3035 lines
87 KiB
3035 lines
87 KiB
* vim: set ts=4 :
* =============================================================================
* MapChooser Extended
* Creates a map vote at appropriate times, setting sm_nextmap to the winning
* vote. Includes extra options not present in the SourceMod MapChooser
* MapChooser Extended (C)2011-2013 Powerlord (Ross Bemrose)
* SourceMod (C)2004-2007 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
//#define DEBUG
#if defined DEBUG
#define assert(%1) if(!(%1)) ThrowError("Debug Assertion Failed");
#define assert_msg(%1,%2) if(!(%1)) ThrowError(%2);
#define assert(%1)
#define assert_msg(%1,%2)
#include <sourcemod>
#include <mapchooser>
#include <mapchooser_extended>
#include <unloze_playtime>
#include <nextmap>
#include <sdktools>
#include <multicolors>
#include <PlayerManager>
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#define MCE_VERSION "1.3.1"
enum RoundCounting
RoundCounting_Standard = 0,
// CSGO requires two cvars to get the game type
GameType_Classic = 0,
GameType_GunGame = 1,
GameType_Training = 2,
GameType_Custom = 3,
GunGameMode_ArmsRace = 0,
GunGameMode_Demolition = 1,
GunGameMode_DeathMatch = 2,
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "MapChooser Extended",
author = "Powerlord, Zuko, BotoX and AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Automated Map Voting with Extensions",
version = MCE_VERSION,
url = ""
/* Valve ConVars */
ConVar g_Cvar_Winlimit;
ConVar g_Cvar_Maxrounds;
ConVar g_Cvar_Fraglimit;
ConVar g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime;
ConVar g_Cvar_GameType;
ConVar g_Cvar_GameMode;
/* Plugin ConVars */
ConVar g_Cvar_StartTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_StartRounds;
ConVar g_Cvar_StartFrags;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExtendTimeStep;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExtendRoundStep;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExtendFragStep;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExcludeMapsTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_IncludeMaps;
ConVar g_Cvar_IncludeMapsReserved;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoVoteMode;
ConVar g_Cvar_Extend;
ConVar g_Cvar_DontChange;
ConVar g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote;
ConVar g_Cvar_VoteDuration;
Handle g_VoteTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_RetryTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_WarningTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Data Handles */
Handle g_MapList = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_NominateList[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
Handle g_NominateOwners = INVALID_HANDLE;
StringMap g_OldMapList;
StringMap g_TimeMapList;
Handle g_NextMapList = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_VoteMenu = INVALID_HANDLE;
KeyValues g_Config;
int g_Extends;
int g_TotalRounds;
bool g_HasVoteStarted;
bool g_WaitingForVote;
bool g_MapVoteCompleted;
bool g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd;
bool g_ChangeMapInProgress;
bool g_HasIntermissionStarted = false;
int g_mapFileSerial = -1;
bool prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023 = false; //this is not very cool -jenz
int g_NominateCount = 0;
int g_NominateReservedCount = 0;
MapChange g_ChangeTime;
//check if autismbot
bool is_bot_player[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
Handle g_NominationsResetForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_MapVoteStartedForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Mapchooser Extended Plugin ConVars */
ConVar g_Cvar_RunOff;
ConVar g_Cvar_RunOffPercent;
ConVar g_Cvar_BlockSlots;
ConVar g_Cvar_MaxRunOffs;
ConVar g_Cvar_StartTimePercent;
ConVar g_Cvar_StartTimePercentEnable;
ConVar g_Cvar_WarningTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_RunOffWarningTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_TimerLocation;
ConVar g_Cvar_ExtendPosition;
ConVar g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps;
ConVar g_Cvar_RandomizeNominations;
ConVar g_Cvar_HideTimer;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoVoteOption;
ConVar g_Cvar_ShufflePerClient;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeEnable;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMinTime;
ConVar g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMaxTime;
/* Mapchooser Extended Data Handles */
Handle g_OfficialList = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Mapchooser Extended Forwards */
Handle g_MapVoteWarningStartForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_MapVoteWarningTickForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_MapVoteStartForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_MapVoteEndForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle g_MapVoteRunoffStartForward = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Mapchooser Extended Globals */
int g_RunoffCount = 0;
int g_mapOfficialFileSerial = -1;
char g_GameModName[64];
bool g_WarningInProgress = false;
bool g_AddNoVote = false;
bool g_SaveCDOnMapEnd = true;
RoundCounting g_RoundCounting = RoundCounting_Standard;
/* Upper bound of how many team there could be */
#define MAXTEAMS 10
int g_winCount[MAXTEAMS];
bool g_BlockedSlots = false;
int g_ObjectiveEnt = -1;
enum TimerLocation
TimerLocation_Hint = 0,
TimerLocation_Center = 1,
TimerLocation_Chat = 2,
enum WarningType
#define VOTE_EXTEND "##extend##"
#define VOTE_DONTCHANGE "##dontchange##"
/* Mapchooser Extended Defines */
#define LINE_ONE "##lineone##"
#define LINE_TWO "##linetwo##"
#define LINE_SPACER "##linespacer##"
//call forward to reset all nominations
public void OnPluginEnd()
for (int i = 0; i < MaxClients; i++)
int index = FindValueInArray(g_NominateOwners, i);
if (index == -1) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[i]); j++)
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[i], j, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
public void OnPluginStart()
int arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
g_MapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
g_NominateOwners = CreateArray(1);
g_OldMapList = new StringMap();
g_TimeMapList = new StringMap();
g_NextMapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
g_OfficialList = CreateArray(arraySize);
for (int i = 0; i < MaxClients; i++)
g_NominateList[i] = CreateArray(arraySize);
GetGameFolderName(g_GameModName, sizeof(g_GameModName));
g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote = CreateConVar("mce_endvote", "1", "Specifies if MapChooser should run an end of map vote", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_StartTime = CreateConVar("mce_starttime", "10.0", "Specifies when to start the vote based on time remaining.", _, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_StartRounds = CreateConVar("mce_startround", "2.0", "Specifies when to start the vote based on rounds remaining. Use 0 on DoD:S, CS:S, and TF2 to start vote during bonus round time", _, true, 0.0);
g_Cvar_StartFrags = CreateConVar("mce_startfrags", "5.0", "Specifies when to start the vote base on frags remaining.", _, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_ExtendTimeStep = CreateConVar("mce_extend_timestep", "15", "Specifies how much many more minutes each extension makes", _, true, 5.0);
g_Cvar_ExtendRoundStep = CreateConVar("mce_extend_roundstep", "5", "Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes", _, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_ExtendFragStep = CreateConVar("mce_extend_fragstep", "10", "Specifies how many more frags are allowed when map is extended.", _, true, 5.0);
g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps = CreateConVar("mce_exclude", "5", "Specifies how many past maps to exclude from the vote.", _, true, 0.0);
g_Cvar_ExcludeMapsTime = CreateConVar("mce_exclude_time", "5h", "Specifies how long in minutes an old map is excluded from the vote.");
g_Cvar_IncludeMaps = CreateConVar("mce_include", "5", "Specifies how many maps to include in the vote.", _, true, 2.0, true, 7.0);
g_Cvar_IncludeMapsReserved = CreateConVar("mce_include_reserved", "2", "Specifies how many private/random maps to include in the vote.", _, true, 0.0, true, 5.0);
g_Cvar_NoVoteMode = CreateConVar("mce_novote", "1", "Specifies whether or not MapChooser should pick a map if no votes are received.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_Extend = CreateConVar("mce_extend", "0", "Number of extensions allowed each map.", _, true, 0.0);
g_Cvar_DontChange = CreateConVar("mce_dontchange", "1", "Specifies if a 'Don't Change option should be added to early votes", _, true, 0.0);
g_Cvar_VoteDuration = CreateConVar("mce_voteduration", "20", "Specifies how long the mapvote should be available for.", _, true, 5.0);
// MapChooser Extended cvars
CreateConVar("mce_version", MCE_VERSION, "MapChooser Extended Version", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
g_Cvar_RunOff = CreateConVar("mce_runoff", "1", "Hold run off votes if winning choice has less than a certain percentage of votes", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_RunOffPercent = CreateConVar("mce_runoffpercent", "50", "If winning choice has less than this percent of votes, hold a runoff", _, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);
