2017-02-26 01:21:30 +01:00
// Name: entWatch
// Author: Prometheum & zaCade
// Description: Monitor entity interactions.
# pragma semicolon 1
# include <sourcemod>
# include <sdkhooks>
# include <sdktools>
# include <cstrike>
# include <clientprefs>
# include <adminmenu>
# include <multicolors>
# include <entWatch>
# define PLUGIN_VERSION "3.7.3"
// Purpose: Entity data
enum entities
String : ent_name [ 32 ] ,
String : ent_shortname [ 32 ] ,
String : ent_color [ 32 ] ,
String : ent_buttonclass [ 32 ] ,
String : ent_filtername [ 32 ] ,
bool : ent_hasfiltername ,
bool : ent_blockpickup ,
bool : ent_allowtransfer ,
bool : ent_forcedrop ,
bool : ent_chat ,
bool : ent_hud ,
ent_hammerid ,
ent_weaponid ,
ent_buttonid ,
ent_ownerid ,
ent_mode , // 0 = No button, 1 = Spam protection only, 2 = Cooldowns, 3 = Limited uses, 4 = Limited uses with cooldowns, 5 = Cooldowns after multiple uses.
ent_uses ,
ent_maxuses ,
ent_cooldown ,
ent_cooldowntime ,
} ;
new entArray [ 512 ] [ entities ] ;
new entArraySize = 512 ;
new triggerArray [ 512 ] ;
new triggerSize = 512 ;
// Purpose: Color settings
new String : color_tag [ 16 ] = " E01B5D " ;
new String : color_name [ 16 ] = " EDEDED " ;
new String : color_steamid [ 16 ] = " B2B2B2 " ;
new String : color_use [ 16 ] = " 67ADDF " ;
new String : color_pickup [ 16 ] = " C9EF66 " ;
new String : color_drop [ 16 ] = " E562BA " ;
new String : color_disconnect [ 16 ] = " F1B567 " ;
new String : color_death [ 16 ] = " F1B567 " ;
new String : color_warning [ 16 ] = " F16767 " ;
// Purpose: Client settings
new Handle : g_hCookie_Display = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCookie_Restricted = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCookie_RestrictedLength = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCookie_RestrictedIssued = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCookie_RestrictedBy = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new bool : g_bDisplay [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] = false ;
new bool : g_bRestricted [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] = false ;
new String : g_sRestrictedBy [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] [ 64 ] ;
new g_iRestrictedLength [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] ;
new g_iRestrictedIssued [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] ;
new g_iAdminMenuTarget [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] ;
// Purpose: Plugin settings
new Handle : g_hCvar_DisplayEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCvar_DisplayCooldowns = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hCvar_ConfigColor = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hAdminMenu = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hOnBanForward = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new Handle : g_hOnUnbanForward = INVALID_HANDLE ;
new bool : g_bRoundTransition = false ;
new bool : g_bConfigLoaded = false ;
new bool : g_bLateLoad = false ;
new Handle : g_hGetSlot ;
new Handle : g_hBumpWeapon ;
new Handle : g_hOnPickedUp ;
new g_Offset_m_toggle_state = - 1 ;
// Purpose: Plugin information
public Plugin : myinfo =
name = " entWatch " ,
author = " Prometheum & zaCade. Edits: George & Obus & BotoX " ,
description = " Notify players about entity interactions. " ,
version = PLUGIN_VERSION ,
url = " https://github.com/Obuss/entWatch " // Original here: "https://github.com/zaCade/entWatch"
} ;
public APLRes : AskPluginLoad2 ( Handle : hThis , bool : bLate , String : sError [ ] , err_max )
CreateNative ( " entWatch_IsClientBanned " , Native_IsClientBanned ) ;
CreateNative ( " entWatch_BanClient " , Native_BanClient ) ;
CreateNative ( " entWatch_UnbanClient " , Native_UnbanClient ) ;
CreateNative ( " entWatch_IsSpecialItem " , Native_IsSpecialItem ) ;
CreateNative ( " entWatch_HasSpecialItem " , Native_HasSpecialItem ) ;
RegPluginLibrary ( " entWatch " ) ;
g_bLateLoad = bLate ;
return APLRes_Success ;
// Purpose: Plugin initialization
public OnPluginStart ( )
CreateConVar ( " entwatch_version " , PLUGIN_VERSION , " Current version of entWatch " , FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD ) ;
g_hCvar_DisplayEnabled = CreateConVar ( " entwatch_display_enable " , " 1 " , " Enable/Disable the display. " , FCVAR_NONE , true , 0.0 , true , 1.0 ) ;
g_hCvar_DisplayCooldowns = CreateConVar ( " entwatch_display_cooldowns " , " 1 " , " Show/Hide the cooldowns on the display. " , FCVAR_NONE , true , 0.0 , true , 1.0 ) ;
g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly = CreateConVar ( " entwatch_mode_teamonly " , " 1 " , " Enable/Disable team only mode. " , FCVAR_NONE , true , 0.0 , true , 1.0 ) ;
g_hCvar_ConfigColor = CreateConVar ( " entwatch_config_color " , " color_classic " , " The name of the color config. " , FCVAR_NONE ) ;
g_hCookie_Display = RegClientCookie ( " entwatch_display " , " " , CookieAccess_Private ) ;
g_hCookie_Restricted = RegClientCookie ( " entwatch_restricted " , " " , CookieAccess_Private ) ;
g_hCookie_RestrictedLength = RegClientCookie ( " entwatch_restrictedlength " , " " , CookieAccess_Private ) ;
g_hCookie_RestrictedIssued = RegClientCookie ( " entwatch_restrictedissued " , " " , CookieAccess_Private ) ;
g_hCookie_RestrictedBy = RegClientCookie ( " entwatch_restrictedby " , " " , CookieAccess_Private ) ;
new Handle : hTopMenu ;
if ( LibraryExists ( " adminmenu " ) & & ( ( hTopMenu = GetAdminTopMenu ( ) ) ! = INVALID_HANDLE ) )
OnAdminMenuReady ( hTopMenu ) ;
RegConsoleCmd ( " sm_hud " , Command_ToggleHUD ) ;
RegConsoleCmd ( " sm_status " , Command_Status ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_eban " , Command_Restrict , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_ebanlist " , Command_EBanlist , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_eunban " , Command_Unrestrict , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_etransfer " , Command_Transfer , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_setcooldown " , Command_Cooldown , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_ew_reloadconfig " , Command_ReloadConfig , ADMFLAG_CONFIG ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_ewdebugarray " , Command_DebugArray , ADMFLAG_CONFIG ) ;
HookEvent ( " round_start " , Event_RoundStart , EventHookMode_Pre ) ;
HookEvent ( " round_end " , Event_RoundEnd , EventHookMode_Pre ) ;
HookEvent ( " player_death " , Event_PlayerDeath , EventHookMode_Pre ) ;
CreateTimer ( 1.0 , Timer_DisplayHUD , _ , TIMER_REPEAT ) ;
CreateTimer ( 1.0 , Timer_Cooldowns , _ , TIMER_REPEAT ) ;
LoadTranslations ( " entWatch.phrases " ) ;
LoadTranslations ( " common.phrases " ) ;
AutoExecConfig ( true , " plugin.entWatch " ) ;
g_hOnBanForward = CreateGlobalForward ( " entWatch_OnClientBanned " , ET_Ignore , Param_Cell , Param_Cell , Param_Cell ) ;
g_hOnUnbanForward = CreateGlobalForward ( " entWatch_OnClientUnbanned " , ET_Ignore , Param_Cell , Param_Cell ) ;
if ( g_bLateLoad )
for ( new i = 1 ; i < = MaxClients ; i + + )
if ( ! IsClientInGame ( i ) | | IsFakeClient ( i ) )
continue ;
OnClientPutInServer ( i ) ;
OnClientCookiesCached ( i ) ;
new Handle : hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile ( " plugin.entWatch " ) ;
if ( hGameConf = = INVALID_HANDLE )
SetFailState ( " Couldn't load plugin.entWatch game config! " ) ;
return ;
if ( GameConfGetOffset ( hGameConf , " GetSlot " ) = = - 1 )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " Couldn't get GetSlot offset from game config! " ) ;
return ;
if ( GameConfGetOffset ( hGameConf , " BumpWeapon " ) = = - 1 )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " Couldn't get BumpWeapon offset from game config! " ) ;
return ;
if ( GameConfGetOffset ( hGameConf , " OnPickedUp " ) = = - 1 )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " Couldn't get OnPickedUp offset from game config! " ) ;
return ;
// 320 CBaseCombatWeapon::GetSlot(void)const
StartPrepSDKCall ( SDKCall_Entity ) ;
if ( ! PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf ( hGameConf , SDKConf_Virtual , " GetSlot " ) )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Virtual, \" GetSlot \" failed! " ) ;
return ;
PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo ( SDKType_PlainOldData , SDKPass_Plain ) ;
g_hGetSlot = EndPrepSDKCall ( ) ;
// 397 CCSPlayer::BumpWeapon(CBaseCombatWeapon *)
StartPrepSDKCall ( SDKCall_Player ) ;
if ( ! PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf ( hGameConf , SDKConf_Virtual , " BumpWeapon " ) )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Virtual, \" BumpWeapon \" failed! " ) ;
return ;
PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo ( SDKType_Bool , SDKPass_Plain ) ;
PrepSDKCall_AddParameter ( SDKType_CBaseEntity , SDKPass_Pointer ) ;
g_hBumpWeapon = EndPrepSDKCall ( ) ;
// 300 CBaseCombatWeapon::OnPickedUp(CBaseCombatCharacter *)
StartPrepSDKCall ( SDKCall_Entity ) ;
if ( ! PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf ( hGameConf , SDKConf_Virtual , " OnPickedUp " ) )
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
SetFailState ( " PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Virtual, \" OnPickedUp \" failed! " ) ;
return ;
PrepSDKCall_AddParameter ( SDKType_CBaseEntity , SDKPass_Pointer ) ;
g_hOnPickedUp = EndPrepSDKCall ( ) ;
g_Offset_m_toggle_state = GameConfGetOffset ( hGameConf , " CBaseButton_m_toggle_state " ) ;
CloseHandle ( hGameConf ) ;
if ( g_hGetSlot = = INVALID_HANDLE )
SetFailState ( " Couldn't prepare GetSlot SDKCall! " ) ;
return ;
if ( g_hGetSlot = = INVALID_HANDLE )
SetFailState ( " Couldn't prepare BumpWeapon SDKCall! " ) ;
return ;
if ( g_hOnPickedUp = = INVALID_HANDLE )
SetFailState ( " Couldn't prepare OnPickedUp SDKCall! " ) ;
