2019-06-20 16:57:20 +01:00

3648 lines
103 KiB

# HLstatsX Community Edition - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics
# Copyleft (L) 2008-20XX Nicholas Hastings (nshastings@gmail.com)
# http://www.hlxcommunity.com
# HLstatsX Community Edition is a continuation of
# ELstatsNEO - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics
# Copyleft (L) 2008-20XX Malte Bayer (steam@neo-soft.org)
# http://ovrsized.neo-soft.org/
# ELstatsNEO is an very improved & enhanced - so called Ultra-Humongus Edition of HLstatsX
# HLstatsX - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life 2
# http://www.hlstatsx.com/
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Tobias Oetzel (Tobi@hlstatsx.com)
# HLstatsX is an enhanced version of HLstats made by Simon Garner
# HLstats - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/hlstats/
# Copyright (C) 2001 Simon Garner
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# For support and installation notes visit http://www.hlxcommunity.com
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
$SIG{HUP} = 'HUP_handler';
$SIG{INT} = 'INT_handler'; # unix
$SIG{INT2} = 'INT_handler'; # windows
## Settings
# $opt_configfile - Absolute path and filename of configuration file.
$opt_configfile = "./hlstats.conf";
# $opt_libdir - Directory to look in for local required files
# (our *.plib, *.pm files).
$opt_libdir = "./";
## No need to edit below this line
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use DBI;
use Digest::MD5;
use Encode;
use bytes;
require "$opt_libdir/ConfigReaderSimple.pm";
require "$opt_libdir/TRcon.pm";
require "$opt_libdir/BASTARDrcon.pm";
require "$opt_libdir/HLstats_Server.pm";
require "$opt_libdir/HLstats_Player.pm";
require "$opt_libdir/HLstats_Game.pm";
do "$opt_libdir/HLstats_GameConstants.plib";
do "$opt_libdir/HLstats.plib";
do "$opt_libdir/HLstats_EventHandlers.plib";
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
$last_trend_timestamp = 0;
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
## Functions
sub lookupPlayer
my ($saddr, $id, $uniqueid) = @_;
if (defined($g_servers{$saddr}->{"srv_players"}->{"$id/$uniqueid"}))
return $g_servers{$saddr}->{"srv_players"}->{"$id/$uniqueid"};
return undef;
sub removePlayer
my ($saddr, $id, $uniqueid, $dontUpdateCount) = @_;
my $deleteplayer = 0;
$deleteplayer = 1;
&::printEvent("400", "Bad attempted delete ($saddr) ($id/$uniqueid)");
if ($deleteplayer == 1) {
if (!$dontUpdateCount) # double negative, i know...
sub checkBonusRound
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundtime} > 0 && ($::ev_remotetime > ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundtime_ts} + $g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundtime}))) {
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundtime_state} == 1) {
&printEvent("SERVER", "Bonus Round Expired",1);
if($g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundignore} == 1 && $g_servers{$s_addr}->{bonusroundtime_state} == 1) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_number ($) { ( $_[0] ^ $_[0] ) eq '0' }
# void printNotice (string notice)
# Prins a debugging notice to stdout.
sub printNotice
my ($notice) = @_;
if ($g_debug > 1) {
print ">> $notice\n";
sub track_hlstats_trend
if ($last_trend_timestamp > 0) {
if ($last_trend_timestamp+299 < $ev_daemontime) {
my $query = "
hlstats_Players a
) AS b
a.game = b.game
my $result = &execCached("get_total_player_counts", $query);
my $insvalues = "";
while ( my($total_players, $game) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
my $query = "
my $data = &execCached("get_game_stat_counts", $query, &quoteSQL($game));
my ($total_kills, $total_headshots, $total_servers, $act_slots, $max_slots) = $data->fetchrow_array;
if ($max_slots > 0) {
if ($act_slots > $max_slots) {
$act_slots = $max_slots;
if ($insvalues ne "") {
$insvalues .= ",";
$insvalues .= "
if ($insvalues ne "") {
VALUES $insvalues
$last_trend_timestamp = $ev_daemontime;
&::printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Insert new server trend timestamp", 1);
} else {
$last_trend_timestamp = $ev_daemontime;
sub send_global_chat
my ($message) = @_;
while( my($server) = each(%g_servers))
if ($server ne $s_addr && $g_servers{$server}->{"srv_players"})
my @userlist;
my %players_temp=%{$g_servers{$server}->{"srv_players"}};
my $pcount = scalar keys %players_temp;
if ($pcount > 0) {
while ( my($pl, $b_player) = each(%players_temp) ) {
my $b_userid = $b_player->{userid};
if ($g_global_chat == 2) {
my $b_steamid = $b_player->{uniqueid};
if ($g_servers{$server}->is_admin($b_steamid) == 1) {
if (($b_player->{display_events} == 1) && ($b_player->{display_chat} == 1)) {
push(@userlist, $b_player->{userid});
} else {
if (($b_player->{display_events} == 1) && ($b_player->{display_chat} == 1)) {
push(@userlist, $b_player->{userid});
$g_servers{$server}->messageMany($message, 0, @userlist);
# void buildEventInsertData ()
# Ran at startup to init event table queues, build initial queries, and set allowed-null columns
my %g_eventtable_data = ();
sub buildEventInsertData
my $insertType = "";
$insertType = " DELAYED" if ($db_lowpriority);
while ( my ($table, $colsref) = each(%g_eventTables) )
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue} = [];
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{nullallowed} = 0;
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{lastflush} = $ev_daemontime;
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{query} = "
INSERT$insertType INTO
my $j = 0;
foreach $i (@{$colsref})
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{query} .= ",\n$i";
if (substr($i, 0, 4) eq 'pos_') {
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{nullallowed} |= (1 << $j);
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{query} .= ") VALUES\n";
# void recordEvent (string table, array cols, bool getid, [mixed eventData ...])
# Queues an event for addition to an Events table, flushing when hitting table queue limit.
sub recordEvent
my $table = shift;
my $unused = shift;
my @coldata = @_;
my $value = "(FROM_UNIXTIME($::ev_unixtime),".$g_servers{$s_addr}->{'id'}.",'".quoteSQL($g_servers{$s_addr}->get_map())."'";
$j = 0;
for $i (@coldata) {
if ($g_eventtable_data{$table}{nullallowed} & (1 << $j) && (!defined($i) || $i eq "")) {
$value .= ",NULL";
} elsif (!defined($i)) {
$value .= ",''";
} else {
$value .= ",'".quoteSQL($i)."'";
$value .= ")";
push(@{$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue}}, $value);
if (scalar(@{$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue}}) > $g_event_queue_size)
sub flushEventTable
my ($table) = @_;
if (scalar(@{$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue}}) == 0)
my $query = $g_eventtable_data{$table}{query};
foreach (@{$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue}})
$query .= $_.",";
$query =~ s/,$//;
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{lastflush} = $ev_daemontime;
$g_eventtable_data{$table}{queue} = [];
# array calcSkill (int skill_mode, int killerSkill, int killerKills, int victimSkill, int victimKills, string weapon)
# Returns an array, where the first index contains the killer's new skill, and
# the second index contains the victim's new skill.
sub calcSkill
my ($skill_mode, $killerSkill, $killerKills, $victimSkill, $victimKills, $weapon, $killerTeam) = @_;
my @newSkill;
# ignored bots never do a "comeback"
return ($g_skill_minchange, $victimSkill) if ($killerSkill < 1);
return ($killerSkill + $g_skill_minchange, $victimSkill) if ($victimSkill < 1);
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("Begin calcSkill: killerSkill=$killerSkill");
&printNotice("Begin calcSkill: victimSkill=$victimSkill");
my $modifier = 1.00;
# Look up the weapon's skill modifier
if (defined($g_games{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{game}}{weapons}{$weapon})) {
$modifier = $g_games{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{game}}{weapons}{$weapon}{modifier};
# Calculate the new skills
my $killerSkillChange = 0;
if ($g_skill_ratio_cap > 0) {
# SkillRatioCap, from *XYZ*SaYnt
# dgh...we want to cap the ratio between the victimkill and killerskill. For example, if the number 1 player
# kills a newbie, he gets 1000/5000 * 5 * 1 = 1 points. If gets killed by the newbie, he gets 5000/1000 * 5 *1
# = -25 points. Not exactly fair. To fix this, I'm going to cap the ratio to 1/2 and 2/1.
# these numbers are designed such that an excellent player will have to get about a 2:1 ratio against noobs to
# hold steady in points.
my $lowratio = 0.7;
my $highratio = 1.0 / $lowratio;
my $ratio = ($victimSkill / $killerSkill);
if ($ratio < $lowratio) { $ratio = $lowratio; }
if ($ratio > $highratio) { $ratio = $highratio; }
$killerSkillChange = $ratio * 5 * $modifier;
} else {
$killerSkillChange = ($victimSkill / $killerSkill) * 5 * $modifier;
if ($killerSkillChange > $g_skill_maxchange) {
&printNotice("Capping killer skill change of $killerSkillChange to $g_skill_maxchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$killerSkillChange = $g_skill_maxchange;
my $victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange;
if ($skill_mode == 1)
$victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange * 0.75;
elsif ($skill_mode == 2)
$victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange * 0.5;
elsif ($skill_mode == 3)
$victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange * 0.25;
elsif ($skill_mode == 4)
$victimSkillChange = 0;
elsif ($skill_mode == 5)
#Zombie Panic: Source only
#Method suggested by heimer. Survivor's lose half of killer's gain when dying, but Zombie's only lose a quarter.
