This commit is contained in:
BotoX 2018-08-07 22:22:27 +02:00
parent ab4e9de4a4
commit 2262559464
8 changed files with 2014 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// No spaces in event names, max length 32
// All strings are case sensitive
// total game event byte length must be < 1024
// valid data key types are:
// none : value is not networked
// string : a zero terminated string
// bool : unsigned int, 1 bit
// byte : unsigned int, 8 bit
// short : signed int, 16 bit
// long : signed int, 32 bit
// float : float, 32 bit
// gameevents + hltvevents + replayevents + engineevents
// Game events
"team_info" // info about team
"teamid" "byte" // unique team id
"teamname" "string" // team name eg "Team Blue"
"team_score" // team score changed
"teamid" "byte" // team id
"score" "short" // total team score
"teamplay_broadcast_audio" // emits a sound to everyone on a team
"team" "byte" // unique team id
"sound" "string" // name of the sound to emit
// Player events
// "player_team" // player change his team
// {
// "userid" "short" // user ID on server
// "team" "byte" // team id
// "oldteam" "byte" // old team id
// "disconnect" "bool" // team change because player disconnects
// "autoteam" "bool" // true if the player was auto assigned to the team
// "silent" "bool" // if true wont print the team join messages
// "name" "string" // player's name
// }
"player_class" // a player changed his class
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"class" "string" // new player class / model
// "player_death" // a game event, name may be 32 charaters long
// {
// "userid" "short" // user ID who died
// "attacker" "short" // user ID who killed
// }
// "player_hurt"
// {
// "userid" "short" // player index who was hurt
// "attacker" "short" // player index who attacked
// "health" "byte" // remaining health points
// }
"player_chat" // a public player chat
"teamonly" "bool" // true if team only chat
"userid" "short" // chatting player
"text" "string" // chat text
"player_score" // players scores changed
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"kills" "short" // # of kills
"deaths" "short" // # of deaths
"score" "short" // total game score
"player_spawn" // player spawned in game
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"player_shoot" // player shoot his weapon
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"weapon" "byte" // weapon ID
"mode" "byte" // weapon mode
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"entity" "short" // entity used by player
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"oldname" "string" // players old (current) name
"newname" "string" // players new name
"hintmessage" "string" // localizable string of a hint
"entindex" "short"
// Game events
"game_init" // sent when a new game is started
"game_newmap" // send when new map is completely loaded
"mapname" "string" // map name
"game_start" // a new game starts
"roundslimit" "long" // max round
"timelimit" "long" // time limit
"fraglimit" "long" // frag limit
"objective" "string" // round objective
"game_end" // a game ended
"winner" "byte" // winner team/user id
"timelimit" "long" // round time limit in seconds
"fraglimit" "long" // frag limit in seconds
"objective" "string" // round objective
"winner" "byte" // winner team/user i
"reason" "byte" // reson why team won
"message" "string" // end round message
"game_message" // a message send by game logic to everyone
"target" "byte" // 0 = console, 1 = HUD
"text" "string" // the message text
"entindex" "long"
"userid" "short"
"material" "byte" // BREAK_GLASS, BREAK_WOOD, etc
"entindex" "long"
"userid" "short"
"entindex_killed" "long"
"entindex_attacker" "long"
"entindex_inflictor" "long"
"damagebits" "long"
"numadvanced" "short"
"numbronze" "short"
"numsilver" "short"
"numgold" "short"
"achievement_name" "string" // non-localized name of achievement
"cur_val" "short" // # of steps toward achievement
"max_val" "short" // total # of steps in achievement
// sent whenever an achievement that's tracked on the HUD increases
