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#include <sourcemod>
#include <SteamWorks>
#include <json>
#include <ccc>
#include <cstrike>
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Racetimer Rank",
author = "jenz",
description = "Give racetimer points as a level clan tag to players, also for chat tag",
version = "1.1",
url = ""
bool g_b_ignoring_tags[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
Database g_hDatabase;
public void OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("sm_lvl", Command_LvTag, "Turns the Lv. tag feature on or off");
if (!g_hDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
public void OnMapStart()
if (!g_hDatabase)
Database.Connect(SQL_OnDatabaseConnect, "racetimercss");
public void SQL_OnDatabaseConnect(Database db, const char[] error, any data)
if(!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Database error: %s", error);
g_hDatabase = db;
for(int client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
public Action Command_LvTag(int client, int args)
if (!g_hDatabase)
return Plugin_Handled;
//i am only adding this shit because lighty wanted it to be turn-off able, after half a year probably only 7 people will have made use of it.
//kinda hate wasting time on pointless stuff like this.
char sSID[64];
char sQuery[512];
if (g_b_ignoring_tags[client])
g_b_ignoring_tags[client] = false;
g_b_ignoring_tags[client] = true;
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "insert into zetimer_table_ignore_tag (`steam_auth`, `is_ignoring`) values ('%s', '%i') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `is_ignoring` = '%i'", sSID, g_b_ignoring_tags[client], g_b_ignoring_tags[client]);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_FinishedQuery, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
return Plugin_Handled;
public void SQL_FinishedQuery(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int iSerial)
if (!db || strlen(error))
LogError("Query error 3: %s", error);
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial)) == 0)
delete results;
delete results;
if (g_b_ignoring_tags[client])
PrintToChat(client, "Now hiding LVL tag.");
CS_SetClientClanTag(client, "");
PrintToChat(client, "Now displaying LVL tag again.");
public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
g_b_ignoring_tags[client] = false;
public void OnClientPostAdminFilter(int client)
2024-01-19 12:30:30 +01:00
if(!IsClientAuthorized(client) || IsClientSourceTV(client))
2024-01-19 12:30:30 +01:00
if (IsFakeClient(client))
char tag[64];
Format(tag, sizeof(tag), "[LVL 1]");
CS_SetClientClanTag(client, tag);
g_b_ignoring_tags[client] = false;
public bool HasClanTag(int client)
char sClanID[32];
GetClientInfo(client, "cl_clanid", sClanID, sizeof(sClanID));
return strlen(sClanID) > 1; //without a tag the len is 1.
public void check_ignoring_tags(int client)
char sQuery[512];
char sSID[64];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
Format(sQuery, sizeof(sQuery), "select is_ignoring from zetimer_table_ignore_tag where steam_auth = '%s'", sSID);
g_hDatabase.Query(SQL_OnQueryCompletedIgnoreTag, sQuery, GetClientSerial(client), DBPrio_Low);
public void SQL_OnQueryCompletedIgnoreTag(Database db, DBResultSet results, const char[] error, int iSerial)
if (!db || strlen(error))
delete results;
LogError("Query error 3: %s", error);
int client;
if ((client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial)) == 0)
delete results;
int val = 0;
if (results.RowCount && results.FetchRow())
val = results.FetchInt(0);
delete results;
if (val == 1)
g_b_ignoring_tags[client] = true;
public void check_client_racetimer_rank(int client)
char sSID[64];
char sRequest[256];
GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, sSID, sizeof(sSID));
FormatEx(sRequest, sizeof(sRequest), "", sSID);
Handle hRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodGET, sRequest);
if (!hRequest ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hRequest, OnTransferComplete) ||
!SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestContextValue(hRequest, GetClientSerial(client)) ||
delete hRequest;
public int OnTransferComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
if (!client) //Player disconnected.
delete hRequest;
return 0;
if (bFailure || !bSuccessful || eStatusCode != k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
delete hRequest;
LogError("Request-Error: %d", eStatusCode);
return 0;
SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyCallback(hRequest, OnTransferResponse, iSerial);
return 0;
public int OnTransferResponse(char[] sData, int iSerial)
int client = GetClientFromSerial(iSerial);
if (!client) //Player disconnected.
return 0;
JSON_Object obj = json_decode(sData); //
int I_player_points = obj.GetInt("PlayerPoints") //if no endpoint for steamID default value is -1
if (I_player_points < 1000)
I_player_points = 1000; //setting level 1
if (!HasClanTag(client))
char tag[64];
Format(tag, sizeof(tag), "[LVL %i]", I_player_points/1000);
CS_SetClientClanTag(client, tag);
int I_rank = obj.GetInt("Rank") //if no endpoint for steamID default value is -1
if (0 < I_rank < 1000) //only give chat tag to top 1000
if (player_has_no_chattag(client))
set_level_tag(client, I_player_points/1000, I_rank);
return 0;
public bool player_has_no_chattag(int client)
char tag[256];
CCC_GetTag(client, tag, sizeof(tag));
return strlen(tag) < 2;
public void set_level_tag(int client, int lvl, int I_rank)
char hexadecimals[16];
char hexadecimals2[16];
char hexadecimals3[16];
int red = (lvl * 17) % 256;
int green = ((lvl + 50) * 13) % 256;
int blue = ((lvl + 100) * 19) % 256;
Format(hexadecimals, sizeof(hexadecimals), "%02X%02X%02X", red, green, blue);
if (I_rank > 250)
CCC_SetColor(client, CCC_TagColor, StringToInt(hexadecimals, 16), false);
red = (lvl * 27) % 256;
green = ((lvl + 50) * 23) % 256;
blue = ((lvl + 100) * 29) % 256;
Format(hexadecimals2, sizeof(hexadecimals2), "%02X%02X%02X", red, green, blue);
red = (lvl * 37) % 256;
green = ((lvl + 50) * 33) % 256;
blue = ((lvl + 100) * 39) % 256;
Format(hexadecimals3, sizeof(hexadecimals3), "%02X%02X%02X", red, green, blue);
char tag[128];
char charlvl[16];
IntToString(lvl, charlvl, sizeof(charlvl));
char coloured_numbers[32];
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(charlvl); i++)
int i2 = i + 2;
i2 = i * i;
char number_hexa[16];
red = (lvl * (i2 * 37)) % 256;
green = ((lvl + (i2 * 50)) * 33) % 256;
blue = ((lvl + (i2 * 100)) * 39) % 256;
Format(number_hexa, sizeof(number_hexa), "%02X%02X%02X", red, green, blue);
Format(coloured_numbers, sizeof(coloured_numbers), "%s\x07%s%c", coloured_numbers, number_hexa, charlvl[i]);
Format(tag, sizeof(tag), "\x07%s[L\x07%sV\x07%sL %s] ", hexadecimals, hexadecimals2, hexadecimals3, coloured_numbers);
CCC_SetTag(client, tag);