Various minor things done to project files Updated sample extension project file and updated makefile to the new unified version (more changes likely on the way) Updated regex project file and makefile --HG-- extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%401971
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* =============================================================================
* SourcePawn
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
* @file sp_vm_api.h
* @brief Contains all of the object structures used in the SourcePawn API.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sp_vm_types.h"
/** SourcePawn Engine API Version */
/** SourcePawn VM API Version */
#if !defined SOURCEMOD_BUILD
namespace SourceMod
struct IdentityToken_t;
namespace SourcePawn
class IVirtualMachine;
/* Parameter flags */
#define SM_PARAM_COPYBACK (1<<0) /**< Copy an array/reference back after call */
/* String parameter flags (separate from parameter flags) */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_UTF8 (1<<0) /**< String should be UTF-8 handled */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_COPY (1<<1) /**< String should be copied into the plugin */
#define SM_PARAM_STRING_BINARY (1<<2) /**< String should be handled as binary data */
* @brief Pseudo-NULL reference types.
SP_NULL_VECTOR = 0, /**< Float[3] reference */
SP_NULL_STRING = 1, /**< const String[1] reference */
* @brief Represents what a function needs to implement in order to be callable.
class ICallable
* @brief Pushes a cell onto the current call.
* @param cell Parameter value to push.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushCell(cell_t cell) =0;
* @brief Pushes a cell by reference onto the current call.
* NOTE: On Execute, the pointer passed will be modified if copyback is enabled.
* NOTE: By reference parameters are cached and thus are not read until execution.
* This means you cannot push a pointer, change it, and push it again and expect
* two different values to come out.
* @param cell Address containing parameter value to push.
* @param flags Copy-back flags.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushCellByRef(cell_t *cell, int flags=SM_PARAM_COPYBACK) =0;
* @brief Pushes a float onto the current call.
* @param number Parameter value to push.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushFloat(float number) =0;
* @brief Pushes a float onto the current call by reference.
* NOTE: On Execute, the pointer passed will be modified if copyback is enabled.
* NOTE: By reference parameters are cached and thus are not read until execution.
* This means you cannot push a pointer, change it, and push it again and expect
* two different values to come out.
* @param number Parameter value to push.
& @param flags Copy-back flags.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushFloatByRef(float *number, int flags=SM_PARAM_COPYBACK) =0;
* @brief Pushes an array of cells onto the current call.
* On Execute, the pointer passed will be modified if non-NULL and copy-back
* is enabled.
* By reference parameters are cached and thus are not read until execution.
* This means you cannot push a pointer, change it, and push it again and expect
* two different values to come out.
* @param inarray Array to copy, NULL if no initial array should be copied.
* @param cells Number of cells to allocate and optionally read from the input array.
* @param flags Whether or not changes should be copied back to the input array.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushArray(cell_t *inarray, unsigned int cells, int flags=0) =0;
* @brief Pushes a string onto the current call.
* @param string String to push.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushString(const char *string) =0;
* @brief Pushes a string or string buffer.
* NOTE: On Execute, the pointer passed will be modified if copy-back is enabled.
* @param buffer Pointer to string buffer.
* @param length Length of buffer.
* @param sz_flags String flags. In copy mode, the string will be copied
* according to the handling (ascii, utf-8, binary, etc).
* @param cp_flags Copy-back flags.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int PushStringEx(char *buffer, size_t length, int sz_flags, int cp_flags) =0;
* @brief Cancels a function call that is being pushed but not yet executed.
* This can be used be reset for CallFunction() use.
virtual void Cancel() =0;
* @brief Encapsulates a function call in a plugin.
* NOTE: Function calls must be atomic to one execution context.
* NOTE: This object should not be deleted. It lives for the lifetime of the plugin.
class IPluginFunction : public ICallable
* @brief Executes the forward, resets the pushed parameter list, and performs any copybacks.
* @param result Pointer to store return value in.
* @return Error code, if any.
virtual int Execute(cell_t *result) =0;
* @brief Executes the function with the given parameter array.