if ($killerTeam eq "Undead")
$victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange * 0.5;
elsif ($killerTeam eq "Survivor")
$victimSkillChange = $killerSkillChange * 0.25;
if ($victimSkillChange > $g_skill_maxchange) {
&printNotice("Capping victim skill change of $victimSkillChange to $g_skill_maxchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$victimSkillChange = $g_skill_maxchange;
if ($g_skill_maxchange >= $g_skill_minchange) {
if ($killerSkillChange < $g_skill_minchange) {
&printNotice("Capping killer skill change of $killerSkillChange to $g_skill_minchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$killerSkillChange = $g_skill_minchange;
if (($victimSkillChange < $g_skill_minchange) && ($skill_mode != 4)) {
&printNotice("Capping victim skill change of $victimSkillChange to $g_skill_minchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$victimSkillChange = $g_skill_minchange;
if (($killerKills < $g_player_minkills ) || ($victimKills < $g_player_minkills )) {
$killerSkillChange = $g_skill_minchange;
if ($skill_mode != 4) {
$victimSkillChange = $g_skill_minchange;
} else {
$victimSkillChange = 0;
$killerSkill += $killerSkillChange;
$victimSkill -= $victimSkillChange;
# we want int not float
$killerSkill = sprintf("%d", $killerSkill + 0.5);
$victimSkill = sprintf("%d", $victimSkill + 0.5);
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("End calcSkill: killerSkill=$killerSkill");
&printNotice("End calcSkill: victimSkill=$victimSkill");
return ($killerSkill, $victimSkill);
sub calcL4DSkill
my ($killerSkill, $weapon, $difficulty) = @_;
# ignored bots never do a "comeback"
#return ($killerSkill, $victimSkill) if ($killerSkill < 1);
#return ($killerSkill, $victimSkill) if ($victimSkill < 1);
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("Begin calcSkill: killerSkill=$killerSkill");
&printNotice("Begin calcSkill: victimSkill=$victimSkill");
my $modifier = 1.00;
# Look up the weapon's skill modifier
if (defined($g_games{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{game}}{weapons}{$weapon})) {
$modifier = $g_games{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{game}}{weapons}{$weapon}{modifier};
# Calculate the new skills
if ($difficulty > 0) {
$diffweight = $difficulty / 2;
my $killerSkillChange = $pointvalue * $diffweight;
if ($killerSkillChange > $g_skill_maxchange) {
&printNotice("Capping killer skill change of $killerSkillChange to $g_skill_maxchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$killerSkillChange = $g_skill_maxchange;
if ($g_skill_maxchange >= $g_skill_minchange) {
if ($killerSkillChange < $g_skill_minchange) {
&printNotice("Capping killer skill change of $killerSkillChange to $g_skill_minchange") if ($g_debug > 2);
$killerSkillChange = $g_skill_minchange;
$killerSkill += $killerSkillChange;
# we want int not float
$killerSkill = sprintf("%d", $killerSkill + 0.5);
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("End calcSkill: killerSkill=$killerSkill");
return $killerSkill;
# Gives members of 'team' an extra 'reward' skill points. Members of the team
# who have been inactive (no events) for more than 2 minutes are not rewarded.
sub rewardTeam
my ($team, $reward, $actionid, $actionname, $actioncode) = @_;
$rcmd = $g_servers{$s_addr}->{broadcasting_command};
my $player;
&printNotice("Rewarding team \"$team\" with \"$reward\" skill for action \"$actionid\" ...");
my @userlist;
foreach $player (values(%g_players)) {
my $player_team = $player->{team};
my $player_timestamp = $player->{timestamp};
if (($g_servers{$s_addr}->{ignore_bots} == 1) && (($player->{is_bot} == 1) || ($player->{userid} <= 0))) {
$desc = "(IGNORED) BOT: ";
} else {
if (($player_team eq $team) && ($player->{is_dead} == 0)) {
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("Rewarding " . $player->getInfoString() . " with \"$reward\" skill for action \"$actionid\"");
"TeamBonuses", 0,
$player->increment("skill", $reward, 1);
$player->increment("session_skill", $reward, 1);
if ($player->{is_bot} == 0 && $player->{userid} > 0 && $player->{display_events} == 1) {
push(@userlist, $player->{userid});
if (($g_servers{$s_addr}->{broadcasting_events} == 1) && ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{broadcasting_player_actions} == 1)) {
my $coloraction = $g_servers{$s_addr}->{format_action};
my $verb = "got";
if ($reward < 0) {
$verb = "lost";
my $msg = sprintf("%s %s %s points for %s%s", $team, $verb, abs($reward), $coloraction, $actionname);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->messageMany($msg, 0, @userlist);
# int getPlayerId (uniqueId)
# Looks up a player's ID number, from their unique (WON) ID. Returns their PID.
sub getPlayerId
my ($uniqueId) = @_;
my $query = "
uniqueId='" . &::quoteSQL($uniqueId) . "' AND
game='" . $g_servers{$s_addr}->{game} . "'
my $result = &doQuery($query);
if ($result->rows > 0) {
my ($playerId) = $result->fetchrow_array;
return $playerId;
} else {
return 0;
# int updatePlayerProfile (object player, string field, string value)
# Updates a player's profile information in the database.
sub updatePlayerProfile
my ($player, $field, $value) = @_;
$rcmd = $g_servers{$s_addr}->{player_command};
unless ($player) {
&printNotice("updatePlayerInfo: Bad player");
return 0;
$value = &quoteSQL($value);
if ($value eq "none" || $value eq " ") {
$value = "";
my $playerName = &abbreviate($player->{name});
my $playerId = $player->{playerid};
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{player_events} == 1) {
my $p_userid = $g_servers{$s_addr}->format_userid($player->{userid});
my $p_is_bot = $player->{is_bot};
$cmd_str = $rcmd." $p_userid ".$g_servers{$s_addr}->quoteparam("SET command successful for '$playerName'.");
return 1;
# mixed getClanId (string name)
# Looks up a player's clan ID from their name. Compares the player's name to tag
# patterns in hlstats_ClanTags. Patterns look like: [AXXXXX] (matches 1 to 6
# letters inside square braces, e.g. [ZOOM]Player) or =\*AAXX\*= (matches
# 2 to 4 letters between an equals sign and an asterisk, e.g. =*RAGE*=Player).
# Special characters in the pattern:
# A matches one character (i.e. a character is required)
# X matches zero or one characters (i.e. a character is optional)
# a matches literal A or a
# x matches literal X or x
# If no clan exists for the tag, it will be created. Returns the clan's ID, or
# 0 if the player is not in a clan.
sub getClanId
my ($name) = @_;
my $clanTag = "";
my $clanName = "";
my $clanId = 0;
my $result = &doQuery("
LENGTH(pattern) AS pattern_length
pattern_length DESC,
while ( my($pattern, $position) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
my $regpattern = quotemeta($pattern);
$regpattern =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/\($1\)/; # to find clan name from tag
$regpattern =~ s/A/./g;
$regpattern =~ s/X/.?/g;
if ($g_debug > 2) {
if ((($position eq "START" || $position eq "EITHER") && $name =~ /^($regpattern).+/i) ||
(($position eq "END" || $position eq "EITHER") && $name =~ /.+($regpattern)$/i)) {
if ($g_debug > 2) {
&printNotice("pattern \"$regpattern\" matches \"$name\"! 1=\"$1\" 2=\"$2\"");
$clanTag = $1;
$clanName = $2;
unless ($clanTag) {
return 0;
my $query = "
tag='" . &quoteSQL($clanTag) . "' AND
$result = &doQuery($query);
if ($result->rows) {
($clanId) = $result->fetchrow_array;
return $clanId;
} else {
# The clan doesn't exist yet, so we create it.
$query = "
'" . &quoteSQL($clanTag) . "',
'" . &quoteSQL($clanName) . "',
$clanId = $db_conn->{'mysql_insertid'};
&printNotice("Created clan \"$clanName\" <C:$clanId> with tag "
. "\"$clanTag\" for player \"$name\"");
return $clanId;
# object getServer (string address, int port)
# Looks up a server's ID number in the Servers table, by searching for a
# matching IP address and port. NOTE you must specify IP addresses in the
# Servers table, NOT hostnames.
# Returns a new "Server object".
sub getServer
my ($address, $port) = @_;
my $query = "
IFNULL(b.`value`,3) AS game_engine,
IFNULL(c.`realgame`, 'hl2mp') AS realgame,
IFNULL(a.max_players, 0) AS maxplayers
hlstats_Servers a LEFT JOIN hlstats_Servers_Config b on a.serverId = b.serverId AND b.`parameter` = 'GameEngine' LEFT JOIN `hlstats_Games` c ON a.game = c.code
address=? AND
port=? LIMIT 1
my @vals = (
my $result = &execCached("get_server_information", $query, @vals);
if ($result->rows) {
my ($serverId, $game, $name, $rcon_pass, $publicaddress, $gameengine, $realgame, $maxplayers) = $result->fetchrow_array;
if (!defined($g_games{$game})) {
$g_games{$game} = new HLstats_Game($game);
# l4d code should be reused for l4d2
# trying first using l4d as "realgame" code for l4d2 in db. if default server config settings won't work, will leave as own "realgame" code in db but uncomment line.
#$realgame = "l4d" if $realgame eq "l4d2";
return new HLstats_Server($serverId, $address, $port, $name, $rcon_pass, $game, $publicaddress, $gameengine, $realgame, $maxplayers);
} else {
return 0;
sub queryServer
my ($iaddr, $iport, @query) = @_;
my $game = "";
my $timeout=2;
my $message = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"udp",Timeout=>$timeout,PeerPort=>$iport,PeerAddr=>$iaddr) or die "Can't make UDP socket: $@";
$message->send("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFTSource Engine Query\x00");
my ($datagram,$flags);
my $end = time + $timeout;
my $rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno($message), 1) = 1;
my %hash = ();
while (1) {
my $timeleft = $end - time;
last if ($timeleft <= 0);
my ($nfound, $t) = select(my $rout = $rin, undef, undef, $timeleft);
last if ($nfound == 0); # either timeout or end of file
@hash{qw/key type netver hostname mapname gamedir gamename id numplayers maxplayers numbots dedicated os passreq secure gamever edf port/} = unpack("LCCZ*Z*Z*Z*vCCCCCCCZ*Cv",$datagram);
return @hash{@query};
sub getServerMod
my ($address, $port) = @_;
my ($playgame);
&printEvent ("DETECT", "Querying $address".":$port for gametype");
my @query = (
my ($gamename, $gamedir, $hostname, $numplayers, $maxplayers, $mapname) = &queryServer($address, $port, @query);
if ($gamename =~ /^Counter-Strike$/i) {
$playgame = "cstrike";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Counter-Strike/i) {
$playgame = "css";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Team Fortress C/i) {
$playgame = "tfc";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Team Fortress/i) {
$playgame = "tf";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Day of Defeat$/i) {
$playgame = "dod";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Day of Defeat/i) {
$playgame = "dods";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Insurgency/i) {
$playgame = "insmod";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Neotokyo/i) {
$playgame = "nts";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Fortress Forever/i) {
$playgame = "ff";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Age of Chivalry/i) {
$playgame = "aoc";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Dystopia/i) {
$playgame = "dystopia";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Stargate/i) {
$playgame = "sgtls";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Battle Grounds/i) {
$playgame = "bg2";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Hidden/i) {
$playgame = "hidden";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^L4D /i) {
$playgame = "l4d";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^Left 4 Dead 2/i) {
$playgame = "l4d2";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^ZPS /i) {
$playgame = "zps";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^NS /i) {
$playgame = "ns";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^pvkii/i) {
$playgame = "pvkii";
} elsif ($gamename =~ /^CSPromod/i) {
$playgame = "csp";
} elsif ($gamename eq "Half-Life") {
$playgame = "valve";
} elsif ($gamename eq "Nuclear Dawn") {
$playgame = "nucleardawn";
# We didn't found our mod, trying secondary way. This is required for some games such as FOF and GES and is a fallback for others
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^ges/i) {
$playgame = "ges";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^fistful_of_frags/i || $gamedir =~ /^fof/i) {
$playgame = "fof";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^hl2mp/i) {
$playgame = "hl2mp";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^tfc/i) {
$playgame = "tfc";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^tf/i) {
$playgame = "tf";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^ins/i) {
$playgame = "insmod";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^neotokyo/i) {
$playgame = "nts";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^fortressforever/i) {
$playgame = "ff";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^ageofchivalry/i) {
$playgame = "aoc";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^dystopia/i) {
$playgame = "dystopia";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^sgtls/i) {
$playgame = "sgtls";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^hidden/i) {
$playgame = "hidden";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^left4dead/i) {
$playgame = "l4d";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^left4dead2/i) {
$playgame = "l4d2";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^zps/i) {
$playgame = "zps";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^ns/i) {
$playgame = "ns";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^bg/i) {
$playgame = "bg2";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^pvkii/i) {
$playgame = "pvkii";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^cspromod/i) {
$playgame = "csp";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^valve$/i) {
$playgame = "valve";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^nucleardawn$/i) {
$playgame = "nucleardawn";
} elsif ($gamedir =~ /^dinodday$/i) {
$playgame = "dinodday";
