This commit is contained in:
zaCade 2019-03-27 16:32:56 +01:00
commit 12ee8ff048
4 changed files with 1664 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
StringMap g_hTopColors;
void AddTopColors()
if (!g_hTopColors) {
g_hTopColors = new StringMap();
AddTopColor("aliceblue", "F0F8FF");
AddTopColor("allies", "4D7942");
AddTopColor("ancient", "EB4B4B");
AddTopColor("antiquewhite", "FAEBD7");
AddTopColor("aqua", "00FFFF");
AddTopColor("aquamarine", "7FFFD4");
AddTopColor("arcana", "ADE55C");
AddTopColor("axis", "FF4040");
AddTopColor("azure", "007FFF");
AddTopColor("beige", "F5F5DC");
AddTopColor("bisque", "FFE4C4");
AddTopColor("black", "000000");
AddTopColor("blanchedalmond", "FFEBCD");
AddTopColor("blue", "99CCFF");
AddTopColor("blueviolet", "8A2BE2");
AddTopColor("brown", "A52A2A");
AddTopColor("burlywood", "DEB887");
AddTopColor("cadetblue", "5F9EA0");
AddTopColor("chartreuse", "7FFF00");
AddTopColor("chocolate", "D2691E");
AddTopColor("collectors", "AA0000");
AddTopColor("common", "B0C3D9");
AddTopColor("community", "70B04A");
AddTopColor("coral", "FF7F50");
AddTopColor("cornflowerblue", "6495ED");
AddTopColor("cornsilk", "FFF8DC");
AddTopColor("corrupted", "A32C2E");
AddTopColor("crimson", "DC143C");
AddTopColor("cyan", "00FFFF");
AddTopColor("darkblue", "00008B");
AddTopColor("darkcyan", "008B8B");
AddTopColor("darkgoldenrod", "B8860B");
AddTopColor("darkgray", "A9A9A9");
AddTopColor("darkgrey", "A9A9A9");
AddTopColor("darkgreen", "006400");
AddTopColor("darkkhaki", "BDB76B");
AddTopColor("darkmagenta", "8B008B");
AddTopColor("darkolivegreen", "556B2F");
AddTopColor("darkorange", "FF8C00");
AddTopColor("darkorchid", "9932CC");
AddTopColor("darkred", "8B0000");
AddTopColor("darksalmon", "E9967A");
AddTopColor("darkseagreen", "8FBC8F");
AddTopColor("darkslateblue", "483D8B");
AddTopColor("darkslategray", "2F4F4F");
AddTopColor("darkslategrey", "2F4F4F");
AddTopColor("darkturquoise", "00CED1");
AddTopColor("darkviolet", "9400D3");
AddTopColor("deeppink", "FF1493");
AddTopColor("deepskyblue", "00BFFF");
AddTopColor("dimgray", "696969");
AddTopColor("dimgrey", "696969");
AddTopColor("dodgerblue", "1E90FF");
AddTopColor("exalted", "CCCCCD");
AddTopColor("firebrick", "B22222");
AddTopColor("floralwhite", "FFFAF0");
AddTopColor("forestgreen", "228B22");
AddTopColor("frozen", "4983B3");
AddTopColor("fuchsia", "FF00FF");
AddTopColor("fullblue", "0000FF");
AddTopColor("fullred", "FF0000");
AddTopColor("gainsboro", "DCDCDC");
AddTopColor("genuine", "4D7455");
AddTopColor("ghostwhite", "F8F8FF");
AddTopColor("gold", "FFD700");
AddTopColor("goldenrod", "DAA520");
AddTopColor("gray", "CCCCCC");
AddTopColor("grey", "CCCCCC");
AddTopColor("green", "3EFF3E");
AddTopColor("greenyellow", "ADFF2F");
AddTopColor("haunted", "38F3AB");
AddTopColor("honeydew", "F0FFF0");
AddTopColor("hotpink", "FF69B4");
AddTopColor("immortal", "E4AE33");
AddTopColor("indianred", "CD5C5C");
AddTopColor("indigo", "4B0082");
AddTopColor("ivory", "FFFFF0");
AddTopColor("khaki", "F0E68C");
AddTopColor("lavender", "E6E6FA");
AddTopColor("lavenderblush", "FFF0F5");
AddTopColor("lawngreen", "7CFC00");
AddTopColor("legendary", "D32CE6");
AddTopColor("lemonchiffon", "FFFACD");
AddTopColor("lightblue", "ADD8E6");
AddTopColor("lightcoral", "F08080");
AddTopColor("lightcyan", "E0FFFF");
AddTopColor("lightgoldenrodyellow", "FAFAD2");
AddTopColor("lightgray", "D3D3D3");
AddTopColor("lightgrey", "D3D3D3");
AddTopColor("lightgreen", "99FF99");
AddTopColor("lightpink", "FFB6C1");
AddTopColor("lightsalmon", "FFA07A");
AddTopColor("lightseagreen", "20B2AA");
AddTopColor("lightskyblue", "87CEFA");
AddTopColor("lightslategray", "778899");