g_Cvar_BlockSlots = CreateConVar("mce_blockslots", "0", "Block slots to prevent accidental votes. Only applies when Voice Command style menus are in use.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
//g_Cvar_BlockSlotsCount = CreateConVar("mce_blockslots_count", "2", "Number of slots to block.", _, true, 1.0, true, 3.0);
g_Cvar_MaxRunOffs = CreateConVar("mce_maxrunoffs", "1", "Number of run off votes allowed each map.", _, true, 0.0);
g_Cvar_StartTimePercent = CreateConVar("mce_start_percent", "35.0", "Specifies when to start the vote based on percents.", _, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);
g_Cvar_StartTimePercentEnable = CreateConVar("mce_start_percent_enable", "0", "Enable or Disable percentage calculations when to start vote.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_WarningTime = CreateConVar("mce_warningtime", "15.0", "Warning time in seconds.", _, true, 0.0, true, 60.0);
g_Cvar_RunOffWarningTime = CreateConVar("mce_runoffvotewarningtime", "5.0", "Warning time for runoff vote in seconds.", _, true, 0.0, true, 30.0);
g_Cvar_TimerLocation = CreateConVar("mce_warningtimerlocation", "0", "Location for the warning timer text. 0 is HintBox, 1 is Center text, 2 is Chat. Defaults to HintBox.", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps = CreateConVar("mce_markcustommaps", "1", "Mark custom maps in the vote list. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Mark with *, 2 = Mark with phrase.", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
g_Cvar_ExtendPosition = CreateConVar("mce_extendposition", "0", "Position of Extend/Dont Change options. 0 = at end, 1 = at start.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_RandomizeNominations = CreateConVar("mce_randomizeorder", "0", "Randomize map order?", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_HideTimer = CreateConVar("mce_hidetimer", "0", "Hide the MapChooser Extended warning timer", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_NoVoteOption = CreateConVar("mce_addnovote", "1", "Add \"No Vote\" to vote menu?", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_ShufflePerClient = CreateConVar("mce_shuffle_per_client", "1", "Random shuffle map vote menu per client?", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeEnable = CreateConVar("mce_no_restriction_timeframe_enable", "1", "Enable timeframe where all nomination restrictions and cooldowns are disabled?", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMinTime = CreateConVar("mce_no_restriction_timeframe_mintime", "0100", "Start of the timeframe where all nomination restrictions and cooldowns are disabled (Format: HHMM)", _, true, 0000.0, true, 2359.0);
g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMaxTime = CreateConVar("mce_no_restriction_timeframe_maxtime", "0700", "End of the timeframe where all nomination restrictions and cooldowns are disabled (Format: HHMM)", _, true, 0000.0, true, 2359.0);
RegAdminCmd("sm_mapvote", Command_Mapvote, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote now.");
RegAdminCmd("sm_setnextmap", Command_SetNextmap, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "sm_setnextmap <map>");
// Mapchooser Extended Commands
RegAdminCmd("mce_reload_maplist", Command_ReloadMaps, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP, "mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_extends", Command_ExtendsLeft, "sm_extends - Shows how many extends are left on the current map.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_extendsleft", Command_ExtendsLeft, "sm_extendsleft - Shows how many extends are left on the current map.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_houravg", Command_hours_average, "Prints in the chat what the current hour average of each player accumulated is.");
RegConsoleCmd("sm_avghour", Command_hours_average, "Prints in the chat what the current hour average of each player accumulated is.");
g_Cvar_Winlimit = FindConVar("mp_winlimit");
g_Cvar_Maxrounds = FindConVar("mp_maxrounds");
g_Cvar_Fraglimit = FindConVar("mp_fraglimit");
EngineVersion version = GetEngineVersion();
static char mapListPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, mapListPath, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "configs/mapchooser_extended/maps/%s.txt", g_GameModName);
SetMapListCompatBind("official", mapListPath);
case Engine_TF2:
g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime = FindConVar("mp_bonusroundtime");
case Engine_CSGO:
g_Cvar_GameType = FindConVar("game_type");
g_Cvar_GameMode = FindConVar("game_mode");
g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime = FindConVar("mp_round_restart_delay");
case Engine_DODS:
g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime = FindConVar("dod_bonusroundtime");
case Engine_CSS:
g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime = FindConVar("mp_round_restart_delay");
g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime = FindConVar("mp_bonusroundtime");
case Engine_TF2:
HookEvent("teamplay_restart_round", Event_TFRestartRound);
HookEvent("pve_win_panel", Event_MvMWinPanel);
case Engine_NuclearDawn:
HookEvent("round_win", Event_RoundEnd);
case Engine_CSGO:
HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd);
HookEvent("cs_intermission", Event_Intermission);
HookEvent("announce_phase_end", Event_PhaseEnd);
case Engine_DODS:
HookEvent("dod_round_win", Event_RoundEnd);
HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
AutoExecConfig(true, "mapchooser_extended");
//Change the mp_bonusroundtime max so that we have time to display the vote
//If you display a vote during bonus time good defaults are 17 vote duration and 19 mp_bonustime
SetConVarBounds(g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime, ConVarBound_Upper, true, 30.0);
g_NominationsResetForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnNominationRemoved", ET_Ignore, Param_String, Param_Cell);
g_MapVoteStartedForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteStarted", ET_Ignore);
//MapChooser Extended Forwards
g_MapVoteStartForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteStart", ET_Ignore); // Deprecated
g_MapVoteEndForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteEnd", ET_Ignore, Param_String);
g_MapVoteWarningStartForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteWarningStart", ET_Ignore);
g_MapVoteWarningTickForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteWarningTick", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell);
g_MapVoteRunoffStartForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnMapVoteRunnoffWarningStart", ET_Ignore);
prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023 = false;
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
strcopy(error, err_max, "MapChooser already loaded, aborting.");
return APLRes_Failure;
CreateNative("NominateMap", Native_NominateMap);
CreateNative("RemoveNominationByMap", Native_RemoveNominationByMap);
CreateNative("RemoveNominationByOwner", Native_RemoveNominationByOwner);
CreateNative("InitiateMapChooserVote", Native_InitiateVote);
CreateNative("CanMapChooserStartVote", Native_CanVoteStart);
CreateNative("HasEndOfMapVoteFinished", Native_CheckVoteDone);
CreateNative("GetExcludeMapList", Native_GetExcludeMapList);
CreateNative("GetNominatedMapList", Native_GetNominatedMapList);
CreateNative("EndOfMapVoteEnabled", Native_EndOfMapVoteEnabled);
// MapChooser Extended natives
CreateNative("IsMapOfficial", Native_IsMapOfficial);
CreateNative("CanNominate", Native_CanNominate);
CreateNative("ExcludeMap", Native_ExcludeMap);
CreateNative("ExcludeMapTime", Native_ExcludeMapTime);
CreateNative("GetMapCooldown", Native_GetMapCooldown);
CreateNative("GetMapCooldownTime", Native_GetMapCooldownTime);
CreateNative("GetMapMinTime", Native_GetMapMinTime);
CreateNative("GetMapMaxTime", Native_GetMapMaxTime);
CreateNative("GetMapMinPlayers", Native_GetMapMinPlayers);
CreateNative("GetMapMaxPlayers", Native_GetMapMaxPlayers);
CreateNative("GetMapTimeRestriction", Native_GetMapTimeRestriction);
CreateNative("GetMapPlayerRestriction", Native_GetMapPlayerRestriction);
CreateNative("GetMapGroups", Native_GetMapGroups);
CreateNative("GetMapGroupRestriction", Native_GetMapGroupRestriction);
CreateNative("GetMapVIPRestriction", Native_GetMapVIPRestriction);
CreateNative("GetExtendsLeft", Native_GetExtendsLeft);
CreateNative("AreRestrictionsActive", Native_AreRestrictionsActive);
CreateNative("SimulateMapEnd", Native_SimulateMapEnd);
CreateNative("GetAveragePlayerTimeOnServerMapRestriction", Native_GetAveragePlayerTimeOnServerMapRestriction);
return APLRes_Success;
public void OnMapStart()
static char folder[64];
GetGameFolderName(folder, sizeof(folder));
g_RoundCounting = RoundCounting_Standard;
g_ObjectiveEnt = -1;
if(strcmp(folder, "tf") == 0 && GameRules_GetProp("m_bPlayingMannVsMachine"))
g_RoundCounting = RoundCounting_MvM;
g_ObjectiveEnt = EntIndexToEntRef(FindEntityByClassname(-1, "tf_objective_resource"));
else if(strcmp(folder, "csgo") == 0 && GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_GameType) == GameType_GunGame &&
GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_GameMode) == GunGameMode_ArmsRace)
g_RoundCounting = RoundCounting_ArmsRace;
delete g_Config;
char sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sConfigFile, sizeof(sConfigFile), "configs/mapchooser_extended.cfg");
