnyhop streak %d for %L\n",
g_sStats, iStreak, iTarget);
int iGlobalJumps = Player.iJumps;
float HyperRatio = Player.iHyperJumps / float(iGlobalJumps);
float HackRatio = Player.iHackJumps / float(iGlobalJumps);
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "Global jumps: %d | Hyper?: %.1f%% | Hack?: %.1f%%\n",
iGlobalJumps, HyperRatio * 100.0, HackRatio * 100.0);
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "bHackGlobal: %d | bHyperGlobal: %d | iHackFlagged: %d | iHyperFlagged: %d\n",
Player.bHackGlobal, Player.bHyperGlobal, Player.iHackFlagged, Player.iHyperFlagged);
int aGlobalJumps[3];
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "Global jumps perf group (1 2 +): %1.f%% %1.f%% %1.f%%\n",
(aGlobalJumps[0] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0,
(aGlobalJumps[1] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0,
(aGlobalJumps[2] / float(iGlobalJumps)) * 100.0);
return iBuf;
int FormatStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, char[] sBuf=0, int len=0)
int iBuf = ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf, len, "[SM] Bunnyhop streak %d for %L\n", iStreak, iTarget);
CPlayer Player = g_aPlayers[iTarget];
ArrayList hStreaks = Player.hStreaks;
@ -511,15 +504,15 @@ void PrintStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, bool bDetected=false)
if(iStreak > MAX_STREAKS)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Streak is out of bounds (max. %d)!", MAX_STREAKS);
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "[SM] Streak is out of bounds (max. %d)!\n", MAX_STREAKS);
return iBuf;
int iIndex = iStreaks - iStreak;
if(iIndex < 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Only %d streaks are available for this player right now!", iStreaks);
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "[SM] Only %d streaks are available for this player right now!\n", iStreaks);
return iBuf;
hStreak = hStreaks.Get(iIndex);
@ -529,35 +522,20 @@ void PrintStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, bool bDetected=false)
float HyperRatio = hStreak.iHyperJumps / float(iStreakJumps);
float HackRatio = hStreak.iHackJumps / float(iStreakJumps);
PrintToConsole(client, "Streak jumps: %d | Hyper?: %.1f%% | Hack?: %.1f%%",
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "Streak jumps: %d | Hyper?: %.1f%% | Hack?: %.1f%%\n",
iStreakJumps, HyperRatio * 100.0, HackRatio * 100.0);
if (bDetected)
Format(g_sStats, sizeof(g_sStats), "%sStreak jumps: %d | Hyper?: %.1f%% | Hack?: %.1f%%\n",
g_sStats, iStreakJumps, HyperRatio * 100.0, HackRatio * 100.0);
int aStreakJumps[3];
PrintToConsole(client, "Streak jumps perf group (1 2 +): %1.f%% %1.f%% %1.f%%",
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "Streak jumps perf group (1 2 +): %1.f%% %1.f%% %1.f%%\n",
(aStreakJumps[0] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0,
(aStreakJumps[1] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0,
(aStreakJumps[2] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0);
if (bDetected)
Format(g_sStats, sizeof(g_sStats), "%sStreak jumps perf group (1 2 +): %1.f%% %1.f%% %1.f%%\n",
(aStreakJumps[0] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0,
(aStreakJumps[1] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0,
(aStreakJumps[2] / float(iStreakJumps)) * 100.0);
PrintToConsole(client, "#%2s %5s %7s %7s %5s %5s %8s %4s %6s %s",
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "#%2s %5s %7s %7s %5s %5s %8s %4s %6s %s\n",
"id", " diff", " invel", " outvel", " gain", " comb", " avgdist", " num", " avg+-", "pattern");
if (bDetected)
Format(g_sStats, sizeof(g_sStats), "%s#%2s %5s %7s %7s %5s %5s %8s %4s %6s %s\n",
g_sStats, "id", " diff", " invel", " outvel", " gain", " comb", " avgdist", " num", " avg+-", "pattern");
ArrayList hJumps = hStreak.hJumps;
float fPrevVel = 0.0;
int iPrevEndTick = -1;
@ -627,21 +605,7 @@ void PrintStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, bool bDetected=false)
if(fPrevVel == 0.0)
fPrevVel = fInVel;
PrintToConsole(client, "#%2d %4d%% %7.1f %7.1f %4d%% %4d%% %8.2f %4d %6.2f %s",
fPrevVel == 0.0 ? 100 : RoundFloat((fInVel / fPrevVel) * 100.0 - 100.0),
fInVel == 0.0 ? 100 : RoundFloat((fOutVel / fInVel) * 100.0 - 100.0),
fPrevVel == 0.0 ? 100 : RoundFloat((fOutVel / fPrevVel) * 100.0 - 100.0),
if (bDetected)
Format(g_sStats, sizeof(g_sStats), "%s#%2d %4d%% %7.1f %7.1f %4d%% %4d%% %8.2f %4d %6.2f %s\n",
iBuf += ConsoleFormat(client, sBuf[iBuf], len-iBuf, "#%2d %4d%% %7.1f %7.1f %4d%% %4d%% %8.2f %4d %6.2f %s\n",
fPrevVel == 0.0 ? 100 : RoundFloat((fInVel / fPrevVel) * 100.0 - 100.0),
@ -656,6 +620,8 @@ void PrintStreak(int client, int iTarget, int iStreak, bool bDetected=false)
iPrevEndTick = iEndTick;
fPrevVel = fOutVel;
return iBuf;
bool Forward_OnDetected(int client, const char[] reason, const char[] stats)
@ -665,6 +631,19 @@ bool Forward_OnDetected(int client, const char[] reason, const char[] stats)
g_sStats = "";
stock int ConsoleFormat(int client, char[] buffer, int maxlength, const char[] format, any ...)
if(client >= 1 && client <= MAXPLAYERS)
char sBuf[1024];
sBuf[VFormat(sBuf, sizeof(sBuf), format, 5) - 1] = 0;
PrintToConsole(client, "%s", sBuf);
if(maxlength > 0)
return VFormat(buffer, maxlength, format, 5);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user