} else {
# We didn't found our mod, giving up.
&printEvent("DETECT", "Failed to get Server Mod");
return 0;
&printEvent("DETECT", "Saving server " . $address . ":" . $port . " with gametype " . $playgame);
&addServerToDB($address, $port, $hostname, $playgame, $numplayers, $maxplayers, $mapname);
return $playgame;
sub addServerToDB
my ($address, $port, $name, $game, $act_players, $max_players, $act_map) = @_;
my $sql = "INSERT INTO hlstats_Servers (address, port, name, game, act_players, max_players, act_map) VALUES ('$address', $port, '".&quoteSQL($name)."', '".&quoteSQL($game)."', $act_players, $max_players, '".&quoteSQL($act_map)."')";
my $last_id = $db_conn->{'mysql_insertid'};
&execNonQuery("DELETE FROM `hlstats_Servers_Config` WHERE serverId = $last_id");
&execNonQuery("INSERT INTO `hlstats_Servers_Config` (`serverId`, `parameter`, `value`)
SELECT $last_id, `parameter`, `value`
FROM `hlstats_Mods_Defaults` WHERE `code` = '';");
&execNonQuery("INSERT INTO `hlstats_Servers_Config` (`serverId`, `parameter`, `value`) VALUES
($last_id, 'Mod', '');");
&execNonQuery("INSERT INTO `hlstats_Servers_Config` (`serverId`, `parameter`, `value`)
SELECT $last_id, `parameter`, `value`
FROM `hlstats_Games_Defaults` WHERE `code` = '".&quoteSQL($game)."'
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = VALUES(`value`);");
return 1;
# boolean sameTeam (string team1, string team2)
# This should be expanded later to allow for team alliances (e.g. TFC-hunted).
sub sameTeam
my ($team1, $team2) = @_;
if (($team1 eq $team2) && (($team1 ne "Unassigned") || ($team2 ne "Unassigned"))) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# string getPlayerInfoString (object player, string ident)
sub getPlayerInfoString
my ($player) = shift;
my @ident = @_;
if ($player) {
return $player->getInfoString();
} else {
return "(" . join(",", @ident) . ")";
# array getPlayerInfo (string player, string $ipAddr)
# Get a player's name, uid, wonid and team from "Name<uid><wonid><team>".
sub getPlayerInfo
my ($player, $create_player, $ipAddr) = @_;
if ($player =~ /^(.*?)<(\d+)><([^<>]*)><([^<>]*)>(?:<([^<>]*)>)?.*$/) {
my $name = $1;
my $userid = $2;
my $uniqueid = $3;
my $team = $4;
my $role = $5;
my $bot = 0;
my $haveplayer = 0;
$plainuniqueid = $uniqueid;
$uniqueid =~ s!\[U:1:(\d+)\]!'STEAM_0:'.($1 % 2).':'.int($1 / 2)!eg;
$uniqueid =~ s/^STEAM_[0-9]+?\://;
if (($uniqueid eq "Console") && ($team eq "Console")) {
return 0;
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == L4D()) {
#for l4d, create meta player object for each role
if ($uniqueid eq "") {
#infected & witch have blank steamid
if ($name eq "infected") {
$uniqueid = "BOT-Horde";
$team = "Infected";
$userid = -9;
} elsif ($name eq "witch") {
$uniqueid = "BOT-Witch";
$team = "Infected";
$userid = -10;
} else {
return 0;
} elsif ($uniqueid eq "BOT") {
#all other bots have BOT for steamid
if ($team eq "Survivor") {
if ($name eq "Nick") {
$userid = -11;
} elsif ($name eq "Ellis") {
$userid = -13;
} elsif ($name eq "Rochelle") {
$userid = -14;
} elsif ($name eq "Coach") {
$userid = -12;
} elsif ($name eq "Louis") {
$userid = -4;
} elsif ($name eq "Zoey") {
$userid = -1;
} elsif ($name eq "Francis") {
$userid = -2;
} elsif ($name eq "Bill") {
$userid = -3;
} else {
&printEvent("ERROR", "No survivor match for $name",0,1);
$userid = -4;
} else {
if ($name eq "Smoker") {
$userid = -5;
} elsif ($name eq "Boomer") {
$userid = -6;
} elsif ($name eq "Hunter") {
$userid = -7;
} elsif ($name eq "Spitter") {
$userid = -15;
} elsif ($name eq "Jockey") {
$userid = -16;
} elsif ($name eq "Charger") {
$userid = -17;
} elsif ($name eq "Tank") {
$userid = -8;
} else {
&printEvent("DEBUG", "No infected match for $name",0,1);
$userid = -8;
$uniqueid = "BOT-".$name;
$name = "BOT-".$name;
if ($ipAddr eq "none") {
$ipAddr = "";
$bot = botidcheck($uniqueid);
if ($g_mode eq "NameTrack") {
$uniqueid = $name;
} else {
if ($g_mode eq "LAN" && !$bot && $userid > 0) {
if ($ipAddr ne "") {
$g_lan_noplayerinfo->{"$s_addr/$userid/$name"} = {
ipaddress => $ipAddr,
userid => $userid,
name => $name,
server => $s_addr
$uniqueid = $ipAddr;
} else {
while ( my($index, $player) = each(%g_players) ) {
if (($player->{userid} eq $userid) &&
($player->{name} eq $name)) {
$uniqueid = $player->{uniqueid};
$haveplayer = 1;
if (!$haveplayer) {
while ( my($index, $player) = each(%g_lan_noplayerinfo) ) {
if (($player->{server} eq $s_addr) &&
($player->{userid} eq $userid) &&
($player->{name} eq $name)) {
$uniqueid = $player->{ipaddress};
$haveplayer = 1;
if (!$haveplayer) {
$uniqueid = "UNKNOWN";
} else {
# Normal (steamid) mode player and bot, as well as lan mode bots
if ($bot) {
$md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
$uniqueid = "BOT:" . $md5->hexdigest;
$unique_id = $uniqueid if ($g_mode eq "LAN");
if ($uniqueid eq "UNKNOWN"
|| $uniqueid eq "STEAM_ID_PENDING" || $uniqueid eq "STEAM_ID_LAN"
|| $uniqueid eq "VALVE_ID_PENDING" || $uniqueid eq "VALVE_ID_LAN"
) {
return {
name => $name,
userid => $userid,
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
team => $team
if (!$haveplayer)
while ( my ($index, $player) = each(%g_players) ) {
# Cannot exit loop early as more than one player can exist with same uniqueid
# (bug? or just bad logging)
# Either way, we disconnect any that don't match the current line
if ($player->{uniqueid} eq $uniqueid) {
$haveplayer = 1;
# Catch players reconnecting without first disconnecting
if ($player->{userid} != $userid) {
$haveplayer = 0;
if ($haveplayer) {
my $player = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $userid, $uniqueid);
if ($player) {
# The only time team should go /back/ to unassigned ("") is on mapchange
# (which is already handled in the ChangeMap handler)
# So ignore when team is blank (<>) from lazy log lines
if ($team ne "" && $player->{team} ne $team) {
if ($role ne "" && $role ne $player->{role}) {
} else {
if ($userid != 0) {
if ($create_player > 0) {
my $preIpAddr = "";
if ($g_preconnect->{"$s_addr/$userid/$name"}) {
$preIpAddr = $g_preconnect->{"$s_addr/$userid/$name"}->{"ipaddress"};
# Add the player to our hash of player objects
$g_servers{$s_addr}->{"srv_players"}->{"$userid/$uniqueid"} = new HLstats_Player(
server => $s_addr,
server_id => $g_servers{$s_addr}->{id},
userid => $userid,
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
plain_uniqueid => $plainuniqueid,
game => $g_servers{$s_addr}->{game},
name => $name,
team => $team,
role => $role,
is_bot => $bot,
display_events => $g_servers{$s_addr}->{default_display_events},
address => (($preIpAddr ne "") ? $preIpAddr : $ipAddr)
if ($preIpAddr ne "") {
&printEvent("SERVER", "LATE CONNECT [$name/$userid] - steam userid validated");
&doEvent_Connect($userid, $uniqueid, $preIpAddr);
# Increment number of players on server
} elsif (($g_mode eq "LAN") && (defined($g_lan_noplayerinfo{"$s_addr/$userid/$name"}))) {
if ((!$haveplayer) && ($uniqueid ne "UNKNOWN") && ($create_player > 0)) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->{srv_players}->{"$userid/$uniqueid"} = new HLstats_Player(
server => $s_addr,
server_id => $g_servers{$s_addr}->{id},
userid => $userid,
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
plain_uniqueid => $plainuniqueid,
game => $g_servers{$s_addr}->{game},
name => $name,
team => $team,
role => $role,
is_bot => $bot
# Increment number of players on server
} else {
&printNotice("No player object available for player \"$name\" <U:$userid>");
return {
name => $name,
userid => $userid,
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
team => $team,
is_bot => $bot
} elsif ($player =~ /^(.+)<([^<>]+)>$/) {
my $name = $1;
my $uniqueid = $2;
my $bot = 0;
if (&botidcheck($uniqueid)) {
$md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
$uniqueid = "BOT:" . $md5->hexdigest;
$bot = 1;
return {
name => $name,
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
is_bot => $bot
} elsif ($player =~ /^<><([^<>]+)><>$/) {
my $uniqueid = $1;
my $bot = 0;
if (&botidcheck($uniqueid)) {
$md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
$uniqueid = "BOT:" . $md5->hexdigest;
$bot = 1;
return {
uniqueid => $uniqueid,
is_bot => $bot
} else {
return 0;
# hash getProperties (string propstring)
# Parse (key "value") properties into a hash.
sub getProperties
my ($propstring) = @_;
my %properties;
my $dods_flag = 0;
while ($propstring =~ s/^\s*\((\S+)(?:(?: "(.+?)")|(?: ([^\)]+)))?\)//) {
my $key = $1;
if (defined($2)) {
if ($key eq "player") {
if ($dods_flag == 1) {
$key = "player_a";
} elsif ($dods_flag == 2) {
$key = "player_b";
$properties{$key} = $2;
} elsif (defined($3)) {
$properties{$key} = $3;
} else {
$properties{$key} = 1; # boolean property
if ($key eq "flagindex") {
return %properties;
# boolean like (string subject, string compare)
# Returns true if 'subject' equals 'compare' with optional whitespace.
sub like
my ($subject, $compare) = @_;
if ($subject =~ /^\s*\Q$compare\E\s*$/) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# boolean botidcheck (string uniqueid)
