
116 lines
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#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <sdktools>
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
#include <zombiereloaded>
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "RadarSpotAll",
author = "BotoX",
description = "Always spot every player on the radar.",
version = "1.0",
url = ""
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
ConVar g_cRadarMode;
int g_RadarMode;
int g_hPlayerSpotted;
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
int g_aSpottedPlayers[MAXPLAYERS+1];
public void OnPluginStart()
g_hPlayerSpotted = FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayerResource", "m_bPlayerSpotted");
if(g_hPlayerSpotted == -1)
SetFailState("Couldn't find CCSPlayerResource::m_bPlayerSpotted");
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
g_cRadarMode = CreateConVar("sm_radar_mode", "2", "RadarSpotAll mode: 0 = Default, 1 = Show zombies, 2 = Show all, 3 = Show none", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 3.0);
HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_Spawn, EventHookMode_Post);
2019-10-30 23:16:39 +01:00
RadarModeChanged(g_cRadarMode, "", "");
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
public void RadarModeChanged(ConVar cvar, const char[] sOldVal, const char[] sNewVal)
g_RadarMode = cvar.IntValue;
for(int client = 1; client < MaxClients; client++)
if(g_RadarMode == 0)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 0;
else if(g_RadarMode == 1)
if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && ZR_IsClientZombie(client))
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 1;
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 0;
else if(g_RadarMode == 2)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 1;
else if(g_RadarMode == 3)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 0;
public void OnMapStart()
int entity = FindEntityByClassname(MaxClients+1, "cs_player_manager");
if(entity == -1)
SetFailState("Unable to find cs_player_manager entity");
SDKHook(entity, SDKHook_ThinkPost, OnThinkPost);
public void OnThinkPost(int entity)
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
SetEntDataArray(entity, g_hPlayerSpotted, g_aSpottedPlayers, MAXPLAYERS+1, 1, true);
2019-10-26 01:27:51 +02:00
public void Event_Spawn(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if(g_RadarMode == 1)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 0;
public void ZR_OnClientInfected(int client, int attacker, bool motherInfect, bool respawnOverride, bool respawn)
if(g_RadarMode == 1)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 1;
public void ZR_OnClientHumanPost(int client, bool respawn, bool protect)
if(g_RadarMode == 1)
g_aSpottedPlayers[client] = 0;