2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
// Name: [entWatch] Restrictions
// Author: zaCade & Prometheum
// Description: Handle the restrictions of [entWatch]
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
#include <smlib>
2017-11-21 02:42:43 +01:00
#include <multicolors>
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
#pragma newdecls required
#include <sourcemod>
#include <clientprefs>
2017-11-21 02:42:43 +01:00
#include <entWatch4>
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
#include <entWatch_core>
Handle g_hFwd_OnClientRestricted;
Handle g_hFwd_OnClientUnrestricted;
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
Handle g_hCookie_RestrictIssued;
Handle g_hCookie_RestrictLength;
Handle g_hCookie_RestrictExpire;
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
int g_iRestrictIssued[MAXPLAYERS+1];
int g_iRestrictLength[MAXPLAYERS+1];
int g_iRestrictExpire[MAXPLAYERS+1];
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "[entWatch] Restrictions",
author = "zaCade & Prometheum",
description = "Handle the restrictions of [entWatch]",
version = "4.0.0"
// Purpose:
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle hMyself, bool bLate, char[] sError, int errorSize)
CreateNative("EW_ClientRestrict", Native_ClientRestrict);
CreateNative("EW_ClientUnrestrict", Native_ClientUnrestrict);
CreateNative("EW_ClientRestricted", Native_ClientRestricted);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return APLRes_Success;
// Purpose:
public void OnPluginStart()
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
g_hFwd_OnClientRestricted = CreateGlobalForward("EW_OnClientRestricted", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
g_hFwd_OnClientUnrestricted = CreateGlobalForward("EW_OnClientUnrestricted", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
g_hCookie_RestrictIssued = RegClientCookie("EW_RestrictIssued", "", CookieAccess_Private);
g_hCookie_RestrictLength = RegClientCookie("EW_RestrictLength", "", CookieAccess_Private);
g_hCookie_RestrictExpire = RegClientCookie("EW_RestrictExpire", "", CookieAccess_Private);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
RegAdminCmd("sm_eban", Command_ClientRestrict, ADMFLAG_BAN);
RegAdminCmd("sm_eunban", Command_ClientUnrestrict, ADMFLAG_UNBAN);
// Purpose:
public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
g_iRestrictIssued[client] = GetClientCookieInt(client, g_hCookie_RestrictIssued);
g_iRestrictLength[client] = GetClientCookieInt(client, g_hCookie_RestrictLength);
g_iRestrictExpire[client] = GetClientCookieInt(client, g_hCookie_RestrictExpire);
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
// Purpose:
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
g_iRestrictIssued[client] = 0;
g_iRestrictLength[client] = 0;
g_iRestrictExpire[client] = 0;
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
// Purpose:
public Action Command_ClientRestrict(int client, int args)
if (!GetCmdArgs())
CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%sUsage: sm_eban <#userid/name> [duration]", "E01B5D", "F16767");
return Plugin_Handled;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
char sTarget[32];
char sLength[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
GetCmdArg(2, sLength, sizeof(sLength));
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
int target;
if ((target = FindTarget(client, sTarget, true)) == -1)
return Plugin_Handled;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
int length = StringToInt(sLength);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
if (ClientRestrict(client, target, length))
if (length)
CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%N\x07%s restricted \x07%s%N\x07%s for \x07%s%d\x07%s minutes.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767", "EDEDED", length, "F16767");
LogAction(client, target, "%L restricted %L for %d minutes.", client, target, length);
CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%N\x07%s restricted \x07%s%N\x07%s permanently.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767");
LogAction(client, target, "%L restricted %L permanently.", client, target);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public Action Command_ClientUnrestrict(int client, int args)
if (!GetCmdArgs())
CReplyToCommand(client, "\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%sUsage: sm_eunban <#userid/name>", "E01B5D", "F16767");
return Plugin_Handled;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
char sTarget[32];
GetCmdArg(1, sTarget, sizeof(sTarget));
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
int target;
if ((target = FindTarget(client, sTarget, true)) == -1)
return Plugin_Handled;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
if (ClientUnrestrict(client, target))
CPrintToChatAll("\x07%s[entWatch] \x07%s%N\x07%s unrestricted \x07%s%N\x07%s.", "E01B5D", "EDEDED", client, "F16767", "EDEDED", target, "F16767");
LogAction(client, target, "%L unrestricted %L.", client, target);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return Plugin_Handled;
// Purpose:
public Action EW_OnClientItemCanPickup(any[] itemArray, int client, int index)
return ClientRestricted(client)?Plugin_Handled:Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
public Action EW_OnClientItemCanActivate(any[] itemArray, int client, int index)
return ClientRestricted(client)?Plugin_Handled:Plugin_Continue;
// Purpose:
stock bool ClientRestrict(int client, int target, int length)
if (!Client_IsValid(client) || !Client_IsValid(target) || !AreClientCookiesCached(target) || ClientRestricted(target))
return false;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
int issued = GetTime();
int second = length * 60;
int expire = issued + second;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
g_iRestrictIssued[target] = issued;
g_iRestrictLength[target] = length;
g_iRestrictExpire[target] = expire;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictIssued, issued);
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictLength, length);
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictExpire, expire);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return true;
// Purpose:
stock bool ClientUnrestrict(int client, int target)
if (!Client_IsValid(client) || !Client_IsValid(target) || !AreClientCookiesCached(target) || !ClientRestricted(target))
return false;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
g_iRestrictIssued[target] = 0;
g_iRestrictLength[target] = 0;
g_iRestrictExpire[target] = 0;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictIssued, 0);
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictLength, 0);
SetClientCookieInt(target, g_hCookie_RestrictExpire, 0);
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return true;
// Purpose:
stock bool ClientRestricted(int client)
if (!Client_IsValid(client))
return false;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
//Block them when loading cookies..
if (!AreClientCookiesCached(client))
return true;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
//Permanent restriction..
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
if (g_iRestrictExpire[client] && g_iRestrictLength[client] == 0)
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return true;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
//Limited restriction..
2017-10-12 21:53:17 +02:00
if (g_iRestrictExpire[client] && g_iRestrictExpire[client] >= GetTime())
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return true;
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return false;
// Purpose:
public int Native_ClientRestrict(Handle hPlugin, int numParams)
return ClientRestrict(GetNativeCell(1), GetNativeCell(2), GetNativeCell(3));
// Purpose:
public int Native_ClientUnrestrict(Handle hPlugin, int numParams)
return ClientUnrestrict(GetNativeCell(1), GetNativeCell(2));
// Purpose:
public int Native_ClientRestricted(Handle hPlugin, int numParams)
return ClientRestricted(GetNativeCell(1));
// Purpose:
stock void SetClientCookieInt(int client, Handle hCookie, int value)
char sValue[32];
IntToString(value, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
SetClientCookie(client, hCookie, sValue);
// Purpose:
stock int GetClientCookieInt(int client, Handle hCookie)
char sValue[32];
GetClientCookie(client, hCookie, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
2018-08-08 17:31:50 +02:00
2017-03-01 21:05:40 +01:00
return StringToInt(sValue);