AddTopColor("lightslategrey", "778899");
AddTopColor("lightsteelblue", "B0C4DE");
AddTopColor("lightyellow", "FFFFE0");
AddTopColor("lime", "00FF00");
AddTopColor("limegreen", "32CD32");
AddTopColor("linen", "FAF0E6");
AddTopColor("magenta", "FF00FF");
AddTopColor("maroon", "800000");
AddTopColor("mediumaquamarine", "66CDAA");
AddTopColor("mediumblue", "0000CD");
AddTopColor("mediumorchid", "BA55D3");
AddTopColor("mediumpurple", "9370D8");
AddTopColor("mediumseagreen", "3CB371");
AddTopColor("mediumslateblue", "7B68EE");
AddTopColor("mediumspringgreen", "00FA9A");
AddTopColor("mediumturquoise", "48D1CC");
AddTopColor("mediumvioletred", "C71585");
AddTopColor("midnightblue", "191970");
AddTopColor("mintcream", "F5FFFA");
AddTopColor("mistyrose", "FFE4E1");
AddTopColor("moccasin", "FFE4B5");
AddTopColor("mythical", "8847FF");
AddTopColor("navajowhite", "FFDEAD");
AddTopColor("navy", "000080");
AddTopColor("normal", "B2B2B2");
AddTopColor("oldlace", "FDF5E6");
AddTopColor("olive", "9EC34F");
AddTopColor("olivedrab", "6B8E23");
AddTopColor("orange", "FFA500");
AddTopColor("orangered", "FF4500");
AddTopColor("orchid", "DA70D6");
AddTopColor("palegoldenrod", "EEE8AA");
AddTopColor("palegreen", "98FB98");
AddTopColor("paleturquoise", "AFEEEE");
AddTopColor("palevioletred", "D87093");
AddTopColor("papayawhip", "FFEFD5");
AddTopColor("peachpuff", "FFDAB9");
AddTopColor("peru", "CD853F");
AddTopColor("pink", "FFC0CB");
AddTopColor("plum", "DDA0DD");
AddTopColor("powderblue", "B0E0E6");
AddTopColor("purple", "800080");
AddTopColor("rare", "4B69FF");
AddTopColor("red", "FF4040");
AddTopColor("rosybrown", "BC8F8F");
AddTopColor("royalblue", "4169E1");
AddTopColor("saddlebrown", "8B4513");
AddTopColor("salmon", "FA8072");
AddTopColor("sandybrown", "F4A460");
AddTopColor("seagreen", "2E8B57");
AddTopColor("seashell", "FFF5EE");
AddTopColor("selfmade", "70B04A");
AddTopColor("sienna", "A0522D");
AddTopColor("silver", "C0C0C0");
AddTopColor("skyblue", "87CEEB");
AddTopColor("slateblue", "6A5ACD");
AddTopColor("slategray", "708090");
AddTopColor("slategrey", "708090");
AddTopColor("snow", "FFFAFA");
AddTopColor("springgreen", "00FF7F");
AddTopColor("steelblue", "4682B4");
AddTopColor("strange", "CF6A32");
AddTopColor("tan", "D2B48C");
AddTopColor("teal", "008080");
AddTopColor("thistle", "D8BFD8");
AddTopColor("tomato", "FF6347");
AddTopColor("turquoise", "40E0D0");
AddTopColor("uncommon", "B0C3D9");
AddTopColor("unique", "FFD700");
AddTopColor("unusual", "8650AC");
AddTopColor("valve", "A50F79");
AddTopColor("vintage", "476291");
AddTopColor("violet", "EE82EE");
AddTopColor("wheat", "F5DEB3");
AddTopColor("white", "FFFFFF");
AddTopColor("whitesmoke", "F5F5F5");
AddTopColor("yellow", "FFFF00");
AddTopColor("yellowgreen", "9ACD32");
void AddTopColor(const char[] sName, const char[] sColor)
int aColor[4];
ParseColor(sColor, aColor);
g_hTopColors.SetArray(sName, aColor, sizeof(aColor));
void ParseColor(const char[] sColor, int aColor[4])
int iColor = StringToInt(sColor, 16);
aColor[0] = iColor >> 16;
aColor[1] = iColor >> 8 & 255;
aColor[2] = iColor & 255;
aColor[3] = 255;
void ParseTopColor(const char[] sText, int &iStart, int aColor[4])
int iEnd = StrContains(sText, "}");
if (sText[0] != '{' || iEnd == -1) {
char sColor[32];
strcopy(sColor, iEnd, sText[1]);
if (sColor[0] == '#') {
ParseColor(sColor[1], aColor);
} else {
g_hTopColors.GetArray(sColor, aColor, sizeof(aColor));
iStart = iEnd + 1;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#if defined _updater_included
#define _updater_included
* Adds your plugin to the updater. The URL will be updated if
* your plugin was previously added.
