;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;STRIPPER CFG BY MOLTARD http://steamcommunity.com/id/0123456789ABC/ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;4ECHO - ADJUST PLATFORM AT THE END ;----------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "4e_math" "classname" "math_counter" } delete: { "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_3,Close,,16,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_5,Close,,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_4,Close,,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_6,SetSpeed,0.5,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_6,Close,,13.02,1" } insert: { "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_3,SetSpeed,200,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_4,SetSpeed,200,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_5,SetSpeed,200,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_6,SetSpeed,200,13,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_3,Close,,13.02,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_4,Close,,13.02,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_5,Close,,13.02,1" "OnHitMax" "4e_c_bridge_6,Close,,13.02,1" } } ;--------------------------- ;CEEANIDE - LESS LONG ROUND ;--------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "ww_h_trigger1" "classname" "func_button" } delete: { "OnPressed" "Server,Command,say >>>Escape route open in 60 seconds<<<,20,1" "OnPressed" "Server,Command,say >>>MAKE YOUR ESCAPE - SURF THE WAVE<<<,80,1" "OnPressed" "ww_escapeGlass,Break,,80,1" "OnPressed" "ww_escapeClip,Kill,,80,1" "OnPressed" "Server,Command,say >>>Everyone left behind will TP in 20 seconds<<<,81,1" "OnPressed" "Spawn_Tele_T,Disable,,93,1" "OnPressed" "Spawn_Tele_CT,Disable,,93,1" "OnPressed" "Music_Ceeanide,Volume,0,101,1" "OnPressed" "ww_finalWinnerTP,Enable,,101.15,1" "OnPressed" "ww_finalZMTP,Enable,,101.3,1" "OnPressed" "ww_*,Kill,,102,1" "OnPressed" "WaterWave_*,Kill,,103,1" } insert: { "OnPressed" "Server,Command,say >>>Escape route open in 50 seconds<<<,20,1" "OnPressed" "!self,FireUser1,,70,1" "OnUser1" "Server,Command,say >>>MAKE YOUR ESCAPE - SURF THE WAVE<<<,0,1" "OnUser1" "ww_escapeGlass,Break,,0,1" "OnUser1" "ww_escapeClip,Kill,,0,1" "OnUser1" "Server,Command,say >>>Everyone left behind will TP in 20 seconds<<<,1,1" "OnUser1" "Spawn_Tele_T,Disable,,13,1" "OnUser1" "Spawn_Tele_CT,Disable,,13,1" "OnUser1" "Music_Ceeanide,Volume,0,21,1" "OnUser1" "ww_finalWinnerTP,Enable,,21.15,1" "OnUser1" "ww_finalZMTP,Enable,,21.3,1" "OnUser1" "ww_*,Kill,,22,1" "OnUser1" "WaterWave_*,Kill,,23,1" } } ;----------------------------------- ;FERELOZ - LESS DAMAGE FROM FALLING ;----------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_pointhurt_fall" "classname" "point_hurt" ; "Damage" "85" } replace: { "Damage" "65" } } ;------------------------------ ;FERELOZ - MOVE CT TP UP A BIT ;------------------------------ modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_pit_ct_tp" "origin" "-9536 4608 10144" "classname" "trigger_teleport" } replace: { "origin" "-9536 4608 10528" } } ;-------------------------------- ;FERELOZ - PLATFORMS ADJUSTEMENT ;-------------------------------- ; Platform 1, 2 and 3 ; Slower and move less further, and aligned with lava platforms modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform1" "origin" "-9312 4264 11518" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "160" ; "movedistance" "448" } replace: { "origin" "-9376 4264 11518" "speed" "100" "movedistance" "320" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform2" "origin" "-9760 4504 11518" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "160" ; "movedistance" "448" } replace: { "origin" "-9696 4504 11518" "speed" "100" "movedistance" "320" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform3" "origin" "-9312 4704 11528" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "160" ; "movedistance" "448" } replace: { "origin" "-9376 4704 11528" "speed" "100" "movedistance" "320" } } ; Platform 4 and 5 ; Slower and move less further modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform4" "origin" "-9376 5152 11510" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "160" ; "movedistance" "384" } replace: { "speed" "100" "movedistance" "320" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform5" "origin" "-9696 5408 11520" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "160" ; "movedistance" "384" } replace: { "speed" "100" "movedistance" "320" } } ; Platform 6 and 7 ; Slower modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform6" "origin" "-9696 4808 11944" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "150" ; "movedistance" "320" } replace: { "speed" "120" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "fereloz_platform7" "origin" "-9376 4552 11944" "classname" "func_movelinear" ; "speed" "150" ; "movedistance" "320" } replace: { "speed" "120" } } ;-------------------------------------- ;FERELOZ - MOVE DEST TO NOT BE ON LAVA ;-------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "-9536 5152 11536" "targetname" "fereloz_t_dest2" "classname" "info_teleport_destination" } replace: { "origin" "-9536 4960 11536" } } ;------------------------ ;ROSS - FUMO TP FILTERED ;------------------------ modify: { match: { "targetname" "ross_fumo_tp" "classname" "trigger_teleport" } insert: { "filtername" "Filter_CT" "OnStartTouch" "!self,Kill,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "ross_fumo_sprite,Kill,,10,1" } }