Various minor things done to project files Updated sample extension project file and updated makefile to the new unified version (more changes likely on the way) Updated regex project file and makefile --HG-- extra : convert_revision : svn%3A39bc706e-5318-0410-9160-8a85361fbb7c/trunk%401971
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* =============================================================================
* SourceMod
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* =============================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <>.
* Version: $Id$
#include <IShareSys.h>
#include <IHandleSys.h>
#include <string.h>
* @file IDBDriver.h
* @brief Defines interfaces for interacting with relational databases.
namespace SourceMod
* @brief Describes a database field value.
enum DBResult
DBVal_Error = 0, /**< Column number/field is invalid */
DBVal_TypeMismatch = 1, /**< You cannot retrieve this data with this type */
DBVal_Null = 2, /**< Field has no data (NULL) */
DBVal_Data = 3, /**< Field has data */
* @brief Describes a primitive database type.
enum DBType
DBType_Unknown = 0, /**< Type could not be inferred */
DBType_String, /**< NULL-terminated string (variable length) */
DBType_Blob, /**< Raw binary data (variable length) */
DBType_Integer, /**< 4-byte signed integer */
DBType_Float, /**< 4-byte floating point */
DBType_NULL, /**< NULL (no data) */
/* --------- */
DBTypes_TOTAL, /**< Total number of database types known */
* @brief Represents a one database result row.
* Note that type mismatches will only occur when type safety is being
* enforced. So far this is only the case for prepared statements in
* MySQL and SQLite.
* Also, it is worth noting that retrieving as raw data will never cause a
* type mismatch.
class IResultRow
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a string.
* For NULL values, the resulting string pointer will be non-NULL but
* empty. The pointer returned will become invalid after advancing to
* the next row.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pString Pointer to store a pointer to the string.
* @param length Optional pointer to store the string length.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetString(unsigned int columnId, const char **pString, size_t *length) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a string, using a
* user-supplied buffer. If the field is NULL, an empty string
* will be copied.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param buffer Buffer to store string in.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param written Optional pointer to store the number of bytes
* written, excluding the null terminator.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult CopyString(unsigned int columnId,
char *buffer,
size_t maxlength,
size_t *written) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as a float.
* For NULL entries, the returned float value will be 0.0.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pFloat Pointer to a floating point number to set.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetFloat(unsigned int columnId, float *pFloat) =0;
* @brief Retrieves a database field result as an integer.
* For NULL entries, the returned integer value will be 0.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pInt Pointer to an integer number to set.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetInt(unsigned int columnId, int *pInt) =0;
* @brief Returns whether or not a field is NULL.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return True if field is NULL, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsNull(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Returns the size of a field (text/raw/blob) in bytes.
* For strings, this returned size will not include the null
* terminator.
* When used on fields that are not of variable length,
* the size returned will be the number of bytes required
* to store the internal data. Note that the data size
* will correspond to the ACTUAL data type, not the
* COLUMN type.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return Number of bytes required to store
* the data, or 0 on failure.
virtual size_t GetDataSize(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Retrieves field data as a raw bitstream. The pointer returned
* will become invalid after advancing to the next row.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param pData Pointer to store the raw bit stream. If the
* data is NULL, a NULL pointer will be returned.
* @param length Pointer to store the data length.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult GetBlob(unsigned int columnId, const void **pData, size_t *length) =0;
* @brief Copies field data as a raw bitstream.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @param buffer Pointer to copy the data to. If the data is
* NULL, no data will be copied.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the buffer.
* @param written Optional pointer to store the number of bytes
* written.
* @return A DBResult return code.
virtual DBResult CopyBlob(unsigned int columnId, void *buffer, size_t maxlength, size_t *written) =0;
* @brief Describes a set of database results.
class IResultSet
* @brief Returns the number of rows in the set.
* @return Number of rows in the set.
virtual unsigned int GetRowCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the number of fields in the set.
* @return Number of fields in the set.
virtual unsigned int GetFieldCount() =0;
* @brief Converts a column number to a column name.
* @param columnId Column to use, starting from 0.
* @return Pointer to column name, or NULL if not found.
virtual const char *FieldNumToName(unsigned int columnId) =0;
* @brief Converts a column name to a column id.
* @param name Column name (case sensitive).
* @param columnId Pointer to store the column id. If the
* name is not found, the value will be
* undefined.
* @return True on success, false if not found.
virtual bool FieldNameToNum(const char *name, unsigned int *columnId) =0;
* @brief Returns if there is still data in the result set.