# Returns true if 'uniqueid' is that of a bot.
sub botidcheck
# needs cleaned up
# added /^00000000\:\d+\:0$/ check for "whichbot"
my ($uniqueid) = @_;
if ($uniqueid eq "BOT" || $uniqueid eq "0" || $uniqueid =~ /^00000000\:\d+\:0$/) {
return 1
return 0;
sub isTrackableTeam
my ($team) = @_;
#if ($team =~ /spectator/i || $team =~ /unassigned/i || $team eq "") {
if ($team =~ /spectator/i || $team eq "") {
return 0;
return 1;
sub reloadConfiguration
sub flushAll
# we only need to flush events if we're about to shut down. they are unaffected by server/player deletion
my ($flushevents) = @_;
if ($flushevents)
while ( my ($table, $colsref) = each(%g_eventTables) )
while( my($se, $server) = each(%g_servers))
while ( my($pl, $player) = each(%{$server->{"srv_players"}}) )
if ($player)
# Options
$opt_help = 0;
$opt_version = 0;
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_user = "";
$db_pass = "";
$db_name = "hlstats";
$db_lowpriority = 1;
$s_ip = "";
$s_port = "27500";
$g_mailto = "";
$g_mailpath = "/bin/mail";
$g_mode = "Normal";
$g_deletedays = 5;
$g_requiremap = 0;
$g_debug = 1;
$g_nodebug = 0;
$g_rcon = 1;
$g_rcon_ignoreself = 0;
$g_rcon_record = 1;
$g_stdin = 0;
$g_server_ip = "";
$g_server_port = 27015;
$g_timestamp = 0;
$g_cpanelhack = 0;
$g_event_queue_size = 10;
$g_dns_resolveip = 1;
$g_dns_timeout = 5;
$g_skill_maxchange = 100;
$g_skill_minchange = 2;
$g_skill_ratio_cap = 0;
$g_geoip_binary = 0;
$g_player_minkills = 50;
$g_onlyconfig_servers = 1;
$g_track_stats_trend = 0;
%g_lan_noplayerinfo = ();
%g_preconnect = ();
$g_global_banning = 0;
$g_log_chat = 0;
$g_log_chat_admins = 0;
$g_global_chat = 0;
$g_ranktype = "skill";
$g_gi = undef;
my %dysweaponcodes = (
"1" => "Light Katana",
"2" => "Medium Katana",
"3" => "Fatman Fist",
"4" => "Machine Pistol",
"5" => "Shotgun",
"6" => "Laser Rifle",
"7" => "BoltGun",
"8" => "SmartLock Pistols",
"9" => "Assault Rifle",
"10" => "Grenade Launcher",
"11" => "MK-808 Rifle",
"12" => "Tesla Rifle",
"13" => "Rocket Launcher",
"14" => "Minigun",
"15" => "Ion Cannon",
"16" => "Basilisk",
"17" => "Frag Grenade",
"18" => "EMP Grenade",
"19" => "Spider Grenade",
"22" => "Cortex Bomb"
# Usage message
$usage = <<EOT
Usage: hlstats.pl [OPTION]...
Collect statistics from one or more Half-Life2 servers for insertion into
a MySQL database.
-h, --help display this help and exit
-v, --version output version information and exit
-d, --debug enable debugging output (-dd for more)
-n, --nodebug disables above; reduces debug level
-m, --mode=MODE player tracking mode (Normal, LAN or NameTrack) [$g_mode]
--db-host=HOST database ip or ip:port [$db_host]
--db-name=DATABASE database name [$db_name]
--db-password=PASSWORD database password (WARNING: specifying the
password on the command line is insecure.
Use the configuration file instead.)
--db-username=USERNAME database username
--dns-resolveip resolve player IP addresses to hostnames
(requires working DNS)
-c,--configfile Specific configfile to use, settings in this file can now
be overidden with commandline settings.
--nodns-resolveip disables above
--dns-timeout=SEC timeout DNS queries after SEC seconds [$g_dns_timeout]
-i, --ip=IP set IP address to listen on for UDP log data
-p, --port=PORT set port to listen on for UDP log data [$s_port]
-r, --rcon enables rcon command exec support (the default)
--norcon disables rcon command exec support
-s, --stdin read log data from standard input, instead of
from UDP socket. Must specify --server-ip
and --server-port to indicate the generator
of the inputted log data (implies --norcon)
--nostdin disables above
--server-ip specify data source IP address for --stdin
--server-port specify data source port for --stdin [$g_server_port]
-t, --timestamp tells HLstatsX:CE to use the timestamp in the log
data, instead of the current time on the
database server, when recording events
--notimestamp disables above
--event-queue-size=SIZE manually set event queue size to control flushing
(recommend 100+ for STDIN)
Long options can be abbreviated, where such abbreviation is not ambiguous.
Default values for options are indicated in square brackets [...].
Most options can be specified in the configuration file:
Note: Options set on the command line take precedence over options set in the
configuration file. The configuration file name is set at the top of hlstats.pl.
HLstatsX: Community Edition http://www.hlxcommunity.com
%g_config_servers = ();
sub readDatabaseConfig()
&printEvent("CONFIG", "Reading database config...", 1);
%g_config_servers = ();
%g_servers = ();
%g_games = ();
# elstatsneo: read the servers portion from the mysql database
my $srv_id = &doQuery("SELECT serverId,CONCAT(address,':',port) AS addr FROM hlstats_Servers");
while ( my($serverId,$addr) = $srv_id->fetchrow_array) {
$g_config_servers{$addr} = ();
my $serverConfig = &doQuery("SELECT parameter,value FROM hlstats_Servers_Config WHERE serverId=$serverId");
while ( my($p,$v) = $serverConfig->fetchrow_array) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{$p} = $v;
# hlxce: read the global settings from the database!
my $gsettings = &doQuery("SELECT keyname,value FROM hlstats_Options WHERE opttype <= 1");
while ( my($p,$v) = $gsettings->fetchrow_array) {
if ($g_debug > 1) {
print "Config parameter '$p' = '$v'\n";
$tmp = "\$".$directives_mysql{$p}." = '$v'";
#print " -> setting ".$tmp."\n";
eval $tmp;
# setting defaults
&printEvent("DAEMON", "Proxy_Key DISABLED", 1) if ($proxy_key eq "");
while (my($addr, $server) = each(%g_config_servers)) {
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"MinPlayers"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"MinPlayers"} = 6;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"DisplayResultsInBrowser"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"DisplayResultsInBrowser"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEvents"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEvents"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastPlayerActions"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastPlayerActions"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEventsCommand"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEventsCommand"} = "say";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"} = "say";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEvents"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEvents"} = 1;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommand"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommand"} = "say";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"} = "";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommandHint"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsCommandHint"} = "";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsAdminCommand"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"PlayerEventsAdminCommand"} = "";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"ShowStats"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"ShowStats"} = 1;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"AutoTeamBalance"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"AutoTeamBalance"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"AutoBanRetry"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"AutoBanRetry"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"TrackServerLoad"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"TrackServerLoad"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"MinimumPlayersRank"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"MinimumPlayersRank"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"Admins"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"Admins"} = "";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"SwitchAdmins"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"SwitchAdmins"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"IgnoreBots"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"IgnoreBots"} = 1;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"SkillMode"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"SkillMode"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"GameType"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"GameType"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BonusRoundTime"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BonusRoundTime"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"BonusRoundIgnore"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"BonusRoundIgnore"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"Mod"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"Mod"} = "";
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"EnablePublicCommands"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"EnablePublicCommands"} = 1;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"ConnectAnnounce"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"ConnectAnnounce"} = 1;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"UpdateHostname"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"UpdateHostname"} = 0;
if (!defined($g_config_servers{$addr}{"DefaultDisplayEvents"})) {
$g_config_servers{$addr}{"DefaultDisplayEvents"} = 1;
&printEvent("CONFIG", "I have found the following server configs in database:", 1);
while (my($addr, $server) = each(%g_config_servers)) {
&printEvent("S_CONFIG", $addr, 1);
my $geotell = ((!defined($g_gi)) ? -1 : tell $g_gi{fh});
if ($g_geoip_binary > 0 && $geotell == -1) {
my $geoipfile = "$opt_libdir/GeoLiteCity/GeoLiteCity.dat";
if (-r $geoipfile) {
eval "use Geo::IP::PurePerl"; my $hasGeoIP = $@ ? 0 : 1;
if ($hasGeoIP) {
$g_gi = Geo::IP::PurePerl->open($geoipfile, "GEOIP_STANDARD");
} else {
&printEvent("ERROR", "GeoIP method set to binary file lookup but Geo::IP::PurePerl module NOT FOUND", 1);
$g_gi = undef;
} else {
&printEvent("ERROR", "GeoIP method set to binary file lookup but $geoipfile NOT FOUND", 1);
$g_gi = undef;
} elsif ($g_geoip_binary == 0 && $geotell > -1) {
$g_gi = undef;
# Read Config File
if ($opt_configfile && -r $opt_configfile) {
$conf = ConfigReaderSimple->new($opt_configfile);
