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SourceMod Changelog
SourceMod 1.6.3 [2014-11-25]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.6.3_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated game support for TF2, CS:GO, No More Room in Hell, Insurgency, PVK2 and Fistful of Frags.
- Made changes to make TF2, CSS, DoDS, HL2DM, and SDK 2013 mods less likely to break on game update (PR 174, PR 192).
- Added support for longer key names in languages.cfg (to fix Portuguese) (bug 6282, PR 208).
Developer Changes:
- Updated TF2 player condition and holiday enums (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose) (PR 183, PR 181).
- Add support for TF2 player conditions >= 96 for condition functions/forwards (PR 205).
SourceMod 1.6.2 [2014-09-20]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.6.2_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated game support for TF2, CS:GO, No More Room in Hell and Fistful of Frags.
- Added compatibility shim to force Steam player auth strings to be in "Steam2" rendered format (PR 136).
- Fixed possible performance regression in DBI handling.
Developer Changes:
- Added new GetClientAuthId native to retrieve player auth strings in desired format (PR 159).
- Updated TF2 weapon and player condition enums (FlaminSarge).
SourceMod 1.6.1 [2014-08-17]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.6.1_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated game support for CS:GO and Fistful of Frags.
- Added support for Romanian language.
- Re-added languages.cfg, missing from 1.6.0, causing all clients to use server language.
- Fixed a regression in version 1.6.0 that caused certain SDKHooks usage patterns to cause a server crash (PR 107).
- Improved error reporting in basebans plugin when banreasons.txt is missing (PR 115).
- Fixed incorrect logged gravity value for sm_gravity command (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker) (PR 116).
- Fixed a regression in version 1.6.0 causing SDKHook_ReloadPost hooks to not fire in plugins (Peace-Maker) (PR 96).
- Added workaround for game bug in TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot to avoid wearable entities left on map (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker) (bug 6206, PR 121).
- Removed DisableJIT option from core.cfg. (It was never meant for normal use.)
Developer Changes:
- Added new TF2_RemoveWearable native (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker, WildCard65) (PR 114).
- Added new functions for interacting with and playing scripted game sounds (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose) (bug 5942, PR 65).
- Added new StringToKeyValues natives (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker) (PR 74).
SourceMod 1.6.0 [2014-07-03]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.6.0_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Added support for Dota 2 (bug 5656, bug 6068).
- Added support for Source SDK 2013 mods (bug 5917).
- Added support for Insurgency (bug 5951).
- Added support for Contagion (bug 6007).
- Added support for Blade Symphony (bug 5949).
- Updated support for some mods that moved to SDK 2013 - No More Room In Hell, Fistful of Frags, Empires, Synergy.
- Updated gamedata and other support for TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, CS:S, CS:GO, Left 4 Dead, and Nuclear Dawn.
- Added support for customizing ban reasons in basebans.sp (bug 5762) (Matthias "House" Kollek).
- Added support for searching all gameinfo search paths when seeking mapcycle file (bug 5839).
- Added sm_reload_translations command (bug 5750).
- Added support for single-file gamedata custom overrides (bug 5386) (Ondrej "RavuAlHemio" Ho<48>ek).
- Re-enabled SteamAuthstringValidation config option by default (bug 5791, PR 20).
- Fixed plugins not reaching ext dep lists, making dependent plugin not unload on ext unload (bug 5851) (Peace-Maker).
- Added printing of SendProp flags to netprop dumps (bug 6082).
- Removed support for obsolete plugin_settings.cfg (bug 5605).
- Fixed topmenu sorting not getting refreshed after reloading sorting config (bug 6032) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed error log filename date sometimes being incorrect (bug 5761) (Matheus "M28" Valadares).
- Dump handle information when a plugin is forcefully unloaded. (bug 5666).
- Fixed sm_cancelvote not resetting rtv state. (bug 5808) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed Mapchooser dying on single map rotation servers (bug 5179).
- Fixed various problems with unloading ClientPrefs and SourceMod (bug 5874).
- Fixed "sm version" command reporting incorrect compile time in many cases (bug 6078) (SystematicMania).
- Clear default database driver reference if backing extension is unloaded (bug 5934) (Peace-Maker).
- Moved funcommands material and sound definitions to gamedata for easier cross-game support (bug 6085).
- Implement a watchdog timer for scripts that take too long to execute (bug 5837).
- Use Linux game data for offsets and signatures/symbols on OS X if Mac-specific data is not available (bug 6056).
Developer Changes:
- Added an API for off-thread SQL transactions. (bug 3775, PR 26).
- Added string literal concatenation using ellipses "..." (bug 4261, PR 5) (Peace-Maker).
- Added support for nested datatables. (bug 5446).
- Added PbRemoveRepeatedFieldValue native (bug 6066).
- Added support for getting/setting protobuf enum values with PbGetInt, PbSetInt, and PbAddInt natives.
- Removed deprecated PbReadRepeated natives that existed briefly in 1.5.0-dev prerelease versions.
- Added RequestFrame native for one-off next-frame actions (bug 5965).
- Added CS_DMG_HEADSHOT define for CS:S and CS:GO (PR 7) (Bara20).
- Added CS_SLOT_KNIFE define for CS:S and CS:GO (bug 6131).
- Updated TF_WEAPON enum (PR 37) (FlaminSarge).
- Added TFHoliday_AprilFools to TFHoliday enum (bug 6092) (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose).
- Added new TF2_IsHolidayActive native to TF2 Ext (bug 6095) (Ross "Powerlord" Bemrose).
- Switch TF2 extension to hook CTFGameRules::IsHolidayActive for holiday forward (bug 6137, PR 42).
- Added GetPlayerJingleFile native. (bug 5690) (FlaminSarge).
- Added PrepSDKCall_SetAddress and Address support to PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf (bug 5261).
- Added ability to disable TopMenu Title Caching (bug 6034) (Peace-Maker).
- Added DisplayTopMenuCategory native (bug 6033) (Peace-Maker).
- Added support for Valve search paths to GetFileSize native (bug 5931).
- Fixed invalid entities sometimes passed to OnEntityCreated and OnEntityDestroyed (bug 6119).
- Fixed inconsistencies with OnClientDisconnected foward calls (bug 5988, PR 16).
- Changed OnClientSayCommand to now pass non-silent chat triggers onward (bug 5926) (SystematicMania).
- Changed OnClientSayCommand forwards to strip quotes from chat (bug 5986) (SystematicMania).
- Fixed FindStringIndex native not returning INVALID_STRING_INDEX when string not found (bug 6144, PR 40).
- Fixed GroundEntChanged hooks not being called (bug 6050) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed INetChannelInfo natives to no longer require clients to be ingame (bug 5775) (SystematicMania).
- Fixed replace param being respected inconsistently in SetTrieArray (bug 6113).
- Fixed crash creating a timer when there are no handles available. (bug 5317) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed crash in ReconnectClient and InactivateClient natives when IServer ptr is null (bug 6122).
- Fixed StoreFromAddress and LoadFromAddress continuing with bad values, usually crashing after error (bug 6080).
- Fixed compiler bug with multidimensional array variable release (bug 6100).