"achievement_id" "long" // ID of achievement that went up
"cur_val" "short" // # of steps toward achievement
"max_val" "short" // total # of steps in achievement
"entindex" "long" // entity picked up
"entindex" "long" // entity ignited
"user_data_downloaded" // fired when achievements/stats are downloaded from Steam or XBox Live
"entindex" "long"
"oldmode" "short"
"newmode" "short"
"obs_target" "short"
"mode" "short"
"old_target" "short"
"obs_target" "short"
// Client side VoteController talking to HUD
"issue" "string"
"param1" "string"
"team" "byte"
"initiator" "long" // entity id of the player who initiated the vote
"vote_option1" "byte"
"vote_option2" "byte"
"vote_option3" "byte"
"vote_option4" "byte"
"vote_option5" "byte"
"potentialVotes" "byte"
"details" "string"
"param1" "string"
"team" "byte"
"team" "byte"
"vote_option" "byte" // which option the player voted on
"team" "short"
"entityid" "long" // entity id of the voter
"count" "byte" // Number of options - up to MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS
"option1" "string"
"option2" "string"
"option3" "string"
"option4" "string"
"option5" "string"
// Replay events
"views" "long"
"likes" "long"
"favorited" "long"
// Economy events
// HLTV specific events
"hltv_status" // general HLTV status
"clients" "long" // number of HLTV spectators
"slots" "long" // number of HLTV slots
"proxies" "short" // number of HLTV proxies
"master" "string" // disptach master IP:port
"hltv_cameraman" // a spectator/player is a cameraman
"index" "short" // camera man entity index
"hltv_rank_camera" // a camera ranking
"index" "byte" // fixed camera index
"rank" "float" // ranking, how interesting is this camera view
"target" "short" // best/closest target entity
"hltv_rank_entity" // an entity ranking
"index" "short" // entity index
"rank" "float" // ranking, how interesting is this entity to view
"target" "short" // best/closest target entity
"hltv_fixed" // show from fixed view
"posx" "long" // camera position in world
"posy" "long"
"posz" "long"
"theta" "short" // camera angles
"phi" "short"
"offset" "short"
"fov" "float"
"target" "short" // follow this entity or 0
"hltv_chase" // shot of a single entity
"target1" "short" // primary traget index
"target2" "short" // secondary traget index or 0
"distance" "short" // camera distance
"theta" "short" // view angle horizontal
"phi" "short" // view angle vertical
"inertia" "byte" // camera inertia
"ineye" "byte" // diretcor suggests to show ineye
"hltv_message" // a HLTV message send by moderators
"text" "string"
"text" "string"
"hltv_chat" // a HLTV chat msg send by spectators
"text" "string"
// replay specific events
"replay_startrecord" // Sent when the server begins recording - only used to display UI
"replay_sessioninfo" // Sent when the server begins recording, or when a client first connects - only sent once per recording session
"sn" "string" // session name
"di" "byte" // dump interval
"cb" "long" // current block
"st" "long" // session start tick
"error" "string"
// Server events
"server_spawn" // send once a server starts
"hostname" "string" // public host name
"address" "string" // hostame, IP or DNS name
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"game" "string" // game dir
"mapname" "string" // map name
"maxplayers" "long" // max players
"os" "string" // WIN32, LINUX
"dedicated" "bool" // true if dedicated server
"password" "bool" // true if password protected
"levelname" "string" // The level name that failed changelevel
"server_shutdown" // server shut down
"reason" "string" // reason why server was shut down
"server_cvar" // a server console var has changed
"cvarname" "string" // cvar name, eg "mp_roundtime"
"cvarvalue" "string" // new cvar value
"server_message" // a generic server message
"text" "string" // the message text
"name" "string" // player name
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"duration" "string" // length of the ban
"by" "string" // banned by...
"kicked" "bool" // whether the player was also kicked
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"by" "string" // removed by...