LogMessage("Could not find config: \"%s\"", sConfigFile);
LogMessage("Found config: \"%s\"", sConfigFile);
g_Config = new KeyValues("mapchooser_extended");
delete g_Config;
LogMessage("ImportFromFile() failed!");
g_SaveCDOnMapEnd = true;
g_SaveCDOnMapEnd = false;
public void OnConfigsExecuted()
if(g_mapFileSerial == -1)
LogError("Unable to create a valid map list.");
g_TotalRounds = 0;
g_Extends = 0;
g_MapVoteCompleted = false;
g_NominateCount = 0;
g_NominateReservedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxClients; i++)
if (g_NominateList[i] != INVALID_HANDLE)
for(int i = 0; i < MAXTEAMS; i++)
g_winCount[i] = 0;
/* Check if mapchooser will attempt to start mapvote during bonus round time */
if (!GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartRounds))
if(!GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartTime) && GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_Bonusroundtime) <= GetConVarFloat(g_Cvar_VoteDuration))
LogError("Warning - Bonus Round Time shorter than Vote Time. Votes during bonus round may not have time to complete");
public void OnMapEnd()
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
g_WaitingForVote = false;
g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd = false;
g_ChangeMapInProgress = false;
g_HasIntermissionStarted = false;
g_RetryTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
g_WarningTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
g_RunoffCount = 0;
prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023 = false;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
int Cooldown;
GetCurrentMap(map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
Cooldown = InternalGetMapCooldown(map);
g_OldMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
Cooldown = GetTime() + InternalGetMapCooldownTime(map) - RoundToFloor(GetGameTime());
g_TimeMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
StringMapSnapshot OldMapListSnapshot = g_OldMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < OldMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
OldMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
g_OldMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
if(Cooldown > 0)
g_OldMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
StringMapSnapshot TimeMapListSnapshot = g_TimeMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < TimeMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
TimeMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
g_TimeMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
if(Cooldown < GetTime())
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
if (g_NominateList[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
CheckMapRestrictions(true, true); //when creating a mapvote its anyways respecting the time restrictions so we should also just respect them here already
public void OnClientDisconnect_Post(int client)
CheckMapRestrictions(true, true); //when creating a mapvote its anyways respecting the time restrictions so we should also just respect them here already
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
is_bot_player[client] = false;
int index = FindValueInArray(g_NominateOwners, client);
if(index == -1)
//2023 edit for handling multiple nominations -jenz
for (int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[client]); i++)
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[client], i, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateOwners, index);
for (int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[client]); i++)
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[client], i);
public Action Command_SetNextmap(int client, int args)
if(args < 1)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[MCE] Usage: sm_setnextmap <map>");
return Plugin_Handled;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetCmdArg(1, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
CReplyToCommand(client, "[MCE] %t", "Map was not found", map);
return Plugin_Handled;
ShowActivity(client, "%t", "Changed Next Map", map);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" changed nextmap to \"%s\"", client, map);
g_MapVoteCompleted = true;
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_ReloadMaps(int client, int args)
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_hours_average(int client, int args)
CReplyToCommand(client, "Average hour count is: %i", GetAveragePlayerTimeOnServer());
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action Command_ExtendsLeft(int client, int args)
CReplyToCommand(client, "[MCE] Available Extends: %d", GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend) - g_Extends);
return Plugin_Handled;
public void OnMapTimeLeftChanged()
void SetupTimeleftTimer()
int time;
if(GetMapTimeLeft(time) && time > 0)
int startTime;
int timeLimit;
if(GetMapTimeLimit(timeLimit) && timeLimit > 0)
startTime = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartTimePercent) * (timeLimit * 60) / 100;
startTime = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartTime) * 60;
if(time - startTime < 0 && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote) && !g_MapVoteCompleted && !g_HasVoteStarted)
if(g_WarningTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
if(g_VoteTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
//g_VoteTimer = CreateTimer(float(time - startTime), Timer_StartMapVoteTimer_StartMapVote, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
g_VoteTimer = CreateTimer(float(time - startTime), Timer_StartWarningTimer, _, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
public Action Timer_StartWarningTimer(Handle timer)
if(!g_WarningInProgress || g_WarningTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
return Plugin_Stop;
public Action Timer_StartMapVote(Handle timer, Handle data)
static int timePassed;
// This is still necessary because InitiateVote still calls this directly via the retry timer
if(!GetArraySize(g_MapList) || !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote) || g_MapVoteCompleted || g_HasVoteStarted)
g_WarningTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
return Plugin_Stop;
int warningMaxTime = ReadPackCell(data);
int warningTimeRemaining = warningMaxTime - timePassed;
char warningPhrase[32];
ReadPackString(data, warningPhrase, sizeof(warningPhrase));
// Tick timer for external plugins
if(timePassed == 0 || !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_HideTimer))
TimerLocation timerLocation = view_as<TimerLocation>(GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_TimerLocation));
case TimerLocation_Center:
PrintCenterTextAll("%t", warningPhrase, warningTimeRemaining);
case TimerLocation_Chat:
PrintToChatAll("%t", warningPhrase, warningTimeRemaining);
PrintHintTextToAll("%t", warningPhrase, warningTimeRemaining);
if(timePassed++ >= warningMaxTime)
if(timer == g_RetryTimer)
g_WaitingForVote = false;
g_RetryTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
g_WarningTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
timePassed = 0;
MapChange mapChange = view_as<MapChange>(ReadPackCell(data));
Handle hndl = view_as<Handle>(ReadPackCell(data));
if (!prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023)
InitiateVote(mapChange, hndl);
return Plugin_Stop;
return Plugin_Continue;
public void Event_TFRestartRound(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
/* Game got restarted - reset our round count tracking */
g_TotalRounds = 0;
public void Event_MvMWinPanel(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
if(GetEventInt(event, "winning_team") == 2)
int objectiveEnt = EntRefToEntIndex(g_ObjectiveEnt);
if(objectiveEnt != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
g_TotalRounds = GetEntProp(g_ObjectiveEnt, Prop_Send, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount");
public void Event_Intermission(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
g_HasIntermissionStarted = true;
public void Event_PhaseEnd(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
/* announce_phase_end fires for both half time and the end of the map, but intermission fires first for end of the map. */
/* No intermission yet, so this must be half time. Swap the score counters. */
int t_score = g_winCount[2];
g_winCount[2] = g_winCount[3];
g_winCount[3] = t_score;
public void Event_WeaponRank(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int rank = GetEventInt(event, "weaponrank");
if(rank > g_TotalRounds)
g_TotalRounds = rank;
/* You ask, why don't you just use team_score event? And I answer... Because CSS doesn't. */
public void Event_RoundEnd(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int timeleft;
if(timeleft <= 0 || g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd)
char map[32];
GetNextMap(map, sizeof(map));
PrintToChatAll("[MCE] Next Map: %s", map);
PrintToChatAll("[MCE] Next Map: %s", map);
PrintToChatAll("[MCE] Next Map: %s", map);
if(g_RoundCounting == RoundCounting_ArmsRace)
g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd = false;
g_ChangeMapInProgress = true;
int winner;
if(strcmp(name, "round_win") == 0 || strcmp(name, "dod_round_win") == 0)
winner = GetEventInt(event, "team"); // Nuclear Dawn & DoD:S
winner = GetEventInt(event, "winner");
