* Add PostgreSQL DBI extension Bug #3849 This adds a postgresql database driver called "pgsql". The ambuild script changes could be very wrong ;) * Add pgsql support to clientprefs This was originally made by Lyfe in bug 3849! Thanks for that. PostgreSQL supports the 'IF NOT EXISTS' clause when creating tables since version 9.1, so i've switched to use that. * Added pgsql support to sql-admin-manager * Add --pgsql-path to ambuild configure * More ambuild fixes * Compile libpq with ambuild * Try to generate postgres configs * Add dummy config file * More ambuild fixes * Get errorcode and readable error in preparequery No need to stop getting the errorCode, if the error string should be retrieved. Just return both! * Fix indentation in AMBuilderPGSQL * Try to patch and configure postgres through ambuild * Revert "Try to patch and configure postgres through ambuild" This reverts commit 68dfc82b8eb0ce11f621af67ec247b5f47e4a189. * Update to use PostgreSQL 9.4 * Move postgres preparation into seperate script Fetching, preparing and configuring of the postgresql sourcecode is done in a seperate prepare_postgresql.sh script now. People can use this script for their manual builds, if they don't want to use checkout-deps.sh. * Add patch to configure.in again Remove the version check for autoconf in postgres 9.4 too. * Nit: Support older objdirs for hasPgSql ambuild option * Update to use PostgreSQL 9.4.6 * Use newer AMTL and PGSQL 9.6 * Fix threaded queries When running the thread part of a query, it already gets the atomic lock. Don't try to get it twice in that case. Use a seperate lock to protect access to the lastInsertID and lastAffectedRows variables. * Fix SetCharacterSet racing with threaded queries Same fix like in the mysql driver. * Use ke::AutoLock for lastInsertID mutex * Fix fetching one more row than available Don't try to access a row that doesn't exist when iterating rows. * Improve sanity checks on column access Don't call libpq functions with out of bounds column indices. * Let QuoteString return false if quoting failed * Fix build for x64 support changes and update to PGSQL 9.6.9 * Fix linux build * Fix building of connection options string snprintf doesn't support overlapping buffers. * Update to PostgreSQL 9.6.15 * Fix crash after freeing first IQuery object * Fix code crunch * Fix memory leak, cleanup * Nuke MSVC project and Makefile * Remove unsupported numeric error codes * Use STL threads * Add prebuilt libpq for Linux and Windows * Restore and fix version.rc file * Add PostgreSQL build instructions * Add prebuilt libpq for Mac * Add win64 libpq build This is version 9.6.15 since that's what I still had laying around. * Fix buildscript * Fix x64 build on linux and mac Co-authored-by: Erik Minekus <tsunami@tsunami-productions.nl>
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752 lines
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# vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et ft=python:
import os, sys
import traceback
class SDK(object):
def __init__(self, sdk, ext, aDef, name, platform, dir):