* Parameters are read in forward order (i.e. index 0 is parameter #1)
* NOTE: You will get an error if you attempt to use CallFunction() with
* previously pushed parameters.
* @param params Array of cell parameters.
* @param num_params Number of parameters to push.
* @param result Pointer to store result of function on return.
* @return SourcePawn error code (if any).
virtual int CallFunction(const cell_t *params, unsigned int num_params, cell_t *result) =0;
* @brief Returns which plugin this function belongs to.
* @return IPluginContext pointer to parent plugin.
virtual IPluginContext *GetParentContext() =0;
* @brief Returns whether the parent plugin is paused.
* @return True if runnable, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsRunnable() =0;
* @brief Returns the function ID of this function.
* Note: This was added in API version 4.
* @return Function id.
virtual funcid_t GetFunctionID() =0;
* @brief Interface to managing a debug context at runtime.
class IPluginDebugInfo
* @brief Given a code pointer, finds the file it is associated with.
* @param addr Code address offset.
* @param filename Pointer to store filename pointer in.
virtual int LookupFile(ucell_t addr, const char **filename) =0;
* @brief Given a code pointer, finds the function it is associated with.
* @param addr Code address offset.
* @param name Pointer to store function name pointer in.
virtual int LookupFunction(ucell_t addr, const char **name) =0;
* @brief Given a code pointer, finds the line it is associated with.
* @param addr Code address offset.
* @param line Pointer to store line number in.
virtual int LookupLine(ucell_t addr, uint32_t *line) =0;
* @brief Interface to managing a context at runtime.
class IPluginContext
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~IPluginContext() { };
* @brief Returns the parent IVirtualMachine.
* @return Parent virtual machine pointer.
virtual IVirtualMachine *GetVirtualMachine() =0;
* @brief Returns the child sp_context_t structure.
* @return Child sp_context_t structure.
virtual sp_context_t *GetContext() =0;
* @brief Returns true if the plugin is in debug mode.
* @return True if in debug mode, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsDebugging() =0;
* @brief Installs a debug break and returns the old one, if any.
* This will fail if the plugin is not debugging.
* @param newpfn New function pointer.
* @param oldpfn Pointer to retrieve old function pointer.
virtual int SetDebugBreak(SPVM_DEBUGBREAK newpfn, SPVM_DEBUGBREAK *oldpfn) =0;
* @brief Returns debug info.
* @return IPluginDebugInfo, or NULL if no debug info found.
virtual IPluginDebugInfo *GetDebugInfo() =0;
* @brief Allocates memory on the secondary stack of a plugin.
* Note that although called a heap, it is in fact a stack.
* @param cells Number of cells to allocate.
* @param local_addr Will be filled with data offset to heap.
* @param phys_addr Physical address to heap memory.
virtual int HeapAlloc(unsigned int cells, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) =0;
* @brief Pops a heap address off the heap stack. Use this to free memory allocated with
* SP_HeapAlloc().
* Note that in SourcePawn, the heap is in fact a bottom-up stack. Deallocations
* with this native should be performed in precisely the REVERSE order.
* @param local_addr Local address to free.
virtual int HeapPop(cell_t local_addr) =0;
* @brief Releases a heap address using a different method than SP_HeapPop().
* This allows you to release in any order. However, if you allocate N
* objects, release only some of them, then begin allocating again,
* you cannot go back and starting freeing the originals.
* In other words, for each chain of allocations, if you start deallocating,
* then allocating more in a chain, you must only deallocate from the current
* allocation chain. This is basically HeapPop() except on a larger scale.
* @param local_addr Local address to free.
virtual int HeapRelease(cell_t local_addr) =0;
* @brief Finds a native by name.
* @param name Name of native.
* @param index Optionally filled with native index number.
virtual int FindNativeByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) =0;
* @brief Gets native info by index.
* @param index Index number of native.
* @param native Optionally filled with pointer to native structure.
virtual int GetNativeByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_native_t **native) =0;
* @brief Gets the number of natives.
