;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Add a parentname to zm trigger detector on 1999 ending boat ;------------------------------------------------------------ modify: { match: { "classname" "trigger_multiple" "targetname" "columbia_boat_zm_detector" } insert: { "parentname" "columbia_boat_train" } } ;------------- ;Extend Warmup ;------------- modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "level_case" } delete: { "OnCase05" "console,Command,say >>>Warmup ends in 60 seconds<<<,2,-1" "OnCase05" "console,Command,say >>>Introduction Complete<<<,59,-1" "OnCase05" "console,Command,mp_restartgame 1,62,-1" } insert: { "OnCase05" "console,Command,say >>>Warmup ends in 80 seconds<<<,2,-1" "OnCase05" "console,Command,say >>>Introduction Complete<<<,79,-1" "OnCase05" "console,Command,mp_restartgame 1,82,-1" } } ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;STRIPPER CFG BY MOLTARD http://steamcommunity.com/id/0123456789ABC/ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CANT TAKE ZOMBIE ITEM AS CT (and vice-versa) ;--------------------------------------------- ; CT Item Trigger push. Only Zombies and only CT not named plasmid_user get pushed add: { "origin" "-11520 -192 9096" "targetname" "filter_no_item_and_zombie" "Filter01" "filter_only_t" "Filter02" "filter_no_item" "filtertype" "1" "Negated" "0" "classname" "filter_multi" } modify: { match: { "origin" "-3080 -13088 9112" "classname" "trigger_push" "hammerid" "2227273" } replace: { "filtername" "filter_no_item_and_zombie" } } ; Zombie Item Trigger push. Only CT and only Zombies not named plasmid_user get pushed add: { "origin" "-11520 -192 9096" "targetname" "filter_no_item_and_human" "Filter01" "filter_only_ct" "Filter02" "filter_no_item" "filtertype" "1" "Negated" "0" "classname" "filter_multi" } modify: { match: { "origin" "-4248 -13088 9112" "classname" "trigger_push" "hammerid" "2230208" } replace: { "filtername" "filter_no_item_and_human" } } ;No telehop on 1999 stage last hold modify: { match: { "classname" "trigger_multiple" "targetname" "columbia_end_trigger" } insert: { "OnStartTouch" "!activator,AddOutput,absvelocity 0 0 0,0,-1" } } ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Fixes stage 4 hitbox being spawned multiple times ;----------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "fontaine_2_targeter" "classname" "trigger_multiple" } insert: { "OnUser1" "fontaine_2_breakable,Kill,,5,-1" } } ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Hides the zombie when the big daddy is picked up ;----------------------------------------------------- modify: { match: { "targetname" "big_daddy_wep" "classname" "weapon_knife" } insert: { "OnPlayerPickup" "!activator,AddOutput,rendermode 10,0,-1" } } ;------------------------ ;DYNAMIC ENTWATCH CONFIG ;------------------------ ; Items levels modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_electro_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20244 Electro (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20244 Electro (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20244 Electro (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_incinerate_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20392 Incinerate (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20392 Incinerate (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20392 Incinerate (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_cyclone_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20538 Sonic (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20538 Sonic (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 20538 Sonic (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_gravity_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5063227 Gravity (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5063227 Gravity (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5063227 Gravity (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_frost_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5082173 Winter (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5082173 Winter (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 5082173 Winter (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "plasmid_insect_level_case" } insert: { "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 24222 Insect (Lvl 1),0,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 24222 Insect (Lvl 2),0,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_ewsetshortname 24222 Insect (Lvl 3),0,-1" } } ;Max uses based on the current level modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "level_case" } insert: { ; Electro - Only this one is initialized in it, added it to be safe "OnCase06" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 4,10.1,-1" } } modify: { match: { "classname" "logic_case" "targetname" "difficulty_case" ;Handling from stage 1 to 4 + special level 1999 } insert: { ; Electro "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 4,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 5,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 6,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 6,10.1,-1" ;Incinerate "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20392 5,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20392 6,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20392 6,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20392 8,10.1,-1" ;Sonic "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20538 3,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20538 5,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20538 5,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20538 6,10.1,-1" ;Gravity "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5063227 3,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5063227 4,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5063227 4,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5063227 5,10.1,-1" ;Winter "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5082173 3,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5082173 4,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5082173 4,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5082173 5,10.1,-1" ;Insect "OnCase01" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 24222 3,10.1,-1" "OnCase02" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 24222 5,10.1,-1" "OnCase03" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 24222 6,10.1,-1" "OnCase04" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 24222 5,10.1,-1" } } ;ADMIN Room: Plasmids set to max level modify: { match: { "classname" "func_button" "targetname" "admin_set_plasmids_max_level" } insert: { ; Electro "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20244 6,1.1,-1" ;Incinerate "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20392 8,1.1,-1" ;Sonic "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 20538 6,1.1,-1" ;Gravity "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5063227 5,1.1,-1" ;Winter "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 5082173 5,1.1,-1" ;Insect "OnPressed" "console,Command,sm_setmaxuses 24222 5,1.1,-1" } } ;; _ ;; stage 4 - fix trigger modify: { match: { "model" "*261" "origin" "6784 -11444 940" "classname" "trigger_multiple" "hammerid" "5617899" } replace: { "model" "*298" "origin" "6784 -11324 936" } } ;; stage 1999 - fix falling tower modify: { match: { "targetname" "columbia_lighthouse" "classname" "func_tracktrain" } replace: { "spawnflags" "3" } } modify: { match: { "targetname" "columbia_lighthouse_path3" "classname" "path_track" } delete: { "OnPass" "columbia_lighthouse,AddOutput,spawnflags 128,0,-1" } insert: { "OnPass" "columbia_lighthouse,AddOutput,spawnflags 130,0,-1" } }