if(winner == 0 || winner == 1 || !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote))
if(winner >= MAXTEAMS)
SetFailState("Mod exceed maximum team count - Please file a bug report.");
if(!GetArraySize(g_MapList) || g_HasVoteStarted || g_MapVoteCompleted)
public void CheckWinLimit(int winner_score)
int winlimit = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Winlimit);
if(winner_score >= (winlimit - GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartRounds)))
if(!g_WarningInProgress || g_WarningTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Vote, MapChange_MapEnd);
public void CheckMaxRounds(int roundcount)
int maxrounds = 0;
if(g_RoundCounting == RoundCounting_ArmsRace)
maxrounds = GameRules_GetProp("m_iNumGunGameProgressiveWeaponsCT");
else if(g_RoundCounting == RoundCounting_MvM)
maxrounds = GetEntProp(g_ObjectiveEnt, Prop_Send, "m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount");
if(roundcount >= (maxrounds - GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartRounds)))
if(!g_WarningInProgress || g_WarningTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Vote, MapChange_MapEnd);
public Action Event_PlayerDeath(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
if(!GetArraySize(g_MapList) || g_HasVoteStarted)
return Plugin_Continue;
if(!GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit) || !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote))
return Plugin_Continue;
return Plugin_Continue;
int fragger = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
return Plugin_Continue;
if(GetClientFrags(fragger) >= (GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit) - GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_StartFrags)))
if(!g_WarningInProgress || g_WarningTimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Vote, MapChange_MapEnd);
return Plugin_Continue;
public Action Command_Mapvote(int client, int args)
ShowActivity2(client, "[MCE] ", "%t", "Initiated Vote Map");
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Vote, MapChange_MapEnd, INVALID_HANDLE, true);
return Plugin_Handled;
public Handle get_most_nominated_maps()
int voteSize = GetVoteSize(2);
int arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
Handle most_nominated_maps = CreateArray(arraySize);
StringMap sm = new StringMap();
for (int i = 0; i < MaxClients; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[i]); j++)
char map_iteration[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[i], j, map_iteration, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
//PrintToChatAll("map_iteration: %s", map_iteration);
int nominate_count_for_particular_map = 0;
sm.GetValue(map_iteration, nominate_count_for_particular_map);
//if i is 0 its admin nominated map that most come into the vote
nominate_count_for_particular_map = 999;
sm.SetValue(map_iteration, nominate_count_for_particular_map, true);
static char map_[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
for (int i = 0; i < voteSize; i++)
int max_count = 0;
char picked_map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
StringMapSnapshot keys = sm.Snapshot();
for (int j = 0; j < keys.Length; j++)
int size = keys.KeyBufferSize(j);
char[] buffer = new char[size];
keys.GetKey(j, buffer, size);
//PrintToChatAll("buffer: %s", buffer);
if (StrEqual(buffer, "nominated_maps"))
int value = 0;
sm.GetValue(buffer, value);
//PrintToChatAll("value: %i", value);
//first selection has most nominates, second selection second most etc etc
if (value >= max_count)
max_count = value;
strcopy(picked_map, sizeof(picked_map), buffer);
delete keys;
if (strlen(picked_map) == 0)
//2023 edit: respecting that only right amount of maps per group is allowed in vote
int groups_[32];
int groups[32];
int groupsfound = InternalGetMapGroups(picked_map, groups, sizeof(groups));
bool skip_nomination = false;
for (int group = 0; group < groupsfound; group ++)
int groupcur = 0;
int groupmax = InternalGetGroupMax(groups[group]);
if (groupmax >= 0)
for (int j = 0; j < GetArraySize(most_nominated_maps); j++)
GetArrayString(most_nominated_maps, j, map_, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
int tmp = InternalGetMapGroups(map_, groups_, sizeof(groups_));
if (FindIntInArray(groups_, tmp, groups[group]) != -1)
if (groupcur >= groupmax)
skip_nomination = true;
if (skip_nomination)
if (skip_nomination)
PushArrayString(most_nominated_maps, picked_map);
//PrintToChatAll("picked_map: %s", picked_map);
delete sm;
return most_nominated_maps;
* Starts a new map vote
* @param when When the resulting map change should occur.
* @param inputlist Optional list of maps to use for the vote, otherwise an internal list of nominations + random maps will be used.
void InitiateVote(MapChange when, Handle inputlist=INVALID_HANDLE)
g_WaitingForVote = true;
g_WarningInProgress = false;
int MenuRandomShuffleStart = 0;
int MenuRandomShuffleStop = 0;
// Check if a vote is in progress first
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Cannot Start Vote", FAILURE_TIMER_LENGTH);
Handle data;
g_RetryTimer = CreateDataTimer(1.0, Timer_StartMapVote, data, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE | TIMER_REPEAT);
/* Mapchooser Extended */
WritePackCell(data, FAILURE_TIMER_LENGTH);
if(GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_RunOff) && g_RunoffCount > 0)
WritePackString(data, "Revote Warning");
WritePackString(data, "Vote Warning");
/* End Mapchooser Extended */
WritePackCell(data, view_as<int>(when));
WritePackCell(data, view_as<int>(inputlist));
/* If the main map vote has completed (and chosen result) and its currently changing (not a delayed change) we block further attempts */
if(g_MapVoteCompleted && g_ChangeMapInProgress)
prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023 = true;
CheckMapRestrictions(true, true);
g_ChangeTime = when;
g_WaitingForVote = false;
g_HasVoteStarted = true;
g_VoteMenu = CreateMenu(Handler_MapVoteMenu, MenuAction_End | MenuAction_Display | MenuAction_DisplayItem | MenuAction_VoteCancel);
g_AddNoVote = GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoVoteOption);
// Block Vote Slots
Handle radioStyle = GetMenuStyleHandle(MenuStyle_Radio);
if(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu) == radioStyle)
g_BlockedSlots = true;
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_ONE, "Choose something...", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_TWO, "...will ya?", ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
MenuRandomShuffleStart += 2;
if(!g_AddNoVote) {
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, LINE_SPACER, "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
g_BlockedSlots = false;
SetMenuOptionFlags(g_VoteMenu, MENUFLAG_BUTTON_NOVOTE);
SetMenuTitle(g_VoteMenu, "Vote Nextmap");
SetVoteResultCallback(g_VoteMenu, Handler_MapVoteFinished);
/* Call OnMapVoteStarted() Forward */
// Call_StartForward(g_MapVoteStartedForward);
// Call_Finish();
* TODO: Make a proper decision on when to clear the nominations list.
* Currently it clears when used, and stays if an external list is provided.
* Is this the right thing to do? External lists will probably come from places
* like sm_mapvote from the adminmenu in the future.
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
/* No input given - User our internal nominations and maplist */
if(inputlist == INVALID_HANDLE)
Handle randomizeList = INVALID_HANDLE;
//2023 edit to allow multiple nominations per player
Handle most_nominated_maps = get_most_nominated_maps();
int voteSize = GetVoteSize(2); //voteSize wrong size probably for my for loop
randomizeList = CloneArray(most_nominated_maps);
int nominateCount = GetArraySize(most_nominated_maps);
/* Smaller of the two - It should be impossible for nominations to exceed the size though (cvar changed mid-map?) */
int nominationsToAdd = nominateCount >= voteSize ? voteSize : nominateCount;
bool extendFirst = GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_ExtendPosition);
if(extendFirst) {
AddExtendToMenu(g_VoteMenu, when);
for(int i = 0; i < nominationsToAdd; i++)
GetArrayString(most_nominated_maps, i, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(randomizeList == INVALID_HANDLE)
RemoveStringFromArray(g_NextMapList, map);
/* Notify Nominations that this map is now free */
/* Clear out the rest of the nominations array */
for(int i = nominationsToAdd; i < nominateCount; i++)
//2023 edit: might need to run all g_NominateList[client] through this instead
GetArrayString(most_nominated_maps, i, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
/* These maps shouldn't be excluded from the vote as they weren't really nominated at all */
/* Notify Nominations that this map is now free */
/* There should currently be 'nominationsToAdd' unique maps in the vote */
int i = nominationsToAdd;
int count = 0;
int availableMaps = GetArraySize(g_NextMapList);
if(i < voteSize && availableMaps == 0)
if(i == 0)
LogError("No maps available for vote.");
LogMessage("Not enough maps to fill map list, reducing map count. Adjust mce_include and mce_exclude to avoid this warning.");
voteSize = i;
while(i < voteSize)
GetArrayString(g_NextMapList, count, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(randomizeList == INVALID_HANDLE)
/* Insert the map and increment our count */
PushArrayString(randomizeList, map);
//Run out of maps, this will have to do.
