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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod BinTools Extension
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <IShareSys.h>
#include <sourcehook_pibuilder.h>
* @brief Function calling encoding utilities
* @file IBinTools.h
namespace SourceMod
* @brief Supported calling conventions
enum CallConvention
CallConv_ThisCall, /**< This call (object pointer required) */
CallConv_Cdecl, /**< Standard C call */
* @brief Describes how a parameter should be passed
enum PassType
PassType_Basic, /**< Plain old register data (pointers, integers) */
PassType_Float, /**< Floating point data */
PassType_Object, /**< Object or structure */
#define PASSFLAG_BYVAL (1<<0) /**< Passing by value */
#define PASSFLAG_BYREF (1<<1) /**< Passing by reference */
#define PASSFLAG_ODTOR (1<<2) /**< Object has a destructor */
#define PASSFLAG_OCTOR (1<<3) /**< Object has a constructor */
#define PASSFLAG_OASSIGNOP (1<<4) /**< Object has an assignment operator */
* @brief Parameter passing information
struct PassInfo
PassType type; /**< PassType value */
unsigned int flags; /**< Pass/return flags */
size_t size; /**< Size of the data being passed */
* @brief Parameter encoding information
struct PassEncode
PassInfo info; /**< Parameter information */
size_t offset; /**< Offset into the virtual stack */
* @brief Wraps a C/C++ call.
class ICallWrapper
* @brief Returns the calling convention.
* @return CallConvention value.
virtual CallConvention GetCallConvention() =0;
* @brief Returns parameter info.
* @param num Parameter number to get (starting from 0).
* @return A PassInfo pointer.
virtual const PassEncode *GetParamInfo(unsigned int num) =0;
* @brief Returns return type info.
* @return A PassInfo pointer.
virtual const PassInfo *GetReturnInfo() =0;
* @brief Returns the number of parameters.
* @return Number of parameters.
virtual unsigned int GetParamCount() =0;
* @brief Execute the contained function.
* @param vParamStack A blob of memory containing stack data.
* @param retBuffer Buffer to store return value.
virtual void Execute(void *vParamStack, void *retBuffer) =0;
* @brief Destroys all resources used by this object.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
* @brief Gets the Return type info.
* @return A PassInfo pointer.
virtual const SourceHook::PassInfo *GetSHReturnInfo() =0;
* @brief Returns the calling convention.
* @return CallConvention value.
virtual SourceHook::ProtoInfo::CallConvention GetSHCallConvention() =0;
* @brief Returns parameter info.
* @param num Parameter number to get (starting from 0).
* @return A PassInfo pointer.
virtual const SourceHook::PassInfo *GetSHParamInfo(unsigned int num) =0;
* @brief Returns the offset of a given param.
* @param num Parameter number to get (starting from 0).
* @return Parameter offset.
virtual unsigned int GetParamOffset(unsigned int num) =0;
* @brief Delegate object that intermediates between SourceHook and the callback function.
class ISMDelegate : public SourceHook::ISHDelegate
* @brief Internally used callback function - Do not call!
virtual void Call() =0; /**< Do not call */
* @brief Retrieves the User data buffer.
* @return User data pointer.
virtual void *GetUserData() =0;
* @brief Wrapper around a virtual hook.
class IHookWrapper
* @brief Creates a hook delegate to pass to SourceHook.
* @param data User data pointer.
* @return A new ISMDelegate for the hook.
virtual ISMDelegate *CreateDelegate(void *data) =0;
* @brief Gets the number of params in the hooked function.
* @return Number of params.
virtual unsigned int GetParamCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the offset of a given param.
* @param argnum Parameter number from 0 to GetParamCount-1.
* @param size Optional buffer to store the size of the param.
* @return Parameter offset or -1 on error.
virtual unsigned int GetParamOffset(unsigned int argnum, unsigned int *size) =0;
* @brief Initiates a recall on the function.
* @param params Parameter buffer.
* @param retval Buffer to store the return value in.
virtual void PerformRecall(void *params, void *retval) =0;
* @brief Destroys this HookWrapper.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
* @brief Binary tools interface.
class IBinTools : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName()
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion()
* @brief Creates a call decoder.
* Note: CallConv_ThisCall requires an implicit first parameter
* of PassType_Basic / PASSFLAG_BYVAL / sizeof(void *). However,
* this should only be given to the Execute() function, and never
* listed in the paramInfo array.
* @param address Address to use as a call.
* @param cv Calling convention.
* @param retInfo Return type information, or NULL for void.
* @param paramInfo Array of parameters.
* @param numParams Number of parameters in the array.
* @return A new ICallWrapper function.
virtual ICallWrapper *CreateCall(void *address,
CallConvention cv,
const PassInfo *retInfo,
const PassInfo paramInfo[],
unsigned int numParams) =0;
* @brief Creates a vtable call decoder.
* Note: CallConv_ThisCall requires an implicit first parameter
* of PassType_Basic / PASSFLAG_BYVAL / sizeof(void *). However,
* this should only be given to the Execute() function, and never
* listed in the paramInfo array.
* @param vtblIdx Index into the virtual table.
* @param vtblOffs Offset of the virtual table.
* @param thisOffs Offset of the this pointer of the virtual table.
* @param retInfo Return type information, or NULL for void.
* @param paramInfo Array of parameters.
* @param numParams Number of parameters in the array.
* @return A new ICallWrapper function.
virtual ICallWrapper *CreateVCall(unsigned int vtblIdx,
unsigned int vtblOffs,
unsigned int thisOffs,
const PassInfo *retInfo,
const PassInfo paramInfo[],
unsigned int numParams) =0;
* @brief Binary tools interface.
class IBinTools2 : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName()
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion()
* @brief Creates a call decoder.
* Note: CallConv_ThisCall requires an implicit first parameter
* of PassType_Basic / PASSFLAG_BYVAL / sizeof(void *). However,
* this should only be given to the Execute() function, and never
* listed in the paramInfo array.
* @param address Address to use as a call.
* @param protoInfo Parameter type information.
* @return A new ICallWrapper function.
virtual ICallWrapper *CreateCall(void *address,
const SourceHook::ProtoInfo *protoInfo) =0;
* @brief Creates a vtable call decoder.
* Note: CallConv_ThisCall requires an implicit first parameter
* of PassType_Basic / PASSFLAG_BYVAL / sizeof(void *). However,
* this should only be given to the Execute() function, and never
* listed in the paramInfo array.
* @param protoInfo Parameter type information.
* @param info Function offset information.
* @return A new ICallWrapper function.
virtual ICallWrapper *CreateVirtualCall(const SourceHook::ProtoInfo *protoInfo,
const SourceHook::MemFuncInfo *info) =0;
* @brief Callback function pointer for Virtual Hooks.
* @param wrapper Call wrapper for this hook.
* @param deleg Delegate for this call.
* @param params Array of parameters.
* @param ret Storage buffer for the return value.
typedef void (*VIRTUAL_HOOK_PROTO)(IHookWrapper *wrapper, ISMDelegate *deleg, void *params, void *ret);
* @brief Creates a hook on a virtual function.
* @param pSH Global SourceHook pointer.
* @param protoInfo Parameter type information.
* @param info Function offset information.
* @param f Callback function pointer.
virtual IHookWrapper *CreateVirtualHook(SourceHook::ISourceHook *pSH,
const SourceHook::ProtoInfo *protoInfo,
const SourceHook::MemFuncInfo *info,