"player_connect" // a new client connected - we should only really have server listeners for this, due to the IP being exposed
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"address" "string" // ip:port
"bot" "short" // is a bot
"player_connect_client" // a new client connected
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "short" // is a bot
"player_info" // a player changed his name
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "bool" // true if player is a AI bot
"player_disconnect" // a client was disconnected
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"reason" "string" // "self", "kick", "ban", "cheat", "error"
"name" "string" // player name
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "short" // is a bot
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"text" "string" // the say text
"client_disconnect" // client side disconnect message
"message" "string" // Why are we disconnecting? This could be a localization token or an English-language string
"client_beginconnect" // client tries to connect to server
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"source" "string" // what caused us to attempt this connection? (blank for general command line, "serverbrowser", "quickplay", etc)
"client_connected" // client has completed the challenge / handshake process and is in SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
// CStrike events
"player_death" // a game event, name may be 32 characters long
// this extents the original player_death by a new fields
"userid" "short" // user ID who died
"attacker" "short" // user ID who killed
"weapon" "string" // weapon name killer used
"headshot" "bool" // singals a headshot
"dominated" "short" // did killer dominate victim with this kill
"revenge" "short" // did killer get revenge on victim with this kill
"userid" "short" // player index who was hurt
"attacker" "short" // player index who attacked
"health" "byte" // remaining health points
"armor" "byte" // remaining armor points
"weapon" "string" // weapon name attacker used, if not the world
"dmg_health" "byte" // damage done to health
"dmg_armor" "byte" // damage done to armor
"hitgroup" "byte" // hitgroup that was damaged
"userid" "short" // player who is planting the bomb
"site" "short" // bombsite index
"userid" "short" // player who is planting the bomb
"site" "short" // bombsite index
"userid" "short" // player who planted the bomb
"site" "short" // bombsite index
"posx" "short" // position x
"posy" "short" // position y
"userid" "short" // player who defused the bomb
"site" "short" // bombsite index
"userid" "short" // player who planted the bomb
"site" "short" // bombsite index
"userid" "short" // player who dropped the bomb
"userid" "short" // player who picked up the bomb
"userid" "short" // player who is defusing
"haskit" "bool"
"userid" "short" // player who was defusing
"userid" "short" // player who touched the hostage
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"userid" "short" // player who hurt the hostage
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"userid" "short" // player who killed the hostage
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"userid" "short" // player who rescued the hostage
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"site" "short" // rescue site index
"userid" "short" // player who rescued the hostage
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"hostage" "short" // hostage entity index
"userid" "short" // player who was the VIP
"userid" "short" // player who was the VIP
"attacker" "short" // user ID who killed the VIP
"userid" "short"
"slot" "short"
"entindex" "long" // c4 entity
"userid" "short"
"weapon" "string" // weapon name used
"userid" "short"
"weapon" "string" // weapon name used
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"item" "string" // either a weapon such as 'tmp' or 'hegrenade', or an item such as 'nvgs'
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"x" "float"
"y" "float"
"z" "float"
"userid" "short"
"x" "float"
"y" "float"
"z" "float"
"userid" "short"
"x" "float"
"y" "float"
"z" "float"
"userid" "short"
"x" "float"
"y" "float"
"z" "float"
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"userid" "short"
"damage" "float"
"entindex" "long"
"userid" "short"
"area" "long"
"blocked" "bool"
"forceupload" "bool"
"show_timer_defend" "bool"
"show_timer_attack" "bool"