self.folder = 'hl2sdk-' + dir
self.envvar = sdk
self.ext = ext
self.code = aDef
self.define = name
self.platform = platform
self.name = dir
self.path = None # Actual path
self.platformSpec = platform
# By default, nothing supports x64.
if type(platform) is list:
self.platformSpec = {p: ['x86'] for p in platform}
self.platformSpec = platform
def shouldBuild(self, targets):
for cxx in targets:
if cxx.target.platform in self.platformSpec:
if cxx.target.arch in self.platformSpec[cxx.target.platform]:
return True
return False
WinOnly = ['windows']
WinLinux = ['windows', 'linux']
WinLinuxMac = ['windows', 'linux', 'mac']
CSGO = {
'windows': ['x86'],
'linux': ['x86', 'x86_64'],
'mac': ['x86_64']
PossibleSDKs = {
'episode1': SDK('HL2SDK', '2.ep1', '1', 'EPISODEONE', WinLinux, 'episode1'),
'ep2': SDK('HL2SDKOB', '2.ep2', '3', 'ORANGEBOX', WinLinux, 'orangebox'),
'css': SDK('HL2SDKCSS', '2.css', '6', 'CSS', WinLinuxMac, 'css'),
'hl2dm': SDK('HL2SDKHL2DM', '2.hl2dm', '7', 'HL2DM', WinLinuxMac, 'hl2dm'),
'dods': SDK('HL2SDKDODS', '2.dods', '8', 'DODS', WinLinuxMac, 'dods'),
'sdk2013': SDK('HL2SDK2013', '2.sdk2013', '9', 'SDK2013', WinLinuxMac, 'sdk2013'),
'tf2': SDK('HL2SDKTF2', '2.tf2', '11', 'TF2', WinLinuxMac, 'tf2'),
'l4d': SDK('HL2SDKL4D', '2.l4d', '12', 'LEFT4DEAD', WinLinuxMac, 'l4d'),
'nucleardawn': SDK('HL2SDKND', '2.nd', '13', 'NUCLEARDAWN', WinLinuxMac, 'nucleardawn'),
'l4d2': SDK('HL2SDKL4D2', '2.l4d2', '15', 'LEFT4DEAD2', WinLinuxMac, 'l4d2'),
'darkm': SDK('HL2SDK-DARKM', '2.darkm', '2', 'DARKMESSIAH', WinOnly, 'darkm'),
'swarm': SDK('HL2SDK-SWARM', '2.swarm', '16', 'ALIENSWARM', WinOnly, 'swarm'),
'bgt': SDK('HL2SDK-BGT', '2.bgt', '4', 'BLOODYGOODTIME', WinOnly, 'bgt'),
'eye': SDK('HL2SDK-EYE', '2.eye', '5', 'EYE', WinOnly, 'eye'),
'csgo': SDK('HL2SDKCSGO', '2.csgo', '21', 'CSGO', CSGO, 'csgo'),
'portal2': SDK('HL2SDKPORTAL2', '2.portal2', '17', 'PORTAL2', [], 'portal2'),
'blade': SDK('HL2SDKBLADE', '2.blade', '18', 'BLADE', WinOnly, 'blade'),
'insurgency': SDK('HL2SDKINSURGENCY', '2.insurgency', '19', 'INSURGENCY', WinLinuxMac, 'insurgency'),
'contagion': SDK('HL2SDKCONTAGION', '2.contagion', '14', 'CONTAGION', WinOnly, 'contagion'),
'bms': SDK('HL2SDKBMS', '2.bms', '10', 'BMS', WinLinux, 'bms'),
'doi': SDK('HL2SDKDOI', '2.doi', '20', 'DOI', WinLinuxMac, 'doi'),
def ResolveEnvPath(env, folder):
if env in os.environ:
path = os.environ[env]
if os.path.isdir(path):
return path
return None
head = os.getcwd()
oldhead = None
while head != None and head != oldhead:
path = os.path.join(head, folder)
if os.path.isdir(path):
return path
oldhead = head
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
return None
def Normalize(path):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path))
def SetArchFlags(compiler):
if compiler.behavior == 'gcc':
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.cflags += ['-fPIC']
elif compiler.like('msvc'):
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.defines += ['WIN64']
class SMConfig(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sdks = {}
self.binaries = []
self.spvm = []
self.extensions = []
self.generated_headers = None
self.mms_root = None
self.mysql_root = {}
self.spcomp = None
self.spcomp_bins = None
self.smx_files = {}
self.versionlib = None
self.all_targets = []
self.target_archs = set()
if builder.options.targets:
target_archs = builder.options.targets.split(',')
target_archs = ['x86']
if builder.backend != 'amb2':
for arch in target_archs:
cxx = builder.DetectCxx(target_arch = arch)
except Exception as e:
# Error if archs were manually overridden.
if builder.options.targets:
print('Skipping target {}: {}'.format(arch, e))
if not self.all_targets:
raise Exception('No suitable C/C++ compiler was found.')
