2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
# pragma semicolon 1
# include <sourcemod>
# include <cstrike>
# include <sdktools>
# include <zombiereloaded>
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
bool g_bZAbuse ;
bool g_bSlayKnifer ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
float g_fMaxDistance ;
float g_fMaxTime ;
int g_iClientIndexKnifer ;
int g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie ;
bool g_bKnife ;
bool g_bInfectedInRadius [ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] ;
public Plugin myinfo =
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
name = " KnifeRevert " ,
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
author = " Dogan " ,
description = " Tool for Admins to prevent teamkilling cause of zombie knifing (ZE) " ,
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
version = " 1.1.0 " ,
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
url = " "
public void OnPluginStart ( )
ConVar cvar ;
HookConVarChange ( ( cvar = CreateConVar ( " sm_zabuse_enabled " , " 1 " , " 1 = sm_zabuse is available, 0 = sm_zabuse is not available " , FCVAR_NONE , true , 0.0 , true , 1.0 ) ) , g_cvZAbuse ) ;
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
g_bZAbuse = cvar . BoolValue ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
HookConVarChange ( ( cvar = CreateConVar ( " sm_zabuse_slay " , " 1 " , " 1 = slays the knifer automatically when sm_zabuse is used, 0 = don't do anything to the knifer " , FCVAR_NONE , true , 0.0 , true , 1.0 ) ) , g_cvSlayKnifer ) ;
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
g_bSlayKnifer = cvar . BoolValue ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
HookConVarChange ( ( cvar = CreateConVar ( " sm_zabuse_maxdistance " , " 150.0 " , " max distance from the zombie that got knifed forward where infected humans will be rezurrected " ) ) , g_cvMaxDistance ) ;
g_fMaxDistance = cvar . FloatValue ;
HookConVarChange ( ( cvar = CreateConVar ( " sm_zabuse_time " , " 5.0 " , " max time until sm_zabuse is available after a knife " ) ) , g_cvMaxTime ) ;
g_fMaxTime = cvar . FloatValue ;
delete cvar ;
HookEvent ( " player_hurt " , OnPlayerHurt ) ;
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_kr " , Command_ZAbuse , ADMFLAG_GENERIC , " Undoes the damage caused by a zombie after being knifed forward " ) ;
RegAdminCmd ( " sm_kniferevert " , Command_ZAbuse , ADMFLAG_GENERIC , " Undoes the damage caused by a zombie after being knifed forward " ) ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
AutoExecConfig ( true , " plugin.ZAbuse " ) ;
g_iClientIndexKnifer = - 1 ;
g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie = - 1 ;
public void g_cvZAbuse ( ConVar convar , const char [ ] oldValue , const char [ ] newValue )
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
g_bZAbuse = convar . BoolValue ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
public void g_cvSlayKnifer ( ConVar convar , const char [ ] oldValue , const char [ ] newValue )
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
g_bSlayKnifer = convar . BoolValue ;
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
public void g_cvMaxDistance ( ConVar convar , const char [ ] oldValue , const char [ ] newValue )
g_fMaxDistance = convar . FloatValue ;
public void g_cvMaxTime ( ConVar convar , const char [ ] oldValue , const char [ ] newValue )
g_fMaxTime = convar . FloatValue ;
public void OnPlayerHurt ( Handle hEvent , const char [ ] name , bool dontBroadcast )
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
if ( ! g_bZAbuse )
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
return ;
int attacker ;
int victim ;
char sWepName [ 64 ] ;
GetEventString ( hEvent , " weapon " , sWepName , sizeof ( sWepName ) ) ;
if ( ( attacker = GetClientOfUserId ( GetEventInt ( hEvent , " attacker " ) ) ) = = 0 )
return ;
if ( ( victim = GetClientOfUserId ( GetEventInt ( hEvent , " userid " ) ) ) = = 0 )
return ;
if ( ! IsClientInGame ( attacker ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( attacker ) )
return ;
if ( ! IsClientInGame ( victim ) | | ! IsPlayerAlive ( victim ) )
return ;
if ( victim ! = attacker & & GetClientTeam ( victim ) = = CS_TEAM_T & & GetClientTeam ( attacker ) = = CS_TEAM_CT )
if ( StrEqual ( sWepName , " knife " ) )
int damage = GetEventInt ( hEvent , " dmg_health " ) ;
if ( damage < 35 )
return ;
g_iClientIndexKnifer = attacker ;
g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie = victim ;
g_bKnife = true ;
CreateTimer ( g_fMaxTime , OnClientKnife , _ , TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE ) ;
public Action OnClientKnife ( Handle timer )
g_bKnife = false ;
g_iClientIndexKnifer = - 1 ;
g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie = - 1 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = MaxClients ; i + + )
if ( g_bInfectedInRadius [ i ] )
g_bInfectedInRadius [ i ] = false ;
public void ZR_OnClientInfected ( int client , int attacker , bool motherInfect , bool respawnOverride , bool respawn )
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
if ( ! g_bZAbuse | | ! g_bKnife )
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
return ;
static float fVec1 [ 3 ] ;
static float fVec2 [ 3 ] ;
GetClientAbsOrigin ( g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie , fVec1 ) ;
GetClientAbsOrigin ( client , fVec2 ) ;
float fDistance = GetVectorDistance ( fVec1 , fVec2 , false ) ;
if ( fDistance < = g_fMaxDistance )
g_bInfectedInRadius [ client ] = true ;
public Action Command_ZAbuse ( int client , int argc )
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
if ( ! g_bZAbuse )
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
ReplyToCommand ( client , " [SM] Disabled on this Map. " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
if ( ! g_bKnife )
ReplyToCommand ( client , " [SM] Not available right now because there was no active Zombie Knifing the past %d Seconds. " , RoundFloat ( g_fMaxTime ) ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;
ReplyToCommand ( client , " [SM] You undid the damage from the previous Knife! " ) ;
PrintToChatAll ( " [SM] %N undid the damage from the previous Zombie Knife. " , client ) ;
LogAction ( client , - 1 , " \" %L \" undid the damage from the previous Zombie Knife. " , client ) ;
2019-10-06 01:33:50 +02:00
if ( g_bSlayKnifer )
2019-10-05 23:25:12 +02:00
ForcePlayerSuicide ( g_iClientIndexKnifer ) ;
PrintToChat ( g_iClientIndexKnifer , " [SM] You got slayed for knifing a Zombie forward! " ) ;
int IdKnifedZombie = GetClientUserId ( g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie ) ;
ServerCommand ( " zr_ztele_force #%d " , IdKnifedZombie ) ;
PrintToChat ( g_iClientIndexKnifedZombie , " [SM] You got teleported back because you were knifed forward. " ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = MaxClients ; i + + )
if ( IsClientInGame ( i ) & & IsPlayerAlive ( i ) & & g_bInfectedInRadius [ i ] )
ZR_HumanClient ( i , false , false ) ;
PrintToChat ( i , " [SM] You were rezurrected because you died after a Zombie was knifed forward. " ) ;
return Plugin_Handled ;