* @return False if there is more data to be read,
* true, otherwise.
virtual bool MoreRows() =0;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current row and advances
* the internal row pointer/counter to the next row available.
* @return IResultRow pointer to the current row,
* or NULL if there is no more data.
virtual IResultRow *FetchRow() =0;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current row.
* @return IResultRow pointer to the current row,
* or NULL if the current row is invalid.
virtual IResultRow *CurrentRow() =0;
* @brief Rewinds back to the beginning of the row iteration.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Rewind() =0;
* @brief Returns a field's type as it should be interpreted
* by the user.
* @param field Field number (starting from 0).
* @return A DBType value.
virtual DBType GetFieldType(unsigned int field) =0;
* @brief Returns a field's type as it will be interpreted
* by the GetDataSize() function. For example, MySQL
* for non-prepared queries will store all results as
* strings internally.
* @param field Field number (starting from 0).
* @return A DBType value.
virtual DBType GetFieldDataType(unsigned int field) =0;
class IDBDriver;
class IQuery
* @brief Returns a pointer to the current result set, if any.
* @return An IResultSet pointer on success,
* NULL if no result set exists.
virtual IResultSet *GetResultSet() =0;
* @brief Advances to the next result set if one exists. This
* is for checking for MORE result sets, and should not be used
* on the first result set.
* Multiple results only happen in certain cases, such as CALLing
* stored procedure that have a SELECTs, where MySQL will return
* both the CALL status and one or more SELECT result sets. If
* you do not process these results, they will be automatically
* processed for you. However, the behaviour of creating a new
* query from the same connection while results are left
* unprocessed is undefined, and may result in a dropped
* connection. Therefore, process all extra results or destroy the
* IQuery pointer before starting a new query.
* Again, this only happens in very specific cases, so there is
* no need to call this for normal queries.
* After calling this function, GetResultSet() must be called
* again to return the result set. The previous result set
* is automatically destroyed and will be unusable.
* @return True if another result set is
* available, false otherwise.
virtual bool FetchMoreResults() =0;
* @brief Frees resources created by this query.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
class IPreparedQuery : public IQuery
* @brief Binds an integer parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param num Number to bind as a value.
* @param signd True to write as signed, false to write as
* unsigned.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamInt(unsigned int param, int num, bool signd=true) =0;
* @brief Binds a float parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param f Float to bind as a value.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamFloat(unsigned int param, float f) =0;
* @brief Binds an SQL NULL type as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamNull(unsigned int param) =0;
* @brief Binds a string as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param text Pointer to a null-terminated string.
* @param copy If true, the pointer is assumed to be
* volatile and a temporary copy may be
* made for safety.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamString(unsigned int param, const char *text, bool copy) =0;
* @brief Binds a blob of raw data as a parameter.
* @param param Parameter index, starting from 0.
* @param data Pointer to a blob of memory.
* @param length Number of bytes to copy.
* @param copy If true, the pointer is assumed to be
* volatile and a temporary copy may be
* made for safety.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool BindParamBlob(unsigned int param,
const void *data,
size_t length,
bool copy) =0;
* @brief Executes the query with the currently bound parameters.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Execute() =0;
* @brief Returns the last error message from this statement.
* @param errCode Optional pointer to store the driver-specific
* error code.
* @return Error message string.
virtual const char *GetError(int *errCode=NULL) =0;
* @brief Number of rows affected by the last execute.
* @return Number of rows affected by the last execute.
virtual unsigned int GetAffectedRows() =0;
* @brief Retrieves the last insert ID on this database connection.
* @return Row insertion ID of the last execute, if any.
virtual unsigned int GetInsertID() =0;
class IDBDriver;
* @brief Encapsulates a database connection.
class IDatabase
* @brief Disconnects the database and frees its associated memory.
* Note that the actual object will not be freed until all open
* references have been closed.
* It is guaranteed that an IDatabase pointer won't be destroyed until
* all open IQuery or IPreparedQuery pointers are closed.
* This function is thread safe.
* @return True if object was destroyed, false if
* references are remaining.
virtual bool Close() =0;
* @brief Error code and string returned by the last operation on this
* connection.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param errorCode Optional pointer to retrieve an error code.
* @return Error string pointer (empty if none).
virtual const char *GetError(int *errorCode=NULL) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a query in one step, and discards
* any return data.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool DoSimpleQuery(const char *query) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a query in one step, and returns
* the resultant data set.