return ;
// Purpose: Main ban function
EBanClient ( client , const String : sLength [ ] , admin )
new iBanLen = StringToInt ( sLength ) ;
new iBanDuration = ( iBanLen - GetTime ( ) ) / 60 ;
if ( admin = = 0 )
Format ( g_sRestrictedBy [ client ] , sizeof ( g_sRestrictedBy [ ] ) , " Console " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedBy , " Console " ) ;
new String : sAdminSID [ 64 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( admin , AuthId_Steam2 , sAdminSID , sizeof ( sAdminSID ) ) ;
Format ( g_sRestrictedBy [ client ] , sizeof ( g_sRestrictedBy [ ] ) , " %s (%N) " , sAdminSID , admin ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedBy , sAdminSID ) ;
if ( iBanLen = = 0 )
iBanDuration = 0 ;
g_bRestricted [ client ] = true ;
LogAction ( admin , client , " \" %L \" restricted \" %L \" " , admin , client ) ;
else if ( iBanLen = = 1 )
iBanDuration = - 1 ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 1 ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 1 " ) ;
LogAction ( admin , client , " \" %L \" restricted \" %L \" permanently " , admin , client ) ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = iBanLen ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , sLength ) ;
LogAction ( admin , client , " \" %L \" restricted \" %L \" for %d minutes " , admin , client , iBanDuration ) ;
new String : sIssueTime [ 64 ] ;
Format ( sIssueTime , sizeof ( sIssueTime ) , " %d " , GetTime ( ) ) ;
g_iRestrictedIssued [ client ] = GetTime ( ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedIssued , sIssueTime ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %srestricted \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , admin , color_warning , color_name , client ) ;
Call_StartForward ( g_hOnBanForward ) ;
Call_PushCell ( admin ) ;
Call_PushCell ( iBanDuration ) ;
Call_PushCell ( client ) ;
Call_Finish ( ) ;
// Purpose: Main unban function
EUnbanClient ( client , admin )
g_bRestricted [ client ] = false ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
g_iRestrictedIssued [ client ] = 0 ;
g_sRestrictedBy [ client ] [ 0 ] = '\0' ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedBy , " " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedIssued , " " ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %sunrestricted \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , admin , color_warning , color_name , client ) ;
LogAction ( admin , client , " \" %L \" unrestricted \" %L \" " , admin , client ) ;
Call_StartForward ( g_hOnUnbanForward ) ;
Call_PushCell ( admin ) ;
Call_PushCell ( client ) ;
Call_Finish ( ) ;
// Purpose: Safeguard against adminmenu unloading
public OnLibraryRemoved ( const String : sName [ ] )
if ( StrEqual ( sName , " adminmenu " ) )
g_hAdminMenu = INVALID_HANDLE ;
// Purpose: Add our entries to the main admin menu
public OnAdminMenuReady ( Handle : hAdminMenu )
if ( hAdminMenu = = g_hAdminMenu )
return ;
g_hAdminMenu = hAdminMenu ;
new TopMenuObject : hMenuObj = AddToTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , " entWatch_commands " , TopMenuObject_Category , AdminMenu_Commands_Handler , INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT ) ;
return ;
AddToTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , " entWatch_banlist " , TopMenuObject_Item , Handler_EBanList , hMenuObj , " sm_ebanlist " , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
AddToTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , " entWatch_ban " , TopMenuObject_Item , Handler_EBan , hMenuObj , " sm_eban " , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
AddToTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , " entWatch_transfer " , TopMenuObject_Item , Handler_Transfer , hMenuObj , " sm_etransfer " , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
AddToTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , " entWatch_unban " , TopMenuObject_Item , Handler_EUnban , hMenuObj , " sm_eunban " , ADMFLAG_BAN ) ;
// Purpose: Menu Stuff
public AdminMenu_Commands_Handler ( Handle : hMenu , TopMenuAction : hAction , TopMenuObject : hObjID , iParam1 , String : sBuffer [ ] , iMaxlen )
if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayOption )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " entWatch Commands " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayTitle )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " entWatch Commands: " , iParam1 ) ;
public Handler_EBanList ( Handle : hMenu , TopMenuAction : hAction , TopMenuObject : hObjID , iParam1 , String : sBuffer [ ] , iMaxlen )
if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayOption )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " List Banned Clients " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_SelectOption )
Menu_List ( iParam1 ) ;
public Handler_EBan ( Handle : hMenu , TopMenuAction : hAction , TopMenuObject : hObjID , iParam1 , String : sBuffer [ ] , iMaxlen )
if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayOption )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " Ban a Client " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_SelectOption )
Menu_EBan ( iParam1 ) ;
public Handler_Transfer ( Handle : hMenu , TopMenuAction : hAction , TopMenuObject : hObjID , iParam1 , String : sBuffer [ ] , iMaxlen )
if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayOption )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " Transfer an item " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_SelectOption )
Menu_Transfer ( iParam1 ) ;
public Handler_EUnban ( Handle : hMenu , TopMenuAction : hAction , TopMenuObject : hObjID , iParam1 , String : sBuffer [ ] , iMaxlen )
if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_DisplayOption )
Format ( sBuffer , iMaxlen , " %s " , " Unban a Client " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( hAction = = TopMenuAction_SelectOption )
Menu_EUnban ( iParam1 ) ;
Menu_List ( client )
new iBannedClients ;
new Handle : hListMenu = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_List ) ;
SetMenuTitle ( hListMenu , " [entWatch] Banned Clients: " ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hListMenu , true ) ;
for ( new i = 1 ; i < MaxClients + 1 ; i + + )
if ( IsClientInGame ( i ) & & AreClientCookiesCached ( i ) )
decl String : sBanLen [ 32 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( i , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , sBanLen , sizeof ( sBanLen ) ) ;
new iBanLen = StringToInt ( sBanLen ) ;
if ( ( iBanLen ! = 0 & & iBanLen > = GetTime ( ) ) | | iBanLen = = 1 | | g_bRestricted [ i ] )
new iUserID = GetClientUserId ( i ) ;
decl String : sUserID [ 32 ] ;
decl String : sBuff [ 64 ] ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %N (#%i) " , i , iUserID ) ;
Format ( sUserID , sizeof ( sUserID ) , " %d " , iUserID ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListMenu , sUserID , sBuff ) ;
iBannedClients + + ;
if ( ! iBannedClients )
AddMenuItem ( hListMenu , " " , " No Banned Clients. " , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hListMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
Menu_EBan ( client )
new Handle : hEBanMenu = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_EBan ) ;
SetMenuTitle ( hEBanMenu , " [entWatch] Ban a Client: " ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hEBanMenu , true ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hEBanMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
Menu_Transfer ( client )
new Handle : hTransferMenu = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_Transfer ) ;
new String : sMenuTemp [ 64 ] ;
new String : sIndexTemp [ 16 ] ;
new iHeldCount = 0 ;
SetMenuTitle ( hTransferMenu , " [entWatch] Transfer an item: " ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hTransferMenu , true ) ;
for ( new i = 0 ; i < entArraySize ; i + + )
if ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
IntToString ( i , sIndexTemp , sizeof ( sIndexTemp ) ) ;
Format ( sMenuTemp , sizeof ( sMenuTemp ) , " %s | %N (#%i) " , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] , entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] , GetClientUserId ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hTransferMenu , sIndexTemp , sMenuTemp , ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT ) ;
iHeldCount + + ;
if ( ! iHeldCount )
AddMenuItem ( hTransferMenu , " " , " No transferable items currently held. " , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hTransferMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
Menu_EUnban ( client )
new iBannedClients ;
new Handle : hEUnbanMenu = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_EUnban ) ;
SetMenuTitle ( hEUnbanMenu , " [entWatch] Unban a Client: " ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hEUnbanMenu , true ) ;
for ( new i = 1 ; i < MaxClients + 1 ; i + + )
if ( IsClientInGame ( i ) & & AreClientCookiesCached ( i ) )
decl String : sBanLen [ 32 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( i , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , sBanLen , sizeof ( sBanLen ) ) ;
new iBanLen = StringToInt ( sBanLen ) ;
if ( ( iBanLen ! = 0 & & iBanLen > = GetTime ( ) ) | | iBanLen = = 1 | | g_bRestricted [ i ] )
new iUserID = GetClientUserId ( i ) ;
decl String : sUserID [ 32 ] ;
decl String : sBuff [ 64 ] ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %N (#%i) " , i , iUserID ) ;
Format ( sUserID , sizeof ( sUserID ) , " %d " , iUserID ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEUnbanMenu , sUserID , sBuff ) ;
iBannedClients + + ;
if ( ! iBannedClients )