* @return Filled with the number of natives.
virtual uint32_t GetNativesNum() =0;
* @brief Finds a public function by name.
* @param name Name of public
* @param index Optionally filled with public index number.
virtual int FindPublicByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) =0;
* @brief Gets public function info by index.
* @param index Public function index number.
* @param publicptr Optionally filled with pointer to public structure.
virtual int GetPublicByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_public_t **publicptr) =0;
* @brief Gets the number of public functions.
* @return Filled with the number of public functions.
virtual uint32_t GetPublicsNum() =0;
* @brief Gets public variable info by index.
* @param index Public variable index number.
* @param pubvar Optionally filled with pointer to pubvar structure.
virtual int GetPubvarByIndex(uint32_t index, sp_pubvar_t **pubvar) =0;
* @brief Finds a public variable by name.
* @param name Name of pubvar
* @param index Optionally filled with pubvar index number.
virtual int FindPubvarByName(const char *name, uint32_t *index) =0;
* @brief Gets the addresses of a public variable.
* @param index Index of public variable.
* @param local_addr Address to store local address in.
* @param phys_addr Address to store physically relocated in.
virtual int GetPubvarAddrs(uint32_t index, cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of public variables.
* @return Number of public variables.
virtual uint32_t GetPubVarsNum() =0;
* @brief Round-about method of converting a plugin reference to a physical address
* @param local_addr Local address in plugin.
* @param phys_addr Optionally filled with relocated physical address.
virtual int LocalToPhysAddr(cell_t local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr) =0;
* @brief Converts a local address to a physical string.
* @param local_addr Local address in plugin.
* @param addr Destination output pointer.
virtual int LocalToString(cell_t local_addr, char **addr) =0;
* @brief Converts a physical string to a local address.
* @param local_addr Local address in plugin.
* @param bytes Number of chars to write, including NULL terminator.
* @param source Source string to copy.
virtual int StringToLocal(cell_t local_addr, size_t bytes, const char *source) =0;
* @brief Converts a physical UTF-8 string to a local address.
* This function is the same as the ANSI version, except it will copy the maximum number of characters possible
* without accidentally chopping a multi-byte character.
* @param local_addr Local address in plugin.
* @param maxbytes Number of bytes to write, including NULL terminator.
* @param source Source string to copy.
* @param wrtnbytes Optionally set to the number of actual bytes written.
virtual int StringToLocalUTF8(cell_t local_addr,
size_t maxbytes,
const char *source,
size_t *wrtnbytes) =0;
* @brief Pushes a cell onto the stack. Increases the parameter count by one.
* @param value Cell value.
virtual int PushCell(cell_t value) =0;
* @brief Pushes an array of cells onto the stack. Increases the parameter count by one.
* If the function returns an error it will fail entirely, releasing anything allocated in the process.
* Note that this does not release the heap, so you should release it after
* calling Execute().
* @param local_addr Filled with local address to release.
* @param phys_addr Optionally filled with physical address of new array.
* @param array Cell array to copy.
* @param numcells Number of cells in the array to copy.
virtual int PushCellArray(cell_t *local_addr, cell_t **phys_addr, cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells) =0;
* @brief Pushes a string onto the stack (by reference) and increases the parameter count by one.
* Note that this does not release the heap, so you should release it after
* calling Execute().
* @param local_addr Filled with local address to release.
* @param phys_addr Optionally filled with physical address of new array.
* @param string Source string to push.
virtual int PushString(cell_t *local_addr, char **phys_addr, const char *string) =0;
* @brief Individually pushes each cell of an array of cells onto the stack. Increases the
* parameter count by the number of cells pushed.
* If the function returns an error it will fail entirely, releasing anything allocated in the process.
* @param array Array of cells to read from.
* @param numcells Number of cells to read.
virtual int PushCellsFromArray(cell_t array[], unsigned int numcells) =0;
* @brief Binds a list of native names and their function pointers to a context.
* If num is 0, the list is read until an entry with a NULL name is reached.
* If overwrite is non-zero, already registered natives will be overwritten.