"timer_time" "short"
"final_event" "byte" //define in cs_gamerules.h
"funfact_token" "string"
"funfact_player" "short"
"funfact_data1" "long"
"funfact_data2" "long"
"funfact_data3" "long"
"t_score" "short"
"ct_score" "short"
"t_kd" "float"
"ct_kd" "float"
"t_objectives_done" "short"
"ct_objectives_done" "short"
"t_money_earned" "long"
"ct_money_earned" "long"
"killer" "short" // entindex of the killer entity
"avenger_id" "short"
"avenged_player_id" "short"
"player" "byte" // entindex of the player
"achievement" "short" // achievement ID
"achievement" "short" // achievement ID
"frags" "long"
"max_rounds" "long"
"win_rounds" "long"
"time" "long"
"userid" "short"
"reason" "short"
"userid" "short"
"teamplay_round_start" // round restart
"full_reset" "bool" // is this a full reset of the map
"userid" "short"

SMJSONAPI/example.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"method": "subscribe",
"module": "gameevents",
"events": [
"method": "subscribe",
"module": "gameevents",
"error": 0,
"events": [
"method": "publish",
"module": "gameevents",
"event": {
"name": "player_connect",
"data": {
"name": "BotoX",
"index": 0,
"userid": 4,
"networkid": "[U:1:51174697]",
"address": "",
"bot": 0
"method": "publish",
"module": "gameevents",
"event": {
"name": "player_say",
"data": {
"text": "hello",
"userid": 4
"method": "publish",
"module": "gameevents",
"event": {
"name": "player_disconnect",
"data": {
"userid": 4,
"reason": "Disconnect by user.",
"name": "BotoX",
"networkid": "[U:1:51174697]",
"bot": 0
"method": "unsubscribe",
"module": "gameevents",
"events": [
"method": "unsubscribe",
"module": "gameevents",
"error": 0,
"events": [
"method": "function",
"function": "KickClient",
"parameters": [
"%d hello %s",
Other examples:
{ "method": "function", "function": "PrintToServer", "parameters": ["1: %s, 2: %d, 3: %s, 4: %d", "1test1", [2222], "3test3", [4444]] }
{ "method": "function", "function": "TeleportEntity", "parameters": [1, [206.472443, 2418.516357, -62.058395], [26.994024, -14.119852, 0.000000], [["NULL_VECTOR"]] ] }
{ "method": "function", "function": "GetClientName", "parameters": [ 1, "", 1024 ] }
{ "method": "function", "function": "GetClientAbsOrigin", "parameters": [ 1, [0.0,0,0] ] }
{ "method": "function", "function": "ServerCommandEx", "parameters": [ "", 1024, "echo hello mates %d %f %s", [123], [123.456], "test" ] }
{ "method": "subscribe", "module": "gameevents", "events": [ "player_say" ] }
{ "method": "function", "function": "GetUserFlagBits", "args": [ 9 ] }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
public void API_PrintToChatAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintToChat(i, "%s", buffer);
public void API_PrintCenterTextAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintCenterText(i, "%s", buffer);
public void API_PrintHintTextToAll(const char[] format, any ...)
char buffer[254];
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i))
VFormat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, 2);
PrintHintText(i, "%s", buffer);
public int API_GetMaxClients()
return MaxClients;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
static KeyValues g_Config;
bool GameEvents_Init()
char sGame[32];
GetGameFolderName(sGame, sizeof(sGame));
char sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), "configs/Events.%s.cfg", sGame);
SetFailState("Could not find config: \"%s\"", sConfigFile);
g_Config = new KeyValues("allevents");
delete g_Config;
SetFailState("ImportFromFile() failed!");
return true;
static void GameEvents_OnHook(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
static char sEventName[32];
event.GetName(sEventName, sizeof(sEventName));
JSONObject jEvent = new JSONObject();
jEvent.SetString("name", sEventName);
JSONObject jEventData = new JSONObject();
static char sKey[32];
static char sType[8];
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
g_Config.GetString(NULL_STRING, sType, sizeof(sType));
if(StrEqual(sKey, "_hooked"))
if(StrEqual(sType, "short") || StrEqual(sType, "long") || StrEqual(sType, "byte"))
int iValue = event.GetInt(sKey);
jEventData.SetInt(sKey, iValue);
else if(StrEqual(sType, "float"))
float fValue = event.GetFloat(sKey);
jEventData.SetFloat(sKey, fValue);
else if(StrEqual(sType, "bool"))
bool bValue = event.GetBool(sKey);
jEventData.SetBool(sKey, bValue);
else if(StrEqual(sType, "string"))
static char sValue[1024];