AddMenuItem ( hEUnbanMenu , " " , " No Banned Clients. " , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hEUnbanMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_List ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack & & g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new target = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( sOption ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Player no longer available " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
if ( g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
Menu_ListTarget ( iParam1 , target ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_EBan ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack & & g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new target = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( sOption ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Player no longer available " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
if ( g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
Menu_EBanTime ( iParam1 , target ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_Transfer ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack & & g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new iEntityIndex = StringToInt ( sOption ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
Menu_TransferTarget ( iParam1 , iEntityIndex ) ;
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Item no longer available. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_EUnban ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack & & g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new target = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( sOption ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Player no longer available " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
if ( g_hAdminMenu ! = INVALID_HANDLE )
DisplayTopMenu ( g_hAdminMenu , iParam1 , TopMenuPosition_LastCategory ) ;
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
EUnbanClient ( target , iParam1 ) ;
Menu_TransferTarget ( client , iEntityIndex )
new Handle : hTransferTarget = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_TransferTarget ) ;
new String : sMenuTemp [ 64 ] ;
new String : sIndexTemp [ 32 ] ;
SetMenuTitle ( hTransferTarget , " [entWatch] Transfer target: " ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hTransferTarget , true ) ;
g_iAdminMenuTarget [ client ] = iEntityIndex ;
Format ( sIndexTemp , sizeof ( sIndexTemp ) , " %i " , GetClientUserId ( client ) ) ;
Format ( sMenuTemp , sizeof ( sMenuTemp ) , " %N (#%s) " , client , sIndexTemp ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hTransferTarget , sIndexTemp , sMenuTemp , ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT ) ;
for ( new i = 1 ; i < MAXPLAYERS ; i + + )
if ( ! IsClientInGame ( i ) )
continue ;
if ( IsFakeClient ( i ) )
continue ;
if ( GetClientTeam ( i ) ! = GetClientTeam ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) )
continue ;
if ( i = = client )
continue ;
Format ( sIndexTemp , sizeof ( sIndexTemp ) , " %i " , GetClientUserId ( i ) ) ;
Format ( sMenuTemp , sizeof ( sMenuTemp ) , " %N (#%s) " , i , sIndexTemp ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hTransferTarget , sIndexTemp , sMenuTemp , ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hTransferTarget , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_TransferTarget ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack )
Menu_Transfer ( iParam1 ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 64 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new iEntityIndex = g_iAdminMenuTarget [ iParam1 ] ;
new receiver = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( sOption ) ) ;
if ( receiver = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sReceiver is not valid anymore. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
if ( IsValidEdict ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
new iCurOwner = entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ;
if ( GetClientTeam ( receiver ) ! = GetClientTeam ( iCurOwner ) )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sThe receivers team differs from the targets team. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return ;
new String : buffer_classname [ 64 ] ;
GetEdictClassname ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , buffer_classname , sizeof ( buffer_classname ) ) ;
CS_DropWeapon ( iCurOwner , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
GivePlayerItem ( iCurOwner , buffer_classname ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered all items from \x07 %s%N \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , iParam1 , color_warning , color_name , iCurOwner , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( iParam1 , iCurOwner , " \" %L \" transfered all items from \" %L \" to \" %L \" " , iParam1 , iCurOwner , receiver ) ;
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sItem is not valid anymore. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
Menu_EBanTime ( client , target )
new Handle : hEBanMenuTime = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_EBanTime ) ;
SetMenuTitle ( hEBanMenuTime , " [entWatch] Ban Time for %N: " , target ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hEBanMenuTime , true ) ;
g_iAdminMenuTarget [ client ] = target ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 0 " , " Temporary " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 10 " , " 10 Minutes " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 60 " , " 1 Hour " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 1440 " , " 1 Day " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 10080 " , " 1 Week " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 40320 " , " 1 Month " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEBanMenuTime , " 1 " , " Permanent " ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hEBanMenuTime , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_EBanTime ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack )
Menu_EBan ( iParam1 ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 64 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new target = g_iAdminMenuTarget [ iParam1 ] ;
if ( target = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Player no longer available " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
Menu_EBan ( iParam1 ) ;
if ( StrEqual ( sOption , " 0 " ) )
EBanClient ( target , " 0 " , iParam1 ) ;
else if ( StrEqual ( sOption , " 1 " ) )
EBanClient ( target , " 1 " , iParam1 ) ;
new String : sBanLen [ 64 ] ;
Format ( sBanLen , sizeof ( sBanLen ) , " %d " , GetTime ( ) + ( StringToInt ( sOption ) * 60 ) ) ;
EBanClient ( target , sBanLen , iParam1 ) ;
Menu_ListTarget ( client , target )
new Handle : hListTargetMenu = CreateMenu ( MenuHandler_Menu_ListTarget ) ;
SetMenuTitle ( hListTargetMenu , " [entWatch] Banned Client: %N " , target ) ;
SetMenuExitBackButton ( hListTargetMenu , true ) ;
new String : sBanExpiryDate [ 64 ] ;
new String : sBanIssuedDate [ 64 ] ;
new String : sBanDuration [ 64 ] ;
new String : sBannedBy [ 64 ] ;
new String : sUserID [ 32 ] ;
new iBanExpiryDate = g_iRestrictedLength [ target ] ;
new iBanIssuedDate = g_iRestrictedIssued [ target ] ;
new iBanDuration = ( iBanExpiryDate - iBanIssuedDate ) / 60 ;
new iUserID = GetClientUserId ( target ) ;
FormatTime ( sBanExpiryDate , sizeof ( sBanExpiryDate ) , NULL_STRING , iBanExpiryDate ) ;
FormatTime ( sBanIssuedDate , sizeof ( sBanIssuedDate ) , NULL_STRING , iBanIssuedDate ) ;
Format ( sUserID , sizeof ( sUserID ) , " %d " , iUserID ) ;
if ( ! g_bRestricted [ target ] )
if ( iBanExpiryDate = = 1 )
Format ( sBanDuration , sizeof ( sBanDuration ) , " Duration: Permanent " ) ;
Format ( sBanExpiryDate , sizeof ( sBanExpiryDate ) , " Expires: Never " ) ;
Format ( sBanDuration , sizeof ( sBanDuration ) , " Duration: %d %s " , iBanDuration , SingularOrMultiple ( iBanDuration ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " ) ;
Format ( sBanExpiryDate , sizeof ( sBanExpiryDate ) , " Expires: %s " , sBanExpiryDate ) ;
Format ( sBanDuration , sizeof ( sBanDuration ) , " Duration: Temporary " ) ;
Format ( sBanExpiryDate , sizeof ( sBanExpiryDate ) , " Expires: On Map Change " ) ;
Format ( sBanIssuedDate , sizeof ( sBanIssuedDate ) , " Issued on: %s " , ! ( iBanIssuedDate = = 0 ) ? sBanIssuedDate : " Unknown " ) ;
Format ( sBannedBy , sizeof ( sBannedBy ) , " Admin SID: %s " , g_sRestrictedBy [ target ] [ 0 ] ? g_sRestrictedBy [ target ] : " Unknown " ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , " " , sBannedBy , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , " " , sBanIssuedDate , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , " " , sBanExpiryDate , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , " " , sBanDuration , ITEMDRAW_DISABLED ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , " " , " " , ITEMDRAW_SPACER ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hListTargetMenu , sUserID , " Unban " ) ;
DisplayMenu ( hListTargetMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
public MenuHandler_Menu_ListTarget ( Handle : hMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Cancel :
if ( iParam2 = = MenuCancel_ExitBack )
Menu_List ( iParam1 ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
decl String : sOption [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hMenu , iParam2 , sOption , sizeof ( sOption ) ) ;
new target = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( sOption ) ) ;
if ( target = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Player no longer available " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
