Remove obsolete plugin

This commit is contained in:
BotoX 2018-08-07 21:07:11 +02:00
parent 4a5ba9e986
commit 5a5236181f
5 changed files with 0 additions and 1833 deletions

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
#if defined _steamcore_included
#define _steamcore_included
Error Codes:
0x00: No error, request successful.
0x01: Plugin is busy with another task at this time.
0x02: Connection timed out.
0x03: Login Error: Invalid login information, it means there are errors in the Cvar Strings.
0x04: Login Error: Failed http RSA Key request.
0x05: Login Error: RSA Key response failed, unknown reason, probably server side.
0x06: Login Error: Failed htpps login request.
0x07: Login Error: Incorrect login data, required captcha or e-mail confirmation (Steam Guard).
0x08: Login Error: Failed http token request.
0x09: Login Error: Invalid session token. Incorrect cookie?.
0x10: Announcement Error: Failed http group announcement request.
0x11: Announcement Error: Invalid steam login token.
0x12: Announcement Error: Form error on request.
// Invitee: Who receives the invite.
0x20: Invite Error: Failed http group invite request.
0x21: Invite Error: Incorrect invitee or another error.
0x22: Invite Error: Incorrect Group ID or missing data.
0x23: Invite Error: Logged out. Retry to login.
0x24: Invite Error: Inviter account is not a member of the group or does not have permissions to invite.
0x25: Invite Error: Limited account. Only full Steam accounts can send Steam group invites
0x26: Invite Error: Unknown error.
0x27: Invite Error: Invitee has already received an invite or is already on the group.
* Callback function called at the end of a request
* @param client Calling client.
* @param success Result of the request.
* @param errorCode Result error code if error, otherwise 0.
* @param data Extra data if any, otherwise 0
* @noreturn
functag SteamCoreCallback public(client, bool:success, errorCode, any:data);
* Returns wheter the plugin is currently busy with a request.
* @return True is plugin is busy, false otherwise.
native bool:IsSteamCoreBusy();
* Posts an announcement on a desired Steam group.
* @param client Debug purposes, calling client, use 0 if no client.
* @param title Title of the announce.
* @param body Body of the announce.
* @param group GroupID.
* @param func Callback function to be called at the end of the request.
* @noreturn
native SteamGroupAnnouncement(client, const String:title[], const String:body[], const String:group[], SteamCoreCallback:func);
* Sends a Steam group invitation to an account.
* @param client Debug purposes, calling client, use 0 if no client.
* @param invitee SteamID64 of the account to invite.
* @param group GroupID.
* @param func Callback function to be called at the end of the request.
* @noreturn
native SteamGroupInvite(client, const String:invitee[], const String:group[], SteamCoreCallback:func);
public SharedPlugin:__pl_steamcore =
name = "steamcore",
file = "steamcore.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,

View File

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <steamcore>
#define PLUGIN_URL ""
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.1"
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Inviter"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Statik"
public Plugin:myinfo =
description = "Steam group invites via game commands.",
new Handle:cvarGroupID;
new Handle:cvarAdminFlags;
new Handle:cvarAllInviteThemselves;
new Handle:cvarAllInviteOthers;
new Handle:cvarTimeBetweenInvites;
new Handle:disabledClients;
new ReplySource:sources[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
public OnPluginStart()
// Cvars
CreateConVar("inviter_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Force Picker Version", FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_NOTIFY);
cvarGroupID = CreateConVar("in_steamgroupid", "", "Group id where people is going to be invited.", 0);
cvarAdminFlags = CreateConVar("in_adminflags", "b", "Administrator flags to bypass the restrictions.", 0);
cvarAllInviteThemselves = CreateConVar("in_allcaninvitethemselves.", "1", "Allows everybody to send invites to them themselves.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
cvarAllInviteOthers = CreateConVar("in_allcaninviteothers.", "0", "Allows everybody to send invites to other clients.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
cvarTimeBetweenInvites = CreateConVar("in_timebetweeninvites", "240", "Time between invites that non-admins must wait to send more invites.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 7200.0);
RegConsoleCmd("sm_invite", cmdInvite, "Sends a group invite");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_join", cmdInvite, "Sends a group invite");
disabledClients = CreateArray();
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.inviter");
public Action:cmdInvite(client, args)
new bool:isAdmin = IsClientAdmin(client);
decl String:steamGroup[65];
GetConVarString(cvarGroupID, steamGroup, sizeof(steamGroup));
if (StrEqual(steamGroup, ""))
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Steam group is not configured.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (!isAdmin)
new id = GetSteamAccountID(client);
if (FindValueInArray(disabledClients, id) != -1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047You must wait \x01%i \x07FFF047seconds or less to send another invite.", GetConVarInt(cvarTimeBetweenInvites));
return Plugin_Handled;
new interval = GetConVarInt(cvarTimeBetweenInvites);
PushArrayCell(disabledClients, id);
CreateTimer(Float:interval, cooldown, id);
if (args == 0)
if (client == 0)
ReplyToCommand(client, "You cannot invite a server to a Steam group.");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (isAdmin || GetConVarBool(cvarAllInviteThemselves))
new String:steamID64[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_SteamID64, steamID64, sizeof steamID64);
sources[client] = GetCmdReplySource();
SteamGroupInvite(client, steamID64, steamGroup, callback);
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047You do not have access to this command.");
return Plugin_Handled;
else if (args == 1)
if (isAdmin || GetConVarBool(cvarAllInviteOthers))
decl String:arg[64];
GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof arg);
new target = FindTarget(client, arg, true, false);
if (target == -1)
decl String:buffer[32];
GetCmdArg(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Incorrect target, usage: \x01%s [#userid|name]", buffer);
return Plugin_Handled;
new String:steamID64[32];
GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_SteamID64, steamID64, sizeof steamID64);
sources[client] = GetCmdReplySource();
SteamGroupInvite(client, steamID64, steamGroup, callback);
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047You are not allowed to invite other people.");
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Incorrect syntax, usage: \x01%s [#userid|name]");
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:cooldown(Handle:timer, any:id)
new i;
if ((i = FindValueInArray(disabledClients, id)) != -1)
RemoveFromArray(disabledClients, i);
public callback(client, bool:success, errorCode, any:data)
if (client != 0 && !IsClientInGame(client)) return;
if (success) ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047The group invite has been sent.");
if (errorCode < 0x10 || errorCode == 0x23)
new id = GetSteamAccountID(client);
new i;
if ((i = FindValueInArray(disabledClients, id)) != -1)
RemoveFromArray(disabledClients, i);
if (errorCode == 0x01) ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Server is busy with another task at this time, try again in a few seconds.");
