Update TF2 extension for new m_nPlayerCondEx3 player conditions field.
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,13 +35,10 @@
#include <iplayerinfo.h>
typedef struct condflags_s {
uint64_t upper;
uint64_t lower;
} condflags_t;
condflags_t condflags_empty = { 0, 0 };
#include <bitvec.h>
condflags_t g_PlayerConds[SM_MAXPLAYERS+1];
typedef CBitVec<128> condbitvec_t;
condbitvec_t g_PlayerActiveConds[SM_MAXPLAYERS + 1];
IForward *g_addCondForward = NULL;
IForward *g_removeCondForward = NULL;
@ -49,26 +46,37 @@ IForward *g_removeCondForward = NULL;
int playerCondOffset = -1;
int playerCondExOffset = -1;
int playerCondEx2Offset = -1;
int playerCondEx3Offset = -1;
int conditionBitsOffset = -1;
bool g_bIgnoreRemove;
#define MAX_CONDS (sizeof(uint64_t) * 8)
inline condflags_t GetPlayerConds(CBaseEntity *pPlayer)
inline void GetPlayerConds(CBaseEntity *pPlayer, condbitvec_t *pOut)
condflags_t result;
uint32_t playerCond = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondOffset);
uint32_t condBits = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + conditionBitsOffset);
uint32_t playerCondEx = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondExOffset);
uint32_t playerCondEx2 = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondEx2Offset);
uint32_t tmp = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondOffset);
tmp |= *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + conditionBitsOffset);
pOut->SetDWord(0, tmp);
tmp = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondExOffset);
pOut->SetDWord(1, tmp);
tmp = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t)pPlayer + playerCondEx2Offset);
pOut->SetDWord(2, tmp);
tmp = *(uint32_t *)((intptr_t) pPlayer + playerCondEx3Offset);
pOut->SetDWord(3, tmp);
uint64_t playerCondExAdj = playerCondEx;
playerCondExAdj <<= 32;
inline void CondBitVecAndNot(const condbitvec_t &src, const condbitvec_t &addStr, condbitvec_t *out)
// CBitVec has And and Not, but not a simple, combined AndNot.
// We'll also treat the halves as two 64-bit ints instead of four 32-bit ints
// as a minor optimization (maybe?) that the compiler is not making itself.
uint64 *pDest = (uint64 *)out->Base();
const uint64 *pOperand1 = (const uint64 *) src.Base();
const uint64 *pOperand2 = (const uint64 *) addStr.Base();
result.lower = playerCond|condBits|playerCondExAdj;
result.upper = playerCondEx2;
return result;
pDest[0] = pOperand1[0] & ~pOperand2[0];
pDest[1] = pOperand1[1] & ~pOperand2[1];
void Conditions_OnGameFrame(bool simulating)
@ -76,73 +84,46 @@ void Conditions_OnGameFrame(bool simulating)
if (!simulating)
condflags_t oldconds;
condflags_t newconds;
static condbitvec_t newconds;
condflags_t addedconds;
condflags_t removedconds;
static condbitvec_t addedconds;
static condbitvec_t removedconds;
int maxClients = gpGlobals->maxClients;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxClients; i++)
IGamePlayer *pPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i);
if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsInGame())
IPlayerInfo *info = pPlayer->GetPlayerInfo();
if (info->IsHLTV() || info->IsReplay())
if (!pPlayer->IsInGame() || pPlayer->IsSourceTV() || pPlayer->IsReplay())
CBaseEntity *pEntity = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(i);
oldconds = g_PlayerConds[i];
newconds = GetPlayerConds(pEntity);
condbitvec_t &oldconds = g_PlayerActiveConds[i];
GetPlayerConds(pEntity, &newconds);
if (oldconds.lower == newconds.lower && oldconds.upper == newconds.upper)
if (oldconds == newconds)
addedconds.lower = newconds.lower &~ oldconds.lower;
removedconds.lower = oldconds.lower &~ newconds.lower;
addedconds.upper = newconds.upper &~ oldconds.upper;
removedconds.upper = oldconds.upper &~ newconds.upper;
CondBitVecAndNot(newconds, oldconds, &addedconds);
CondBitVecAndNot(oldconds, newconds, &removedconds);
uint64_t j;
uint64_t bit;
uint64_t maxbit = MAX(addedconds.lower, addedconds.upper);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONDS && (bit = ((uint64_t)1 << j)) <= maxbit; j++)
if ((addedconds.lower & bit) == bit)
int bit;
bit = 0;
while ((bit = addedconds.FindNextSetBit(bit)) != -1)
g_addCondForward->PushCell(j & 0xFFFFFFFF);
g_addCondForward->Execute(NULL, NULL);
if ((addedconds.upper & bit) == bit)
g_addCondForward->PushCell((j+64) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
g_addCondForward->Execute(NULL, NULL);
maxbit = MAX(removedconds.lower, removedconds.upper);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONDS && (bit = ((uint64_t)1 << j)) <= maxbit; j++)
if ((removedconds.lower & bit) == bit)
bit = 0;
while ((bit = removedconds.FindNextSetBit(bit)) != -1)
g_removeCondForward->PushCell(j & 0xFFFFFFFF);
g_removeCondForward->Execute(NULL, NULL);
if ((removedconds.upper & bit) == bit)
g_removeCondForward->PushCell((j+64) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
g_removeCondForward->Execute(NULL, NULL);
g_PlayerConds[i] = newconds;
g_PlayerActiveConds[i] = newconds;
@ -181,7 +162,15 @@ bool InitialiseConditionChecks()
playerCondEx2Offset = prop.actual_offset;
if (playerCondOffset == -1 || playerCondExOffset == -1 || conditionBitsOffset == -1 || playerCondEx2Offset == -1)
if (!gamehelpers->FindSendPropInfo("CTFPlayer", "m_nPlayerCondEx3", &prop))
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Failed to find m_nPlayerCondEx3 prop offset");
return false;
playerCondEx3Offset = prop.actual_offset;
if (playerCondOffset == -1 || playerCondExOffset == -1 || conditionBitsOffset == -1 || playerCondEx2Offset == -1 || playerCondEx3Offset == -1)
return false;
int maxClients = gpGlobals->maxClients;
@ -191,7 +180,7 @@ bool InitialiseConditionChecks()
if (!pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsInGame())
g_PlayerConds[i] = GetPlayerConds(gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(i));
GetPlayerConds(gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(i), &g_PlayerActiveConds[i]);
@ -201,7 +190,7 @@ bool InitialiseConditionChecks()
void Conditions_OnClientPutInServer(int client)
g_PlayerConds[client] = condflags_empty;
void RemoveConditionChecks()
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ stock bool:TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(client, TFCond:cond)
return true;
else if (_:cond < 96)
new bit = (1 << (_:cond - 64));
if ((GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_nPlayerCondEx2") & bit) == bit)
@ -532,6 +532,14 @@ stock bool:TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(client, TFCond:cond)
return true;
new bit = (1 << (_:cond - 96));
if ((GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_nPlayerCondEx3") & bit) == bit)
return true;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user