- Changed float comparison operators to return false for NaN (bug 6107).
- Added support in spcomp for sp/inc files > 32767 lines (bug 5959).
- Fixed FindFlagChar returning '?' for Admin_Custom6.
- Fixed AllPluginsLoaded activities happening before SM is loaded.
- Deduplicated a number of files used by extensions by moving them to the public directory (bug 5341).
- Removed 'state' keyword from compiler (bug 4572) (Ryan "VoiDeD" Stecker).
- Removed LogMessageEx definition from logging.inc because it never existed (bug 5897) (Peace-Maker).
- Removed native override API (bug 5852).
- Call OnLibraryAdded for all available libraries (bug 5925, PR 4).
- Made IGameConfig::GetMemSig return value clearer (bug 6081).
- Switched StringToInt(Ex) from using strtol to strtoul internally (bug 5939).
- Added an spcomp option to print #included files (bug 5997).
- Recompiled Regex extension libpcre against v8.32, enabling utf8, unicode props, and jit (bug 5593).
- Optimized native calls if statically bound (bug 5842).
Internal Changes:
- Now using new AlliedModders Template Library (AMTL) in many places, https://github.com/alliedmodders/amtl
- Ported buildscripts to new AMBuild2 platform, https://github.com/alliedmodders/ambuild
- Moved much logic from core to logic binary to reduce file sizes and compile times (bug 5606, bug 5607, bug 5680, bug 5953, PR 12, PR 13).
- Refactored the JIT to use a newer, simpler macro assembler. (bug 5827).
- Added sourcepawn interpreter (bug 5902).
- Added support for compiling spcomp with emscripten.
- Rewrite IThreader implementation around new synchronization primitives (bug 5862).
- Rewrite DBManager to use the new synchronization primitives (bug 5870).
- Overhauled internals of ClientPrefs extension for improved stability (bug 5538).
- Changed ShareSys to store C++ native lists more optimally (bug 5852).
- Simplified NativeEntry state (bug 5852).
- Changed NativeEntry to use Refcounted to manage (bug 5852).
- Switched Translator and GameConfigs to hash tables (bug 5878).
- Switched numerous subsystems from KTrie to AMTL NameHashSet (bug 5884).
- Refactored Trie natives to use AMTL HashMap instead of KTrie (bug 5892).
- Removed usages of memtables from many subsystems (bug 5899).
- Changed EventHook name storage to use AMTL AString (bug 6188).
- Replaced SH List usages in game extensions with AMTL variants (PR 23).
- Replaced SourceHook list usages in clientprefs with AMTL (PR 25).
- Changed floating-point operations to use SSE when available (bug 5841).
- Moved tracker related opcodes entirely to C++.
- Statically align the stack at function boundaries (bug 5842).
- Removed InfoVars, reassigned DAT from EBP to ESI to preserve C++ stacktraces in JIT code (5844).
- Fixed dereferencing potential null pointer in CPlugin::GetProperty (bug 5725).
- Fixed memory corruption when parsing natives. (bug 5840).
- Fixed some memory errors (bug 5904).
- Fixed unaligned memory access in spcomp.
- Move versioning to a static library to improve trivial build speed (bug 5997).
- Added many missing handle security checks (bug 5595).
- Made GetEntityClassname get and cache m_iClassname offset from worldspawn for ents not having it in datadesc (bug 5654).
- Cache m_iEFlags offset for datamaps dump instead of getting for each ent (bug 5657).
- Fixed mismatched delete [] on thunks in JIT CompData dtor (bug 5639).
- Fixed various memory issues. (bug 5766).
- Added reference counting and use it for CGameConfig and IDatabase (bug 5876).
- Added atomic reference counting and port DBI (bug 5876).
- Replaced usages of deprecated Sourcehook Add/Remove macros (bug 5631).
- Fixed SDKHooks hook ent validation missing first datatable name (bug 5881).
- Fixed case where bots leave server without disconnect notice (hibernation) (PR 20).
- Changed FindConVar to utilize convar cache for improved performance (PR 27) (VoiDeD).
- Gave define value (of 1) to PLATFORM defs to match the same-name defs in some SDKs (PR 10).
- Wrapped ClientPrintf into IGamePlayer (bug 6021).
- Consolidated FileExists usage in logic bin (bug 5931).
- Removed hardcoded paths to tier0/vstdlib in ICommandLine lookup.
- Use updated IServerTools iface on TF2 for getting tempent list and FindEntityByClassname (PR 33).
- Added early exit in entity output detour if entity has no classname to prevent crash.
- Updated SDKTools entity output functions to use core's GetEntityClassname instead of own (PR 39).
- Consolidated SDKTools entity factory lookups.
- Changed SDKTools PlayerRunCmd to a global vtable hook to improve performance (bug 6051).
- Changed SDKHooks to use global vtable hooks to improve performance (bug 6070).
- Added client validation checks to EmitSound SoundsHooks (bug 5873).
- Added missing meta results to some pre-hooks in SDKHooks.
- Replaced magic numbers for sm_show_activity with named constants (PR 14).
SourceMod 1.5.3 [2014-03-22]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.5.3_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for CS:GO after multiple breaking game updates.
- Updated gamedata support for GoldenEye: Source (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed crash on SDKHooks extension load in Alien Swarm (bug 6059).
- Fixed memory leak from unmanaged forwards never being freed (bug 6025).
- Fixed possible crash when unloading the CStrike extension.
- Fixed crash in SDKHooks Reload post-hook (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed FakeClientCommandEx always leaking memory (bug 5678).
- Fixed extra entity networking occuring with SetEntProp natives on some games.
- Fixed being able to nominate same map multiple times (bug 5109).
- Fixed spurious FindEntityByClassname error being logged on some games and platforms.
- Fixed an Anti-Flood bypass exploit (bug 5394).
- Removed part of Addresses gamedata error handling which could cause false errors to be logged (bug 6044).
- Fixed mapchooser not resetting nominations count when clearing nominations list (bug 5359).
- Improved performances of client convar query handling (bug 6003).
Developer Changes:
- Added GiveAmmo native to SDKTools (bug 6039) (Peace-Maker).
- Added SQL_SetCharset native to (re)set charset even after reconnect (bug 5786) (Peace-Maker).
- Added support for entity references in SDKHooks natives (bug 6069).
- Added support for server passwords to DisplayAskConnectBox stock (bug 5984) (FlaminSarge).
- Renamed SortFunc2D parameters to match documentation (bug 6014) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed param order in AddToTopMenu function doc (bug 6035) (Peace-Maker).
- Added |any| tag to WritePackCell and ReadPackCell native param/return values (bug 6001).
- Updated SDKHook_TakeDamage native for game updates.
- Added default infinite value for TF2_AddCondition duration.
- Added support for conditions >= 64 in TF2_OnConditionAdded/Removed (bug 5565, bug 5976) (FlaminSarge).
- Updated TFCond and TF customkill enum values (bug 6012) (FlaminSarge).
- Fixed regression causing incorrect return and inability to block in TF2_OnCalcIsAttackCritical forward.
- Fixed TE_* natives operating on incorrect data for some tempents (bug 6072).