else if (errorCode == 0x02) ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047There was a timeout in your request, try again.");
else if (errorCode == 0x23) ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Session expired, retry to reconnect.");
else if (errorCode == 0x27) ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047Target has already received an invite or is already on the group.");
else ReplyToCommand(client, "\x07FFF047There was an error \x010x%02x \x07FFF047while sending your invite :(", errorCode);
public bool:IsClientAdmin(client)
decl String:strFlags[32];
GetConVarString(cvarAdminFlags, strFlags, sizeof strFlags);
new flags = ReadFlagString(strFlags);
if (flags & GetUserFlagBits(client) || ADMFLAG_ROOT & GetUserFlagBits(client))
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
#pragma dynamic 4194304 // Increases stack space to 4mb, needed for encryption
#include <sourcemod>
#include <regex>
// Core includes
#include "steamcore/bigint.sp"
#include "steamcore/rsa.sp"
#include <SteamWorks>
#define PLUGIN_URL ""
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.7.1"
#define PLUGIN_NAME "SteamCore"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Statik"
public Plugin:myinfo =
description = "Sourcemod natives to interact with Steam functions.",
new bool:DEBUG = false;
new const TIMER_UPDATE_TIME = 6;
new const TOKEN_LIFETIME = 50;
new const Float:TIMEOUT_TIME = 10.0;
new Handle:cvarUsername;
new Handle:cvarPassword;
new Handle:cvarDebug;
new String:username[32] = "";
new String:passphrase[32] = "";
new String:sessionToken[32] = "";
new String:sessionCookie[256] = "";
new bool:isLogged = false;
new bool:isBusy = false;
new Handle:request;
new caller;
new timeSinceLastLogin;
new Handle:hTimeIncreaser;
new Handle:timeoutTimer;
new bool:connectionInterrupted;
new Handle:callbackHandle;
new Handle:callbackPlugin;
new Function:callbackFunction;
new Handle:finalRequest;
new SteamWorksHTTPRequestCompleted:finalFunction;
// ===================================================================================
// ===================================================================================
public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:plugin, bool:late, String:error[], err_max)
// Native creation
CreateNative("IsSteamCoreBusy", nativeIsSteamCoreBusy);
CreateNative("SteamGroupAnnouncement", nativeGroupAnnouncement);
CreateNative("SteamGroupInvite", nativeGroupInvite);
return APLRes_Success;
public OnPluginStart()
// Callbacks
callbackHandle = CreateForward(ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
// Timers
hTimeIncreaser = CreateTimer(TIMER_UPDATE_TIME*60.0, timeIncreaser, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT);
// Convars
CreateConVar("steamcore_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "SteamCore Version", FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_NOTIFY);
cvarUsername = CreateConVar("sc_username", "", "Steam login username.", FCVAR_PROTECTED);
cvarPassword = CreateConVar("sc_password", "", "Steam login password.", FCVAR_PROTECTED);
cvarDebug = CreateConVar("sc_debug", "0", "Toggles debugging.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
HookConVarChange(cvarUsername, OnLoginInfoChange);
HookConVarChange(cvarPassword, OnLoginInfoChange);
HookConVarChange(cvarDebug, OnDebugStatusChange);
timeSinceLastLogin = TOKEN_LIFETIME;
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.steamcore");
public OnLoginInfoChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
isLogged = false;
public OnDebugStatusChange(Handle:cvar, const String:oldVal[], const String:newVal[])
DEBUG = bool:StringToInt(newVal);
public Action:timeIncreaser(Handle:timer)
timeSinceLastLogin += TIMER_UPDATE_TIME;
PrintDebug(0, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(0, "Time since last login: %i minutes.", timeSinceLastLogin);
if (timeSinceLastLogin >= TOKEN_LIFETIME)
isLogged = false;
PrintDebug(0, "Expired token lifetime (%i)", TOKEN_LIFETIME);
return Plugin_Continue;
public OnConfigsExecuted()
DEBUG = GetConVarBool(FindConVar("sc_debug"));
if (timeSinceLastLogin > 10)
PrintDebug(0, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(0, "Logging in to keep login alive...");
startRequest(0, INVALID_HANDLE, INVALID_FUNCTION, INVALID_HANDLE, INVALID_FUNCTION); // Starts an empty login request
// ===================================================================================
// ===================================================================================
public nativeIsSteamCoreBusy(Handle:plugin, numParams)
return _:isBusy;
public nativeGroupAnnouncement(Handle:plugin, numParams)
decl String:title[256];
decl String:body[1024];
decl String:groupID[64];
new client = GetNativeCell(1);
GetNativeString(2, title, sizeof(title));
GetNativeString(3, body, sizeof(body));
GetNativeString(4, groupID, sizeof(groupID));
decl String:URL[128];
Format(URL, sizeof(URL), "", groupID);
PrintDebug(client, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(client, "Preparing request to: \n%s...", URL);
PrintDebug(client, "Title: \n%s", title);
PrintDebug(client, "Body: \n%s", body);
PrintDebug(client, "Verifying login...");
new Handle:_finalRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, URL);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(_finalRequest, "Cookie", sessionCookie);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "action", "post");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "sessionID", sessionToken);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "headline", title);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "body", body);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "languages[0][headline]", title);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "languages[0][body]", body);
startRequest(client, _finalRequest, cbkGroupAnnouncement, plugin, GetNativeFunction(5));
public nativeGroupInvite(Handle:plugin, numParams)
decl String:invitee[64];
decl String:groupID[64];
new client = GetNativeCell(1);
GetNativeString(2, invitee, sizeof invitee);
GetNativeString(3, groupID, sizeof groupID);
decl String:URL[] = "";
PrintDebug(client, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(client, "Preparing request to: \n%s...", URL);
PrintDebug(client, "Invitee community ID: \n%s", invitee);
PrintDebug(client, "Group community ID: \n%s", groupID);
PrintDebug(client, "Verifying login...");
new Handle:_finalRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, URL);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(_finalRequest, "Accept", "*/*");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(_finalRequest, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(_finalRequest, "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64)");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(_finalRequest, "Cookie", sessionCookie);
//SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "json", "1");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "type", "groupInvite");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "sessionID", sessionToken);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "group", groupID);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(_finalRequest, "invitee", invitee);
startRequest(client, _finalRequest, cbkGroupInvite, plugin, GetNativeFunction(4));
// ===================================================================================
// ===================================================================================
startRequest(client, Handle:_finalRequest, SteamWorksHTTPRequestCompleted:_finalFunction, Handle:_callbackPlugin, Function:_callbackFunction)
if (isBusy)
PrintDebug(client, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(client, "Plugin is busy with other task at this time, rejecting request...");