event.GetString(sKey, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
jEventData.SetString(sKey, sValue);
} while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(false));
jEvent.Set("data", jEventData);
Subscribe_GameEvents_Publish(sEventName, jEvent);
int GameEvents_Hook(const char[] sEventName)
return -1;
int Hooked = g_Config.GetNum("_hooked", 0);
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", Hooked + 1);
return Hooked + 1;
Hooked = HookEventEx(sEventName, GameEvents_OnHook, EventHookMode_Post);
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", 1);
return Hooked ? 1 : -1;
int GameEvents_Unhook(const char[] sEventName)
return -1;
int Hooked = g_Config.GetNum("_hooked", 0);
return 0;
if(Hooked == 1)
UnhookEvent(sEventName, GameEvents_OnHook, EventHookMode_Post);
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", Hooked - 1);
return Hooked - 1;
stock void GameEvents_HookAll()
static char sKey[32];
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
int Hooked = g_Config.GetNum("_hooked", 0);
if(HookEventEx(sKey, GameEvents_OnHook, EventHookMode_Post))
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", 1);
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", Hooked + 1);
} while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(true));
stock void GameEvents_UnhookAll()
static char sKey[32];
g_Config.GetSectionName(sKey, sizeof(sKey));
int Hooked = g_Config.GetNum("_hooked", 0);
UnhookEvent(sKey, GameEvents_OnHook, EventHookMode_Post);
g_Config.SetNum("_hooked", 0);
} while(g_Config.GotoNextKey(true));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#pragma dynamic 65535
#include <sourcemod>
#include <AsyncSocket>
#include <smjansson>
#define MAX_CLIENTS 16
#include ""
#include ""
static AsyncSocket g_ServerSocket;
static AsyncSocket g_Client_Socket[MAX_CLIENTS] = { null, ... };
static int g_Client_Subscriber[MAX_CLIENTS] = { -1, ... };
ConVar g_ListenAddr;
ConVar g_ListenPort;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "SM JSON API",
author = "SourceMod TCP JSON API",
description = "",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
public void OnPluginStart()
g_ListenAddr = CreateConVar("sm_jsonapi_addr", "", "SM JSON API listen ip address", FCVAR_PROTECTED);
g_ListenPort = CreateConVar("sm_jsonapi_port", "27021", "SM JSON API listen ip address", FCVAR_PROTECTED, true, 1025.0, true, 65535.0);
AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.SMJSONAPI");
public void OnConfigsExecuted()
g_ServerSocket = new AsyncSocket();
char sAddr[32];
g_ListenAddr.GetString(sAddr, sizeof(sAddr));
int Port = g_ListenPort.IntValue;
g_ServerSocket.Listen(sAddr, Port);
LogMessage("Listening on %s:%d", sAddr, Port);
static void OnAsyncConnect(AsyncSocket socket)
int Client = GetFreeClientIndex();
LogMessage("OnAsyncConnect(Client=%d)", Client);
if(Client == -1)
delete socket;
g_Client_Socket[Client] = socket;
static void OnAsyncServerError(AsyncSocket socket, int error, const char[] errorName)
SetFailState("OnAsyncServerError(): %d, \"%s\"", error, errorName);
static void OnAsyncClientError(AsyncSocket socket, int error, const char[] errorName)
int Client = ClientFromSocket(socket);
LogMessage("OnAsyncClientError(Client=%d): %d, \"%s\"", Client, error, errorName);
if(Client == -1)
delete socket;
if(g_Client_Subscriber[Client] != -1)
g_Client_Subscriber[Client] = -1;
g_Client_Socket[Client] = null;
delete socket;
static void OnAsyncData(AsyncSocket socket, const char[] data, const int size)
int Client = ClientFromSocket(socket);
int iLine;
int iColumn;
static char sError[256];
JSONValue jRequest = json_load_ex(data, sError, sizeof(sError), iLine, iColumn);
if(jRequest == null)
JSONObject jResponse = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("type", "json");
jError.SetString("error", sError);
jError.SetInt("line", iLine);
jError.SetInt("column", iColumn);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
jResponse.ToString(sError, sizeof(sError));
delete jResponse;
JSONObject jResponse = new JSONObject();
// Negative values and objects indicate errors
// 0 and positive integers indicate success
jResponse.SetInt("error", 0);
HandleRequest(Client, view_as<JSONObject>(jRequest), jResponse);
static char sResponse[4096];
jResponse.ToString(sResponse, sizeof(sResponse));
delete jResponse;
delete jRequest;
static int HandleRequest(int Client, JSONObject jRequest, JSONObject jResponse)
static char sMethod[32];
