peace-maker 008fbf78a5
Cleanup the translation files ()
* Remove obsolete slapslay.phrases.txt

That plugin isn't in the stock arsenal since forever.

* Remove "Dead Player Rename" phrase

Unused since 

* Remove nominations phrases from rockthevote

Those phrases were moved to their own nominations.phrases.txt

* Remove "Next Map" phrase from nextmap.phrases.txt

It was moved to basetriggers.phrases.txt

* Remove unused phrases from common.phrases.txt

Only "Slapped Player" was moved to funvotes.phrases.txt

* Delete empty phrase files

* Fix workflow python version selection

3.10 would select Python 3.1 and fail

* Deduplicate "Please select a map" phrase

Only keep it in the plugin.basecommands.txt file and remove it from the basevotes.phrases.txt.

Both plugins using the phrase load the basecommands phrases.

* Allow manual triggering of translations action

* Actually use the nextmap phrases

They were never referenced in the plugin. The "ago" phrase doesn't work the way it is and needs more rethinking.
2023-03-30 01:13:40 +02:00

234 lines
3.5 KiB

"lv" "Jā"
"lv" "Nē"
"No matching client"
"lv" "Atbilstošs klients netika atrasts."
"No matching clients"
"lv" "Atbilstoši klienti netika atrasti."
"More than one client matches"
"lv" "Vairāk par vienu spēlētāju atbilst tavām norādēm \"{1}\""
"More than one client matched"
"lv" "Vairāk kā viens klients atbilst tavām norādēm."
"Player no longer available"
"lv" "Spēlētājs ko esi izvēlējies vairs nav pieejams."
"Kick player"
"lv" "Izmest spēlētāju"
"Kicked by admin"
"lv" "Administrators izmeta"
"Changing map"
"lv" "Maina karti uz {1}..."
"Map was not found"
"lv" "Karte {1} netika atrasta."
"Unable to target"
"lv" "Tu nevari veikt attiecīgo darbību šim spēlētājam."
"lv" "Niks"
"lv" "Pieeja"
"See console for output"
"lv" "Skaties konsolē rezultātu."
"Cannot target bot"
"lv" "Nevar izpildīt šo komandu uz Botu."
"Unable to find cvar"
"lv" "Nevar atrast cvaru: {1}"
"No access to cvar"
"lv" "Tev nav pieejas šim cvaram."
"Value of cvar"
"lv" "Vērība cvaram \"{1}\": \"{2}\""
"Cvar changed"
"lv" "Nomainija cvaru \"{1}\" uz \"{2}\"."
"Config not found"
"lv" "Konfigurācijas fails \"{1}\" netika atrasts."
"Executed config"
"lv" "Palaida \"{1}\" konfigurācijas failu."
"Admin cache refreshed"
"lv" "Administratoru sarakst ir atjaunināts."
"Invalid Amount"
"lv" "Tu norādiji nederīgu lielumu"
"Cannot be performed on dead"
"lv" "Šī darbība nevar tikt izmantota uz mirušu spēletāju \"{1}\""
"Player has since died"
"lv" "Darbība nevar tikt veikta, jo spēlētājs ir miris."
"Vote in Progress"
"lv" "Aptauja jau ir aktīva."
"Vote Not In Progress"
"lv" "Dotajā brīdī nav aktīvu aptauju."
"Cancelled Vote"
"lv" "Atcēla aptauju."
"Cancel vote"
"lv" "Atcelt aptauju"
"Vote Select"
"lv" "{1} izvēlējās {2}."
"No Votes Cast"
"lv" "Nav aktīvu aptauju."
"Vote Delay Minutes"
"lv" "Tev ir jāuzgaida {1} minūtes pirms jaunas aptaujas veikšanas."
"Vote Delay Seconds"
"lv" "Tev ir jāuzgaida {1} sekundes pirms jaunas aptaujas veikšanas."
"Could not connect to database"
"lv" "Nevar pievienoties datubāzei."
"Failed to query database"
"lv" "Nevar sazināties ar datubāzi."
"Invalid SteamID specified"
"lv" "Tu norādīji nepareizu Steam ID (jāsākas ar 'STEAM_:'). "
"Reload admins"
"lv" "Pārlādēt administratorus"
"Command is in-game only"
"lv" "Šī komanda ir pieejama tikai iekš spēles."
"Target must be dead"
"lv" "Šī komanda ir izmantojama tikai uz beigtiem spēlētajiem."
"Target must be alive"
"lv" "Šī komanda ir izmantojama tikai uz dzīviem spēlētajiem."
"Target is not in game"
"lv" "Konkrētais spēlētājs vēl nav pilnībā pievienojies spēlei."
"Cannot participate in vote"
"lv" "Tu nevari piedalīties šinī aptaujā."
"Cannot change vote"
"lv" "Tu nevari mainīt savu izvēli šinī aptaujā."
"lv" "Ieslēgts"
"lv" "Izslēgts"