if (_callbackFunction != INVALID_FUNCTION) // There is an actual function callback
new pluginIteratorNumber = GetPluginIteratorNumber(_callbackPlugin);
new Handle:datapack;
CreateDataTimer(0.1, tmrBusyCallback, datapack);
WritePackCell(datapack, client);
WritePackCell(datapack, pluginIteratorNumber);
WritePackFunction(datapack, Function:_callbackFunction);
isBusy = true;
connectionInterrupted = false;
caller = client;
finalRequest = _finalRequest;
finalFunction = _finalFunction;
callbackPlugin = _callbackPlugin;
callbackFunction = _callbackFunction;
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
if (callbackFunction != INVALID_FUNCTION) // There is an actual function callback
AddToForward(callbackHandle, callbackPlugin, callbackFunction);
if (isLogged)
PrintDebug(caller, "Already logged in, executing request...");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(finalRequest, finalFunction)
GetConVarString(cvarUsername, username, sizeof(username));
GetConVarString(cvarPassword, passphrase, sizeof(passphrase));
if (StrEqual(username, "") || StrEqual(passphrase, ""))
PrintDebug(caller, "Invalid login information, check cvars. ABORTED.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x03); // Invalid login information
request = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "username", username);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(request, cbkRsaKeyRequest);
PrintDebug(caller, "Obtaining RSA Key from");
timeoutTimer = CreateTimer(TIMEOUT_TIME, tmrTimeout);
if (timeoutTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
timeoutTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Action:tmrTimeout(Handle:timer)
PrintDebug(caller, "Connection timed out.");
connectionInterrupted = true;
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x02);
timeoutTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Action:tmrBusyCallback(Handle:timer, Handle:pack)
new client = ReadPackCell(pack);
new pluginIteratorNumber = ReadPackCell(pack);
new Handle:callbackPl = FindPluginFromNumber(pluginIteratorNumber);
new Function:callbackFunc = ReadPackFunction(pack);
new bool:success = RemoveFromForward(callbackHandle, callbackPlugin, callbackFunction);
new functionCount = GetForwardFunctionCount(callbackHandle);
PrintDebug(caller, "Removing main callback from forward - Result: %i, - Forward Function Count: %i", success, functionCount);
success = AddToForward(callbackHandle, callbackPl, callbackFunc);
functionCount = GetForwardFunctionCount(callbackHandle);
PrintDebug(caller, "Adding temporal callback from forward - Result: %i, - Forward Function Count: %i", success, functionCount);
// Start function call
// Push parameters one at a time
Call_PushCell(0x01); // Plugin is busy
// Finish the call
new result = Call_Finish();
PrintDebug(caller, "Temporal callback calling error code: %i (0: Success)", result);
success = RemoveFromForward(callbackHandle, callbackPl, callbackFunc);
functionCount = GetForwardFunctionCount(callbackHandle);
PrintDebug(caller, "Removing temporal callback from forward - Result: %i, - Forward Function Count: %i", success, functionCount);
success = AddToForward(callbackHandle, callbackPlugin, callbackFunction);
functionCount = GetForwardFunctionCount(callbackHandle);
PrintDebug(caller, "Re-adding main callback from forward - Result: %i, - Forward Function Count: %i", success, functionCount);
callbackPl = INVALID_HANDLE;
callbackFunc = INVALID_FUNCTION;
PrintDebug(caller, "Task rejected.");
public cbkRsaKeyRequest(Handle:response, bool:failure, bool:requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:statusCode)
if (connectionInterrupted)
if (response == INVALID_HANDLE || !requestSuccessful || statusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
PrintDebug(caller, "RSA Key request failed (%i). Status Code: %i. ABORTED", requestSuccessful, statusCode);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x04); // Failed http RSA Key request
new bodySize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(request, bodySize);
decl String:responseBody[bodySize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(request, responseBody, bodySize);
PrintDebug(caller, responseBody);
if (StrContains(responseBody, "\"success\":true", false) == -1)
PrintDebug(caller, "Could not get RSA Key, aborting...");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x05); // RSA Key response failed, unknown reason
new Handle:regex;
regex = CompileRegex("\"publickey_mod\":\"(.*?)\"");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:rsaPublicMod[1024];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, rsaPublicMod, sizeof(rsaPublicMod));
PrintDebug(caller, "RSA KEY MODULUS (%i): \n%s", strlen(rsaPublicMod), rsaPublicMod);
regex = CompileRegex("\"publickey_exp\":\"(.*?)\"");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:rsaPublicExp[16];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, rsaPublicExp, sizeof(rsaPublicExp));
PrintDebug(caller, "RSA KEY EXPONENT (%i): %s", strlen(rsaPublicExp), rsaPublicExp);
regex = CompileRegex("\"timestamp\":\"(.*?)\"");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:steamTimestamp[16];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, steamTimestamp, sizeof(steamTimestamp));
PrintDebug(caller, "STEAM TIMESTAMP (%i): %s", strlen(steamTimestamp), steamTimestamp);
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(caller, "Encrypting passphrase ******** with RSA public key...");
decl String:encryptedPassword[1024];
rsaEncrypt(rsaPublicMod, rsaPublicExp, passphrase, encryptedPassword, sizeof(encryptedPassword));
PrintDebug(caller, "Encrypted passphrase with RSA cryptosystem (%i): \n%s", strlen(encryptedPassword), encryptedPassword);
decl numericPassword[1024];
hexString2BigInt(encryptedPassword, numericPassword, sizeof(numericPassword));
encodeBase64(numericPassword, strlen(rsaPublicMod),encryptedPassword, sizeof(encryptedPassword));
PrintDebug(caller, "Encoded encrypted passphrase with base64 algorithm (%i): \n%s", strlen(encryptedPassword), encryptedPassword);
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(caller, "Logging in to");
request = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "password", encryptedPassword);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "username", username);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "twofactorcode", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "emailauth", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "loginfriendlyname", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "captchagid", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "captcha_text", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "emailsteamid", "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "rsatimestamp", steamTimestamp);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(request, "remember_login", "false");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(request, cbkLoginRequest);
public cbkLoginRequest(Handle:response, bool:failure, bool:requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:statusCode)
if (connectionInterrupted)
if (response == INVALID_HANDLE || !requestSuccessful || statusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
PrintDebug(caller, "Login request failed (%i). Status Code: %i. ABORTED", requestSuccessful, statusCode);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x06); // Failed htpps login request
new bodySize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(response, bodySize);
decl String:responseBody[bodySize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(response, responseBody, bodySize);
new Handle:regex;