%directives = (
"DBHost", "db_host",
"DBUsername", "db_user",
"DBPassword", "db_pass",
"DBName", "db_name",
"DBLowPriority", "db_lowpriority",
"BindIP", "s_ip",
"Port", "s_port",
"DebugLevel", "g_debug",
"CpanelHack", "g_cpanelhack",
"EventQueueSize", "g_event_queue_size"
%directives_mysql = (
"version", "g_version",
"MailTo", "g_mailto",
"MailPath", "g_mailpath",
"Mode", "g_mode",
"DeleteDays", "g_deletedays",
"UseTimestamp", "g_timestamp",
"DNSResolveIP", "g_dns_resolveip",
"DNSTimeout", "g_dns_timeout",
"RconIgnoreSelf", "g_rcon_ignoreself",
"Rcon", "g_rcon",
"RconRecord", "g_rcon_record",
"MinPlayers", "g_minplayers",
"SkillMaxChange", "g_skill_maxchange",
"SkillMinChange", "g_skill_minchange",
"PlayerMinKills", "g_player_minkills",
"AllowOnlyConfigServers", "g_onlyconfig_servers",
"TrackStatsTrend", "g_track_stats_trend",
"GlobalBanning", "g_global_banning",
"LogChat", "g_log_chat",
"LogChatAdmins", "g_log_chat_admins",
"GlobalChat", "g_global_chat",
"SkillRatioCap", "g_skill_ratio_cap",
"rankingtype", "g_ranktype",
"UseGeoIPBinary", "g_geoip_binary",
"Proxy_Key", "proxy_key"
# "Servers", "g_config_servers"
&doConf($conf, %directives);
} else {
print "-- Warning: unable to open configuration file '$opt_configfile'\n";
# Read Command Line Arguments
%copts = ();
"help|h" => \$copts{opt_help},
"version|v" => \$copts{opt_version},
"debug|d+" => \$copts{g_debug},
"nodebug|n+" => \$copts{g_nodebug},
"mode|m=s" => \$copts{g_mode},
"configfile|c=s" => \$copts{configfile},
"db-host=s" => \$copts{db_host},
"db-name=s" => \$copts{db_name},
"db-password=s" => \$copts{db_pass},
"db-username=s" => \$copts{db_user},
"dns-resolveip!" => \$copts{g_dns_resolveip},
"dns-timeout=i" => \$copts{g_dns_timeout},
"ip|i=s" => \$copts{s_ip},
"port|p=i" => \$copts{s_port},
"rcon!" => \$copts{g_rcon},
"r" => \$copts{g_rcon},
"stdin!" => \$copts{g_stdin},
"s" => \$copts{g_stdin},
"server-ip=s" => \$copts{g_server_ip},
"server-port=i" => \$copts{g_server_port},
"timestamp!" => \$copts{g_timestamp},
"t" => \$copts{g_timestamp},
"event-queue-size" => \$copts{g_event_queue_size}
) or die($usage);
if ($configfile && -r $configfile) {
$conf = '';
$conf = ConfigReaderSimple->new($configfile);
&doConf($conf, %directives);
# these are set above, we then reload them to override values in the actual config
if ($g_cpanelhack) {
my $home_dir = $ENV{ HOME };
my $base_module_dir = (-d "$home_dir/perl" ? "$home_dir/perl" : ( getpwuid($>) )[7] . '/perl/');
unshift @INC, map { $base_module_dir . $_ } @INC;
eval {
require Geo::IP::PurePerl;
import Geo::IP::PurePerl;
if ($opt_help) {
print $usage;
if ($opt_version) {
my $result = &doQuery("
if ($result->rows > 0) {
$g_version = $result->fetchrow_array;
print "\nhlstats.pl (HLstatsX Community Edition) Version $g_version\n"
. "Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life 2\n"
. "Modified (C) 2008-20XX Nicholas Hastings (nshastings@gmail.com)\n"
. "Copyleft (L) 2007-2008 Malte Bayer\n"
. "Modified (C) 2005-2007 Tobias Oetzel (Tobi@hlstatsx.com)\n"
. "Original (C) 2001 by Simon Garner \n\n";
print "Using ConfigReaderSimple module version $ConfigReaderSimple::VERSION\n";
if ($g_rcon) {
print "Using rcon module\n";
print "\nThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n"
# Connect to the database
if ($g_mode ne "Normal" && $g_mode ne "LAN" && $g_mode ne "NameTrack") {
$g_mode = "Normal";
$g_debug -= $g_nodebug;
$g_debug = 0 if ($g_debug < 0);
# Init Timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time());
$ev_timestamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
$ev_unixtime = time();
$ev_daemontime = $ev_unixtime;
# Startup
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "HLstatsX:CE $g_version starting...", 1);
# Create the UDP & TCP socket
if ($g_stdin) {
$g_rcon = 0;
&printEvent("UDP", "UDP listen socket disabled, reading log data from STDIN.", 1);
if (!$g_server_ip || !$g_server_port) {
&printEvent("UDP", "ERROR: You must specify source of STDIN data using --server-ip and --server-port", 1);
&printEvent("UDP", "Example: ./hlstats.pl --stdin --server-ip --server-port 27015", 1);
} else {
&printEvent("UDP", "All data from STDIN will be allocated to server '$g_server_ip:$g_server_port'.", 1);
$s_peerhost = $g_server_ip;
$s_peerport = $g_server_port;
$s_addr = "$s_peerhost:$s_peerport";
} else {
if ($s_ip) { $ip = $s_ip . ":"; } else { $ip = "port "; }
$s_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
) or die ("\nCan't setup UDP socket on $ip$s_port: $!\n");
&printEvent("UDP", "Opening UDP listen socket on $ip$s_port ... ok", 1);
if ($g_track_stats_trend > 0) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Tracking Trend of the stats are enabled", 1);
if ($g_global_banning > 0) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Global Banning on all servers is enabled", 1);
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Maximum Skill Change on all servers are ".$g_skill_maxchange." points", 1);
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Minimum Skill Change on all servers are ".$g_skill_minchange." points", 1);
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Minimum Players Kills on all servers are ".$g_player_minkills." kills", 1);
if ($g_log_chat > 0) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Players chat logging is enabled", 1);
if ($g_log_chat_admins > 0) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Admins chat logging is enabled", 1);
if ($g_global_chat == 1) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Broadcasting public chat to all players is enabled", 1);
} elsif ($g_gloabl_chat == 2) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Broadcasting public chat to admins is enabled", 1);
} else {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Broadcasting public chat is disabled", 1);
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "Event queue size is set to ".$g_event_queue_size, 1);
%g_servers = ();
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "HLstatsX:CE is now running ($g_mode mode, debug level $g_debug)", 1);
$start_time = time();
if ($g_stdin) {
$g_timestamp = 1;
$start_parse_time = time();
$import_logs_count = 0;
&printEvent("IMPORT", "Start importing logs. Every dot signs 500 parsed lines", 1, 1);
# Main data loop
$c = 0;
sub getLine
if ($g_stdin) {
return <STDIN>;
} else {
return 1;
&execNonQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE hlstats_Livestats");
$timeout = 0;
$s_output = "";
my ($proxy_s_peerhost, $proxy_s_peerport);
while ($loop = &getLine()) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time());
$ev_timestamp = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
$ev_unixtime = time();
$ev_daemontime = $ev_unixtime; #time()
if ($g_stdin) {
$s_output = $loop;
if (($import_logs_count > 0) && ($import_logs_count % 500 == 0)) {
$parse_time = $ev_unixtime - $start_parse_time;
if ($parse_time == 0) {
print ". [".($parse_time)." sec (".sprintf("%.3f", (500 / $parse_time)).")]\n";
$start_parse_time = $ev_unixtime;
} else {
if(IO::Select->new($s_socket)->can_read(2)) { # 2 second timeout
$s_socket->recv($s_output, 1024);
$s_output = decode( 'utf8', $s_output );
$timeout = 0;
} else {
if ($timeout % 60 == 0) {
&printEvent("HLSTATSX", "No data since 120 seconds");
if (($s_output =~ /^.*PROXY Key=(.+) (.*)PROXY.+/) && $proxy_key ne "") {
$rproxy_key = $1;
$s_addr = $2;
if ($s_addr ne "") {
($s_peerhost, $s_peerport) = split(/:/, $s_addr);
$proxy_s_peerhost = $s_socket->peerhost;
$proxy_s_peerport = $s_socket->peerport;
&printEvent("PROXY", "Detected proxy call from $proxy_s_peerhost:$proxy_s_peerport") if ($d_debug > 2);
if ($proxy_key eq $rproxy_key) {
$s_output =~ s/PROXY.*PROXY //;
if ($s_output =~ /^C;HEARTBEAT;/) {
&printEvent("PROXY, Heartbeat request from $proxy_s_peerhost:$proxy_s_peerport");
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^C;RELOAD;/) {
&printEvent("PROXY, Reload request from $proxy_s_peerhost:$proxy_s_peerport");
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^C;KILL;/) {
&printEvent("PROXY, Kill request from $proxy_s_peerhost:$proxy_s_peerport");
} else {
&printEvent("PROXY", $s_output);
} else {
&printEvent("PROXY", "proxy_key mismatch, dropping package");
&printEvent("PROXY", $s_output) if ($g_debug > 2);
$s_output = "";
} else {
# Reset the proxy stuff and use it as "normal"
$rproxy_key = "";
$proxy_s_peerhost = "";
$proxy_s_peerport = "";
$s_peerhost = $s_socket->peerhost;
$s_peerport = $s_socket->peerport;
$s_addr = "$s_peerhost:$s_peerport";
if ($timeout == 0) {
my ($address, $port);
my @data = split ";", $s_output;
$cmd = $data[0];
if ($cmd eq "C" && ($s_peerhost eq "" || (($proxy_key eq $rproxy_key) && $proxy_key ne ""))) {
&printEvent("CONTROL", "Command received: ".$data[1], 1);
if ($proxy_s_peerhost ne "" && $proxy_s_peerport ne "") {
$address = $proxy_s_peerhost;
$port = $proxy_s_peerport;
} else {
$address = $s_peerhost;
$port = $s_peerport;
$s_addr = "$address:$port";
my $dest = sockaddr_in($port, inet_aton($address));
if ($data[1] eq "HEARTBEAT") {
my $msg = "Heartbeat OK";
$bytes = send($::s_socket, $msg, 0, $dest);
&printEvent("CONTROL", "Send heartbeat status to frontend at '$address:$port'", 1);
} else {
my $msg = "OK, EXECUTING COMMAND: ".$data[1];
$bytes = send($::s_socket, $msg, 0, $dest);
&printEvent("CONTROL", "Sent $bytes bytes to frontend at '$address:$port'", 1);
if ($data[1] eq "RELOAD") {
&printEvent("CONTROL", "Re-Reading Configuration by request from Frontend...", 1);
if ($data[1] eq "KILL") {
die "Exit script by request";
$s_output =~ s/[\r\n\0]//g; # remove naughty characters
$s_output =~ s/\[No.C-D\]//g; # remove [No C-D] tag
$s_output =~ s/\[OLD.C-D\]//g; # remove [OLD C-D] tag
$s_output =~ s/\[NOCL\]//g; # remove [NOCL] tag
# Get the server info, if we know the server, otherwise ignore the data
if (!defined($g_servers{$s_addr})) {
if (($g_onlyconfig_servers == 1) && (!defined($g_config_servers{$s_addr}))) {
# HELLRAISER disabled this for testing
&printEvent(997, "NOT ALLOWED SERVER: " . $s_output);
} elsif (!defined($g_config_servers{$s_addr})) { # create std cfg.