Menu_List ( iParam1 ) ;
EUnbanClient ( target , iParam1 ) ;
// Purpose: Set variables
public OnMapStart ( )
CleanData ( ) ;
LoadColors ( ) ;
LoadConfig ( ) ;
// Purpose: Hook RoundStart event
public Action : Event_RoundStart ( Handle : event , const String : name [ ] , bool : dontBroadcast )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & g_bRoundTransition )
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " welcome " ) ;
g_bRoundTransition = false ;
// Purpose: Hook RoundEnd event
public Action : Event_RoundEnd ( Handle : event , const String : name [ ] , bool : dontBroadcast )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
SDKUnhook ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] , SDKHook_Use , OnButtonUse ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] = 0 ;
g_bRoundTransition = true ;
// Purpose: Set client cookies once cached
public OnClientCookiesCached ( client )
new String : buffer_cookie [ 32 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_Display , buffer_cookie , sizeof ( buffer_cookie ) ) ;
g_bDisplay [ client ] = bool : StringToInt ( buffer_cookie ) ;
//GetClientCookie(client, g_hCookie_Restricted, buffer_cookie, sizeof(buffer_cookie));
//g_bRestricted[client] = bool:StringToInt(buffer_cookie);
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , buffer_cookie , sizeof ( buffer_cookie ) ) ;
if ( StringToInt ( buffer_cookie ) ! = 1 & & StringToInt ( buffer_cookie ) < = GetTime ( ) )
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = StringToInt ( buffer_cookie ) ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedIssued , buffer_cookie , sizeof ( buffer_cookie ) ) ;
g_iRestrictedIssued [ client ] = StringToInt ( buffer_cookie ) ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedBy , buffer_cookie , sizeof ( buffer_cookie ) ) ;
Format ( g_sRestrictedBy [ client ] , sizeof ( g_sRestrictedBy [ ] ) , " %s " , buffer_cookie ) ;
// Purpose: Hook weapons and update banned clients to new method
public OnClientPutInServer ( client )
SDKHook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponDropPost , OnWeaponDrop ) ;
SDKHook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost , OnWeaponEquip ) ;
SDKHook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponCanUse , OnWeaponCanUse ) ;
g_bRestricted [ client ] = false ;
if ( ! AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
g_bDisplay [ client ] = false ;
//g_bRestricted[client] = false;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
decl String : restricted [ 32 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_Restricted , restricted , sizeof ( restricted ) ) ;
if ( StringToInt ( restricted ) = = 1 )
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 1 " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_Restricted , " 0 " ) ;
// Purpose: Notify of Disconnect if they had a special weapon and unhook weapons
public OnClientDisconnect ( client )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = = client )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = - 1 ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_forcedrop ] & & IsValidEdict ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
CS_DropWeapon ( client , entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] )
new String : buffer_steamid [ 32 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( client , AuthId_Steam2 , buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) ) ;
ReplaceString ( buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) , " STEAM_ " , " " , true ) ;
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( client ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_disconnect , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_disconnect , color_disconnect , " disconnect " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
SDKUnhook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponDropPost , OnWeaponDrop ) ;
SDKUnhook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost , OnWeaponEquip ) ;
SDKUnhook ( client , SDKHook_WeaponCanUse , OnWeaponCanUse ) ;
g_bDisplay [ client ] = false ;
g_bRestricted [ client ] = false ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
// Purpose: Notify of Death if they had a special weapon
public Action : Event_PlayerDeath ( Handle : event , const String : name [ ] , bool : dontBroadcast )
new client = GetClientOfUserId ( GetEventInt ( event , " userid " ) ) ;
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = = client )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = - 1 ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_forcedrop ] & & IsValidEdict ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
CS_DropWeapon ( client , entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] )
new String : buffer_steamid [ 32 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( client , AuthId_Steam2 , buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) ) ;
ReplaceString ( buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) , " STEAM_ " , " " , true ) ;
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( client ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_death , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_death , color_death , " death " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
// Purpose: Notify when they pick up a special weapon
public Action : OnWeaponEquip ( client , weapon )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition & & IsValidEdict ( weapon ) )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hammerid ] = = Entity_GetHammerID ( weapon ) )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ! = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = = weapon )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = client ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] )
new String : buffer_steamid [ 32 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( client , AuthId_Steam2 , buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) ) ;
ReplaceString ( buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) , " STEAM_ " , " " , true ) ;
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( client ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_pickup , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_pickup , color_pickup , " pickup " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
break ;
// Purpose: Notify when they drop a special weapon
public Action : OnWeaponDrop ( client , weapon )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition & & IsValidEdict ( weapon ) )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hammerid ] = = Entity_GetHammerID ( weapon ) )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ! = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = = weapon )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = - 1 ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] )
new String : buffer_steamid [ 32 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( client , AuthId_Steam2 , buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) ) ;
ReplaceString ( buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) , " STEAM_ " , " " , true ) ;
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( client ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_drop , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_drop , color_drop , " drop " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
break ;
// Purpose: Prevent banned players from picking up special weapons
public Action : OnWeaponCanUse ( client , weapon )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition & & IsValidEdict ( weapon ) )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hammerid ] = = Entity_GetHammerID ( weapon ) )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = = - 1 )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = weapon ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] ! = 0 )
new String : buffer_targetname [ 32 ] ;
Entity_GetTargetName ( weapon , buffer_targetname , sizeof ( buffer_targetname ) ) ;
new button = - 1 ;
while ( ( button = FindEntityByClassname ( button , entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonclass ] ) ) ! = - 1 )
if ( IsValidEdict ( button ) )
new String : buffer_parentname [ 32 ] ;
Entity_GetParentName ( button , buffer_parentname , sizeof ( buffer_parentname ) ) ;
if ( StrEqual ( buffer_targetname , buffer_parentname ) )
SDKHook ( button , SDKHook_Use , OnButtonUse ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = button ;
break ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = = weapon )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_blockpickup ] )
return Plugin_Handled ;
2018-08-07 22:10:18 +02:00
if ( g_bRestricted [ client ] | | ( ! AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) ) )
2017-02-26 01:21:30 +01:00
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] ! = 1 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] ! = 0 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] < = GetTime ( ) )
//g_bRestricted[client] = false;
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
//SetClientCookie(client, g_hCookie_Restricted, "0");
return Plugin_Continue ;
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] > GetTime ( ) | | g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = = 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
return Plugin_Continue ;
return Plugin_Continue ;
// Purpose: Notify when they use a special weapon
public Action : OnButtonUse ( button , activator , caller , UseType : type , Float : value )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition & & IsValidEdict ( button ) )