regex = CompileRegex("\"success\":(.*?),");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:successString[20];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, successString, sizeof(successString));
if (strcmp(successString, "true") != 0) // successString != true
PrintDebug(caller, "Aborted logging, incorrect response body (%i): \n%s", strlen(responseBody), responseBody);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x07); // Incorrect login data, required captcha or e-mail confirmation (Steam Guard)
new cookieSize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize(response, "Set-Cookie", cookieSize);
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue(response, "Set-Cookie", sessionCookie, cookieSize);
// Cleaning cookie
ReplaceString(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "path=/,", "");
ReplaceString(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "path=/; httponly,", "");
ReplaceString(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "path=/; secure; httponly", "");
PrintDebug(caller, "Success, got response (%i): \n%s", strlen(responseBody), responseBody);
PrintDebug(caller, "Stored Cookie (%i): \n%s", strlen(sessionCookie), sessionCookie);
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(caller, "Logging successful, obtaining session token...");
request = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, "");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(request, "Cookie", sessionCookie);
SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(request, cbkTokenRequest);
public cbkTokenRequest(Handle:response, bool:failure, bool:requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:statusCode)
if (connectionInterrupted)
if (response == INVALID_HANDLE || !requestSuccessful || statusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
PrintDebug(caller, "Session Token request failed (%i). Status Code: %i. ABORTED", requestSuccessful, statusCode);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x08); // Failed http token request
new bodySize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(response, bodySize);
decl String:responseBody[bodySize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(response, responseBody, bodySize);
new Handle:regex;
regex = CompileRegex("g_steamID = (.*?);");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:steamId[20];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, steamId, sizeof(steamId));
regex = CompileRegex("g_sessionID = \"(.*?)\"");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, sessionToken, sizeof(sessionToken));
if (strcmp(steamId, "false") == 0) // steamId == false
PrintDebug(caller, "Could not get session token. Got: \"%s\". Incorrect Cookie?", steamId);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x09); // Invalid session token. Incorrect cookie?
isLogged = true;
// Cleaning cookie
ReplaceString(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "path=/; httponly,", "");
ReplaceString(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "path=/; secure; httponly", "");
Format(sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie, "Steam_Language=english; sessionid=%s; %s", sessionToken, sessionCookie);
PrintDebug(caller, "Session token successfully acquired (%i): %s", strlen(sessionToken), sessionToken);
PrintDebug(caller, "Current session for Steam ID (%i): %s", strlen(steamId), steamId);
PrintDebug(caller, "Appended session token to clean cookie, actual cookie (%i): \n%s", strlen(sessionCookie), sessionCookie);
if (finalRequest != INVALID_HANDLE)
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(caller, "Executing final request...");
SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(finalRequest, finalFunction);
PrintDebug(caller, "There is no final request, logged in successfully.");
onRequestResult(caller, true);
public cbkGroupAnnouncement(Handle:response, bool:failure, bool:requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:statusCode)
if (connectionInterrupted)
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
if (response == INVALID_HANDLE || !requestSuccessful || statusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
PrintDebug(caller, "Group announcement request failed (%i). Status Code: %i", requestSuccessful, statusCode);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x10); // Failed http group announcement request
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
new cookieSize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize(response, "Set-Cookie", cookieSize);
decl String:cookie[cookieSize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue(response, "Set-Cookie", cookie, cookieSize);
new bodySize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(response, bodySize);
decl String:responseBody[bodySize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(response, responseBody, bodySize);
new Handle:regex;
regex = CompileRegex("steamLogin=(.*?);");
MatchRegex(regex, cookie);
decl String:steamLogin[20];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, steamLogin, sizeof(steamLogin));
regex = CompileRegex("<title>(.*?)</title>");
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:title[40];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, title, sizeof(title));
if (strcmp(steamLogin, "deleted") == 0)
isLogged = false;
PrintDebug(caller, "Invalid steam login token.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x11); // Invalid steam login token
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
if (strcmp(title, "Steam Community :: Error") == 0)
PrintDebug(caller, "Form error on request.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x12); // Form error on request
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
onRequestResult(caller, true);
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
public cbkGroupInvite(Handle:response, bool:failure, bool:requestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode:statusCode)
if (connectionInterrupted)
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
if (response == INVALID_HANDLE || !requestSuccessful || statusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
PrintDebug(caller, "Group invite request failed (%i). Status Code: %i", requestSuccessful, statusCode);
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x20); // Failed http group invite request
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
new bodySize;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(response, bodySize);
decl String:responseBody[bodySize];
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(response, responseBody, bodySize);
new Handle:regex;
regex = CompileRegex("<results><!\\[CDATA\\[(.*?)\\]\\]><\\/results>", PCRE_DOTALL);
MatchRegex(regex, responseBody);
decl String:result[2048];
GetRegexSubString(regex, 1, result, sizeof(result));
if (!StrEqual(result, "OK"))
PrintDebug(caller, "Error: ");
PrintDebug(caller, result);
if (StrEqual(result, "The invitation to that player failed. Please try again.\n\nError code: 19"))
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Incorrect invitee id on request or another error.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x21); // Incorrect invitee or another error
else if (StrEqual(result, "Missing Data"))
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Incorrect group id or missing data on request.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x22); // Incorrect Group ID or missing data.
else if (StrEqual(result, "Missing or invalid form session key"))
isLogged = false;
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Plugin is not logged in. Try again to login.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x23); // Logged out. Retry to login
else if (StrEqual(result, "You do not have permission to invite to the group specified."))
