;-------------------------------------------------- ; Stripper by Hobbitten - last changed 10/09/2022 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------- ; Sends a stripper message ;------------------------- modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_auto" } insert: { "OnMapSpawn" "console,Command,say *** Stripper 7 succesfully loaded ***,3,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "console,Command,sv_enablebunnyhopping 1,3,-1" } } ;------------------------ ; Fixes a teleport error ;------------------------ filter: { "origin" "5728 256 112" } ;------------------------ ; Adds the teleport back ;------------------------ add: { "model" "*95" "targetname" "cleantriggers_1" "target" "lava_dest_2" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "5728 256 112" "filtername" "zombie_filter" "classname" "trigger_teleport" } ;------------------------------------------------- ; Adds a trigger to fix teleport error on stage 2 ;------------------------------------------------- add: { "model" "*141" "targetname" "s2_nahui" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "-11776 1120 7424" "classname" "trigger_once" "OnStartTouch" "s2_teleporter_6,Enable,,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "Console,Command,say *** Zombies are teleported randomly FALL BACK in 5 seconds,10,1" } ;-------------------------------------- ; Increases speed of stage 1 last area ;-------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "movelinc_to_heaven" } replace: { "speed" "90" } } ;------------------- ; Fixes heal amount ;------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "rick_boss_heal_relay" } delete: { "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** Rick Astley: is crying and process to eat all tears - Heals for 12000 hp ***,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hp_counter,Add,12000,0,-1" } insert: { "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** Rick Astley: is crying and process to eat all tears - Heals for 1200 hp ***,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hp_counter,Add,2000,0,-1" } } ;---------------------------------------------- ; Removes stage 2 zombie teleporter boss attack ;---------------------------------------------- filter: { "origin" "-11776 12416 3648" } ;------------------------------- ; adds the teleporter above back ;------------------------------- add: { "model" "*158" "targetname" "s2_zm_teleporter" "origin" "-11776 12416 3648" "target" "s2_boss_dead_dest" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "classname" "trigger_teleport" } ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes zombie timer on stage 2 after Ricardo is dead ;----------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "Ricardo_Boss_Break" } delete: { "OnBreak" "s2_zm_teleporter,Enable,,5,1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_trigger_after_boss" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_zm_teleporter,Enable,,0,1" } } ;---------------------------- ; Removes boss attack stage 2 ;---------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_last_trigger" } delete: { "OnCase04" "Boss_Ricardo_zombie,Trigger,,0,-1" } } filter: { "targetname" "Boss_Ricardo_zombie_case_selector" } filter: { "targetname" "Boss_Ricardo_zombie" } ;------------------ ; Fixes heal amount ;------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_last_trigger" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "ball_move,SetSpeed,1600,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "ball_move,SetSpeed,2400,0,1" } } ;--------------------------- ; Fixes stage 2 laser attack ;---------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_laser_template_boss_troll" "classname" "env_entity_maker" } replace: { "PostSpawnDirection" "0 180 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_laser_template_boss_troll2" "classname" "env_entity_maker" } replace: { "PostSpawnDirection" "0 180 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_laser_template_boss_crouch2" "classname" "env_entity_maker" } replace: { "PostSpawnDirection" "0 270 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_laser_template_boss_jump2" "classname" "env_entity_maker" } replace: { "PostSpawnDirection" "0 270 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } ;-------------------------------- ; Slows down the door on stage 2 ;-------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_door_4_troll" } replace: { "speed" "100" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_door_4_troll" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Doors opening in 15 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_4_troll,Kill,,17,1" } } ;-------------------------------------- ; Fixes client issue on the teleporter ;-------------------------------------- filter: { "origin" "4480 -15904 544" } add: { "model" "*21" "targetname" "s2_teleporter_path_2_2" "target" "s2_dest_4_1" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "4480 -15904 544" "classname" "trigger_teleport" "hammerid" "186243" } ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Fixes a logic_case for stage 1 that selects the path ;------------------------------------------------------ filter: { "origin" "12842.6 3246.54 5128" } add: { "origin" "12842.6 3246.54 5128" "targetname" "rick_face_path_case" "classname" "logic_case" "OnCase01" "rick_face2_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" "OnCase02" "rick_face1_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" "OnCase03" "rick_face2_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" "OnCase01" "rick_face_2,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase01" "rick_face_3,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase02" "rick_face_3,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase02" "rick_face_1,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase03" "rick_face_1,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase03" "rick_face_2,Kill,,0,1" "OnCase01" "rick_face3_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" "OnCase02" "rick_face3_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" "OnCase03" "rick_face1_path_breakable,Break,,0,1" } ;-------------------------------- ; Adds a crouch laser on stage 2 ;-------------------------------- add: { "origin" "-6656 6628 12368" "targetname" "s2_last_laser_jump_crouch" "spawnflags" "0" "PostSpawnSpeed" "0" "PostSpawnInheritAngles" "0" "PostSpawnDirectionVariance" "0.15" "PostSpawnDirection" "0 0 0" "EntityTemplate" "s2_last_laser_template_crouch" "angles" "0 270 0" "classname" "env_entity_maker" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_laser_counter_case" } insert: { "OnCase03" "s2_last_laser_jump_crouch,ForceSpawn,,0,-1" } } ;------------------------------------ ; Fixes stage 2 ending reduces timers ;------------------------------------ modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_whew" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_Doors,Break,,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The last doors breaks in 15 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** FALL BACK ***,15,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_Doors,Break,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The last doors breaks in 10 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** FALL BACK ***,10,1" } } ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Adds 2 push barriers