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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod Sample Extension
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$
#include "extension.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "weapon_parse.h"
class FileWeaponInfo_t;
typedef unsigned short WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE;
inline edict_t *GetEdict(cell_t num)
edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(num);
if (!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree())
return NULL;
return pEdict;
inline edict_t *GetEntity(cell_t num, CBaseEntity **pData)
edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(num);
if (!pEdict || pEdict->IsFree())
return NULL;
IServerUnknown *pUnk;
if ((pUnk=pEdict->GetUnknown()) == NULL)
return NULL;
*pData = pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
return pEdict;
int CheckBaseHandle(CBaseHandle &hndl)
if (!hndl.IsValid())
return -1;
int index = hndl.GetEntryIndex();
edict_t *pStoredEdict;
CBaseEntity *pStoredEntity;
pStoredEdict = GetEntity(index, &pStoredEntity);
if (pStoredEdict == NULL || pStoredEntity == NULL)
return -1;
IServerEntity *pSE = pStoredEdict->GetIServerEntity();
if (pSE == NULL)
return -1;
if (pSE->GetRefEHandle() != hndl)
return -1;
return index;
//native GetStructInt(Handle:struct, const String:member[]);
static cell_t GetStructInt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
int value;
if (!pHandle->GetInt(member, &value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return value;
//native SetStructInt(Handle:struct, const String:member[], value);
static cell_t SetStructInt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = handlesys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
if (!pHandle->SetInt(member, params[3]))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return 1;
//native GetStructFloat(Handle:struct, const String:member[], &Float:value);
static cell_t GetStructFloat(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
float value;
if (!pHandle->GetFloat(member, &value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return sp_ftoc(value);
//native SetStructFloat(Handle:struct, const String:member[], Float:value);
static cell_t SetStructFloat(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
if (!pHandle->SetFloat(member, sp_ctof(params[3])))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return 1;
//native GetStructVector(Handle:struct, const String:member[], Float:vec[3]);
static cell_t GetStructVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
cell_t *addr;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr);
Vector value;
if (!pHandle->GetVector(member, &value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
addr[0] = sp_ftoc(value.x);
addr[1] = sp_ftoc(value.y);
addr[2] = sp_ftoc(value.z);
return 1;
//native SetStructVector(Handle:struct, const String:member[], Float:vec[3]);
static cell_t SetStructVector(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
Vector value;
cell_t *addr;
pContext->LocalToPhysAddr(params[3], &addr);
value.x = sp_ctof(addr[0]);
value.y = sp_ctof(addr[1]);
value.z = sp_ctof(addr[2]);
if (!pHandle->SetVector(member, value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return 1;
//native GetStructString(Handle:struct, const String:member[], String:value[], maxlen);
static cell_t GetStructString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
char *string;
if (!pHandle->GetString(member, &string))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
pContext->StringToLocal(params[3], params[4], string);
return 1;
//native SetStructString(Handle:struct, const String:member[], String:value[]);
static cell_t SetStructString(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
char *string;
pContext->LocalToString(params[3], &string);
if (!pHandle->SetString(member, string))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return 1;
//native GetStructEnt(Handle:struct, const String:member[], &ent);
static cell_t GetStructEnt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
CBaseHandle *value;
if (!pHandle->GetEHandle(member, &value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return CheckBaseHandle(*value);
//native SetStructEnt(Handle:struct, const String:member[], ent);
static cell_t SetStructEnt(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
Handle_t hndl = static_cast<Handle_t>(params[1]);
HandleError err;
HandleSecurity sec;
sec.pOwner = NULL;
sec.pIdentity = myself->GetIdentity();
StructHandle *pHandle;
if ((err = g_pHandleSys->ReadHandle(hndl, g_StructHandle, &sec, (void **)&pHandle))
!= HandleError_None)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid struct handle %x (error %d)", hndl, err);
char *member;
pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &member);
CBaseHandle *value;
if (!pHandle->GetEHandle(member, &value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
edict_t *pEdict = GetEdict(params[3]);
if (pEdict == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid entity %i", params[3]);
IServerEntity *pEntOther = pEdict->GetIServerEntity();
if (!pHandle->SetEHandle(member, value))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid member, or incorrect data type");
return 1;
static cell_t GetWeaponStruct(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
char *weapon;
pContext->LocalToString(params[1], &weapon);
void **func;
#if defined WIN32
void *addr = NULL;
func = &addr;
WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE (*LookupWeaponInfoSlot)(const char *) = NULL;
func = (void **)&LookupWeaponInfoSlot;
