;------------------------------------- ; Makes sure map has enough playtime ;------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_auto" } insert: { "OnMapSpawn" "cmd_sv,Command,mp_roundtime 40,0,-1" } } ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes all messages in map since old was client_command ;---------------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "cmd" } replace: { "classname" "point_servercommand" } } ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Adds 5 extra seconds to the second teleporter ;---------------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "classname" "func_button" "origin" "-7185.35 -6298.13 132.66" } delete: { "OnPressed" "st1/tele3_trig,Enable,,33,1" } insert: { "OnPressed" "st1/tele3_trig,Enable,,38,1" } } ;--------------------------------------------- ; Reduces the long door hold by 5 seconds ;--------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "-4570.21 1444.77 -164.38" "classname" "func_button" } delete: { "OnPressed" "st1/door10,Open,,20,1" "OnPressed" "cmd,Command,say *** 20 ***,0,1" } insert: { "OnPressed" "st1/door10,Open,,12,1" "OnPressed" "cmd,Command,say *** 12 ***,0,1" } } ;----------------------------------------------- ; Increases tp by 10 seconds at the split doors ;----------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "-8753.64 3029.9 -1967.11" "classname" "func_button" } delete: { "OnPressed" "st1/tele6_trig,Enable,,35,1" } insert: { "OnPressed" "st1/tele6_trig,Enable,,45,1" } } ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Disables fire particle 5 sec after wall explosion ;---------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "door16_break" "classname" "func_breakable" } insert: { "OnBreak" "st1/door16_explor_partic,Kill,,5,1" } } ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes last teleport being too early ;---------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "-11295.9 14535.1 -2615.25" "classname" "trigger_multiple" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "st1/tele10_trig,Enable,,27,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "st1/tele10_trig,Enable,,38,1" } }