for lasers so zombies dont overrun ;-------------------------------------------------------- add: { "model" "*80" "targetname" "s2_last_push_1" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "-6400 5280 12368" "classname" "trigger_push" "alternateticksfix" "0" "pushdir" "0 0 0" "speed" "400" "filtername" "zombie_filter" } add: { "model" "*80" "targetname" "s2_last_push_2" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "-6912 5280 12368" "classname" "trigger_push" "alternateticksfix" "0" "pushdir" "0 180 0" "speed" "400" "filtername" "zombie_filter" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_last_last_trigger" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_laser_counter_timer,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** INCOMING LASERS ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_laser_ricardo,Kill,,10,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_laser_counter_timer,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_push_2,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_push_1,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** INCOMING LASERS ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** ZOMBIE BARRIER ENABLED ***,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_laser_ricardo,Kill,,9,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_push_2,Kill,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_last_push_1,Kill,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** ZOMBIE BARRIER DISABLED ***,10,1" } } ;---------------------------------------- ; A lot of game play changes for stage 1 ;---------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "lel" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Wait no defend longer like 15 seconds more ***,14,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Wait no defend longer like 15 seconds more ***,12,1" } } filter: { "targetname" "dest_1" } add: { "targetname" "dest_1" "angles" "0 90 0" "spawnflags" "0" "origin" "3584 -688 352" "classname" "info_target" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "large_door_trigger_1" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "large_door_1,Break,,35,1" "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** looks like we gotta tryhard for 35 seconds so we can move on ***,0,1" "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** It broke well done lads! However what the fuck is this? ***,35,1" "OnStartTouch" "final_final_tp_split,Enable,,25,1" "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** Zombies teleport infront of springwater in 10 seconds ***,15,1" "OnTrigger" "console,Command,say *** 15 seconds remaining! ***,25.5,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "large_door_1,Break,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** looks like we gotta tryhard for 25 seconds so we can move on ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** It broke well done lads! However what the fuck is this? ***,26,1" "OnStartTouch" "final_final_tp_split,Enable,,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Zombies teleport infront of springwater in 15 seconds ***,15,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "3584 8064 3136" "classname" "trigger_once" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Zombies teleport from bottom in 10 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "elevator_tp,Enable,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "lift_push,Kill,,15,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "3584 7552 232" "classname" "trigger_once" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "lift_push,Enable,,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Fall back to Rick Astley OR ACTUALLY WAIT ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Yep correct was to wait - I really hope no one was rickrolled noobs ***,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "spawn_music,Volume,0,14,1" "OnStartTouch" "inside_cave_music,PlaySound,,15,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "lift_push,Enable,,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Fall back to Rick Astley OR ACTUALLY WAIT ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Yep correct was to wait - I really hope no one was rickrolled noobs ***,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "spawn_music,Volume,0,14,1" "OnStartTouch" "inside_cave_music,PlaySound,,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Zombies teleport from bottom in 10 seconds ***,16,1" "OnStartTouch" "elevator_tp,Enable,,26,1" "OnStartTouch" "lift_push,Kill,,30,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "3584 10496 3168" "classname" "trigger_once" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "rock_door,Break,,60,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Door breaks in 60 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** 30 left... ***,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The large door broke - Holy shit what a long hold.. ***,60,1" "OnStartTouch" "inside_cave_music,Volume,0,59,1" "OnStartTouch" "cube_music,PlaySound,,60,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "rock_door,Break,,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Door breaks in 30 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** 20 seconds left... ***,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The large door broke - Holy shit what a long hold.. ***,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "inside_cave_music,Volume,0,29,1" "OnStartTouch" "cube_music,PlaySound,,30,1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "door_trigger_2" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "door_2,Break,,16,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Another door? yikes great map ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Well defend 15 seconds ***,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** wow amazing you can defend ***,16,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Suggestion stay sides ***,17,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "door_2,Break,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Another door? yikes great map ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Well defend 10 seconds ***,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** wow amazing you can defend ***,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Suggestion stay sides ***,12,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Suggestion stay sides ***,13,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Suggestion stay sides ***,14,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "3584 12992 3168" "classname" "trigger_once" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "cube_tp_xd,Enable,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Waiting for all noobs to reach the end ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Okay lets go lets go lets go ***,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "ball_part_rick_timer,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "door_spawner,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "hall_way_tp,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "torch_fire_sixth,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "cleantriggers_3,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "ball_rush_rick,Kill,,25,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "cube_tp_xd,Enable,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Waiting