Nicholas Hastings b364bf8b06
Merge pull request from nosoop/sf11
TF2: Add new condition from Scream Fortress XI
2020-06-29 09:01:59 -04:00

500 lines
22 KiB

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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _tf2_included
#define _tf2_included
#define TF_STUNFLAG_SLOWDOWN (1 << 0) /**< activates slowdown modifier */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_BONKSTUCK (1 << 1) /**< bonk sound, stuck */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_LIMITMOVEMENT (1 << 2) /**< disable forward/backward movement */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_CHEERSOUND (1 << 3) /**< cheering sound */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_NOSOUNDOREFFECT (1 << 5) /**< no sound or particle */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_THIRDPERSON (1 << 6) /**< panic animation */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_GHOSTEFFECT (1 << 7) /**< ghost particles */
#define TF_STUNFLAG_SOUND (1 << 8) /**< sound */
enum TFClassType
TFClass_Unknown = 0,
enum TFTeam
TFTeam_Unassigned = 0,
TFTeam_Spectator = 1,
TFTeam_Red = 2,
TFTeam_Blue = 3
enum TFCond
TFCond_Slowed = 0, //0: Revving Minigun, Sniper Rifle. Gives zoomed/revved pose
TFCond_Zoomed, //1: Sniper Rifle zooming
TFCond_Disguising, //2: Disguise smoke
TFCond_Disguised, //3: Disguise
TFCond_Cloaked, //4: Cloak effect
TFCond_Ubercharged, //5: Invulnerability, removed when being healed or by another Uber effect
TFCond_TeleportedGlow, //6: Teleport trail effect
TFCond_Taunting, //7: Used for taunting, can remove to stop taunting
TFCond_UberchargeFading, //8: Invulnerability expiration effect
TFCond_Unknown1, //9
TFCond_CloakFlicker = 9, //9: Cloak flickering effect
TFCond_Teleporting, //10: Used for teleporting, does nothing applying
TFCond_Kritzkrieged, //11: Crit boost, removed when being healed or another Uber effect
TFCond_Unknown2, //12
TFCond_TmpDamageBonus = 12, //12: Temporary damage buff, something along with attribute 19
TFCond_DeadRingered, //13: Dead Ringer damage resistance, gives TFCond_Cloaked
TFCond_Bonked, //14: Bonk! Atomic Punch effect
TFCond_Dazed, //15: Slow effect, can remove to remove stun effects
TFCond_Buffed, //16: Buff Banner mini-crits, icon, and glow
TFCond_Charging, //17: Forced forward, charge effect
TFCond_DemoBuff, //18: Eyelander eye glow
TFCond_CritCola, //19: Mini-crit effect
TFCond_InHealRadius, //20: Ring effect, rings disappear after a taunt ends
TFCond_Healing, //21: Used for healing, does nothing applying
TFCond_OnFire, //22: Ignite sound and vocals, can remove to remove afterburn
TFCond_Overhealed, //23: Used for overheal, does nothing applying
TFCond_Jarated, //24: Jarate effect
TFCond_Bleeding, //25: Bleed effect
TFCond_DefenseBuffed, //26: Battalion's Backup's defense, icon, and glow
TFCond_Milked, //27: Mad Milk effect
TFCond_MegaHeal, //28: Quick-Fix Ubercharge's knockback/stun immunity and visual effect
TFCond_RegenBuffed, //29: Concheror's speed boost, heal on hit, icon, and glow
TFCond_MarkedForDeath, //30: Fan o' War marked-for-death effect
TFCond_NoHealingDamageBuff, //31: Mini-crits, blocks healing, glow, no weapon mini-crit effects
TFCond_SpeedBuffAlly, //32: Disciplinary Action speed boost
TFCond_HalloweenCritCandy, //33: Halloween pumpkin crit-boost
TFCond_CritCanteen, //34: Crit-boost and doubles Sentry Gun fire-rate
TFCond_CritDemoCharge, //35: Crit glow, adds TFCond_Charging when charge meter is below 75%
TFCond_CritHype, //36: Soda Popper multi-jump effect
TFCond_CritOnFirstBlood, //37: Arena first blood crit-boost
TFCond_CritOnWin, //38: End-of-round crit-boost (May not remove correctly?)