my %std_cfg;
$std_cfg{"MinPlayers"} = 6;
$std_cfg{"HLStatsURL"} = "";
$std_cfg{"DisplayResultsInBrowser"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"BroadCastEvents"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"BroadCastPlayerActions"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommand"} = "say";
$std_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"} = "say",
$std_cfg{"PlayerEvents"} = 1;
$std_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommand"} = "say";
$std_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"} = "",
$std_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandHint"} = "",
$std_cfg{"PlayerEventsAdminCommand"} = "";
$std_cfg{"ShowStats"} = 1;
$std_cfg{"TKPenalty"} = 50;
$std_cfg{"SuicidePenalty"} = 5;
$std_cfg{"AutoTeamBalance"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"AutobanRetry"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"TrackServerLoad"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"MinimumPlayersRank"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"EnablePublicCommands"} = 1;
$std_cfg{"Admins"} = "";
$std_cfg{"SwitchAdmins"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"IgnoreBots"} = 1;
$std_cfg{"SkillMode"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"GameType"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"Mod"} = "";
$std_cfg{"BonusRoundIgnore"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"BonusRoundTime"} = 20;
$std_cfg{"UpdateHostname"} = 0;
$std_cfg{"ConnectAnnounce"} = 1;
$std_cfg{"DefaultDisplayEvents"} = 1;
%{$g_config_servers{$s_addr}} = %std_cfg;
&printEvent("CFG", "Created default config for unknown server [$s_addr]");
&printEvent("DETECT", "New server with game: " . &getServerMod($s_peerhost, $s_peerport));
if ($g_config_servers{$s_addr}) {
my $tempsrv = &getServer($s_peerhost, $s_peerport);
next if ($tempsrv == 0);
$g_servers{$s_addr} = $tempsrv;
my %s_cfg = %{$g_config_servers{$s_addr}};
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("minplayers", $s_cfg{"MinPlayers"});
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("hlstats_url", $s_cfg{"HLStatsURL"});
if ($s_cfg{"DisplayResultsInBrowser"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("use_browser", 1);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Query results will displayed in valve browser", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("use_browser", 0);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Query results will not displayed in valve browser", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"ShowStats"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("show_stats", 1);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Showing stats is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("show_stats", 0);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Showing stats is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"BroadCastEvents"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("broadcasting_events", 1);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("broadcasting_player_actions", $s_cfg{"BroadCastPlayerActions"});
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("broadcasting_command", $s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommand"});
if ($s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"} eq "ma_hlx_csay") {
$s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"} = $s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"}." #all";
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("broadcasting_command_announce", $s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Broadcasting Live-Events with \"".$s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommand"}."\" is enabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"} ne "") {
&printEvent("SERVER", "Broadcasting Announcements with \"".$s_cfg{"BroadCastEventsCommandAnnounce"}."\" is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("broadcasting_events", 0);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Broadcasting Live-Events is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"PlayerEvents"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_events", 1);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_command", $s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommand"});
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_command_osd", $s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"});
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_command_hint", $s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandHint"});
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_admin_command", $s_cfg{"PlayerEventsAdminCommand"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Player Event-Handler with \"".$s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommand"}."\" is enabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"} ne "") {
&printEvent("SERVER", "Displaying amx style menu with \"".$s_cfg{"PlayerEventsCommandOSD"}."\" is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("player_events", 0);
&printEvent("SERVER", "Player Event-Handler is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"DefaultDisplayEvents"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("default_display_events", "1");
&printEvent("SERVER", "New Players defaulting to show event messages", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("default_display_events", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "New Players defaulting to NOT show event messages", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"TrackServerLoad"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("track_server_load", "1");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Tracking server load is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("track_server_load", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Tracking server load is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"TKPenalty"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("tk_penalty", $s_cfg{"TKPenalty"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Penalty team kills with ".$s_cfg{"TKPenalty"}." points", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"SuicidePenalty"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("suicide_penalty", $s_cfg{"SuicidePenalty"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Penalty suicides with ".$s_cfg{"SuicidePenalty"}." points", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"BonusRoundTime"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("bonusroundtime", $s_cfg{"BonusRoundTime"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Bonus Round time set to: ".$s_cfg{"BonusRoundTime"}, 1);
if ($s_cfg{"BonusRoundIgnore"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("bonusroundignore", $s_cfg{"BonusRoundIgnore"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Bonus Round is being ignored. Length: (".$s_cfg{"BonusRoundTime"}.")", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"AutoTeamBalance"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("ba_enabled", "1");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Auto-Team-Balancing is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("ba_enabled", "0");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Auto-Team-Balancing is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"AutoBanRetry"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("auto_ban", "1");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Auto-Retry-Banning is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("auto_ban", "0");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Auto-Retry-Banning is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"MinimumPlayersRank"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("min_players_rank", $s_cfg{"MinimumPlayersRank"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Requires minimum players rank is enabled [MinPos:".$s_cfg{"MinimumPlayersRank"}."]", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("min_players_rank", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Requires minimum players rank is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"EnablePublicCommands"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("public_commands", $s_cfg{"EnablePublicCommands"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Public chat commands are enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("public_commands", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Public chat commands are disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"Admins"} ne "") {
@{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{admins}} = split(/,/, $s_cfg{"Admins"});
$_ =~ s/^STEAM_[0-9]+?\://i;
&printEvent("SERVER", "Admins: ".$s_cfg{"Admins"}, 1);
if ($s_cfg{"SwitchAdmins"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("switch_admins", "1");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Switching Admins on Auto-Team-Balance is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("switch_admins", "0");
&printEvent("TEAMS", "Switching Admins on Auto-Team-Balance is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"IgnoreBots"} > 0) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("ignore_bots", "1");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Ignoring bots is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("ignore_bots", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Ignoring bots is disabled", 1);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("skill_mode", $s_cfg{"SkillMode"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Using skill mode ".$s_cfg{"SkillMode"}, 1);
if ($s_cfg{"GameType"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("game_type", $s_cfg{"GameType"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Game type: Counter-Strike: Source - Deathmatch", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("game_type", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Game type: Normal", 1);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("mod", $s_cfg{"Mod"});
if ($s_cfg{"Mod"} ne "") {
&printEvent("SERVER", "Using plugin ".$s_cfg{"Mod"}." for internal functions!", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"ConnectAnnounce"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("connect_announce", $s_cfg{"ConnectAnnounce"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Connect Announce is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("connect_announce", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Connect Announce is disabled", 1);
if ($s_cfg{"UpdateHostname"} == 1) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("update_hostname", $s_cfg{"UpdateHostname"});
&printEvent("SERVER", "Auto-updating hostname is enabled", 1);
} else {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("update_hostname", "0");
&printEvent("SERVER", "Auto-updating hostname is disabled", 1);
if (!$g_servers{$s_addr}->{"srv_players"})
$g_servers{$s_addr}->{"srv_players"} = ();
# Get the datestamp (or complain)
#if ($s_output =~ s/^.*L (\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d{4}) - (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):\s*//)
#$is_streamed = 0;
#$test_for_date = 0;
#$is_streamed = ($s_output !~ m/^L\s*/);
#if ( !$is_streamed ) {
# $test_for_date = ($s_output =~ s/^L (\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d{4}) - (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):\s*//);
#} else {
# $test_for_date = ($s_output =~ s/^\S*L (\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d{4}) - (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):\s*//);
#if ($test_for_date)
if ($s_output =~ s/^(?:.*?)?L (\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d{4}) - (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):\s*//) {
$ev_month = $1;
$ev_day = $2;
$ev_year = $3;
$ev_hour = $4;
$ev_min = $5;
$ev_sec = $6;
$ev_time = "$ev_hour:$ev_min:$ev_sec";
$ev_remotetime = timelocal($ev_sec,$ev_min,$ev_hour,$ev_day,$ev_month-1,$ev_year);
if ($g_timestamp) {
$ev_timestamp = "$ev_year-$ev_month-$ev_day $ev_time";
$ev_unixtime = $ev_remotetime;
if ($g_stdin)
$ev_daemontime = $ev_unixtime;
} else {
&printEvent(998, "MALFORMED DATA: " . $s_output);
if ($g_debug >= 4) {
print $s_addr.": \"".$s_output."\"\n";
if (($g_stdin == 0) && ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{last_event} > 0) && ( ($ev_unixtime - $g_servers{$s_addr}->{last_event}) > 299) ) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("map", "");
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("last_event", $ev_unixtime);
# Now we parse the events.
my $ev_type = 0;
my $ev_status = "";
my $ev_team = "";
my $ev_player = 0;
my $ev_verb = "";
my $ev_obj_a = "";
my $ev_obj_b = "";
my $ev_obj_c = "";
my $ev_properties = "";
my %ev_properties = ();
my %ev_player = ();
# pvkii parrot log lines also fit the death line parsing
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == PVKII()
&& $s_output =~ /^
"(.+?(?:<[^>]*>){3})" # player string
\s[a-z]{6}\s # 'killed'
"npc_parrot<.+?>" # parrot string
\s[a-z]{5}\s[a-z]{2}\s # 'owned by'
"(.+?(?:<[^>]*>){3})" # owner string
\s[a-z]{4}\s # 'with'
"([^"]*)" #weapon
(.*) #properties
$ev_player = $1; # player
$ev_obj_b = $2; # victim
$ev_obj_c = $3; # weapon
$ev_properties = $4;
%ev_properties_hash = &getProperties($ev_properties);
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
my $victiminfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_obj_b, 1);
$ev_type = 10;
if ($playerinfo) {
if ($victiminfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerPlayerAction(
$ev_type = 11;
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*?)" (say|say_team|say_squad) "(.+)"(.*)$/) {
# player input is volatile and can literally be anything why was this not like this before??? hlxstats CE is literally a joke
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2; #say, say team etc
$ev_obj_a = $3;
$ev_properties = $4;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 14;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Chat(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^
(?:\(DEATH\))? # l4d prefix, such as (DEATH) or (INCAP)
)" # player string with or without l4d-style location coords
\skilled\s # verb (ex. attacked, killed, triggered)
)" # player string as above or action name
\swith\s # (ex. with, against)
(.*) #properties
# Prototype: "player" verb "obj_a" ?... "obj_b"[properties]
# Matches:
# 8. Kills
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_Xcoord = $2; # attacker/player coords (L4D)
$ev_Ycoord = $3;
$ev_Zcoord = $4;
if( !defined($ev_Xcoord) ) {
# if we didn't get L4D style, overwrite with CSGO style (which we may still not have)
$ev_Xcoord = $5;
$ev_Ycoord = $6;
$ev_Zcoord = $7;
$ev_obj_a = $8; # victim
$ev_XcoordKV = $9; # kill victim coords (L4D)
$ev_YcoordKV = $10;
$ev_ZcoordKV = $11;
if( !defined($ev_XcoordKV) ) {
$ev_XcoordKV = $12; # kill victim coords (CSGO)
$ev_YcoordKV = $13;
$ev_ZcoordKV = $14;
$ev_obj_b = $15; # weapon
$ev_properties = $16;
%ev_properties_hash = &getProperties($ev_properties);
my $killerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
my $victiminfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_obj_a, 1);
$ev_type = 8;
$headshot = 0;
if ($ev_properties =~ m/headshot/) {
$headshot = 1;
if ($killerinfo && $victiminfo) {
my $killerId = $killerinfo->{"userid"};
my $killerUniqueId = $killerinfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $killer = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $killerId, $killerUniqueId);
# octo
if($killer->{role} eq "scout") {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
if($killer->{role} eq "spy") {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
my $victimId = $victiminfo->{"userid"};
my $victimUniqueId = $victiminfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $victim = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $victimId, $victimUniqueId);
$ev_status = &doEvent_Frag(
} elsif ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == L4D() && $s_output =~ /^
\(INCAP\) # l4d prefix, such as (DEATH) or (INCAP)
)" # player string with or without l4d-style location coords
\swas\sincapped\sby\s # verb (ex. attacked, killed, triggered)
)" # player string as above or action name
\swith\s # (ex. with, against)
"([^"]*)" # weapon name
(.*) #properties
# 800. L4D Incapacitation
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_l4dXcoord = $2; # attacker/player coords (L4D)
$ev_l4dYcoord = $3;
$ev_l4dZcoord = $4;
$ev_obj_a = $5; # victim
$ev_l4dXcoordKV = $6; # kill victim coords (L4D)
$ev_l4dYcoordKV = $7;
$ev_l4dZcoordKV = $8;
$ev_obj_b = $9; # weapon
$ev_properties = $10;
%ev_properties_hash = &getProperties($ev_properties);
# reverse killer/victim (x was incapped by y = y killed x)
my $killerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_obj_a, 1);
my $victiminfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
if ($victiminfo->{team} eq "Infected") {
$victiminfo = undef;
$ev_type = 800;
$headshot = 0;
if ($ev_properties =~ m/headshot/) {
$headshot = 1;
if ($killerinfo && $victiminfo) {
my $killerId = $killerinfo->{"userid"};
my $killerUniqueId = $killerinfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $killer = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $killerId, $killerUniqueId);
my $victimId = $victiminfo->{"userid"};
my $victimUniqueId = $victiminfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $victim = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $victimId, $victimUniqueId);
$ev_status = &doEvent_Frag(
} elsif ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == L4D() && $s_output =~ /^\(TONGUE\)\sTongue\sgrab\sstarting\.\s+Smoker:"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*?(?:|<setpos_exact ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d) ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d) ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d);.*?))"\.\s+Victim:"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*?(?:|<setpos_exact ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d) ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d) ((?:|-)\d+?\.\d\d);.*?))".*/) {
