modify: { match: { "model" "*274" "targetname" "L3lasermid" } replace: { "movedistance" "3000" } } modify: { match: { "model" "*276" "targetname" "L3laserhigh" } replace: { "movedistance" "3000" } } modify: { match: { "model" "*279" "targetname" "L3laserlow" } replace: { "movedistance" "3000" } } modify: { match: { "model" "*170" "targetname" "l2Bosshpscale" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "l2Boss,AddHealth,1500,0,-1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "l2Boss,AddHealth,1750,0.1,-1" } } modify: { match: { "model" "*253" "targetname" "l3bosshpscale" } delete: { "OnStartTouch" "l3boss,SetHealth,20000,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "l3boss,AddHealth,1700,0,-1" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "l3boss,SetHealth,25000,0,1" "OnStartTouch" "l3boss,AddHealth,2000,0.1,-1" } } modify: { match: { "model" "*148" "targetname" "lift1" } replace: { "dmg" "50" "spawnflags" "18" } } ; ; ; Fix randomstage final teleport not working which should now also trigger nuke ; ; modify: { match: { "classname" "math_counter" "targetname" "randomcounter" } delete: { "OnHitMax" "randommodetp,Enable,,20,-1" "OnHitMax" "randommodetp,AddOutput,target randomwin,0,-1" } insert: { "OnHitMax" "randommodetp,Enable,,20.04,-1" "OnHitMax" "randommodetp,AddOutput,target randomwin,20.02,-1" } } ; ; ; Fix the rare issue where the randompicker picks the same room twice (which teleports the humans into the ZMs) by teleporting the ZMs away ; ; modify { match: { "targetname" "randomtimer" "classname" "logic_timer" } delete: { "OnTimer" "randommodetp,Enable,,0.05,-1" "OnTimer" "randommodetp,Disable,,0.07,-1" "OnTimer" "randomcase,PickRandom,,0,-1" } insert: { "OnTimer" "randommodetpzm,AddOutput,target level2bosszm,0,-1" "OnTimer" "randommodetpzm,Enable,,0.02,-1" "OnTimer" "randommodetpzm,Disable,,0.04,-1" "OnTimer" "randomcase,PickRandom,,0.06,-1" "OnTimer" "randommodetp,Enable,,0.08,-1" "OnTimer" "randommodetp,Disable,,0.10,-1" } }