; Comparing "ze_space_race_v1_1.bsp" (266 entities) with "ze_space_race_v1_1_ents.bsp" (390 entities) ; Removed 265 identical entities. ; __ __ ____ _____ _____ ________ __ ; | \/ |/ __ \| __ \_ _| ____\ \ / / ; | \ / | | | | | | || | | |__ \ \_/ / ; | |\/| | | | | | | || | | __| \ / ; | | | | |__| | |__| || |_| | | | ; |_| |_|\____/|_____/_____|_| |_| modify: { match: { "classname" "worldspawn" "targetname" "world" "hammerid" "1" } replace: { "mapversion" "3764" } } ; Generated 1 modify blocks. ; ______ _____ _ _______ ______ _____ ; | ____|_ _| | |__ __| ____| __ \ ; | |__ | | | | | | | |__ | |__) | ; | __| | | | | | | | __| | _ / ; | | _| |_| |____| | | |____| | \ \ ; |_| |_____|______|_| |______|_| \_\ ; Generated 0 filter blocks. ; _____ _____ ; /\ | __ \| __ \ ; / \ | | | | | | | ; / /\ \ | | | | | | | ; / ____ \| |__| | |__| | ; /_/ \_\_____/|_____/ add: { "origin" "32 -13280 16" "angles" "0 90 0" "classname" "info_player_counterterrorist" "hammerid" "4" } add: { "origin" "0 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