if(jRequest.GetString("method", sMethod, sizeof(sMethod)) < 0)
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Request has no 'method' string-value.");
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
jResponse.SetString("method", sMethod);
if(StrEqual(sMethod, "subscribe") || StrEqual(sMethod, "unsubscribe") || StrEqual(sMethod, "replay"))
int Subscriber = g_Client_Subscriber[Client];
if(Subscriber == -1)
Subscriber = Subscriber_Create(Client);
if(Subscriber < 0)
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("type", "subscribe");
jError.SetString("error", "Could not allocate a subscriber.");
jError.SetInt("code", Subscriber);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
g_Client_Subscriber[Client] = Subscriber;
return Subscriber_HandleRequest(Subscriber, jRequest, jResponse);
else if(StrEqual(sMethod, "function"))
static char sFunction[64];
if(jRequest.GetString("function", sFunction, sizeof(sFunction)) < 0)
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Request has no 'function' string-value.");
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
jResponse.SetString("function", sFunction);
static char sAPIFunction[64];
Format(sAPIFunction, sizeof(sAPIFunction), "API_%s", sFunction);
Function Fun = GetFunctionByName(INVALID_HANDLE, sAPIFunction);
int Res = Call_StartNative(sFunction);
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Invalid function specified.");
jError.SetInt("code", Res);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
Call_StartFunction(INVALID_HANDLE, Fun);
JSONArray jArgsArray = view_as<JSONArray>(jRequest.Get("args"));
if(jArgsArray == null || !jArgsArray.IsArray)
delete jArgsArray;
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Request has no 'args' array-value.");
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
int aiValues[32];
int iValues = 0;
float afValues[32];
int fValues = 0;
static char asValues[16][1024];
int sValues = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < jArgsArray.Length; i++)
bool Fail = false;
JSONValue jValue;
jValue = jArgsArray.Get(i);
char sType1[32];
jValue.TypeToString(sType1, sizeof(sType1));
JSONArray jValueArray = view_as<JSONArray>(jValue);
JSONValue jArrayValue = jValueArray.Get(0);
char sType2[32];
jArrayValue.TypeToString(sType2, sizeof(sType2));
if(jArrayValue.IsInteger || jArrayValue.IsBoolean)
int iValues_ = iValues;
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
JSONInteger jInteger = view_as<JSONInteger>(jValueArray.Get(j));
aiValues[iValues_++] = jInteger.Value;
delete jInteger;
Call_PushArrayEx(aiValues[iValues], jValueArray.Length, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK);
iValues += jValueArray.Length;
else if(jArrayValue.IsFloat)
int fValues_ = fValues;
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
JSONFloat jFloat = view_as<JSONFloat>(jValueArray.Get(j));
afValues[fValues_++] = jFloat.Value;
delete jFloat;
Call_PushArrayEx(afValues[fValues], jValueArray.Length, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK);
fValues += jValueArray.Length;
/*else if(jArrayValue.IsString)
int sValues_ = sValues;
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
JSONString jString = view_as<JSONString>(jValueArray.Get(j));
jString.GetString(asValues[sValues_++], sizeof(asValues[]));
delete jString;
Call_PushArrayEx(view_as<int>(asValues[sValues]), jValueArray.Length, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK);
sValues += jValueArray.Length;
else if(jArrayValue.IsArray) // Special
static char sSpecial[32];
view_as<JSONArray>(jArrayValue).GetString(0, sSpecial, sizeof(sSpecial));
if(StrEqual(sSpecial, "NULL_VECTOR"))
Call_PushArrayEx(NULL_VECTOR, 3, 0);
else if(StrEqual(sSpecial, "NULL_STRING"))
Fail = true;
Fail = true;
delete jArrayValue;
delete jValue;
delete jArgsArray;
static char sType[16];
jValue.TypeToString(sType, sizeof(sType));
char sError[128];
FormatEx(sError, sizeof(sError), "Unsupported parameter in list %d of type '%s'", i, sType);
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", sError);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
delete jArrayValue;
else if(jValue.IsInteger || jValue.IsBoolean)
aiValues[iValues] = view_as<JSONInteger>(jValue).Value;
else if(jValue.IsFloat)
afValues[fValues] = view_as<JSONFloat>(jValue).Value;
else if(jValue.IsString)
// Broken: view_as<JSONString>(jValue).GetString(asValues[sValues], sizeof(asValues[]));