* @param natives Array of natives.
* @param num Number of natives in array.
* @param overwrite Toggles overwrite.
virtual int BindNatives(const sp_nativeinfo_t *natives, unsigned int num, int overwrite) =0;
* @brief Binds a single native. Overwrites any existing bind.
* If the context does not contain the native that will be binded the function will return
* with a SP_ERROR_NOT_FOUND error.
* @param native Pointer to native.
virtual int BindNative(const sp_nativeinfo_t *native) =0;
* @brief Binds a single native to any non-registered native.
* @param native Native to bind.
virtual int BindNativeToAny(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC native) =0;
* @brief Executes a function ID located in this context.
* @param code_addr Address to execute at.
* @param result Pointer to store the return value (required).
* @return Error code (if any) from the VM.
virtual int Execute(uint32_t code_addr, cell_t *result) =0;
* @brief Throws a error and halts any current execution.
* @param error The error number to set.
* @param msg Custom error message format. NULL to use default.
* @param ... Message format arguments, if any.
* @return 0 for convenience.
virtual cell_t ThrowNativeErrorEx(int error, const char *msg, ...) =0;
* @brief Throws a generic native error and halts any current execution.
* @param msg Custom error message format. NULL to set no message.
* @param ... Message format arguments, if any.
* @return 0 for convenience.
virtual cell_t ThrowNativeError(const char *msg, ...) =0;
* @brief Returns a function by name.
* @param public_name Name of the function.
* @return A new IPluginFunction pointer, NULL if not found.
virtual IPluginFunction *GetFunctionByName(const char *public_name) =0;
* @brief Returns a function by its id.
* @param func_id Function ID.
* @return A new IPluginFunction pointer, NULL if not found.
virtual IPluginFunction *GetFunctionById(funcid_t func_id) =0;
* @brief Returns the identity token for this context.
* Note: This is a helper function for native calls and the Handle System.
* @return Identity token.
virtual SourceMod::IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity() =0;
* @brief Returns a NULL reference based on one of the available NULL
* reference types.
* @param type NULL reference type.
* @return cell_t address to compare to.
virtual cell_t *GetNullRef(SP_NULL_TYPE type) =0;
* @brief Converts a local address to a physical string, and allows
* for NULL_STRING to be set.
* @param local_addr Local address in plugin.
* @param addr Destination output pointer.
virtual int LocalToStringNULL(cell_t local_addr, char **addr) =0;
* @brief Binds a single native to a given native index.
* @param index Index to bind at.
* @param native Native function to bind.
virtual int BindNativeToIndex(uint32_t index, SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC native) =0;
* @brief Returns if there is currently an execution in progress.
* @return True if in exec, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsInExec() =0;
* @brief Information about a position in a call stack.
struct CallStackInfo
const char *filename; /**< NULL if not found */
unsigned int line; /**< 0 if not found */
const char *function; /**< NULL if not found */
* @brief Retrieves error information from a debug hook.
class IContextTrace
* @brief Returns the integer error code.
* @return Integer error code.
virtual int GetErrorCode() =0;
* @brief Returns a string describing the error.
* @return Error string.
virtual const char *GetErrorString() =0;
* @brief Returns whether debug info is available.
* @return True if debug info is available, false otherwise.
virtual bool DebugInfoAvailable() =0;
* @brief Returns a custom error message.
* @return A pointer to a custom error message, or NULL otherwise.
virtual const char *GetCustomErrorString() =0;
* @brief Returns trace info for a specific point in the backtrace, if any.
* The next subsequent call to GetTraceInfo() will return the next item in the call stack.
* Calls are retrieved in descending order (i.e. the first item is at the top of the stack/call sequence).
* @param trace An ErrorTraceInfo buffer to store information (NULL to ignore).
* @return True if successful, false if there are no more traces.
virtual bool GetTraceInfo(CallStackInfo *trace) =0;
* @brief Resets the trace to its original position (the call on the top of the stack).
virtual void ResetTrace() =0;
* @brief Retrieves the name of the last native called.