def use_auto_versioning(self):
if builder.backend != 'amb2':
return False
return not getattr(builder.options, 'disable_auto_versioning', False)
def tag(self):
if builder.options.debug == '1':
return 'Debug'
return 'Release'
def detectProductVersion(self):
# For OS X dylib versioning
import re
with open(os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'product.version'), 'r') as fp:
productContents = fp.read()
m = re.match('(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*', productContents)
if m == None:
self.productVersion = '1.0.0'
major, minor, release = m.groups()
self.productVersion = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(major, minor, release)
def detectSDKs(self):
sdk_list = builder.options.sdks.split(',')
use_none = sdk_list[0] == 'none'
use_all = sdk_list[0] == 'all'
use_present = sdk_list[0] == 'present'
for sdk_name in PossibleSDKs:
sdk = PossibleSDKs[sdk_name]
if sdk.shouldBuild(self.all_targets):
if builder.options.hl2sdk_root:
sdk_path = os.path.join(builder.options.hl2sdk_root, sdk.folder)
sdk_path = ResolveEnvPath(sdk.envvar, sdk.folder)
if sdk_path is None or not os.path.isdir(sdk_path):
if use_all or sdk_name in sdk_list:
raise Exception('Could not find a valid path for {0}'.format(sdk.envvar))
if use_all or use_present or sdk_name in sdk_list:
sdk.path = Normalize(sdk_path)
self.sdks[sdk_name] = sdk
if len(self.sdks) < 1 and len(sdk_list) and not use_none:
raise Exception('No applicable SDKs were found, nothing to do')
if builder.options.mms_path:
self.mms_root = builder.options.mms_path
self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE110', 'mmsource-1.10')
if not self.mms_root:
self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE_DEV', 'metamod-source')
if not self.mms_root:
self.mms_root = ResolveEnvPath('MMSOURCE_DEV', 'mmsource-central')
if not self.mms_root or not os.path.isdir(self.mms_root):
raise Exception('Could not find a source copy of Metamod:Source')
self.mms_root = Normalize(self.mms_root)
if builder.options.hasMySql:
if 'x86' in self.target_archs:
if builder.options.mysql_path:
self.mysql_root['x86'] = builder.options.mysql_path
for i in range(10):
self.mysql_root['x86'] = ResolveEnvPath('MYSQL55', 'mysql-5.' + str(i))
if self.mysql_root['x86']:
if not self.mysql_root['x86'] or not os.path.isdir(self.mysql_root['x86']):
raise Exception('Could not find a path to MySQL. Configure with --no-mysql to disable it.')
self.mysql_root['x86'] = Normalize(self.mysql_root['x86'])
if 'x86_64' in self.target_archs:
if builder.options.mysql64_path:
self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = builder.options.mysql64_path
for i in range(10):
self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = ResolveEnvPath('MYSQL55_64', 'mysql-5.' + str(i) + '-x86_64')
if self.mysql_root['x86_64']:
if not self.mysql_root['x86_64'] or not os.path.isdir(self.mysql_root['x86_64']):
raise Exception('Could not find a path to 64-bit MySQL!')
self.mysql_root['x86_64'] = Normalize(self.mysql_root['x86_64'])
def configure(self):
if not set(self.target_archs).issubset(['x86', 'x86_64']):
raise Exception('Unknown target architecture: {0}'.format(self.target_archs))
for cxx in self.all_targets:
def configure_cxx(self, cxx):
if cxx.family == 'msvc':
if cxx.version < 1900:
raise Exception('Only MSVC 2015 and later are supported, c++14 support is required.')
if cxx.family == 'gcc':
if cxx.version < 'gcc-4.9':
raise Exception('Only GCC versions 4.9 or greater are supported, c++14 support is required.')
if cxx.family == 'clang':
if cxx.version < 'clang-3.4':
raise Exception('Only clang versions 3.4 or greater are supported, c++14 support is required.')
if cxx.like('gcc'):
elif cxx.family == 'msvc':
# Optimizaiton
if builder.options.opt == '1':
cxx.defines += ['NDEBUG']
# Debugging
if builder.options.debug == '1':
cxx.defines += ['DEBUG', '_DEBUG']
# Platform-specifics
if cxx.target.platform == 'linux':
elif cxx.target.platform == 'mac':
elif cxx.target.platform == 'windows':