int iOffset = FindDataMapInfo ( button , " m_bLocked " ) ;
if ( iOffset ! = - 1 & & GetEntData ( button , iOffset , 1 ) )
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_Offset_m_toggle_state ! = - 1 )
new String : sClassname [ 32 ] ;
if ( GetEntityClassname ( button , sClassname , sizeof ( sClassname ) ) & & StrEqual ( sClassname , " func_button " ) )
new m_toogle_state = GetEntData ( button , g_Offset_m_toggle_state , 4 ) ;
if ( m_toogle_state ! = 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] ! = - 1 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = = button )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = activator & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = caller )
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hasfiltername ] )
DispatchKeyValue ( activator , " targetname " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_filtername ] ) ;
new String : buffer_steamid [ 32 ] ;
GetClientAuthId ( activator , AuthId_Steam2 , buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) ) ;
ReplaceString ( buffer_steamid , sizeof ( buffer_steamid ) , " STEAM_ " , " " , true ) ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 1 )
return Plugin_Changed ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 2 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] < = - 1 )
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( activator ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , activator , color_use , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_use , color_use , " use " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] = entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldown ] ;
return Plugin_Changed ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 3 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] < entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] )
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( activator ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , activator , color_use , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_use , color_use , " use " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] + + ;
return Plugin_Changed ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 4 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] < entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] < = - 1 )
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( activator ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , activator , color_use , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_use , color_use , " use " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] = entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldown ] ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] + + ;
return Plugin_Changed ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 5 & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] < = - 1 )
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = GetClientTeam ( activator ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) | | CheckCommandAccess ( ply , " entWatch_chat " , ADMFLAG_CHAT ) ) )
CPrintToChat ( ply , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %s( \x07 %s%s \x07 %s) \x07 %s%t \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_name , activator , color_use , color_steamid , buffer_steamid , color_use , color_use , " use " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] + + ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] > = entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] = entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldown ] ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] = 0 ;
return Plugin_Changed ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Display current special weapon holders
public Action : Timer_DisplayHUD ( Handle : timer )
if ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_DisplayEnabled ) )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
new String : buffer_teamtext [ 5 ] [ 250 ] ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hud ] & & entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
new String : buffer_temp [ 128 ] ;
if ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_DisplayCooldowns ) )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 2 )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] > 0 )
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%s]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , " R " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 3 )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] < entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] )
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d/%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%s]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , " D " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 4 )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] > 0 )
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] < entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] )
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d/%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%s]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , " D " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
else if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = = 5 )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] > 0 )
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%d/%d]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s[%s]: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , " N/A " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
Format ( buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) , " %s: %N \n " , entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ;
if ( strlen ( buffer_temp ) + strlen ( buffer_teamtext [ GetClientTeam ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ] ) < = sizeof ( buffer_teamtext [ ] ) )
StrCat ( buffer_teamtext [ GetClientTeam ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ] , sizeof ( buffer_teamtext [ ] ) , buffer_temp ) ;
for ( new ply = 1 ; ply < = MaxClients ; ply + + )
if ( IsClientConnected ( ply ) & & IsClientInGame ( ply ) )
if ( g_bDisplay [ ply ] )
new String : buffer_text [ 250 ] ;
for ( new teamid = 0 ; teamid < sizeof ( buffer_teamtext ) ; teamid + + )
if ( ! GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) | | ( GetConVarBool ( g_hCvar_ModeTeamOnly ) & & GetClientTeam ( ply ) = = teamid | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( ply ) ) )
if ( strlen ( buffer_teamtext [ teamid ] ) + strlen ( buffer_text ) < = sizeof ( buffer_text ) )
StrCat ( buffer_text , sizeof ( buffer_text ) , buffer_teamtext [ teamid ] ) ;
new Handle : hBuffer = StartMessageOne ( " KeyHintText " , ply ) ;
BfWriteByte ( hBuffer , 1 ) ;
BfWriteString ( hBuffer , buffer_text ) ;
EndMessage ( ) ;
// Purpose: Calculate cooldown time
public Action : Timer_Cooldowns ( Handle : timer )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] > = 0 )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] - - ;
// Purpose: Toggle HUD
public Action : Command_ToggleHUD ( client , args )
if ( AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
if ( g_bDisplay [ client ] )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " display disabled " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_Display , " 0 " ) ;
g_bDisplay [ client ] = false ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " display enabled " ) ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_Display , " 1 " ) ;
g_bDisplay [ client ] = true ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " cookies loading " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Check status
public Action : Command_Status ( client , args )
if ( args > 0 & & CheckCommandAccess ( client , " " , ADMFLAG_BAN , true ) )
decl String : Arguments [ 64 ] ;
decl String : CStatus [ 64 ] ;
new target = - 1 ;
GetCmdArg ( 1 , Arguments , sizeof ( Arguments ) ) ;
target = FindTarget ( client , Arguments ) ;
if ( target = = - 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( AreClientCookiesCached ( target ) )
GetClientCookie ( target , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , CStatus , sizeof ( CStatus ) ) ;
if ( g_bRestricted [ target ] )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s is temporarily restricted. " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( StringToInt ( CStatus ) = = 0 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s is not restricted. " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
else if ( StringToInt ( CStatus ) = = 1 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s is permanently restricted. " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
else if ( StringToInt ( CStatus ) < = GetTime ( ) )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s is not restricted. " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning ) ;
g_iRestrictedLength [ target ] = 0 ;
SetClientCookie ( target , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
decl String : RemainingTime [ 128 ] ;
decl String : FRemainingTime [ 128 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( target , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , RemainingTime , sizeof ( RemainingTime ) ) ;
new tstamp = ( StringToInt ( RemainingTime ) - GetTime ( ) ) ;
new days = ( tstamp / 86400 ) ;
new hours = ( ( tstamp / 3600 ) % 24 ) ;
new minutes = ( ( tstamp / 60 ) % 60 ) ;
new seconds = ( tstamp % 60 ) ;
if ( tstamp > 86400 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s " , days , SingularOrMultiple ( days ) ? " Days " : " Day " , hours , SingularOrMultiple ( hours ) ? " Hours " : " Hour " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