TFCond_CritOnFlagCapture, //39: Intelligence capture crit-boost
TFCond_CritOnKill, //40: Crit-boost from crit-on-kill weapons
TFCond_RestrictToMelee, //41: Prevents switching once melee is out
TFCond_DefenseBuffNoCritBlock, //42: MvM Bomb Carrier defense buff (TFCond_DefenseBuffed without crit resistance)
TFCond_Reprogrammed, //43: No longer functions
TFCond_CritMmmph, //44: Phlogistinator crit-boost
TFCond_DefenseBuffMmmph, //45: Old Phlogistinator defense buff
TFCond_FocusBuff, //46: Hitman's Heatmaker no-unscope and faster Sniper charge
TFCond_DisguiseRemoved, //47: Enforcer damage bonus removed
TFCond_MarkedForDeathSilent, //48: Marked-for-death without sound effect
TFCond_DisguisedAsDispenser, //49: Dispenser disguise when crouching, max movement speed, sentries ignore player
TFCond_Sapped, //50: Sapper sparkle effect in MvM
TFCond_UberchargedHidden, //51: Out-of-bounds robot invulnerability effect
TFCond_UberchargedCanteen, //52: Invulnerability effect and Sentry Gun damage resistance
TFCond_HalloweenBombHead, //53: Bomb head effect (does not explode)
TFCond_HalloweenThriller, //54: Forced Thriller taunting
TFCond_RadiusHealOnDamage, //55: Radius healing, adds TFCond_InHealRadius, TFCond_Healing. Removed when a taunt ends, but this condition stays but does nothing
TFCond_CritOnDamage, //56: Miscellaneous crit-boost
TFCond_UberchargedOnTakeDamage, //57: Miscellaneous invulnerability
TFCond_UberBulletResist, //58: Vaccinator Uber bullet resistance
TFCond_UberBlastResist, //59: Vaccinator Uber blast resistance
TFCond_UberFireResist, //60: Vaccinator Uber fire resistance
TFCond_SmallBulletResist, //61: Vaccinator healing bullet resistance
TFCond_SmallBlastResist, //62: Vaccinator healing blast resistance
TFCond_SmallFireResist, //63: Vaccinator healing fire resistance
TFCond_Stealthed, //64: Cloaked until next attack
TFCond_MedigunDebuff, //65: Unknown
TFCond_StealthedUserBuffFade, //66: Cloaked, will appear for a few seconds on attack and cloak again
TFCond_BulletImmune, //67: Full bullet immunity
TFCond_BlastImmune, //68: Full blast immunity
TFCond_FireImmune, //69: Full fire immunity
TFCond_PreventDeath, //70: Survive to 1 health, then the condition is removed
TFCond_MVMBotRadiowave, //71: Stuns bots and applies radio effect
TFCond_HalloweenSpeedBoost, //72: Speed boost, non-melee fire rate and reload, infinite air jumps
TFCond_HalloweenQuickHeal, //73: Healing effect, adds TFCond_Healing along with TFCond_MegaHeal temporarily
TFCond_HalloweenGiant, //74: Double size, x10 max health increase, ammo regeneration, and forced thirdperson
TFCond_HalloweenTiny, //75: Half size and increased head size
TFCond_HalloweenInHell, //76: Applies TFCond_HalloweenGhostMode when the player dies
TFCond_HalloweenGhostMode, //77: Becomes a ghost unable to attack but can fly
TFCond_MiniCritOnKill, //78: Mini-crits effect
TFCond_DodgeChance, //79
TFCond_ObscuredSmoke = 79, //79: 75% chance to dodge an attack
TFCond_Parachute, //80: Parachute effect, removed when touching the ground
TFCond_BlastJumping, //81: Player is blast jumping
TFCond_HalloweenKart, //82: Player forced into a Halloween kart
TFCond_HalloweenKartDash, //83: Forced forward if in TFCond_HalloweenKart, zoom in effect, and dash animations
TFCond_BalloonHead, //84: Big head and lowered gravity
TFCond_MeleeOnly, //85: Forced melee, along with TFCond_SpeedBuffAlly and TFCond_HalloweenTiny
TFCond_SwimmingCurse, //86: Swim in the air with Jarate overlay
TFCond_HalloweenKartNoTurn, //87
TFCond_FreezeInput = 87, //87: Prevents player from using controls
TFCond_HalloweenKartCage, //88: Puts a cage around the player if in TFCond_HalloweenKart, otherwise crashes
TFCond_HasRune, //89: Has a powerup
TFCond_RuneStrength, //90: Double damage and no damage falloff
TFCond_RuneHaste, //91: Double fire rate, reload speed, clip and ammo size, and 30% faster movement speed
TFCond_RuneRegen, //92: Regen ammo, health, and metal
TFCond_RuneResist, //93: Takes 1/2 damage and critical immunity
TFCond_RuneVampire, //94: Takes 3/4 damage, gain health on damage, and 40% increase in max health
TFCond_RuneWarlock, //95: Attacker takes damage and knockback on hitting the player and 50% increase in max health
TFCond_RunePrecision, //96: Less bullet spread, no damage falloff, 250% faster projectiles, and double damage, faster charge, and faster re-zoom for Sniper Rifles
TFCond_RuneAgility, //97: Increased movement speed, grappling hook speed, jump height, and instant weapon switch
TFCond_GrapplingHook, //98: Used when a player fires their grappling hook, no effect applying or removing
TFCond_GrapplingHookSafeFall, //99: Used when a player is pulled by their grappling hook, no effect applying or removing
TFCond_GrapplingHookLatched, //100: Used when a player latches onto a wall, no effect applying or removing
TFCond_GrapplingHookBleeding, //101: Used when a player is hit by attacker's grappling hook