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Inviter account is not a member of the group or does not have permissions to invite.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x24); // Account does not have permissions to invite.
else if (StrEqual(result, "Your account does not meet the requirements to use this feature. <a class=\"whiteLink\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">Visit Steam Support</a> for more information."))
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Account is limited, only full Steam accounts can send group invites.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x25); // Limited account. Only full Steam accounts can send Steam group invites
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Unknown error response received when sending the group invite.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x26); // Unknown error
if (StrContains(responseBody, "<duplicate><![CDATA[1]]></duplicate>") != -1)
PrintDebug(caller, "Invite failed. Invitee has already received an invite or is already on the group.");
onRequestResult(caller, false, 0x27); // Invitee has already received an invite or is already on the group.
PrintDebug(caller, "Group invite sent.");
onRequestResult(caller, true); // Success
PrintDebug(caller, "Response body (%i):\n %s", strlen(responseBody), responseBody);
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
onRequestResult(client, bool:success, errorCode=0, any:data=0)
isBusy = false;
PrintDebug(caller, "\n============================================================================\n");
PrintDebug(caller, "Final request result: %i - Error Code : %i", success, errorCode);
if (success)
timeSinceLastLogin = 0;
hTimeIncreaser = CreateTimer(TIMER_UPDATE_TIME*60.0, timeIncreaser, INVALID_HANDLE, TIMER_REPEAT);
// In case there was an error before the last request was executed, they are freed.
else if (errorCode > 0 && errorCode <= 0x0A)
if (finalRequest != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(finalRequest);
finalRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
finalFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
if (callbackFunction != INVALID_FUNCTION)
PrintDebug(caller, "Calling callback...");
// Start function call
// Push parameters one at a time
Call_PushCell(client); // Client
Call_PushCell(success); // Success
Call_PushCell(errorCode); // Error code
Call_PushCell(data); // Extra data, in this case nothing
// Finish the call
new result = Call_Finish();
PrintDebug(caller, "Callback calling error code: %i (0: Success)", result);
caller = 0;
new bool:removed = RemoveFromForward(callbackHandle, callbackPlugin, callbackFunction);
new functionCount = GetForwardFunctionCount(callbackHandle);
PrintDebug(caller, "Removing callback from forward - Result: %i, - Forward Function Count: %i", removed, functionCount);
callbackFunction = INVALID_FUNCTION;
// ===================================================================================
// ===================================================================================
// Obtains the plugin index in a plugin iterator
new pluginNumber = 0;
decl String:pluginName[256];
decl String:auxPluginName[256];
GetPluginFilename(plugin, pluginName, sizeof(pluginName));
new Handle:pluginIterator = GetPluginIterator();
while (MorePlugins(pluginIterator))
GetPluginFilename(ReadPlugin(pluginIterator), auxPluginName, sizeof(auxPluginName));
if (StrEqual(pluginName, auxPluginName)) break;
pluginIterator = INVALID_HANDLE;
return pluginNumber;
new Handle:pluginIterator = GetPluginIterator();
new Handle:plugin;
for (new i = 0; i < pluginNumber; i++)
if (!MorePlugins(pluginIterator))
plugin = ReadPlugin(pluginIterator);
pluginIterator = INVALID_HANDLE;
return plugin;
// ===================================================================================
// ===================================================================================
PrintDebug(client, const String:format[], any:...)
if (DEBUG)
decl String:text[1024];
VFormat(text, sizeof(text), format, 3);
if (client == 0) PrintToServer(text);
else if (IsClientInGame(client)) PrintToConsole(client, text);
stock GetCaller()
return caller;

View File

@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
/*** - Big Integers Operation Library Functions
Version: 0.1
Date: 28-12-2014
Author: Statik
Provides some arithmetic and logical maths functions to operate
with big integers.
#if defined _BigInt_included
#define _BigInt_included
stock modpowBigInt(base[], exponent[], modulus[], nBase, output[], oSize) //
{ // Modular exponentiation, Right-to-left binary method (binary exponentiation + memory efficient method)
new eSize = getBigIntSize(exponent);
new mSize = getBigIntSize(modulus);
new auxSize = (mSize+1)*2; // output and base (pow base) are never bigger than modulus
decl aux[auxSize];
decl auxBase[auxSize]; // Is used as a replacemente of the power base, not the numeric base
decl auxExponent[eSize+1];
new parity[2];
output[0] = 1;
output[1] = -1;
copyBigInt(base, auxBase, auxSize);
copyBigInt(exponent, auxExponent, eSize+1);
modBigInt(base, modulus, nBase, auxBase, auxSize);
while (isBiggerThanBigNumber(auxExponent, {0,-1})) // exponent > 0
fulldivBigInt(auxExponent, {2,-1}, nBase, auxExponent, eSize+1, parity, sizeof(parity));
if (parity[0] == 1) // (exponent % 2) == 1 / Is exponent odd?