* @param url URL to your plugin's update file.
* @noreturn
native Updater_AddPlugin(const String:url[]);
* Removes your plugin from the updater. This does not need to
* be called during OnPluginEnd.
* @noreturn
native Updater_RemovePlugin();
* Forces your plugin to be checked for updates. The behaviour
* of the update is dependant on the server's configuration.
* @return True if an update was triggered. False otherwise.
* @error Plugin not found in updater.
native bool:Updater_ForceUpdate();
* Called when your plugin is about to be checked for updates.
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent checking, Plugin_Continue to allow it.
forward Action:Updater_OnPluginChecking();
* Called when your plugin is about to begin downloading an available update.
* @return Plugin_Handled to prevent downloading, Plugin_Continue to allow it.
forward Action:Updater_OnPluginDownloading();
* Called when your plugin's update files have been fully downloaded
* and are about to write to their proper location. This should be used
* to free read-only resources that require write access for your update.
* @note OnPluginUpdated will be called later during the same frame.
* @noreturn
forward Updater_OnPluginUpdating();
* Called when your plugin's update has been completed. It is safe
* to reload your plugin at this time.
* @noreturn
forward Updater_OnPluginUpdated();
* @brief Reloads a plugin.
* @param plugin Plugin Handle (INVALID_HANDLE uses the calling plugin).
* @noreturn
stock ReloadPlugin(Handle:plugin=INVALID_HANDLE)
decl String:filename[64];
GetPluginFilename(plugin, filename, sizeof(filename));
ServerCommand("sm plugins reload %s", filename);
public SharedPlugin:__pl_updater =
name = "updater",
file = "updater.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
required = 1,
required = 0,
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_updater_SetNTVOptional()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
#include <sourcemod>
#include <colorvariables>
#include <updater>
#include "topcolors.sp"
#pragma newdecls required
#pragma semicolon 1
#define PL_VERSION "2.0.2"
#define UPDATE_URL ""
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Advertisements",
author = "Tsunami",
description = "Display advertisements",
version = PL_VERSION,
url = ""
* Globals
KeyValues g_hAdvertisements;
ConVar g_hEnabled;
ConVar g_hFile;
ConVar g_hInterval;
Handle g_hTimer;
* Plugin Forwards
public void OnPluginStart()
CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_version", PL_VERSION, "Display advertisements", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_hEnabled = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_enabled", "1", "Enable/disable displaying advertisements.");
g_hFile = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_file", "advertisements.txt", "File to read the advertisements from.");
g_hInterval = CreateConVar("sm_advertisements_interval", "30", "Amount of seconds between advertisements.");
RegServerCmd("sm_advertisements_reload", Command_ReloadAds, "Reload the advertisements");
if (LibraryExists("updater")) {
public void OnMapStart()
g_hTimer = CreateTimer(g_hInterval.IntValue * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAd, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name)
if (StrEqual(name, "updater")) {
public void ConVarChange_File(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
public void ConVarChange_Interval(ConVar convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
if (g_hTimer) {
g_hTimer = CreateTimer(g_hInterval.IntValue * 1.0, Timer_DisplayAd, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
* Commands
public Action Command_ReloadAds(int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
* Menu Handlers
public int Handler_DoNothing(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2) {}
* Timers
public Action Timer_DisplayAd(Handle timer)
if (!g_hEnabled.BoolValue) {
char sCenter[1024], sChat[1024], sHint[1024], sMenu[1024], sTop[1024], sFlags[16];
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("center", sCenter, sizeof(sCenter));
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("chat", sChat, sizeof(sChat));
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("hint", sHint, sizeof(sHint));
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("menu", sMenu, sizeof(sMenu));
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("top", sTop, sizeof(sTop));
g_hAdvertisements.GetString("flags", sFlags, sizeof(sFlags), "none");