TFCond_AfterburnImmune, //102: Deadringer afterburn immunity
TFCond_RuneKnockout, //103: Melee and grappling hook only, increased max health, knockback immunity, x4 more damage against buildings, and knockbacks a powerup off a victim on hit
TFCond_RuneImbalance, //104: Prevents gaining a crit-boost or Uber powerups
TFCond_CritRuneTemp, //105: Crit-boost effect
TFCond_PasstimeInterception, //106: Used when a player intercepts the Jack/Ball
TFCond_SwimmingNoEffects, //107: Swimming in the air without animations or overlay
TFCond_EyeaductUnderworld, //108: Refills max health, short Uber, escaped the underworld message on removal
TFCond_KingRune, //109: Increased max health and applies TFCond_KingAura
TFCond_PlagueRune, //110: Radius health kit stealing, increased max health, TFCond_Plague on touching a victim
TFCond_SupernovaRune, //111: Charge meter passively increasing, when charged activiated causes radius Bonk stun
TFCond_Plague, //112: Plague sound effect and message, blocks King powerup health regen
TFCond_KingAura, //113: Increased fire rate, reload speed, and health regen to players in a radius
TFCond_SpawnOutline, //114: Outline and health meter of teammates (and disguised spies)
TFCond_KnockedIntoAir, //115: Used when a player is airblasted
TFCond_CompetitiveWinner, //116: Unknown
TFCond_CompetitiveLoser, //117: Unknown
TFCond_NoTaunting_DEPRECATED, //118
TFCond_HealingDebuff = 118, //118: Healing debuff from Medics and dispensers
TFCond_PasstimePenaltyDebuff, //119: Marked-for-death effect
TFCond_GrappledToPlayer, //120: Prevents taunting and some Grappling Hook actions
TFCond_GrappledByPlayer, //121: Unknown
TFCond_ParachuteDeployed, //122: Parachute deployed, prevents reopening it
TFCond_Gas, //123: Gas Passer effect
TFCond_BurningPyro, //124: Dragon's Fury afterburn on Pyros
TFCond_RocketPack, //125: Thermal Thruster launched effects, prevents reusing
TFCond_LostFooting, //126: Less ground friction
TFCond_AirCurrent, //127: Reduced air control and friction
TFCond_HalloweenHellHeal // 128: Used when a player gets teleported to hell
const float TFCondDuration_Infinite = -1.0;
enum TFHoliday
TFHoliday_Invalid = -1
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_Birthday;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_Halloween;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_Christmas;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_EndOfTheLine;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_CommunityUpdate;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_ValentinesDay;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_MeetThePyro;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_FullMoon;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_HalloweenOrFullMoon;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_HalloweenOrFullMoonOrValentines;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_AprilFools;
public const TFHoliday TFHoliday_Soldier;
enum TFObjectType
TFObject_CartDispenser = 0,
TFObject_Dispenser = 0,
TFObject_Teleporter = 1,
TFObject_Sentry = 2,
TFObject_Sapper = 3
enum TFObjectMode
TFObjectMode_None = 0,
TFObjectMode_Entrance = 0,
TFObjectMode_Exit = 1
* Sets a client on fire.
* @note Fire duration is capped to 10 seconds.
* @param client Player's index.
* @param attacker Attacker's index.
* @param duration Duration of fire (in seconds).
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_IgnitePlayer(int client, int attacker, float duration=10.0);
* Respawns a client
* @param client Player's index.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_RespawnPlayer(int client);
* Regenerates a client's health and ammunition
* @param client Player's index.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_RegeneratePlayer(int client);
* Adds a condition to a player
* @param client Player's index.
* @param condition Integer identifier of condition to apply.
* @param duration Duration of condition (does not apply to all conditions).
* Pass TFCondDuration_Infinite to apply until manually removed.
* @param inflictor Condition inflictor's index (0 for no inflictor).
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_AddCondition(int client, TFCond condition, float duration=TFCondDuration_Infinite, int inflictor=0);
* Removes a condition from a player
* @param client Player's index.
* @param condition Integer identifier of condition to remove.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_RemoveCondition(int client, TFCond condition);
* Enables/disables PowerPlay mode on a player.
* @param client Player's index.
* @param enabled Whether to enable or disable PowerPlay on player.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_SetPlayerPowerPlay(int client, bool enabled);
* Disguises a client to the given model and team. Only has an effect on spies.
* Note: This only starts the disguise process and a delay occurs before the spy is fully disguised
* @param client Player's index.