- Fixed CS_AliasToWeaponID not returning a valid weaponID for cz75a.
- Fixed CS_GetWeaponPrice returning incorrect value for M4A1 in CS:GO (bug 6045).
- Increased max gamedata byte signature length.
- Ported SM build scripts to AMBuild2 (bug 5997).
SourceMod 1.5.2 [2013-10-29]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.5.2_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated gamedata support for TF2, CS:S, CS:GO, and HL2:DM.
- Fixed crash from regression in SDKTools SetClientListening hook refcounting (bug 5956) (KyleS).
- Fixed potential crash when having maps with format characters in name.
- Fixed some nextmap issues with long map names.
- SDKTools no longer requires gamedata for sm_dump_datamaps on TF2, CS:S, HL2:DM, and DoD:S (bug 5968).
Developer Changes:
- Updated TFCond and TF custom dmg enums.
- Updated TF2 critical hit detection logic in TF2_OnCalcIsAttackCritical to handle more cases, including when criticals are disabled (bug 5894).
- Fixed GetEngineVersion native returning a bad value when running on MM:S 1.9.x or earlier (bug 5697).
SourceMod 1.5.1 [2013-09-10]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.5.1_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated gamedata support for TF2.
- Added missing DispatchKeyValue gamedata for HL2 CTF (bug 5114) (peace-maker).
- Fixed translations not being loaded if identifier was not two or three characters (fixes Portuguese) (bug 5888).
- Fixed runoff voting occurring when receiving the exact number of required votes (bug 5890).
- Fixed reserve slot plugin hiding too many slots on Orangebox gamesif SourceTV and/or Replay are present (bug 5499).
- Fixed some crashes in TF2 and unexpected behavior in all games with SDKHook_TakeDamage due to uninitialized var.
- Fixed attempted triggers from gagged users displaying in chat (bug 5918).
- Fixed errors in Italian translation (Oktober).
- Added Norwegian translation (checkster).
Developer Changes:
- Added CS_UpdateClientModel native to CStrike extension for CS:S and CS:GO (bug 5905) (Drifter).
- Fixed setting weapon param in SDKHook_TakeDamage overwriting attacker instead of setting weapon (bug 5911) (KyleS)
SourceMod 1.5.0 [2013-08-25]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.5.0_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Added support for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (bug 5299, bug 5579).
- Split CS:S, TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM, and ND to separate binaries (bug 5370, bug 5813).
- Added support for runoff voting in mapchooser (bug 4218).
- Added option to require Steam validation before granting admin access (bug 4837) (VoiDeD).
- Added localization support for many more core and base plugin messages (bug 5120, bug 5146).
- Added the ability to override RegConsoleCommand-created commands (bug 5199).
- Added support for "fuzzy" (partial) map names in map-related natives and cmds for L4D and later (bug 5599).
- Updated Reserved Slots to use max humans as max count (bug 5444).
- Added support for custom maxitems on radio menus (bug 5371).
- Improved console config editing (bug 5470).
- Increased map name buffer sizes in mapchooser to better account for nested maps (bug 5609) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed JIT conflicts with SELinux (bug 5581).
- Added logged error when PlayerRunCommand offset lookup fails (bug 5535) (GoD-Tony).
- Fixed double print when sending psay to self (bug 5649) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed check against uninitialized string in extension loader (bug 5546) (KyleS).
- Fixed possible runtime errors in basetriggers for not-ingame clients (bug 5191) (Peace-Maker).
- Check all possible mapcycle paths on newer orangebox games (bug 5719).
- Fixed ReadMapList not seeing maps in all valve search paths (bug 5715) (VoiDeD).
- Fixed typo in too-many-params native error message (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed various issues in clientprefs (bug 5538) (KyleS).
- Removed debug printout from PerformGravity (bug 5679) (KyleS).
- Fixed broken translating in some plugins and natives (bug 5612) (KyleS).
- Fixed issues with COMMAND_FILTER_NO_BOTS and @bots multi-target.
- Fixed crash in SDKHooks when throwing bad ent type error on logical ent (KyleS).
Developer Changes:
- Added support for CS:GO to the CStrike extension (bug 5299) (Drifter).
- Added support for new protobuf usermessages used in newer games (bug 5579, bug 5588, bug 5590, bug 5633).
- Added latest SDKHooks version as first-party extension.
- Updated SQLite to version (bug 5235).
- Added natives for changing team score and mvp stars on CSS/CSGO (bug 5295) (Drifter).
- Added global pre and post forwards for client chat (bug 5394) (KyleS).
- Added TF2_CanPlayerTeleport forward to the TF2 game extension (bug 5283) (VoiDeD).
- Added GetEntityAddress native (bug 5269) (ProdigySim).
- Added more parameters to PlayerRunCommand forward (bug 5346) (GoD-Tony).
- Added forwards to basecomm plugin (bug 5466) (Drifter).
- Added symbol lookup support to gamedata on Windows (bug 5511) (GoD-Tony).
- Exposed GetLanguageInfo in ITranslator interface (bug 5249) (VoiDeD).
- Increase maximum .sp line length to 4095 characters. (bug 5347) (theY4Kman).
- Improved netprop dump output (bug 5471).
- Added int64 typename to netprop dumps (bug 5655).
- Added GetMaxHumanPlayers native exposing IServerGameClients func (bug 5551).
- Added WeaponIDToAlias native to CStrike extension (bug 5460) (KyleS).
- Fixed OnLibraryAdded/Removed not being called in all plugins (bug 5431).
- Made thread worker processing limits configurable at runtime (bug 5326).
- Added support in TF2 ext for detection of player conds >= 64 (bug 5565).
- Updated button defines in entity_prop_stocks (bug 5564).
- Added GetPlayerResourceEntity to SDKTools to replace old, semi-broken TF2-only version (bug 5491).
- Exposed third parameter of TF2's AddCond in TF2_AddCondition (bug 5641) (FlaminSarge).
- Added GetSteamAccountID function to IPlayerHelpers and native for sp (bug 5548) (KyleS).
- Added ISDKHooks interface with entity listeners (bug 5602) (GoD-Tony).
- Added file upload support to webternet extension.
- Added more alternative names for TFClass_Heavy (bug 5338) (Afronanny).
- Throw error instead of crash when calling SetTeamScore between maps (bug 5718) (KyleS).
- Fixed clients not being marked as in kick queue in some cases (bug 5746) (SystematicMania).
- Made compile.sh set working dir to own dir (bug 5710) (KyleS).
- Added CS_IsValidWeaponID native and validity checks to other natives (bug 5566) (Drifter).
- Numerous code documentation fixups (bug 5720) (Tsunami).
- Fixed cmd listener callback return behavior to match func doc (bug 5882).
Internal Changes:
- Fixed handle misuse in clientprefs plugin (bug 5805) (KyleS).
- Removed call to getchar() in debug build of compiler (bug 5626) (KyleS).
- Fixed instability issues with cloned handles (bug 5245, bug 5240) (KyleS).
- Changed extension unload order to avoid exposing finalization window (bug 5556) (KyleS).
- Call OnPluginEnd before finalizer hooks have run (bug 4519).