JSONString jString = view_as<JSONString>(jValue);
jString.GetString(asValues[sValues], sizeof(asValues[]));
Call_PushStringEx(asValues[sValues++], sizeof(asValues[]), SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY, SM_PARAM_COPYBACK);
delete jValue;
delete jArgsArray;
static char sType[16];
jValue.TypeToString(sType, sizeof(sType));
char sError[128];
FormatEx(sError, sizeof(sError), "Unsupported parameter %d of type '%s'", i, sType);
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", sError);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
delete jValue;
int Result;
static char sException[1024];
int Error = Call_FinishEx(Result, sException, sizeof(sException));
if(Error != SP_ERROR_NONE)
delete jArgsArray;
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetInt("error", Error);
jError.SetString("exception", sException);
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
jResponse.SetInt("result", Result);
JSONArray jArgsResponse = new JSONArray();
iValues = 0;
fValues = 0;
sValues = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < jArgsArray.Length; i++)
JSONValue jValue;
jValue = jArgsArray.Get(i);
JSONArray jArrayResponse = new JSONArray();
JSONArray jValueArray = view_as<JSONArray>(jValue);
JSONValue jArrayValue = jValueArray.Get(0);
if(jArrayValue.IsInteger || jArrayValue.IsBoolean)
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
else if(jArrayValue.IsFloat)
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
else if(jArrayValue.IsString)
for(int j = 0; j < jValueArray.Length; j++)
else if(jArrayValue.IsArray) // Special
static char sSpecial[32];
view_as<JSONArray>(jArrayValue).GetString(0, sSpecial, sizeof(sSpecial));
delete jArrayValue;
else if(jValue.IsInteger || jValue.IsBoolean)
else if(jValue.IsFloat)
else if(jValue.IsString)
delete jValue;
jResponse.Set("args", jArgsResponse);
delete jArgsArray;
return 0;
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "No handler found for requested method.");
jResponse.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
int PublishEvent(int Client, JSONObject Object)
if(Client < 0 || Client > MAX_CLIENTS || g_Client_Socket[Client] == null)
return -1;
static char sEvent[4096];
Object.ToString(sEvent, sizeof(sEvent));
return 0;
static int GetFreeClientIndex()
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
return i;
return -1;
static int ClientFromSocket(AsyncSocket socket)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
if(g_Client_Socket[i] == socket)
return i;
return -1;

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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#include ""
eSubscribeError_OutOfRange = -1,
eSubscribeError_Inactive = -2,
eSubscribeError_GameEvent = -3,
static bool g_Subscriber_Active[MAX_SUBSCRIBERS] = { false, ... };
static int g_Subscriber_Client[MAX_SUBSCRIBERS] = { -1, ... };
static ArrayList g_Subscriber_GameEvents[MAX_SUBSCRIBERS];
bool Subscribe_OnPluginStart()
int Subscriber_Create(int Client)
int Index = Client;
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS || g_Subscriber_Active[Index])
Index = GetFreeSubscriberIndex();
if(Index == eSubscribeError_OutOfRange)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
g_Subscriber_Active[Index] = true;
g_Subscriber_Client[Index] = Client;
g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index] = new ArrayList(ByteCountToCells(32));
return Index;
int Subscriber_Destroy(int Index)
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
return eSubscribeError_Inactive;
for(int i = 0; i < g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].Length; i++)
static char sEventName[32];
g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].GetString(i, sEventName, sizeof(sEventName));
delete g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index];
g_Subscriber_Active[Index] = false;
g_Subscriber_Client[Index] = -1;
return 0;
int Subscriber_HandleRequest(int Index, JSONObject Request, JSONObject Response)
static char sMethod[32];
Request.GetString("method", sMethod, sizeof(sMethod));
static char sModule[32];
if(Request.GetString("module", sModule, sizeof(sModule)) < 0)
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Request has no 'module' string-value.");
Response.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
Response.SetString("module", sModule);
if(StrEqual(sModule, "gameevents"))
JSONArray EventArray = view_as<JSONArray>(Request.Get("events"));