multBigInt(output, auxBase, nBase, aux, auxSize);
modBigInt(aux, modulus, nBase, output, oSize);
multBigInt(auxBase, auxBase, nBase, auxBase, auxSize);
modBigInt(auxBase, modulus, nBase, auxBase, auxSize);
stock powBigInt(number[], exponent[], base, output[], oSize) // Exponentiation by squaring recursive algorithm **UNFINISHED**
{ //
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
new eSize = getBigIntSize(exponent);
if (!isBiggerThanBigNumber(exponent, {0,-1})) // Exponent is 0
output[0] = 1;
output[1] = -1;
if (!isBiggerThanBigNumber(exponent, {1,-1})) // Exponent is 1
for (new i = 0; i <= nSize; i++)
output[i] = number[i];
new bool:isExponentEven = (exponent[0] % 2) == 0;
multBigInt(number, number, base, output, oSize); // number^2
if (!isBiggerThanBigNumber(exponent, {2,-1})) return;
if (isExponentEven)
//powBigInt(output, exponent/2, base, output, oSize);
//powBigInt(output, exponent-1/2, base, output, oSize);
stock multBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize)
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
if (n1Size < 40000 && n2Size < 40000)
standardMult(n1, n2, base, output, oSize);
karatsubaMult(n1, n2, base, output, oSize);
stock divBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize)
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
decl remainder[n2Size+1]; // Remainder is never bigger than divisor/denominator
fulldivBigInt(n1, n2, base, output, oSize, remainder, n2Size+1);
stock modBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize)
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
decl quotient[n1Size+1]; // Quotient is never bigger than dividend/numerator
fulldivBigInt(n1, n2, base, quotient, n1Size+1, output, oSize);
stock fulldivBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, quotient[], qSize, remainder[], rSize)
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
if (qSize < (n1Size+1)) return;
if (!isBiggerThanBigNumber(n2, {0,-1})) // n2 == 0
if (n2Size > n1Size)
quotient[0] = 0;
quotient[1] = -1;
copyBigInt(n1, remainder, rSize);
decl tempRemainder[rSize+1];
tempRemainder[0] = -1;
quotient[n1Size] = -1;
new i;
for (i = n1Size-1; i >= 0; i--)
leftShiftBigInt(tempRemainder, 1);
tempRemainder[0] = n1[i];
quotient[i] = 0;
while (!isBiggerThanBigNumber(n2, tempRemainder)) // (tempRemainder >= n2)
subBigInt(tempRemainder, n2, base, tempRemainder, rSize);
copyBigInt(tempRemainder, remainder, rSize);
stock karatsubaMult(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize) // Karatsuba recursive algorithm
{ //
if (oSize < 2) return;
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
if (n1Size == 1 || n2Size == 1) // Base case
standardMult(n1, n2, base, output, oSize);
new m = (n1Size > n2Size) ? n1Size : n2Size;
new m2 = m/2;
decl l1[oSize], h1[oSize];
decl l2[oSize], h2[oSize];
splitBigIntAt(n1, m2, l1, oSize, h1, oSize);
splitBigIntAt(n2, m2, l2, oSize, h2, oSize);
decl z0[oSize]; // <-
karatsubaMult(l1, l2, base, z0, oSize);
//standardMult(l1, l2, base, z0, oSize);
decl z1[oSize]; // <-
decl l1plush1[oSize];
decl l2plush2[oSize];
addBigInt(l1, h1, base, l1plush1, oSize);
addBigInt(l2, h2, base, l2plush2, oSize);
karatsubaMult(l1plush1, l2plush2, base, z1, oSize);
//standardMult(l1plush1, l2plush2, base, z1, oSize);
decl z2[oSize]; // <-
karatsubaMult(h1, h2, base, z2, oSize);
//standardMult(h1, h2, base, z2, oSize);
decl z3[oSize]; // <-
subBigInt(z1, z2, base, z3, oSize);
subBigInt(z3, z0, base, z3, oSize);
leftShiftBigInt(z2, 2*m2);
leftShiftBigInt(z3, m2);
addBigInt(z2, z3, base, output, oSize);
addBigInt(output, z0, base, output, oSize);
stock standardMult(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize)
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
new bool:n1b = isBiggerThanBigNumber(n1, n2); // Is n1 bigger
new sSize = (n1b) ? n2Size : n1Size; // Smallest size
new bSize = (n1b) ? n1Size : n2Size; // Biggest size
new carry = 0;
decl value[sSize][oSize];
new temp, i, u;
for (i = 0; i < sSize; i++)
for (u = 0; u < bSize; u++)
temp = n1[(n1b)?u:i] * n2[(n1b)?i:u] + carry;
if (temp >= base)
carry = temp / base;
value[i][u] = temp % base;
carry = 0;
value[i][u] = temp;
if (carry != 0)
value[i][u] = carry;
value[i][u+1] = -1;
carry = 0;
value[i][u] = -1;
leftShiftBigInt(value[i], i);
output[0] = -1; // Initializes output
for (i = 0; i < sSize; i++)
addBigInt(output, value[i], base, output, oSize);
stock addBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize) // Standard algorithm
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
new carry = 0;
new temp;
new i;
for (i = 0; (i < n1Size || i < n2Size); i++)
if (i == oSize) return;
if (i >= n1Size) temp = n2[i] + carry;
else if (i >= n2Size) temp = n1[i] + carry;
else temp = n1[i] + n2[i] + carry;
if (temp >= base)
output[i] = temp - base;
carry = 1;
output[i] = temp;
carry = 0;
if (carry == 1) // Adds the last carry
output[i] = carry;
output[i+1] = -1;
else output[i] = -1;
stock subBigInt(n1[], n2[], base, output[], oSize) // Standard algorithm
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
new carry = 0;
new temp;
new i;
for (i = 0; (i < n1Size || i < n2Size); i++)
if (i == oSize) return;
if (i >= n1Size) temp = n2[i] - carry;
else if (i >= n2Size) temp = n1[i] - carry;
else temp = n1[i] - n2[i] - carry;
if (temp < 0)
output[i] = temp + base;
carry = 1;
output[i] = temp;
carry = 0;
output[i] = -1;
stock bool:splitBigIntAt(number[], index, lowOut[], loSize, highOut[], hoSize)
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
if (index == 0) return false;
