Check presubmit response, implement module uploading

This commit is contained in:
Asher Baker 2019-01-05 02:02:29 +00:00
parent 3cced00e29
commit fdc6c99abd

View File

@ -365,19 +365,23 @@ public:
class UploadThread: public IThread
FILE *log = nullptr;
void RunThread(IThreadHandle *pHandle) {
rootconsole->ConsolePrint("Accelerator upload thread started.");
FILE *log = fopen(logPath, "a");
log = fopen(logPath, "a");
if (!log) {
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Failed to open Accelerator log file: %s", logPath);
IDirectory *dumps = libsys->OpenDirectory(dumpStoragePath);
int skip = 0;
int count = 0;
int failed = 0;
char path[512];
char metapath[512];
char response[512];
while (dumps->MoreFiles()) {
@ -395,22 +399,38 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
g_pSM->Format(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dumpStoragePath, name);
g_pSM->Format(metapath, sizeof(metapath), "%s.txt", path);
if (!libsys->PathExists(metapath)) {
metapath[0] = '\0';
// TODO: Check the return value.
bool wantsUpload = PresubmitCrashDump(path);
bool uploaded = UploadAndDeleteCrashDump(path, response, sizeof(response));
if (wantsUpload) {
bool uploaded = UploadCrashDump(path, metapath, response, sizeof(response));
if (uploaded) {
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Accelerator uploaded crash dump: %s", response);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Uploaded crash dump: %s\n", response);
if (uploaded) {
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Accelerator uploaded crash dump: %s", response);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Uploaded crash dump: %s\n", response);
} else {
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Accelerator failed to upload crash dump: %s", response);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Failed to upload crash dump: %s\n", response);
} else {
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Accelerator failed to upload crash dump: %s", response);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Failed to upload crash dump: %s\n", response);
g_pSM->LogError(myself, "Accelerator crash dump upload skipped by server");
if (log) fprintf(log, "Skipped due to server request\n");
if (libsys->PathExists(metapath)) {
@ -418,9 +438,10 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
if (log) {
log = nullptr;
rootconsole->ConsolePrint("Accelerator upload thread finished. (%d uploaded, %d failed)", count, failed);
rootconsole->ConsolePrint("Accelerator upload thread finished. (%d skipped, %d uploaded, %d failed)", skip, count, failed);
void OnTerminate(IThreadHandle *pHandle, bool cancel) {
@ -434,7 +455,7 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
return false;
printf(">>> Submitting %s\n", debugFile.c_str());
if (log) fprintf(log, "Submitting symbols for %s\n", debugFile.c_str());
auto debugFileDir = google_breakpad::DirName(debugFile);
std::vector<string> debug_dirs{
@ -455,6 +476,7 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
// Try again without debug dirs.
if (!WriteSymbolFile(debugFile, {}, options, outputStream)) {
if (log) fprintf(log, "Failed to process symbol file\n");
return false;
@ -477,7 +499,7 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
bool symbolUploaded = xfer->PostAndDownload(symbolUrl, form, &data, NULL);
if (!symbolUploaded) {
printf(">>> Symbol upload failed: %s (%d)\n", xfer->LastErrorMessage(), xfer->LastErrorCode());
if (log) fprintf(log, "Symbol upload failed: %s (%d)\n", xfer->LastErrorMessage(), xfer->LastErrorCode());
return false;
@ -488,13 +510,160 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
while (responseSize > 0 && response[responseSize - 1] == '\n') {
response[--responseSize] = '\0';
printf(">>> Symbol upload complete: %s\n", response);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Symbol upload complete: %s\n", response);
delete[] response;
return true;
bool UploadModuleFile(const google_breakpad::CodeModule *module) {
const auto &codeFile = module->code_file();
#ifndef WIN32
if (codeFile[0] != '/') {
if (codeFile[1] != ':') {
return false;
if (log) fprintf(log, "Submitting binary for %s\n", codeFile.c_str());
IWebForm *form = webternet->CreateForm();
form->AddString("code_file_path", codeFile.c_str());
form->AddString("code_identifier", module->code_identifier().c_str());
form->AddString("debug_file_path", module->debug_file().c_str());