# Prototype: (TONGUE) Tongue grab starting. Smoker:"player". Victim:"victim".
# Matches:
# 11. Player Action
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_l4dXcoord = $2;
$ev_l4dYcoord = $3;
$ev_l4dZcoord = $4;
$ev_victim = $5;
$ev_l4dXcoordV = $6;
$ev_l4dYcoordV = $7;
$ev_l4dZcoordV = $8;
$playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$victiminfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_victim, 1);
$ev_type = 11;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
if ($playerinfo && $victiminfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerPlayerAction(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^
)" # player string
\s(triggered(?:\sa)?)\s # verb (ex. attacked, killed, triggered)
)" # player string as above or action name
\s[a-zA-Z]+\s # (ex. with, against)
)" # player string as above or weapon name
(?:\s[a-zA-Z]+\s"(.+?)")? # weapon name on plyrplyr actions
(.*) #properties
# 10. Player-Player Actions
# no l4d/2 actions are logged with the locations (in fact, very few are logged period) so the l4d/2 location parsing can be skipped
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2; # triggered or triggered a
$ev_obj_a = $3; # action
$ev_obj_b = $4; # victim
$ev_obj_c = $5; # weapon (optional)
$ev_properties = $6;
%ev_properties_hash = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if ($ev_verb eq "triggered") { # it's either 'triggered' or 'triggered a'
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
my $victiminfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_obj_b, 1);
$ev_type = 10;
if ($playerinfo) {
if ($victiminfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerPlayerAction(
$ev_type = 11;
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
} else {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 11;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
} elsif ( $s_output =~ /^(?:\[STATSME\] )?"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*)" triggered "(weaponstats\d{0,1})"(.*)$/ ) {
# Prototype: [STATSME] "player" triggered "weaponstats?"[properties]
# Matches:
# 501. Statsme weaponstats
# 502. Statsme weaponstats2
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2; # weaponstats; weaponstats2
$ev_properties = $3;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if (like($ev_verb, "weaponstats")) {
$ev_type = 501;
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
my $playerId = $playerinfo->{"userid"};
my $playerUniqueId = $playerinfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $ingame = 0;
$ingame = 1 if (lookupPlayer($s_addr, $playerId, $playerUniqueId));
if (!$ingame) {
&getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_status = &doEvent_Statsme(
if (!$ingame) {
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "weaponstats2")) {
$ev_type = 502;
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
my $playerId = $playerinfo->{"userid"};
my $playerUniqueId = $playerinfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $ingame = 0;
$ingame = 1 if (lookupPlayer($s_addr, $playerId, $playerUniqueId));
if (!$ingame) {
&getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_status = &doEvent_Statsme2(
if (!$ingame) {
} elsif ( $s_output =~ /^(?:\[STATSME\] )?"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*)" triggered "(latency|time)"(.*)$/ ) {
# Prototype: [STATSME] "player" triggered "latency|time"[properties]
# Matches:
# 503. Statsme latency
# 504. Statsme time
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2; # latency; time
$ev_properties = $3;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if ($ev_verb eq "time") {
$ev_type = 504;
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
my ($min, $sec) = split(/:/, $ev_properties{"time"});
my $hour = sprintf("%d", $min / 60);
if ($hour) {
$min = $min % 60;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Statsme_Time(
} else { # latency
$ev_type = 503;
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Statsme_Latency(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*?)" ([a-zA-Z,_\s]+) "(.+?)"(.*)$/) {
# Prototype: "player" verb "obj_a"[properties]
# Matches:
# 1. Connection
# 4. Suicides
# 5. Team Selection
# 6. Role Selection
# 7. Change Name
# 11. Player Objectives/Actions
# 14. a) Chat; b) Team Chat
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2;
$ev_obj_a = $3;
$ev_properties = $4;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if ($ev_verb eq "connected, address") {
my $ipAddr = $ev_obj_a;
my $playerinfo;
if ($ipAddr =~ /([\d\.]+):(\d+)/) {
$ipAddr = $1;
$playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1, $ipAddr);
$ev_type = 1;
if ($playerinfo) {
if (($playerinfo->{"uniqueid"} =~ /UNKNOWN/) || ($playerinfo->{"uniqueid"} =~ /PENDING/) || ($playerinfo->{"uniqueid"} =~ /VALVE_ID_LAN/)) {
$ev_status = "(DELAYING CONNECTION): $s_output";
if ($g_mode ne "LAN") {
my $p_name = $playerinfo->{"name"};
my $p_userid = $playerinfo->{"userid"};
&printEvent("SERVER", "LATE CONNECT [$p_name/$p_userid] - STEAM_ID_PENDING");
$g_preconnect->{"$s_addr/$p_userid/$p_name"} = {
ipaddress => $ipAddr,
name => $p_name,
server => $s_addr,
timestamp => $ev_daemontime
} else {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Connect(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "committed suicide with") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 4;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Suicide(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "joined team") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 5;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_TeamSelection(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "changed role to") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 6;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_RoleSelection(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "changed name to") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 7;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_ChangeName(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "triggered") {
# in cs:s players dropp the bomb if they are the only ts
# and disconnect...the dropp the bomb after they disconnected :/
if ($ev_obj_a eq "Dropped_The_Bomb") {
$playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
} else {
$playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
if ($playerinfo) {
if ($ev_obj_a eq "player_changeclass" && defined($ev_properties{newclass})) {
$ev_type = 6;
$ev_status = &doEvent_RoleSelection(
} else {
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == TFC())
if ($ev_obj_a eq "Sentry_Destroyed")
$ev_obj_a = "Sentry_Dismantle";
elsif ($ev_obj_a eq "Dispenser_Destroyed")
$ev_obj_a = "Dispenser_Dismantle";
elsif ($ev_obj_a eq "Teleporter_Entrance_Destroyed")
$ev_obj_a = "Teleporter_Entrance_Dismantle"
elsif ($ev_obj_a eq "Teleporter_Exit_Destroyed")
$ev_obj_a = "Teleporter_Exit_Dismantle"
$ev_type = 11;
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "triggered a") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 11;
if ($playerinfo)
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
} elsif ($ev_verb eq "say" || $ev_verb eq "say_team" || $ev_verb eq "say_squad") {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
$ev_type = 14;
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Chat(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^(?:Kick: )?"(.+?(?:<.+?>)*)" ([^\(]+)(.*)$/) {
# Prototype: "player" verb[properties]
# Matches:
# 2. Enter Game
# 3. Disconnection
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_verb = $2;
$ev_properties = $3;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if (like($ev_verb, "entered the game")) {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_type = 2;
$ev_status = &doEvent_EnterGame($playerinfo->{"userid"}, $playerinfo->{"uniqueid"}, $ev_obj_a);
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "disconnected") || like($ev_verb, "was kicked")) {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_type = 3;
$userid = $playerinfo->{userid};
$uniqueid = $playerinfo->{uniqueid};
$ev_status = &doEvent_Disconnect(
elsif (like($ev_verb, "STEAM USERID validated") || like($ev_verb, "VALVE USERID validated")) {
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 0);
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_type = 1;
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^Team "(.+?)" ([^"\(]+) "([^"]+)"(.*)$/) {
# Prototype: Team "team" verb "obj_a"[properties]
# Matches:
# 12. Team Objectives/Actions
# 1200. Team Objective With Players involved
# 15. Team Alliances
$ev_team = $1;
$ev_verb = $2;
$ev_obj_a = $3;
$ev_properties = $4;
%ev_properties_hash = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if ($ev_obj_a eq "pointcaptured") {
$numcappers = $ev_properties_hash{numcappers};
if ($g_debug > 1) {
print "NumCappers = ".$numcappers."\n";
foreach ($i = 1; $i <= $numcappers; $i++) {
# reward each player involved in capturing
$player = $ev_properties_hash{"player".$i};
if ($g_debug > 1) {
print $i." -> ".$player."\n";
#$position = $ev_properties_hash{"position".$i};
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($player, 1);
if ($playerinfo) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
if ($ev_obj_a eq "captured_loc") {
# $flag_name = $ev_properties_hash{flagname};
$player_a = $ev_properties_hash{player_a};
$player_b = $ev_properties_hash{player_b};
my $playerinfo_a = &getPlayerInfo($player_a, 1);
if ($playerinfo_a) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
my $playerinfo_b = &getPlayerInfo($player_b, 1);
if ($playerinfo_b) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
if (like($ev_verb, "triggered")) {
if ($ev_obj_a ne "captured_loc") {
$ev_type = 12;
$ev_status = &doEvent_TeamAction(
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "triggered a")) {
$ev_type = 12;
$ev_status = &doEvent_TeamAction(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^(Rcon|Bad Rcon): "rcon [^"]+"([^"]+)"\s+(.+)" from "([0-9\.]+?):(\d+?)"(.*)$/) {
# Prototype: verb: "rcon ?..."obj_a" obj_b" from "obj_c"[properties]
# Matches:
# 20. HL1 a) Rcon; b) Bad Rcon
$ev_verb = $1;
$ev_obj_a = $2; # password
$ev_obj_b = $3; # command
$ev_obj_c = $4; # ip
$ev_obj_d = $5; # port
$ev_properties = $6;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if ($g_rcon_ignoreself == 0 || $ev_obj_c ne $s_ip) {