for all noobs to reach the end - 5 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Okay lets go lets go lets go ***,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "ball_part_rick_timer,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "door_spawner,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "hall_way_tp,Enable,,1,1" "OnStartTouch" "torch_fire_sixth,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "cleantriggers_3,Kill,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "ball_rush_rick,Kill,,5,1" } } ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes hurt error with stage 1 rick door explosion ;-------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "spawn_rick_roll_hurt" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "spawn_rick_roll_hurt,Kill,,8,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "spawn_rick_roll_hurt,Kill,,7.55,1" } } ;----------------------------------------------- ; Fixes teleport error at stage 1 zombie attack ;----------------------------------------------- add: { "model" "*242" "targetname" "fix_teleport_stage_1" "target" "zombie_boss_dest" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "9216 2960 832" "classname" "trigger_teleport" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "Rick_Astley_bossBreak" } insert: { "OnBreak" "fix_teleport_stage_1,Enable,,5,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "9216 6416 1152" "classname" "trigger_once" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "boss_door,Break,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The door breaks in 10 seocnds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "bridge_spawner_boss,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT BROKE ***,11,1" "OnStartTouch" "boss_room_tp,Enable,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "torch_fire_eight,Kill,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "boss_door_protector,Break,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "troll_rick_model,Kill,,10,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "boss_door,Break,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** The door breaks in 5 seocnds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "bridge_spawner_boss,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT BROKE ***,6,1" "OnStartTouch" "boss_room_tp,Enable,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "torch_fire_eight,Kill,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "boss_door_protector,Break,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "troll_rick_model,Kill,,5,1" } } ;------------------------- ; Gameplay fix on stage 2 ;------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_triggerlol" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_2,Break,,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Boss door breaks in 10 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT broke xd fall back to the amazing detailed arena ***,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_1,Break,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "Boss_Ricardo_corner_break_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "Boss_Ricardo_middle_break_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_bridge_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_6,Start,,9,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_2,Break,,5,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Boss door breaks in 5 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT broke xd fall back to the amazing detailed arena ***,6,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_1,Break,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "Boss_Ricardo_corner_break_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "Boss_Ricardo_middle_break_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_bridge_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_6,Start,,4,1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_trigger_9" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_6,Open,,45,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Defend for 45 seconds! ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** WELL DONE YOU FUCKING DID IT - NOW RUN SPLIT BOTH SIDES,45,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_castle_wall_2,Break,,40,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Zombie shortcut in 5 seconds ***,35,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_second_last_model_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_path_music,Volume,0,45,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_large_room_music,PlaySound,,46,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_5,Start,,45,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_4,Kill,,60,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_6,Open,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Defend for 25 seconds! ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** WELL DONE YOU FUCKING DID IT - NOW RUN SPLIT BOTH SIDES,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_castle_wall_2,Break,,20,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Zombie shortcut in 5 seconds ***,15,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_second_last_model_template,ForceSpawn,,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_path_music,Volume,0,24,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_large_room_music,PlaySound,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_5,Start,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_torch_fire_4,Kill,,24,1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_triggerxd" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_3,Break,,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** TRUST ME door breaks in 5 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT BROKE ***,6,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** WAIT A BIT ACTUALLY I AM WRONG ***,8,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Argh trust me now 20 seconds and it breaks ***,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Yea much better xd ***,30,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** I just heard from headquaters that the door lifespawn have been increased by 10 seconds KEEP IT UP ***,34,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Well done guys and remember to pay your rent ***,44,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** I think this door is broken and blaming life is a bitch is the best way to solve it ***,32,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_door_break_3,Break,,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** TRUST ME door breaks in 5 seconds ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** IT BROKE ***,6,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** WAIT A BIT ACTUALLY I AM WRONG ***,8,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Argh trust me now 15 seconds and it breaks ***,10,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** Yea much better xd ***,25,1" "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,say *** I think this door is broken and blaming life is a bitch is the best way to solve it ***,26,1" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_hp_add_naruto_boss" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_narutu_counter,Add,300,0,-1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_narutu_counter,Add,260,0,-1" } } ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Removes 2 triggers at the end of stage 1 which changes animations ;------------------------------------------------------------------ filter: { "origin" "12800 6912 8192" } filter: { "origin" "12800 6912 6784" } ;------------------------------- ; Removes second pathway stage 2 ;------------------------------- filter: { "targetname" "s2_path_selector_case2" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "s2_trigger_4" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "s2_path_selector_case2,PickRandom,,0,1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "Console,Command,say *** KEEP DEFENDING ***,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "Console,Command,say *** The teleporter is ready in 10 seconds ***,2,1" "OnStartTouch" "Console,Command,say *** The teleporter is ready ***,12,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_teleporter_path_1,Enable,,12,1" "OnStartTouch" "s2_teleport_particle_3x,Start,,11,1" } } ;-------------------------------------------- ; Changes tp location for stage 1 second door ;-------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "split_dest_2_point" "origin" "1728 256 368" } replace: { "origin" "2048 256 368" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "lava_dest_1" } replace: { "origin" "2048 256 368" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "split_dest_1" "origin" "768 1280 272" } replace: { "origin" "5208 256 368" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "lava_dest_2" } replace: { "origin" "5208 256 368" } } ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Disables and Enables bhop for stage 1 special part ;--------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "origin" "9148 768 3168" "classname" "trigger_once" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,sv_enablebunnyhopping 0,10,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "14272 768 1088" "classname" "trigger_once" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "console,Command,sv_enablebunnyhopping 1,32,1" } } ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes stage 1 ending kills func_breakable and changes them to illusionary ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path1" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path2" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path3" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path4" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path5" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path6" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path7" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path8" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face3_path9" } add: { "model" "*246" "targetname" "rick_face3_path1" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 3872 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*348" "targetname" "rick_face3_path2" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 4192 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*349" "targetname" "rick_face3_path3" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 4512 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*350" "targetname" "rick_face3_path4" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 4832 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*351" "targetname" "rick_face3_path5" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 5152 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*352" "targetname" "rick_face3_path6" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 5472 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*193" "targetname" "rick_face3_path7" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 5792 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*336" "targetname" "rick_face3_path8" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 6112 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*333" "targetname" "rick_face3_path9" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 6432 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path1" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path2" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path3" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path4" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path5" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path6" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path7" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path8" } filter: { "targetname" "rick_face1_path9" } add: { "model" "*245" "targetname" "rick_face1_path1" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 3872 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*189" "targetname" "rick_face1_path2" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 4192 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*344" "targetname" "rick_face1_path3" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 4512 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*343" "targetname" "rick_face1_path4" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "13152 4832 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*342" "targetname" "rick_face1_path5" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 5152 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*341" "targetname" "rick_face1_path6" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 5472 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*334" "targetname" "rick_face1_path7" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 5792 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*332" "targetname" "rick_face1_path8" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12448 6112 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } add: { "model" "*206" "targetname" "rick_face1_path9" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "12800 6432 5056" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "classname" "func_illusionary" } ;---------------------------------- ; Makes a slow effect on fire item ;---------------------------------- add: { "origin" "10375.8 -14921.4 6152" "targetname" "speed" "classname" "player_speedmob" } modify: { match: { "targetname" "Item_Fire_trigger" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "speed,ModifySpeed,0.7,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "speed,ModifySpeed,1,10,-1" } } ;------------------------------------ ; Balance both bosses endgame bosses ;------------------------------------ modify: { match: { "origin" "-10880 12712 4360" targetname" "Boss_Ricardo_case" "classname" "logic_case" } delete: { "OnCase06" "Boss_Ricardo_heal,Trigger,,0,-1" } insert: { "OnCase06" "Boss_Ricardo_heal,Trigger,,0,1" } } modify: { match: { "origin" "-10880 12712 4360" targetname" "Boss_Ricardo_case" "classname" "logic_case" } delete: { "OnCase06" "Boss_Ricardo_heal,Trigger,,0,-1" } insert: { "OnCase06" "Boss_Ricardo_heal,Trigger,,0,2" } } ;--------------------------------------- ; stage 2 laser fix - changes classname ;--------------------------------------- filter: { "targetname" "s2_last_laser_hurt_crouch" } add: { "model" "*102" "targetname" "s2_last_laser_hurt_crouch" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "-6656 6610 12338" "nodmgforce" "0" "damagetype" "0" "damagemodel" "0" "damagecap" "99999" "damage" "99999" "classname" "trigger_hurt" } ;----- ; End ;-----