if(count >= availableMaps)
if(randomizeList != INVALID_HANDLE)
// Fisher-Yates Shuffle
for(int j = GetArraySize(randomizeList) - 1; j >= 1; j--)
int k = GetRandomInt(0, j);
SwapArrayItems(randomizeList, j, k);
for(int j = 0; j < GetArraySize(randomizeList); j++)
GetArrayString(randomizeList, j, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
delete randomizeList;
randomizeList = INVALID_HANDLE;
delete most_nominated_maps;
most_nominated_maps = INVALID_HANDLE;
/* Wipe out our nominations list - Nominations have already been informed of this */
g_NominateCount = 0;
g_NominateReservedCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < MaxClients; j++)
if(!extendFirst) {
AddExtendToMenu(g_VoteMenu, when);
else //We were given a list of maps to start the vote with
int size = GetArraySize(inputlist);
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
GetArrayString(inputlist, i, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
// New in Mapchooser Extended
else if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_DONTCHANGE))
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Dont Change");
else if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_EXTEND))
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
delete inputlist;
int voteDuration = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_VoteDuration);
//SetMenuExitButton(g_VoteMenu, false);
if(GetVoteSize(2) <= GetMaxPageItems(GetMenuStyle(g_VoteMenu)))
//This is necessary to get items 9 and 0 as usable voting items
SetMenuPagination(g_VoteMenu, MENU_NO_PAGINATION);
MenuShufflePerClient(g_VoteMenu, MenuRandomShuffleStart, GetMenuItemCount(g_VoteMenu) - MenuRandomShuffleStop);
VoteMenuToAll(g_VoteMenu, voteDuration);
/* Call OnMapVoteStarted() Forward */
Call_StartForward(g_MapVoteStartForward); // Deprecated
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has started.");
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Nextmap Voting Started");
public void Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(Handle menu,
int num_votes,
int num_clients,
const int[][] client_info,
int num_items,
const int[][] item_info)
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMapItem(menu, item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(strcmp(map, VOTE_EXTEND, false) == 0)
int time;
if(time > 0)
int winlimit = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Winlimit);
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Winlimit, winlimit + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendRoundStep));
int maxrounds = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maxrounds);
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Maxrounds, maxrounds + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendRoundStep));
int fraglimit = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit);
SetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Fraglimit, fraglimit + GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExtendFragStep));
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Current Map Extended", RoundToFloor(float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])/float(num_votes)*100.0), num_votes);
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has finished. The current map has been extended.");
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] Available Extends: %d", GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend) - g_Extends);
// We extended, so well have to vote again.
g_RunoffCount = 0;
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
else if(strcmp(map, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, false) == 0)
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Current Map Stays", RoundToFloor(float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])/float(num_votes)*100.0), num_votes);
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has finished. 'No Change' was the winner");
g_RunoffCount = 0;
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
if(g_ChangeTime == MapChange_MapEnd)
else if(g_ChangeTime == MapChange_Instant)
Handle data;
CreateDataTimer(4.0, Timer_ChangeMap, data);
WritePackString(data, map);
g_ChangeMapInProgress = false;
else // MapChange_RoundEnd
g_ChangeMapAtRoundEnd = true;
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
g_MapVoteCompleted = true;
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Nextmap Voting Finished", map, RoundToFloor(float(item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])/float(num_votes)*100.0), num_votes);
LogAction(-1, -1, "Voting for next map has finished. Nextmap: %s.", map);
public void Handler_MapVoteFinished(Handle menu,
int num_votes,
int num_clients,
const int[][] client_info,
int num_items,
const int[][] item_info)
// Implement revote logic - Only run this` block if revotes are enabled and this isn't the last revote'
prevent_rare_map_vote_bug_2023 = false;
if(GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_RunOff) && num_items > 1 && g_RunoffCount < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MaxRunOffs))
int highest_votes = item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES];
int required_percent = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_RunOffPercent);
int required_votes = RoundToCeil(float(num_votes) * float(required_percent) / 100.0);
if(highest_votes == item_info[1][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
//Revote is needed
int arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
Handle mapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
for(int i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
if(item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES] == highest_votes)
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMapItem(menu, item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
PushArrayString(mapList, map);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Tie Vote", GetArraySize(mapList));
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Revote, view_as<MapChange>(g_ChangeTime), mapList);
else if(highest_votes < required_votes)
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
//Revote is needed
int arraySize = ByteCountToCells(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
Handle mapList = CreateArray(arraySize);
static char map1[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMapItem(menu, item_info[0][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], map1, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
PushArrayString(mapList, map1);
// We allow more than two maps for a revote if they are tied
for(int i = 1; i < num_items; i++)
if(GetArraySize(mapList) < 2 || item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES] == item_info[i - 1][VOTEINFO_ITEM_VOTES])
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetMapItem(menu, item_info[i][VOTEINFO_ITEM_INDEX], map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
PushArrayString(mapList, map);
CPrintToChatAll("[MCE] %t", "Revote Is Needed", required_percent);
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Revote, view_as<MapChange>(g_ChangeTime), mapList);
// No revote needed, continue as normal.
Handler_VoteFinishedGeneric(menu, num_votes, num_clients, client_info, num_items, item_info);
public int Handler_MapVoteMenu(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
case MenuAction_End:
delete menu;
case MenuAction_Display:
static char buffer[255];
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Vote Nextmap", param1);
Handle panel = view_as<Handle>(param2);
SetPanelTitle(panel, buffer);
DrawPanelText(panel, "Warning: The Position of the Maps are different for each Player.");
case MenuAction_DisplayItem:
char buffer[255];
int mark = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_MarkCustomMaps);
GetMenuItem(menu, param2, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, _, _, _, param1);
if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_EXTEND, false))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Extend Map", param1);
else if(StrEqual(map, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, false))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Dont Change", param1);
// Mapchooser Extended
else if(StrEqual(map, LINE_ONE, false))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer),"%T", "Line One", param1);
else if(StrEqual(map, LINE_TWO, false))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer),"%T", "Line Two", param1);
// Note that the first part is to discard the spacer line
else if(!StrEqual(map, LINE_SPACER, false))
if(mark == 1 && !InternalIsMapOfficial(map))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Custom Marked", param1, map);
else if(mark == 2 && !InternalIsMapOfficial(map))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%T", "Custom", param1, map);
else if(InternalGetMapVIPRestriction(map))
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s (%T)", map, "VIP Nomination", param1);
if(buffer[0] != '\0')
return RedrawMenuItem(buffer);
// End Mapchooser Extended
case MenuAction_VoteCancel:
// If we receive 0 votes, pick at random.
if(param1 == VoteCancel_NoVotes && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoVoteMode))
int count = GetMenuItemCount(menu);
int item;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
int startInt = 0;
startInt = 2;
startInt = 3;
item = GetRandomInt(startInt, count - 1);
GetMenuItem(menu, item, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, _, _, _, param1);
while(strcmp(map, VOTE_EXTEND, false) == 0);
g_MapVoteCompleted = true;
g_HasVoteStarted = false;
return 0;
public Action Timer_ChangeMap(Handle hTimer, Handle dp)
g_ChangeMapInProgress = false;
if(!GetNextMap(map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH))
//No passed map and no set nextmap. fail!
