add: { "origin" "-2013 -15834 -47" "targetname" "TheCurrentLevelPlugin" "min" "1" "max" "4" "startvalue" "1" "classname" "math_counter" } modify: { match: { "classname" "trigger_once" "hammerid" "71890" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "TheCurrentLevelPlugin,SetValue,2,0,1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "trigger_once" "hammerid" "152558" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "TheCurrentLevelPlugin,SetValue,3,0,1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "trigger_once" "hammerid" "268017" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "TheCurrentLevelPlugin,SetValue,4,0,1" } } ;----------- ; LEVEL FIX ;----------- modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_relay" "targetname" "level_4" "origin" "-2013 -15834.1 -47.5789" "hammerid" "259673" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,AddOutput,target stage4marker,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,Enable,,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_relay" "targetname" "level_3" "origin" "-2077.38 -15834.9 -47.5789" "hammerid" "259675" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,AddOutput,target stage3marker,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,Enable,,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_relay" "targetname" "level_2" "origin" "-2140.29 -15832.8 -47.5789" "hammerid" "259677" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,AddOutput,target stage3marker,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_relay" "targetname" "level_1" "origin" "-2204.29 -15832.8 -47.5789" "hammerid" "259679" } delete: { "OnTrigger" "spawndummy,AddOutput,origin -768 -15744 64,0,-1" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,Disable,,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_relay" "targetname" "level_5" "origin" "-1949.28 -15833.9 -47.5789" "hammerid" "259822" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,AddOutput,target stage5marker,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "newspawntp,Enable,,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_auto" "origin" "-1813.96 -15880.7 25" "hammerid" "51735" } insert: { "OnMapSpawn" "newspawntp,FireUser2,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "newspawntp_setup,FireUser1,,0.05,-1" } } add: { "StartDisabled" "1" "classname" "trigger_teleport" "origin" "-768 -15744 64" "landmark" "newspawntp" "model" "*312" "hammerid" "525872" "UseLandmarkAngles" "0" "target" "stage3marker" "CheckDestIfClearForPlayer" "0" "OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,targetname newspawntp,0.1,1" "OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,classname func_brush,0.1,1" "OnUser2" "newspawntp_setup,Kill,,0,-1" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "newspawntp_setup" } ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;STRIPPER CFG BY MOLTARD ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;REMOVE OUTPUTS FROM BUYZONE ;---------------------------- modify: { match: { "classname" "func_buyzone" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "servercommand,Command,say ***Stage: Level 3 ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "servercommand,Command,say GO TO VERMILION CITY AND TAKE THE BOAT,3,1" "OnStartTouch" "servercommand,Command,say TRAINER MODE ENABLED,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "servercommand,Command,say FIND YOUR POKEMON AT VERMILION CITY,6,1" "OnStartTouch" "tovermilionmusic,PlaySound,,0,1" } } ;----------------------- ;HEAL ITEM TRANSPARENCY ;----------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "heal" "classname" "func_movelinear" } replace: { "rendermode" "1" "renderamt" "60" } } ;------------------------------- ;LONG STUPID CUTSCENE ONLY ONCE ;------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "-1813.96 -15880.7 25" "classname" "logic_auto" } insert: { "OnMapSpawn" "distortionblackhole,Disable,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "StoreInformations,FireUser1,,0,-1" } } add: { "targetname" "StoreInformations" "spawnflags" "0" "origin" "-1814 -15880 25" "classname" "info_target" "OnUser1" "Template_PermEntities,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnUser1" "Dumb_CutScene_Branch,AddOutput,classname info_target,0.02,1" } add: { "origin" "-1814 -15880 25" "targetname" "Template_PermEntities" "spawnflags" "2" "classname" "point_template" "Template01" "Dumb_CutScene_Branch" } add: { "origin" "-1814 -15880 25" "targetname" "Dumb_CutScene_Branch" "InitialValue" "0" "classname" "logic_branch" "OnFalse" "helio_spawner,ForceSpawn,,0,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: You arrived late.,3,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Everything is ready for the creation of the new world.,5,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Now all will end. And everything will begin,7,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: With this the Red Chain made from the crystals of the 3 lake Pokemon...,9,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: And this the Red Chain I replicated with technological means..,11,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: With these Red Chains I'll pry open the portal to another dimension.,13,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: I command that you unleash your power for me...,15,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Dialga the mythical Pokemon and master of time...,20,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: and the other...,21,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Palkia the mythical Pokemon,22,-1" "OnFalse" "Redchainfade1,Fade,,16,-1" "OnFalse" "Redchainfade2,Fade,,17.5,-1" "OnFalse" "Redchainfade3,Fade,,19,-1" "OnFalse" "dialgafade,Fade,,24,-1" "OnFalse" "dialga_spawn,ForceSpawn,,24,-1" "OnFalse" "palkia_spawn,ForceSpawn,,27,-1" "OnFalse" "palkiafade,Fade,,27,-1" "OnFalse" "dialgacry,PlaySound,,25,-1" "OnFalse" "palkiacry,PlaySound,,28,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: I've waited so long for this moment,30,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus:Shaping this world is a double spiral of time and space.,32,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Yes,34,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: You will do my bidding! I will have your abilities as mine!,36,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: With the power I wield,38,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: The incomplete and ugly world we have now can dissapear.,40,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: I am resetting everything to zero. Nothing can remain.,42,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: It is all for making the ultimate world. A world of complete perfection.,44,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Nothing so vague and incomplete as spirit can remain.,46,-1" "OnFalse" "vsgalacticmusic,FadeOut,1,0,-1" "OnFalse" "spearpillarmusic,PlaySound,,1,-1" "OnFalse" "zombieprologuetp,Enable,,0,-1" "OnFalse" "giratinafade,Fade,,48,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: So there's a Pokemon that can appear from the dark?,50,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL!,52,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: NO ONE WILL INTERFERERERERERE....,54,-1" "OnFalse" "HelioIntro,Break,,56,-1" "OnFalse" "dialga_intro,Break,,56,-1" "OnFalse" "palkia_intro,Break,,56,-1" "OnFalse" "helioblocker,Break,,63,-1" "OnFalse" "distortionblackhole,Enable,,63,-1" "OnFalse" "distortion_tp,Enable,,63,-1" "OnFalse" "spearpillar_zombiecage2,Break,,72,-1" "OnFalse" "servercommand,Command,say A portal to the Distortion World opened lets go in.,64,-1" "OnFalse" "giratinacrypilar,PlaySound,,54,-1" "OnFalse" "!self,SetValue,1,64,-1" "OnTrue" "zombieprologuetp,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrue" "vsgalacticmusic,FadeOut,1,0,-1" "OnTrue" "spearpillarmusic,PlaySound,,1,-1" "OnTrue" "servercommand,Command,say ...,2,-1" "OnTrue" "servercommand,Command,say Cutscene Skipped,3,-1" "OnTrue" "helioblocker,Break,,4,-1" "OnTrue" "distortionblackhole,Enable,,4,-1" "OnTrue" "distortion_tp,Enable,,4,-1" "OnTrue" "servercommand,Command,say A portal to the Distortion World opened lets go in.,5,-1" "OnTrue" "spearpillar_zombiecage2,Break,,12,-1" } filter: { "origin" "6470 13843 1443" "classname" "trigger_once" "hammerid" "327733" } add: { "model" "*116" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "4097" "origin" "6470 13843 1444" "targetname" "Dumb_CutScene_Trigger" "classname" "trigger_once" "OnStartTouch" "Dumb_CutScene_Branch,Test,,0,1" } ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------- CHANGE BOSS HP ------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;////////// LEVEL2 ////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Regice +++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 370 hp to Regice ; The counter 'regicehealth' start at 300, and got a max possible value of 7500. ; So after 20 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "13180 -10911 619.5" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "461232" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 regicehealth:Add:370:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 regicehealth:Add:370:0:1,0,1" } } ;************ ;Heal Attack ;************ ; The heal attack re-add 350 hp to regice. ; Adjust it if needed. modify: { match: { "targetname" "regiice_relay_mist" "classname" "logic_relay" "hammerid" "97113" } delete: { "OnTrigger" "regicehealth,Add,350,15,-1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say REGICE USED MIST(HEALING),15,-1" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "regicehealth,Add,350,15,-1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say REGICE USED MIST(HEALING),15,-1" } } ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;////////// LEVEL3 ////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Kirlia 1 +++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; This boss doesnt scale hp. ; It's a breakable boss, so m249 deal more damage ; Adjust it to what you want modify: { match: { "targetname" "kirlia" "origin" "-11264 8232 944" "classname" "func_breakable" "health" "25000" } replace: { "health" "22000" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Crobat Wally +++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; This boss doesnt scale hp. ; It's a breakable boss, so m249 deal more damage ; Adjust it to what you want modify: { match: { "targetname" "Crobat" "origin" "-11264 8212 1104" "classname" "func_breakable" "health" "25000" } replace: { "health" "22000" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Groudon ++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 200 hp to Groudon ; The counter 'groudonhp' start at 100, and got a max possible value of 7500. ; So after 37 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "-3449 6479 484.5" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "461192" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 groudonhp:Add:200:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 groudonhp:Add:200:0:1,0,1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Kirlia 2 +++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 120 hp to Kirlia ; The counter 'finalkirlia_hp' start at 50, and got a max possible value of 500. ; So after 4 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "-3478 7888.5 560" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480407" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 finalkirlia_hp:Add:120:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 finalkirlia_hp:Add:120:0:1,0,1" } } ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;////////// LEVEL4 ////////// ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Purugly ++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ & ++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Skuntank ++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 400 hp to each of these 2 bosses. ; Both counter 'puruglyhealth' and 'skuntankhealth' start at 200, and got a max possible value of 6500. ; So after 16 players, the bosses no longer get hp. ; You surely need to reduce a lot. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "4705 13884.5 1186" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480361" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 puruglyhealth:Add:400:0:1,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 skuntankhealth:Add:400:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 puruglyhealth:Add:200:0:1,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 skuntankhealth:Add:200:0:1,0,1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Honchkrow ++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 400 hp to Honchkrow ; The counter 'honchkrowhp' start at 120, and got a max possible value of 5000. ; So after 13 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "11859 8611.99 1766" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480432" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 honchkrowhp:Add:400:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 honchkrowhp:Add:200:0:1,0,1" } } ;************** ;Shitty Lasers ;************** ; Right now the Night Slash attack (honchkrow) dont remove hp to the boss when people die. ; Adjust the value in 'insert' as you want. modify: { match: { "targetname" "honchkrow_laser_up_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" "origin" "11851.7 7932.5 1411.82" } replace: { "origin" "11856.7 7932.5 1411.82" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "honchkrowhp,Subtract,120,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "honchkrow_laser_down_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" "origin" "11850.7 7931.97 1382" } replace: { "origin" "11856.7 7931.97 1382" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "honchkrowhp,Subtract,120,0,-1" } } ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Crobat ++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 400 hp to Crobat ; The counter 'crobatcyrushp' start at 120, and got a max possible value of 5000. ; So after 13 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "11861 8611.99 1825.5" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480477" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 crobatcyrushp:Add:400:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 crobatcyrushp:Add:150:0:1,0,1" } } ;************ ;Heal Attack ;************ ; The heal attack re-add 500 hp to weavile. ; Adjust it if needed (and modify the console message too) modify: { match: { "targetname" "honchkrow_roost_relay" "classname" "logic_relay" "hammerid" "353690" } delete: { "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Honchkrow use Roost!,8,1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Honchkrow has restored 500HP!,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "honchkrowhp,Add,500,10,-1" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Honchkrow use Roost!,8,1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Honchkrow has restored 350 HP!,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "honchkrowhp,Add,350,10,-1" } } ;************** ;Shitty Lasers ;************** ; Right now the cross venom attack (crowbat) dont remove hp to the boss when people get hurt. ; Adjust the value in 'insert' as you want. modify: { match: { "targetname" "/crobatcyrus_laser.*/" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "crobatcyrushp,Subtract,120,0,-1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Weavile 1 ++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 400 hp to Weavile ; The counter 'weavilehp' start at 120, and got a max possible value of 5500. ; So after 15 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "11859 8611.99 1825.5" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480450" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 weavilehp:Add:400:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 weavilehp:Add:200:0:1,0,1" } } ;************ ;Heal Attack ;************ ; The heal attack re-add 500 hp to weavile. ; Adjust it if needed (and modify the console message too) modify: { match: { "targetname" "weavile_beatup2_relay" "classname" "logic_relay" "hammerid" "362234" } delete: { "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Weavile use Beat Up.,8,-1" "OnTrigger" "weavilehp,Add,500,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Weavile has restored 500HP.,10,-1" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Cyrus: Weavile use Beat Up.,8,-1" "OnTrigger" "weavilehp,Add,350,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "servercommand,Command,say Weavile has restored 350 HP!,10,-1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Giratina +++++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 900 hp to Giratina ; The counter 'giratinahp' start at 120, and got a max possible value of 10000. ; So after 11 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "11859 8611.99 1825.5" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "480450" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 giratinahp:Add:900:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 giratinahp:Add:550:0:1,0,1" } } ;************** ;Shitty Lasers ;************** ; Right now the claw attack (giratina) dont remove hp to the boss when people die. ; Adjust the value in 'insert' as you want. modify: { match: { "targetname" "/giratina_clawlaser.*/" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "giratinahp,Subtract,120,0,-1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Crobat Final +++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 50 hp to Crobat Final ; The counter 'crobatfinal2_health' start at 50, and got a max possible value of 500. ; So after 9 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "14016 6646.5 1861" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "446993" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 crobatfinal2_health:Add:50:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 crobatfinal2_health:Add:35:0:1,0,1" } } ;************** ;Shitty Lasers ;************** ; Right now the final laser (crowbat) dont remove hp to the boss when people die. ; Adjust the value in 'insert' as you want. modify: { match: { "targetname" "crobatfinal2_laser_down_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "crobatfinal2_health,Subtract,20,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "crobatfinal2_laser_up_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "crobatfinal2_health,Subtract,20,0,-1" } } ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++ Weavile Final ++++++++++++++ ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Right now, each player add 80 hp to Weavile Final ; The counter 'weavilefinalhp' start at 200, and got a max possible value of 4000. ; So after 47 players, the boss no longer get hp. ; Replace the value in the 'insert' field by what you think is good. modify: { match: { "origin" "14681 6648.5 2878.06" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "437195" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 weavilefinalhp:Add:80:0:1,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "player,AddOutput,OnUser1 weavilefinalhp:Add:180:0:1,0,1" } } ;************** ;Shitty Lasers ;************** ; Right now the very final laser (weavile) dont remove hp to the boss when people die. ; Adjust the value in 'insert' as you want. modify: { match: { "targetname" "weavilefinal_laser_up_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "weavilefinalhp,Subtract,50,0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "weavilefinal_laser_down_hurt" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } insert: { "OnHurtPlayer" "weavilefinalhp,Subtract,50,0,-1" } }