if (index >= nSize) return false;
if (index >= loSize) return false;
if (nSize-index >= hoSize) return false;
new i;
for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
lowOut[i] = number[i];
lowOut[i] = -1;
for (i = index; i < nSize; i++)
highOut[i-index] = number[i];
highOut[i-index] = -1;
return true;
stock bool:isEqualToBigNumber(n1[], n2[])
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
if (n1Size != n2Size) return false;
for (new i = 0; i < n1Size; i++)
if (n1[i] != n2[i]) return false;
return true;
stock bool:isBiggerThanBigNumber(n1[], n2[])
new n1Size = getBigIntSize(n1);
new n2Size = getBigIntSize(n2);
if (n1Size > n2Size) return true;
if (n1Size < n2Size) return false;
for (new i = (n1Size-1); i >= 0; i--)
if (n1[i] == n2[i]) continue;
else if (n1[i] > n2[i]) return true;
else return false;
return false; // In case both numbers are the same
stock leftShiftBigInt(number[], digits) // Logical shift
if (digits == 0) return;
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
decl temp[nSize+1];
for (new i = 0; i <= nSize; i++) // Creates a backup
temp[i] = number[i];
for (new a = 0; a < digits; a++) // Fills with zeros
number[a] = 0;
for (new i = 0; i <= nSize; i++) // Puts the backup back in
number[i+digits] = temp[i];
stock trimBigInt(number[]) // Removes left padded zeros
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
for (new zeros = 0; number[nSize-zeros-1] == 0; zeros++)
if (nSize-zeros-1 != 0) number[nSize-zeros-1] = -1;
stock copyBigInt(number[], output[], oSize)
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
if (oSize <= nSize) return;
for (new i = 0; i <= nSize; i++)
output[i] = number[i];
stock getBigIntSize(number[])
new i;
for (i = 0; number[i] != -1; i++){}
return i;
stock toBase256BigInt(number[], output[], oLength)
new nSize = getBigIntSize(number);
new finalLength = nSize/2 + (nSize%2);
if (oLength < finalLength) return 0;
new i;
new high, low;
for (i = 0; i < finalLength; i++)
if ((i == finalLength-1) && nSize%2 == 1)
high = 0;
high = number[i*2+1];
low = number[i*2];
output[finalLength-i-1] = (high << 4) + low;
return finalLength;
stock bool:hexString2BigInt(const String:hexString[], output[], oSize)
new i;
new temp[oSize];
for(i = 0; hexString[i] != 0; i++)
if (i >= oSize) return false;
temp[i] = hexChar2Int(hexString[i]);
if (temp[i] == -1) return false;
// Inverts number string
for (new u = 0; u < i; u++)
output[u] = temp[i-u-1];
output[i] = -1; // Terminates the number string
return true;
stock bool:bigInt2HexString(input[], String:hexString[], hsSize)
new nSize = getBigIntSize(input);
new i;
for (i = 0; i < (hsSize-1); i++)
if (i == nSize) break;
if ((hexString[i] = int2HexChar(input[nSize-i-1])) == -1) return false;
hexString[i] = 0;
return true;
stock hexChar2Int(input)
if(input >= '0' && input <= '9')
return input - '0';
if(input >= 'A' && input <= 'F')
return input - 'A' + 10;
if(input >= 'a' && input <= 'f')
return input - 'a' + 10;
return -1;
stock int2HexChar(input)
if (input >= 0 && input <= 9)
return input + '0';
if (input >= 10 && input <= 16)
return input + 'A' - 10;
return -1;
PrintDebug(caller, "Modulus size: %i", getBigIntSize(modulus));
/// Addition test
new n1[] = {0xC,9,4,9,0xF,0,-1};
new n2[] = {0,0x3,5,7,-1};
decl String:s1[7];
decl String:s2[7];
bigInt2HexString(n1, s1, sizeof(s1));
bigInt2HexString(n2, s2, sizeof(s2));
PrintDebug(caller, "HEX 1 : %s", s1);
PrintDebug(caller, "HEX 2 : %s", s2);
new a[20];
addBigInt(n1, n2, 16, a, sizeof(a));
new String:sa[20];
bigInt2HexString(a, sa, sizeof(sa));
PrintDebug(caller, "HEX 1 + HEX 2 = %s", sa);
/// Split test
new n3[] = {4,6,8,2,5,7,3,4,7,2,-1};
new n4[15];
new n5[15];
splitBigIntAt(n3, 5, n4, sizeof(n4), n5, sizeof(n5));
new String:s3[30];
new String:s4[15];
new String:s5[15];
bigInt2HexString(n3, s3, sizeof(s3));
bigInt2HexString(n4, s4, sizeof(s4));
bigInt2HexString(n5, s5, sizeof(s5));
PrintDebug(caller, "%s splitted at index %i", s3, 5);
PrintDebug(caller, "Low: %s", s4);
PrintDebug(caller, "High: %s", s5);
/// Subtraction test
new n6[] = {3,1,3,5,5,9,6,9,-1};
new n7[] = {1,3,5,6,9,6,9,2,-1};
decl String:s6[10];
decl String:s7[10];
bigInt2HexString(n6, s6, sizeof(s6));
bigInt2HexString(n7, s7, sizeof(s7));
new n8[10];
new String:s8[10];
subBigInt(n6, n7, 16, n8, sizeof(n8));
bigInt2HexString(n8, s8, sizeof(s8));
PrintDebug(caller, "Subtracting %s to %s...", s7, s6);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %s", s8);
/// Shift test
new n9[] = {3,7,9,1,5,7,8,1,-1};
decl String:s9[15];
bigInt2HexString(n9, s9, sizeof(s9));
PrintDebug(caller, "Shifting %s 3 numbers to left", s9);
leftShiftBigInt(n9, 3);
bigInt2HexString(n9, s9, sizeof(s9));
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %s", s9);
/// Standard multiplication test
new n10[] = {3,1,3,5,5,9,6,9,-1};
new n11[] = {1,3,5,6,9,6,9,2,-1};
decl String:s10[10];
decl String:s11[10];
bigInt2HexString(n10, s10, sizeof(s10));
bigInt2HexString(n11, s11, sizeof(s11));
new n12[30];
new String:s12[30];
standardMult(n10, n11, 16, n12, sizeof(n12));
bigInt2HexString(n12, s12, sizeof(s12));
PrintDebug(caller, "Multiplying (standard) %s to %s...", s10, s11);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %s", s12);
/// Karatsuba multiplication test
new n13[] = {3,1,3,5,5,9,6,9,-1};
new n14[] = {1,3,5,6,9,6,9,2,-1};
decl String:s13[10];
decl String:s14[10];
bigInt2HexString(n13, s13, sizeof(s13));
bigInt2HexString(n14, s14, sizeof(s14));
new n15[30];
new String:s15[30];
karatsubaMult(n13, n14, 16, n15, sizeof(n15));