return Plugin_Stop;
ReadPackString(dp, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
ForceChangeLevel(map, "Map Vote");
return Plugin_Stop;
bool RemoveStringFromArray(Handle array, char[] str)
int index = FindStringInArray(array, str);
if(index != -1)
RemoveFromArray(array, index);
return true;
return false;
void CreateNextVote()
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
Handle tempMaps = CloneArray(g_MapList);
GetCurrentMap(map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
RemoveStringFromArray(tempMaps, map);
if(GetArraySize(tempMaps) > GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps) && InternalAreRestrictionsActive())
StringMapSnapshot OldMapListSnapshot = g_OldMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < OldMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
OldMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
RemoveStringFromArray(tempMaps, map);
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
StringMapSnapshot TimeMapListSnapshot = g_TimeMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < TimeMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
TimeMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
int Cooldown;
g_TimeMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
if(Cooldown > GetTime())
RemoveStringFromArray(tempMaps, map);
delete TimeMapListSnapshot;
int voteSize = GetVoteSize(2);
int limit = (voteSize < GetArraySize(tempMaps) ? voteSize : GetArraySize(tempMaps));
// group -> number of maps nominated from group
StringMap groupmap = new StringMap();
char groupstr[8];
// populate groupmap with maps from nomination list
static char map_[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
int groups_[32];
//2023 edit
Handle most_nominated_maps = get_most_nominated_maps();
for(int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(most_nominated_maps); i++)
GetArrayString(most_nominated_maps, i, map_, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
int groupsfound = InternalGetMapGroups(map_, groups_, sizeof(groups_));
for(int group = 0; group < groupsfound; group++)
IntToString(group, groupstr, sizeof(groupstr));
int groupcur = 0;
groupmap.GetValue(groupstr, groupcur);
groupmap.SetValue(groupstr, groupcur, true);
// find random maps which honor all restrictions
for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
int b;
for(int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
b = GetRandomInt(0, GetArraySize(tempMaps) - 1);
GetArrayString(tempMaps, b, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(InternalGetMapTimeRestriction(map) != 0)
if(InternalGetMapPlayerRestriction(map) != 0)
if (InternalGetAveragePlayerHourRestriction(map) != 0)
bool okay = true;
int groups[32];
int groupsfound = InternalGetMapGroups(map, groups, sizeof(groups));
for(int group = 0; group < groupsfound; group++)
IntToString(group, groupstr, sizeof(groupstr));
int groupmax = InternalGetGroupMax(groups[group]);
if(groupmax >= 0)
int groupcur = 0;
groupmap.GetValue(groupstr, groupcur);
if(groupcur >= groupmax)
okay = false;
groupmap.SetValue(groupstr, groupcur, true);
PushArrayString(g_NextMapList, map);
RemoveFromArray(tempMaps, b);
delete groupmap;
delete tempMaps;
bool CanVoteStart()
if(g_WaitingForVote || g_HasVoteStarted)
return false;
return true;
NominateResult InternalNominateMap(char[] map, int owner)
return Nominate_InvalidMap;
/* Look to replace an existing nomination by this client - Nominations made with owner = 0 arent replaced */
//2023 edit: change clients first nomination out of the clients multiple nominations, make a check if client filled all his nomination slots
//currently hard coded to 3 maps, just add a cvar to replace it with in the future
if(owner && ((FindValueInArray(g_NominateOwners, owner)) != -1) && GetArraySize(g_NominateList[owner]) > 2)
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], 0, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[owner], 0);
PushArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], map);
return Nominate_Replaced;
/* Too many nominated maps. */
//2023 edit: we dont want this check
if(g_NominateCount >= GetVoteSize(0) && !force)
return Nominate_VoteFull;
if (owner != 0 && g_NominateList[owner] != INVALID_HANDLE)
for (int j = 0; j < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[owner]); j++)
char map_iteration[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], j, map_iteration, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if (StrEqual(map, map_iteration, false))
return Nominate_InvalidMap;
if (g_NominateList[owner] == INVALID_HANDLE)
if (IsClientConnected(owner) && IsClientInGame(owner))
ReplyToCommand(owner, "This should be invalid.");
return Nominate_InvalidMap;
PushArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], map);
PushArrayCell(g_NominateOwners, owner); //maybe i only want to do this for the first nomination of each client
if(owner == 0 && g_NominateReservedCount < GetVoteSize(1))
while(GetArraySize(g_NominateList[owner]) > GetVoteSize(2))
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], 0, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
int owner_ = GetArrayCell(g_NominateOwners, 0);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[owner], 0);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateOwners, 0);
if(owner_ == 0)
return Nominate_Added;
/* Add natives to allow nominate and initiate vote to be call */
/* native bool NominateMap(const char[] map, bool force, &NominateError:error); */
public int Native_NominateMap(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return view_as<int>(InternalNominateMap(map, GetNativeCell(3)));
bool InternalRemoveNominationByMap(char[] map)
for (int client = 0; client < MaxClients; client++)
for(int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[client]); i++)
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[client], i, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if(strcmp(map, oldmap, false) == 0)
int owner = GetArrayCell(g_NominateOwners, i);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[client], i);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateOwners, i);
return true;
return false;
/* native bool RemoveNominationByMap(const char[] map); */
public int Native_RemoveNominationByMap(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return view_as<int>(InternalRemoveNominationByMap(map));
bool InternalRemoveNominationByOwner(int owner)
int index;
if(owner && ((index = FindValueInArray(g_NominateOwners, owner)) != -1))
char oldmap[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[owner], index, oldmap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[owner], index);
//maybe only do once or change g_NominateOwners
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateOwners, index);
return true;
return false;
/* native bool RemoveNominationByOwner(owner); */
public int Native_RemoveNominationByOwner(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return view_as<int>(InternalRemoveNominationByOwner(GetNativeCell(1)));
/* native InitiateMapChooserVote(); */
public int Native_InitiateVote(Handle plugin, int numParams)
MapChange when = view_as<MapChange>(GetNativeCell(1));
Handle inputarray = view_as<Handle>(GetNativeCell(2));
LogAction(-1, -1, "Starting map vote because outside request");
SetupWarningTimer(WarningType_Vote, when, inputarray);
return 0;
public int Native_CanVoteStart(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return CanVoteStart();
public int Native_CheckVoteDone(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return g_MapVoteCompleted;
public int Native_EndOfMapVoteEnabled(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote);
public int Native_GetExcludeMapList(Handle plugin, int numParams)
Handle array = view_as<Handle>(GetNativeCell(1));
if(array == INVALID_HANDLE)
return 0;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
StringMapSnapshot OldMapListSnapshot = g_OldMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < OldMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
OldMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
PushArrayString(array, map);
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
return 0;
public int Native_GetNominatedMapList(Handle plugin, int numParams)
Handle maparray = view_as<Handle>(GetNativeCell(1));
Handle ownerarray = view_as<Handle>(GetNativeCell(2));
if(maparray == INVALID_HANDLE)
return 0;
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
CheckMapRestrictions(true, true);
when a guy checks the nomlist the only thing that has changed is the time.