if(EventArray == null || !EventArray.IsArray)
delete EventArray;
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "Request has no 'events' array-value.");
Response.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
int Method = 0;
if(StrEqual(sMethod, "subscribe"))
Method = 1;
else if(StrEqual(sMethod, "unsubscribe"))
Method = 2;
else if(StrEqual(sMethod, "replay"))
Method = 3;
JSONArray EventArrayResponse = new JSONArray();
for(int i = 0; i < EventArray.Length; i++)
static char sEventName[32];
if(EventArray.GetString(i, sEventName, sizeof(sEventName)) < 0)
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "not a string-value");
int Res;
if(Method == 1)
Res = Subscribe_GameEvents_Subscribe(Index, sEventName);
else if(Method == 2)
Res = Subscribe_GameEvents_Unsubscribe(Index, sEventName);
else if(Method == 3)
Res = Subscribe_GameEvents_Replay(Index, sEventName);
delete EventArray;
Response.Set("events", EventArrayResponse);
return 0;
JSONObject jError = new JSONObject();
jError.SetString("error", "No handler found for requested module.");
Response.Set("error", jError);
return -1;
static int GetFreeSubscriberIndex()
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; i++)
return i;
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
/* GameEvents */
static int Subscribe_GameEvents_Subscribe(int Index, const char[] sEventName)
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
return eSubscribeError_Inactive;
int Find = g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].FindString(sEventName);
if(Find != -1)
return Find;
if(GameEvents_Hook(sEventName) < 0)
return eSubscribeError_GameEvent;
return g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].PushString(sEventName);
static int Subscribe_GameEvents_Unsubscribe(int Index, const char[] sEventName)
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
return eSubscribeError_Inactive;
int Find = g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].FindString(sEventName);
if(Find == -1)
return 0;
if(GameEvents_Unhook(sEventName) < 0)
return eSubscribeError_GameEvent;
return Find;
static int Subscribe_GameEvents_Replay(int Index, const char[] sEventName)
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
return eSubscribeError_Inactive;
if(StrEqual(sEventName, "player_connect"))
for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(client, sName, sizeof(sName));
char sSteamID[32];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Engine, sSteamID, sizeof(sSteamID), false);
char sAddress[32];
GetClientIP(client, sAddress, sizeof(sAddress), false);
JSONObject jEventData = new JSONObject();
jEventData.SetString("name", sName);
jEventData.GetString("name", sBuf, sizeof(sBuf));
jEventData.SetInt("index", client - 1);
jEventData.SetInt("userid", GetClientUserId(client));
jEventData.SetString("networkid", sSteamID);
jEventData.SetString("address", sAddress);
jEventData.SetBool("bot", IsFakeClient(client));
Subscribe_GameEvents_FakePublish(g_Subscriber_Client[Index], sEventName, jEventData);
else if(StrEqual(sEventName, "player_activate"))
for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
JSONObject jEventData = new JSONObject();
jEventData.SetInt("userid", GetClientUserId(client));
Subscribe_GameEvents_FakePublish(g_Subscriber_Client[Index], sEventName, jEventData);
return eSubscribeError_GameEvent;
return 0;
static int Subscribe_GameEvents_FakePublish(int Index, const char[] sEventName, JSONObject jEventData)
if(Index < 0 || Index >= MAX_SUBSCRIBERS)
return eSubscribeError_OutOfRange;
return eSubscribeError_Inactive;
JSONObject jEvent = new JSONObject();
jEvent.SetString("name", sEventName);
jEvent.Set("data", jEventData);
JSONObject jPublish = new JSONObject();
jPublish.SetString("method", "publish");
jPublish.SetString("module", "gameevents");
jPublish.Set("event", jEvent);
PublishEvent(g_Subscriber_Client[Index], jPublish);
delete jPublish;
return 0;
void Subscribe_GameEvents_Publish(const char[] sEventName, JSONObject jEvent)
JSONObject jPublish = new JSONObject();
jPublish.SetString("method", "publish");
jPublish.SetString("module", "gameevents");
jPublish.Set("event", jEvent);
for(int Index = 0; Index < MAX_SUBSCRIBERS; Index++)
if(g_Subscriber_GameEvents[Index].FindString(sEventName) == -1)
PublishEvent(g_Subscriber_Client[Index], jPublish);
delete jPublish;
/* GameEvents */

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@