- Fixed potential for reading out of library bounds in MemoryUtils::FindPattern.
- Fixed typo in TF2 ext asm.c causing accidental assignment instead of compare.
- Overhauled versioning information (bug 5453).
- Changed from RemoveEdict to using the Kill input for TF2_RemoveWeapon.
- Fixed accidental assignment in each of SDKTools and sp compiler (bug 5745) (KyleS).
- Fixed potential deadlock in HandleSystem::TryAndFreeSomeHandles (bug 5665) (KyleS).
SourceMod 1.4.7 [2013-02-06]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.7_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM).
- Updated gamedata for Left 4 Dead 2, Nuclear Dawn, No More Room in Hell, Zombie Panic Source, CSPromod, GoldenEye Source, Synergy, The Hidden, and PVKII.
- Added system to block malware or illegal plugins (bug 5289).
- Fixed a potential crash when a bad entity index is passed to certain functions (bug 5539) (KyleS).
- Added an error message for when auto plugin configs fail to be created due to write error (bug 5465) (Drifter).
- Fixed an issue where a malformed plugin could cause crashes (bug 5478).
Developer Changes:
- Added new values to the TFCond TF2 conditions enum (bug 5537) (FlaminSarge).
- Updated TFHoliday TF2 holidays enum (bug 5526) (Powerlord).
- Fixed regression in SourceMod 1.3.0 causing GetEntPropEnt, GetEntDataEnt2, and GameRules_GetPropEnt to possibly return stale (incorrect) entity indexes in place of -1.
- Added support for < 32-bit unsigned sign extension to GameRules_GetProp lookup (already in GetEntProp since SM 1.4.0).
- Fixed < 32-bit unsigned sign extension in GetEntProp not being applied for array prop elements (bug 5591).
- Fixed value size auto-detection in GetEntProp and GameRules_GetProp for ep2v's new SPROP_VARINT sendprops.
- Fixed Sort_Random sort type not including first value in array sorting functions (bug 4292) (Peace-Maker).
- Fixed GameRules_SetPropVector writing data to unexpected addresses instead of to the gamerules proxy entity (bug 5592) (ProdigySim).
- Fixed VoteMenuToAll stock adding bots to list (bug 5253 (VoiDeD).
SourceMod 1.4.6 [2012-09-04]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.6_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Fixed extraneous errors resulting from a bug in 1.4.5.
SourceMod 1.4.5 [2012-09-03]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.5_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Updated Nuclear Dawn, Dino D-Day, and Zombie Panic gamedata.
- Added compatibility for running on Metamod:Source 1.9.0.
- Fixed very minor memory leaks in CStrike extension (bug 5456) (KyleS).
- Fixed crash from plugins accessing netprops too early (bug 5297) (KyleS).
- Fixed crash from plugins trying to access nested datadesc members (bug 5446).
Developer Changes:
- Added new TF2 weapon and custom dmg defines.
- Added new TF2 TFHoliday value (bug 5436) (Powerlord).
- Fixed IClientListener::InterceptClientConnect not being able to properly block connections (bug 5461) (PimpinJuice).
- Fixed PrepSDKCall_SetSignature native not working with symbol names on L4D2 linux (bug 5440).
- Fixed resolution of GetProfilerTime native on non-Windows platforms.
SourceMod 1.4.4 [2012-07-03]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.4_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest Source 2009 engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Updated Nuclear Dawn gamedata.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting an option on a clientprefs prefab menu (bug 5374).
Developer Changes:
- Added new TF2 weapon and custom dmg defines.
- Added new TF2 TFHoliday value (bug 5364) (Powerlord).
- Updated sample extension to properly fill ninvoke with INativeInvoker ptr (bug 5340) (Afronanny).
SourceMod 1.4.3 [2012-06-09]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.3_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Made clientprefs attempt to reconnect to the database on map change (bug 4745).
- Log functions now respect sv_logecho (bug 5135).
- Fixed client console vote output (bug 5290, bug 5205) (FlaminSarge).
- Fixed error when reloading dependant plugins using aliased natives (bug 5302).
- Fixed intermittent crash when looking for an invalid signature (bug 5301).
- Fixed possible crash when reloading a plugin with an invalid binary (bug 5288).
- Exposed extensions list to clients (bug 5221) (VoiDeD).
- Fixed intermittent crashes in clientprefs (bug 4660).
- Fixed crash when passing an invalid entity reference to ReferenceToEntity (bug 5330).
- Fixed cstrike extension crash on shutdown (bug 5328).
- Lowered threading API think time to 20ms, making threaded MySQL queries complete faster (bug 4733).
Developer Changes:
- Fixed client serials not being unique on Windows (bug 5285).
- Fixed broken SourceTV detection on L4D1 (bug 5216).
- Fixed Float negation operator (bug 5292).
- Updated TF2 condition defines (bug 5259) (FlaminSarge).
- Adding missing SetMenuNoVoteButton native declaration (bug 4522) (GoD-Tony).
- Fixed erroneous const-qualification of name param of GetAdminUsername (bug 5267).
- Added GetGameTickCount native (bug 5209) (GoD-Tony).
SourceMod 1.4.2 [2011-04-13]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.2_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Fixed regression in SourceMod 1.4.0 causing SM to cause load errors on The Ship (bug 5216).
- Fixed toggling and player lag issues with sm_drug command (bugs 5217, 5218) (FlaminSarge).
Developer Changes:
- Updated TF2-specific defines and enums (bug 5194).
- Fixed StoreToAddress always writing 32 bits and throwing an error (bug 5248) (ProdigySim).
- Fixed crash with StoreToAddress if memory wasn't writable (bug 5252) (Dr!fter).
- Fixed return value of VoteMenuToAll (bug 5254) (VoiDeD).
- Fixed bug in command lower-casing API guarantee
SourceMod 1.4.1 [2011-12-07]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.1_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Added gamedata for Adrenaline Gamer 2 and No More Room in Hell.
- Fixed "not connected" error in reserve slots plugin (bug 5158) (ostrel).
- Fixed ff trigger output printing to all in triggerer's language (rather than viewer's language) (bug 5161).
- Fixed typo in one of basebans ban reasons (bug 5188).
- Fixed formatting error in Swedish "Vote Count" phrase (bug 5174).
Developer Changes:
- Fixed sp MaxClients not being updated on map changes after load (bug 5160).
- Removed GLIBC_2.7 dependency from spcomp.
- Increased buffer for sm_rcon command to fit larger responses (bug 5169).
- BaseComm now properly registers a library allowing it to be required by other plugins (bug 5156).
- Fixed TFHoliday enum values (bug 5155).
- Updated TF2_OnIsHolidayActive ret behavior to match doc (bug 5155).
- Added new TF2 deathflag and dmg custom defines (bug 5157).
SourceMod 1.4.0 [2011-10-28]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.4.0_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Added support for Max OS X (bug 4392).
- Added support for Bloody Good Time (bug 4780).
- Added support for E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (bug 5035).
- Added gamedata for Nuclear Dawn.
- Added gamedata for International Online Soccer: Source (bug 5019).
- Added gamedata for Half-Life 2 Capture the Flag (bug 5114).