* @param team Team to disguise the player as (only TFTeam_Red and TFTeam_Blue have an effect)
* @param classType TFClassType class to disguise the player as
* @param target Specific target player to disguise as (0 for any)
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_DisguisePlayer(int client, TFTeam team, TFClassType classType, int target=0);
* Removes the current disguise from a client. Only has an effect on spies.
* @param client Player's index.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, or no mod support.
native void TF2_RemovePlayerDisguise(int client);
* Stuns a client
* @param client Player's index.
* @param duration Duration of stun.
* @param slowdown Slowdown percent (as decimal, 0.00-1.00)
* Ignored if TF_STUNFLAG_SLOWDOWN is not set.
* @param stunflags Stun flags.
* @param attacker Attacker's index (0 is allowed for world).
native void TF2_StunPlayer(int client, float duration, float slowdown=0.0, int stunflags, int attacker=0);
* Induces the bleed effect on a client
* @param client Player's index.
* @param attacker Attacker's index.
* @param duration Duration of bleeding (in seconds).
native void TF2_MakeBleed(int client, int attacker, float duration);
* Retrieves the entity index of the CPlayerResource entity
* @return The current resource entity index.
* @deprecated Use GetPlayerResourceEntity instead
#pragma deprecated Use GetPlayerResourceEntity instead
native int TF2_GetResourceEntity();
* Finds the TFClassType for a given class name.
* @param classname A classname string such as "sniper" or "demoman"
* @return A TFClassType constant.
native TFClassType TF2_GetClass(const char[] classname);
* Called on weapon fire to decide if the current shot should be critical.
* Return Plugin_Continue to let the original calculation or return a higher
* action to override the decision with the value of 'result'
* @note Since critical shots are also calculated client side any changes made with
* this will not show for the shooter. Projectile weapons such as the rocketlauncher
* and demoman weapons will show a critical bullet but no critical sound effect.
* Bullet hits should appear as expected.
* @param client Client Index.
* @param weapon Weapon entity Index.
* @param weaponname Classname of the weapon.
* @param result Buffer param for the result of the decision.
forward Action TF2_CalcIsAttackCritical(int client, int weapon, char[] weaponname, bool &result);
* @deprecated No longer called. Use TF2_OnIsHolidayActive.
#pragma deprecated No longer called. Use TF2_OnIsHolidayActive.
forward Action TF2_OnGetHoliday(TFHoliday &holiday);
* Called at various times when the game checks to see if the given holiday is active.
* Return Plugin_Continue to let the original calculation or return a higher
* action to override the decision with the value of 'result'
* @param holiday Holiday being checked.
* @param result Buffer param for the result of the decision.
* @return Plugin_Continue for original calculation, higher value to use 'result'.
forward Action TF2_OnIsHolidayActive(TFHoliday holiday, bool &result);
* Returns whether or not a holiday is active
* @param holiday Holiday being checked.
* @return Boolean of whether or not the holiday is active.
native bool TF2_IsHolidayActive(TFHoliday holiday);
* Returns whether or not a client (Player) is in a duel.
* @param client Client Index.
* @return Boolean of whether or not the client/player is dueling.
native bool TF2_IsPlayerInDuel(int client);
* Removes an econ wearable (hat, misc, etc) from a player.
* This also deletes the wearable entity.
* @param client Client index.
* @param wearable Index of the wearable entity.
* @error Invalid client index, client not in game, invalid wearable entity, or no mod support.
native void TF2_RemoveWearable(int client, int wearable);
* Called after a condition is added to a player
* @param client Index of the client to which the condition is being added.
* @param condition Condition that is being added.
forward void TF2_OnConditionAdded(int client, TFCond condition);
* Called after a condition is removed from a player
* @param client Index of the client to which the condition is being removed.
* @param condition Condition that is being removed.
forward void TF2_OnConditionRemoved(int client, TFCond condition);
* Called when the server enters the Waiting for Players round state
forward void TF2_OnWaitingForPlayersStart();
* Called when the server exits the Waiting for Players round state
forward void TF2_OnWaitingForPlayersEnd();
* Called when a player attempts to use a teleporter to decide if the player should be allowed to teleport.
* Return Plugin_Continue to let the original calculation or return a higher
* action to override the decision with the value of 'result'
* @param client Client index.
* @param teleporter Teleporter entity index.
* @param result Buffer param for the result of the decision.
* This is prepopulated with the game's original decision to let a player teleport.
* @return Plugin_Continue for original calculation, higher value to use 'result'.
forward Action TF2_OnPlayerTeleport(int client, int teleporter, bool &result);
* Do not edit below this line!
public Extension __ext_tf2 =
name = "TF2 Tools",
file = "game.tf2.ext",
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public void __ext_tf2_SetNTVOptional()