# Finish up.
cxx.defines += [
cxx.includes += [
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public'),
if self.use_auto_versioning():
cxx.defines += ['SM_GENERATED_BUILD']
cxx.includes += [
os.path.join(builder.buildPath, 'includes'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'versionlib'),
def configure_gcc(self, cxx):
cxx.defines += [
cxx.cflags += [
if cxx.version == 'apple-clang-6.0' or cxx.version == 'clang-3.4':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-std=c++1y']
cxx.cxxflags += ['-std=c++14']
cxx.cxxflags += [
have_gcc = cxx.family == 'gcc'
have_clang = cxx.family == 'clang'
if cxx.version >= 'clang-3.9' or cxx.version == 'clang-3.4' or cxx.version > 'apple-clang-6.0':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-expansion-to-defined']
if cxx.version == 'clang-3.9' or cxx.version == 'apple-clang-8.0':
cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-varargs']
if cxx.version >= 'clang-3.4' or cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-7.0':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override']
if cxx.version >= 'clang-2.9' or cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-3.0':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-null-dereference']
if have_clang or (cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.6'):
cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-narrowing']
if have_clang or (cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.7'):
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor']
if cxx.version >= 'gcc-4.8':
cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-unused-result']
if cxx.version >= 'gcc-9.0':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-class-memaccess', '-Wno-packed-not-aligned']
if have_clang:
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-implicit-exception-spec-mismatch']
if cxx.version >= 'apple-clang-5.1' or cxx.version >= 'clang-3.4':
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated-register']
cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated']
cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized']
# Work around SDK warnings.
if cxx.version >= 'clang-10.0':
cxx.cflags += [
if have_gcc:
cxx.cflags += ['-mfpmath=sse']
cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-maybe-uninitialized']
if builder.options.opt == '1':
cxx.cflags += ['-O3']
# Don't omit the frame pointer.
cxx.cflags += ['-fno-omit-frame-pointer']
def configure_msvc(self, cxx):
if builder.options.debug == '1':
cxx.cflags += ['/MTd']
cxx.linkflags += ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt']
cxx.cflags += ['/MT']
cxx.defines += [
cxx.cflags += [
cxx.cxxflags += [
cxx.linkflags += [
if builder.options.opt == '1':
cxx.cflags += ['/Ox', '/Zo']
cxx.linkflags += ['/OPT:ICF', '/OPT:REF']
if builder.options.debug == '1':
cxx.cflags += ['/Od', '/RTC1']
# This needs to be after our optimization flags which could otherwise disable it.
# Don't omit the frame pointer.
cxx.cflags += ['/Oy-']
def configure_linux(self, cxx):
cxx.defines += ['_LINUX', 'POSIX', '_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']
cxx.linkflags += ['-lm']
if cxx.family == 'gcc':
cxx.linkflags += ['-static-libgcc']
elif cxx.family == 'clang':
cxx.linkflags += ['-lgcc_eh']
cxx.linkflags += ['-static-libstdc++']
def configure_mac(self, cxx):
cxx.defines += ['OSX', '_OSX', 'POSIX', 'KE_ABSOLUTELY_NO_STL']
cxx.cflags += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.7']
cxx.linkflags += [
cxx.cxxflags += ['-stdlib=libc++']
def configure_windows(self, cxx):
cxx.defines += ['WIN32', '_WINDOWS']
def add_libamtl(self):