form->AddString("debug_identifier", module->debug_identifier().c_str());
form->AddFile("code_file", codeFile.c_str());
MemoryDownloader data;
IWebTransfer *xfer = webternet->CreateSession();
const char *binaryUrl = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("MinidumpBinaryUrl");
if (!binaryUrl) binaryUrl = "";
bool binaryUploaded = xfer->PostAndDownload(binaryUrl, form, &data, NULL);
if (!binaryUploaded) {
if (log) fprintf(log, "Binary upload failed: %s (%d)\n", xfer->LastErrorMessage(), xfer->LastErrorCode());
return false;
int responseSize = data.GetSize();
char *response = new char[responseSize + 1];
strncpy(response, data.GetBuffer(), responseSize + 1);
response[responseSize] = '\0';
while (responseSize > 0 && response[responseSize - 1] == '\n') {
response[--responseSize] = '\0';
if (log) fprintf(log, "Binary upload complete: %s\n", response);
delete[] response;
return true;
enum ModuleType {
const char *ModuleTypeCode[5] = {
#ifndef WIN32
#define PATH_SEP "/"
#define PATH_SEP "\\"
bool PathPrefixMatches(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &path) {
#ifndef WIN32
return strncmp(prefix.c_str(), path.c_str(), prefix.length()) == 0;
return _strnicmp(prefix.c_str(), path.c_str(), prefix.length()) == 0;
struct PathComparator {
struct compare {
bool operator() (const unsigned char &a, const unsigned char &b) const {
#ifndef WIN32
return a < b;
return tolower(a) < tolower(b);
bool operator() (const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const {
return !std::lexicographical_compare(
a.begin(), a.end(),
b.begin(), b.end(),
std::map<std::string, ModuleType, PathComparator> modulePathMap;
bool InitModuleClassificationMap(const std::string &base) {
if (!modulePathMap.empty()) {
return false;
modulePathMap[base] = kMTGame;
modulePathMap[std::string(crashGamePath) + PATH_SEP "addons" PATH_SEP] = kMTAddon;
modulePathMap[std::string(crashSourceModPath) + PATH_SEP "extensions" PATH_SEP] = kMTExtension;
return true;
ModuleType ClassifyModule(const google_breakpad::CodeModule *module) {
if (modulePathMap.empty()) {
return kMTUnknown;
const auto &codeFile = module->code_file();
#ifndef WIN32
if (codeFile[0] != '/') {
if (codeFile[1] != ':') {
return kMTUnknown;
for (decltype(modulePathMap)::const_iterator i = modulePathMap.begin(); i != modulePathMap.end(); ++i) {
if (PathPrefixMatches(i->first, codeFile)) {
return i->second;
return kMTSystem;
std::string PathnameStripper_Directory(const std::string &path) {
std::string::size_type slash = path.rfind('/');
std::string::size_type backslash = path.rfind('\\');
std::string::size_type file_start = 0;
if (slash != std::string::npos && (backslash == std::string::npos || slash > backslash)) {
file_start = slash + 1;
} else if (backslash != string::npos) {
file_start = backslash + 1;
return path.substr(0, file_start);
bool PresubmitCrashDump(const char *path) {
google_breakpad::ProcessState processState;
google_breakpad::ProcessResult processResult;
@ -520,9 +689,9 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
int frameCount = stack->frames()->size();
/*if (frameCount > 10) {
frameCount = 10;
if (frameCount > 1024) {
frameCount = 1024;
std::ostringstream summaryStream;
summaryStream << 1 << "|" << processState.crashed() << "|" << processState.crash_reason() << "|" << std::hex << processState.crash_address() << std::dec << "|" << requestingThread;
@ -561,6 +730,9 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
const char *minidumpAccount = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("MinidumpAccount");
if (minidumpAccount) form->AddString("UserID", minidumpAccount);
form->AddString("GameDirectory", g_pSM->GetGameFolderName());
form->AddString("ExtensionVersion", SMEXT_CONF_VERSION);
form->AddString("CrashSignature", summaryLine.c_str());
MemoryDownloader data;
@ -573,7 +745,7 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
bool uploaded = xfer->PostAndDownload(minidumpUrl, form, &data, NULL);
if (!uploaded) {
printf(">>> Presubmit failed: %s (%d)\n", xfer->LastErrorMessage(), xfer->LastErrorCode());
if (log) fprintf(log, "Presubmit failed: %s (%d)\n", xfer->LastErrorMessage(), xfer->LastErrorCode());
return false;
@ -584,16 +756,16 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
while (responseSize > 0 && response[responseSize - 1] == '\n') {
response[--responseSize] = '\0';
printf(">>> Presubmit complete: %s\n", response);