* Returns NULL if there was no native that caused the error.
* @param index Optional pointer to store index.
* @return Native name, or NULL if none.
virtual const char *GetLastNative(uint32_t *index) =0;
* @brief Provides callbacks for debug information.
class IDebugListener
virtual void OnContextExecuteError(IPluginContext *ctx, IContextTrace *error) =0;
* @brief Represents a code profiler for plugins.
class IProfiler
* @brief Invoked by the JIT to notify that a native is being started.
* @param pContext Plugin context.
* @param native Native information.
virtual void OnNativeBegin(IPluginContext *pContext, sp_native_t *native) =0;
* @brief Invoked by the JIT to notify that the last native on the stack
* is no longer being executed.
virtual void OnNativeEnd() =0;
* @brief Invoked by the JIT to notify that a function call is starting.
* @param pContext Plugin context.
* @param name Function name, or NULL if not known.
* @param code_addr P-Code address.
virtual void OnFunctionBegin(IPluginContext *pContext, const char *name) =0;
* @brief Invoked by the JIT to notify that the last function call has
* concluded. In the case of an error inside a function, this will not
* be called. Instead, the VM will call OnCallbackEnd() and the profiler
* stack must be unwound.
virtual void OnFunctionEnd() =0;
* @brief Invoked by the VM to notify that a forward/callback is starting.
* @param pContext Plugin context.
* @param pubfunc Public function information.
* @return Unique number to pass to OnFunctionEnd().
virtual int OnCallbackBegin(IPluginContext *pContext, sp_public_t *pubfunc) =0;
* @brief Invoked by the JIT to notify that a callback has ended.
* As noted in OnFunctionEnd(), this my be called with a misaligned
* profiler stack. To correct this, the stack should be unwound
* (discarding data as appropriate) to a matching serial number.
* @param serial Unique number from OnCallbackBegin().
virtual void OnCallbackEnd(int serial) =0;
* @brief Contains helper functions used by VMs and the host app
class ISourcePawnEngine
* @brief Loads a named file from a file pointer.
* Note: Using this means the memory will be allocated by the VM.
* @param fp File pointer. May be at any offset. Not closed on return.
* @param err Optional error code pointer.
* @return A new plugin structure.
virtual sp_plugin_t *LoadFromFilePointer(FILE *fp, int *err) =0;
* @brief Loads a file from a base memory address.
* @param base Base address of the plugin's memory region.
* @param plugin If NULL, a new plugin pointer is returned.
* Otherwise, the passed pointer is used.
* @param err Optional error code pointer.
* @return The resulting plugin pointer.
virtual sp_plugin_t *LoadFromMemory(void *base, sp_plugin_t *plugin, int *err) =0;
* Frees all of the memory associated with a plugin file.
* If allocated using SP_LoadFromMemory, the base and plugin pointer
* itself are not freed (so this may end up doing nothing).
virtual int FreeFromMemory(sp_plugin_t *plugin) =0;
* @brief Allocates large blocks of temporary memory.
* @param size Size of memory to allocate.
* @return Pointer to memory, NULL if allocation failed.
virtual void *BaseAlloc(size_t size) =0;
* @brief Frees memory allocated with BaseAlloc.
* @param memory Memory address to free.
virtual void BaseFree(void *memory) =0;
* @brief Allocates executable memory.
* @deprecated Use AllocPageMemory()
* @param size Size of memory to allocate.
* @return Pointer to memory, NULL if allocation failed.
virtual void *ExecAlloc(size_t size) =0;
* @brief Frees executable memory.
* @deprecated Use FreePageMemory()
* @param address Address to free.
virtual void ExecFree(void *address) =0;
* @brief Sets the debug listener. This should only be called once.
* If called successively (using manual chaining), only the last function should
* attempt to call back into the same plugin. Otherwise, globally cached states
* can be accidentally overwritten.
* @param listener Pointer to an IDebugListener.
* @return Old IDebugListener, or NULL if none.
virtual IDebugListener *SetDebugListener(IDebugListener *listener) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of plugins on the call stack.