- Updated mapchooser and other base plugins with Nuclear Dawn specific fixes (bug 5117).
- Fixed ServerLang value not being read properly on startup (bug 4675).
- Added support for aliases in languages.cfg (bug 4858).
- Added output display to sm_rcon command (bug 5018).
- Flood protection bypass access can now be overridden with command name sm_flood_access (bug 4584).
- Added a reset argument to sm cvars command to revset cvar values to default (bug 5043).
- Fixed incorrect language identifiers for Chinese (both Trad. and Simplified) and Brazilian Portuguese not matching cl_language values (bug 5067).
- Added translation support for Bulgarian (bg).
- Fixed incorrect number of slots being hidden for reserve with sm_hideslots on Source 2009 with SourceTV or replay (bug 5094).
- sm_hideslots changes now take effect immediately instead of waiting until a client joins or leaves (bug 5094).
- Fixed sv_visiblemaxplayers getting stuck at previous max clients in some cases with reserves and SourceTV or replay (bug 5094).
- Removed error logging if an optional extension is not found (bug 5112).
- Fixed bots with semicolon in name being unkickable (bug 5120).
- Changed strings in ice-related funcommands to be translatable (bug 4540).
- Changed Bintools extension to use a single build for every engine (bug 4548).
Developer Changes:
- Provided native interface for basecomm (bug 2594).
- Client language detection is too late. (bug 3714) (Tony A. "GoD-Tony").
- Added ServerCommandEx native to execute server command and retrieve output (bug 3873).
- Added ability to update clientprefs cookies values on clients not currently connected (bug 3882) (databomb).
- Added library "matchmaking_ds" support to gamedata lookups (bug 4158).
- Rooted menu handles to callbacks (bug 4353).
- Fixed corner cases with ExplodeString (bug 4629). (Michael "LumiStance").
- Fixed return omission with else-after-return (bug 4852).
- Added OnConditionAdded and OnConditionRemoved forwards to TF2 extension (bug 4851).
- Added new natives and forward to the cstrike extension (bug 4732, bug 4985) (Dr!fter).
- Added WaitingForPlayers forwards to the TF2 extension (bug 4704) (CrimsonGT).
- Updated and added more TF2 condition, weapon, and damagecustom defines (multiple bug#s).
- Fixed TF2_RemoveCondition not always removing conditions (bug 4981).
- Fixed MaxClients not being updated correctly in some places with SourceTV or replay active (bug 4986).
- Fixed some vars not being marked for init on first compile pass (bug 4643).
- Increased symbol name limit to 63 characters (bug 4564) (javalia).
- Fixed crash when dynamic arrays run out of memory (bug 4632).
- Fixed a crash that could happen from looking up out-of-bounds edict or entity indexes (bug 5080).
- Fixed client serials not getting cleared on disconnect (bug 5121).
- Added error on declaring arrays that the compiler is too buggy to handle (bug 4977).
- Removed reliance on gamedata for multiple SDKTools functions in ep2 and later (bug 4899).
- Added InvalidateClient and ReconnectClient natives to SDKTools (bug 4931) (Brian "Afronanny" Simon).
- Added ability to lookup and set values on the gamerules class (bug 4983.
- BaseComm now uses AddCommandListener for chat hooks (bug 4991).
- Fixed shutdown bug in SDKTools (bug 5063).
- Fixed MM-enabled extensions continuing to load after failing MM attach (bug 5042).
- Added GetDistGainFromSoundLevel native to SDKTools (bug 5066) (javalia).
- Added CheckAccess native to check an AdminId's command access (bug 5083).
- Fixed GetEntProp not sign-extending unsigned values less than 32 bits (bug 5105).
- Fixed crashing when calling CreateEntityByName or CreateFakeClient when no map is running (now errors) (bug 5119).
- Fixed erring in kick function (e. bad translation) causing client to become unkickable until disconnect (bug 5120).
- Fixed KickClientEx not immediately kicking client if client was in kick queue (bug 5120).
- Added IsClientSourceTV and IsClientReplay natives (bug 5124).
- Added support for getting and setting individual array elements with Get/Set EntProp functions (bug 4160).
- Added support for threaded query handles to SQL_GetInsertId and SQL_GetAffectedRows (bug 4699) (Nephyrin).
- Added a GetGameRules function to ISDKTools for extensions to easily get the GameRules class pointer (bug 4707).
- Added GetMessageName to IUserMessages (bug 4573) (Zach "theY4Kman" Kanzler)
- Added HintTextMsg to IGameHelpers (bug 4950).
- Added ProcessTargetString simple filter API (bug 4404).
- Moved much functionality from core bins to logic bin (bug 4406, bug 4402).
- Fixed bogus asserts in sp compiler (bug 4486, bug 4487).
- Greatly improved sp compiler performance (~5x overall speedup) (bug 3820, bug 4493, bug 4495).
- Changed entity output detours to use CDetour (bug 4416).
- Enhanced nominations API (bug 4677) (CrimsonGT).
- Added Linux support for profiling natives (bug 4927).
- Added a new ValveCallType that allows for arbitrary |this| parameters, as well as associated features in gamedata and for reading/writing memory (bug 3520) (Downtown1).
- Updated TF2 extension to handle Valve's changes to the "holiday" system (bug 5150).
SourceMod 1.3.8 [2011-06-23]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.8_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Updated support for various games, including Garry's Mod, Zombie Panic, and Dino D-Day.
- Added gamedata for Eternal Silence.
- Fixed libgcc_s.so.1 load error present on some systems (bug 4876).
- Handle leak notices now print to error log (in addition fatal log) (bug 4929).
- Translator now properly falls back on bad server language (bug 4861).
- Fixed invalid client errors from bad MaxClients value when SourceTV is late-loaded (bug 4881).
- Fixed crash on plugin unload when two commands exist with same name, different casing (bug 4698).
Developer Changes:
- Updated TF2 condition defines (bug 4916).
- Fixed var names and docs for TF2_MakeBleed native (bug 4928).
- Removed compiler double include check (bug 4863).
- Fixed plugin compile errors when using GetEntityClassname (bug 4798).
SourceMod 1.3.7 [2011-04-15]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.7_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest OrangeBox engine changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM, GMod).
- Updated support for various games, including Zombie Panic, CS ProMod, Empires, and GoldenEye: Source.
- Added gamedata for Dino D-Day.
- Fix precedence of voice mute flag versus specific client overrides (bug 4826).
- Fix mistaken unhooking of voice hooks (bug 4804).
- Fixed graphical glitches with funcommands effects in L4D1 (bug 3486).
- Fixed bug in nominations that could cause "Unknown command" error (bug 4797).
- Removed tv_enable hook to fix rare max client count issue (bug 4791).
- Added missing unhooking of ClientConnect in PlayerManager (bug 4749).
- Fixed sm_rtv printing "unknown command" (bug 4730).
- Fixed voting crash when client console, chat, and SourceTV are enabled (bug 4676).
- Fixed CDetour crash in TF2 extension when last plugin using forward is unloaded (bug 4713).
Developer Changes:
- SetEntProp now marks edict state as changed (bug 4855).
- Added GetEntityClassname stock (bug 4798).
