eyal282 24f1c89b96
Add Clientprefs helpers for integers and strings ()
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2022-07-31 11:59:25 +02:00

434 lines
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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod (C)2004-2011 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This file is part of the SourceMod/SourcePawn SDK.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#if defined _clientprefs_included
#define _clientprefs_included
* Cookie access types for client viewing
enum CookieAccess
CookieAccess_Public, /**< Visible and Changeable by users */
CookieAccess_Protected, /**< Read only to users */
CookieAccess_Private /**< Completely hidden cookie */
* Cookie Prefab menu types
enum CookieMenu
CookieMenu_YesNo, /**< Yes/No menu with "yes"/"no" results saved into the cookie */
CookieMenu_YesNo_Int, /**< Yes/No menu with 1/0 saved into the cookie */
CookieMenu_OnOff, /**< On/Off menu with "on"/"off" results saved into the cookie */
CookieMenu_OnOff_Int /**< On/Off menu with 1/0 saved into the cookie */
enum CookieMenuAction
* An option is being drawn for a menu.
* INPUT : Client index and data if available.
* OUTPUT: Buffer for rendering, maxlength of buffer.
CookieMenuAction_DisplayOption = 0,
* A menu option has been selected.
* INPUT : Client index and any data if available.
CookieMenuAction_SelectOption = 1
#define COOKIE_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 30 /**< Maximum Cookie name length. */
#define COOKIE_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH 255 /**< Maximum Cookie description length. */
* Cookie Menu Callback prototype
* @param client Client index.
* @param action CookieMenuAction being performed.
* @param info Info data passed.
* @param buffer Outbut buffer.
* @param maxlen Max length of the output buffer.
typedef CookieMenuHandler = function void (
int client,
CookieMenuAction action,
any info,
char[] buffer,
int maxlen
* Note:
* A successful return value/result on any client prefs native only guarantees that the local cache has been updated.
* Database connection problems can still prevent the data from being permanently saved. Connection problems will be logged as
* errors by the clientprefs extension.
methodmap Cookie < Handle {
// Creates a new Client preference cookie.
// Handles returned can be closed via CloseHandle() when
// no longer needed.
// @param name Name of the new preference cookie.
// @param description Optional description of the preference cookie.
// @param access What CookieAccess level to assign to this cookie.
// @return A handle to the newly created cookie. If the cookie already
// exists, a handle to it will still be returned.
// @error Cookie name is blank.
public native Cookie(const char[] name, const char[] description, CookieAccess access);
// Searches for a Client preference cookie.
// Handles returned by Cookie.Find can be closed via CloseHandle() when
// no longer needed.
// @param name Name of cookie to find.
// @return A handle to the cookie if it is found, null otherwise.
public static native Cookie Find(const char[] name);
// Set the value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @param value String value to set.
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public native void Set(int client, const char[] value);
// Set the integer value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @param value Integer value to set.
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public void SetInt(int client, int value) {
char sValue[11];
IntToString(value, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
this.Set(client, sValue);
// Set the float value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @param value Float value to set.
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public void SetFloat(int client, float value) {
char sValue[32];
FloatToString(value, sValue, sizeof(sValue));
this.Set(client, sValue);
// Retrieve the value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @param buffer Copyback buffer for value.
// @param maxlen Maximum length of the buffer.
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public native void Get(int client, char[] buffer, int maxlen);
// Retrieve the integer value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @return Integer value of cookie
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public int GetInt(int client, int defaultValue = 0)
char buffer[11];
this.Get(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
int value;
if (!StringToIntEx(buffer, value))
value = defaultValue;
return value;
// Retrieve the float value of a Client preference cookie.
// @param client Client index.
// @return Float value of cookie
// @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
public float GetFloat(int client, float defaultValue = 0.0)
char buffer[32];
this.Get(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
float value;
if (!StringToFloatEx(buffer, value))
value = defaultValue;
return value;
// Set the value of a Client preference cookie based on an authID string.
// @param authID String Auth/STEAM ID of player to set.
// @param value String value to set.
// @error Invalid cookie handle.
public native void SetByAuthId(const char[] authID, const char[] value);
// Add a new prefab item to the client cookie settings menu.
// Note: This handles everything automatically and does not require a callback
// @param type A CookieMenu prefab menu type.
// @param display Text to show on the menu.
// @param handler Optional handler callback for translations and output on selection
// @param info Info data to pass to the callback.