* @return Number of contexts in the call stack.
virtual unsigned int GetContextCallCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the engine API version.
* @return Engine API version.
virtual unsigned int GetEngineAPIVersion() =0;
* @brief Allocates executable memory.
* @param size Size of memory to allocate.
* @return Pointer to memory, NULL if allocation failed.
virtual void *AllocatePageMemory(size_t size) =0;
* @brief Sets the input memory permissions to read+write.
* @param ptr Memory block.
virtual void SetReadWrite(void *ptr) =0;
* @brief Sets the input memory permissions to read+execute.
* @param ptr Memory block.
virtual void SetReadExecute(void *ptr) =0;
* @brief Frees executable memory.
* @param ptr Address to free.
virtual void FreePageMemory(void *ptr) =0;
* @brief Dummy class for encapsulating private compilation data.
class ICompilation
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~ICompilation() { };
* @brief Outlines the interface a Virtual Machine (JIT) must expose
class IVirtualMachine
* @brief Returns the current API version.
virtual unsigned int GetAPIVersion() =0;
* @brief Returns the string name of a VM implementation.
virtual const char *GetVMName() =0;
* @brief Begins a new compilation
* @param plugin Pointer to a plugin structure.
* @return New compilation pointer.
virtual ICompilation *StartCompilation(sp_plugin_t *plugin) =0;
* @brief Sets a compilation option.
* @param co Pointer to a compilation.
* @param key Option key name.
* @param val Option value string.
* @return True if option could be set, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetCompilationOption(ICompilation *co, const char *key, const char *val) =0;
* @brief Finalizes a compilation into a new sp_context_t.
* Note: This will free the ICompilation pointer.
* @param co Compilation pointer.
* @param err Filled with error code on exit.
* @return New plugin context.
virtual sp_context_t *CompileToContext(ICompilation *co, int *err) =0;
* @brief Aborts a compilation and frees the ICompilation pointer.
* @param co Compilation pointer.
virtual void AbortCompilation(ICompilation *co) =0;
* @brief Frees any internal variable usage on a context.
* @param ctx Context structure pointer.
virtual void FreeContext(sp_context_t *ctx) =0;
* @brief Calls the "execute" function on a context.
* @param ctx Executes a function in a context.
* @param code_addr Index into the code section.
* @param result Pointer to store result into.
* @return Error code (if any).
virtual int ContextExecute(sp_context_t *ctx, uint32_t code_addr, cell_t *result) =0;
* @brief Given a context and a code address, returns the index of the function.
* @param ctx Context to search.
* @param code_addr Index into the code section.
* @param result Pointer to store result into.
* @return True if code index is valid, false otherwise.
virtual bool FunctionLookup(const sp_context_t *ctx, uint32_t code_addr, unsigned int *result) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of functions defined in the context.
* @param ctx Context to search.
* @return Number of functions.
virtual unsigned int FunctionCount(const sp_context_t *ctx) =0;
* @brief Returns a version string.
* @return Versioning string.
virtual const char *GetVersionString() =0;
* @brief Returns a string describing optimizations.
* @return String describing CPU specific optimizations.
virtual const char *GetCPUOptimizations() =0;
* @brief Given a context and a p-code address, returns the index of the function.
* @param ctx Context to search.
* @param code_addr Index into the p-code section.
* @param result Pointer to store result into.
* @return True if code index is valid, false otherwise.
virtual bool FunctionPLookup(const sp_context_t *ctx, uint32_t code_addr, unsigned int *result) =0;
* @brief Creates a fake native and binds it to a general callback function.
* @param callback Callback function to bind the native to.
* @param pData Private data to pass to the callback when the native is invoked.
* @return A new fake native function as a wrapper around the callback.
virtual SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC CreateFakeNative(SPVM_FAKENATIVE_FUNC callback, void *pData) =0;
* @brief Destroys a fake native function wrapper.
* @param func Pointer to the fake native created by CreateFakeNative.
virtual void DestroyFakeNative(SPVM_NATIVE_FUNC func) =0;