* Note: If a query contains more than one result set, each
* result set must be processed before a new query is started.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return IQuery pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IQuery *DoQuery(const char *query) =0;
* @brief Prepares a query statement for multiple executions and/or
* binding marked parameters (? in MySQL/sqLite, $n in PostgreSQL).
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @param error Error buffer.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the error buffer.
* @param errCode Optional pointer to store a driver-specific error code.
* @return IPreparedQuery pointer on success, NULL
* otherwise.
virtual IPreparedQuery *PrepareQuery(const char *query, char *error, size_t maxlength, int *errCode=NULL) =0;
* Quotes a string for insertion into a query.
* @param str Source string.
* @param buffer Buffer to store new string (should not overlap source string).
* @param maxlen Maximum length of the output buffer.
* @param newSize Pointer to store the output size.
* @return True on success, false if the output buffer is not big enough.
* If not big enough, the required buffer size is passed through
* newSize.
virtual bool QuoteString(const char *str, char buffer[], size_t maxlen, size_t *newSize) =0;
* @brief Number of rows affected by the last execute.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @return Number of rows affected by the last execute.
virtual unsigned int GetAffectedRows() =0;
* @brief Retrieves the last insert ID on this database connection.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @return Row insertion ID of the last execute, if any.
virtual unsigned int GetInsertID() =0;
* @brief Locks the database for an atomic query+retrieval operation.
* @return True on success, false if not supported.
virtual bool LockForFullAtomicOperation() =0;
* @brief Unlocks a locked atomic fetch.
virtual void UnlockFromFullAtomicOperation() =0;
* @brief Increases the reference count on the database.
* This function is thread safe.
virtual void IncReferenceCount() =0;
* @brief Returns the parent driver.
* This function is thread safe.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver() =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a binary query in one step, and discards
* any return data.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @param length Length of query string.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool DoSimpleQueryEx(const char *query, size_t len) =0;
* @brief Prepares and executes a binary query in one step, and returns
* the resultant data set.
* Note: If a query contains more than one result set, each
* result set must be processed before a new query is started.
* This function is not thread safe and must be included in any locks.
* @param query Query string.
* @return IQuery pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IQuery *DoQueryEx(const char *query, size_t len) =0;
* @brief Describes database connection info.
struct DatabaseInfo
port = 0;
maxTimeout = 0;
unsigned int dbiVersion; /**< DBI Version for backwards compatibility */
const char *host; /**< Host string */
const char *database; /**< Database name string */
const char *user; /**< User to authenticate as */
const char *pass; /**< Password to authenticate with */
const char *driver; /**< Driver to use */
unsigned int port; /**< Port to use, 0=default */
unsigned int maxTimeout; /**< Maximum timeout, 0=default */
* @brief Describes an SQL driver.
class IDBDriver
virtual unsigned int GetDBIVersion()
* @brief Initiates a database connection.
* Note: Persistent connections should never be created from a thread.
* @param info Database connection info pointer.
* @param persistent If true, a previous persistent connection will
* be re-used if possible.
* @param error Buffer to store error message.
* @param maxlength Maximum size of the error buffer.
* @return A new IDatabase pointer, or NULL on failure.
virtual IDatabase *Connect(const DatabaseInfo *info, bool persistent, char *error, size_t maxlength) =0;
* @brief Returns a case insensitive database identifier string.
* @return String containing an identifier.
virtual const char *GetIdentifier() =0;
* @brief Returns a case sensitive implementation name.
* @return String containing an implementation name.
virtual const char *GetProductName() =0;
* @brief Retrieves a Handle_t handle of the IDBDriver type.
* @return A Handle_t handle.
virtual Handle_t GetHandle() =0;
* @brief Returns the driver's controlling identity (must be the same
* as from IExtension::GetIdentity).
* @return An IdentityToken_t identity.
virtual IdentityToken_t *GetIdentity() =0;
* @brief Returns whether the driver is thread safe.
* @return True if thread safe, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsThreadSafe() =0;
* @brief Initializes thread safety for the calling thread.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool InitializeThreadSafety() =0;
* @brief Shuts down thread safety for the calling thread.
virtual void ShutdownThreadSafety() =0;
* @brief Priority queue level.
enum PrioQueueLevel
PrioQueue_High, /**< High priority */
PrioQueue_Normal, /**< Normal priority */
PrioQueue_Low /**< Low priority */
* Specification for a threaded database operation.
class IDBThreadOperation
* @brief Must return the driver this operation is using, or
* NULL if not using any driver. This is not never inside
* the thread.