//if (log) fprintf(log, "Presubmit complete: %s\n", response);
if (responseSize < 2) {
printf(">>> Response too short\n");
if (log) fprintf(log, "Presubmit response too short\n");
delete[] response;
return false;
if (response[0] == 'E') {
printf(">>> Presubmit error: %s\n", &response[2]);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Presubmit error: %s\n", &response[2]);
delete[] response;
return false;
@ -601,37 +773,81 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
bool submitCrash = (response[0] == 'Y');
if (response[1] != '|') {
printf(">>> Response delimiter missing\n");
if (log) fprintf(log, "Response delimiter missing\n");
delete[] response;
return false;
unsigned int responseCount = responseSize - 2;
if (responseCount < moduleCount) {
printf(">>> Response module list doesn't match sent list (%d < %d)\n", responseCount, moduleCount);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Response module list doesn't match sent list (%d < %d)\n", responseCount, moduleCount);
delete[] response;
return false;
#if defined _LINUX
auto mainModule = processState.modules()->GetMainModule();
auto executableBaseDir = PathnameStripper_Directory(mainModule->code_file());
// 0 = Disabled
// 1 = System Only
// 2 = System + Game
// 3 = System + Game + Addons
const char *symbolSubmitOptionStr = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("MinidumpSymbolUpload");
int symbolSubmitOption = symbolSubmitOptionStr ? atoi(symbolSubmitOptionStr) : 3;
const char *binarySubmitOption = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("MinidumpBinaryUpload");
bool canBinarySubmit = !binarySubmitOption || (tolower(binarySubmitOption[0]) == 'y' || binarySubmitOption[0] == '1');
for (unsigned int moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < moduleCount; ++moduleIndex) {
bool submitModule = (response[2 + moduleIndex] == 'Y');
if (!submitModule) {
bool submitSymbols = (response[2 + moduleIndex] == 'Y');
bool submitBinary = (response[2 + moduleIndex] == 'U');
if (!submitSymbols && !submitBinary) {
auto module = processState.modules()->GetModuleAtIndex(moduleIndex);
printf(">>> Symbol submission not available on this platform\n");
auto moduleType = ClassifyModule(module);
if (log) fprintf(log, "Classified module %s as %s\n", module->code_file().c_str(), ModuleTypeCode[moduleType]);
switch (moduleType) {
case kMTUnknown:
case kMTSystem:
if (symbolSubmitOption < 1) {
case kMTGame:
if (symbolSubmitOption < 2) {
case kMTAddon:
case kMTExtension:
if (symbolSubmitOption < 3) {
if (canBinarySubmit && submitBinary) {
#if defined _LINUX
if (submitSymbols) {
delete[] response;
return submitCrash;
bool UploadAndDeleteCrashDump(const char *path, char *response, int maxlen) {
bool UploadCrashDump(const char *path, const char *metapath, char *response, int maxlen) {
IWebForm *form = webternet->CreateForm();
const char *minidumpAccount = g_pSM->GetCoreConfigValue("MinidumpAccount");
@ -642,9 +858,7 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
form->AddFile("upload_file_minidump", path);
char metapath[512];
g_pSM->Format(metapath, sizeof(metapath), "%s.txt", path);
if (libsys->PathExists(metapath)) {
if (metapath[0]) {
form->AddFile("upload_file_metadata", metapath);
@ -671,12 +885,6 @@ class UploadThread: public IThread
if (libsys->PathExists(metapath)) {
return uploaded;
} uploadThread;
@ -737,6 +945,11 @@ bool Accelerator::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late)
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, logPath, sizeof(logPath), "logs/accelerator.log");
// Get these early so the upload thread can use them.
strncpy(crashGamePath, g_pSM->GetGamePath(), sizeof(crashGamePath) - 1);
strncpy(crashSourceModPath, g_pSM->GetSourceModPath(), sizeof(crashSourceModPath) - 1);
strncpy(crashGameDirectory, g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), sizeof(crashGameDirectory) - 1);
do {
@ -821,10 +1034,7 @@ bool Accelerator::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late)
delete i;
strncpy(crashGamePath, g_pSM->GetGamePath(), sizeof(crashGamePath) - 1);
strncpy(crashCommandLine, GetCmdLine(), sizeof(crashCommandLine) - 1);
strncpy(crashSourceModPath, g_pSM->GetSourceModPath(), sizeof(crashSourceModPath) - 1);
strncpy(crashGameDirectory, g_pSM->GetGameFolderName(), sizeof(crashGameDirectory) - 1);
char steamInfPath[512];
g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_Game, steamInfPath, sizeof(steamInfPath), "steam.inf");