int iFlags = ReadFlagString(sFlags);
bool bAdmins = StrEqual(sFlags, ""),
bFlags = !StrEqual(sFlags, "none");
if (sCenter[0]) {
CRemoveColors(sCenter, sizeof(sCenter));
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) ||
(bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) {
PrintCenterText(i, sCenter);
DataPack hCenterAd;
CreateDataTimer(1.0, Timer_CenterAd, hCenterAd, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);
if (sHint[0]) {
CRemoveColors(sHint, sizeof(sHint));
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) ||
(bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) {
PrintHintText(i, sHint);
if (sMenu[0]) {
CRemoveColors(sMenu, sizeof(sMenu));
Panel hPl = new Panel();
hPl.CurrentKey = 10;
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) ||
(bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) {
hPl.Send(i, Handler_DoNothing, 10);
delete hPl;
if (sChat[0]) {
bool bTeamColor = StrContains(sChat, "{teamcolor}", false) != -1;
CProcessVariables(sChat, sizeof(sChat));
CAddWhiteSpace(sChat, sizeof(sChat));
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) ||
(bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) {
if (bTeamColor) {
CSayText2(i, sChat, i);
} else {
PrintToChat(i, sChat);
if (sTop[0]) {
int iStart = 0,
aColor[4] = {255, 255, 255, 255};
ParseTopColor(sTop, iStart, aColor);
KeyValues hKv = new KeyValues("Stuff", "title", sTop[iStart]);
hKv.SetColor4("color", aColor);
hKv.SetNum("level", 1);
hKv.SetNum("time", 10);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i) &&
((!bAdmins && !(bFlags && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (iFlags|ADMFLAG_ROOT)))) ||
(bAdmins && (GetUserFlagBits(i) & (ADMFLAG_GENERIC|ADMFLAG_ROOT))))) {
CreateDialog(i, hKv, DialogType_Msg);
delete hKv;
if (!g_hAdvertisements.GotoNextKey()) {
public Action Timer_CenterAd(Handle timer, DataPack pack)
char sCenter[1024];
static int iCount = 0;
int iClient = pack.ReadCell();
pack.ReadString(sCenter, sizeof(sCenter));
if (!IsClientInGame(iClient) || ++iCount >= 5) {
iCount = 0;
return Plugin_Stop;
PrintCenterText(iClient, sCenter);
return Plugin_Continue;
* Stocks
void ParseAds()
delete g_hAdvertisements;
g_hAdvertisements = CreateKeyValues("Advertisements");
char sFile[64], sPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
g_hFile.GetString(sFile, sizeof(sFile));
BuildPath(Path_SM, sPath, sizeof(sPath), "configs/%s", sFile);
if (!FileExists(sPath)) {
SetFailState("File Not Found: %s", sPath);
void ProcessVariables(char sText[1024])
char sBuffer[64];
if (StrContains(sText, "\\n") != -1) {
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%c", 13);
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "\\n", sBuffer);
if (StrContains(sText, "{currentmap}", false) != -1) {
GetCurrentMap(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer));
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{currentmap}", sBuffer, false);
if (StrContains(sText, "{date}", false) != -1) {
FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%m/%d/%Y");
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{date}", sBuffer, false);
if (StrContains(sText, "{time}", false) != -1) {
FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%I:%M:%S%p");
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{time}", sBuffer, false);
if (StrContains(sText, "{time24}", false) != -1) {
FormatTime(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%H:%M:%S");
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{time24}", sBuffer, false);
if (StrContains(sText, "{timeleft}", false) != -1) {
int iMins, iSecs, iTimeLeft;
if (GetMapTimeLeft(iTimeLeft) && iTimeLeft > 0) {
iMins = iTimeLeft / 60;
iSecs = iTimeLeft % 60;
Format(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "%d:%02d", iMins, iSecs);
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), "{timeleft}", sBuffer, false);
ConVar hConVar;
char sConVar[64], sSearch[64], sReplace[64];
int iEnd = -1, iStart = StrContains(sText, "{"), iStart2;
while (iStart != -1) {
iEnd = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "}");
if (iEnd == -1) {
strcopy(sConVar, iEnd + 1, sText[iStart + 1]);
Format(sSearch, sizeof(sSearch), "{%s}", sConVar);
if ((hConVar = FindConVar(sConVar))) {
hConVar.GetString(sReplace, sizeof(sReplace));
ReplaceString(sText, sizeof(sText), sSearch, sReplace, false);
iStart2 = StrContains(sText[iStart + 1], "{");
if (iStart2 == -1) {
iStart += iStart2 + 1;