FileWeaponInfo_t *(*GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle)( WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE handle ) = NULL;
if (!conf->GetMemSig("LookupWeaponInfoSlot", func) || *func == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to locate signature LookupWeaponInfoSlot");
if (!conf->GetMemSig("GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle", (void **)&GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle) || GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle == NULL)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to locate signature GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle");
#if defined WIN32
int offset;
if (!conf->GetOffset("m_WeaponInfoDatabase", &offset))
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Failed to locate offset m_WeaponInfoDatabase");
addr = (unsigned char *)addr + offset;
CUtlDict< FileWeaponInfo_t*, unsigned short > *m_WeaponInfoDatabase = *(CUtlDict< FileWeaponInfo_t*, unsigned short > **)addr;
WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE handle = m_WeaponInfoDatabase->Find(weapon);
if (handle == -1 || handle == m_WeaponInfoDatabase->InvalidIndex())
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Could not find weapon %s", weapon);
WEAPON_FILE_INFO_HANDLE handle = LookupWeaponInfoSlot(weapon);
FileWeaponInfo_t *info = GetFileWeaponInfoFromHandle(handle);
//g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "%i %i %x", handle, GetInvalidWeaponInfoHandle(), info);
if (!info)
return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Weapon does not exist!");
/* Offsets! */
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "Offsets for FileWeaponInfo_t");
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "bParsed: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->bParsedScript) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "bLoadedHudElements: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->bLoadedHudElements) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szClassName: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szClassName) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szPrintName: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szPrintName) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szViewModel: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szViewModel) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szWorldModel: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szWorldModel) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szAnimationPrefix: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szAnimationPrefix) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iSlot: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iSlot) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iPosition: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iPosition) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iMaxClip1: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iMaxClip1) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iMaxClip2: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iMaxClip2) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iDefaultClip1: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iDefaultClip1) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iDefaultClip2: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iDefaultClip2) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iWeight: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iWeight) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iRumbleEffect: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iRumbleEffect) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "bAutoSwitchTo: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->bAutoSwitchTo) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "bAutoSwitchFrom: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->bAutoSwitchFrom) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iFlags: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iFlags) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szAmmo1: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szAmmo1) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "szAmmo2: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->szAmmo2) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "aShootSounds: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->aShootSounds) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iAmmoType: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iAmmoType) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "iAmmo2Type: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->iAmmo2Type) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "m_bMeleeWeapon: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->m_bMeleeWeapon) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "m_bBuiltRightHanded: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->m_bBuiltRightHanded) - (unsigned char *)info);
g_pSM->LogMessage(myself, "m_bAllowFlipping: %i", (unsigned char *)&(info->m_bAllowFlipping) - (unsigned char *)info);
return g_StructManager.CreateStructHandle("FileWeaponInfo_t", info);
const sp_nativeinfo_t MyNatives[] =
{"GetStructInt", GetStructInt},
{"SetStructInt", SetStructInt},
{"GetStructFloat", GetStructFloat},
{"SetStructFloat", SetStructFloat},
{"GetStructVector", GetStructVector},
{"SetStructVector", SetStructVector},
{"GetStructString", GetStructString},
{"SetStructString", SetStructString},
{"GetStructEnt", GetStructEnt},
{"SetStructEnt", SetStructEnt},
{"GetWeaponStruct", GetWeaponStruct},