bigInt2HexString(n15, s15, sizeof(s15));
PrintDebug(caller, "Multiplying (karatsuba) %s to %s...", s13, s14);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %s", s15);
/// Exponentiation test
new n16[] = {3,4,5,6,2,5,-1};
new n17[] = {0,1,-1};
decl String:s16[20];
decl String:s17[20];
bigInt2HexString(n16, s16, sizeof(s16));
bigInt2HexString(n17, s17, sizeof(s17));
new n18[30];
new String:s18[30];
powBigInt(n16, n17, 16, n18, sizeof(n18));
bigInt2HexString(n18, s18, sizeof(s18));
PrintDebug(caller, "Exponentiating %s to %s...", s16, s17);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %s", s18);
/// Division test
new n19[] = {9,0xC,7,2,-1};
new n20[] = {6,2,6,-1};
decl String:s19[20];
decl String:s20[20];
bigInt2HexString(n19, s19, sizeof(s19));
bigInt2HexString(n20, s20, sizeof(s20));
new n21[30];
new String:s21[30];
new n22[30];
new String:s22[30];
fulldivBigInt(n19, n20, 16, n21, sizeof(n21), n22, sizeof(n22));
bigInt2HexString(n21, s21, sizeof(s21));
bigInt2HexString(n22, s22, sizeof(s22));
PrintDebug(caller, "Dividing %s to %s...", s19, s20);
PrintDebug(caller, "Quotient: %s - Remainder: %s", s21, s22);
/// PKCS#1 v1.5 Padding Scheme test
//decl String:aux[1024] = "BE629EA2D835880BF2572379CC751C5FA44F4A09B6F8CE5CB52C53EEDD0314E77AC827219E78DB1473BBA7BBE8BABC85C02CBC308B75375AE7C4B3AA31A491BB08D1946328F2B1BCE3E07E96D1CFF5E95A553C083A424CD5F6B7F2B55F89B958F0AE3B80A94CF5FEB3BD9417ABD09E1A42456E99128169CCEC176FDF7D2893A5";
new k = strlen(hexModulus);
new String:paddedMessage[k+1];
pkcs1v15Pad(message, k, paddedMessage, k+1);
PrintDebug(caller, "Padding message: %s with %i length modulus ", message, k);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result: %i - %s", strlen(paddedMessage), paddedMessage);
/// Modular exponentiation test
decl n23[1024];
decl n24[20];
decl n25[1024];
hexString2BigInt(paddedMessage, n23, 1024);
hexString2BigInt(hexExponent, n24, 20);
hexString2BigInt(hexModulus, n25, 1024);
//new n23[] = {3,2,-1};
//new n24[] = {5,-1};
//new n25[] = {6,2,6,-1};
new String:s23[1024];
new String:s24[40];
new String:s25[1024];
new n26[1024];
new String:s26[1024];
modpowBigInt(n23, n24, n25, 16, n26, sizeof(n26));
bigInt2HexString(n23, s23, sizeof(s23));
bigInt2HexString(n24, s24, sizeof(s24));
bigInt2HexString(n25, s25, sizeof(s25));
bigInt2HexString(n26, s26, sizeof(s26));
PrintDebug(caller, "Modular Power Test");
PrintDebug(caller, "base = %s", s23);
PrintDebug(caller, "exponent = %s", s24);
PrintDebug(caller, "modulus = %s", s25);
PrintDebug(caller, "Result size: %i, result = \n%s", getBigIntSize(n26), s26);

View File

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
/*** - RSA Encrypting Algorithms Library Functions
Version: 0.1
Date: 28-03-2015
Author: Statik
Provides RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 encrypting functions.
#if defined _RSA_included
#define _RSA_included
rsaEncrypt(const String:hexModulus[], const String:hexExponent[], const String:message[], String:ciphertext[], ctSize)
decl modulus[1024];
decl exponent[16];
if (!hexString2BigInt(hexModulus, modulus, sizeof(modulus)))
PrintDebug(GetCaller(), "Error encrypting passphrase: Invalid modulus.");
if (!hexString2BigInt(hexExponent, exponent, sizeof(exponent)))
PrintDebug(GetCaller(), "Error encrypting passphrase: Invalid exponent.");
new k = strlen(hexModulus);
new mSize = k + 1;
if (ctSize < mSize)
PrintDebug(GetCaller(), "Error encrypting passphrase: ciphertext size is can't be smaller than modulus size");
decl String:paddedMessage[mSize];
pkcs1v15Pad(message, k, paddedMessage, mSize);
PrintDebug(GetCaller(), "Padded message with PKCS#1 v1.5 standard (%i): \n%s", strlen(paddedMessage), paddedMessage);
decl numericMessage[mSize];
hexString2BigInt(paddedMessage, numericMessage, mSize);
decl encryptedMessage[mSize];
modpowBigInt(numericMessage, exponent, modulus, 16, encryptedMessage, mSize);
bigInt2HexString(encryptedMessage, ciphertext, ctSize);
pkcs1v15Pad(const String:data[], k, String:message[], maxSize) // Message must be even
new dSize = strlen(data);
new psSize = k - (dSize*2) - 6; // Padding string Size
decl String:ps[psSize+1]; // Padding string / 1 more to add the string delimiter
decl String:ds[(dSize*2)+1]; // Data string
new i;
for (i = 0; i < psSize; i++)
if ((i % 2) == 0) ps[i] = int2HexChar(GetRandomInt(1,15));
else ps[i] = int2HexChar(GetRandomInt(0,15));
ps[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dSize; i++)
ds[i*2] = int2HexChar(data[i] / 16); // High nibble
ds[i*2+1] = int2HexChar(data[i] % 16); // Low nibble
ds[i*2] = 0;
Format(message, maxSize, "0002%s00%s", ps, ds);
encodeBase64(input[], paddingSize, String:output[], oSize)
static const String:base64Table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
new iSize = getBigIntSize(input);
if (paddingSize < iSize) return 0;
new zeros = paddingSize - iSize;
for (new e = 0; e < zeros; e++) { input[iSize++] = 0; }
new finalSize = (iSize / 6) * 4;
if (oSize < finalSize) return 0;
new bitString = 0, u = 0, i;
for (i = iSize-1; i >= 0; i-=3)
if (i == 1)
if (((iSize/3)%2) == 1) bitString = (input[i--] << 8) + (input[i--]);
else bitString = (input[i--] << 8) + (input[i--] << 4);
else if (i == 0)
if (((iSize/3)%2) == 1) bitString = input[i--] << 8;
else bitString = input[i--] << 4;
else bitString = (input[i] << 8) + (input[i-1] << 4) + (input[i-2]);
output[u++] = base64Table[(bitString & 0b111111_000000)>>6];
output[u++] = base64Table[bitString & 0b000000_111111];
for (new a = 0; a < (u%4); a++)
output[u++] = '=';
output[u++] = 0;
return u;