else if ( tstamp > 3600 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s, %d %s " , hours , SingularOrMultiple ( hours ) ? " Hours " : " Hour " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
else if ( tstamp > 60 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s is restricted for another: \x04 %s " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning , FRemainingTime ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s \x07 %s%N \x07 %s's cookies haven't loaded yet. " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_bRestricted [ client ] )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " status restricted " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] > = 1 )
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] ! = 1 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] ! = 0 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] < = GetTime ( ) )
g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = 0 ;
SetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " status unrestricted " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] = = 1 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t \x04 (permanent) " , color_tag , color_warning , " status restricted " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
else if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ client ] > 1 )
decl String : RemainingTime [ 128 ] ;
decl String : FRemainingTime [ 128 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , RemainingTime , sizeof ( RemainingTime ) ) ;
new tstamp = ( StringToInt ( RemainingTime ) - GetTime ( ) ) ;
new days = ( tstamp / 86400 ) ;
new hours = ( ( tstamp / 3600 ) % 24 ) ;
new minutes = ( ( tstamp / 60 ) % 60 ) ;
new seconds = ( tstamp % 60 ) ;
if ( tstamp > 86400 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s, %d %s, %d %s " , days , SingularOrMultiple ( days ) ? " Days " : " Day " , hours , SingularOrMultiple ( hours ) ? " Hours " : " Hour " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
else if ( tstamp > 3600 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s, %d %s " , hours , SingularOrMultiple ( hours ) ? " Hours " : " Hour " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
else if ( tstamp > 60 )
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s, %d %s " , minutes , SingularOrMultiple ( minutes ) ? " Minutes " : " Minute " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
Format ( FRemainingTime , sizeof ( FRemainingTime ) , " %d %s " , seconds , SingularOrMultiple ( seconds ) ? " Seconds " : " Second " ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t \x04 (%s) " , color_tag , color_warning , " status restricted " , FRemainingTime ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " status restricted " ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " status unrestricted " ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%t " , color_tag , color_warning , " cookies loading " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Ban a client
public Action : Command_Restrict ( client , args )
if ( GetCmdArgs ( ) < 1 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sUsage: sm_eban <target> " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
new String : target_argument [ 64 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 1 , target_argument , sizeof ( target_argument ) ) ;
new target = - 1 ;
if ( ( target = FindTarget ( client , target_argument , true ) ) = = - 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( GetCmdArgs ( ) > 1 )
decl String : sLen [ 64 ] ;
decl String : Flength [ 64 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 2 , sLen , sizeof ( sLen ) ) ;
Format ( Flength , sizeof ( Flength ) , " %d " , GetTime ( ) + ( StringToInt ( sLen ) * 60 ) ) ;
if ( StringToInt ( sLen ) = = 0 )
EBanClient ( target , " 1 " , client ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
else if ( StringToInt ( sLen ) > 0 )
EBanClient ( target , Flength , client ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
EBanClient ( target , " 0 " , client ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Lists the clients that are currently on the server and banned
public Action : Command_EBanlist ( client , args )
decl String : sBuff [ 4096 ] ;
new bool : bFirst = true ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " No players found. " ) ;
for ( new i = 1 ; i < MaxClients + 1 ; i + + )
if ( ! IsClientInGame ( i ) )
continue ;
if ( AreClientCookiesCached ( i ) )
decl String : sBanLen [ 32 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( i , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , sBanLen , sizeof ( sBanLen ) ) ;
new iBanLen = StringToInt ( sBanLen ) ;
if ( ( iBanLen ! = 0 & & iBanLen > = GetTime ( ) ) | | iBanLen = = 1 )
if ( bFirst )
bFirst = false ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " " ) ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %s, " , sBuff ) ;
new iUserID = GetClientUserId ( i ) ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %s%N (#%i) " , sBuff , i , iUserID ) ;
else if ( g_bRestricted [ i ] )
if ( bFirst )
bFirst = false ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " " ) ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %s, " , sBuff ) ;
new iUserID = GetClientUserId ( i ) ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " %s%N (#%i) " , sBuff , i , iUserID ) ;
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s Currently e-banned: \x07 %s%s " , color_tag , color_warning , color_name , sBuff ) ;
Format ( sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) , " " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Unban a client
public Action : Command_Unrestrict ( client , args )
if ( GetCmdArgs ( ) < 1 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sUsage: sm_eunban <target> " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
new String : target_argument [ 64 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 1 , target_argument , sizeof ( target_argument ) ) ;
new target = - 1 ;
if ( ( target = FindTarget ( client , target_argument , true ) ) = = - 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
EUnbanClient ( target , client ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
// Purpose: Transfer a special weapon from a client to another
public Action : Command_Transfer ( client , args )
if ( GetCmdArgs ( ) < 2 )
CReplyToCommand ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sUsage: sm_etransfer <owner> <receiver> " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
new bool : bFoundWeapon = false ;
new iEntityIndex = - 1 ;
new iWeaponCount = 0 ;
new target = - 1 ;
new receiver = - 1 ;
new String : target_argument [ 64 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 1 , target_argument , sizeof ( target_argument ) ) ;
new String : receiver_argument [ 64 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 2 , receiver_argument , sizeof ( receiver_argument ) ) ;
if ( ( receiver = FindTarget ( client , receiver_argument , false ) ) = = - 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
if ( target_argument [ 0 ] = = '$' )
strcopy ( target_argument , sizeof ( target_argument ) , target_argument [ 1 ] ) ;
for ( new i = 0 ; i < entArraySize ; i + + )
if ( StrEqual ( target_argument , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] , false ) | | StrEqual ( target_argument , entArray [ i ] [ ent_shortname ] , false ) )
iWeaponCount + + ;
bFoundWeapon = true ;
iEntityIndex = i ;
target = FindTarget ( client , target_argument , false ) ;
if ( target ! = - 1 )
if ( GetClientTeam ( target ) ! = GetClientTeam ( receiver ) )
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sThe receivers team differs from the targets team. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = = target )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( IsValidEdict ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
new String : buffer_classname [ 64 ] ;
GetEdictClassname ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] , buffer_classname , sizeof ( buffer_classname ) ) ;
CS_DropWeapon ( target , entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
GivePlayerItem ( target , buffer_classname ) ;
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered all items from \x07 %s%N \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_warning , color_name , target , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( client , target , " \" %L \" transfered all items from \" %L \" to \" %L \" " , client , target , receiver ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( iWeaponCount > 1 )
new Handle : hEdictMenu = CreateMenu ( EdictMenu_Handler ) ;
new String : sMenuTemp [ 64 ] ;
new String : sIndexTemp [ 16 ] ;
new iHeldCount = 0 ;
SetMenuTitle ( hEdictMenu , " [entWatch] Edict targets: " ) ;
for ( new i = 0 ; i < entArraySize ; i + + )
if ( StrEqual ( target_argument , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] , false ) | | StrEqual ( target_argument , entArray [ i ] [ ent_shortname ] , false ) )
if ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
IntToString ( i , sIndexTemp , sizeof ( sIndexTemp ) ) ;
Format ( sMenuTemp , sizeof ( sMenuTemp ) , " %s | %N (#%i) " , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] , entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] , GetClientUserId ( entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] ) ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEdictMenu , sIndexTemp , sMenuTemp , ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT ) ;
iHeldCount + + ;
/ * else //not a good idea