Its not smart to display a map in the nominate list just for Initiate Vote() to discard it anyways from the map vote just because of time based restriction
for (int client = 0; client < MaxClients; client++)
for(int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[client]); i++)
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[client], i, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
PushArrayString(maparray, map);
// If the optional parameter for an owner list was passed, then we need to fill that out as well
if(ownerarray != INVALID_HANDLE)
//int index = GetArrayCell(g_NominateOwners, i);
PushArrayCell(ownerarray, client);
return 0;
// Functions new to Mapchooser Extended
stock void SetupWarningTimer(WarningType type, MapChange when=MapChange_MapEnd, Handle mapList=INVALID_HANDLE, bool force=false)
if(!GetArraySize(g_MapList) || g_ChangeMapInProgress || g_HasVoteStarted || (!force && ((when == MapChange_MapEnd && !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote)) || g_MapVoteCompleted)))
bool interrupted = false;
if(g_WarningInProgress && g_WarningTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
interrupted = true;
g_WarningInProgress = true;
Handle forwardVote;
Handle cvarTime;
static char translationKey[64];
case WarningType_Vote:
forwardVote = g_MapVoteWarningStartForward;
cvarTime = g_Cvar_WarningTime;
strcopy(translationKey, sizeof(translationKey), "Vote Warning");
case WarningType_Revote:
forwardVote = g_MapVoteRunoffStartForward;
cvarTime = g_Cvar_RunOffWarningTime;
strcopy(translationKey, sizeof(translationKey), "Revote Warning");
Handle data;
g_WarningTimer = CreateDataTimer(1.0, Timer_StartMapVote, data, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE | TIMER_REPEAT);
WritePackCell(data, GetConVarInt(cvarTime));
WritePackString(data, translationKey);
WritePackCell(data, view_as<int>(when));
WritePackCell(data, view_as<int>(mapList));
stock void InitializeOfficialMapList()
// If this fails, we want it to have an empty adt_array
LogMessage("Loaded map list for %s.", g_GameModName);
// Check if the map list was ever loaded
else if(g_mapOfficialFileSerial == -1)
LogMessage("No official map list found for %s. Consider submitting one!", g_GameModName);
stock bool IsMapEndVoteAllowed()
if(!GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_EndOfMapVote) || g_MapVoteCompleted || g_HasVoteStarted)
return false;
return true;
public int Native_IsMapOfficial(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalIsMapOfficial(map);
bool InternalIsMapOfficial(const char[] mapname)
int officialMapIndex = FindStringInArray(g_OfficialList, mapname);
return (officialMapIndex > -1);
public int Native_IsWarningTimer(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return g_WarningInProgress;
public int Native_CanNominate(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return view_as<int>(CanNominate_No_VoteInProgress);
return view_as<int>(CanNominate_No_VoteComplete);
if(g_NominateCount >= GetVoteSize())
return view_as<int>(CanNominate_No_VoteFull);
return view_as<int>(CanNominate_Yes);
public int Native_ExcludeMap(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return true;
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int Cooldown;
int Mode = GetNativeCell(3);
if(Mode == 0)
Cooldown = InternalGetMapCooldown(map);
else if(Mode == 1)
Cooldown = GetNativeCell(2);
else if(Mode == 2)
g_OldMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
int NewCooldown = GetNativeCell(2);
if(NewCooldown > Cooldown)
Cooldown = NewCooldown;
g_OldMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
return true;
public int Native_ExcludeMapTime(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return true;
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int Cooldown;
int Mode = GetNativeCell(3);
if(Mode == 0)
Cooldown = InternalGetMapCooldownTime(map);
else if(Mode == 1)
Cooldown = GetNativeCell(2);
else if(Mode == 2)
g_TimeMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
int NewCooldown = GetTime() + GetNativeCell(2);
if(NewCooldown > Cooldown)
Cooldown = GetNativeCell(2);
return true;
Cooldown += GetTime();
g_TimeMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
return true;
public int Native_GetMapCooldown(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return 0;
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int Cooldown = 0;
g_OldMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
return Cooldown;
public int Native_GetMapCooldownTime(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return 0;
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int Cooldown = 0;
g_TimeMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
return Cooldown;
public int Native_GetMapMinTime(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapMinTime(map);
public int Native_GetMapMaxTime(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapMaxTime(map);
public int Native_GetMapMinPlayers(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapMinPlayers(map);
public int Native_GetMapMaxPlayers(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapMaxPlayers(map);
public int Native_GetMapTimeRestriction(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapTimeRestriction(map);
public int Native_GetAveragePlayerTimeOnServerMapRestriction(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetAveragePlayerHourRestriction(map);
stock int InternalGetAveragePlayerHourRestriction(const char[] map)
int players_average_hours = GetAveragePlayerTimeOnServer();
int MinAverageHours = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
MinAverageHours = g_Config.GetNum("MinHoursAvg", MinAverageHours);
//0 means map can be nominated, anything above 0 means more hours are required
if (players_average_hours >= MinAverageHours)
return 0;
return MinAverageHours - players_average_hours;
public int Native_GetMapPlayerRestriction(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
return InternalGetMapPlayerRestriction(map);
public int Native_GetMapGroups(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
int size = GetNativeCell(3);
if(len <= 0)
return -999;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int[] groups = new int[size];
int found = InternalGetMapGroups(map, groups, size);
if(found >= 0)
SetNativeArray(2, groups, size);
return found;
public int Native_GetMapGroupRestriction(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return -999;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
int groups[32];
int groupsfound = InternalGetMapGroups(map, groups, sizeof(groups));
for(int group = 0; group < groupsfound; group ++)
int groupcur = 0;
int groupmax = InternalGetGroupMax(groups[group]);
if(groupmax >= 0)
static char map_[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char kv_map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
int groups_[32];
KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("cur_groups");
for (int clienti = 0; clienti < MaxClients; clienti++)
for(int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[clienti]); i++)
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[clienti], i, map_, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
int tmp = InternalGetMapGroups(map_, groups_, sizeof(groups_));
kv.GetString(map_, kv_map, sizeof(kv_map), "not_found");
if(FindIntInArray(groups_, tmp, groups[group]) != -1 && StrEqual(kv_map, "not_found"))
kv.SetString(map_, map_);
delete kv;
return -1;
public int Native_GetMapVIPRestriction(Handle plugin, int numParams)
int client = GetNativeCell(2);
int len;
GetNativeStringLength(1, len);
if(len <= 0)
return false;
char[] map = new char[len+1];
GetNativeString(1, map, len+1);
// Check if client should bypass vip restrictions
if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients)
// Client has bypass flag, dont return vip restrictions
if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_nominate_ignore", ADMFLAG_CHEATS))
return false;
// Client has vip flag, dont return vip restrictions
if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_nominate_vip", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1))
return false;
return InternalGetMapVIPRestriction(map);
public int Native_GetExtendsLeft(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend) - g_Extends;
public int Native_AreRestrictionsActive(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return InternalAreRestrictionsActive();
public int Native_SimulateMapEnd(Handle plugin, int numParams)
return 0;
stock void AddMapItem(const char[] map)
AddMenuItem(g_VoteMenu, map, map);
stock void GetMapItem(Handle menu, int position, char[] map, int mapLen)
GetMenuItem(menu, position, map, mapLen, _, _, _, -1);
stock void AddExtendToMenu(Handle menu, MapChange when)
/* Do we add any special items? */
// Moved for Mapchooser Extended
if((when == MapChange_Instant || when == MapChange_RoundEnd) && GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_DontChange))
// Built-in votes doesnt have "Dont Change", send Extend instead
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_DONTCHANGE, "Dont Change");
else if(GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Extend) && g_Extends < GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_Extend))
AddMenuItem(menu, VOTE_EXTEND, "Extend Map");
// 0 = IncludeMaps, 1 = Reserved, 2 = IncludeMaps+Reserved
stock int GetVoteSize(int what=0)
int includeMaps = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_IncludeMaps);
int includeMapsReserved = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_IncludeMapsReserved);
if(what == 0)
return includeMaps;
else if(what == 1)
return includeMapsReserved;
else if(what == 2)
return includeMaps + includeMapsReserved;
return 0;
stock int InternalGetMapCooldown(const char[] map)
int Cooldown = g_Cvar_ExcludeMaps.IntValue;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
Cooldown = g_Config.GetNum("Cooldown", Cooldown);
return Cooldown;
stock int InternalGetMapCooldownTime(const char[] map)
char time[16];
g_Cvar_ExcludeMapsTime.GetString(time, sizeof(time));
int Cooldown = TimeStrToSeconds(time);
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
g_Config.GetString("CooldownTime", time, sizeof(time), "");
Cooldown = TimeStrToSeconds(time);
return Cooldown;
void CheckMapRestrictions(bool time = false, bool players = false)
static char map[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
for (int client = 0; client < MaxClients; client++)
if(CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_nominate_ignore", ADMFLAG_CHEATS, true))
for (int i = 0; i < GetArraySize(g_NominateList[client]); i++)
bool remove;
GetArrayString(g_NominateList[client], i, map, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
if (time)
int TimeRestriction = InternalGetMapTimeRestriction(map);
remove = true;
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
CPrintToChat(client, "[MCE] %t", "Nomination Removed Time Error", map);
if (players)
int PlayerRestriction = InternalGetMapPlayerRestriction(map);
remove = true;
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
if(PlayerRestriction < 0)
CPrintToChat(client, "[MCE] %t", "Nomination Removed MinPlayers Error", map);
CPrintToChat(client, "[MCE] %t", "Nomination Removed MaxPlayers Error", map);
if (InternalGetAveragePlayerHourRestriction(map) > 0 && !remove)
remove = true;
if (client > 0 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[MCE] Your nomination %s has been removed because it does not meet the minimum Average hour requirements.", map);
if (remove)
if (strlen(map) > 0)
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateList[client], i);
RemoveFromArray(g_NominateOwners, i);
stock int InternalGetMapMinTime(const char[] map)
int MinTime = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
MinTime = g_Config.GetNum("MinTime", MinTime);
return MinTime;
stock int InternalGetMapMaxTime(const char[] map)
int MaxTime = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
MaxTime = g_Config.GetNum("MaxTime", MaxTime);
return MaxTime;
stock int InternalGetMapMinPlayers(const char[] map)
int MinPlayers = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
MinPlayers = g_Config.GetNum("MinPlayers", MinPlayers);
return MinPlayers;
stock int InternalGetMapMaxPlayers(const char[] map)
int MaxPlayers = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
MaxPlayers = g_Config.GetNum("MaxPlayers", MaxPlayers);
return MaxPlayers;
stock int InternalGetMapGroups(const char[] map, int[] groups, int size)
int found = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey("_groups"))
return -999;
char groupstr[8];
g_Config.GetSectionName(groupstr, sizeof(groupstr));
int group = StringToInt(groupstr);
if(g_Config.JumpToKey(map, false))
groups[found++] = group;
if(found >= size)
return found;
} while(g_Config.GotoNextKey());
return found;
stock int InternalGetGroupMax(int group)
char groupstr[8];
IntToString(group, groupstr, sizeof(groupstr));
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey("_groups"))
if(g_Config.JumpToKey(groupstr, false))
int max = g_Config.GetNum("_max", -1);
return max;
return -1;
// 0 = Okay
// >0 = Minutes till Okay
stock int InternalGetMapTimeRestriction(const char[] map)
char sTime[8];
FormatTime(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%H%M");
int CurTime = StringToInt(sTime);
int MinTime = InternalGetMapMinTime(map);
int MaxTime = InternalGetMapMaxTime(map);
//Wrap around.