// @error Invalid cookie handle.
public native void SetPrefabMenu(CookieMenu type, const char[] display, CookieMenuHandler handler=INVALID_FUNCTION, any info=0);
// Returns the last updated timestamp for a client cookie
// @param client Client index.
// @return Last updated timestamp.
public native int GetClientTime(int client);
// Returns the access level of a cookie
// @return CookieAccess access level.
// @error Invalid cookie handle.
property CookieAccess AccessLevel {
public native get();
* Creates a new Client preference cookie.
* Handles returned by RegClientCookie can be closed via CloseHandle() when
* no longer needed.
* @param name Name of the new preference cookie.
* @param description Optional description of the preference cookie.
* @param access What CookieAccess level to assign to this cookie.
* @return A handle to the newly created cookie. If the cookie already
* exists, a handle to it will still be returned.
* @error Cookie name is blank.
native Cookie RegClientCookie(const char[] name, const char[] description, CookieAccess access);
* Searches for a Client preference cookie.
* Handles returned by FindClientCookie can be closed via CloseHandle() when
* no longer needed.
* @param name Name of cookie to find.
* @return A handle to the cookie if it is found, null otherwise.
native Cookie FindClientCookie(const char[] name);
* Set the value of a Client preference cookie.
* @param client Client index.
* @param cookie Client preference cookie handle.
* @param value String value to set.
* @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
native void SetClientCookie(int client, Handle cookie, const char[] value);
* Retrieve the value of a Client preference cookie.
* @param client Client index.
* @param cookie Client preference cookie handle.
* @param buffer Copyback buffer for value.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of the buffer.
* @error Invalid cookie handle or invalid client index.
native void GetClientCookie(int client, Handle cookie, char[] buffer, int maxlen);
* Sets the value of a Client preference cookie based on an authID string.
* @param authID String Auth/STEAM ID of player to set.
* @param cookie Client preference cookie handle.
* @param value String value to set.
* @error Invalid cookie handle.
native void SetAuthIdCookie(const char[] authID, Handle cookie, const char[] value);
* Checks if a clients cookies have been loaded from the database.
* @param client Client index.
* @return True if loaded, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid client index.
native bool AreClientCookiesCached(int client);
* Called once a client's saved cookies have been loaded from the database.
* @param client Client index.
forward void OnClientCookiesCached(int client);
* Add a new prefab item to the client cookie settings menu.
* Note: This handles everything automatically and does not require a callback
* @param cookie Client preference cookie handle.
* @param type A CookieMenu prefab menu type.
* @param display Text to show on the menu.
* @param handler Optional handler callback for translations and output on selection
* @param info Info data to pass to the callback.
* @error Invalid cookie handle.
native void SetCookiePrefabMenu(Handle cookie, CookieMenu type, const char[] display, CookieMenuHandler handler=INVALID_FUNCTION, any info=0);
* Adds a new item to the client cookie settings menu.
* Note: This only adds the top level menu item. You need to handle any submenus from the callback.
* @param handler A MenuHandler callback function.
* @param info Data to pass to the callback.
* @param display Text to show on the menu.
* @error Invalid cookie handle.
native void SetCookieMenuItem(CookieMenuHandler handler, any info, const char[] display);
* Displays the settings menu to a client.
* @param client Client index.
native void ShowCookieMenu(int client);
* Gets a cookie iterator. Must be freed with CloseHandle().
* @return A new cookie iterator.
native Handle GetCookieIterator();
* Reads a cookie iterator, then advances to the next cookie if any.
* @param iter Cookie iterator Handle.
* @param name Name buffer.
* @param nameLen Name buffer size.
* @param access Access level of the cookie.
* @param desc Cookie description buffer.
* @param descLen Cookie description buffer size.
* @return True on success, false if there are no more commands.
native bool ReadCookieIterator(Handle iter,
char[] name,
int nameLen,
CookieAccess &access,
char[] desc="",
int descLen=0);
* Returns the access level of a cookie
* @param cookie Client preference cookie handle.
* @return CookieAccess access level.
* @error Invalid cookie handle.
native CookieAccess GetCookieAccess(Handle cookie);
* Returns the last updated timestamp for a client cookie
* @param client Client index.
* @param cookie Cookie handle.
* @return Last updated timestamp.
native int GetClientCookieTime(int client, Handle cookie);
* Do not edit below this line!
public Extension __ext_cprefs =
name = "Client Preferences",
file = "clientprefs.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public void __ext_cprefs_SetNTVOptional()