Andrew d044b13ce4
datapack: free all elements on clear (#1251)
* Fixed memory leak

When a pack was cleared or destroyed the String and Raw types could cause memory leaks. This happens when "position" is sitting at the end of the vector and can never get past the "if (pos >= elements.length())" statement. This means there is a memory leak in any plugin that clears/destroys a pack with strings and doesn't set the position to length-1 or less beforehand.

* datapack: Fix delete op on CDataPackType::Raw.

Co-authored-by: Kyle Sanderson <>
2020-04-27 18:09:13 -07:00

247 lines
5.3 KiB

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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
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* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
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* Version: $Id$
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CDataPack.h"
#include <amtl/am-autoptr.h>
static ke::Vector<ke::AutoPtr<CDataPack>> sDataPackCache;
CDataPack *CDataPack::New()
if (sDataPackCache.empty())
return new CDataPack();
CDataPack *pack = sDataPackCache.back().take();
return pack;
CDataPack::Free(CDataPack *pack)
sDataPackCache.append(static_cast<CDataPack *>(pack));
void CDataPack::Initialize()
position = 0;
} while (this->RemoveItem());
void CDataPack::ResetSize()
size_t CDataPack::CreateMemory(size_t size, void **addr)
InternalPack val;
val.type = CDataPackType::Raw;
val.pData.vval = new uint8_t[size + sizeof(size)];
reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(val.pData.vval)[0] = size;
elements.insert(position, val);
return position++;
void CDataPack::PackCell(cell_t cell)
InternalPack val;
val.type = CDataPackType::Cell;
val.pData.cval = cell;
elements.insert(position++, val);
void CDataPack::PackFunction(cell_t function)
InternalPack val;
val.type = CDataPackType::Function;
val.pData.cval = function;
elements.insert(position++, val);
void CDataPack::PackFloat(float floatval)
InternalPack val;
val.type = CDataPackType::Float;
val.pData.fval = floatval;
elements.insert(position++, val);
void CDataPack::PackString(const char *string)
InternalPack val;
val.type = CDataPackType::String;
ke::AString *sval = new ke::AString(string);
val.pData.sval = sval;
elements.insert(position++, val);
void CDataPack::Reset() const
position = 0;
size_t CDataPack::GetPosition() const
return position;
bool CDataPack::SetPosition(size_t pos) const
if (pos > elements.length())
return false;
position = pos;
return true;
cell_t CDataPack::ReadCell() const
if (!IsReadable() || elements[position].type != CDataPackType::Cell)
return 0;
return elements[position++].pData.cval;
cell_t CDataPack::ReadFunction() const
if (!IsReadable() || elements[position].type != CDataPackType::Function)
return 0;
return elements[position++].pData.cval;
float CDataPack::ReadFloat() const
if (!IsReadable() || elements[position].type != CDataPackType::Float)
return 0;
return elements[position++].pData.fval;
bool CDataPack::IsReadable(size_t bytes) const
return (position < elements.length());
const char *CDataPack::ReadString(size_t *len) const
if (!IsReadable() || elements[position].type != CDataPackType::String)
if (len)
*len = 0;
return nullptr;
const ke::AString &val = *elements[position++].pData.sval;
if (len)
*len = val.length();
return val.chars();
void *CDataPack::ReadMemory(size_t *size) const
void *ptr = nullptr;
if (!IsReadable() || elements[position].type != CDataPackType::Raw)
return ptr;
size_t *val = reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(elements[position].pData.vval);
ptr = &(val[1]);
if (size)
*size = val[0]; /* Egor!!!! */
return ptr;
bool CDataPack::RemoveItem(size_t pos)
if (!elements.length())
return false;
if (pos == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
pos = position;
if (pos >= elements.length())
return false;
if (pos < position) // we're deleting under us, step back
switch (elements[pos].type)
case CDataPackType::Raw:
delete [] elements[pos].pData.vval;
case CDataPackType::String:
delete elements[pos].pData.sval;
return true;