# Add libamtl.
self.libamtl = {}
for cxx in self.all_targets:
def get_configure_fn(cxx):
return lambda builder, name: self.StaticLibrary(builder, cxx, name)
extra_vars = {'Configure': get_configure_fn(cxx)}
libamtl = builder.Build('public/amtl/amtl/AMBuilder', extra_vars)
self.libamtl[cxx.target.arch] = libamtl.binary
def AddVersioning(self, binary):
if binary.compiler.target.platform == 'windows':
binary.sources += ['version.rc']
binary.compiler.rcdefines += [
if self.use_auto_versioning():
binary.compiler.rcdefines += ['SM_GENERATED_BUILD']
elif binary.compiler.target.platform == 'mac':
if binary.type == 'library':
binary.compiler.postlink += [
'-compatibility_version', '1.0.0',
'-current_version', self.productVersion
if self.use_auto_versioning():
binary.compiler.linkflags += [self.versionlib[binary.compiler.target.arch]]
binary.compiler.sourcedeps += SM.generated_headers
return binary
def LibraryBuilder(self, compiler, name):
binary = compiler.Library(name)
if binary.compiler.like('msvc'):
binary.compiler.linkflags += ['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS']
return binary
def ProgramBuilder(self, compiler, name):
binary = compiler.Program(name)
if '-static-libgcc' in binary.compiler.linkflags:
if '-lgcc_eh' in binary.compiler.linkflags:
if binary.compiler.like('gcc'):
binary.compiler.linkflags += ['-lstdc++', '-lpthread']
if binary.compiler.like('msvc'):
binary.compiler.linkflags += ['/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE']
return binary
def StaticLibraryBuilder(self, compiler, name):
return compiler.StaticLibrary(name)
def Library(self, context, compiler, name):
compiler = compiler.clone()
return self.LibraryBuilder(compiler, name)
def Program(self, context, compiler, name):
compiler = compiler.clone()
return self.ProgramBuilder(compiler, name)
def StaticLibrary(self, context, compiler, name):
compiler = compiler.clone()
return self.StaticLibraryBuilder(compiler, name)
def ConfigureForExtension(self, context, compiler):
compiler.cxxincludes += [
os.path.join(context.currentSourcePath, 'sdk'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'extensions'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'sourcepawn', 'include'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl', 'amtl'),
os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl'),
return compiler
def ExtLibrary(self, context, compiler, name):
binary = self.Library(context, compiler, name)
self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler)
return binary
def ConfigureForHL2(self, context, binary, sdk):
compiler = binary.compiler
compiler.cxxincludes += [
os.path.join(self.mms_root, 'core'),
os.path.join(self.mms_root, 'core', 'sourcehook'),
defines = ['SE_' + PossibleSDKs[i].define + '=' + PossibleSDKs[i].code for i in PossibleSDKs]
compiler.defines += defines
paths = [
['public', 'engine'],
['public', 'mathlib'],
['public', 'vstdlib'],
['public', 'tier0'],
['public', 'tier1']
if sdk.name == 'episode1' or sdk.name == 'darkm':
paths.append(['public', 'dlls'])
paths.append(['public', 'game', 'server'])
paths.append(['public', 'toolframework'])
paths.append(['game', 'shared'])
compiler.defines += ['SOURCE_ENGINE=' + sdk.code]
if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms'] and compiler.like('gcc'):
# The 2013 SDK already has these in public/tier0/basetypes.h
if compiler.like('msvc'):
compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC']
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86':
compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC32']
elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_MSVC64']
compiler.linkflags += ['legacy_stdio_definitions.lib']
compiler.defines += ['COMPILER_GCC']
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.defines += ['X64BITS', 'PLATFORM_64BITS']
# For everything after Swarm, this needs to be defined for entity networking
# to work properly with sendprop value changes.
if sdk.name in ['blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'csgo']:
compiler.defines += ['NETWORK_VARS_ENABLED']
if sdk.name in ['css', 'hl2dm', 'dods', 'sdk2013', 'bms', 'tf2', 'l4d', 'nucleardawn', 'l4d2']:
if compiler.target.platform in ['linux', 'mac']:
compiler.defines += ['NO_HOOK_MALLOC', 'NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE']
if compiler.target.platform == 'linux':
if sdk.name in ['csgo', 'blade']:
compiler.defines += ['_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0']
for path in paths:
compiler.cxxincludes += [os.path.join(sdk.path, *path)]
if compiler.target.platform == 'linux':
if sdk.name == 'episode1':
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'linux_sdk')
elif sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms']:
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'linux32')
elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'linux64')
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'linux')
elif compiler.target.platform == 'mac':
if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms']:
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'osx32')
elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'osx64')
lib_folder = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'mac')
if compiler.target.platform in ['linux', 'mac']:
if sdk.name in ['sdk2013', 'bms'] or compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.postlink += [
os.path.join(lib_folder, 'tier1.a'),
os.path.join(lib_folder, 'mathlib.a')
compiler.postlink += [
os.path.join(lib_folder, 'tier1_i486.a'),
os.path.join(lib_folder, 'mathlib_i486.a')
if sdk.name in ['blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'csgo']:
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
compiler.postlink += [os.path.join(lib_folder, 'interfaces.a')]
compiler.postlink += [os.path.join(lib_folder, 'interfaces_i486.a')]
dynamic_libs = []
if compiler.target.platform == 'linux':
if sdk.name in ['css', 'hl2dm', 'dods', 'tf2', 'sdk2013', 'bms', 'nucleardawn', 'l4d2', 'insurgency', 'doi']:
dynamic_libs = ['libtier0_srv.so', 'libvstdlib_srv.so']
elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64' and sdk.name in ['csgo', 'blade']:
dynamic_libs = ['libtier0_client.so', 'libvstdlib_client.so']
elif sdk.name in ['l4d', 'blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'csgo']:
dynamic_libs = ['libtier0.so', 'libvstdlib.so']
dynamic_libs = ['tier0_i486.so', 'vstdlib_i486.so']
elif compiler.target.platform == 'mac':
dynamic_libs = ['libtier0.dylib', 'libvstdlib.dylib']
elif compiler.target.platform == 'windows':
libs = ['tier0', 'tier1', 'vstdlib', 'mathlib']
if sdk.name in ['swarm', 'blade', 'insurgency', 'doi', 'csgo']:
for lib in libs:
if compiler.target.arch == 'x86':
lib_path = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', lib) + '.lib'
elif compiler.target.arch == 'x86_64':
lib_path = os.path.join(sdk.path, 'lib', 'public', 'win64', lib) + '.lib'
for library in dynamic_libs:
source_path = os.path.join(lib_folder, library)
output_path = os.path.join(binary.localFolder, library)
# Ensure the output path exists.
output = context.AddSymlink(source_path, output_path)
compiler.weaklinkdeps += [output]
compiler.linkflags[0:0] = [library]
return binary
def HL2Library(self, context, compiler, name, sdk):
binary = self.Library(context, compiler, name)
self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler)
return self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk)
def HL2Config(self, project, context, compiler, name, sdk):
binary = project.Configure(compiler, name,
'{0} - {1} {2}'.format(self.tag, sdk.name, compiler.target.arch))
return self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk)
def HL2ExtConfig(self, project, context, compiler, name, sdk):
binary = project.Configure(compiler, name,
'{0} - {1} {2}'.format(self.tag, sdk.name, compiler.target.arch))
self.ConfigureForHL2(context, binary, sdk)
self.ConfigureForExtension(context, binary.compiler)
return binary
if getattr(builder, 'target', None) is not None:
sys.stderr.write("Your output folder was configured for AMBuild 2.1, and SourceMod is now\n")
sys.stderr.write("configured to use AMBuild 2.2. Please remove your output folder and\n")
sys.stderr.write("reconfigure to continue.\n")
SM = SMConfig()
# This will clone the list and each cxx object as we recurse, preventing child
# scripts from messing up global state.
builder.targets = builder.CloneableList(SM.all_targets)
if SM.use_auto_versioning():
SM.generated_headers = builder.Build(
{ 'SM': SM }
SM.versionlib = builder.Build(
{ 'SM': SM }
class SPRoot(object):
# SourcePawn's build scripts are always one-offs, and attach the current target
# to the builder, so we have to provide a shim to our StaticLibrary() method.
def StaticLibrary(self, builder, name):
return SM.StaticLibrary(builder, builder.cxx, name)
def Program(self, builder, name):
return SM.Program(builder, builder.cxx, name)
def Library(self, builder, name):
return SM.Library(builder, builder.cxx, name)
def targets(self):
return SM.all_targets
def libamtl(self):
return SM.libamtl
# Build SourcePawn externally.
SP = builder.Build('sourcepawn/AMBuildScript', {
'external_root': SPRoot(),
'external_amtl': os.path.join(builder.sourcePath, 'public', 'amtl'),
'external_build': ['core'],
if len(SP.spcomp) > 1:
SM.spcomp = SP.spcomp['x86']
SM.spcomp = SP.spcomp[list(SP.spcomp.keys())[0]]
SM.spcomp_bins = list(SP.spcomp.values())
for cxx in SM.all_targets:
SM.spvm += [
BuildScripts = [
if builder.backend == 'amb2':
BuildScripts += [
builder.Build(BuildScripts, { 'SM': SM })
if builder.options.breakpad_dump:
builder.Build('tools/buildbot/BreakpadSymbols', { 'SM': SM })