IntToString ( i , sIndexTemp , sizeof ( sIndexTemp ) ) ;
Format ( sMenuTemp , sizeof ( sMenuTemp ) , " %s " , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] ) ;
AddMenuItem ( hEdictMenu , sIndexTemp , sMenuTemp , ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT ) ;
} * /
if ( iHeldCount = = 1 )
iEntityIndex = StringToInt ( sIndexTemp ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
if ( IsValidEdict ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
new iCurOwner = entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ;
if ( GetClientTeam ( receiver ) ! = GetClientTeam ( iCurOwner ) )
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sThe receivers team differs from the targets team. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
CloseHandle ( hEdictMenu ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
new String : buffer_classname [ 64 ] ;
GetEdictClassname ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , buffer_classname , sizeof ( buffer_classname ) ) ;
CS_DropWeapon ( iCurOwner , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
GivePlayerItem ( iCurOwner , buffer_classname ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered all items from \x07 %s%N \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_warning , color_name , iCurOwner , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( client , iCurOwner , " \" %L \" transfered all items from \" %L \" to \" %L \" " , client , iCurOwner , receiver ) ;
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sTarget is not valid. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
CloseHandle ( hEdictMenu ) ;
else if ( iHeldCount > = 2 )
g_iAdminMenuTarget [ client ] = receiver ;
DisplayMenu ( hEdictMenu , client , MENU_TIME_FOREVER ) ;
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sNo one is currently holding that item. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
CloseHandle ( hEdictMenu ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
if ( IsValidEdict ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
new iCurOwner = entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ;
new String : buffer_classname [ 64 ] ;
GetEdictClassname ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , buffer_classname , sizeof ( buffer_classname ) ) ;
CS_DropWeapon ( iCurOwner , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
GivePlayerItem ( iCurOwner , buffer_classname ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
bFoundWeapon = true ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered all items from \x07 %s%N \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_warning , color_name , iCurOwner , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( client , iCurOwner , " \" %L \" transfered all items from \" %L \" to \" %L \" " , client , iCurOwner , receiver ) ;
new entity = Entity_GetEntityFromHammerID ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_hammerid ] ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entity ) ;
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entity ) ;
bFoundWeapon = true ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered \x07 %s%s \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , client , color_warning , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_color ] , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_name ] , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( client , - 1 , " \" %L \" transfered \" %s \" to \" %L \" " , client , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_name ] , receiver ) ;
if ( ! bFoundWeapon )
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sInvalid item name. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
public EdictMenu_Handler ( Handle : hEdictMenu , MenuAction : hAction , iParam1 , iParam2 )
switch ( hAction )
case MenuAction_End :
CloseHandle ( hEdictMenu ) ;
case MenuAction_Select :
new String : sSelected [ 32 ] ;
GetMenuItem ( hEdictMenu , iParam2 , sSelected , sizeof ( sSelected ) ) ;
new iEntityIndex = StringToInt ( sSelected ) ;
new receiver = g_iAdminMenuTarget [ iParam1 ] ;
if ( receiver = = 0 )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sReceiver is not valid anymore. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] )
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ! = - 1 )
if ( IsValidEdict ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) )
new iCurOwner = entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_ownerid ] ;
if ( GetClientTeam ( receiver ) ! = GetClientTeam ( iCurOwner ) )
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sThe receivers team differs from the targets team. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return ;
new String : buffer_classname [ 64 ] ;
GetEdictClassname ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , buffer_classname , sizeof ( buffer_classname ) ) ;
CS_DropWeapon ( iCurOwner , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] , false ) ;
GivePlayerItem ( iCurOwner , buffer_classname ) ;
if ( entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] )
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_chat ] = true ;
FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( receiver , entArray [ iEntityIndex ] [ ent_weaponid ] ) ;
CPrintToChatAll ( " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %s%N \x07 %stransfered all items from \x07 %s%N \x07 %sto \x07 %s%N " , color_tag , color_name , iParam1 , color_warning , color_name , iCurOwner , color_warning , color_name , receiver ) ;
LogAction ( iParam1 , iCurOwner , " \" %L \" transfered all items from \" %L \" to \" %L \" " , iParam1 , iCurOwner , receiver ) ;
CPrintToChat ( iParam1 , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sItem is not valid anymore. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
public Action : Command_DebugArray ( client , args )
if ( g_bConfigLoaded & & ! g_bRoundTransition )
for ( new i = 0 ; i < entArraySize ; i + + )
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sInfo at \x07 %sindex \x04 %i \x07 %s: \x07 %sWeaponID \x04 %i \x07 %s | \x07 %sOwnerID \x04 %i \x07 %s | \x07 %sHammerID \x04 %i \x07 %s | \x07 %sName \x07 %s \" \x04 %s \x07 %s \" | \x07 %sShortName \x07 %s \" \x04 %s \x07 %s \" " , color_tag , color_warning , color_pickup , i , color_warning , color_pickup , entArray [ i ] [ ent_weaponid ] , color_warning , color_pickup , entArray [ i ] [ ent_ownerid ] , color_warning , color_pickup , entArray [ i ] [ ent_hammerid ] , color_warning , color_pickup , color_warning , entArray [ i ] [ ent_name ] , color_warning , color_pickup , color_warning , entArray [ i ] [ ent_shortname ] , color_warning ) ;
CPrintToChat ( client , " \x07 %s[entWatch] \x07 %sConfig file has not yet loaded or the round is transitioning. " , color_tag , color_warning ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
CleanData ( )
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
Format ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_name ] , 32 , " " ) ;
Format ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_shortname ] , 32 , " " ) ;
Format ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_color ] , 32 , " " ) ;
Format ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonclass ] , 32 , " " ) ;
Format ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_filtername ] , 32 , " " ) ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_hasfiltername ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_blockpickup ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_forcedrop ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_chat ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_hud ] = false ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_hammerid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_weaponid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = - 1 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_mode ] = 0 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_uses ] = 0 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_maxuses ] = 0 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldown ] = 0 ;
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldowntime ] = - 1 ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < triggerSize ; index + + )
triggerArray [ index ] = 0 ;
entArraySize = 0 ;
triggerSize = 0 ;
// Purpose: Load color settings
stock LoadColors ( )
new Handle : hKeyValues = CreateKeyValues ( " colors " ) ;
new String : buffer_config [ 128 ] ;
new String : buffer_path [ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ] ;
new String : buffer_temp [ 16 ] ;
GetConVarString ( g_hCvar_ConfigColor , buffer_config , sizeof ( buffer_config ) ) ;
Format ( buffer_path , sizeof ( buffer_path ) , " cfg/sourcemod/entwatch/colors/%s.cfg " , buffer_config ) ;
FileToKeyValues ( hKeyValues , buffer_path ) ;
KvRewind ( hKeyValues ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_tag " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_tag , sizeof ( color_tag ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_name " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_name , sizeof ( color_name ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_steamid " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_steamid , sizeof ( color_steamid ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_use " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_use , sizeof ( color_use ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_pickup " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_pickup , sizeof ( color_pickup ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_drop " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_drop , sizeof ( color_drop ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_disconnect " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_disconnect , sizeof ( color_disconnect ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_death " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_death , sizeof ( color_death ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color_warning " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( color_warning , sizeof ( color_warning ) , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