$ev_obj_b = substr($ev_obj_b, 0, 255);
if (like($ev_verb, "Rcon")) {
$ev_type = 20;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Rcon(
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "Bad Rcon")) {
$ev_type = 20;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Rcon(
} else {
$ev_status = "(IGNORED) Rcon from \"$ev_obj_a:$ev_obj_b\": \"$ev_obj_c\"";
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^rcon from "(.+?):(.+?)": (?:command "(.*)".*|(Bad) Password)$/) {
# Prototype: verb: "rcon ?..."obj_a" obj_b" from "obj_c"[properties]
# Matches:
# 20. a) Rcon;
$ev_obj_a = $1; # ip
$ev_obj_b = $2; # port
$ev_obj_c = $3; # command
$ev_isbad = $4; # if bad, "Bad"
if ($g_rcon_ignoreself == 0 || $ev_obj_a ne $s_ip) {
if ($ev_isbad ne "Bad") {
$ev_type = 20;
@cmds = split(/;/,$ev_obj_c);
$ev_status = &doEvent_Rcon(
substr($_, 0, 255),
} else {
$ev_type = 20;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Rcon(
} else {
$ev_status = "(IGNORED) Rcon from \"$ev_obj_a:$ev_obj_b\": \"$ev_obj_c\"";
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^\[(.+)\.(smx|amxx)\]\s*(.+)$/i) {
# Prototype: Cmd:[SM] obj_a
# Matches:
# Admin Mod messages
my $ev_plugin = $1;
my $ev_adminmod = $2;
$ev_obj_a = $3;
$ev_type = 500;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Admin(
(($ev_adminmod eq "smx")?"Sourcemod":"AMXX")." ($ev_plugin)",
substr($ev_obj_a, 0, 255)
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^([^"\(]+) "([^"]+)"(.*)$/) {
# Prototype: verb "obj_a"[properties]
# Matches:
# 13. World Objectives/Actions
# 19. a) Loading map; b) Started map
# 21. Server Name
$ev_verb = $1;
$ev_obj_a = $2;
$ev_properties = $3;
%ev_properties = &getProperties($ev_properties);
if (like($ev_verb, "World triggered")) {
$ev_type = 13;
if ($ev_obj_a eq "killlocation") {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Kill_Loc(
} else {
$ev_status = &doEvent_WorldAction(
if ($ev_obj_a eq "Round_Win" || $ev_obj_a eq "Mini_Round_Win") {
$ev_team = $ev_properties{"winner"};
$ev_status = &doEvent_TeamAction(
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "Loading map")) {
$ev_type = 19;
$ev_status = &doEvent_ChangeMap(
} elsif (like($ev_verb, "Started map")) {
$ev_type = 19;
$ev_status = &doEvent_ChangeMap(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^\[MANI_ADMIN_PLUGIN\]\s*(.+)$/) {
# Prototype: [MANI_ADMIN_PLUGIN] obj_a
# Matches:
# Mani-Admin-Plugin messages
$ev_obj_a = $1;
$ev_type = 500;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Admin(
"Mani Admin Plugin",
substr($ev_obj_a, 0, 255)
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^\[BeetlesMod\]\s*(.+)$/) {
# Prototype: Cmd:[BeetlesMod] obj_a
# Matches:
# Beetles Mod messages
$ev_obj_a = $1;
$ev_type = 500;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Admin(
"Beetles Mod",
substr($ev_obj_a, 0, 255)
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^\[ADMIN:(.+)\] ADMIN Command: \1 used command (.+)$/) {
# Prototype: [ADMIN] obj_a
# Matches:
# Admin Mod messages
$ev_obj_a = $1;
$ev_obj_b = $2;
$ev_type = 500;
$ev_status = &doEvent_Admin(
"Admin Mod",
substr($ev_obj_b, 0, 255),
} elsif ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{play_game} == DYSTOPIA()) {
if ($s_output =~ /^weapon { steam_id: 'STEAM_\d+:(.+?)', weapon_id: (\d+), class: \d+, team: \d+, shots: \((\d+),(\d+)\), hits: \((\d+),(\d+)\), damage: \((\d+),(\d+)\), headshots: \((\d+),(\d+)\), kills: \(\d+,\d+\) }$/ && $g_mode eq "Normal") {
# Prototype: weapon { steam_id: 'STEAMID', weapon_id: X, class: X, team: X, shots: (X,X), hits: (X,X), damage: (X,X), headshots: (X,X), kills: (X,X) }
# Matches:
# 501. Statsme weaponstats (Dystopia)
my $steamid = $1;
my $weapon = $2;
my $shots = $3 + $4;
my $hits = $5 + $6;
my $damage = $7 + $8;
my $headshots = $9 + $10;
my $kills = $11 + $12;
$ev_type = 501;
my $weapcode = $dysweaponcodes{$weapon};
foreach $player (values(%g_players)) {
if ($player->{uniqueid} eq $steamid) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_Statsme(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^(?:join|change)_class { steam_id: 'STEAM_\d+:(.+?)', .* (?:new_|)class: (\d+), .* }$/ && $g_mode eq "Normal") {
# Prototype: join_class { steam_id: 'STEAMID', team: X, class: Y, time: ZZZZZZZZZ }
# Matches:
# 6. Role Selection (Dystopia)
my $steamid = $1;
my $role = $2;
$ev_type = 6;
foreach $player (values(%g_players)) {
if ($player->{uniqueid} eq $steamid) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_RoleSelection(
} elsif ($s_output =~ /^objective { steam_id: 'STEAM_\d+:(.+?)', class: \d+, team: \d+, objective: '(.+?)', time: \d+ }$/ && $g_mode eq "Normal") {
# Prototype: objective { steam_id: 'STEAMID', class: X, team: X, objective: 'TEXT', time: X }
# Matches:
# 11. Player Action (Dystopia Objectives)
my $steamid = $1;
my $action = $2;
foreach $player (values(%g_players)) {
if ($player->{uniqueid} eq $steamid) {
$ev_status = &doEvent_PlayerAction(
if ($ev_type) {
if ($g_debug > 2) {
print <<EOT
type = "$ev_type"
team = "$ev_team"
player = "$ev_player"
verb = "$ev_verb"
obj_a = "$ev_obj_a"
obj_b = "$ev_obj_b"
obj_c = "$ev_obj_c"
properties = "$ev_properties"
while (my($key, $value) = each(%ev_properties)) {
print "property: \"$key\" = \"$value\"\n";
while (my($key, $value) = each(%ev_player)) {
print "player $key = \"$value\"\n";
if ($ev_status ne "") {
&printEvent($ev_type, $ev_status);
} else {
&printEvent($ev_type, "BAD DATA: $s_output");
} elsif (($s_output =~ /^Banid: "(.+?(?:<.+?>)*)" was (?:kicked and )?banned "for ([0-9]+).00 minutes" by "Console"$/) ||
($s_output =~ /^Banid: "(.+?(?:<.+?>)*)" was (?:kicked and )?banned "(permanently)" by "Console"$/)) {
# Prototype: "player" verb[properties]
# Banid: huaaa<1804><STEAM_0:1:10769><>" was kicked and banned "permanently" by "Console"
$ev_player = $1;
$ev_bantime = $2;
my $playerinfo = &getPlayerInfo($ev_player, 1);
if ($ev_bantime eq "5") {
&printEvent("BAN", "Auto Ban - ignored");
} elsif ($playerinfo) {
if (($g_global_banning > 0) && ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{ignore_nextban}->{$playerinfo->{"uniqueid"}} == 1)) {
&printEvent("BAN", "Global Ban - ignored");
} elsif (!$g_servers{$s_addr}->{ignore_nextban}->{$playerinfo->{"uniqueid"}}) {
my $p_steamid = $playerinfo->{"uniqueid"};
my $player_obj = lookupPlayer($s_addr, $playerId, $p_steamid);
&printEvent("BAN", "Steamid: ".$p_steamid);
if ($player_obj) {
$player_obj->{"is_banned"} = 1;
if (($p_steamid ne "") && ($playerinfo->{"is_bot"} == 0) && ($playerinfo->{"userid"} > 0)) {
if ($g_global_banning > 0) {
if ($ev_bantime eq "permanently") {
&printEvent("BAN", "Hide player!");
&execNonQuery("UPDATE hlstats_Players SET hideranking=2 WHERE playerId IN (SELECT playerId FROM hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds WHERE uniqueId='".&quoteSQL($p_steamid)."')");
$ev_bantime = 0;
my $pl_steamid = $playerinfo->{"plain_uniqueid"};
while (my($addr, $server) = each(%g_servers)) {
if ($addr ne $s_addr) {
&printEvent("BAN", "Global banning on ".$addr);
$server->{ignore_nextban}->{$p_steamid} = 1;
$server->dorcon("banid ".$ev_bantime." $pl_steamid");
} else {
&printEvent("BAN", "No playerinfo");
&printEvent("BAN", $s_output);
} else {
# Unrecognized event
if ($g_debug > 1) {
&printEvent(999, "UNRECOGNIZED: " . $s_output);
if (!$g_stdin && defined($g_servers{$s_addr}) && $ev_daemontime > $g_servers{$s_addr}->{next_plyr_flush}) {
&printEvent("MYSQL", "Flushing player updates to database...",1);
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{"srv_players"}) {
while ( my($pl, $player) = each(%{$g_servers{$s_addr}->{"srv_players"}}) ) {
if ($player->{needsupdate}) {
&printEvent("MYSQL", "Flushing player updates to database is complete.",1);
$g_servers{$s_addr}->{next_plyr_flush} = $ev_daemontime + 15+int(rand(15));
if (($g_stdin == 0) && defined($g_servers{$s_addr})) {
$s_lines = $g_servers{$s_addr}->{lines};
# get ping from players
if ($s_lines % 1000 == 0) {
if ($g_servers{$s_addr}->{show_stats} == 1) {
# show stats
if ($s_lines % 2500 == 40) {
if ($s_lines > 500000) {
$g_servers{$s_addr}->set("lines", 0);
} else {
} else {
$s_addr = "";
while( my($server) = each(%g_servers))
#print "checking $ev_unixtime\n";
# Clean up
# look
my %players_temp=%{$g_servers{$server}->{"srv_players"}};
while ( my($pl, $player) = each(%players_temp) ) {
my $timeout = 250; # 250;
if ($g_mode eq "LAN") {
$timeout = $timeout * 2;
#if (($player->{is_bot} == 0) && (($ev_unixtime - $player->get("timestamp")) > ($timeout - 20))) {
# &printEvent(400, $player->getInfoString()." is ".($ev_unixtime - $player->get("timestamp"))."s idle");
my $userid = $player->{userid};
my $uniqueid = $player->{uniqueid};
if ( ($ev_daemontime - $player->{timestamp}) > $timeout ) {
#printf("%s - %s %s\n",$server, $player->{userid}, $player->{uniqueid});
# we delete any player who is inactive for over $timeout sec
# - they probably disconnected silently somehow.
if (($player->{is_bot} == 0) || ($g_stdin)) {
&printEvent(400, "Auto-disconnecting " . $player->getInfoString() ." for idling (" . ($ev_daemontime - $player->{timestamp}) . " sec) on server (".$server.")");
removePlayer($server, $userid, $uniqueid);
if ($ev_daemontime > $g_servers{$server}->{next_flush}
&& $g_servers{$server}->{needsupdate}
$g_servers{$server}->{next_flush} = $ev_daemontime + 20;
while ( my($pl, $player) = each(%g_preconnect) ) {
my $timeout = 600;
if ( ($ev_unixtime - $player->{"timestamp"}) > $timeout ) {
&printEvent(401, "Clearing pre-connect entry with key ".$pl);
if ($g_stdin == 0) {
# Track the Trend
if ($g_track_stats_trend > 0) {
while (my($addr, $server) = each(%g_servers)) {
if (defined($server)) {
while( my($table) = each(%g_eventtable_data))
if ($g_eventtable_data{$table}{lastflush} + 30 < $ev_daemontime)
if (defined($g_servers{$s_addr})) {
if (($g_servers{$s_addr}->{map} eq "") && (($timeout > 0) && ($timeout % 60 == 0))) {
$c = 1 if ($c > 500000);
$import_logs_count++ if ($g_stdin);
$end_time = time();
if ($g_stdin) {
if ($import_logs_count > 0) {
print "\n";
&execNonQuery("UPDATE hlstats_Players SET last_event=UNIX_TIMESTAMP();");
&printEvent("IMPORT", "Import of log file complete. Scanned ".$import_logs_count." lines in ".($end_time-$start_time)." seconds", 1, 1);
sub INT_handler
print "SIGINT received. Flushing data and shutting down...\n";
sub HUP_handler
print "SIGHUP received. Flushing data and reloading configuration...\n";