* @return IDBDriver pointer.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver() =0;
* @brief Must return the object owning this threaded operation.
* This is never called inside the thread.
* @return IdentityToken_t pointer.
virtual IdentityToken_t *GetOwner() =0;
* @brief Called inside the thread; this is where any blocking
* or threaded operations must occur.
virtual void RunThreadPart() =0;
* @brief Called in a server frame after the thread operation
* has completed. This is the non-threaded completion callback,
* which although optional, is useful for pumping results back
* to normal game API.
virtual void RunThinkPart() =0;
* @brief If RunThinkPart() is not called, this will be called
* instead. Note that RunThreadPart() is ALWAYS called regardless,
* and this is only called when Core requests that the operation
* be scrapped (for example, the database driver might be unloading).
virtual void CancelThinkPart() =0;
* @brief Called when the operation is finalized and any resources
* can be released.
virtual void Destroy() =0;
* @brief Database-related Handle types.
enum DBHandleType
DBHandle_Driver = 0, /**< Driver Handle */
DBHandle_Database = 1, /**< Database Handle */
* @brief Describes the DBI manager.
class IDBManager : public SMInterface
virtual const char *GetInterfaceName() =0;
virtual unsigned int GetInterfaceVersion() =0;
* @brief Adds a driver to the DBI system. Not thread safe.
* @param pDriver Database driver.
virtual void AddDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) =0;
* @brief Removes a driver from the DBI system. Not thread safe.
* @param pDriver Database driver.
virtual void RemoveDriver(IDBDriver *pDriver) =0;
* @brief Searches for database info by name. Both the return pointer
* and all pointers contained therein should be considered volatile.
* @param name Named database info.
* @return DatabaseInfo pointer.
virtual const DatabaseInfo *FindDatabaseConf(const char *name) =0;
* @brief Tries to connect to a named database. Not thread safe.
* @param name Named database info.
* @param pdr Pointer to store the IDBDriver pointer in.
* If driver is not found, NULL will be stored.
* @param pdb Pointer to store the IDatabase pointer in.
* If connection fails, NULL will be stored.
* @param persistent If true, the dbmanager will attempt to PConnect
* instead of connect.
* @param error Error buffer to store a driver's error message.
* @param maxlength Maximum length of the error buffer.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Connect(const char *name,
IDBDriver **pdr,
IDatabase **pdb,
bool persistent,
char *error,
size_t maxlength) =0;
* @brief Returns the number of drivers loaded. Not thread safe.
* @return Number of drivers loaded.
virtual unsigned int GetDriverCount() =0;
* @brief Returns a driver by index. Not thread safe.
* @param index Driver index, starting from 0.
* @return IDBDriver pointer for the given index.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDriver(unsigned int index) =0;
* @brief Creates a Handle_t of the IDBDriver type. Not thread safe.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param ptr A pointer corrresponding to a DBHandleType
* object.
* @param pToken Identity pointer of the owning identity.
* @return A new Handle_t handle, or 0 on failure.
virtual Handle_t CreateHandle(DBHandleType type, void *ptr, IdentityToken_t *pToken) =0;
* @brief Reads an IDBDriver pointer from an IDBDriver handle. Not
* thread safe.
* @param hndl Handle_t handle to read.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param ptr Pointer to store the object pointer.
* @return HandleError value.
virtual HandleError ReadHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType type, void **ptr) =0;
* @brief Releases an IDBDriver handle.
* @param hndl Handle_t handle to release.
* @param type A DBHandleType value.
* @param token Identity pointer of the owning identity.
* @return HandleError value.
virtual HandleError ReleaseHandle(Handle_t hndl, DBHandleType type, IdentityToken_t *token) =0;
* @brief Given a driver name, attempts to find it. If it is not found, SourceMod
* will attempt to load it. This function is not thread safe.
* @param driver Driver identifier name.
* @return IDBDriver pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IDBDriver *FindOrLoadDriver(const char *driver) =0;
* @brief Returns the default driver, or NULL if none is set. This
* function is not thread safe.
* @return IDBDriver pointer on success, NULL otherwise.
virtual IDBDriver *GetDefaultDriver() =0;
* @brief Adds a threaded database operation to the priority queue.
* This function is not thread safe.
* @param op Instance of an IDBThreadOperation.
* @param prio Priority level to run at.
* @return True on success, false on failure.
virtual bool AddToThreadQueue(IDBThreadOperation *op, PrioQueueLevel prio) =0;