CloseHandle ( hKeyValues ) ;
// Purpose: Load configurations
stock LoadConfig ( )
new Handle : hKeyValues = CreateKeyValues ( " entities " ) ;
new String : buffer_map [ 128 ] ;
new String : buffer_path [ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ] ;
new String : buffer_path_override [ PLATFORM_MAX_PATH ] ;
new String : buffer_temp [ 32 ] ;
new buffer_amount ;
GetCurrentMap ( buffer_map , sizeof ( buffer_map ) ) ;
Format ( buffer_path , sizeof ( buffer_path ) , " cfg/sourcemod/entwatch/maps/%s.cfg " , buffer_map ) ;
Format ( buffer_path_override , sizeof ( buffer_path_override ) , " cfg/sourcemod/entwatch/maps/%s_override.cfg " , buffer_map ) ;
if ( FileExists ( buffer_path_override ) )
FileToKeyValues ( hKeyValues , buffer_path_override ) ;
LogMessage ( " Loading %s " , buffer_path_override ) ;
FileToKeyValues ( hKeyValues , buffer_path ) ;
LogMessage ( " Loading %s " , buffer_path ) ;
KvRewind ( hKeyValues ) ;
if ( KvGotoFirstSubKey ( hKeyValues ) )
g_bConfigLoaded = true ;
entArraySize = 0 ;
triggerSize = 0 ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " maxamount " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
buffer_amount = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
for ( new i = 0 ; i < buffer_amount ; i + + )
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " name " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_name ] , 32 , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " shortname " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_shortname ] , 32 , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " color " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_color ] , 32 , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " buttonclass " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_buttonclass ] , 32 , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " filtername " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
Format ( entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_filtername ] , 32 , " %s " , buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " hasfiltername " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_hasfiltername ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " blockpickup " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_blockpickup ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " allowtransfer " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_allowtransfer ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " forcedrop " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_forcedrop ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " chat " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_chat ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " hud " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_hud ] = StrEqual ( buffer_temp , " true " , false ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " hammerid " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_hammerid ] = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " mode " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_mode ] = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " maxuses " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_maxuses ] = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " cooldown " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
entArray [ entArraySize ] [ ent_cooldown ] = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
KvGetString ( hKeyValues , " trigger " , buffer_temp , sizeof ( buffer_temp ) ) ;
new tindex = StringToInt ( buffer_temp ) ;
if ( tindex )
triggerArray [ triggerSize ] = tindex ;
triggerSize + + ;
entArraySize + + ;
while ( KvGotoNextKey ( hKeyValues ) ) ;
g_bConfigLoaded = false ;
LogMessage ( " Could not load %s " , buffer_path ) ;
CloseHandle ( hKeyValues ) ;
public Action : Command_ReloadConfig ( client , args )
CleanData ( ) ;
LoadColors ( ) ;
LoadConfig ( ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
public OnEntityCreated ( entity , const String : classname [ ] )
if ( triggerSize > 0 & & StrContains ( classname , " trigger_ " , false ) ! = - 1 & & IsValidEntity ( entity ) )
SDKHook ( entity , SDKHook_Spawn , OnEntitySpawned ) ;
public OnEntitySpawned ( entity )
decl String : classname [ 32 ] ;
if ( Entity_GetClassName ( entity , classname , 32 ) )
if ( IsValidEntity ( entity ) & & StrContains ( classname , " trigger_ " , false ) ! = - 1 )
new hid = Entity_GetHammerID ( entity ) ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < triggerSize ; index + + )
if ( hid = = triggerArray [ index ] )
SDKHook ( entity , SDKHook_Touch , OnTrigger ) ;
SDKHook ( entity , SDKHook_EndTouch , OnTrigger ) ;
SDKHook ( entity , SDKHook_StartTouch , OnTrigger ) ;
public Action : Command_Cooldown ( client , args )
if ( args < 2 )
ReplyToCommand ( client , " [SM] Usage: sm_setcooldown <hammerid> <cooldown> " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
new String : hid [ 32 ] , String : cooldown [ 10 ] ;
GetCmdArg ( 1 , hid , sizeof ( hid ) ) ;
GetCmdArg ( 2 , cooldown , sizeof ( cooldown ) ) ;
new hammerid = StringToInt ( hid ) ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_hammerid ] = = hammerid )
entArray [ index ] [ ent_cooldown ] = StringToInt ( cooldown ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
public Action : OnTrigger ( entity , other )
if ( MaxClients > = other & & 0 < other ) {
if ( IsClientConnected ( other ) ) {
if ( g_bRestricted [ other ] ) {
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] ! = 1 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] ! = 0 & & g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] < = GetTime ( ) )
g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] = 0 ;
SetClientCookie ( other , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , " 0 " ) ;
return Plugin_Continue ;
if ( g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] > GetTime ( ) | | g_iRestrictedLength [ other ] = = 1 )
return Plugin_Handled ;
return Plugin_Continue ;
bool : SingularOrMultiple ( int num )
if ( num > 1 | | num = = 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
public Native_IsClientBanned ( Handle : hPlugin , iArgC )
new client = GetNativeCell ( 1 ) ;
if ( client < 1 | | client > MaxClients | | ! IsClientInGame ( client ) | | ! AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
ThrowNativeError ( SP_ERROR_PARAM , " Invalid client/client is not in game or client cookies are not yet loaded " ) ;
return false ;
new String : sBuff [ 64 ] ;
GetClientCookie ( client , g_hCookie_RestrictedLength , sBuff , sizeof ( sBuff ) ) ;
new iBanLen = StringToInt ( sBuff ) ;
if ( ( iBanLen ! = 0 & & iBanLen > = GetTime ( ) ) | | iBanLen = = 1 )
SetNativeCellRef ( 2 , iBanLen ) ;
return true ;
return true ;
public Native_BanClient ( Handle : hPlugin , iArgC )
new client = GetNativeCell ( 1 ) ;
new bool : bIsTemporary = GetNativeCell ( 2 ) ;
new iBanLen = GetNativeCell ( 3 ) ;
if ( client < 1 | | client > MaxClients | | ! IsClientInGame ( client ) | | ! AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
ThrowNativeError ( SP_ERROR_PARAM , " Invalid client/client is not in game or client cookies are not yet loaded " ) ;
return false ;
if ( bIsTemporary )
EBanClient ( client , " 0 " , 0 ) ;
return true ;
if ( iBanLen = = 0 )
EBanClient ( client , " 1 " , 0 ) ;
return true ;
iBanLen = GetTime ( ) + ( iBanLen * 60 ) ;
if ( iBanLen < = GetTime ( ) )
ThrowNativeError ( SP_ERROR_PARAM , " Invalid ban length given " ) ;
return false ;
new String : sBanLen [ 64 ] ;
Format ( sBanLen , sizeof ( sBanLen ) , " %d " , iBanLen ) ;
EBanClient ( client , sBanLen , 0 ) ;
return true ;
public Native_UnbanClient ( Handle : hPlugin , iArgC )
new client = GetNativeCell ( 1 ) ;
if ( client < 1 | | client > MaxClients | | ! IsClientInGame ( client ) | | ! AreClientCookiesCached ( client ) )
ThrowNativeError ( SP_ERROR_PARAM , " Invalid client/client is not in game or client cookies are not yet loaded " ) ;
return false ;
EUnbanClient ( client , 0 ) ;
return true ;
public Native_IsSpecialItem ( Handle : hPlugin , iArgC )
if ( ! g_bConfigLoaded )
return false ;
new entity = GetNativeCell ( 1 ) ;
if ( entity < MaxClients | | ! IsValidEdict ( entity ) | | ! IsValidEntity ( entity ) )
return false ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_buttonid ] = = entity )
return true ;
return false ;
public Native_HasSpecialItem ( Handle : hPlugin , iArgC )
if ( ! g_bConfigLoaded )
return false ;
new client = GetNativeCell ( 1 ) ;
if ( client < 1 | | client > MaxClients | | ! IsClientInGame ( client ) )
ThrowNativeError ( SP_ERROR_PARAM , " Invalid client/client is not in game " ) ;
return false ;
for ( new index = 0 ; index < entArraySize ; index + + )
if ( entArray [ index ] [ ent_ownerid ] = = client )
return true ;
return false ;
stock FixedEquipPlayerWeapon ( client , weapon )
new iWeaponSlot = SDKCall ( g_hGetSlot , weapon ) ;
new WeaponInSlot = GetPlayerWeaponSlot ( client , iWeaponSlot ) ;
if ( WeaponInSlot ! = - 1 )
CS_DropWeapon ( client , WeaponInSlot , false ) ;
if ( SDKCall ( g_hBumpWeapon , client , weapon ) )
SDKCall ( g_hOnPickedUp , weapon , client ) ;