- Fix compiler hanging when #including a directory (bug 4822).
- Added GetEntityFlags and SetEntityFlags natives for better cross-engine compatibility. (bug 4809).
- Fixed ClientPrefs natives not being marked optional when REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS not defined (bug 4839).
- Changed some instances of LogMessage to LogAction (bug 4649).
- Added some new language natives (bug 4613).
- Fixed SetTeamScore not updating score on client (bug 2736).
- Raised MAXPLAYERS from 64 to 65 (bug 4490).
- Added and updated many TF2-specific defines in tf2.inc and tf2_stocks.inc.
- Fixed TF2_GetPlayerConditionFlags no longer necessarily returning all set flags (bug 4726).
- Fixed profiler flush not clearing, added 'report' and 'clear' (bug 4674).
- Fixed GetPlayerDecalFile crash on L4D and L4D2 (bug 4729).
- Fixed TF2_OnGetHoliday detour no longer firing under all circumstances (bug 4700).
- Added TF2_IsPlayerInDuel native to TF2 extension (bug 4695).
SourceMod 1.3.6 [2010-10-31]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.6_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for latest Left 4 Dead 1 (bug 4681).
Developer Changes:
- Updated TF2 custom kill defines (bug 4682).
SourceMod 1.3.5 [2010-10-17]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.5_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Updated support for CS:S, Garry's Mod, DoD:S, TF2, HL2DM.
- Added support for Firearms: Source (bug 4537).
- Added support for Fistful of Frags (bug 3883).
- Added support for Alien Swarm (bug 4530).
- Fixed living players hearing dead players if alltalk is disabled while deadtalk is on (bug 4533, thanks Zach Callear).
- Fixed timeleft not getting reset on Game_Commencing in CS:S (bug 4557).
- Fixed PlayerRunCmd being hooked when not used (bug 3990).
- Fixed errors and missing effects caused by missing sprites on L4D2 (bug 4512).
- Fixed 'sm plugins' public command skipping plugins in recommended listing (bug 4501).
- Fixed corruption with large database.cfg files (bug 4286).
Developer Changes:
- Added TF2 object stocks (bug 4536).
- Added TF2_MakeBleed native to TF2 ext (bug 4542).
- Added support for logical entities in Synergy (bug 4534).
- Updated TF2 conditions enum and defines (bug 4526).
- Fixed potential crash with IMemUtils::FindPattern on Linux (bug 4554).
SourceMod 1.3.4 [2010-07-18]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.4_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Support for latest TF update (bug 4506).
- Support for latest L4D2 update (bug 4509).
Developer Changes:
- Added FindFlagChar native (bug 3776).
- Added GetConVarDefault native (bug 4502).
- Added forward for TF's GetHoliday function (bug 4462).
SourceMod 1.3.3 [2010-06-23]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.3_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Added support for CS:S on Orange Box
- Added gamedata for Resistance and Liberation (bug 4418).
- Updated gamedata for SourceForts, Empires, Obsidian Conflict, Zombie Master.
- Fixed memory corruption and leaks with some voice functionality (bug 4415).
- Fixed UI bug in sm_motd (bug 4460).
Developer Changes:
- Added new player condition (TFCond_CritCola, bug 4447).
- Fixed clientprefs deleting cookies twice in rare cases (bug 4412).
- Fixed OnClientConnected forward not firing for bots (bug 4443).
- Fixed sm_dump_datamaps crash (bug 4424).
- Fixed switch case comparisons failing with large numbers (bug 4457).
- Fixed rare crash in output hooks (bug 4422).
- Fixed bug with dynamically sized arrays being sliced (bug 4428).
- Fixed SendConVarValue() on TF2, DOD:S, L4D, and L4D2 (bug 4273).
- Fixed TF2 natives not being marked optional (bug 4389).
SourceMod 1.3.2 [2010-05-02]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.2_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Support for recent TF, DoD, and L4D2 updates (bug 4356, bug 4361, bug 4371, bug 4374, bug 4375).
- Fixed rare crash when replicating cvars to clients (bug 4315).
- Lots of extra game support for Insurgency, ZPS, CSProMod, PVKII, and FortressForever (thanks
Nicholas "psychonic" hastings).
Developer Changes:
- Added TF functions for stunning, conditions, regeneration, and power play (bug 4166, bug 4331).
SourceMod 1.3.1 [2010-02-09]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.1_Release_Notes
User Changes:
- Added extended support for CSProMod (bug 4255).
- Fixed client disconnect crash on many third party games (bug 4231).
- Improved support for Battlegrounds 2 (bug 4146).
- Improved support for Insurgency (bug 4180).
- Improved support for Garry's Mod (bug 4230, bug 4268).
- Improved support for Synergy (bug 4235).
- Updated Day of Defeat support for 20010123 update (bug 4262).
- Fixed Webternet extension not loading on Windows 2000 (bug 4234).
Developer Changes:
- Fixed compiler complaints when using |any| tag on array arguments (bug 4274).
- Fixed GetClientCookieTime not being exported (bug 4237).
- Fixed potential crash in entity handling code (bug 4249).
SourceMod 1.3.0 [2010-01-15]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.3.0_Release_Notes
Major Features:
* Left 4 Dead 2 support
* Non-networked entity support
User Changes:
- Added Left 4 Dead 2 support (bug 4075).
- Added much richer voting progress feedback (bug 1997).
- Improved support for various third-party games (Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings).
- Added @spec target (bug 2718).
- Added sm_resetcvar command (bug 3636).
- Added "motd" chat trigger (bug 2694).
- Updated GeoIP to OCT-2009.
- Fixed rare map vote error (bug 3905).
- Fixed small leak in the nominations plugin (bug 4104).
- Fixed last client being excluded from some command effects (bug 3984).
- Fixed crashes in plugin [|un|re]loading (bug 4034, bug 4038, bug 4044, bug 4153).
- Special target "@me" is now filtered for certain statuses properly (bug 4000).
- Improved non-admin to admin chat (bug 3844).
- Removed "auto.*" extension folders (bug 3949).
Developer Changes:
- Added non-networked entity support (bug 2459).
- Added improved random number generator (bug 3831).
- Added GetClientCookieTime native (bug 3736).
- Added AskPluginLoad2 callback (bug 3716).
- Added PlayerRunCmd callback (bug 3289).
- Added PointOutsideWorld native (bug 3906).
- Added API for "blanket" command hooks (bug 4015).
- Added ability to test for SourceMod features (bug 4021).
- Added ability to change broadcast status on hooked events (bug 3886).
- OnClientCommand no longer receives unconnected clients (bug 3732).
- Fixed various bugs in client listening API (bug 3818).
- Fixed crash in BanClient (bug 3912).
- Fixed various crashes in self-removing callbacks (bug 4059).
- Fixed rare HUD text crash on TF (bug 4016).
- Fixed OnConfigsExecuted not running on EP1 games with large configs (bug 3828).
- Fixed entity output hooks not working (bug 3988).
- Gamedata folder matches are now case-insensitive (bug 3913).
- Blocked plugins from hooking "sm" command (bug 4013).