CurTime = (CurTime <= MinTime) ? CurTime + 2400 : CurTime;
MaxTime = (MaxTime <= MinTime) ? MaxTime + 2400 : MaxTime;
if (!(MinTime <= CurTime <= MaxTime))
//Wrap around.
MinTime = (MinTime <= CurTime) ? MinTime + 2400 : MinTime;
MinTime = (MinTime <= MaxTime) ? MinTime + 2400 : MinTime;
// Convert our 'time' to minutes.
CurTime = (RoundToFloor(float(CurTime / 100)) * 60) + (CurTime % 100);
MinTime = (RoundToFloor(float(MinTime / 100)) * 60) + (MinTime % 100);
MaxTime = (RoundToFloor(float(MaxTime / 100)) * 60) + (MaxTime % 100);
return MinTime - CurTime;
return 0;
public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
is_bot_player[client] = false;
char auth[50];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Engine, auth, sizeof(auth));
if (StrEqual("[U:1:1221121532]", auth, false) || StrEqual("STEAM_0:0:610560766", auth, false))
is_bot_player[client] = true;
if (StrEqual("[U:1:408797742]", auth, false) || StrEqual("STEAM_0:0:204398871", auth, false))
is_bot_player[client] = true;
if (StrEqual("[U:1:1036189204]", auth, false) || StrEqual("STEAM_0:0:518094602", auth, false))
is_bot_player[client] = true;
if (StrEqual("[U:1:120378081]", auth, false) || StrEqual("STEAM_0:1:60189040", auth, false))
is_bot_player[client] = true;
// <0 = Less than MinPlayers
// 0 = Okay
// >0 = More than MaxPlayers
stock int InternalGetMapPlayerRestriction(const char[] map)
//int NumPlayers = GetClientCount(false);
int NumPlayers = 0;
//excluding non connected players, fakeclients, sourceTV, autism bots and nosteamers from player count restriction
for (int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
if (IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && !IsClientSourceTV(client) && !is_bot_player[client]
&& PM_IsPlayerSteam(client))
int MinPlayers = InternalGetMapMinPlayers(map);
int MaxPlayers = InternalGetMapMaxPlayers(map);
if(MinPlayers && NumPlayers < MinPlayers)
return NumPlayers - MinPlayers;
if(MaxPlayers && NumPlayers > MaxPlayers)
return NumPlayers - MaxPlayers;
return 0;
stock bool InternalAreRestrictionsActive()
if (!GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeEnable))
return true;
char sTime[8];
FormatTime(sTime, sizeof(sTime), "%H%M");
int CurTime = StringToInt(sTime);
int MinTime = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMinTime);
int MaxTime = GetConVarInt(g_Cvar_NoRestrictionTimeframeMaxTime);
//Wrap around.
CurTime = (CurTime <= MinTime) ? CurTime + 2400 : CurTime;
MaxTime = (MaxTime <= MinTime) ? MaxTime + 2400 : MaxTime;
if ((MinTime <= CurTime <= MaxTime))
return false;
return true;
stock int FindIntInArray(int[] array, int size, int value)
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(array[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
stock bool InternalGetMapVIPRestriction(const char[] map)
int VIP = 0;
if(g_Config && g_Config.JumpToKey(map))
VIP = g_Config.GetNum("VIP", VIP);
return view_as<bool>(VIP);
stock void InternalRestoreMapCooldowns()
char sCooldownFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sCooldownFile, sizeof(sCooldownFile), "configs/mapchooser_extended/cooldowns.cfg");
LogMessage("Could not find cooldown file: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
KeyValues Cooldowns = new KeyValues("mapchooser_extended");
LogMessage("Unable to load cooldown file: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
delete Cooldowns;
LogMessage("Unable to goto first sub key: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
delete Cooldowns;
int Cooldown;
if(!Cooldowns.GetSectionName(map, sizeof(map)))
LogMessage("Unable to get section name: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
delete Cooldowns;
if((Cooldown = Cooldowns.GetNum("Cooldown", -1)) > 0)
LogMessage("Restored cooldown: %s -> %d", map, Cooldown);
g_OldMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
if((Cooldown = Cooldowns.GetNum("CooldownTime", -1)) > 0)
LogMessage("Restored time cooldown: %s -> %d", map, Cooldown);
g_TimeMapList.SetValue(map, Cooldown, true);
} while(Cooldowns.GotoNextKey(true));
delete Cooldowns;
stock void InternalStoreMapCooldowns()
char sCooldownFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
BuildPath(Path_SM, sCooldownFile, sizeof(sCooldownFile), "configs/mapchooser_extended/cooldowns.cfg");
LogMessage("Could not find cooldown file: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
KeyValues Cooldowns = new KeyValues("mapchooser_extended");
int Cooldown;
StringMapSnapshot OldMapListSnapshot = g_OldMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < OldMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
OldMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
g_OldMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
if (!Cooldowns.JumpToKey(map, true))
LogMessage("Unable to create/find key: %s", map);
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
delete Cooldowns;
Cooldowns.SetNum("Cooldown", Cooldown);
delete OldMapListSnapshot;
StringMapSnapshot TimeMapListSnapshot = g_TimeMapList.Snapshot();
for(int i = 0; i < TimeMapListSnapshot.Length; i++)
TimeMapListSnapshot.GetKey(i, map, sizeof(map));
g_TimeMapList.GetValue(map, Cooldown);
if (!Cooldowns.JumpToKey(map, true))
LogMessage("Unable to create/find key: %s", map);
delete TimeMapListSnapshot;
delete Cooldowns;
Cooldowns.SetNum("CooldownTime", Cooldown);
delete TimeMapListSnapshot;
LogMessage("Unable to export cooldown file: \"%s\"", sCooldownFile);
delete Cooldowns;
delete Cooldowns;
stock int TimeStrToSeconds(const char[] str)
int seconds = 0;
int maxlen = strlen(str);
for(int i = 0; i < maxlen;)
int val = 0;
i += StringToIntEx(str[i], val);
if(str[i] == 'h')
val *= 60;
seconds += val * 60;
return seconds;