SourceMod 1.2.4 [2009-10-03]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.2.4_Release_Notes
- Updated for L4D changes (bugs 4032, 4033, 4035).
- Updated GeoLite Country database for GeoIP extension.
- Fixed crash when block-loading more than eight plugins (bug 4034).
- Fixed rare crash in hudtext code on TF (bug 4016).
- Fixed crash when reloading a blocked plugin failed (bug 4038).
- Fixed Huntsman not firing critical callback on TF (bug 3927).
- Registering the "sm" command no longer has any effect (bug 4013).
- Fixed translation bug in extension API (bug 4010).
SourceMod 1.2.3 [2009-08-28]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.2.3_Release_Notes
- Fix extension filename lookup. (bug 3975).
SourceMod 1.2.2 [2009-08-28]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.2.2_Release_Notes
- Removed auto folders. (bug 3949).
- Added PointOutsideWorld native to sdktools. (bug 3906).
- Added "motd" chat trigger to basetriggers. (bug 2694).
- Added manual extension reloading command to root console menu. (bug 3934)
- Fixed 'list' type custom menu entries overwriting admin restrictions. (bug 3783).
- Added sm_resetcvar command to basecommands. (bug 3636).
- Updated gamedata for DOD:S. (bug 3948).
- Updated gamedata for TF2. (bug 3948).
- Added new .ep2v build config for valve OB based games. (bug 3948).
- Fixed incorrect escaping in clientprefs SQLite queries. (bug 3904)
- Updated gamedata for Synergy. (bug 3315).
- Upgraded to pcre-7.9 (bug 3923).
- Switched Insurgency chat printing to SayText. (bug 3738).
- Updated gamedata for Insurgency. (bug 3511).
- Updated gamedata for ZM. (bug 3746).
- Updated gamedata for Empires. (bug 3500).
- Updated gamedata for ZPS. (bug 3877).
- Updated gamedata for AoC. (bug 3891).
- Fixed RemovePlayerDisguise signature for TF2. (bug 3892).
SourceMod 1.2.1 [2009-05-31]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.2.1_Release_Notes
- Updated SDKTools for latest Team Fortress update.
- Added L4D handling to GuessSDKVersion() (bug 3842).
- Updated Zombie Panic Source offsets (bug 3632).
- Fixed crash when clientprefs saw disconnect from 64th client (bug 3821).
- Fixed Plugin_Handled acting like a Stop in usermsg hooks (bug 3685).
- Fixed early tv_enable causing crashes (bug 3766).
- Fixed unhook event crash (bug 3814).
- Fixed compiler reading uninitialized strings while processing varargs (bug 3811).
- Fixed compiler choosing whether to emit stradjust.pri on dynamic arrays based on uninitialized memory (bug 3810).
- Fixed Windows L4D CreateFakeClient signature (bug 3792).
- Fixed sm_slap for EP1 games (bug 3768).
- Fixed casting problems in TextParsers breaking TrimString for non-ASCII characters (bug 3800).
- Fixed OnClientConnect rejectmsg handling, improved doc (bug 3690).
- Fixed clientprefs not loading cookies for clients on late load (bug 3735).
- Fixed GetCommandFlags on original engine games (bug 3759).
- Fixed compiler asserting when returning a string literal (bug 3836).
- Fixed compiler erroring when tagging functions for string return (bug 3837).
- Fixed compiler not handling constant chained relational operators correctly (bug 3838).
- Fixed revote bug and inflexibilities in RedrawClientVoteMenu (bug 3834).
- Fixed auto update URL being set too late (bug 3699).
- Disabled nextmap in Synergy and Dystopia (bug 3687, bug 3741).
- Removed unnecessary SSE optimizations from msvc9 project files (bug 3756).
- Removed short-lived tag system (bug 3751).
- Removed the alive check from sm_rename. (bug 3698).
- Switched FortressForever to Valve menus (bug 3819).
SourceMod 1.2.0 [2009-03-05]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.2.0_Release_Notes
Major Features:
* Left 4 Dead Support
* Dark Messiah Support
* New and Improved Updater
- Added Left 4 Dead support (bug 3414).
- Added Dark Messiah game support (requires Metamod:Source 1.7.1 or higher).
- Added sm_name command (bug 2150).
- Added extension-level dynamic hooking to bintools (bug 2616).
- Added client validation API to replace passing userids asynchronously.
- Added cURL extension, available to other extensions (bug 3560).
- Added parsing of custom gamedata files (bug 3644).
- Added case insensitivity search to ReplaceString (bug 3639, Fyren).
- Added more detail to certain player-oriented menu titles (bug 2740, Fyren).
- Added sv_tags API (bug 3677).
- Greatly improved admin-sql-prefetch performance for large tables (bug 3354, FLOOR_MASTER).
- Exposed IServer address to extensions (bug 3545).
- New gamedata organization; files are now smaller and per-game (bug 3546).
- Split sound functions into a new plugin, sounds.smx.
- Fixed slap and slay on Insurgency (bug 2560).
- Fixed blank admins being created from invalid admin file lines (bug 3431).
- Fixed basetriggers not working on Insurgency (bug 3497).
- Fixed client preferences missing some clients (bug 3616).
- Improved database fallback mechanism in clientprefs (bug 3564).
- Improved timer handling in funcommands (bug 3498).
- Improved compile.sh to take filenames (bug 3550, jonasfietz).
- sm_kick now shows the kick reason when available.
- Fixed MsgPostHook (ex MsgSentNotify) callbacks not firing on intercept hook (bug 3631).
- Note: SourceMod now adds "sourcemod" to the sv_tags cvar.
SourceMod 1.1.2 [2009-02-26]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.1.2_Release_Notes
- Fixed critical hits being permanently disabled (bug 2674)
SourceMod 1.1.1 [2009-02-25]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.1.1_Release_Notes
- Added Age of Chivalry support (bug 3366, IceMatrix).
- Added Obsidian Conflict support (bug 2699, The DOO).
- Fixed compatibility issues with latest TF2 update.
- Fixed crash when an event handler fired an event of the same name (bug 3468).
- Fixed rare crash in the event manager on post hooks (bug 3548).
- Fixed formatting error with zero precision floats (bug 3447).
- Fixed various Insurgency offsets (bug 3544).
- Fixed admin menu (topmenu) categories being selectable when not usable (bug 3256).
- Fixed sm_sql_addgroup not working (bug 3578).
- Fixed memory leak when events were hooked as EventHookMode_Post.
- Fixed nextmap trigger showing wrong output with end-of-map voting disabled and sm_trigger_show set to zero (bug 3597, mr.e.unk).
SourceMod 1.1.0 [2008-12-28]
URL: http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourceMod_1.1.0_Release_Notes
Major features:
* New map management plugins.
* New reserved slot type.
* GameData updates are retrieved remotely
* Client Preferences extension for per-client "cookies"
* New incremental and independent JIT
- Added new client preferences extension (API in clientprefs.inc, bug 1925).
- Added new gamedata auto-update functionality (bug 2602).
- Revamped and greatly expanded map management plugins and their functionality (bug 2201).
- Debug mode is now always on; as there is no longer a performance loss, there is no non-debug mode.
- The timeleft trigger can now handle mp_winlimit, mp_fraglimit, and mp_maxrounds (bug 2344).
- Translations can now be in separate files and placed in language-unique folders.
- The leading "STEAM_0:" or "STEAM_1:" in SteamIDs can now be omitted from admin files.
- Added sm_revote command so clients can participate in a vote that fell off their screen (bug 2156).
- Added Core API for creating stack structures (adt_stack.inc, bug 2441).
- Added API for extending mapchooser (mapchooser.inc, bug 2201).
- Added Core API for map transition control and history (nextmap.inc).
- Added TF2 forward for overriding how critical hits are calculated.
- Added SetClientInfo() native for modifying how a server sees a client's setinfo properties.
- Added CreateDirectory() native (bug 3253).
- Added "magic" MaxClients variable to replace slower GetMaxClients() call.
- Added support for three-letter language codes (bug 3526).
- Functions to control client versus client mic listening now work as described (bug 2498).
- Fixed SDKTools not being reloadable, and fixed a related bug in Handle type removal (bug 2753).
- Rewrote internal translation handling. Extensions now have access to an ITranslator API (bug 2535).
- Rewrote internal handling of dependencies (especially relating to native providers) (bug 2466).
- Added user config hooks to IGameConfigManager, for parsing user-defined sections.
- Revamped SourcePawn API. Removed and deprecated many structures and functions accidentally exposed publicly.
- Revamped SourcePawn structure, it is now separable from SourceMod for other projects.
- Renamed basefuncommands.phrases.txt to funcommands.phrases.txt (bug 2485).
- Renamed basefunvotes.phrases.txt to funvotes.phrases.txt (bug 2485).
- Added IDBDriver API call for extensions to handle IDBDriver dependencies properly.
- Usermessage natives now validate clients to prevent crashing.
- Fixed OnConfigsExecuted not working on listen servers.
- Fixed out-of-handle conditions in CreateTimer() causing crashes (bug 3381).
- Fixed accessing invalid Handles causing crashes (bug 3359).
- Fixed memory corruption with MySQL + FetchString (bug 3352).
- Fixed ReadFileString ignoring its fourth parameter (bug 3459).
- Fixed sm_sql_addadmin reading the immunity field as a password (bug 3395).
- Fixed ReadFile sign-extending instead of zero-extending (bug 3449).
SourceMod 1.0.4 [2008-09-14]
- Fixed amb1986: Format() with very long strings could crash if the input and output buffers overlapped.
- Fixed amb1938: The compiler ate too many characters in preprocessor macros.
- Fixed amb1935: Topmenu child names were not uncached when a category was deleted.
- Fixed amb1929: Banning via the console threw a runtime error.
- Fixed amb1918: Ban menu should compare userids, not client indexes
- Fixed amb1916: Threaded query delay is now 50ms instead of 500ms.
- Fixed amb1899: Duplicate maps in auto generated maplists.
- Fixed amb1891: Basechat didn't check for blank message in private says.
- Fixed amb1853: Ternary operators with string assignments could chop strings off.
- Fixed amb1815: Custom admin menu wasn't escaping input.
- Fixed amb1808: KickClient() is now delayed to prevent crashes, use KickClientEx for old functionality.
- Fixed amb1802: Possible crash when a client disconnected.
- Fixed amb1801: Improved bot detection, and fixed bots crashing if inside an OrangeBox server.cfg.
- Fixed amb1780: admin-sql-threaded had a debug spew turned on.
- Fixed amb1779: Crash in GetTeamName() on mods that don't support it.
- Fixed amb1763: Function call status is now cleared on a new function call.
- Fixed amb1749: Updated and improved DoD:S SDKTools coverage.
- Fixed team native crashes in SDKTools for mods like Insurgency.
- Fixed various file handle leaks.
SourceMod 1.0.3 [2008-06-21]
- Fixed SDKTools compatibility for latest TF2 update.
- Fixed amb1750: OnAutoConfigsBuffered() inserted before "exec server.cfg".
- Fixed a logic bug where OnConfigsExecuted() could be executed before "exec server.cfg" finished.
- Fixed a rare crash in the event manager that manifested on Zombie Panic! Source.
SourceMod 1.0.2 [2008-05-31]
- The admin menu is now user-modifiable (the "Dynamic Admin Menu").
- Added a TF2 extension with Team Fortress functions.
- Added a RegEx extension with regular expression functions.
- Added functions to SDKTools for hooking entity outputs.
- Added preliminary support for the DoD:S Orange Box beta.
- Added a forward for map config plugins for preventing race conditions.
- Added a %b format specifier for binary printing.
- Added sm_dump_datamaps command (SDKTools) for enumerating datamap properties.
- Added sm_dump_admcache command for debugging the admin cache.
- Added amb1715 - TraceHull functions to SDKTools (complementing TraceRay).
- Added amb1694 - FindCharInString() function.
- Added amb1685 - GetTickInterval() function.
- Added amb1620 - ActivateEntity() function to SDKTools (for Orange Box particle system).
- Added amb1610 - StripQuotes() function.
- Added amb1558 - Compiler now has __BINARY_PATH__ and __BINARY_FILE__ macros.
- Fixed amb1686 - ReplaceString* with an empty search string crashed; it now throws an error.
- Fixed amb1684 - Blank passwords required an empty but set password.
- Fixed amb1595 - Extension load failures did not show a platform error message.
- Fixed amb1583 - MySQL string fetch from prepared queries returned corrupted data.
- Fixed amb1358 - Timeleft did not reset on TF2 restarts.
- Fixed cases where the JIT was too cautious in space optimizations.
- Fixed TF2/Cstrike extensions being loadable on incompatible games.
- Fixed various documentation inconsistencies and typos.
- Fixed internal bugs with file extension handling.
There is a possible compatibility regression from amb1684. SetAdminPassword()
has been modified to remove any set password when given an empty string. Previously,
a blank password ("") would force an admin to use "setinfo" to set an empty password,
but this functionality was deemed unuseful and unintended. Blank passwords now
remove any set password.
SourceMod 1.0.1 [2008-05-20]
- Fixed SDKTools compatibility for latest TF2 update.
- Removed GivePlayerItem from TF2 (TF2 update broke functionality).
- Fixed amb1688: GivePlayerItem offset was wrong for DoD:S Linux.
- Fixed amb1657: Server console did not see admin version of sm_who.
- Fixed amb1648: Stack corruption from GetClientEyeAngles() on Windows.
- Fixed amb1646: NetFlow_Both did not work for client network statistics.
- Fixed amb1601: Vote FF menu reading from sv_alltalk cvar instead of mp_friendlyfire.
- Fixed amb1591: Fixed listen server crashes on mods like IOS:S which pre-add more than one bot.
- Fixed amb1586: GetTeamName() could crash the server if called on load.
- Fixed mapchooser's round counting for TF2.
- Fixed a bug where an RTE on plugin load would throw a message referring to the plugin as "-1".
- Symbols are no longer stripped on Linux.
- Minor SourceMod SDK fixes.
The extension interface version has been bumped. Any extensions compiled against 1.0.1 will require 1.0.1 or higher to run. Extensions against 1.0.0 will continue to run normally.